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Brandon N.

West Lafayette, N 47906 (Current)

1o galn experlence and use my managemenL skllls Lo flnd communlcaLe and develop LalenL buslness and ldeas

urdue Un|vers|ty krannert Schoo| of Management JesL LafayeLLe ln xpecteJ Moy 2015
O achelor of Sclence ln ManagemenL
O 9 34/40

nD Management Company eptembet 2009 lteseot
loooJet cO lteslJeot Ioorhees n!
O sLabllshlng groundwork Lo sLarL buslness aL 9urdue
O eveloped a servlce Lo manage people's LalenLs and ldeas
O reaLed and consulLed wlLh more Lhan 13 dlfferenL muslcal organlzaLlons companles and clubs
O rganlzed evenLs for local communlLy and sLrengLhen lLs repuLaLlon as a place for quallLy enLerLalnmenL
randon's L|ectron|cs Moy 2007 eptembet 2011
loooJet cO lteslJeot Ioorhees n!
O uy sell Lrade and flx cell phones compuLers game sysLems mp3 players and oLher elecLronlcs
O ble Lo qulckly galn selfLaughL compeLency wlLh new a range of sofLware and hardware plaLforms
koc I|tness Moy 2011 lteseot
coloooJet ootJ Membet coosoltoot JesL LafayeLLe ln
O reaLed a flLness neLwork Lo connecL people Lhrough Lhe lnLeresL and need of flLness
O eveloped Lhe lmage of 8oc llLness Lhrough markeLlng organlzlng plannlng and flnanclal analysls

Management Informat|on Systems Assoc|at|on eptembet 2011 lteseot
urdue Mus|ca| Crgan|zat|on neart and Sou| Gospe| Cho|r eptembet 2011 lteseot
Soc|ety of M|nor|ty Managers eptembet 2011 lteseot
Student Management Lmp|oyers Iorum eptembet 2011 lteseot
O 8esearch and evelopmenL ommlLLee
h||ade|ph|a oys Cho|r Chora|e eptembet 2001 Iooe 2011
O eld Leadershlp poslLlon wlLh 60 people as secLlon leader
O 1oured hlna 1urkey reece 9anama osLa 8lca laska anada and Scandlnavla
O Speclal 9erformances lnclude arnegle all ood Mornlng merlca 9ennsylvanla's ubernaLorlal lnauguraLlon
lLon !ohn rlan McknlghL !uly 4
Jelcome merlca 9hlladelphla 9hlllles' pener 9layoff games
New Iersey DLCA Compet|t|ons Iooooty 2010 Iooe 2011
O School 9resldenL
O naLlonal ompeLlLor 2
place overall souLh reglon 3
place overall sLaLe conference
Internat|ona| 1hesp|an Soc|ety eptembet 2008 Moy 2011
O Lead parLs lo cotscblcoqo ooJ Cteose and mlnor and ensemble rolls ln ooqs lot o New wotlJ and keot
O 9arLlclpaLed and managed ne cLs n! rama lorenslc League placed 2
sLage crew and roadway abareL

O kutgers' |zLd rogram 10 us|ness opportun|ty rogram (C) 11
O us|ness Leaders Learn|ng Commun|ty #11
O Camden County est of the C|ass 2011 (9erformlng rLs)
O |ke New Iersey lcycle lnsLrucLor '09 #11
O Cr|t|cs Awards rogram (Capp|es) aperm||| Awards
esL cLor ln a Muslcal 11 esL Male Iocal 10 esL feaLured cLor 11

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