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The Hopeful Bud

“The forest is my home, but
the life outside it is what
intrigues me! I'd like to
explore it someday!”

Credits to: melon#9452

General Information

Name: Floryanne

Aliases: The Hopeful Bud / Lantern Girl (due to the magic

lantern that she always carries with her)

Age: 15 (her last age before dying and also her current
mental age) / 200+ (her current age as a nymph. To be
honest, Floryanne doesn't know about her age since she
never counts it)

Birthday: N/A (she doesn't have a birthday now, though,

she thought of having one, so she decided to make every
start of a new year her birthday.)

Birthplace: Southern Aethis “This world is full of things that I don't know!”

Race: Human (formerly) / Nymph (currently)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight? (she doesn't know yet. Hold on, she

doesn't even know the concept of sexuality!)

Other: Floryanne’s favorite food are wild berries that she

picks from shrubs while foraging through the forest. She is
also fond of animals.

General Description: Floryanne is a curious individual who is
intrigued by the life of people outside of the forests where she STRENGTHS: Floryanne’s curiosity and observance are her
always resides. With this in mind, it can easily be pointed out strengths. Because of her curiosity, she is willing to explore
that Floryanne may come out as someone who's… Ignorant. about and so forth, leading her to possibly discover key areas,
Anything that is common to people may be something that objects (artifacts, mysterious stones, etc.), and creatures.
Floryanne sees for the first time in her life. Though, of course, Apparently, this side of her can be useful in exploring through
she will not hesitate to learn about the new things that she domains, puzzles, and ruins. Now, as for Floryanne’s observant
discovers… side, she can analyze (based on the capacity of her current
knowledge of course) what she can make out from the situation…
Outside of that main description about her, Floryanne is a Though, it's usually always ideas connected with nature. The
friendly and somewhat talkative person. Especially if she positive thing about this though, is Floryanne’s not always willing
enjoys the conversation, Floryanne’s mind will always be full to disclose her true identity easily to people despite her
of different ideas to talk about. Unfortunate individuals who friendliness and playfulness.
get trapped in Floryanne’s rabbit hole of talkativeness are
always… Well, unlucky enough to encounter her. However, WEAKNESSES: It's Floryanne’s curiosity that is also her
while the nymph is indeed talkative and friendly, she can also weakness. The reason for this is Floryanne’s yearning for new
be observant as she's eager to learn about the behavior and discoveries is what could lead her to various dangers that could
ways of social interaction between non-forest individuals… In harm her at any time. As for socialization, Floryanne’s
continuation to this, if Floryanne is blending in with humans playfulness could also be an annoying behavior to some people,
in a community, she will not tell anyone about her true and even though she's friendly by nature, it could affect her
identity, even if someone who's asking does not have any ill social interaction towards others not of her kind.
intentions. Though, what gives her away sometimes is
whenever she cannot answer some questions regarding HABITS:
occupation, science, education, navigation, and the like which ● Foraging.
Floryanne is definitely not familiar with. Due to Floryanne’s ● Growing sprouts, flowers, and small shrubs out from
mental age being quite young, it's no surprise if she yearns for empty soil patches.
a playmate or if she easily gets excited for the smallest of ● Sleeping in the air while levitating (though, this practice is
things. pretty dangerous).
● Talking to trees and different plants while also sharing
stories with them.
● Playing with animals as well as petting them.
Height: 5’2” General Physical Description: Floryanne is a petite,
young-looking girl with sapphire blue eyes and apricot-colored
Weight: 116 lbs wavy hair with a mesomorph build. Her dress, as well as the
uncommon flowers around her hair is already enough for
Typical Wardrobe: As a nymph, Floryanne can be seen wearing someone to hypothesize that she is connected to the forest in a
a short, white dress with turquoise-colored segments that way.
extends down to slightly just above her knees. Various flowers
serving as hair ornaments decorate her apricot-colored hair.
Lastly, the Lantern of Life (the source of her powers) can
always be seen slung around her right hip. Floryanne is always
barefoot with only brown-colored straps (they seem to be
branches) present around her ankles.
“Let’s go! The world outside the forest awaits us!”


