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Mirror Magic

Stare into a world much like your own and draw from its power.
Introduction The World Inside
The following document contains several new class options Not only did the wizards discover a way to push through
and spells use in any Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition the mirrors of the world, connecting them by ways they
adventure or campaign. All of these share the common could not grasp, forcing a two-way connection, they found a
theme of mirrors and their magical properties which will world beneath their traveling network, strange and exotic.
be given in a separate lore section. While most mages went on from the successful travel
inside their own plane, some tried to force a connection to
this new world, new plane they had seen.
Archetypes They soon found a way to connect to the so called plane
of mirrors. Like every portal created before using the magic
The archetypes presented on the following pages were of mirror foci, the gateway, however, opened in both ways.
designed to complement and mimic the official class Strange beings erupted from the other world, beings
options of the Player's Handbook and should feel neither looking almost exactly like those at home in the material
particularly more or less powerful than the archetype world but somehow twisted, turned and surreal. As the
options given there. creatures immediatly attacked, murdered and killed, it
Class Archetype seemed like the wizards of the mirror had opened a portal
Fighter Mirror Guard
to a new kind of Abyss full of twisted copies and creatures
bend on destruction.
Sorcerer Mirror Touched
Warlock Patron: The Mirror The Mirror Itself
Wizard School of the Mirror It was at the time of the connection between the material
world and the world of mirrors that some of the wizards
felt a connection with a being beyond the gateway, a being
Lore of ancient power and wisdom. While some resisted and
The Lore section offered here is a suggestion for including tried to shut out the entity living in the other, murderous
the magic of mirrors in any campaign or adventure. Details world that attacked their own, some reached out either to
are left intentionally vague and open for interpretation for exploit the energies from beyond or to understand what it
the gamemaster to include his own lore or ideas was the others tried to achieve.
concerning the specific lore of his world. Whatever their goal, only a handful of masters managed
to resist the powers of the other side. They finally
The Magic of Mirrors is one of the most ancient magical recognized the dangers of their craft and with the help of
schools in the known world. Its power is centered around the wizards of other schools they accomplished the
turning and manipulating the magical energies inside destruction of the gateway, shutting the mysterious
oneself or those created by others to focus, dampen or alter creatures out. They outlawed the use of their own craft,
its effects or even flinging them back at its master. burning any and all books containing its secrets and magic.
Still, there are those that were touched by the mirror
Altering Magic unable to resist, twisted by its magic.
Like most schools of magic, the first practitioners of this Forbidden and Forgotten
art lived in ancient times before even most of the other
disciplinces even existed. A group of scholars and wizards Today the magic of mirrors is not only forbidden but
found the potential for magical energy in the mirrors of the forgotten by most. Ancient libraries hide the tomes they
world and tried to harness this power into their own collected and even keep them from the greatest masters of
incantations. While successful in their endavour, they found the craft. Only a handful of powerful wizards and savants
the energies residing inside the foci crafted from mirrors even know of what transpired centuries ago or of the
was more suited to alter the effects of already existing magical potential hidden inside those small and large
magic. pieces of furniture mostly owned by rich nobles.
Frowned upon by their peers the first mages of the There are rumors between the great mystics of a craft
mirror school used the research of others and long forgotten, a craft that nearly killed the greatest
experimented mostly with changing formulas and gestures. wizards of its time and destroyed parts of the material
They found ways to mirror other wizards magic without plane in the process. Some whisper of twisted visages they
fully understand the language or energies used and crafted see in the mirrors of old, faces unnaturally distorted that
their own magic around them. stared back at them from a world beyond.
A Way Through
It did not take long for the mages of the mirror to discover
the potential for magical travel inside the mirrors they used.
Not accustomed to the use of conjuration magic they tried
to adjust the passages they did not understand and force
their way through. With success.
Their unusual practions, however, lead to complaints
from the other schools, accusing the wizards of the mirror
of copying the life's work of others for a fast way to increase
their own power.

