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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 441–444

Short communication

Colonization of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss

(Walbaum), eggs by Flavobacterium psychrophilum,
the causative agent of rainbow trout fry syndrome

I N Vatsos1, K D Thompson2 and A Adams2

1 Institute of Aquaculture, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Athens, Greece
2 Aquatic Vaccine Unit, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK

Keywords: colonization, eggs, Flavobacterium psy- and milt were collected from Houghton Springs
chrophilum, immunofluorescent antibody tech- Hatchery, Dorset, UK, a site with no previous
nique, rainbow trout, rainbow trout fry syndrome. reports of RTFS. The eggs were all collected from
one female, put into a plastic bag and sent by mail
The mucous layer of eggs appears to be a good to the Institute of Aquaculture, University of
substance for adhesion and colonization by many Stirling, UK. Upon arrival and prior to fertilization,
different bacterial species (Nelson & Ghiorse a sample of 20 eggs (selected randomly) was tested
1999). Fish pathogens can be transmitted via the for the presence of F. psychrophilum by nested
eggs horizontally through water, or vertically from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) according to the
the broodstock. In the first case, most bacterial method described below. A sample of five eggs was
species appear to colonize the surface of the eggs, tested by culture in modified Cytophaga broth
but some can also penetrate the eggshell as in the (Bernardet & Kerouault 1989). The milt was not
case of Tenacibaculum ovolyticus (Bergh, Skiftesvik, tested by nested PCR or by culture for the presence
Hjeltnes & Roedseth 1994), causing high egg of F. psychrophilum.
mortalities. The eggs were split into two groups of approxi-
In the study presented here, rainbow trout fry mately 420 each. One group was fertilized, while
syndrome (RTFS)-free rainbow trout eggs were the second group was not. Each group was further
experimentally infected with Flavobacterium psy- divided into two subgroups; one group of approxi-
chrophilum during fertilization. The eggs were mately 120 eggs was used as a negative control and
colonized by the pathogen after a bath challenge the other group of approximately 300 eggs was
and the effect of the pathogen on the eggs was infected with F. psychrophilum (positive group).
assessed using an immunofluorescent antibody This was carried out by mixing together the bacteria
technique (IFAT) and transmission electron micr- and the eggs.
oscopy (TEM). Fertilization was performed by carefully mixing
Flavobacterium psychrophilum, isolate B97026, the eggs with a few millilitres of milt. The infection
isolated from a farm in the UK, where RTFS was of the eggs was performed as follows: the eggs were
endemic, was used to artificially infect rainbow left with the milt for 20 min. Eggs from the positive
trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), eggs. groups were carefully mixed with 10 mL bacterial
Approximately 900 unfertilized rainbow trout eggs suspension (3 · 108 mL)1 bacteria in broth). After
30 min, the eggs were placed into small metallic
trays, in a single layer, and the trays were then put
Correspondence I Vatsos, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research,
Ag Kosmas, Elliniko, Athens TK 16777, Greece into 20-L plastic tanks until hatching. The tanks
(e-mail: were supplied constantly with fresh water. The

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 441–444 I N Vatsos et al. Colonization of rainbow trout eggs by F. psychrophilum

group of eggs not infected with F. psychrophilum cut from each sampled egg using a Reichert
(negative control) was transferred to the tanks after Ultracut E (Leica, Vienna, Austria) microtome
50 min. The water temperature during incubation fitted with a glass blade and sections were then
of the eggs was 11 C at the beginning of the transferred into a 50 C water bath to stretch them.
experiment and was gradually decreased to 7.8 C Sections were finally mounted onto clean slides and
by the end of the experiment. Samples of eggs were left to air dry. The IFAT was performed according
collected on days 1, 5, 10 or 30 post-fertilization to the method described by Vatsos, Thompson &
and examined by IFAT and TEM (for both Adams (2002) using anti-F. psychrophilum (isolate
methods, 10 eggs were collected from the infected B97026) rabbit serum diluted in PBS. The sections
groups and five eggs from the negative controls). were observed under immersion oil using an
On the same days, samples of eggs were also Olympus fluorescence microscope (Olympus
examined by culture (five eggs per group) and Optical Co Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).
nested PCR (20 eggs per group) to confirm the The egg samples collected for TEM were processed
presence (infected groups) or absence (uninfected according to the method described by Vatsos et al.
groups) of the pathogen throughout the experi- (2002). At least three sections were cut per egg.
mental period. After rinsing the eggs in sterile Many microorganisms colonizing the surface of
0.02 m phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.2) eggs have adverse effects on their development, as
and squashing them with a needle, they were placed observed by Bergh, Hansen & Taxt (1992), who
in Cytophaga broth for 4 days at 15 C. After this experimentally infected halibut, Hippoglossus hippo-
time, four 100-lL aliquots were sampled from each glossus (L.), eggs with bacteria of the genera
tube and spread onto Cytophaga agar plates and the Flexibacter and Vibrio. Factors such as water
plates incubated until yellowish colonies were temperature, egg density and poor water flow also
visible. Colonies were collected and re-suspended seem to promote bacterial overgrowth on the eggs
in 500 lL PBS. Drops of each suspension were (Barker, Smith & Bromage 1989). The dead or
placed on slides, air-dried and stained with Gram’s damaged eggs can leak nutrients aiding bacterial
stain. The colonies were also screened by nested multiplication (Barker et al. 1989; Ogbondeminu
PCR, after re-suspending them in 1 mL PBS. 1994).
Nested PCR analysis (Vatsos, Thompson & In the present study, a large number of microbes
Adams 2003), using the primers developed by on the surface of eggs of all groups were observed by
Toyama, Kita-Tsukamoto & Wakabayashi (1994), TEM (Fig. 1b). The surface of the unfertilized eggs
was carried out on the aqueous part of the appeared more heavily colonized by bacteria than
homogenized egg samples, following centrifugation fertilized eggs and in a few instances the mucous layer
at 3000 g for 15 min. of infected eggs appeared to be partially destroyed,
For the IFAT, the eggs were first fixed for 24 h especially in eggs collected just before hatching.
using 10 mL glacial acetic acid, 5 mL formaldehyde Although it was not possible to identify F. psychro-
(30% solution) and 0.6 m calcium chloride, and philum in the sections using TEM, it is believed that
were then dehydrated at 20 C in an alcohol series: this destruction of the mucous layer was due to
1 day in each of 70%, 80%, 90% and 95% ethanol. enzymatic activity of the pathogen, as such areas were
A commercially available kit (Technovit 7100, not found in uninfected eggs. Uddin & Wakabayashi
TAAB Kit; Energy Beam Sciences, East Granby, (1997) found F. psychrophilum to exhibit high levels
CT, USA) was used for the infiltration and of proteolytic activity at low temperatures (around
embedding of the samples. After dehydration, the 13.3  1.9 C), especially during the late log or
eggs were infiltrated with the ÔliquidÕ base of the kit, stationary phase of its growth cycle.
using 50:50 base: 95% ethanol at 20 C for 3 days, Throughout the course of the experiment, mixed
75:25 base: 95% ethanol for 5 days and 100% base colonies were seen on agar plates in samples
together with hardener I (infiltration solution, 1 g collected from all groups of eggs. In samples of
hardener I per 100 mL base) for 7 days at 4 C. infected eggs taken from both fertilized and unfer-
The eggs were finally embedded in resin (1 mL of tilized groups, a few yellowish colonies could also be
hardener II mixed in 15 mL of infiltration solution) seen on the agar plates. Bacteria collected from
using Teflon-coated moulds. Once the resin had these yellowish colonies were identified as F. psy-
hardened, the egg samples were mounted on chrophilum, according to their morphological char-
wooden stubs. Three sections, 2-lm thick, were acteristics and after nested PCR analysis.

