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Parcel Delivery System provides its users with up to the minute tracking information

about their parcels. This includes location updates, parcel delivery date and time,

tracking numbers and delivery status among others. Moreover, it avails several

shipment alternatives that suit the suitability of all kinds of organizations as well as


The following are the transaction supported by the system:

a. Online Parcel Tracking

b. Order Completion

c. Delivery Scheduling

d. Order and Delivery Management

e. Packaging Options

The following are the data to be collected:

a. User Details (Complete Name, Address, Contact Number)

b. Parcel Details (Type of Parcel, Declared Value, Description, Weight, Recipient’s

Name and Address, Type of Packaging)

c. Delivery Details (Tracking number, Date/Time of delivery, Payment Method)



User Details

Parcel Details
Delivery Details

The figure above shows the entity relationship diagram of the Parcel Delivery

System. It includes three (3) tables namely User Details, Parcel Details and lastly the

Delivery Details. The User Details table holds the records of the users who're selling

their products online. The Parcel Details tables hold all and are used to store basic

information about the parcel that the customers can get their receipt and sticker in their

parcel.Lastly Delivery Details holds how the user and buyer interact with the parcel.

User Details

Fieldname Table PK? Data Type Description


User’s ID User Details Y Number ID of the Seller

First Name User Details N Short Text First name of Seller

Last Name User Details N Short Text Last name of the


Address User Details Y Short Text Complete address

of the Seller

Contact Number User Details N Short Text Contact number of


Parcel Details

Fieldname Table PK Data Type Description


Parcel ID Parcel Details Y Number ID of the Parcel

User ID Parcel Details Y Number ID of the User

Type of parcel Parcel Details N Short Text Composition of

the Parcel

Declared Value Parcel Details N Currency Estimated

amount of the

Description Parcel Details N Short Text Content of the


Weight Parcel Details N Short Text Heaviness of the


Recipients Name Parcel Details Y Long Text Name of the

Address Parcel Details N Long Text Location of the

Type of Parcel Details N Short Text Different kind of

Packaging Packaging

Type of Parcel Details N Short Text Different kind of

Shipping Shipping

Delivery Details

Fieldname Table PK Data Type Description


Delivery ID Delivery Details Y Number ID od Delivery

Parcel ID Delivery Details Y Number ID of the Parcel

User ID Delivery Details Y Number ID of the User

Tracking Delivery Details Y Short Text Identification

Number code of the

Date/Time of Delivery Details N Date and Time Estimated

Delivery delivery

Payment Delivery Details N Short Text An option how

Method the customers
pay for the
delivery of the

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