You release the stored energy into a 20-foot cone of
Mirror Guard sparkling light and colors, damaging anything caught
Mirror Shield
within. You are able to shape the cone to your will with
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you are able to the energy stored. For every charge stored you may
conjure a mirror shield in one of your hands using a bonus increase the cone's range by 10 feet. You then pick an
action. The shield has a mirroring front and counts as elemental damage type (acid, cold, fire or lightning).
magical, it disappears back into the mirror world if it leaves Every creature or object caught in the cone must
your hand or you will it to disperse. succeed on a Constitution saving throw against 8 + half
Your mirror shield increases in effectiveness as you gain your fighter level rounded down. A creature that fails its
more experience and increases your Armor Class (AC) by 1 saving throw takes 1d6 damage of the choosen type for
+ half your Proficiency Modifier. Additionally the shield every charge stored.
seems to weigh almost nothing and does not add to your You release a bright light of protecting energies in a 10-
encumberance. foot sphere around you, shielding yourself and your
allies from elemental energies. For every charge stored
Mimic Movement
you may target one additional creature besides yourself
Beginning at 7th level, when an opponent you can see uses and increase the sphere's radius by 5 feet. You then pick
its movement, you can immediately move up to half the an elemental damage type (acid, cold, fire or lightning).
distance traveled by the creature. This movement does not Every creature you choose including yourself gains
provoke attacks from enemy creatures. resistance to the choosen type for a number of rounds
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your equal to the stored charges. If you are able to use 10
proficiency modifier but only once per turn. After you finish charges in this way, you may instead grant any creature
a long rest you regain all uses of this feature. choosen immunity of this energy type until the start of
your next turn.
Turn Attack After using the stored charges the magical energy
Starting at 10th level, you are able to turn your enemies vanishes from your shield setting your charges to zero and
attacks against them. When an opponent misses you with a you are unable to use your shield in this way again until you
melee attack while you are wearing your mirror shield, you finish a short or long rest.
can use your reaction to turn their attack back at him. The
attack automatically hits your opponent dealing half the
amount of damage it would have dealt against you ignoring Mirror Touched
resistances and immunities of the creature. Spell Steal
You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + At 1st level you gain the ability to mirror the magical forms
half your Proficiency Modifier, regaining all uses once you and effects of other spellcasters. When another creature
finish a long rest. you can see casts a spell of level 5 or lower you can use a
reaction to mirror the effects of the spell for your own use.
Turn Spell Once used, you cannot mirror another spell until you finish
At 15th level, you are able to turn not only physical attacks a long rest.
but even strong magic against its creator. When you are Until you finish a long rest the spell your mirror is
forced to make a saving throw against a magical spell considered a known spell for you and uses your Charisma
directed at you or because you are in its area of effect, you Ability modifier instead of its original spellcasting ability
have advantage on that saving throw. score. You can cast this spell using your spell slots and
Additionally, when you roll a 20 on such a saving throw, enhance its effects using the Metamagic feature.
you can use your reaction to turn the spells effect back at
the caster. If the spell targeted one or more creatures Reflective Skin
directly, only the caster of that spell is effected by the The magic of mirrors has altered your body slightly,
turned spell. If you were effected by an area spell, the same granting you a shimmering, almost reflecting skin. Starting
spell is cast again with its original caster as its point of at 1st level, when you are the target of an attack that
origin and its area of effect halfed. Creatures that are forced critically fails you may expend 1 sorcery point to reflect the
to make a saving throw against the turned spell use the DC attack back at the opponent. The attack automatically hits
of the original spell caster to resist the effect. Should one the enemy creature dealing the same damage it would have
creature be affected by two sources of the same spell dealt hitting you.
overlaping, the spell will only affect that creature once.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you Elemental Prism
finish a long rest. At 6th level, when you cast a spell that deals elemental
damage (acid, cold, fire or lightning), you may change that
Stored Energy spells damage type to another element by spending 1
Starting at 18th level, you have mastered the full potential sorcery point.
of your mirror shield. When you are the target of an enemy
spell or inside its area of effect and wearing your mirror Focusing Sphere
shield, the magical energies of the spell are stored within it. Starting at 14th level, you are able to control the magical
For every spell level of the spell cast, your shield gains one energies of your own spells like a magical mirror would.
charge up to 10 charges. Using your action you can use When you cast a spell that deals elemental damage (acid,
these charges in the following ways: cold, fire or lightning), and affects either a sphere, cube or
cone, you can focus or disperse the magical energies to
your liking using 3 of your sorcery points.

