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Strategy & Change Management (BSS013-3)

Strategy and its Importance...............................................................................................................1
Strategies Utilized for the Game........................................................................................................2
Strategy formulation for Green Spokes:................................................................................................2
Strategy choice:.................................................................................................................................2
Development of strategies:................................................................................................................2
SWOT analysis:.............................................................................................................................3
PESTLE analysis:..........................................................................................................................3
Value chain:...................................................................................................................................4
Porter's 5 Forces............................................................................................................................4
Decision to select a strategy:.............................................................................................................5
Implementation of strategy:...............................................................................................................5
Monitoring strategies:........................................................................................................................5
Balanced Score card:.....................................................................................................................6
Strategic objectives should be communicated................................................................................6
Get buy-in from all levels of the company.....................................................................................6
Ensure that the company is aligned with the company's strategic goals.........................................6
Track every action.........................................................................................................................6
Establish KPIs/metrics to measure progress..................................................................................6
Internal and external reporting.......................................................................................................6
Strategy formulation for Green Spokes:................................................................................................6
Strategy choice:.................................................................................................................................7
Quarterly Strategic Implementation.......................................................................................................7
Year 6 Quarter 1............................................................................................................................7
Year 6 Quarter 2............................................................................................................................8
Year 6 Quarter 3............................................................................................................................8
Year 6 Quarter 4............................................................................................................................8
Year 7 Quarter 1............................................................................................................................8
Year 7 Quarter 2............................................................................................................................9
Year 7 Quarter 3............................................................................................................................9
Year 7 Quarter 4............................................................................................................................9
Year 8 Quarter 1............................................................................................................................9
Year 8 Quarter 2..........................................................................................................................10
Year 8 Quarter 3..........................................................................................................................10
Year 8 Quarter 4..........................................................................................................................10
Appendix B..........................................................................................................................................17
Y6 Q1:..............................................................................................................................................18
Y6 Q2:..............................................................................................................................................18
Y6 Q3:..............................................................................................................................................19
Y6 Q4:..............................................................................................................................................19
Y7 Q1:..............................................................................................................................................20
Y7 Q2:..............................................................................................................................................20
Y7 Q3:..............................................................................................................................................21
Y7 Q4:..............................................................................................................................................21
Y8 Q1:..............................................................................................................................................22
Y8 Q2:..............................................................................................................................................22
Y8 Q3:..............................................................................................................................................23
Y8 Q4:..............................................................................................................................................23
Appendix C Reflective Log...................................................................................................................24

"Strategic and change management" refers to enterprise-wide ways to helping staff cope. To
achieve short- and long-term corporate objectives, a coordinated and well-planned reaction is
required. To cope with change and uncertainty, both within and outside, the organization's
efficiency is maintained. Senior managers, administrators, executives, mission organisers,
and front-line staff may all help with strategic change management. These employees decide
the company's changes and their importance (Porter, 1996). They will monitor the transition
and assess the organization's overall efficiency as a consequence of the change strategy. An
organization's management structure may be changed to gain a competitive advantage. As a
result, the organisation will be better able to manage any unexpected circumstances and will
therefore work more successfully. Change management is becoming more important in
corporate practises worldwide. This study employs a simulation game to emphasise change
management and decision-making. All strategic choices made along the process are detailed.
Theoretical frameworks pertinent to this article and the simulation game scenario were
researched. The study concludes with a review of the advantages and negatives of one's
efforts on the organization's results (Todnem, 2005).

Strategy and its Importance

A company's strategy is a collection of goals and objectives. Long term, it offers a business
direction and a competitive advantage. A company's plan is crucial, but so is taking action to
achieve it. To do this, each department's strategy must be connected with the company's
overall aims. Companies must not only adopt strategies but also evaluate their performance.
Creating a strategy helps an organisation evaluate its strengths and weaknesses, as well as
how it plans to combat threats. Market competition is feasible because the business can
overcome its weaknesses. Strategy planning increases managers' knowledge. As a
consequence, they can stay up with market developments and exploit any holes that may
occur. They may need to gain new skills to achieve the aims of the new approach. In terms of
strategy, resource allocation is straightforward since it helps identify departmental needs and
how to meet them (Olson, Slater and Hult, 2005).

Strategies Utilized for the Game

Change management is emphasised through the game's reasonable alternatives. First, we
heard about the company that creates Street-smart bikes and its characteristics. The company
has been around for three years and has a 13% market share. It had made rivals' lives tough
and set the norm. It also showed some of our company's shortcomings and provided us with
industry information for the next twelve quarters.