A small, fruit-shaped lantern magically fueled by the natural

powers of the forest spirits, making it emit a faint,
turquoise-colored light. According to Floryanne, this object can
guide you back to where you came from whenever you're lost in
the forest. The Lantern of Life is also the source of her powers.
The lantern is always slung around Floryanne’s right hip.
Abilities and Magic

Magic Overview: Being connected with the Lantern of Life Abilities Overview: As a nymph carrying the duty of preserving
(which is basically an epitome of a portion of the energy from nature, Floryanne has the ability to draw her powers and spells
nature), Floryanne has the ability to manipulate plants and any from nature itself. Communicating with the plants and trees is
form of flora. She's capable of magically making a plant sprout also an easy feat thanks to Floryanne’s resonance with nature.
up from the soil, restoring withered plants, making flower buds
immediately bloom, etc. The only thing that could restrict Passive Ability Name 1: Special Link
Floryanne’s powers are powers and magic that are weaknesses Passive Ability Description 1: “I am connected with nature, and
of hers. Additionally, Floryanne can also heal any small injuries my heart is full of love from it!”
(minor lacerations, sprains, strains, etc.) for free (without The Lantern of Life, Floryanne’s magical artifact, is an item
costing her energy) as long as the injury is only small (the created by the spirits of the forest to serve as a container for
injuries that Floryanne won't be able to heal without costing Floryanne’s powers. The lantern is a direct embodiment of a
energy starts from dislocation). portion of the energies of nature. Floryanne, being spiritually
connected to the lantern, allows her to draw her powers from
nature itself and resonate with it as well as to have the ability to
communicate to the plants and trees... According to Floryanne,
each plant has their own voice, but no one actually believes her.
However, due to Floryanne’s link with the Lantern of Life, any
harm to the object will also weaken Floryanne and vice versa. If
the lantern gets destroyed, then…

Passive Ability Name 2: Levitation

Passive Ability Description 2: “Weeeee!!! This is fun!”
Technically, even as a nymph, Floryanne can only walk. But
with the help of the Lantern of Life (since she's basically
connected to it), Floryanne can levitate along. Remember,
levitating/floating is different from flying! The maximum height
that Floryanne can only achieve by levitating is 4 meters from
the ground surface.

Specific Ability Name 1: Arms of the Earth

Specific Ability Description 1: “Nature will never let the bad
guys escape!”
Floryanne commands vines to pop out from the ground. She
can control them at will and use them depending on her
desires. The vines’ durability can be compared to the trunk of a
mature tree, but even if it's strong by default, it is still cuttable
in the end. Cutting the vines weakens Floryanne. This spell can
only be casted on soil and can extend up to 65 meters away
from the ground where they sprouted from.

Specific Ability Name 2: Evergreen Ray

Specific Ability Description 2: “Nature’s breath!”
Floryanne gathers energy and unleashes a green-colored beam
of nature’s magic which constantly deals magical damage to her
target depending on how long she'll focus the beam. Floryanne
can continuously channel Evergreen Ray for up to 3 turns
before starting to feel exhausted (it's recommended for her to
stop at this point immediately since she will definitely be
affected if not). The beam of this spell can travel up to 20
meters away from Floryanne before the end of the beam will
start to dissipate into thin air.

Specific Ability Name 3: Aura of Leaves

Specific Ability Description 3: “Nature will protect the good
guys from the bad guys!”
Floryanne creates a shield of magical leaves to block incoming
attacks and can also be used on a target ally. Floryanne can hold
the shield for up to 3 turns before starting to feel exhausted (it's
recommended for her to stop at this point immediately since
she will definitely be affected if not). Aura of Leaves has a width
of 6 meters and can turn into a dome if intended by Floryanne.
The shield can easily be destroyed by fire, ice, and petrification.

Specific Ability Name 4: Tranquil Bloom

Specific Ability Description 4: “I will wilt, but I will also sprout
like a plant and blossom from a bud to a flower!”
Gathering her own strength from the Lantern of Life bestowed
upon them by nature, Floryanne channels Tranquil Bloom
continuously for 6 turns that can reach an area of 10 meters
wide around her. Unlike the Restorative Aura of Flower of Hope,
Tranquil Bloom’s effects are greater and are able to remove
curses and grant affected entities a boost in their magical and
physical strength at its best, but it still has limitations as the
said spell is still unable to restore detached limbs and body
parts, and/or revive an entity from the dead. While channeling
for 3 turns, Floryanne will be immobilized in place as if she's
hibernating while casting Tranquil Bloom. Tranquil Bloom can
only be successful if Floryanne keeps on channeling… She must
never be disturbed while Tranquil Bloom is happening as not
only will the spell be a waste, but any interruption could also
affect the nymph fatally. After Tranquil Bloom is finished, both
Floryanne will then sleep for a short while after exhausting her
energy for 10 turns. In this state, she is prone to anything and
waking her up from their temporary deep slumber is also
impossible… She's basically useless during this time. While
sleeping, Floryanne will turn into a single bud that will blossom
into a beautiful blue flower once her energy is restored.

