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The complex conundrum of geriatric depression and dementias: Revisiting the

clinical ambiguity
Sanchari Mukhopadhyay, Debanjan Banerjee1
Consultant Psychiatrist, Kolkata, Bangalore, 1Consultant Geriatric Psychiatrist, Kolkata, Member, International Psychogeriatric
Association, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Late‑life depression (LLD), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and dementia are clinically distinct yet interrelated disease
constructs, wherein LLD can be a prodrome, risk factor, comorbidity, or consequence of MCI and dementia. There is considerable
prevalence of depression in those with MCI or dementia, and vice versa, with maximum evidence in Alzheimer’s disease.
These intersections often form one of the most confusing aspects of psychogeriatric practice, leading to under‑detection and
mismanagement of depression, thus leading to incomplete recovery in most cases. This article focuses on this clinical ambiguity
in daily practice, reviews the clinico‑investigative pointers for the LLD–dementia intersection, and puts forward clinical and
research recommendations in view of the available evidence. Although there is conflicting evidence regarding the cause–effect
relationship between LLD, MCI, and dementia, it is likely that these constructs share some common pathological processes
and are often associated with each other within a longitudinal clinical continuum. This is a linear yet complex bidirectional
association: either the comorbid depression exaggerates preexisting cognitive deficits or chronic persistent depression eventually
leads to major neurocognitive disorders, not to mention depression as a part of behavioral and psychological symptoms of
dementia, which often impairs quality of life and psychosocial morbidity. Thus, a comprehensive approach, including tailored
history, neuropsychiatric examination, and relevant investigations, is necessary for assessing the differentials, with a sound
clinical understanding being vital to the process. Depression, if suspected, must be treated adequately with longitudinal
neuropsychological reviews. Future research warrants elucidating precision biomarkers unique to these clinicopathological

Key words: Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive deficits, dementia, geriatric depression, late‑life depression, late‑onset depression, mild
cognitive impairment

LATE‑LIFE DEPRESSION AND DEMENTIA: and the projected lifetime risk of the same in those aged
INTER‑RELATIONSHIPS 75 years and above was 23.2%.[4] Recent data from the
first wave of Longitudinal Aging Study in India showed
Late‑life depression (LLD) is a clinical construct describing 8.3% prevalence of depression in those above 60 years
depressive symptoms in persons aged 65 years and of age, which is nearly ten times more than self‑reported
above.[1] It consists of both early‑onset depression (EOD), depressive complaints.[5] Considering both depressive
continuing into or recurring in old age, and late‑onset symptoms and minor depression, the prevalence went up
depression (LOD) manifesting in the geriatric population to 30%. These statistics are suggestive of significant disease
for the first time.[2] LOD constitutes almost 50% of all cases burden caused by LLD. Medical morbidities are high in the
with LLD.[3] The lifetime prevalence of major depression, old age, including cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine,
as per the National Comorbidity Survey‑Replication, in
people aged 60 years and above was found to be 10.6%,
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DOI: How to cite this article: Mukhopadhyay S, Banerjee D. The complex

10.4103/jgmh.jgmh_21_21 conundrum of geriatric depression and dementias: Revisiting the clinical
ambiguity. J Geriatr Ment Health 2021;8:93-106.

Corresponding Author:
Dr. Debanjan Banerjee, Consultant Geriatric Psychiatrist, Kolkata; Member, International Psychogeriatric Association, Bengaluru, Karnataka,
India. E‑mail: dr.Djan88@gmail.com
Submitted: 23-Mar-2021 Revised: 05-May-2021 Accepted: 04-Jun-2021 Published: 31-Jan-2022

© 2022 Journal of Geriatric Mental Health | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 93

