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Limiting to level A1 of the European frame of reference for languages, write a 12-line

paragraph about 6 objects and their location in a bedroom. Generate 6 true or false items
based on that paragraph.
Respecting level A1 of the European Frame of Reference for Languages, create a six-item
matching exercise (include questions and answers obviously) in which a person asks
questions to another about their best friend’s basic daily routine. Don’t include the words
question and answer. Number the questions.
Respecting level A1 of the European Frame of Reference for Languages, create a
glossary of the following words: on, in, under, next to, in front of, between, desk, pen,
whiteboard, plate, refrigerator, microwave, picture, rug, bed, dresser, mirror, towel,
toothpaste, notebook, file . Give short, basic definitions. Do not number the definitions.

In the bedroom, the bed is on the rug, providing a cozy space for sleeping. The dresser
sits next to the bed, holding clothes neatly inside its drawers. A mirror hangs on the wall in
front of the dresser, reflecting the room's image. On the bedside table, a pen and notebook
lie ready for use. The whiteboard hangs on the wall above the desk, waiting for notes or
drawings. Under the desk, a file is neatly tucked away, keeping documents organized.

1. The bed is on the dresser.

2. The mirror is next to the bedside table.
3. The whiteboard is above the dresser.
4. The pen and notebook are on the rug.
5. The file is under the bed.
6. The dresser is next to the desk.

Positioned above or covering something.

Positioned inside or within something.
Positioned below or beneath something.
Positioned beside or adjacent to something.
Positioned before or ahead of something.
Positioned amid or among two things.
A piece of furniture with a flat surface for work.
A writing tool with ink.
A smooth, white surface for writing with markers.
A flat dish for serving or eating food.
Refrigerator A cold storage appliance for keeping food fresh.
Microwave An appliance used for heating or cooking food quickly.
Picture A visual representation, often on paper or canvas.
Rug A textile floor covering typically used to cover a specific area.
Bed A piece of furniture for sleeping on.
A piece of furniture with drawers for storing clothes.
A reflective surface for viewing oneself.
A cloth used for drying oneself or wiping surfaces.
A substance used for cleaning teeth.
Notebook A bound book of blank or ruled pages for writing notes.
File A container for storing papers or documents.

On the table, there are two items. The first is a red apple, small and round, with a smooth
surface. When touched, it feels firm. The second is a blue book, rectangular and medium-
sized, with a rough texture on its cover. It feels solid and heavy. The apple is smaller than
the book. The book is soft to touch. The apple has a red color. The book is rectangular in
shape. The apple feels light.

Now, here are the True or False items:

1. The apple is green in color.

2. The book is smaller than the apple.
3. The book has a smooth texture.
4. The apple is rectangular in shape.
5. The book is heavy.
6. The apple feels firm when touched.

Television: A device that shows moving pictures and sound.

Laptop: A small computer that can be easily carried.
Cell phone: A portable telephone that can make and receive calls wirelessly.
Table: A piece of furniture with a flat surface and legs, used for eating, working, or placing
things on.
Sofa: A long, comfortable seat for more than one person, often found in living rooms.
Spoon: A small tool with a round or oval-shaped bowl used for eating or stirring food.
Big: Large in size or amount.
Small: Not large in size; little.
Round: Shaped like a circle; having a curved surface.
Texture: The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface.
Hard: Firm to the touch; not easily bent, pierced, or broken.
Soft: Pleasant to touch; not hard or rough.
Rectangular: Having four straight sides and four right angles, with opposite sides of equal
Square: A shape with four equal sides and four right angles.
Smooth: Having an even surface; not rough or bumpy.
Rough: Having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth.
Shirt: A garment for the upper body, typically with a collar, sleeves, and buttons down the
Jeans: A type of pants made from denim fabric.
Size: The extent or dimensions of something.
Shape: The form or outline of an object.
Round: Shaped like a circle; having a curved surface.

Beautiful - Very nice to look at.

2. Ugly - Not nice to look at.
3. Tall - Not short, having a greater height.
4. Short - Not tall, having a lesser height.
5. Friendly - Nice and kind to others.
6. Shy - Feeling nervous or timid around others.
7. Confident - Feeling sure of oneself.
8. Kind - Nice and caring towards others.
9. Mean - Not nice or friendly.
10. Smart - Intelligent, clever.
11. Funny - Makes people laugh, has a good sense of humor.
12. Serious - Not playful, focused and solemn.
13. Happy - Feeling joyous and content.
14. Sad - Feeling unhappy or sorrowful.
15. Brave - Not afraid, courageous.
17. Honest - Truthful and sincere.
20. Selfish - Only concerned with one's own needs and desires.
21. Patient - Able to wait calmly without getting upset.
23. Outgoing - Sociable and extroverted, enjoys being around people.
25. Polite - Showing good manners and respect towards others.

Sabrina starts her day early, arriving at school before 8:00 AM. She prepares her lesson
plans and materials for the day, making sure everything is ready before her students
arrive. Throughout the morning, she teaches various subjects such as math, science, and
language arts. During lunchtime, she enjoys a short break in the teachers' lounge, chatting
with colleagues and eating her packed lunch. In the afternoon, Sabrina continues teaching
classes, engaging her students with interactive activities and exercises. After the final bell
rings, she stays back for a while to grade papers and prepare for the next day. Finally, she
leaves school around 4:00 PM, looking forward to some relaxation at home.

1. Sabrina arrives at school after 9:00 AM.
2. She prepares lesson plans after her students arrive.
3. Sabrina teaches only one subject in the morning.
4. She eats lunch with her students in the cafeteria.
5. Sabrina stays at school until 5:00 PM.
6. She enjoys relaxing at home after work.
Wake up - To stop sleeping and become conscious.
Get up - To leave the bed.
Brush - To clean teeth or hair using a brush.
Shower - To wash the body using water.
Dress - To put on clothes.
To consume food.
To consume liquids.
To prepare food by heating it.
To clean with water and soap.
To move from one place to another.
Come - To move toward or into a place.
Work - To perform tasks for pay or as a duty.
Study - To engage in learning activities.
Relax - To rest or take it easy.
Watch - To look at something attentively.
Listen - To pay attention to sounds.
Talk - To communicate with others verbally.
Walk - To move on foot at a moderate pace.
Exercise - To engage in physical activity.
Sleep - To rest with eyes closed and inactivity of the body.
Rest - To relax or take a break from activity.
Shop - To buy goods from stores.
Clean - To make something tidy or free from dirt.
Go to bed - To get into bed to sleep.

These verbs should be helpful for discussing daily routines at the A1 level.
Happy - Feeling pleasure or contentment.
Sad - Feeling unhappy or sorrowful.
Excited - Feeling eager or enthusiastic.
Bored - Feeling uninterested or lacking excitement.
Tired - Feeling weary or lacking energy.
Energetic - Feeling lively or full of energy.
Nervous - Feeling anxious or worried about something.
Relaxed - Feeling calm or free from stress or tension.
Frustrated - Feeling annoyed or disappointed because things are not going as expected.
Confused - Feeling unclear or uncertain about something.
Surprised - Feeling amazed or astonished by something unexpected.
Annoyed - Feeling irritated or bothered by something.
Grateful - Feeling thankful or appreciative.
Lonely - Feeling alone or isolated from others.
Proud - Feeling a sense of satisfaction or accomplishment.
Embarrassed - Feeling self-conscious or awkward in a social situation.
Worried - Feeling concerned or troubled about something.
Calm - Feeling peaceful or tranquil.
Stressed - Feeling overwhelmed or tense due to pressure or demands.
Jealous - Feeling envious or resentful of someone else's success or possessions.
Disappointed - Feeling let down or unsatisfied by something.
25. Curious - Feeling eager to know or learn about something.

Building - A structure where people live or work.

Location - A specific place or position.
Avenue - A wide road in a city, often lined with trees or buildings.
Turn - To change direction by moving left or right.
Left - The direction to the side opposite to the right.
Right - The direction to the side opposite to the left.
Highway - A main road, often with multiple lanes for fast-moving traffic.
Traffic circle - A circular road junction where traffic moves in one direction around a central
Traffic lights - Colored lights at intersections that control the flow of traffic.
Straight - In a continuous line without curves or bends.
GPS (Global Positioning System), a device or system that determines your precise
location using satellite signals.
Map - A visual representation of an area, usually drawn to scale.
Lost - Not knowing where you are or how to get to your destination.
Directions - Instructions on how to get from one place to another.
Downtown - The central part of a city with businesses and commercial activities.
Close - Near in space or time.
Far - At a considerable distance from a point or place.
Near - Close to or not far from a particular place.
Remote - Far away from other places, secluded.
Road - A wide way leading from one place to another, usually surfaced for vehicles.
Intersection - A point at which two or more roads meet and cross.
Block - A section of a street, typically between two intersections.
Landmark - A recognizable feature used for navigation, such as a prominent building or

Oscar: Look, Pamela, this is a photo of Grandma and Grandpa when they were young.
Pamela: Wow, they look so different! Grandma had long, curly hair, and Grandpa had a big
Oscar: Yeah, Grandma was very outgoing, and Grandpa was always so cheerful.
Pamela: Do you think I look like Grandma?
Oscar: Maybe a little, you both have curly hair, but your personalities are different.
Pamela: And you? Do you think you're like Grandpa?
Oscar: Hmm, I guess I do have his smile sometimes, but I think I'm more serious like Dad.
Pamela: Interesting! Let's keep looking at more pictures.

1. Grandma and Grandpa look the same in the photo.

2. Grandma had short, straight hair.
3. Grandpa's smile was small.
4. Pamela thinks she looks exactly like Grandma.
5. Oscar believes he has his father's personality.
6. Pamela suggests they stop looking at pictures.

Sure! Here's a glossary of 25 words related to common places in a city along with
prepositions of place, aimed at the A1 level of the European Framework of Reference for

City A place where many people live and work.

Street A public road in a city or town.
Park A public area with grass, trees, and paths for walking.
Store A place where you can buy things.
Restaurant A place where you can buy and eat food.
Café A place where you can buy and drink coffee.
Hospital A place where sick people go to see a doctor.
Museum A building where you can see art, artifacts, or learn about history.
School A place where children and young people go to learn.
Bank A place where you can keep your money or borrow money.
Post office A place where you can send and receive mail.
Market A place where you can buy fresh food and other items.
Hotel A place where you can stay overnight when you are away from home.
Airport A place where airplanes take off and land.
Bus stop A place where buses pick up and drop off passengers.
Train station A place where trains stop to pick up and drop off passengers.
Church A building where people go to pray or worship.
Supermarket A large store where you can buy food and other items.
Bar A place where people go to drink alcoholic beverages.
In Preposition used to indicate being inside a place. (e.g., "I am in the park.")
On Preposition used to indicate being on a surface. (e.g., "The café is on the corner.")
At Preposition used to indicate being at a specific location. (e.g., "I am at the bank.")
Next to Preposition used to indicate being beside something. (e.g., "The library is next to
the school.")
Between Preposition used to indicate being in the middle of two things. (e.g., "The market
is between the bank and the post office.")
Behind Preposition used to indicate being at the back of something. (e.g., "The theater is
behind the park.")
In front of Preposition used to indicate being in the front of something. (e.g., "The bus stop
is in front of the supermarket.")