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 441–444 I N Vatsos et al. Colonization of rainbow trout eggs by F. psychrophilum

(a) (b)

Figure 1 (a) Identification of Flavobacterium psychrophilum (white arrow) on the surface of an infected fertilized rainbow trout egg using
immunofluorescent antibody technique, 30 days post-fertilization (bar ¼ 10 lm). (b) Transmission electron microscopy. Mixed
microflora on the surface of an infected fertilized rainbow trout egg; destruction of mucous layer (*) by proteolytic bacteria, 30 days
post-infection (bar ¼ 10 lm).

Only in infected groups of eggs could patho- Previous studies suggested that broodstock is an
gens be seen on the egg surface using IFAT important source of contamination of eggs with
(Fig. 1a). It should be noted that the numbers of F. psychrophilum (Cipriano 2005). Nevertheless,
F. psychrophilum on the surface of the eggs was waterborne colonization of the surface of the eggs
low (one to three bacterial cells per observation is important as it can lead to RTFS (Rangdale,
area). Overgrowth of the pathogen on the surface Richards & Alderman 1997) and act as an
of the eggs may have been prevented as no adverse additional factor for the spread of the disease
environmental conditions (such as reduced water between farms (Kumagai & Takahashi 1997).
flow) co-existed, a parameter that other authors The results of this study suggest that, after a
have suggested as critical for the effect bacterial waterborne colonization of the surface of the eggs,
pathogens may have on the surface of the eggs F. psychrophilum remains on the egg surface and
(Barker et al. 1989; Barnes, Gabel & Cordes does not appear to penetrate, although areas of
2000). Although the antiserum used is known to destruction of the mucous layer occur. Different
cross-react with a few other bacterial species isolates of F. psychrophilum and different physio-
(Faruk, Campbell, Thompson, Rangdale & logical states of the bacterium, such as late log
Richards 2002), positive results were obtained only phase or after starvation, should also be tested,
in the infected groups. In a similar experiment, since previous studies showed that under condi-
Kumagai, Yamaoka, Takahashi, Fukuda & Waka- tions of starvation many functions of F. psychro-
bayashi (2000) examined frozen egg sections by philum are altered and the bacterium adheres to
IFAT taken from fertilized coho salmon, Oncor- the eggs in higher numbers, compared with
hynchus kisutch (Walbaum), eggs immersed into F. psychrophilum collected from fresh cultures
broth culture of F. psychrophilum. They found (Vatsos, Thompson & Adams 2001; Vatsos et al.
that some bacteria had managed to penetrate the 2003).
eggs in sections observed 57 days post-infection.
However, it may have been that the bacteria
spread to the inside of the egg due to the cutting
of the frozen sections, thus producing a false The authors would like to thank Dr Ali Reza Faruk,
picture of their location within the egg. On the Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricul-
other hand, Kumagai, Nakayasu & Oseko (2004) ture University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh for pro-
concluded that F. psychrophilum did not penetrate viding the antibodies used in this study and
the surface of ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis (Temminck Mr Linton Brown, Institute of Aquaculture,
& Schlegel), eggs, which were colonized by the University of Stirling, for his guidance on the
bacterium. electron microscopy techniques.

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Journal of Fish Diseases 2006, 29, 441–444 I N Vatsos et al. Colonization of rainbow trout eggs by F. psychrophilum

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