Strategy formulation for Green Spokes:

Currently, the corporation has a 27% market share. To attain the intended profit, the firm will
use distinctiveness. This method will help the company's R&D department generate high-
quality products, giving them a competitive edge and allowing them to charge higher prices.
The company's major emphasis will be on product quality.

Strategy choice:
Differentiation is used to gain market share and charge higher prices. Customer loyalty is
improved by a competitive edge. To boost sales, the company would engage with a large
number of customers. Customers will be rewarded with discounts. The company will also
reassess its pricing strategies to boost sales.
Following is the consequence of adopting distinctiveness as a company's strategy. Continue
to dominate the market by providing great items. Quality to establish customer loyalty High-
quality items retain customers. Promoting sales with innovative goods Pricing well boosts
profit. Client growth boosts market share.

Development of strategies:
Creating a plan for your organisation doesn't have to be a time-consuming task that results in
a stale strategy. Using data to generate goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics may help
construct corporate plan rapidly. Any company strategy starts with establishing the aim. The
goal guides the organisation in creating measures and actions to assure its success. Increase
market share or increase customer satisfaction might be goals (Penuel et al., 2007).

SWOT analysis:
A SWOT analysis is a powerful tool used by strategic planning departments to identify
internal and external opportunities and threats. The team acquires a better knowledge of the
most crucial subjects to focus on by conceiving and classifying these challenges (Leigh,

PESTLE analysis:
PESTLE stands for politics, economics, social, technological, legal, and environmental
elements of the economy. All five pillars of society are symbolised by the letters P. This
method provides a bird's eye perspective of the complete world from various angles that may
be used to evaluate a concept or goal (Aleš Groznik et al., 2011).
Value chain:
A value chain is a set of processes that a company does to create value to its customers.
Porter developed a generic value chain that businesses might use to examine all operations
and their interconnections. This tool may help you identify value sources for your
organisation by analysing the value chain (Hellin and Meijer, 2006).

Porter's 5 Forces
Porter's Five Factors model is used to identify and assess these forces in order to better
understand a sector. The Five Forces analysis is a prominent tool used to define firm strategy.
Porter's approach may be used in any sector to better analyse competition and boost long-
term profitability (Goyal, 2020).

Decision to select a strategy:

Effective leadership requires smart decision-making. So, it affects the company's
performance. Such a talent requires knowledge, experience, and intuition. Finding the
problem and selecting the appropriate remedy takes time. Make smart judgments using this

 Define the issues or objectives that the company is attempting to achieve.

 Information on the issue should be gathered
 Options should be evaluated and developed.
 Selecting the most effective technique in accordance with the objectives
 Implement the approach and keep track of its progress (Brooks and Kirkwood, 1988).

Implementation of strategy:
To accomplish strategic objectives and goals, management must execute its strategies and
plans. A corporation that does not follow through is squandering time and money. It takes the
whole firm to properly execute a plan. The strategic executive team, together with top
executives and key personnel, develops the strategies. Nonetheless, staff will execute the
strategic plan, with top executives as the point person. The following are the fundamental
activities involved in implementing a strategy:

 The annual goals are spelled out in great detail.

 Policy development is required for the successful execution of a strategy.
 The allocation of resources is based on the significance of the resources.
 Work is done out in the actual world in order to complete tasks and activities.
 Controlling and directing the execution of tasks or strategies at different levels of a
corporation is referred to as command-and-control management (Argyris, 1989).

Monitoring strategies:
It is critical to monitor. It indicates if a company's service is up or down, quick or sluggish.
When anything goes wrong, monitoring software may notify the company and aid them in
troubleshooting. A monitoring strategy aide in the planning of monitoring and reporting
operations for a business. Integrated monitoring, as well as cross-organizational monitoring,
should be incorporated in a plan. Justify the inclusion of monitoring in policy and operational
evaluations, as well as the reporting of monitoring results. Planning ahead of time may assist
an organisation in concentrating its efforts and maximising its resources (Aladwani, 2001).

Balanced Score card:

Every organization's strategic objective must be identified, managed, and measured. Like the
Balanced Scorecard (BSC). You may use it to monitor your progress as part of your overall
performance review. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) may also be used to measure the
company's progress towards strategic (KPIs). The Balanced Scorecard may have a big
influence on businesses if used appropriately.