1. I'm always tired in the morning. What should I do?

2. I can't find my keys. What should I do?
3. I'm having trouble with my homework. What can I do?
4. My room is very messy. What should I do?
5. I feel lonely sometimes. What can I do?
6. My phone is not working. What should I do?

You should go to bed earlier.

Why don’t you look under the bed or in your bag?
You can ask your teacher for help.
You should clean it up step by step.
Why don’t you go out and meet new people?
You should take it to a repair shop.

Oscar: Pamela, I need to talk to you about work. I'm having a tough time.
Pamela: What's going on, Oscar?
Oscar: My manager is giving me too much work. I can't handle it all.
Pamela: That sounds stressful. Have you talked to your manager about it?
Oscar: Not yet. I'm not sure how to approach the conversation.
Pamela: I think you should talk to your manager and explain how you feel.
Oscar: What if they get upset with me?
Pamela: Just be honest and calm. They might not realize how much you're struggling.
Oscar: I guess you're right. Maybe they'll understand my situation.
Pamela: I'm sure they will. It's important to communicate openly.
Oscar: I'll try to have a conversation with them tomorrow.
Pamela: Good idea. Let me know how it goes!

1. Oscar is having a difficult time at work.

2. Pamela thinks Oscar shouldn’t to his manager.
3. Oscar is worried his manager might be upset with him.
4. Pamela tells Oscar to communicate openly and honestly.
5. Oscar plans to follow her advice.
6. Pamela thinks Oscar's manager will not understand his situation.

Listen: To pay attention to someone's words and feelings.

Support: To offer help or encouragement.
Encourage: To give someone confidence or hope.
Suggest: To propose an idea or course of action.
Recommend: To advise someone to do something.
Help: To assist someone in a task or situation.
Comfort: To soothe someone's distress or pain.
Empathize: To understand and share someone else's feelings.
Reassure: To ease someone's fears or worries.
Advise: To give someone guidance or recommendations.
Understand: To know what someone is going through.
Offer: To provide something someone might need.
Care: To show concern and interest in someone.
Positive: Having a hopeful and optimistic attitude.
Take a break: To step away and rest from a difficult situation.
Talk: To have a conversation with someone about their issues.
Calm down: To relax and regain composure.
Kind: Compassionate and respectful.
Trust: To have confidence in someone's ability or advice.
Persevere: To keep going despite challenges or difficulties.

Get up: To rise from bed.

Shower: To wash oneself under running water.
Get dressed: To put on clothes.
Commute: To travel regularly between home and work or school.
Breakfast: The first meal of the day, usually in the morning.
Lunch: The midday meal.
Dinner: The evening meal.
Morning: The early part of the day before noon.
Noon: The middle of the day, around 12:00 p.m.
Afternoon: The period after noon until evening.
Evening: The time between afternoon and night.
Daily: Happening every day.
Weekly: Happening every week.
Biweekly: Happening every two weeks.
Monthly: Happening every month.
Often: Happening frequently.
Sometimes: Happening occasionally.
Always: Happening all the time.
Never: Not happening at all.
Usually: Happening most of the time.
Return: To go back to a place.
Finish: To complete a task or activity.
Start: To begin a task or activity.
Rest: To relax and recover energy.
Relax: To unwind and relieve stress.
Go to bed: To lie down to sleep.

"Hey, Maria, tell me about your family," asked Miguel.

"Well, my dad is tall and has brown hair. He's very kind and loves to tell jokes," Maria
"And your mom?" Miguel inquired.
"She's short with curly black hair. She's patient and likes to cook delicious meals," Maria
answered with a smile.
"What about your brother?" Miguel was curious.
"He's tall like Dad but has blonde hair. He's funny and enjoys playing soccer," Maria
"And your sister?" Miguel continued.
"She's short like Mom with straight brown hair. She's smart and loves reading books,"
Maria shared proudly.
"Your family sounds wonderful," Miguel said warmly.

Ann: Hi Steven, what time do you usually wake up?

Steven: Hey Ann, I wake up at 6:30 AM every day. How about you?
Ann: I wake up around 7:00 AM. Do you have breakfast in the morning?
Steven: Yes, I always have breakfast at 7:00 AM. It's important to start the day right.
Ann: I agree. I have breakfast around 7:30 AM. When do you start work?
Steven: I start work at 8:30 AM. What about you?
Ann: I start work at 9:00 AM and finish at 5:00 PM. Do you exercise after work?
Steven: Yes, I go for a run at 6:00 PM. It helps me unwind. What do you do after work?
Ann: I usually go to the gym at 7:00 PM. Then I have dinner at 8:00 PM.

1. Ann and Steve wake up early every morning.

2. Ann has breakfast at 8:00 AM.
3. Steve starts work at 9:00 AM.
4. Ann finishes work at 7:00 PM.
5. Steve goes for a run at 7:00 PM.
6. Ann has dinner at 8:00 PM.
On Sundays, I like to sleep in a little, so I usually wake up around 9:00 AM. After getting
up, I make myself a nice breakfast around 10:00 AM. I often have pancakes or eggs on
Sundays, something more special than my weekday breakfasts. Then, I spend some time
relaxing and reading a book or watching TV until noon. Around 1:00 PM, I have lunch,
which is usually something light like a sandwich or salad. In the afternoon, I might go for a
walk in the park if the weather is nice. I return home around 4:00 PM and then spend the
rest of the day just unwinding and preparing for the upcoming week. Finally, I go to bed a
bit earlier than usual, around 10:00 PM, to make sure I'm well-rested for Monday.

1. The person wakes up at 7:00 AM on Sundays.

2. The person has a special breakfast on Sundays.
3. The person spends their Sunday mornings watching television.
4. The person has lunch at 2:00 PM.
5. The person goes for a walk in the evening.
6. The person goes to bed at midnight on Sundays.

John: "Hi, I'm John. Nice to meet you!"

Sarah: "Hello, John! I'm Sarah Smiths. Pleasure to meet you too!"
John: "Can you spell your last name for me, Sarah?"
Sarah: "Of course! It's S-M-I-T-H-S. What is your last name?"
John: "Mine is Doe (D-O-E). Could we exchange emails and phone numbers?"
Sarah: "Sure! My email is"
John: "Great! Mine is And my phone number is 60516454."
Sarah: "Got it! My number is 74501293. Thanks, John!"
John: "No problem, Sarah! Let's stay in touch!"

Family: A group of people related by blood, marriage, or adoption.

Parent: A mother or father.
Child: Someone's son or daughter.
Sibling: A brother or sister.
Relative: Someone related to another person by blood or marriage.
Tall: Above average in height.
Short: Below average in height.
Average height: Neither tall nor short; typical in height.
Thin: Below average in body weight or size.
Average weight: Neither thin nor heavy; typical in body weight.
Heavy: Above average in body weight or size.
Hair: The strands that grow from the scalp.
Eyes: The organs of vision on a person's face.
Personality: A person's characteristic way of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Looks: A person's physical appearance.
Serious: Focused and thoughtful; not playful.
Funny: Humorous; making others laugh.
Young: Not old; at an early stage of life.
Old: Having lived for many years; advanced in age.
Classmate: A fellow student in the same class.

Week: A period of seven days.

Weekend: The end of the week, typically Saturday and Sunday.
Brother: A male sibling.
Sister: A female sibling.
Father: A male parent.
Mother: A female parent.
Friend: A person with whom one has a close relationship.
Like: To enjoy or be fond of something.
Love: To have deep affection for someone or something.
Prefer: To favor one thing over another.
Favorite: Preferred over others; most liked.
Work: A job or tasks performed for employment.
Study: To learn about a subject through reading, practicing, or research.
Introduce: To present someone to another person.
Meet: To know someone for the very first time.
Phone: A device for making calls and sending messages.
Email address: A unique identifier for sending and receiving electronic messages.
First name: The given name or the name used to identify a person.
Middle name: A name that comes between the first name and the last name.
Last name: The family or surname of a person.
Spell: To say or write a word using its individual letters.
Greeting: A polite word or expression used to acknowledge someone's presence.
Monday: The first day of the workweek.
Tuesday: The second day of the workweek.
Wednesday: The middle day of the workweek.
Thursday: The fourth day of the workweek.
Friday: The last day of the workweek.
Saturday: The first day of the weekend.
Sunday: The last day of the week and often a rest day.
January: The first month of the year.
February: The second month of the year.
March: The third month of the year.
April: The fourth month of the year.
May: The fifth month of the year.
June: The sixth month of the year.
July: The seventh month of the year.
August: The eighth month of the year.
September: The ninth month of the year.
October: The tenth month of the year.
November: The eleventh month of the year.
December: The twelfth month of the year.
1. How do I turn on the tablet?Press and hold the power button.
2. How do I unlock the tablet?Swipe your finger across the screen until you see the lock
3. Where can I find the apps?They are on the home screen.
4. How do I open an app?Just tap the app icon.
5. How do I adjust the volume?Press the buttons on the side up or down.
6. How do I take a screenshot?Press the power and volume down buttons together.
7. How do I install a new app?Go to the store and find the app you want. Some are free
some are not.
8. How do I check my email?Open the Gmail app.
9. How do I change the brightness?Go to settings and adjust the display settings.
10. How do I charge the tablet?Plug in the charger to the charging port.

iOS and Android are the two dominant mobile operating systems, each with its own
strengths and weaknesses. iOS, developed by Apple, offers seamless integration with
Apple hardware, providing a consistent user experience. It features a simple and intuitive
user interface, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Regular updates ensure
security and new features for iOS devices.
In contrast, Android, developed by Google, provides a wider variety of device choices and
price points. The open-source platform allows for customization by manufacturers, leading
to innovation and diversity in the market. Android offers users greater flexibility and
personalization options.
However, Android's customization can lead to fragmentation, with different devices running
different versions of the operating system, potentially causing inconsistencies. Meanwhile,
iOS users benefit from a more standardized experience across devices.
Ultimately, the choice between iOS and Android depends on personal preference and
priorities. Those who value seamless integration and regular updates may prefer iOS,
while those who prioritize device variety and customization might lean towards Android.

1. iOS offers seamless integration with Apple hardware.

2. Android provides a limited range of device choices.
3. iOS features a complex and challenging user interface.
4. Android's open-source platform allows for customization.
5. iOS users benefit from a more standardized experience across devices.
6. Android's customization can lead to inconsistencies in the operating system.

Processor: The main chip that handles data and operations.

