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Name: ________________________ B2 Pathway Vocabulary Quiz Unit 11 /20

I. Complete the paragraph by filling in the blank spaces with appropriate form of words from the list provided
below. Each word may only be used once. (8 marks = 1 each)

unforeseen crops concerned viable definition cell modify indication

GMO stands for Genetically (1) ______________ Organism which means that GMO (2)______________
have been modified at the (3) ______________ level. This manipulation of plants’ DNA has created
(4)___________ reactions from both its supporters and its critics. Valid (5)_______________ have been raised
regarding the (6)______________ of such organisms and how strongly they might influence humans genetics on
the long run. However, the Oxford dictionary (7) ______________ GMOs as “containing genetic material that has
been artificially altered in order to produce a desired characteristic.” It is what has been done to plants since
humans became sedentary which seems to (8) ______________ that GMOs critics’ worries are unfounded.

II. Choose the correct form of the most suitable word given to complete the sentences below. Not all words will be
used. (4 marks = 1 each)

genetic household
modification measurement
pesticide ethic

1) GMO crops, when first introduced, were supposed to be the answer to world hunger. The argument was that by
developing ___________ and herbicide resistant crops, farmers would be able to increase their yields and decrease
their costs.

2) The vast majority of corn, soy, canola, and sugar beets grown in the U.S. are now ____________ engineered, and they
are often used as ingredients in processed foods.

3) There are a number of ___________ concerns over genetically modified (GM) foods, which have affected the public
support of the products.

4) Wide consensus in the scientific community is that GMOs have no _________ effects on human health.
Name: ________________________ B2 Pathway Vocabulary Quiz Unit 11 /20

Complete the table by filling in the blank spaces with appropriate form of the word. The spelling
must be correct. (5 marks = 0.5 each)

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

fault _________________ _________________

co-operation _________________ _________________ _________________

________________ establish ____________________

________________ influence ________________ ________________

IV. Rewrite the sentences below by changing the word form of the words underlined and sentence order so
that the overall meaning does not change. An example has been done for you. (3 marks = 1 each)

0. Information can be classified as a useful way to arrange items in order. (Classified is an adjective.)
➢ The classification of information is a useful way to arrange items in order.
(Classification is a noun.)

1) In recent years, there have been various attempts at eradicating malaria.

2) There is evidence against the argument that GMO can have an influence on human organisms.

3) Part of the phenomenon of networking has been the tendency to maintain links with extremely large
numbers of former colleagues and friends.

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