Strategic objectives should be communicated

The Balanced Scorecard facilitates internal and external communication. The strategy map's
simplicity allows even non-planners to grasp the goals.

Get buy-in from all levels of the company

Incorporating the company's goal and vision into the Balanced Scorecard helps establish
consensus and buy-in for strategic objectives.

Ensure that the company is aligned with the company's strategic goals
The strategy map includes views from finance, marketing, operations, HR, IT, and other
departments. These objectives outline how the aims of various departments work together to
create corporate success.

Track every action

It also helps you address all of your organization's operations. Many firms' strategic
objectives are unrelated to their projects, operations, and activities. This tool, which can be
used by several corporate divisions, ensures that all activities align with your strategic goals.
This limits the scope and guarantees the approach is implemented.

Establish KPIs/metrics to measure progress

The Balanced Scorecard includes key performance indicators (KPIs) for measuring progress
toward your firm's strategic objectives.

Internal and external reporting

Your Balanced Scorecard may be used to demonstrate how your business is performing
toward its strategic objectives. Utilize the strategy map and KPIs to ensure that the necessary
information is communicated to the appropriate people in the proper manner.

Strategy formulation for Green Spokes:

The strategy formulation game helps with the forecasting of the company, the target of the
company for the end of the 7th year is as following:

Currently, the corporation has a 27% market share. To attain the intended profit, the firm will
use distinctiveness. This method will help the company's R&D department generate high-
quality products, giving them a competitive edge and allowing them to charge higher prices.
The company's major emphasis will be on product quality.

Strategy choice:
The goal of differentiation is to acquire market share and charge higher prices to clients. A
competitive advantage improves market share, and quality enhances consumer loyalty. To
improve sales, the corporation would use effective marketing and promotional strategies to
interact with numerous consumers. The company will reward current consumers with
discounts. The organisation will also review its pricing tactics to enhance sales profit.
As stated above, the result of choosing differentiation as the company's strategy is: To retain
market leadership by producing high-quality, innovative products. To build consumer loyalty
via quality. Customer retention with high-quality products. Encouraging sales with unique
and inventive products Effective pricing increases profit. Gaining new clients increases
market share.

Quarterly Strategic Implementation

Year 6 Quarter 1
Street Smart was reduced from 10% to 20% in the first quarter of Y6. The original limit of
250 items was increased to 350 after evaluation. A new Small Retail firm has merchandise
already available. Fifth Small Retail business opened due to sales visits. All parties were
pleased with the repayment of the $100,000 crowd-funding loan. 254 hours spent on
technology: 21% Practicality was achieved in less than a day and now stands at 13%. Orders
could not be fulfilled due to inventory shortage. Sales fell as a result.

Year 6 Quarter 2
The next quarter's results satisfied investors. It went from 1400 to 1485 units each quarter.
The minimum order quantity went from 350 to 400. 5500 purchasing orders became 6000.
Outlet One more sales channel added. Word of mouth has brought your products to Small
Retail. The sales channel grew by five. Small Retail will now stock your products due to sales
visits. Compatibility was reached in 250 hours, and progress was accomplished in 34% of the
time. Product Design: Practicality, which took 250 hours, has progressed by a fourth.
Insufficient inventory meant orders could not be completed, resulting in lower revenues
(Figure 2).

Year 6 Quarter 3
The 450 minimum stock purchase is shown in Q3. Buying volume rose to 6500. SMALL
RETIRED SALES VISITS increased from 0 to 2 each month. Or the channel. Web Retail's
discount has been increased from 30% to 35%. From 2 to 4-point print advertising. Only TV
and radio ads were available. Promising Exhibitions 0–1 Social media promotion average
grade climbed from 5 to 7. It went. One new sales channel. Small Retail stocks your
merchandise. FOUR NEW MARKETING You stocked up following sales excursions.
Comfort required 250 hours and 46% new improvement. 250 hours, 37% progress Usability
Order fulfilment delays due to inventory shortages may reduce sales.
Year 6 Quarter 4
Operations Overtime increased from 0% to 6% in Y6 Q4. 1 was made from 1485 until 1720.
Buy two new plants. It went from 450 to 600. Purchase order spending rose. Outlet 1 new
revenue stream We stock your items at Small Retail. The sales channel currently comprises
four more outlets. Small Retail stocked your items after sales trips. We've done 250 hours of
labour and made 59% progress. 250 hours product design productivity, 50% new work in
progress Weaker order completion due to inventory limitations might lead to lower sales.