Charger: A device used to recharge a battery.
Storage: The space where data is saved.
Interface: The way a user interacts with a device.
Operating system: The software that runs the device.
Sync: To synchronize data between devices.
Keyboard: An input device with keys for typing.
Console: A device for playing video games.
Controller: A handheld device used to play games on a console.
Resolution: The quality and sharpness of a screen.
Lag: A delay in the response or performance of a device.
Unlock: To remove the security lock from a device.
Swipe: To slide your finger across a screen.
Tap: To touch a screen lightly to select an option.
Scroll: To move up or down on a screen.
Upload: To send data from a device to the internet.
Type: To enter text using a keyboard or screen.
Save: To store data in a file or folder.
Delete: To remove data or files.
Install: To set up software on a device.
Uninstall: To remove software from a device.
Reboot: To restart a device.
Reset: To restore a device to its default settings.
Back up: To create a copy of data for safekeeping.
Chop: To cut food into small pieces with a knife.
Slice: To cut food into thin, flat pieces.
Boil: To cook food in water at a high temperature.
Fry: To cook food in hot oil.
Bake: To cook food in an oven using dry heat.
- Grill: To cook food on a grill with direct heat.
- Roast: To cook food in an oven using dry heat, often with oil.
- Steam: To cook food with steam from boiling water.
- Whisk: To mix ingredients quickly to incorporate air.
- Marinate: To soak food in a seasoned liquid before cooking.
- Upgrade: To improve or change to a better room or seat.
- Reservation: An arrangement to secure a room or flight in advance.
- Booking: The act of reserving a room or flight.
- Availability: The presence of open rooms or seats for booking.
- Amenities: Additional features or services offered with a booking.
- Itinerary: A detailed plan for a trip, including flights and hotels.
The cost of a room or flight.
The price of a ticket for a flight.
A flight that goes in one direction only.
A flight that goes to a destination and returns.
A stop between flights on a journey.
A flight that goes straight to a destination without stops.
A booking that cannot be canceled for a refund.
1. How do you feel about inclusive language?I believe it's unnecessary, feels forced and
can make sentences sound awkward.
2. What about inclusive language do you find most problematic?The most troublesome
aspect is the fact that it detracts from clarity and simplicity.
3. How do you feel about the argument that inclusive language promotes equality?It
doesn't promote equality; it just promotes self-perception.
4. What are your thoughts on gender-neutral pronouns?They don’t make any sense.
5. Don’t you agree that inclusive language helps create a more inclusive society?No. It just
helps promote a woke agenda.
6. How do you feel about using inclusive language in academic settings?I think it should
be avoided to maintain clarity.
7. What do you think about the argument that language evolves over time?Using inclusive
language is not evolution, it’s devolution.
8. How do you respond to people who support inclusive language?I respect their opinion
but don't share their views.
9. What about those who believe inclusive language is a form of respect?I believe respect
mustn’t contradict syntax, semantics or basic biology for that matter.
10. Do you think inclusive language should be a personal choice?Yes, I think individuals
should decide for themselves whether to use it or not.

I believe it's important to create a supportive and open environment where people feel
comfortable expressing their own points of view. One way to do this is by actively listening
to others when they share their opinions. By showing genuine interest and asking follow-
up questions, we can encourage them to speak freely.
Another method is to provide opportunities for dialogue and discussion, whether in group
settings or one-on-one conversations. This can help people feel that their perspectives are
valued and respected. Additionally, fostering a culture of respect and tolerance can
empower individuals to voice their thoughts without fear of judgment.
It's also helpful to offer constructive feedback when appropriate, rather than dismissing or
invalidating someone else's opinions. By acknowledging the validity of different viewpoints,
we can create a more inclusive space for sharing ideas.
Lastly, leading by example can inspire others to express their own views. When we openly
share our perspectives, it can encourage others to do the same. By promoting open
communication and mutual respect, we can help others feel confident in expressing their

1. Listening actively to others can encourage them to express their points of view.
2. Providing opportunities for dialogue can discourage people from sharing their opinions.
3. Fostering a culture of respect and tolerance can empower individuals to voice their
4. Offering dismissive feedback helps create a more inclusive space for sharing ideas.
5. Leading by example can inspire others to express their own views.
6. Open communication and mutual respect can discourage people from sharing their

1. Do you agree with the view that climate change is an urgent issue?Yes, I agree it's
important to take action right now.
2. What do you think about people who are skeptical of renewable energy?I disagree; I
think it's essential for a sustainable future.
3. How do you feel about people who are disillusioned with the voting process?I totally
understand them. I believe it is a crucial part of democracy, though.
4. How do you react to opinions against electric vehicles?I disagree; I think they reduce
pollution and offer many other benefits.
5. What do you think about people's concerns over technology and privacy?I agree it's
important to be cautious about data protection.
6. What was your stance on COVID mandatory vaccination?Totally against that. It didn’t
prevent neither infection nor transmission of the virus.
7. How do you feel about people's preference for traditional work environments?I
understand their perspective, but I prefer flexibility.
8. What do you think about opinions on diplomatic engagement?I agree diplomacy is
essential for international relations.
9. Do you agree with concerns about the cost of space exploration?Absolutely; I think the
costs outweigh the benefits.
10. How do you feel about universal healthcare systems?I agree because they provide
essential services for all.
Many people hold diverse opinions on various everyday topics. For instance, when
discussing climate change, some believe it's an urgent issue requiring immediate action,
while others are more skeptical of the impact of human activities. This divide can influence
personal choices and policy decisions.
Opinions on renewable energy sources also vary. Some advocate for a swift transition
from fossil fuels, while others are concerned about the reliability and cost of alternatives.
Similarly, the use of electric vehicles is seen positively by some for environmental reasons,
but others remain hesitant due to perceived limitations.
In the context of work culture, some prefer the structure of traditional office settings, while
others appreciate more flexible arrangements. Views on voting and civic engagement differ
as well, with some believing in the importance of every vote and others feeling
disillusioned by the political system.
Finally, the topic of cultural diversity elicits mixed reactions. Many see it as a source of
enrichment and innovation, while others view it as a challenge to social cohesion. These
differing perspectives highlight the need for open dialogue and mutual understanding to
navigate complex everyday topics.

1. There is a consensus on the human impact on climate change.

2. Opinions on renewable energy sources are consistent across the board.
3. Some people prefer the structure of traditional office settings.
4. Most people agree on the importance of voting and civic engagement.
5. The use of electric vehicles is embraced by all for environmental reasons.
6. Opinions on cultural diversity are uniform and consistent.

1. There is a consensus on the human impact on climate change.


2. Opinions on renewable energy sources are consistent across the board.


3. Some people prefer the structure of traditional office settings.

4. Most people agree on the importance of voting and civic engagement.

5. The use of electric vehicles is embraced by all for environmental reasons.


6. Opinions on cultural diversity are uniform and consistent.


1. How do you feel about working remotely?I think it's convenient but can lead to isolation.
2. How do you view technology in education?I think it can enhance learning, but we
shouldn't over-rely on it.
3. What is your take on diet and nutrition?I prefer a balanced approach over extreme diets.
4. What is your opinion on social media?It offers benefits but can also negatively impact
mental health and become addictive.
5. How do you see the role of exercise in daily life?I think regular physical activity is crucial
for overall health.
6. How do you view fast fashion?I'm against it; I prefer sustainable choices.
7. What is your stance on the use of plastic?I support reducing its use and finding
8. How do you feel about the role of government in everyday life?I think there should be a
balance between regulation and personal freedom.
9. How do you feel about the importance of family time?I believe it's essential for
maintaining strong relationships.
10. What is your take on parenthood?I love children but I just don't see myself raising my
own kids. I have other priorities.
In my opinion, there are several everyday topics that deserve thoughtful consideration and
discussion. For instance, when it comes to working remotely, I believe it offers flexibility
and convenience, but it can also lead to feelings of isolation and disconnection from
colleagues. Striking a balance is essential for productivity and well-being.
Another topic that often comes up is the debate around public transportation. I support the
use of public transit as a way to reduce traffic and carbon emissions, but I think more
investment is needed to improve its reliability and accessibility.
As for technology in education, I'm in favor of incorporating modern tools to enhance
learning experiences. However, I think it's crucial to ensure students still learn critical
thinking and problem-solving skills without over-reliance on technology.
When discussing diet and nutrition, I advocate for a balanced approach rather than
following extreme diets. I believe individuals should find what works best for their own
bodies and lifestyles.
In terms of mental health awareness, I think society has made progress in destigmatizing
mental health issues, but there's still work to be done. I support open conversations and
access to resources for those in need.
Finally, the impact of social media on our lives is undeniable. While it offers connectivity
and opportunities, I think we should be mindful of the potential negative effects on mental
health and self-esteem.

1. The author believes remote work leads to a strong connection with colleagues.
2. The author supports using public transportation but believes improvements are needed.
3. The author thinks technology in education should replace traditional teaching methods.
4. The author advocates for a balanced approach to diet and nutrition.
5. The author believes society has fully destigmatized mental health issues.
6. The author thinks social media has only positive impacts on our lives.

1. How do you feel about sex education in schools?I think it's important and necessary.
2. What topics should be covered in sex education?It should include consent,
contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases.
3. Should sex education start at a young age?Yes, age-appropriate education can be
4. Do you think parents should be involved in sex education?Yes, that can enhance the
learning experience.
5. How should sex education be taught?I believe that the approach should be objective
and based on facts.
6. Should boys and girls take different sex classes? I don't think so. I think that
togetherness is really important here.
7. What role do teachers play in sex education?They should provide accurate information
and guidance.
8. Should sex education be mandatory in all schools?Yes, it should be part of the standard
9. Do you think sex education helps prevent unintended pregnancies?Yes, it provides
students with knowledge to make informed choices.
10. What about parents who don't want their kids to take sex education in school? We
should respect their decision.

In my opinion, it's important to take other people's opinions into account, but it's equally
important to critically evaluate their statements. I've noticed that some people are quick to
jump on bandwagons without fully understanding the context or implications of a topic. For
instance, I believe the rise of social media has amplified this tendency, leading to a spread
of misinformation and echo chambers. I think it's essential to approach opinions with a
healthy level of skepticism and fact-checking.
I also feel that personal biases often color people's perspectives, which can limit their
ability to see other viewpoints. This can create unnecessary divisions and conflicts. It's
crucial to remain open-minded and willing to consider different angles on an issue.
On the other hand, I appreciate when people express their opinions respectfully and
constructively. It's refreshing to see individuals who can articulate their thoughts clearly
and back them up with evidence. This kind of discourse fosters understanding and
In conclusion, while I respect others' opinions, I believe it's essential to critically analyze
them and be aware of the potential for bias or misinformation. By doing so, we can engage
in meaningful discussions and make more informed decisions.

