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Hi All,

Welcome to Lloyds TSB!

To start our training program, it is mandatory to complete some courses in iCALMS
(Ultimatix/Knowledge Management/iCALMS), which are prerequisites for our
Only after completing these courses, then only we proceed to the next step, E0 training.
Go to My iCALMS and search for the course id mentioned below,by entering the id in the
search field of the catalog search.
Click on the result link that you get and launch the course to attend it. Some courses may
not be available. Those courses can be neglected.
The target date to complete these tests is next Wednesday, 30-Nov-2011.
After completing the tests, please take screen shots and send it to me(for each test).

The courses are listed below...

00255150 - Java 5 Fundamentals - Brainbench Assessment - Awareness
00254701 - Java 5 - Brainbench Assessment - Basic
00254702 - Java 5 - Brainbench Assessment - Intermediate
00012484- Java Server Pages (JSP 1.2) - Brainbench Assessment - Awareness
00254329 - Java Server Pages (JSP 2.1) - Brainbench Assessment -Basic
00254333 - Java Server Pages (JSP 2.1) - Brainbench Assessment - Intermediate
00012719 - Java - EJB 2.0 - Brainbench Assessment - Awareness
00012721 - Java - EJB 2.0 - Brainbench Assessment - Basic
00012725 - Java - EJB 2.0 - Brainbench Assessment - Intermediate
00255028 - Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4 Fundamentals - Brainbench
Assessment - Awareness
00255030 - Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4 Fundamentals - Brainbench
Assessment - Level 1
00299609 - Javascript 1.8 - Brainbench Assessment - Awareness
00299610 - Javascript 1.8 - Brainbench Assessment - Beginner
00299611 - Javascript 1.8 - Brainbench Assessment - Intermediate
00081471 - Testing and Assurance: Introduction to Junit available packages and Junit Test
00081466 - Testing and Assurance: Basic Assessment of Junit E0 level
00081467 - Testing and Assurance: Basic Assessment of Junit E1 level
00265720 - JSF E0 Exit Test

00134062 - Rational Application Developer Workbench (228133_eng)
00134068 - Java Development with Rational Application Developer (228134_eng)
00267850 - Rational Application Developer (RAD): Assessment for Rational Application
Developer - Basics
00282067 - Rational Application Developer (RAD): Assessment for Rational Application
Developer - Expert

00234187 - OOAD: Introduction to Object-Oriented Concepts
00234189 - OOAD: Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
00234191 - OOAD: Unified Modeling Language 2.0
00234195 - OOAD: Dynamic Modeling with UML 2.0
00234197 - OOAD: OO Design Patterns
00081469 - Testing and Assurance: Introduction to Open Source unit testing solutions :

The below mentioned courses can be taken after going through some documents for the
Rational ClearCase: Assessment for Rational ClearCase - Basics
00277418 - Chordiant Technical Developer - Competency Assessment: Foundation - E0
00265700 - Java EE Design Patterns - E0 Exit Test
Ashok kumar J
TCS - Lloyds Banking Group Relationship
TCS- Siruseri, Chennai
Tata Consultancy Services
Experience certainty. IT Services
Business Solutions

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