Year 7 Quarter 1
This quarter, cost leadership was used. The objective was to evaluate this quarter and adjust
next quarter based on our findings. Excellent to middling recruitment quality for operations.
Average Adds 5% to Average. No Training = Rapid Improvement. Every quarter, 1835 units
were produced. Purchases now need 700 units. Procurement order size rose to 7500. No
longer sold at one little shop; a loss. Outlet 1 new sales channel Small Retail has been told to
stock your items. Added five additional shops. Small Retail stocked your items after sales
trips. Completion of 250 hours, 71% new product technical advancement. 250 hours of new
product functionality Weaker order completion due to inventory limitations might lead to
lower sales.

Year 7 Quarter 2
From 7500 to 8000 purchase order sizes, and from 700 to 800 purchasing minimums were
implemented in Y7Q2. From Extensive to Standard, the degree of quality decreased. Outlet
One new sales channel has been added. Word of mouth has convinced Small Retail to carry
your items. The sales channel gained four more stores. Sales visits have convinced Small
Retail to carry your items. A total of 250 hours of work has been accomplished in the areas of
comfort and practicality, with fresh progress at 84% and 75% respectively. Because of the
shortage of inventory, fewer orders could be filled, resulting in lower sales.

Year 7 Quarter 3
From 1835 through 1960, one unit every quarter was produced. Buying one new
manufacturing unit. It has gone from 800 to 950. Our minimum purchase order has increased
to 8500 units. Your things are no longer available at one little store; a loss. The sales channel
now has four more places of sale. Sales visits persuaded Small Retail to stock your goods. So
far, comfort has been reached in 250 hours, with 96% of new advancement. Since I began
this endeavour, I've made progress in 87% of the time.

Year 7 Quarter 4
The lease is up. As a consequence, corporation expenses have risen. Minimum purchases
increased. It went from 8500 to 9000 units. Promotion No more little print. 1. and 2. have
increased in price. The discount on item 1 was increased from 20% to 30%. Loss due to loss
of one small business. The firm had more sales channels. Small Retail stocks your
merchandise. Added three new sales outlets. You stocked up following sales excursions. Easy
to use, 70 hours completed, 100% Their Comfort research is now at level 4, giving them 80%
180 hours, 4% advancement. 249 hours finished, 100% new. An 80 percent expansion of a
practicality study to level 4 was accomplished. 0 hours of no progress.

Year 8 Quarter 1
Sales and marketing overtime increased from 0% to 34% this quarter. The sales channel grew
by four. After 250 hours of effort, I'm just 10% done. 250 hours completed, 6% new product
technological development Full-service rural relocation with 600 square metre floor space
and "basic" quality grade.

Year 8 Quarter 2
Overtime work has risen from 6% to 13%. The quality of sales and marketing applications
dropped from exceptional to average. Sales and marketing recruiters' salaries were slashed by
5%. Online training is obsolete for sales and marketing personnel. It was formerly a "talent
retention" tactic. Sales and marketing overtime increased from 34% to 44%. The medium-
sized ads were replaced with four little ones. A 7 became an 8 for social media promotion
(M). Closed: Your items are no longer available locally. 1 new retail outlet We stock your
items at Small Retail. Added three additional sales locations. Small Retail stocked your items
after sales trips. Completion of 250 hours, 17% new product technical advancement. 250
hours worked, and 13% new product technology.

Year 8 Quarter 3
Overtime rose from 13% to 21%. Its quarterly production rate varies from 1960 to 2105. The
minimum stock requirement was increased from 1000 to 1100 units. 9500 was the new BU
size. The discount on Product 1 was enhanced from 30% to 35%. Your things are no longer
available at one little store; a loss. The sales channel now has three more outlets. Sales visits
persuaded Small Retail to stock. Comfort was completed in 250 hours, with new progress at
23%. After 250 hours of effort, Product Technology Practicality has improved by 18%. Due
to inventory shortages, fewer orders may be completed, resulting in decreased sales.

Year 8 Quarter 4
From 1100 to 1200, the minimum purchase order size increased from 9500 to 10000. Your
things are no longer available at one little store; a loss. As a consequence, one Web Retailer
has chosen to stop carrying your items. Outlet Added one new sales channel. Sales visits
persuaded Small Retail to stock your goods. 250 hours of labour completed, new progress of
29%. Progress in Product Technology: Practicality, which took 250 hours, is now at a quarter.