● Anticipation capabilities - Entities who are capable of
anticipating and predicting incoming attacks can easily
deal with Floryanne’s attacks, especially Arms of the Earth
which is her primary form of offense.
● Swiftness - Targets who are too fast for Floryanne to even
hit can easily avoid her attacks.
● Death, Decay, and Corruption Powers - Unless if the said
powers are weak enough for Floryanne to cleanse or
purify, entities who have access to such powers can easily
disable and weaken Floryanne’s spells and even use them
against her if possible.
● Fire Magic - While regular flames work on Floryn’s vines
and flowers, they indeed take longer than magical flames
in doing the job. Fire… Of course… It's obvious how this
will go against Floryanne. That is, unless the flames are
weak enough to be overpowered by Floryanne’s spells.
● Ice Magic - Remember, magic works better than its
natural counterpart against Floryn. Ice can render most
of Floryanne’s spells as it can freeze her vines, flowers,
● Petrification Powers - Same as the reason why ice magic
is Floryanne’s weakness, except that it petrifies her spells
instead of freezing them.
● Arms of the Earth conditions and drawbacks - Can only
be casted on areas where soil is present. Getting each vine
spawned will also partially hurt Floryanne. making her
vulnerable for a short time.
● Tranquil Bloom drawbacks - Floryanne is prone to
damage while and after channeling the spell. She is even
useless while recovering after casting Tranquil Bloom.
Additionally, Tranquil Bloom’s healing and combat
boosting effects will not benefit her.

The bud’s appearance with Floryanne inside as she recovers her

energy after using Tranquil Bloom.
“”Nature is something that everyone should take care of!”

A poor family from the rural area of Southern Aethis whose house is near a forest had a child in which they
named her Floryanne Willows (Willows is the family's last name). The father's only source of income is
through farming. However, despite the rough conditions of their life, the family still lived with it as they have
love that strengthens them and it is also the only source of income that they have access to at that time at
their place…

As the baby grew up into a beautiful girl by the age of 3, Floryanne would be always taken to the forest by her
mother and played with her there. As time went by, the forest became Floryanne’s go-to place as she's always
loved going alone in the forest while playing with the friendly animals there as she grew up. Apparently, a few
of the forest entities (nymphs, fairies, pixies, etc.) living there presented themselves to the child. At first, the
forest spirits were doubtful towards the girl and her presence, but as time passed by, Floryanne eventually
became friends with not only the animals there, but also with the forest spirits and creatures there.
Floryanne always told her parents about her friends, though, they seemed to be… Less convinced with her

One day, the girl got sick and it worsened into being a serious illness as the family only has access to herbal
medications. Due to lack of finance as well as their house being far from the nearest city, Floryanne
succumbed to the disease and died from it at such a young age of 15. Deeply saddened by their loss, her
parents buried her near the forest entrance where she used to always go and play, and gave her a grave there.
As weeks passed by, the forest spirits remembered Floryanne’s presence within the place when she's still
alive and reincarnated Floryanne as a nymph then created a magical item which is a direct embodiment of a
portion of nature's energy to serve as her source of power. However, losing her memories of the past in the
process is the consequence that Floryanne must face throughout her life as a nymph. The spirits gave her the
duty of preserving the harmony and beauty of the forests not just in Aethis, but also in the world if given the
chance. However, even though Floryanne’s memories of her past life have been erased from her mind... She
still feels like she already existed years ago with also two people along with her, and this mystery is what she
aims to solve while fulfilling the duty given to her by the spirits of the forests.

While Floryanne happily accepts her duties, there is something that the girl feels… As if… Something is
incomplete about her (hence the random flashes of possibly past memories that she always gets out of
nowhere that she absolutely has no idea what they are). This is something that she realized after more than a
hundred years, and after countless times, Floryanne decided to explore the world outside the forests with her
curiosity already kicking in just by thinking about it.

Things Experienced in Roleplay

Additional Information

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