1. The author believes that it's important to evaluate other people's opinions critically.
2. The author thinks the rise of social media has not affected the spread of misinformation.
3. The author believes personal biases can limit people's ability to see other viewpoints.
4. The author appreciates opinions that are respectful and backed up with evidence.
5. The author feels it's unnecessary to consider different angles on an issue.

6. The author respects others' opinions but emphasizes the need to fact-check them.

1. What did the boss say about the new project?He said we were going to team up to work
on it.
2. How did the boss describe the project's timeline?He mentioned it was a tight schedule
but manageable.
3. Did the boss express confidence in our abilities?Yes, he said he believed we could
handle the project well.
4. What did the boss tell you about the salary raise we asked for?He told me he would
consider that right after the project.
5. How did the boss want us to communicate during the project?He suggested regular
updates and virtual meetings.
6. What did the boss say about the project's budget?He stated it was reasonable and we
needed to stick to it.
7. What did the boss mention about the project's goals?He told me they were clear and
8. Did the boss say anything about our performance on previous projects?He said he
appreciated our work on past projects.
9. What did the boss say about client expectations?He said they were high, but he trusted
we could meet them.
10. What did the boss say about the project's success?He told me it was vital for the
company's financial growth.
Jude: Mom, Matt wants to get a divorce.
Jude’s Mom: What? Why? What happened?
Jude: He told me that our relationship hadn't been working for quite some time.
Jude’s Mom: But you've had your ups and downs. Why is it so serious now?
Jude: He said that we had grown apart and no longer had the same goals.
Jude’s Mom: I can't believe this. What about the kids?
Jude: He explained that it was better for the kids to have two happy parents separately.
Jude’s Mom: But can't you work things out?
Jude: Matt said he had already tried to work on the relationship, but nothing had changed.
Jude’s Mom: Is there someone else involved?
Jude: He assured me there was no one else; it was about us not being happy together.
Jude’s Mom: I'm in shock.
Jude: He said he’d made up his mind and believed it was the best decision for both of us.
Jude’s Mom: What is he going to do now?
Jude: He said he would move out and start a new chapter in his life.
Jude’s Mom: This is a lot to take in, my dear. I need time to process this.

1. Matt told Jude that their relationship was over.

2. Matt said it would be better for the kids if they divorced.
3. Jude has the impression that they can fix this.
4. Matt told Jude he wasn’t seeing anybody else.
5. Matt told Jude to move out and start a new chapter in her life.
6. Jude’s mom took the news pretty well.

1. What did fans say about Adele's new album?They praised it for its emotional depth and
powerful vocals.
2. How did fans describe Adele's new look?They said she looks confident and stylish.
3. What did fans think about Adele's weight loss?They mentioned she looks thinner and
4. How did fans react to the album's lyrics?They found them relatable and moving.
5. What did fans say about Adele's new style of music?They thought it was a fresh and
exciting change.
6. How did fans describe Adele's performance in the new album?They praised her for her
vocal strength and emotional delivery.
7. How did fans feel about Adele's personal growth?They admired her journey and
8. What did fans say about Adele's fashion choices?They noted that the new clothes suited
her well.
9. What did fans say about Adele's impact on the music industry?They said she's a major
influence and a powerful voice.
10. What did fans think about Adele's comeback?They were excited and happy to see her

1. How did Bukele describe his approach to dealing with maras?He said his administration
was using a firm strategy to tackle them.
2. What did Bukele say about being reelected?He said that it was God's and the people of
El Salvador's decision.
3. How did Bukele describe the conditions for inmates in prisons?He answered by saying
that the conditions were appropriate for criminals.
4. How did Bukele explain the handling of maras leaders?He reported that they were being
isolated from their networks.
5. What did Bukele say about his government's commitment to justice?He emphasized his
commitment to providing justice for victims of crime.
6. What did Bukele mention about the rights of inmates? He said that the rights of law-
abiding citizens were more important.
7. What did Bukele report about his plans for community safety?He talked about local
initiatives to improve it.
8. What did Bukele say about negative comments from international organizations?He said
that he didn't care and that his duty was with the citizens of El Salvador.
9. How did Bukele describe his approach to the rehabilitation of inmates?He said that
some of them could be reinserted into society and some of them should only be removed
from it.
10. What did Bukele say about his crime policies?He stated that they were working and
improving public safety.

1. What did fans say about the outcome of the match?

Fans had mixed reactions, with Real Madrid fans celebrating and Barcelona fans

2. How did experts describe the intensity of the match?They described it as a thrilling and
competitive game.

3. What was the general opinion on the referee's performance?Both fans and experts were
critical of his decisions.

4. What did fans say about the controversial penalty awarded to Real Madrid?Many fans
felt it was a questionable decision.

6. What did experts think about the level of play in the match?They praised the level of skill
and intensity from both teams.

11. How did fans describe the atmosphere in the stadium?They described it as electric and
full of energy.

13. How did fans and experts view the close final score?
They found the close score added to the intensity and suspense.

14. What did fans say about the sportsmanship during the match?They appreciated the
respect shown between the players.

15. How did experts view the future implications of the match for both teams?They believe
both teams will need to address issues in preparation for future encounters.
The last classico in Spain between Real Madrid and Barcelona concluded with Real
Madrid winning 3-2 in a tightly contested match. Real Madrid fans celebrated their team's
victory, attributing it to their resilience and strong performance on the field.

However, the game was marred by controversy over the referee's decisions, which many
felt favored Real Madrid. Barcelona supporters expressed frustration and disappointment
over several calls that appeared to impact the outcome of the game. One of the most
contentious moments involved a supposed goal that was not given to Barcelona, despite
video footage suggesting that the ball may have completely crossed the goal line.

Barcelona fans and media commentators criticized the referee for not awarding the goal,
arguing that it could have changed the course of the match. The incident fueled
accusations of bias and inconsistency in the referee's performance, which some felt had a
decisive influence on the final score.

The controversy surrounding the referee's decisions extended to other calls throughout the
match, with some fouls committed by Real Madrid players going unpunished. Barcelona
supporters were particularly vocal in their criticism, stating that the referee's performance
marred an otherwise intense and competitive game.

Overall, the classico highlighted the enduring rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona
and the passionate reactions of their fan bases. The incident involving the disallowed goal
and the perceived bias in the referee's decisions will likely be a topic of discussion and
debate for some time to come.

Ryan: Hey, Dawson, have you read the reviews for the new Disney movie?
Dawson: Yeah, I saw them. It sounds like the critics didn't hold back at all.
Ryan: One critic said the movie was trying too hard to check all the boxes for inclusivity.
Dawson: That's exactly what I thought too. The movie was more focused on being
politically correct than telling a good story. Woke agenda at its best.
Ryan: Another critic mentioned the lack of depth in the characters. They said it felt like the
characters were just there to push the narrative.
Dawson: I can see that. It seemed like they were sacrificing character development to
make a point. In addition to that, almost all characters were black, transgender or non-
binary. I mean, I’m all for inclusivity but this seems just plain stupid to me.
Ryan: Right, and the same critic said the movie missed the magic and wonder that Disney
is known for.
Dawson: That's a big deal. Disney movies are supposed to be all about that.
Ryan: The other critic talked about how the dialogue was unnatural and heavy-handed.
Dawson: That definitely stood out to me. It felt forced, and it took me out of the story.
Ryan: They also criticized the visuals a little for being overly stylized.
Dawson: I didn't mind the visuals, but if they don't match the story, that's a problem.
Ryan: They should focus on telling a good story first and foremost.
Dawson: Exactly. Hopefully, they take the feedback to heart.

1. Both Ryan and Dawson found the critics' reviews to be harsh.

2. One critic said the movie focused on storytelling over inclusivity.
3. Critics praised the movie for its character development.
4. Dawson felt that neither the dialogue nor the characters were forced.
5. Critics mentioned the visuals were plain and boring.
6. Both critics agreed the movie was a disappointment.

Encourage: To give support or confidence to someone.

Inspire: To motivate someone to feel or act in a particular way.
Urge: To strongly advise or recommend something.
Prompt: To cause or provoke someone to take action.
Stimulate: To excite or invigorate someone to take action or think creatively.
Empower: To give someone the authority or confidence to act independently.
Motivate: To provide a reason or incentive for someone to act.
Engage: To involve someone actively in a task or conversation.
Foster: To promote the development or growth of something.
Ignite: To spark interest or enthusiasm in someone.
Supportive: Providing help or encouragement to someone.
Enthusiastic: Showing intense and eager enjoyment or interest.
Inviting: Welcoming and appealing; making someone want to participate.
Inclusive: Open to and including all people, regardless of differences.
Delighted: Feeling great pleasure or joy.
Pleased: Satisfied or happy about something.
Satisfactory: Meeting expectations or standards; adequate.
Attention: Focused notice or interest in something.
Welcoming: Friendly and inviting to others.
Uplifting: Inspiring or encouraging positive feelings or thoughts.

Respecting level B1 of the European Frame of Reference for Languages, create a

glossary of 20 single words that refer to functions of smartphones and tablets. Don’t
number the words. Give short, basic definitions.

- Screen: The display part of a device where content is shown.

- Touchscreen: A screen that allows interaction through touch.
- Battery: The power source that provides energy to the device.
- Camera: A built-in tool for taking photos and videos.
- Speaker: A device that produces sound.
- Microphone: A device that picks up sound and voice input.
- Charger: A device used to replenish the battery's power.
- Headphone jack: A port for connecting headphones or audio devices.
- USB port: A port for connecting peripherals or charging the device.
- Home button: A button used to return to the home screen or main menu.
- Volume buttons: Buttons used to adjust the volume of sound.
- Processor: The component that manages data and operations in the device.
- Storage: The space available for saving data and files.
- App: Software designed for specific tasks on the device.
- Browser: A program used to access the internet.
- Texting: Sending and receiving written messages.
- Streaming: Viewing videos or listening to music online.
- Gaming: Playing video games on the device.

Concur: To agree or have the same opinion as someone else.

Acknowledge: To recognize the existence or validity of something.
Appreciate: To recognize the value or importance of something.
Respect: To show regard or consideration for someone's feelings or opinions.
Refute: To prove a statement or argument to be false.
Consider: To think carefully about something before making a decision.
Evaluate: To assess or judge the value or quality of something.
Reflect: To think deeply about something, often in a thoughtful way.
Respond: To reply or react to a statement or question.
Interject: To interrupt a conversation with a comment or remark.
Opinion: A belief or judgment formed based on personal views.
Perspective: A particular way of looking at or understanding something.
Viewpoint: An opinion or perspective on a specific issue.
Standpoint: A particular position or perspective on an issue.
Belief: An acceptance that something is true, often without absolute proof.
Concept: An idea or general notion about something.
Discuss: To talk about a topic with others, often to reach a decision.
Generate: To produce or create something, such as ideas or arguments.
Interpretation: An explanation or way of understanding something.
Assertion: A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.

