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Answer the following questions correctly!

Picture for number 1-4
1. A : how many animals are in this picture?
B : There are ...............
a. Thirty six c. forty
b. Forty two d. Forty four

2. How many animals that have four legs?

a. Twenty eight c. Thirty one
b. Twenty nine d. Forty two

3. How many animals that have two legs?

a. Eleven c. thirteen
b. Twelve d. Fourteen

4. There are ....... animals that can live both on land and water.
a. Six c. Four
b. Three d. Two
Picture for number 5
5. there are........supporters in the picture.
a. Nine c. Seven
b. Eight d. Six

6. A : I have a ....... in my kitchen.

B : oh, I have three of them in my kithen.
a. Toothpaste b. Comb
b. c. Wardrop d. Cupboard

7. ani : I have seventy five eggs. What about you?

Ana : I only have fifty nine eggs.
How many eggs do they have now?
a. One hundred and thirty four eggs c. One hundred and thirty eggs
b. Sixteen eggs d. Nineteen eggs

8. Ali : Good bye, Doni ?

Doni : ...., Ali ?
a. Good Night c. Good Morning
b. Good Bye d. Good Evening
9. Ali : hello, my name is Ali. Nice to meet you!
Widi : hi Ali, ............
a. How do you do c. Nice to meet you
b. Good bye d. See you later

10. A : there are......and ..... in my kitchen.

B : I also have them in my kitchen
a. Bowl and toothpaste c. Stove and bathub
b. Towel and knife d. Fork and bowl

11. A : do you your livingroom?

B : yes, I do.
a. Vase b. Blanket c. Fridge d. Toothbrush

12. I put ...... in my bedroom.

a. Comb b. Spatula c. Shampoo d. Ball

13. A : do you have a pet?

B : yes I do. I have a monkey. It likes to .....over on one tree to another tree.
a. Eat b. Stay c. Hang d. Sleep

14. A : I have a dog. Although it is land animal but it can .... in the water.
B : wow. Amazing!
a. Eat b. Swim c. Sleep d. Fly

15. Elephants ....... grass and ........ on land.

a. Live, eat b. Lives, eats c. Eat, live d. Eats, sleeps

16. We can see the pictures with our....

a. Nose b. Ears c. Hand d. Eyes

Teks for number 17 - 20

Human have eyes, nose, ears and tongue. Eyes are used to see the beautiful view, nose is for
smell something. Ears are for hearing the sound. Tongue is for tasting. We can taste the food
with our tongue. We should take good care of our body.
17. We can see the beautiful scenery with our ....
a. Tongue b. Eyes c. Ears d. Nose
18. We use our ears for.....
a. Hearing b. Tasting c. Seeing d. Holding
19. We have ..... tongue
a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four
20. We use our tongue for.....
a. Holding b. Tasting c. Smelling d. Watching

Observe the family tree to answer question number 21 - 26

Mr. Ali Mrs. Rini

Mr. Hasan Mrs. Husna Mr. Halim

Budi Lina

21. Who is Mr. Ali ?

a. Lina’s father c. Mrs. Husna’s mother
b. Mr. Halim’s father d. Mr. Hasan’s grandfather

22. Mr. Halim is budi’s ......

a. Father b. Uncle c. Nephew d. Niece

23. Lina is Mrs. Rini’s ......

a. Grandmother b. Grandchild c. Grandfather d. Child
24. Mr. Hasan is .....
a. Mrs. Husna’s husband c. Lina’s mother
b. Mr. Ali’s son d. Budi’s brother

25. Budi is Mr. Halim’s .....

a. Son b. Daughter c. Niece d. Nephew

26. Who is mrs. Rini?

a. Lina’s grandfather c. Mr. Hasan’s mother
b. Budi’s grandmother d. Mr. Halim’s father

Read the text to answer question number 27- 31

I love my family
My name is Lian, I live with my mom and dad, their name are Mr. And Mrs. Anto. I have one
brother his name is Ito but I don’t have sister. My aunt named Lisa lives together with us. Every
weekend my family goes to my great grandmother’s house. Yes, my great grandmother is still
alive! She is 77 years old. I really love her. She likes to buy me an ice cream. My aunt and I
usually play together with my great grandmother while my brother likes to play football with the

27. Who is Mr. And Mrs. Anto?

a. Lisa’s parents b. Ito’s parents c. Lian’s aunt d. Lian’s great grandmother
28. Lisa is lian’s.....
a. Aunt b. Uncle c. Father d. Mother

29. Where do they go every weekend?

a. Buy ice cream c. Play with neighbour
b. Stay at home together d. Visit great grandma’s house

30. Who is the one that buy lian ice cream?

a. Father b. Mother c. Great grandmother d. Aunt

31. Who is the one that play with neighbour?

a. Lian b. Ito c. Lisa d. Great grandmother

August 17, 2016

32. What date is today?
a. August the fourteenth, two thousand and sixteen
b. August the fifteenth, two thousand and sixteen
c. August the sixteenth, two thousand and sixteen
d. August the seventeenth, two thousand and sixteen

