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Good morning/evening sisters and brothers in Christ, we would like to inform and
invite you this coming Wednesday after our Midweek worship service we will have a
[forum] – question and answer regarding on the pressing issues that our Conference is
facing. This is for all members of the UCCP Bradford and other UCCP local churches.
The purpose of which is for us to be aware and clarified of the said issues at hand. You
can raise your questions and hear your suggestions for us to have a united resolve of the
pressing issue of our Conference leaders and Church workers. As a mother church who
is also affected by this brewing conflict.
Let us take note of this, we as members of UCCP Bradford being one of the Local
Churches here in Cebu Conference Incorporated, we uphold, adhere and abide the
UCCP Statement of Faith, Constitution and By-Laws and faithfully supports the Program
Thrust, Vision-Mission and Goals approved by the General Assembly. As a Local
Church, our loyalty is humbly expressed in God alone, in His Mission and Ministry
entrusted to His established Union of Churches now called UNITED CHURCH OF
For the betterment of our beloved UCCP, our Conference and church leaders, we
should be united and uniting church, reformed and reforming church. As a mother Church
here in our Conference we should manifest our leadership in resolving conflicts and
disputes among church leaders, conference leaders and even to the highest leadership
of church bodies. We are not against any person but we do not condone evil acts to
divide the unity of our beloved UCCP.
It is now the time as a mother church to manifest the reconciliating act to both
leaders of our Conference. As a mother church, it is not good for us to remain silent while
our sisters and brothers, our leaders are in conflict and castigating because of
miscommunication, misinterpretation of certain issues. We have to stand for the truth and
what is right, what is just before God. We have to act for reconciliation and unity, we have
to advocate righteousness, justice and peace for our conflicting leaders. Let us not allow
our conference elected leaders and local churches to be in conflict because it is not good
for the life and ministry of the church. It is not good for the mother church to remain silent
and see her sons and daughters fighting and petitioning each other because of pride,
power and arrogance. It is the role of a mother church just like an earthly mother to
enlighten and show her love and support to her children who became leaders in the
conference, to her sisters and brothers.
Thus, to become part of this resolve, please come to this fellowship meeting for us
to know the situation and understand the issues, let us not be one sided and judgmental,
let us be rational in our judgment. let us hear your inquiries and voices to resolve the
issue. Thank you and God bless.

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