Concur, Acknowledge, Appreciate, Respect, Refute, Consider, Evaluate, Reflect, Respond,

Interject, Opinion, Perspective, Viewpoint, Standpoint, Belief, Concept, Discuss, Generate,
Interpretation, Assertion
Deceive: To mislead or trick someone into believing something untrue.
Solid: Well-founded and reliable in reasoning or argument.
Point: A specific argument or reason supporting an idea.
Conclude: To reach a decision or judgment after considering evidence.
Fallacy: A mistaken belief or error in reasoning.
Suppose: To think or believe something without certain evidence.
Assume: To take something as true without proof.
Support: To agree with and advocate for a particular position.
Oppose: To disagree with or resist a particular position.
Valid: Based on solid reasoning or evidence; well-founded.
Useful: Serving a practical purpose; helpful.
Inaccurate: Not correct; containing mistakes or errors.
Unfair: Not just or equitable; biased or partial.
Irrational: Lacking reason or logic in thoughts or actions.
Preposterous: Utterly ridiculous; absurd.
Logical: Consistent with reasoning and good sense.
Reasonable: Showing sound judgment; sensible and fair.
Convincing: Persuasive; able to make others believe or agree.
Persuasive: Capable of convincing someone to agree with an argument or idea.
Meaningful: Having significance or purpose.
Sarcastic: Using irony or mockery to convey contempt.
Ironic: Contradictory or unexpected in a humorous or striking way.
Liberal: Open to new ideas and willing to consider change.
Conservative: Preferring traditional values and resistant to change.
Open-minded: Willing to consider different ideas and perspectives.

Point out: To direct attention to something specific.

Notify: To inform someone about something.
Repeat: To say or do something again.
Advise: To recommend or suggest a course of action.
Say: To express something in words.
Tell: To communicate information to someone.
Report: To give an account or description of something.
Demand: To insistently request something from someone.
Others: Referring to other people apart from oneself.
Noteworthy: Worthy of attention or notice; significant.
Insightful: Showing a deep understanding of something.
Thoughtful: Showing consideration for others or careful thought.
Amazingly: In a surprising or impressive manner.
Well: In a good, satisfactory, or successful way.
Valuable: Having great worth or usefulness.
None: Not any; not one.
Assure: To tell someone something confidently to remove doubt.
Let know: To inform or give information to someone.
Secret: Information kept hidden from others.
Message: A piece of information communicated from one person to another.

To express or say something clearly and directly.

To mention or observe something in particular.
To say or write a comment about something.
To include something additional in a conversation or statement.
ContributeTo give or provide something, such as information or ideas.
Individual: A single person, considered separately from others.
Someone: A person who is not specifically named or known.
Anyone: Any person; no matter who.
Everybody: All the people; everyone.
- Significant: Important or meaningful in a particular context.
- Valuable: Having worth, importance, or usefulness.
- Controversial: Likely to provoke disagreement or debate.
- Surprising: Causing unexpected amazement or shock.
Informative: Providing useful or interesting information.
Entertaining: Providing enjoyment or amusement.
Obviously: Clearly apparent or easy to see.
Thankfully: With gratitude or relief.
According to: As stated by someone or something; in agreement with.
Personally: In a way that relates to oneself or one's own opinion.

1. Therapist: What types of conflicts are you experiencing, John?John: I'm dealing with
arguments, misunderstandings, and more.
2. Therapist: Who are you having conflicts with?John: Mostly with my wife and some with
3. Therapist: What specific issues are causing these conflicts?John: My wife cheating on
me, as well as disrespect and laziness.
4. Therapist: How do these conflicts make you feel?John: Angry, anxious, resentful, and
5. Therapist: How do you typically react during conflicts?John: I get defensive and
sometimes raise my voice and become agressive.
6. Therapist: What do you think is causing misunderstandings?John: Maybe a lack of clear
communication and assumptions.
7. Therapist: Do you find it difficult to communicate during conflicts?John: Yes, it becomes
very challenging.
8. Therapist: What do you hope to achieve from therapy?John: I want to find ways to
resolve conflicts and improve relationships.
9. Therapist: How is procrastination affecting your life?John: It's causing delays and adding
to my stress.
10. Therapist: How can I best support you in this process?John: Help me improve my
communication and coping skills.

Mother: Son, we need to talk. You've been playing video games way too much lately.
Son: What about it, Mom? I'm just relaxing.
Mother: It's more than just relaxing. You're spending way more time gaming than studying,
and your grades are dropping.
Son: I'm keeping up with my classes. Gaming helps me de-stress.
Mother: Your grades don't reflect that. You're not focusing enough on your homework.
Son: I do my homework, Mom. I just need some time to relax afterward.
Mother: You need to cut back on gaming. Limit it to an hour a day.
Son: What? You’re joking, right?
Mother: Do I look like I’m joking?
Son: But Mom, that’s too drastic.
Mother: Well, you need a schedule. From now on, game only after you finish your
homework and study at least an hour a day
Son: Alright, I can do that. But trust me, I'm taking care of my schoolwork.
Mother: this is me showing that I trust you. However, if your grades don't improve, I'm
taking your PlayStation 5 and tablet.
Son: Ok, Ok, I'll study and finish my homework first.
Mother: That sounds better. We're going to try this for a couple of weeks and see how it
Son: Deal, Mom.
1. The mother is upset about her son's gaming habits.
2. The son thinks he isn’t doing well at school.
3. The mother wants to limit his gaming time.
4. The son wants to limit his gaming time.
5. The son thinks an hour of gaming per day is not enough.
6. The son promises to change his studying habits.

Conflict: A disagreement or clash between individuals or groups.

Argue: To express differing opinions, often in a heated or emotional manner.
Misinterpret: To understand something incorrectly.
Misunderstand: To fail to grasp the true meaning of something.
Anger: A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility.
Resentment: Bitterness or indignation due to perceived unfair treatment.
Jealousy: A feeling of envy towards someone else's success or possessions.
Back talk: Speaking disrespectfully or defiantly to someone in authority.
Dishonesty: Lack of truthfulness or integrity.
Lie: A false statement made with the intention to deceive.
Nag: To repeatedly urge or scold someone, often causing irritation.
Messy: Disorganized or untidy, causing frustration or inconvenience.
Procrastinate: To delay or postpone tasks unnecessarily.
Disinterest: Lack of interest or enthusiasm in something.
Irreconcilable: Unable to be resolved or harmonized.
Cheating: Dishonest behavior in a relationship or competition.
Discomfort: A feeling of unease or physical distress.
Lazy: Unwilling to work or be active; idle.
Intolerance: Unwillingness to accept differing opinions or beliefs.
Disrespect: Lack of regard or consideration for someone or something.

1. How does media keep people informed?Media provides news and information on
current events.
2. What positive effect can media have on education?Media offers educational content for
learning and growth.
3. How can media raise awareness?It highlights important issues like climate change and
human rights.
4. What negative impact can misinformation have?It can lead to confusion and the spread
of false beliefs.
5. How can media contribute to stereotypes?Media can perpetuate harmful portrayals of
certain groups.
6. What is the effect of sensationalism in media?It emphasizes dramatic or disturbing
stories for attention.
7. What is a negative consequence of information overload?It makes it difficult to discern
reliable sources from unreliable ones.
8. How can media affect mental health?Constant exposure to curated online content can
lead to feelings of inadequacy.
9. What positive impact can media have on culture?Media can promote cultural exchange
and understanding.
10. How can media influence consumer behavior?Media advertising can shape purchasing
decisions and trends.

The negative influence of media on today's society is a growing concern, as it can

shape public perception in ways that are harmful or misleading. One of the most significant
issues is the spread of misinformation and disinformation, which can lead to confusion and
the spread of false beliefs. This is particularly evident on social media platforms, where
sensationalized or misleading content often goes viral, reaching large audiences quickly.
Another problem is the perpetuation of stereotypes and biases through media portrayals of
certain groups. These representations can reinforce harmful beliefs and contribute to
discrimination and prejudice. Additionally, media sensationalism can distort the importance
of events, leading to an overemphasis on shocking or negative stories while neglecting
more nuanced or positive news.
The constant exposure to media can also contribute to information overload, making it
challenging for individuals to discern credible sources from unreliable ones. This can result
in a lack of critical thinking and increased susceptibility to manipulation. Furthermore, the
pressure to conform to curated online personas can negatively impact mental health,
leading to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety.
1. Some news on social media are fake.
2. Media can reinforce harmful stereotypes and biases.
3. Sensationalism in the media tends to highlight dramatic or disturbing stories.
4. Constant exposure to media promotes critical thinking.
5. Media can contribute to information overload and confusion.
6. Online personas on social media can impact mental health positively.
Social network: An online platform where people connect, share content, and interact with
Influencer: A person with a significant online following who can impact others' opinions or
YouTuber: A person who creates and uploads videos on YouTube.
Cyber bullying: The use of digital technology to harass, threaten, or intimidate others.
Streamer: A person who broadcasts live video content on platforms like Twitch or YouTube.
Content: Any form of media, such as text, images, or videos, shared on a platform.
Post: A piece of content, such as a status update or video, shared on a social network.
Censorship: The suppression or regulation of content deemed offensive or inappropriate.
Subscribe: To follow a channel or user to receive updates on new content.
Profile: A user's personal page on a social network.
Tag: To identify someone in a post or video, linking to their profile.
Various means of communication, including television, radio, newspapers, and the internet.
A tendency to favor one side or perspective over another.
Misinformation: False or inaccurate information spread unintentionally.
Disinformation: False information spread deliberately to mislead.
Propaganda: Information used to influence public opinion, often biased or misleading.
Perception: The way people interpret and understand information.
Representation: The portrayal of people, groups, or events in the media.
Sensationalism: The use of exciting or shocking content to attract attention.
Stereotype: An oversimplified, generalized belief about a group of people.
Agenda: A plan or underlying intention guiding media content.

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with an existing Amazon account. After logging in, fill out the application form with your
personal details, including your name, contact information, and work experience.
Next, upload your resume and any other required documents, such as a cover letter or
portfolio. Double-check all the information to ensure its accuracy before submitting. Once
you have completed the form and uploaded your documents, review the application one
final time.
Finally, click "Submit" to apply for the job. You will receive a confirmation email
acknowledging receipt of your application. Amazon may contact you for further steps in the
hiring process, such as interviews or assessments.

1. You can find available job opportunities on the Amazon Jobs website.
2. You should click on the "Apply" button only after reading the job description.
3. You do not need to create an account to apply for a job.
4. Uploading a resume is optional during the application process.
5. Double-checking the application information before submitting is important.
6. Amazon may contact you for further steps in the hiring process.
1. How do you disinfect the injection site?Wipe the area gently with an alcohol swab.
2. How do you hold the syringe while preparing the injection?You should do it firmly and
3. How do you remove air bubbles from the syringe?Tap the syringe gently and expel air
4. How do you insert the needle into the skin?You have to insert it carefully at a 90-degree
5. How do you withdraw the needle after injecting?Pull it out gently and at the same angle
it was inserted.
6. How do you dispose of the needle?Place it immediately in a sharps container.
7. How do you apply pressure after the injection?Press the site gently with a cotton ball.
8. How do you prevent injury when injecting?Insert the needle delicately and avoid sudden
9. How do you ensure the correct dosage?Double-check the amount in the syringe
10. How do you prevent infections during the procedure?Use sterile equipment and work
in a clean environment.

