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Martín Marusich

WEEK 2: March 19th & 22nd

Past, present and future of our school1

1. Before we start, let’s answer some questions:

1. Why are you studying at EPET 1?
2. Did you choose this school?
3. How is it different from other secondary schools?
4. What do you know about the history of your school?
5. Look at the picture on your left. Why ENET N° 1?

2. Read the text and mark the statements True or False.

Our school was inaugurated on May 15th 1946, and its first building was located
on the corner of 9 de Julio and Joaquín González Streets. At first it was named
School of Arts & Offices. In those days, there were only four secondary schools,
Colegio Nacional, Colegio Normal, María Auxiliadora and Domingo Savio
Institutes but the small population of Santa Rosa wanted a technical school too.
In September 1945, the National Government signed the decree to start the new
technical school and many locals were interested in enrolling their children. In
December that year, about 40 students decided to attend classes at ENET N° 1
and completed their admission forms at the provisional Secretary which operated
at Colegio Nacional. The main problem was the place. However, thanks to
generous donations, people could start building the first classrooms and shops.
In 1949, the first 20 students graduated from the school, obtaining their degree in
Civil Construction, Mechanical Electromotors and Carpentry.

a. You attend classes at the original school building. ___

b. There were few secondary schools in Santa Rosa in those days. ___
c. People were not interested in having a technical school in Santa Rosa. ___
d. More than fifty students enrolled at ENET N° 1 the first year. ___
e. At first, there were only three courses of study. ___

Adapted from: Pasado, presente y future de la ENET N° 1 de Santa Rosa, retrieved from:
EPET N° 1 INGLÉS – 5° II TEIE Prof. Martín Marusich

3. Now read the second part and answer the questions below.

The course of Electromechanics comprised the last three years of the Upper
Level and after finishing, students got the degree of Technician in Mechanics and
Electricity. Graduates were then qualified to design, draw, program and direct all
types of projects which concerned the construction and maintenance of
machines, mechanisms and electromechanical and electrical work. In their 4th,
5th and 6th year at school, students tried the different areas of work, which were
Electricity, Mechanics and Smithy. They attended workshops in the morning. For
example, in their fourth year, while learning English, Civic Education, Chemistry
and Literature, they also studied Mechanical Techniques, Mathematical Analysis,
Electromechanics, Static Electricity, Resistance of Materials and Laboratory of
Electric Measurements. In the fifth year, they added Machinery Design,
Electrotechniques I, General Electricity, Labour Legislation, Technical and
Mechanical Measurements, Industrial Organization and Thermic Machines. Of
course, every single year, students also had PE classes. Fortunately,
Electromechanics kept growing as many more students chose it and the school
continued building more shops. All regular classes took place in the evening shift.

a. When do students start Electromechanics?

b. What could graduates do when they finished the course?
c. What subjects did they study in their 5th year?
d. Did they have PE classes only in the 4th year?
e. When did they attend regular classes?
4. “Transparent words” are almost identical in both languages. This helps
you understand their meaning. Please, underline the “transparent” words
in the texts. Why do you think they are so similar?
Examples: inaugurated (=inaugurada);
mechanic (=mecánico/a)

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