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Mukhopadhyay and Banerjee: Clinical intersections of late‑life depression and dementias

and neurological conditions, increasing the risk of pathology, as well as hippocampal atrophy (implicated
depression.[2,6] Dementias are a group of neurodegenerative in AD). Frontostriatal abnormalities were considered to
disorders with global cognitive decline over the course of be a hallmark of this pathway. Although there has been
illness.[6,7] The major types of neurodegenerative dementias more than a decade of further research in this field, this
are Alzheimer’s dementia (AD), vascular dementia (VaD), hypothesis still holds good to understand this clinical
frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Parkinson’s disease (PD) overlap between depression and neurocognitive disorders.
dementia, and Lewy body dementia.[8] Depression and
In routine clinical care, the psychiatrist faces several
dementia are shown to be inter‑related across the literature
ambiguities while dealing with this dementia–depression
in bidirectional and complex ways. Depression may act
overlap, leading to under‑detection of depression and
as a risk factor, prodrome, comorbidity, or consequence
mismanagement. Approximately 5%–15% of patients
of dementia.[9,10] It is seen to double the risk of dementia
with LLD are mistaken to have dementia.[6] Discussion
in older persons.[6] On the other hand, depression is
in this paper reviews evidence to address some of these
known to be more common in all‑cause dementias than
in general population. Overall prevalence of depression clinical conundrums to facilitate better psychogeriatric
in neurodegenerative disorders may range from 15% to care. The authors would like to state that this is by no
50%, depending on the type of dementia. Almost 17% of means a detailed review of LLD as a clinical entity, as the
patients with AD and an even higher percentage of those focus is more on clinical distinction within the dementia–
with subcortical dementias have major depression.[1] depression continuum based on the available evidence.
For the purpose of this review, dementia (International
There are several possible hypotheses to explain the mutual Classification of Diseases [ICD‑10]) and major
relationship between these two illnesses. Sharing of the neurocognitive disorder (Diagnostic and Statistical
same genetic or pathophysiological changes predisposing to Manual [DSM]‑5) will be considered synonymous. Besides,
both the illnesses, reduction in hippocampal neurogenesis though LOD forms a subpart of the LLD spectrum and there
in depression, high‑risk behaviors in depression increasing exist clinical differences, for the purpose of simplification,
vascular risk factors and leading to later cognitive LLD will be used to denote all forms of late‑life depression
decline (e.g., smoking, alcohol use, less engagement in throughout the manuscript.
cognitively and socially stimulating activities), medication
use (e.g., those with anticholinergic effect) are just some of PATHOLOGICAL SUBTYPES OF LATE‑LIFE
them.[2] Although AD, constituting about 50%–60% of the DEPRESSION AND OVERLAP WITH DEMENTIAS
late‑onset dementias, is most studied in the context of LOD,
depression is present as considerable comorbidity in other LOD differs from EOD in having more structural brain
dementias as well. Up to 50% with VaD, 40%–50% with PD, changes (changes in white matter, brain ventricles),
40% with FTD, and 60% with dementia with hippocampal vascular changes, neurosensory and neuropsychological
sclerosis may have depression.[9,11‑13] Depending on the impairments, prevalence and incidence of dementia,
diagnostic criteria and instrument use, the prevalence of and less frequent family history of mood disorders and
comorbid LOD in dementias and depressive symptoms lesser prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity other than
as a part of BPSD is seen to vary considerably across dementia.[1,3] There are several clinicopathological models
studies.[2,6,14] Almost 60% of patients with MCI were found or subtypes of LLD. They can be enumerated as: [6,18]
to have depressive symptoms, both major and minor, as per 1. Depression executive dysfunction (DED)
the Italian Longitudinal Study of Aging.[15] The cumulative 2. Vascular depression
prevalence of depression in MCI across studies is seen to be 3. Depression with reversible dementia
around 30%.[1,14,16] Subthreshold but clinically significant 4. LOD (as mentioned above).
depressive symptoms are nearly twice more prevalent DED model is based on the hypothesis that frontolimbic
than major depression in the community, primary care, disruption, manifested by executive dysfunction,
nursing home population, as well as patients with mild predisposes to the development of LLD. The clinical
cognitive impairment or dementia,[6,14] further adding to features resemble those of medial frontal lobe syndrome,
the disease burden. Butters et al. had proposed a multiple including executive dysfunction, apathy, psychomotor
model nonmutually exclusive pathway to explain the retardation, severe behavioral disability, reduced interest,
links in the depression–cognitive impairment–dementia
and poor insight. DED presents with less of depressive
continuum [Figure 1]. [17] The authors proposed that
cognition and vegetative symptoms. It shows poor and
depression increased the risk of neurocognitive disorders
unfavorable response to antidepressant treatment with
through activation of the hypothalamo–pituitary–
early relapse. Neurobiologically, there are white matter
adrenal (HPA) axis and cerebrovascular disease, which
integrity disruption, white matter hyperintensities (WMHs)
eventually led to hippocampal atrophy and generalized
in executive function‑related networks, reduced functional
ischemia. This, in turn, influenced the cognitive
connectivity (FC) in cognitive control network (CCN),
reserve which led to AD‑like presentation based on the
increased FC in default mode network (DMN), and lowered
accumulation of AD pathological changes in the brain.
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) activation on task
The clinical presentation and progression of cognitive
challenging CCN.[3,6,18]
deficits over time depend upon a critical interaction
between vascular pathology, inflammation, frontolimbic Vascular depression refers to the depressive syndrome
damage (implicated in depression) and beta‑amyloid, tau developing in relation to some vascular event. This model