1. What did you think of the webinar on recycling?I found it informative and eye-opening.
2. How did you like the speaker's presentation? I loved it. It was clear and engaging.
3. Were there any topics the webinar missed?Just one. It didn’t cover anything related to
recycling electronics.
4. Did you find the webinar interactive?Yes, participants had an active role.
5. How would you rate the overall quality of the webinar?Nine out of ten. It was well
6. Did you take notes during the webinar?Not really, I have very good memory.
7. How did you feel about the resources provided during the webinar?They were helpful
and informative.
8. Would you attend another webinar on recycling?No, I’d like to explore other topics.
9. Where did you find out about this webinar?I saw a post on the university web page.
10. What video conference platform did they use?Zoom.

The recent culture festival in Alajuela was a vibrant celebration of the region's rich heritage
and traditions. The festival showcased various aspects of Costa Rican culture, including
music, dance, art, and cuisine. Local musicians and dancers performed traditional and
contemporary pieces, captivating the audience with their talent and energy. The art
exhibits featured works from local artists, displaying a range of styles and techniques that
highlighted the region's creativity.
One of the festival's highlights was the diverse array of food stalls, offering traditional
Costa Rican dishes such as gallo pinto and tamales. Visitors enjoyed sampling the
delicious flavors and learning about the culinary traditions of the area. The festival also
included workshops allowing attendees to engage with local chefs and learn new “hands-
on-the-food” skills.
Despite the festival's many positives, some attendees noted overcrowding in certain areas,
making it difficult to fully enjoy the performances and exhibits. Additionally, transportation
and parking were challenges for those coming from outside the city. Overall, the festival
was a lively and enriching experience, celebrating Alajuela's cultural identity and providing
a platform for local artists and performers.

1. Elements of several Central American countries were included in the festival.

2. Attendees to the festival enjoyed music and dances.
3. The artists who presented their work were from Alajuela.
4. Attendees could interact with the chefs and cook with them.
5. The organizers managed everything perfectly.
6. Visitors had a hard time finding a parking space.

1. How expensive were the tickets for Iron Maiden's last concert in Tampa? From $200 to
2. How did you get there? We drove 4 hours from South Beach to Tampa.
3. How was the sound quality during the concert? It was flawless. The instruments and
voices were loud and clear.
4. How did Bruce Dickinson's voice sound? It was strong and impressive. This guy gets
better as he gets older.
5. How long was the concert?It lasted around two hours.
6. What was the stage set like?It was amazing: artwork, lights, fire and theatrical
7. What songs were played?Classic hits and fan favorites such as “The Trooper” and “Fear
of the Dark”.
8. How did the audience react?Fans were highly engaged and enthusiastic.
9. How did the fans behave? Very well I’d say. Most of them were respectful during the
10. Who did you go to the concert with?My girlfriend Kathya and a friend of hers.

Respecting level B1 of the European Frame of Reference for Languages, create a

glossary of 20 single words and their definitions of the following terms: sure, convinced,
undecided, perspective, differ, actually, in fact, inclined, lean, absolutely, no way, frankly,
honestly, respectfully, personally, contrary, similar, same, ridiculous, make sense. Don’t
number the words. Give short, basic definitions.

A feminist demonstration took place in the heart of the city, where a group of women
gathered to protest against gender inequality and violence against women. While the
demonstration may have started with good intentions, it quickly took a negative turn. The
women blocked the streets, causing significant traffic disruptions and inconvenience to
drivers and local businesses. This aggressive approach undermined the safety of the
public and caused frustration among those affected.
As the protest progressed, some participants resorted to vandalism, defacing public places
with graffiti and damaging property. These destructive acts only served to tarnish the
image of the feminist movement. Furthermore, one of the protestors was accidentally hit
by a light pole that other feminists knocked over. She sustained injuries and required
medical attention, highlighting the potential risks associated with violent protests.
While the women may have been motivated by a desire for change, their actions ultimately
did more harm than good. Such disruptive and destructive behavior not only alienates
potential supporters but also casts a shadow over the feminist cause.

1. The feminist demonstration took place in a rural area.

2. Commuters were not affected by the demonstration.
3. Some demonstrators committed misdemeanors during the protest.
4. Participants behaved politely and respectfully.
5. Somebody got mad, threw a light pole to one of the protesters and hurt her.
6. The actions of the demonstrators benefit the feminist cause.
5. Somebody got mad, threw a light pole and hurt one of the protesters.
1. What is the acting in Breaking Bad like?The performances are widely regarded as
2. Who is the director of Breaking Bad?It was created and directed by Vince Gilligan.
3. What is considered the best episode of Breaking Bad?"Ozymandias" -in the fifth
season- is often considered the cream of the crop.
4. Who is the main villain in Breaking Bad?Gustavo Fring. The character is scary and evil.
5. Who are the main characters in Breaking Bad?Walter White and Jesse Pinkman.
6. Was there a spin-off from Breaking Bad?Yes and it was very successful. It’s called
“Better Call Saul”.
7. What is the plot of Breaking Bad?It follows the story of Walter White, a teacher who
becomes a drug lord after being diagnosed with cancer.
8. Where is Breaking Bad set?In Albuquerque, New Mexico.
9. Did Breaking Bad win any awards?Yes, including multiple Emmys.
10. How many seasons does Breaking Bad have?A total of five, a spin-off series and a

The conference on the impact of tourism in Costa Rica highlighted the significant benefits
and challenges that the industry brings to the country. Tourism has become a major
economic driver, providing jobs and generating income for local communities. The increase
in visitors has led to the growth of the hospitality industry, including hotels, restaurants, and
tour operators. Additionally, tourism has raised awareness about Costa Rica's natural
beauty and cultural heritage, attracting people from around the world to experience its
rainforests, beaches, and diverse wildlife.
However, the conference also addressed the potential negative effects of tourism. The
influx of visitors can strain local infrastructure and natural resources, such as water and
energy supplies. Experts expressed their concern about ecosystems and wildlife habitats,
as tourism can lead to environmental degradation. There is also the risk of cultural dilution
as traditional ways of life may be influenced by external visitors. The conference
emphasized the urgent need for sustainable tourism practices to ensure that Costa Rica
continues to benefit from the industry while preserving its natural and cultural treasures.
1. Tourism has had a positive economic impact on Costa Rica.
2. Tourism has led to the decline of the hospitality industry.
3. Tourism helps people know about some of Costa Rica's positive aspects.
4. The number of visitors can have a negative impact on the country.
5. Tourism can strain local infrastructure and natural resources.
6. Sustainable tourism practices were emphasized at the conference.

Sure: Confident in one's opinion; certain.

Convinced: Firmly persuaded or believing something to be true.
Undecided: Not having made a decision; unsure.
Perspective: A particular point of view or way of considering something.
Differ: To be unlike or distinct in some way; to disagree.
Actually: In reality; in truth; used to emphasize a fact.
In fact: Used to emphasize the truth of a statement or to correct a misunderstanding.
Inclined: Having a tendency or preference for something.
Lean: To tend towards or favor a particular opinion or action.
Absolutely: Completely; without a doubt.
No way: Absolutely not; a strong expression of denial or disbelief.
Frankly: Openly and honestly; without concealment.
Honestly: Sincerely; in a straightforward manner.
Respectfully: Showing respect or consideration; used to express a differing opinion politely.
Personally: In one's own opinion or from one's own point of view.
Contrary: Opposite in nature or meaning; contradictory.
Similar: Having qualities in common; alike.
Same: Identical or very similar; not different.
Ridiculous: Absurd or laughable; deserving mockery.
Make sense: To be logical or reasonable; to be clear and understandable.

A specific day or time when an event occurs.

The place where an event or activity happens.
The group of people who watch, listen to, or read something.
Organizers: People responsible for planning and managing an event.
Attend: To be present at an event or activity.
Title: The name of a book, movie, or other work.
Author: The person who writes a book, article, or other work.
Genre: A category of artistic composition characterized by similarities in form, style, or
subject matter.
Character: A person or being portrayed in a story or narrative.
Setting: The time and place in which a story takes place.
Headline: A title at the top of a newspaper article or other text; a brief statement that
summarizes the main point.
Source: The origin of information; a person or document that provides data or evidence.
Topic: The subject of a discussion, article, or work.
Summary: A brief statement that presents the main points of something.
Breaking news: The report of an important, urgent event that is happening at the current
moment or has just occurred.
The art of performing in a play, movie, or other production.
A critical assessment of a work, performance, or product.
To guide or manage a performance, play, or movie.
A narrative, either true or fictional, that entertains or informs.
The transmission of data, such as video or audio, over the internet for immediate viewing
or listening.

The sequence of events in a story or narrative.

To divide and distribute something; to have or use something jointly with others.
To communicate or make known; to transport or carry from one place to another.
To convey a thought or feeling in words or actions.
Broadcast: To transmit a message, program, or information over the airwaves, especially
through radio or television.
Transmit: To pass information or signals from one place to another; to spread or convey.
Deliver: To bring or provide something; to carry out a promise or duty.
Present: To show, offer, or give something to someone; to introduce.
The most important or central part of something.
Crucial or essential; serving as the most important part.
An abstract idea or general notion.
The central idea or message in a work of art, literature, or music.
An idea or belief about something.
The central idea or point of communication; a piece of information conveyed.
To signify or express a particular meaning or intention.
Primary: Most important or central; of greatest significance.
Secondary: Less important or not primary; supporting the main idea or theme.
Moral: A lesson or principle derived from a story or experience.
Teaching: The act of imparting knowledge or skills; instruction.
Lionel Messi is a professional footballer known for his remarkable skills on the field and his
modest demeanor off the pitch. In terms of looks, Messi is of average height, standing at
around 5 feet 7 inches, with a lean and athletic build. He has dark hair and brown eyes,
and his facial features are considered pleasant and unassuming. Personality-wise, Messi
is often described as humble and reserved, preferring to let his actions speak louder than
words. Despite his immense success and fame, he remains grounded and down-to-earth,
displaying a level of humility rarely seen in top athletes. Messi is known for his dedication
and work ethic, as well as his quiet determination to succeed. He is a team player who
prioritizes the collective effort over individual glory, making him a respected figure both on
and off the field. Most fans and experts consider him the GOAT.