33. A : today is my sister’s birthday.

B : really?what date is today? March 23,
A : today is .......
a. March the twenty three, two thousand and sixteen
b. March the twenty third, two thousand and sixteen
c. March the twenty fourth, two thousand and sixteen
d. March the twenty sixth, two thousand and sixteen

34. What date is today?

a. The first of October c. The second of October October 2, 2016
b. The twenty of October d. The third of October

35. When is Indonesian independents day ? it is …….

a. October the seventeenth c. july the seventeenth
b. August the seventeenth d. August the seventeen

Read the text to answer question number 36-41

The earth where we live on, is part of the solar system. It is called the solar system because
everything goes around the sun. The sun is the centre.
There are eight planets in the solar system. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The four smaller inner planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars,
are primaly composed of rock and metal. While the two largest, Jupiter and Saturn are composed
largely of ices, such as water, ammonia and methane. They all move around the sun.
The sun is actually a star. It has its own light. But planets are not stars. They don't have their own
light. The planets get light from the sun.
36. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are the four ... inner planets.
a. bigger b. Smaller c. Farthest d. Biggest

37. All the planets ... around the sun.

a. stay b. Beside c. Move d. shine

38. The planets get light from the ....

a. sun b. Moon c. Planets d. Star

39. ... has own light.

a. star b. Moon c. Jupiter d. Mercury

40. What is the tittle of the text above?

a. The Solar System b. The Planets c. The Biggest Planet d. The Star

41. ... rises in the morning.

a. moon b. Star c. Planets d. sun

42. A :"Does the moon have its own light?"

B :"No, it ..."
a. isn't b. aren't c. don't d. doesn't

43. The following are the things in the earth, except ....
a. mountain b. Waterfall c. Comet d. Lake

44. I save my money in the ....

a. school b. Bank c. Hospital d. bus station

45. My father is a doctor. He works in the ....

a. bank b. School c. Hospital d. garage

46. ... do you live?

a. where b. What c. Is d. Are

47.. Mrs. Tina orders Anggi not to be lazy. She says ....
a. Sit down! b. Don't tell a lie c. Don't speak! d. Don't be lazy!

48. Mr. Andy orders Sintha not to be naughty. She says ....
a. Don't be naughty! b. Don't cry! c. Stand up! d. Move!

49. ... the door!

a. Cry b. Open c. Sit d. Smile

50. Keep ...!

My baby is sleeping.
a. silent b. Noisy c. Crying d. Standing

51. .... ! The rainbow is beautiful.

a. Open b. Listen c. Look d. Writ
52. ... sit on the bench!
The paint is still wet.
a. Dosn't b. Don't c. Do d. Did

53. Indonesia is a ....

a. kingdom b. Empire c. Emperor d. republic

54. The capital of Indonesia is ....

a. Bandung b. Surabaya c. Semarang d. Jakarta

55. Belows are the name of province in Indonesia, except ....

a. West Java b. Surabaya c. West Kalimantan d. East Java

Text for number 56 to 58

Up to now Indonesia has six presidents. The first president is Sukarno. He led this country
from 1945 to 1966. The second president is Suharto. He led Indonesia from 1966 to 1998. The
next president are B.J.Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Sukarno Putri, and Susilo
Bambang Yudhoyono.

56. The first president of Indonesia is ....

a. Suharto c. Sukarno
b. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono d. Megawati Sukarno Putri

57. Suharto led Indonesia for ... years.

a. twenty two b. twenty one c. thirty two d. thirty one

58. The president after B.J.Habibie was ....

a. Abdurrahman Wahid c. Megawati sukarno Putri
b. Suharto d. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

59. The king's son is a ....

a. prince b. Princess c. President d. Republic

60. The leader of a kingdom is a ....

a. president b. Emperor c. Governor d. king

61. A :"How much does the pen cost?"

B :"It ... two thousand rupiahs."
a. cost b. Costs c. Costing d. costed

62. Shopkeeper is a person who works in the ....

a. shop b. School c. Bank d. hospital
Unlike the sub-tropical countries, that have four seasons a year, Indonesia has only two
seasons a year. They are dry season and wet season or rainy season. Astronomically, dry season
takes between March up to August, and wet season between September up to February.
As an agricultural country, Indonesia people earn their life by farming. They plant rice as
their stuple diet, and many kinds of vegetables at their garden. They can do this when there are a
lot of water. It is on rainy season. But sometimes, rainy season often creates serious problem for
people. Too much water may cause flood.