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Mukhopadhyay and Banerjee: Clinical intersections of late‑life depression and dementias

Figure 1: Pathways linking depression to predominant cognitive outcomes (Butters et al., 2008). Copyright information: This is an open‑access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by‑nc‑nd/3.0/), which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

originates from the finding that cerebrovascular events may the “gray border” of depression–dementia overlap. Masked
precede, precipitate, or worsen LLD or maybe comorbid depression refers to the prominent presentation of somatic
with it. Evidence of a preceding cerebrovascular disease, symptoms without active reporting of low mood by older
a temporal relation between the incident depression and adults. However, it has been attributed to cohort effect
vascular event, and the presence of vascular risk factors rather than actual diagnostic value.[19] Depletion syndrome
are required for this construct. The clinical features of is the group of symptoms of hopelessness, thoughts of
depression include apathy, retardation, higher disability, death, lack of interest, and reduced appetite. Feelings of
and poor insight. Guilt is less commonly seen. Executive exhaustion, dysphoria, and sleep disturbances are also seen
dysfunction is also common. This, too, responds poorly in the older cohort more than the younger adults.[14,20,21]
to antidepressant treatment. Neurobiologically, there Subsyndromal symptomatic depression with and without
are WMHs in subcortex, periventricular areas, and deep mood disturbances was suggested by Judd et al. in a
white matter, evidence of limbic hyperactivation, low study of samples taken from National Institute of Mental
FC in subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), high Health (NIMH) Epidemiological Catchment Area study.
FC in dorsomedial PFC (DMPFC), reduced task‑related They proposed this entity to be characterized by any two
DLPFC activation, perfusion deficits in the PFC, subcortex, or more symptoms of depression, simultaneously present
and frontostriatocingulate areas, evidence of endothelial for the majority of time, for at least 2 weeks, associated
dysfunction, increased arterial thickness and endothelial with the evidence of social dysfunction, in individuals
stiffening, and persistently increased HPA axis activity.[1,6,18] not meeting the criteria for major or minor depression or
dysthymia, leading to significant disability.[22]
“Pseudodementia” or reversible dementia is commonly
encountered in LLD, wherein the symptoms of cognitive Other pathophysiological models of LLD include
impairment often reduce with improvement in depression. inflammatory and genetic hypotheses. The
However, approximately 40% of patients having depression inflammatory hypothesis states that there are increases
with reversible dementia are seen to develop irreversible in proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines with
dementias in 3 years. Thus, this construct calls for a detailed aging (e.g. interleukin‑6 [IL‑6], IL‑1β, IL‑1Ra, tumor necrosis
diagnostic workup, including neurological evaluation.[1,6] factor [TNF]‑α), with microglial activation, oxidative
This has however been debated as the cognitive deficits stress, and metabolic changes, enhancing vulnerability to
associated with LLD may not really be “pseudo” in all develop LLD. There is evidence of differential response to
cases and tend to be persistent, often evolving into a antidepressants with inflammation status.[6,18] Inflammation
neurocognitive disorder.[18] is often considered to be the “missing link” deciding the
outcome of the LLD–MCI–AD continuum. [23] Genetic
Some dubious entities of geriatric depression proposed models of LLD are not definitive. Some roles of C677T
are masked depression, depletion syndrome, and mutation of methyl tetrahydrofolate reductase gene (related
subsyndromal symptomatic depression with and without to risk of cerebrovascular lesions), serotonin 5HT2A
mood disturbances. They lack sufficient evidence to receptor‑A/A genotype (LLD in females), C1166 allele of
justify individual diagnostic categories. Due to clinical type‑I angiotensin receptor gene (white matter lesions), and
heterogeneity in older persons, these entities are often on ApoE4 allele (association with more severe depression)