Finally, it worked. After a few strategy adjustments, the company thrived for three years.
Operational excellence is the backbone of every corporation. This segment ran the show. The
steady income reduced overdrafts and bank borrowing. An expected aim was attained since
this simulation is about how strategic choices impact business performance and
transformation. Players were lured into the game's change management features via
deductions. Advertising spends a lot of money to enhance brand recognition and client
loyalty. The company's vast resources aided one of its intended goals. Year 8 earned
£814,109 in Q4. It exceeded expectations. As a result, the initiative was a spectacular
success. Lessons in company planning and change management were taught via this
interactive game. This game taught me how crucial it is for a firm to understand its
customers. Preparedness has also proven beneficial. Staff development increased the value
chain. With market research and a committed team, strategizing was easy Each player of the
team would do better if given another opportunity. This game taught us collaboration.

Aladwani, A.M. (2001). Change management strategies for successful ERP implementation.
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Todnem, R. (2005). Organisational change management: A critical review. Journal of

Change Management, 5(4), pp.369–380.

Roles Responsibilities/ Duties Quarter/ Steps Expected

Period Outcome
Bilal Nadeem Supervising, organizing the entire Y6 Q1 Section on increasing Supply will meet
(CEO) organization and decision-making. supply and sources of demand and
revenue. Additionally, employees will
communicate the understand what
company's objectives to they’re doing.
department leaders.

Overall planning, formulation of A clearer view of

strategies, dealing with credit Create plans based on an company’s present
Nehal Farid analysis of the company's position will help
control and productivity.
(Organization prior performance. in formulating
Director) further strategies

Produce up-to-date
Overseeing overall organization’s competitive research Trained employees
procedures, handling purchasing reports, hire new will help in
Taufil Khan
components and enhancing employees, train them, producing good
quality of products. and improve quality quality and
manufacturing its products. control. enhanced products.

Increase brand awareness and

make sure maximum people know
about the products of the Social media and Untapped
Qazi Ibrar company. Manage elements like marketing efforts should customers and
(Sales & branding, pricing and market be launched. markets will be
Marketing research. identified.

Subhan R&D will help in
(Research & understanding
Ensuring the continuous whether to come up
Development Recognize the customers'
modernism and novelty of with a new product
Director) prospects and outlooks in
products and work practices. or not, and how
relation to
will customer
respond to this

Roles Responsibilities/ Duties Quarter/ Steps Expected

Period Outcome
Bilal Nadeem Supervising, organizing the entire Y6 Q2 Inspect quality to guarantee Customer footfall
(CEO) organization and decision-making. minimum returns. Enhance will increase.
effort in manufacturing and
Formulate strategies after
observing company’s
previous performance.

Overall planning, formulation of

Nehal Farid strategies, dealing with credit Test the quality and Returns will be
(Organization control and productivity. provide maximum reduced.
Director) resources to Operations.

Overseeing overall organization’s

procedures, handling purchasing Orders of previous
Taufil Khan components and enhancing customers will be
(Operations quality of products. Lessen the batches.
Director) manufacturing its products.

Increase brand awareness and

make sure maximum people know
about the products of the Increased customer
Qazi Ibrar Come up with a strategy
(Sales & company. Manage elements like to enhance brand footfall.
Marketing branding, pricing and market awareness.
Director) research.

R&D will help in

Muhammad Ensuring the continuous Comprehend the understanding
Subhan modernism and novelty of prospects and outlooks of whether to come up
(Research & products and work practices. the consumers regarding with a new product
Development a new product. Focus on or not, and how
Director) the product technology will customer
respond to this

Roles Responsibilities/ Duties Quarter/ Steps Expected

Period Outcome
Bilal Nadeem Supervising, organizing the entire Y6 Q3 Reduce expenses to Customer footfall
(CEO) organization and decision-making. increase profits and make will increase.
space for more
employees and
equipment in operations.