1. Lionel Messi is very tall.

2. Messi has black hair and blue eyes.
3. He is known for his outgoing and extroverted personality.
4. Messi's facial features are often described as attractive.
5. He isn’t considered arrogant by those who know him.
6. Messi's success has not affected his humility and down-to-earth nature.
7. He values teamwork over personal achievements.
8. Messi is known for his lack of dedication to training.
9. He prefers to talk about his achievements rather than demonstrate them through his
10. Many people consider Messi the greatest soccer player of all time.
- Stylish: Fashionable and trendy in appearance; characterized by a sense of flair or
- Trendy: Following the latest fashion or style; fashionable and up-to-date.
Fashionable: Characterized by current trends in clothing, accessories, or appearance.
- Classy: Elegant and stylish; possessing a sense of refinement and sophistication.
- Neat: Tidy and well-groomed in appearance; orderly and clean.
Sociable and extroverted; enjoying the company of others and being comfortable in social
Reserved or timid in social interactions; hesitant or uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations.
Self-assured and self-reliant; having belief in one's abilities and judgment.
- Reserved: Keeping one's thoughts or feelings private; not inclined to share personal
information readily.
Inclined to talk at length; enjoying conversation and readily engaging in verbal
- Introverted: Preferring solitary activities over social ones; gaining energy from time spent
- Extroverted: Outgoing and sociable; gaining energy from interactions with others.
- Loyal: Faithful and devoted; showing allegiance and steadfastness towards friends,
family, or a cause.
- Independent: Self-reliant and self-sufficient; capable of functioning or operating on one's
- Dependable: Reliable and trustworthy; able to be counted on to fulfill obligations or
Ambitious: Driven and determined; having a strong desire to succeed or achieve goals.
- Generous: Giving and willing to share; inclined to provide assistance or support to others.

Growing up, I had a variety of interests and abilities that have shaped my journey into
adolescence. As a child, I excelled in creative endeavors such as drawing and writing,
often spending hours lost in my imagination. However, I struggled with subjects like math
and science, finding them challenging and less engaging. Despite this, I worked hard to
improve my academic performance, seeking extra help when needed. Presently, I have
developed stronger skills in mathematics and science, thanks to the support of dedicated
teachers and my own perseverance. While I still enjoy creative pursuits, I have discovered
a newfound passion for problem-solving and critical thinking, which I apply in both
academic and personal projects. My ability to adapt to new challenges has been crucial in
navigating the transition to high school and exploring different extracurricular activities.

1. The teenager excelled in all subjects during childhood.

2. She was not very good at math and science as a child.

3. The teenager struggled with creative endeavors like drawing and writing.

4. Currently, the teenager's skills in mathematics are better than before.

5. She sought extra help to improve her academic performance in the past.

6. The teenager no longer enjoys creative pursuits.

7. She has developed a newfound passion for problem-solving and critical thinking.
8. The teenager's ability to adapt to new challenges has been irrelevant in her life.
9. Navigating the transition to high school was easy for the teenager.
10. She has explored different extracurricular activities in her adolescence.

. Can you swim?Yes, I am like a fish in the water.

2. Can you sing well?No, not even in the shower!
3. Are you able to speak Spanish?Yes, and also Italian.
4. Can you use a computer well?Yes, I have taken many software classes.
5. Can you cook?Yes, my culinary skills are amazing.
6. Could you draw well as a child?Yes, I but I preferred to play with Legos.
7. Are you able to drive a truck?No, only cars.
8. Can you play any musical instruments?Yes, I can play the guitar.
9. Were you able to finish the test on time?No, I couldn’t finish the last part.
10. Could you dance when you were younger?No, I used to have two left feet.
In the past, I possessed a wide range of abilities that have shaped my journey to where I
am today. I excelled in academics, particularly in mathematics and science, which enabled
me to pursue higher education and eventually obtain a degree in engineering. Additionally,
I cultivated strong communication and leadership skills through various extracurricular
activities and volunteer work. Presently, I continue to leverage these skills in my
professional career, where I thrive in problem-solving and project management roles. My
ability to adapt to new challenges and learn from past experiences has been instrumental
in my personal and professional growth. Furthermore, I actively seek opportunities to
further develop my skills through continuous learning and professional development

1. Rose excelled in humanities subjects during her academic years.

2. She obtained a degree in engineering.
3. Her past abilities in communication and leadership are no longer relevant to her current
4. She struggles with problem-solving and project management in her professional role.
5. She believes that continuous learning is important for personal and professional growth.
6. She does not actively seek opportunities for professional development.
The ability to perform a task or activity effectively, usually as a result of training or
The quality or state of being able to do something; possession of the necessary skill,
knowledge, or means to achieve a desired outcome.
Natural aptitude or ability for a particular activity or skill; inherent proficiency or capability.
The maximum amount or level of something that a person or thing can contain, produce,
or perform.
The inherent or unrealized ability or capacity for growth, development, or success in a
particular area.
Make or become better in skill, quality, or condition.
Grow or progress in skill, knowledge, or ability over time.
Repeat an activity regularly to improve skill or proficiency.
Gain or obtain a new skill, knowledge, or ability.
Understand or comprehend a concept or skill.
Perform or carry out a task or action with precision and effectiveness.
Show or prove one's ability or skill through action or example.
Have or own a particular skill, quality, or characteristic.
Perform exceptionally well in a particular activity or field.
High level of skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

1. What did you do yesterday?I went for a walk in the park.

8. The narrator expresses a lack of excitement about future possibilities.

2. Did you enjoy your vacation last year?Yes, I had a great time exploring new places.

3. What do you usually do on weekends?I usually relax at home or hang out with friends.

4. Do you like watching movies?Yes, I enjoy watching movies, especially comedies.

5. What are you doing right now?I'm working on a project for work.

6. Are you meeting friends for dinner tonight?No, I'm staying in and cooking dinner at

7. What are you currently studying?I'm currently studying for my English exam.

8. Are you listening to music at the moment?Yes, I'm listening to my favorite playlist while I

9. What were you doing this time last year?I was traveling around Europe with my family.

10. Were you sleeping when I called last night?No, I was watching TV before going to bed.

1. What is the role of a teacher?They educate and guide students in various subjects.

2. What are the main responsibilities of a nurse?Theyprovide patient care, administer

medication, and assist doctors.
3. What tasks does a chef typically perform?They prepare and cook meals, create recipes,
and manage kitchen staff.

4. What are the responsibilities of a police officer?They maintain public safety, enforce
laws, and investigate crimes.

5. What does a software developer do?They design, develop, and test computer programs
and applications.

6. What are the main duties of a customer service representative?They assist customers
with inquiries, complaints, and product support.
7. What tasks does a construction worker undertake?They build, repair, and maintain
structures and buildings.
8. What responsibilities does a marketing manager have?They develop marketing
strategies, oversee campaigns, and analyze market trends.
9. What does a graphic designer do?They create visual concepts and designs for various
projects and clients.

10. What tasks are involved in the role of a project manager? They plan, organize, and
oversee projects to ensure they are completed on time and within budget.

1. How do you greet visitors in person?I welcome them with a smile and offer a

2. What do you say when answering the phone to welcome a caller?I say, "Hello, my name
is Mark, how can I help you?"

3. How do you welcome visitors via email?I start with a friendly greeting like "Dear [visitor's
name] or Hello [visitor's name]."

4. Do you offer guests a drink or refreshment when they arrive?Yes, I offer them water, tea,
or coffee depending on their preference.
5. How do you make visitors feel comfortable when they arrive?I offer them a seat and ask
if there's anything specific they need.

6. What do you say to guests to express your pleasure at their visit?I say, "It's great to
have you here, thank you for coming."

7. Do you provide any information to help visitors find their way?Yes, I give them directions
or a map if needed, and I'm available for any questions.

9. How do you follow up with visitors after their visit?I send a thank-you email or message,
expressing my gratitude for their visit.

10. Do you ask visitors for feedback on their experience?Yes, I ask if there's anything we
could have done better or if they have any suggestions for improvement.

1. Are you going to enroll in any courses to further your education?

Yes, I'm going to sign up for an online marketing course next month.

2. What will you do if you don't get the promotion?I will continue to work hard and look for
other opportunities for growth.

3. Are you going to stay updated on industry trends?Yes, I'm going to attend a marketing
conference next year.

4. How will you balance your personal and professional life?I will prioritize my time and
make sure to set boundaries between work and home life.

5. What are your personal goals for the future?I want to travel more and improve my
cooking skills.

6. Do you have any upcoming vacations planned?Yes, I'm planning a trip to Europe next
7. Are you thinking about starting a family?Yes, my partner and I have discussed starting a
family in the next few years.

8. Are you working towards any specific fitness or health goals?

Yes, I'm training for a half-marathon and trying to eat healthier.

9. Do you have any financial goals for the future?

Yes, I'm saving to buy a house within the next five years.

10. Are you considering any career changes?Yes, I'm exploring opportunities in a different
industry that align more with my passions.

1. How does acculturation affect individuals and communities?
Acculturation can lead to cultural exchange and adaptation.

2. What is discrimination and how does it impact society?

Discrimination is unfair treatment based on characteristics such as race or gender, and it
can lead to social inequality.

3. Why is empathy important in promoting understanding between different groups?

Empathy allows individuals to relate to others' experiences and perspectives.

4. How can tolerance contribute to a more harmonious society?

Tolerance fosters acceptance and respect for diverse viewpoints and lifestyles.
5. What is homophobia and how does it affect LGBTQ+ individuals?
Homophobia is prejudice or discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals, which can lead
to mental health issues and social exclusion.

6. How does xenophobia manifest in society?

Xenophobia is fear or hatred of foreigners or people from different cultures, leading to
discrimination and hostility.

7. What is ethnocentrism and how does it impact intercultural interactions?

Ethnocentrism is the belief in the superiority of one's own culture, which can lead to
prejudice and misunderstanding.

8. How do stereotypes influence our perceptions of others?

Stereotypes can lead to biased judgments and unfair treatment based on assumptions
rather than individual characteristics.

9. What role does inclusion play in creating a diverse and equitable society?
Inclusion ensures that all individuals feel valued and have equal opportunities to
participate in society.

10. What are the consequences of racism on individuals and communities?

Racism leads to systemic oppression, marginalization, and harm to mental and physical
7/2 Debate
1. What is your stance on euthanasia?
I believe euthanasia should be legalized under certain circumstances.

2. Can you explain why you hold that position?

Sure, I think individuals should have the right to choose a peaceful end if they are

3. How do you respond to concerns about the potential for abuse of euthanasia laws?
I understand the concern, but strict regulations can prevent abuse.
4. Have you considered the ethical implications of euthanasia?
Yes, but I believe relieving suffering should be a priority.

5. What safeguards do you propose to ensure euthanasia is carried out ethically?

I suggest thorough assessments by medical professionals and legal oversight.

6. Do you believe euthanasia should be available to minors or individuals with mental

That's a complex issue, but I think strict criteria should be in place.

