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At some point in our lives we have all received comments against us, many times we do not
take them literally and other times we do and however we take it, it is considered bullying.
Bullying is all around us. Stories about bullying, terrible incidents, and victims of bullying
are frequently reported in the news.
Bullying is a problem all around the world. The individual seated next to you can be the
target of bullying and you don’t even know it. They might not appear to be in pain, but they
might be. Bullying doesn’t always involve slamming someone into a locker, moving them
about, or even assaulting them. Bullying can occur offline, online, on the bus, after school,
when you’re walking home, and even within your own walls.

Many times we do not even measure the comments we make about a person and that is
where the problems begin, by not thinking about what we say and for the same reason we
do not think about how the person who receives the message is going to feel about what we
said. Bullying, as I have mentioned, can occur online and this is as common as it occurs in
real life. Many people suffer from this type of bullying and do nothing to change it because
it is not as easy as it seems. I think we should change, we should think not only about
ourselves, but also about the people we are going to affect because no one knows what
everyone goes through. It costs nothing to measure our words or our actions.

Changing the world starts with one person and you are the one who can start a change. All
people have a degree of responsibility regarding this problem, knowing how to live and
coexist free of violence, the practice of healthy coexistence at home, an education based on
respect and, finally, the obligation to report all forms of abuse, or thuggery.

Let's start small and change the environment in which we live, let's make the change now to
have an environment full of peace and love for everyone.

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