Focusing the magical energies decreases the area of effect Spell Turning
but increases the power on creatures effected. The effected When you reach 6th level, when a creature you can see
area of the spell is halfed but any creature caught inside casts a spell effecting you, you can use a reaction to
makes its saving throw against your spell with instantly mirror the effect back at the caster. To turn the
disadvantage. The dispersing of a spell has the opposite creatures spell, you must be able to cast a spell of at least
effect, broadening the area of its effect but decreasing the the same spell slot that has been used and expend one of
overall power of the spell. In this case the area of effect is your own spell slots. The target of the turned spell is the
doubled but creatures inside make their saving throw creature casting the spell you turn, area-of-effect spells will
against the spell with advantage. center around that creature.
If the spell being cast is of a level less than your warlock
Absorbing Skin spell slot level and profits from being cast with a higher
When you reach 18th level, your reflective skin hardens and spell slot, the spell is cast with your spell slot level gaining
glitters even more than before, indicating your connection every benefit from this casting. Turning a cantrip will use
to the mirror plane. When you are the target of a spell or your level instead of the creature's level to determine its
ability that deals elemental damage (acid, cold, fire or potency.
lightning) or are inside the area of effect of such an effect, Once you used this feature you can't use it again until you
you can expend 3 sorcery points to one of the following finish a long rest.
Your skin absorbs part of the effect on yourself, granting Rorrim Kaeps
you resistance to the damage dealt. Additionally, you Starting at 10th level, your patron bestows upon you the
may use your reaction to expell the energy outward, ability to quickly mask your magical gestures and formulas
dealing damage equal to the damage you took after the from your enemies, making them harder to interrupt or
resistance applied in a 10-foot sphere around you. even understand by fluently speaking backwards but still
You focus the damaging effects inward, gaining creating the magical circuits needed. The spell slot needed
immunity to this damage type until the end of your next by an enemy spellcaster to counter your spells using
turn. This effect applies after the initial damage was Counterspell or Dispel Magic is increased by one. If the
dealt. caster needs to succeed on an Ability check to counter your
You try to absorb the energy of the blast and convert it spell she does so with disadvantage.
into a more soothing power. At the start of your next In addition your spells can't be turned by other warlocks
turn you can use a bonus action to gain 1d4 temporary of the same patron as yours, stolen as per the Spell Steal
hit points for every spell level that damaged you. If the feature of the Sorcerer's Origin or mirrored as per the
damage was the result of a creatures ability that was not Mirror Spell feature of the School of the Mirror.
a spell, you instead gain 1d4 temporary hit points for
half the number of hit die of the creature. Duplicate
At 14th level, you feel the presence of your patron
You may only use this feature once per turn and can't use surrounding you at all times, watching your doing and
it again until the start of your next turn. mirroring your thoughts and gestures. When you cast a
spell using one of your warlock spell slots you can duplicate
Patron: The Mirror the spells effect, creating a mirror version of yourself,
following your incantations like a perfect clone. You may
Expanded Spell List choose a different target creature or point for the
The Mirror lets you choose from an expanded list of spells duplicated spell. Both spells effects occur simultanously
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are and each requires its own saving throw or attack roll. A
added to the warlock spell list for you. creature may be the target of both spells at the same time
either by being the sole target of the spells or having the
Mirror Expanded Spells areas of effect of the spells overlap.
Spell Level Spells Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
1st Color Spray, Shield finish a long rest.
2nd Blindness / Deafness, Locate Object
3rd Blink, Slow
School of the Mirror
4th Fabricate, Phantasmal Killer Mirror Focus
Beginning when your select this school at 2nd level, you
5th Modify Memory, Wall of Force may use any mirror at hand as your arcane focus. It does
not need to have any magical properties.
Mirror Stealth
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to fade into your Mirror Spell
environment, mirroring your surroundings almost perfectly. Starting at 2nd level, you have mastered the art of quickly
You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill against creatures identifying and copying the spells of others. When a
relying on sight. Furthermore, while standing still you gain creature you can see and hear casts a spell you may cast
a +10 bonus to Stealth skill checks against those creatures. the same spell on your turn using your spell slots as long as
Additionally after standing still for 1 minute you turn the spell is of a level you are able to cast. Once your turn
invisible as per the Invisibility spell. This invisibility lasts for ends you are unable to cast those spells if you do not have
1 minute or until you perform an action specified in the them prepared yourself.
spell description.

Mirror Counter
When you reach 6th level, you learn the 3rd-level spell
Counterspell and always have it prepared. In addition,
when you counter a spell using Counterspell and do not
need to make an Ability check to determine its success, you
instantly fling the spells magical energies back at its caster.
If the spell targets more than one creature, the turned spell
instead only affects the original caster. If the spell instead
affects a whole area the spell is turned with the original
caster as its point of origin such that its direction is directly
mirrored backwards.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a short or long rest but you are still able to cast the
Counterspell spell.
Arcane Stealing
Beginning at 10th level, you are able to cast spells inscribed
on spell scrolls even if you do not speak the language
written. Activating a spell scroll does not consume the
scroll but you are unable to use the magical energies to
cast the spell from this particular script again. You may still
copy the spell in your spellbook which will consume the
scroll as usual or let another creature read and activate the
spell scroll as normal.
Mirror Gateway
When you reach 14th level, you have mastered the art of
teleportation through mirrors. Using an action you are able
to transform any ordinary or magical mirror into a gateway
to another mirror you have previously seen. The opened
gateway lasts for 1 minute and is able to transport
creatures and objects from one side to the other or vice
The mirrors used for teleportation do not need to exist
on the same plane of existence as long as you have seen it
at least once. However, a particularly strong entity such as a
deity or a demon lord might notice and prevent the use of
such teleportation into or from his or her domain.
While one gateway is opened you may close it again as
an action. You are unable to open a second gateway as long
as another one persists.