7. How do you address concerns about the sanctity of life and the role of medicine?
I respect those concerns, but I believe individuals should have autonomy over their own

8. What impact do you think legalizing euthanasia would have on end-of-life care?
It could lead to more discussions about palliative care and improving quality of life.

9. How do you respond to religious arguments against euthanasia?

I respect religious beliefs, but I think laws should be based on secular ethics.

10. What steps do you propose to ensure that patients fully understand their options
regarding euthanasia?
Comprehensive counseling and informed consent procedures would be crucial.

1. Why do you seem frustrated?Because I received incomplete instructions.

2. What happened when you tried to complete the task?I ended up doing it incorrectly
because I didn't have all the information.
3. Did you ask for clarification?Yes, but the person wasn't available to provide more
4. How does miscommunication affect your work?It causes delays and confusion.
5. Did you express your concerns to the person responsible?Yes, I explained the situation
and asked for clearer instructions next time.
6. What cab be done differently to prevent this issue?The instructions should be clearer
and more precise.
7. Whose fault is this?Instead of looking for someone to blame I believe we should look for
ways to improve.
8. Can technology help in this situation?Yes, using communication tools or scheduling
reminders could improve coordination.
9. Is this the first time you face this kind of communication issues?Unfortunately, no. This
has happened many times before.
10. What would you suggest to improve communication within the team?Implementing
clear communication protocols and providing training on effective communication

1. What crime did you witness this morning?A car break-in.

2. Where did the crime occur?It happened on Elm Street.

3. How many individuals were involved in the crime?There were two men.

4. What did the suspects look like?They were tall and muscular and were wearing hoodies
and masks.

5. Did you see which direction the suspects went after the break-in?Yes, they ran towards
the park.

6. Did you notice any distinguishing features about the suspects? One of them was limping
a little as he was running.

7. Did you hear anything suspicious before the incident?No, everything seemed normal
until the car alarm went off.

8. Did you see any vehicles nearby that might be connected to the suspects?No, I didn't
notice any cars or motorcycles.
9. Is there a lot of crime in this town?I don't think so. I'd say it's usually pretty safe.

10. Is there anything else you can tell us about the incident?No, that's all I saw.

Eileen: I think it's important to use inclusive language to promote equality.

Joshua: I'm not so sure. Sometimes it feels forced and artificial.
Eileen: But using inclusive language shows respect for everyone, regardless of their
gender identity.
Joshua: Oh don't get me started with gender identity. Shouldn't language evolve naturally
rather than being enforced?
Eileen: Yes, language evolves, but we can also actively work to make it more inclusive.
Joshua: I think political correctness has gone too far.
Eileen: It's not about political correctness; it's about creating a more inclusive society.
Joshua: I don't think so. Changing a letter in a word or just using pronouns that contradict
reality doesn't promote inclusivity.
Eileen: On the contrary. It positively affects people who might feel excluded or
Joshua: Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this. Thanks for the conversation,

True or False:

1. Eileen and Joshua disagree about the importance of using inclusive language.True
2. Eileen believes that using inclusive language promotes equality.True
3. Joshua thinks that language should be enforced to be more inclusive.False
4. Eileen believes that language should evolve naturally without intervention.False
5. Joshua believes that using inclusive language feels genuine and authentic.False
6. Eileen thinks that promoting inclusivity is a form of political correctness.
7. Joshua acknowledges that small changes can make a big difference in promoting
8. Eileen and Joshua agree that inclusivity is important in society.False
9. Joshua suggests that they should stop talking about gender identity.True
10. Eileen expresses gratitude to Joshua for the conversation. False

Interviewer: Let's start by discussing your previous work experience. Can you tell me
about your most recent role?
Candidate: I worked as a marketing coordinator for a small startup.
Interviewer: What were your main responsibilities in that position?
Candidate: They included managing social media accounts, creating marketing
campaigns, and analyzing performance metrics.
Interviewer: How do you handle tight deadlines and pressure in a fast-paced environment?
Candidate: I thrive under pressure and am skilled at prioritizing tasks to meet deadlines
Interviewer: Can you provide an example of a successful project you led?
Candidate: Certainly. I spearheaded a product launch campaign that resulted in a 30%
increase in sales within the first quarter.
Interviewer: What do you consider your greatest strength as a marketer?
Candidate: I believe my greatest strength is my creativity and ability to think outside the
box when developing marketing strategies.
Interviewer: How do you stay updated on industry trends and best practices?
Candidate: I regularly attend industry conferences, participate in online courses, and follow
influential marketing blogs and publications.
Interviewer: Lastly, why are you interested in joining our company?
Candidate: I've been following your company's growth and innovative approach to
marketing, and I'm excited about the opportunity to contribute to your success.
Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your insights with us today. We will be in touch soon
regarding the next steps in the hiring process.
Candidate: Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to hearing from you.
True or False:

1. The candidate's most recent role was as a marketing coordinator.

2. The candidate's main responsibilities included managing finances and accounting.
3. The candidate believes their greatest strength is their analytical skills.
4. The candidate led a successful product launch campaign that resulted in a 30%
decrease in sales.
5. The candidate regularly attends industry conferences to stay updated on industry
6. The interviewer thanked the candidate for considering their application.
7. The candidate expressed excitement about joining the company due to its traditional
approach to marketing.
8. The interviewer mentioned they would be in touch soon regarding the next steps in the
hiring process.
9. The candidate mentioned following influential marketing blogs and publications to stay
10. The candidate believes their greatest strength is their attention to detail.

1. Can you describe your communication skills?I can speak in public can I write very well.
2. What technical skills do you possess?I am proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, including
Excel, Word, and PowerPoint,
3. How do you handle conflicts in the workplace?I do it calmly and seek to understand all
perspectives before finding a resolution.
4. Can you give an example of your leadership abilities?I delegate tasks effectively and
motivate team members.
5. What soft skills do you consider important for this position?I believe adaptability and
teamwork are crucial for this job.
6. How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time?I do it according to their deadlines
and importance.
7. Can you work well under pressure?I am emotionally stable so that's not really an issue
for me.
8. What hard skills are essential for success in this role?I’d say proficiency in data analysis
and customer relationship management software.
9. How do you stay updated with industry trends?By regularly reading industry publications
and attending relevant webinars.
10. Can you describe your multitasking abilities?I can efficiently juggle multiple tasks and
projects simultaneously.

1. How do you begin an informal email?Start with a friendly greeting like "Hi" or "Hello"
followed by the recipient's first name.
2. What information is usually included in the body of an email?It contains the main
message or purpose of the email, along with any relevant details or requests.
3. How do you end an informal email?It can be concluded with a casual sign-off such as
"Take care" or "Talk soon," followed by your first name.
4. When is it appropriate to use emojis or emoticons in an email?They can be used in
informal emails to convey emotions or tone.
5. What should you do if you need to send files via email?Use the "Attach" or "Insert"
option in your email client.
6. What is the purpose of using a formal tone in an email?To convey professionalism and
7. How do you highlight the importance of an email?Use words like "urgent" or mark it as
high priority.
8. How do you sign off a formal email?Use a polite closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best
regards," followed by your full name.
9. What information should be included in the body of a formal email?A clear and concise
message, with relevant details and any necessary attachments or links.
10. How do you address the recipient in a formal email?By using their title and last name,
such as "Dear Mr. Smith" or "Dear Dr. Johnson."

1. Do you believe in paranormal activity?I’m terribly skeptical so I would say no.

2. How do you feel about politics?It can be frustrating with all the disagreements and
3. What are your thoughts on euthanasia?It should be a personal choice for individuals
who are suffering and have no hope for recovery.
4. How do you view same-sex marriage?I fully support it and believe in equality for all
couples, regardless of sexual orientation.
5. What is your stance on child adoption?It’s great for providing loving homes to children in
6. How do you feel about feminism?I think it is as bad as chauvinism. I support humanism
7. What are your thoughts on abortion?I don’t like it. I am 100% pro-life.

8. What are your thoughts on self-perception?I think you can see yourself however you like
but you can't impose that on others.
9. What is your opinion on taxes?We need them for funding public services, but I feel they
are too high.

10. How do you feel about marijuana legalization?It could be beneficial for reducing crime
related to illegal drug trade.

Subject: Inquiry Regarding Product Pricing

Dear Mr. Rodman,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the pricing of your latest
product, the Master Ninja food mixer. As a potential customer, I am interested in
purchasing this product for personal use.
Could you please provide me with information regarding the pricing options available,
including any discounts or promotions currently running? Additionally, I would like to know
if there are any special offers for bulk orders.
Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you could also provide details about the payment
methods accepted and the estimated delivery time for the product.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.
Best regards,
Thomas Brody

1. The email is informal in tone.

- False

2. The email is inquiring about the pricing of a product.

- True
3. The email is addressed to a potential customer.
- True

4. The email requests information about payment methods.

- True

5. The email requests information about the recipient's health.

- False

6. The email requests information about delivery time.

- True

7. The email is about booking a hotel room.

- False

8. The email asks for information about product specifications.

- False

9. The email is intended for personal use.

- False

10. The email expresses gratitude for the recipient's prompt response.
- True

Woke up: Past tense of the verb "to wake up," meaning to stop sleeping and become
Ate: Past tense of the verb "to eat," meaning to consume food by chewing and swallowing.
Showered: Past tense of the verb "to shower," meaning to wash oneself under a spray of
Dressed: Past tense of the verb "to dress," meaning to put on clothes.
Commuted: Past tense of the verb "to commute," meaning to travel regularly between
one's home and place of work or study.
Worked: Past tense of the verb "to work," meaning to perform tasks or duties for pay or as
part of one's occupation.
Studied: Past tense of the verb "to study," meaning to acquire knowledge by reading,
attending classes, or engaging in research.
Exercised: Past tense of the verb "to exercise," meaning to engage in physical activity to
improve health or fitness.
Cooked: Past tense of the verb "to cook," meaning to prepare food for eating by applying
Cleaned: Past tense of the verb "to clean," meaning to make something free of dirt, marks,
or impurities.
Watched: Past tense of the verb "to watch," meaning to look at or observe something
attentively, typically for entertainment or information.
Read: Past tense of the verb "to read," meaning to look at and comprehend the meaning
of written or printed matter.
Listened: Past tense of the verb "to listen," meaning to give attention with the ear; attend
closely for the purpose of hearing.
Relaxed: Past tense of the verb "to relax," meaning to become less tense or anxious;
Played: Past tense of the verb "to play," meaning to engage in activity for enjoyment and
recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.
Socialized: Past tense of the verb "to socialize," meaning to participate in social activities
or mix socially with others.
Spent time: Phrase meaning to allocate time to a particular activity or purpose.
Went to bed: Phrase meaning to lie down to sleep or rest, typically at night.
Talked: Past tense of the verb "to talk," meaning to communicate by speaking.
Dreamed: Past tense of the verb "to dream," meaning to experience dreams during sleep.

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