Overall planning, formulation of Offer bonus to Motivated

Nehal Farid strategies, dealing with credit employees so that it employees will
(Organization control and productivity. increases their work harder and it
Director) productivity and boosts will increase the
their morale production

Overseeing overall organization’s

procedures, handling purchasing
Taufil Khan components and enhancing Manage the budget and Discount will help
(Operations quality of products. offer a discount. in more sales but
Director) manufacturing its products. managing the
budget will help in
having enhanced
Increase brand awareness and revenues.
make sure maximum people know
Qazi Ibrar about the products of the Keep doing market
(Sales & company. Manage elements like research and promote the
branding, pricing and market product so that it reaches Numerous
Marketing demographics of
Director) research. to maximum consumers
consumers will be
Muhammad Ensuring the continuous Comprehend the
Subhan modernism and novelty of prospects and outlooks of
(Research & products and work practices. the consumers regarding
Development a new product. Focus on R&D will help in
the product technology understanding
Director) whether to come up
with a new product
or not, and how
will customer
respond to this
Roles Responsibilities/ Duties Quarter/ Steps Expected
Period Outcome
Bilal Nadeem Supervising, organizing the entire Y6 Q4 Maintain cash flows and Number of sales
(CEO) organization and decision-making. increase sales. will be increased

Overall planning, formulation of Set programs for More people will

Nehal Farid
strategies, dealing with credit advertising to increase know about the
control and productivity. brand awareness company and its

Overseeing overall organization’s Funds will help in

Taufil Khan procedures, handling purchasing Enlarge production and producing more
(Operations components and enhancing deal with accessible products.
Director) quality of products. funds.
manufacturing its products.

Increase brand awareness and

make sure maximum people know Increased customer
Qazi Ibrar Increase advertising so
about the products of the footfall and more
(Sales & company. Manage elements like that people know about sales.
Marketing branding, pricing and market
Director) the offered discount.

Muhammad Comprehend the R&D will help in

Ensuring the continuous understanding
Subhan prospects and outlooks of
modernism and novelty of whether to come up
(Research & the consumers regarding
products and work practices. with a new product
Development a new product. Focus on
Director) the product technology or not, and how
will customer
respond to this

Roles Responsibilities/ Duties Quarter/ Steps Expected Outcome

Bilal Nadeem Supervising, organizing the Y7,8 / Observe finances to limit Everything regarding finance will be
expanses and credit. well-adjusted.
(CEO) entire organization and Q1, Q2,
decision-making. Q3, Q4 Manage budget for operations
All departments will work effectively.
department and supervise all
operations. Brand awareness will increase and not
even a single department will have to
Invest in departments as per their worry about the budget.
requirements and implement
marketing strategies.
Sales will be increased and customer
base will also be enlarged.
Penetrate market with increased
production and a new discount.

Overall planning, Meet all the directors and solve Problem-solving will help in
the issues being faced by them
Nehal Farid formulation of strategies, and give them a briefing
removing doubts and credit
(Organization dealing with credit control regarding credit control. control will help in generating
more profits.
Director) and productivity. Terminate employees if not
performing good. It will help in cutting extra
Make a decision regarding Having new premises will help
premises because the contract for
in smooth running of the
company’s premises is supposed
to finish this quarter. operations and there will be no
Take a loan from bank (if Production and consequently
necessary) to implement market sales will be increased.
penetration strategy.

Adjust stock and purchasing

Stock at all times will help in
Overseeing overall Manage logistics and finalize the satisfying the needs of unpredicted
Taufil Khan organization’s procedures, means for transporting the customers.
(Operations products to customers. Logistics will manage the way to
handling purchasing
deliver the product to customers.
Director) components and enhancing Hire or dismiss contractors Dismissing will help in cutting costs
quality of products. depending upon the needs of the and hiring will help in producing
department. more products.
manufacturing its products.
Ensure increased profits. Profits will be increased

Ensure to stay one step ahead to

Increase brand awareness competitors by offering a better
and make sure maximum service Discount removed and profit Competitive edge will help in any
and loss identified. way possible.
Qazi Ibrar people know about the
(Sales & products of the company. Manage sales channels and go Enhanced exposure.
Marketing Manage elements like
Publicity and spotlight will be
Director) branding, pricing and market Manage as many small and web
retails as possible.
Increase the price but offer another Increased price because of enlarged
attractive discount to increase the customer based and a discount so
sales. that customers stick to the company
like glue.
Comprehend the prospects
Muhammad and outlooks of the
Ensuring the continuous R&D will help in understanding
Subhan consumers regarding a new
modernism and novelty of whether to come up with a new
(Research & product. Focus on the product product or not, and how will
products and work practices
Development technology customer respond to this product

Appendix B
(Performance Print Out Per Quarter)
Y6 Q1:
Y6 Q2:

Y6 Q3:
Y6 Q4:

Y7 Q1:
Y7 Q2:

Y7 Q3:
Y7 Q4:

Y8 Q1:
Y8 Q2:

Y8 Q3:
Y8 Q4:

Appendix C Reflective Log

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