While trapped inside you can see the creature through
Eldritch Invocations the mirror on the other side as well as the other way
If an eldritch invocation has prerequisites, you must meet around. The mirror is able to transmit sounds or even
them to learn it. You can learn the invocation at the same magical energies but not physical attempts to reach or
time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite attack through. A trapped creature may still cast spells as
refers to your level in this class. long as it does not need a physical connection for the spell
to work. If you concentrate on the spell for its full duration,
Mimicry the creature is trapped inside the mirror for one week. At
Prerequisite: Mirror Patron the end of the week you may cast this spell again to try and
Your dark patron bestows upon you the art of mimicking renew the duration of its effect. The target makes a
the language and speech patterns of other creatures. After Charisma saving throw again to determine whether is stays
listening to a creature for at least one minute you are able inside the mirror for another week.
to perfectly mimic its voice fooling even close friends and When the spell ends before its duration expires, the
family. You do not need to speak the language of the target falls out of the mirror into a space adjacent to the
creature you try to mimic and instead are able to speak and mirror of its own choosing. If the mirror is destroyed while
understand that language for the rest of the day. a creature is trapped inside it must make a Charisma
After finishing a long rest you will loose the ability to saving throw against your Spell save DC. A creature takes
speak like the creature you observed before your rest and 5d6 force damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
any language you might have picked up using this on a successful one. If it fails this saving throw by 5 or
invocation. more it is immediatly destroyed with anything it currently
holds or wears.
As long as a creature is trapped inside, the mirror is
Spells considered a magical object with an AC of 12, 50 hit points
and resistance to damage inflicted by magic. It can't be
The spells detailed below are part of the lore in the first damaged by psychic damage or damage from non-magical
chapter of this document. As such, they should not be freely weapons.
usable or used by any spellcaster but extremely rare or
even restricted to those characters using the class options Mirror Walk
above or NPCs fitting the story. 3rd-level abjuration
Please consult your gamemaster before using any of
these spells and figure out a possibility to achieve these in a Casting Time: 1 action
way thats appropriate to the story your are trying to tell. Range: Self
Components: S, V
Feedback Duration: 1 minute
Evocation cantrip Using your magical energies you are able to traverse the
Casting Time: 1 reaction boundaries between your own world and the world of
Range: 30 feet mirrors. On your turn you may enter any ordinary or
Components: S, V magical mirror that you are able to touch and emerge from
Duration: Instantaneous any other such mirror you have seen inside a 300-foot
radius around the one you entered. Entering and exiting a
This spell mirrors the damaging effects of a spell cast on mirror uses no extra movement but you can't end your turn
yourself back at the caster. When a creature targets you inside a mirror as you would be trapped inside the other
with a spell that deals damage, it must make a Wisdom world. Furthermore the target mirror can't be the one you
saving throw after the damage was dealt. If it fails the entered before in one travel through the mirror world.
saving throw it takes 1d4 psychic damage as the pain
feedbacks back into its mind. Seeing Speculum
This spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 2nd-level divination
5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Casting Time: 1 action
Mirror Trap Range: 300 feet
5th-level abjuration Components: S, V, M (a mirror of at least 1 foot diameter)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet With this spell you are able to see through the reflecting
Components: S, V, M (a mirror worth at least 1,000 gp) surface of a mirror you have faced, seen or touched. Choose
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute any mirror that is within range of the spell. As long as you
concentrate on the spell, you are able to use the mirror you
You attempt to banish a creature that you can see within used to cast this spell to see through your desired target.
range into a mirror you are holding or that is near you. The Your vision is limited by your own senses, for example you
creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be are not able to see if the target mirror is inside a dark room
trapped inside the mirror. without having darkvision or if the mirror is covered.
Furthermore, the connection works both ways letting
anyone watching from the target mirror see through the
other world into your own mirror.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 4th level or higher, the mirror is additionally able to
transmit sounds from one mirror to the other. While you
concentrate on the spell any sound from the other side will
be heared on your end and vice versa.

Through the Veil
3rd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Components: S, V, (a small mirror)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minutes
When you cast this spell choose two points you can see.
You create a small mirror up to 5 feet in diameter at both
locations that are magically connected through the mirror
world visually and physically. One side of both mirrors,
selected by you when you cast the spell, connects to its
counterpart in the other. Objects can be thrown, shot or
passed through both ends of the connection and exit the
other. However, the connection prevents passing of living
materials, persons or creatures.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 5th level or higher, the mirrors additionally transport
magical energies through the other world to its
counterpart. When casting spells through the mirror, count
the connection as a 5-foot increment for spell range as the
mirror world draws some of the spells power as its travels
through. Spells with an area of effect may pass through the
mirror to the other side. For spherical areas or cones
located at one side of the mirrors, use a cone exiting the
second mirror with an appropriate distance left.

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