63. Indonesia has two seasons in a year. They are ...

A. summer and autum C. dry season and wet season
B. wet season and rainy season D. rainy and summer

64. Rainy season takes place between ....

A. September to February B. March to August C. June to October D. March to
65. On dry season people can not plant rice, because....
A. enough water B. too much water C. there is no enough water D. often flood

66. It is sunny day. The weather is ....

A. hot B. cool C. comportable D.

67. It is a cloudy day. Sooner will be ....

A. windy day B. fogy day C. rainy day D. cold day

68. It is a windy day. Happily children play ....

A. foot ball B. hide and seek C. marble D. kite

69. It is rainy day. People like to ....

A. shoping B. stay at home C. working in the garden D.
fishing in the pool

70. Flood usually takes place when ....

A. too much rain B. the sun shines brightly C. there is no rain D. the wind blow

71. Umbrella is used when ....

A. cloudy day B. rainy day C. windy day D. fogy day
72. Fog makes the day ....
A. bright B. cool C. dark D. wet

73. At one o'clock, people usually have ....

A. lunch B. dinner C. breakfast D. suffer

74. Indonesian proclaimed their independence on ....

A. July B. June C. October D. August

75. R.A. Kartini was born on ....

A. May B. April C. July D. September

76. The end of the year is ....

A. June B. July C. December D. January
Tedi, Dani, and Tina are students of SD Sukadamai. Every morning they go to school together.
They go to school on foot. They like walking because walking make them healthy, and they can
see a lot along their way. On the way, they often meet Mr.Jona. He will go to work. He works at
his ricefield. He is a farmer. They also meet Miss.Vina and Mr.Hardi. They work at city hospital.
Miss.Vina is a nurse, and Mr.Hardi is a doctor. They can also see many people do their own job
such as mechanic at garage, carpenter at work shop, and driver with their car. at the school they
meet Mr.Anjas. Mr.Anjas is a teacher.
77. Mr.Jona works at his rice-field. He is a ....
A. teacher B. doctor C. farmer D. driver

78. Mr.Hardi cures sick people in the hospital. He is a ....

A. farmer B. doctor C. teacher D. driver

79. Miss.Vina works in the hospital but she is not a doctor. May be she is a ....
A. nurse B. singer C. typist D. Secretary

80. Mr.Karim makes chairs, tables, cupboards, and many other wooden things. He is a ....
A. driver B. farmer C. carpenter D. Mechanic

81. Mr.Darman is a mechanic. He works at ....

A. school B. hospital C. gallery D. garage
82. Mr. Anjas is a ....
A. doctor B. teacher C. driver D. carpenter

83. Miss. Yanti entertaint people by singing. She is a ....

A. singer B. teacher C. dancer D. artist

84. Miss. Sussi works at an office. Her main job is type the letters and many kinds of
She is a ....
A. singer B. secretary C. typist D. nurse

85. Mr.Dodi wears green uniform, black boot, red baret, and a ripple on his shoulder. He is a ....
A. teacher B. soldier C. policeman D. hunter

86. Mr.Rendy paints a lot of beautiful scenery on the canvas. Sometimes he paints animals,
flowers, or even people. He is ....
A. a painter B. a soldier C. a mechanic D. an

Ridwan’s Sunday Activities

Ridwan gets up at 04:30 a.m. He makes his bed and prays. At 05:00 he takes sports for an
hour. He takes a bath and dresses up, then he has breakfast with his family at 06:30. After that
he works in the garden. He likes gardening. Then he usually watches TV in the living room.
87. When does Ridwan get up?
A. at half to four in the morning C. at half to four in the
B. at half past four in the morning D. at half past four in the afternoon

88. What does he do at 05:00 a.m.?

A. takes a bath B. has breakfast C. takes sport
D. dresses up

89. How long does he take sport?

A. for an hour B. for an hours C. for two hour D. for two

90. Does he like gardening?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he is not. C. Yes, he does D. No, he
does not

91. Rina usually……at 05:00 a.m.

A. get up B. gets up C. go to bed D. goes to bed
92. ……usually takes a bath at six in the morning.
A. They B. I C. We D. Rudi

93 ……always have breakfast at 06:30 a.m.

A. Aldi B. He C. She D. They

Reno’s daily activities

05:15 Get up and pray
06:00 Have breakfast
07:00 Study at school
12:30 Go home
13:00 Have lunch
13:30 Take a rest
94. Reno gets up at ……a.m.
A. a quarter past five B. a quarter to five C. a quarter to four D. a quarter past

95. What does Reno do at half past twelve?

A. He studies at school B. He goes home C. He has lunch D. He takes a rest

96. Does Reno have lunch at half past one?

A. Yes, he does B. No, he does not C. Yes, he do
D. No, he do not
Andy’s favorite foods
No Things like dislike
1. Fried chicken v -
2. Pizza - v
3. Hamburger v -
4. Bread - v
5. Satay v -
97. Andy … fried chicken.
A. like B. Likes C. Dislike D. dislikes

98. Andy does not like… .

A. fried chicken and pizza B. pizza and hamburger
C. pizza and bread D. fried chicken and hamburger

99. Andy likes to eat… .

A. fried chicken and pizza C. pizza and bread
B. pizza and hamburger D. fried chicken and hamburger
100. Does Andy likes satay?
A. Yes, he likes
B. Yes, he does
C. No, he is not
D. Yes, he is

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