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Mukhopadhyay and Banerjee: Clinical intersections of late‑life depression and dementias

have been found.[1,3,6,24] In addition, psychosocial factors including lability (in VaD), psychomotor agitation, less
such as personality attributes (neuroticism, hopelessness), frequent guilt, suicidality, sleep disturbances, vegetative
cognitive distortions, low mastery, poor self‑efficacy, low symptoms, and greater prevalence of anhedonia, rejection
socioeconomic status, low education, cumulative stressful sensitivity, as well as self‑pity.[2,3,14,31] The neurobiological
life events, bereavement, and perceived poor social support changes in AD with depression include more severe
contribute to the development of LLD.[3,8,25] tau, amyloid pathology, vascular burden, and loss of
serotonin receptors and transporter binding, as compared
The main diagnostic challenge encountered in the geriatric
to only dementia. The reduction in regional cerebral
population is the differentiation between LLD and dementia
blood flow in the amygdala and hippocampus is also
because of symptomatic overlap.[2] As discussed before,
higher in those with depression and dementia than
cognitive impairment, particularly executive dysfunction
either alone.[14] White matter lesions and temporal lobe
as well as apathy, retardation, sleep disturbances, and
atrophy are found to predict future development of both
bradyphrenia, are common findings in the LLD models
depression and dementia.[14] The NIMH developed a set
of DED and vascular depression. Subjective memory
of diagnostic criteria for depression in AD, wherein the
impairment or reversible dementia often accompanies
DSM‑4 depression criteria had been modified [Table 1].
depression. Moreover, depression may be comorbid with
Number of symptoms required for diagnosis was made
dementia and depressive symptoms can be a part of
to three instead of five (out of ten), with decreased
behavioral and psychiatric symptoms in dementia (BPSD).
positive affect and decreased pleasure merged into one,
LLD may not present with all the classical depressive
and addition of social withdrawal, irritability, and social
symptoms of adult diagnostic criteria, thereby making
isolation as symptoms.[32] Coming to depression in VaD,
the diagnosis difficult.[25] In this article for the purpose
the neuropathology is often the same for both. Depression
of clinical differentials, dementia will mainly encompass
is more prevalent in VaD than AD and has a longer
AD and VaD as these have the maximum evidence base
duration and higher severity. However, the symptomatic
in this regard.
similarities in psychomotor retardation, decreased
attention and concentration, as well as vegetative
symptoms pose difficulty in differentiating vascular
PSYCHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMS OF DEMENTIA: depression from VaD. These clinical and neurobiological
HOW IS IT DIFFERENT? overlaps are attributed by some researchers to a unified
Depression in dementia may be a component of BPSD or entity of vascular depression and VaD which involve
a prodrome preceding cognitive decline for many years. It arterial stiffness, vascular remodeling, intimal thickening,
has been studied the most in AD, and hence, our discussion endothelial dysfunction, and inflammation.[33]
here will be majorly in the context of AD.[1,2,8,14] Risk factors
for developing depression in AD include vascular changes Table 1: National Institute of Mental Health Provisional Diagnostic
such as history of cerebrovascular disease, leukoaraiosis, Criteria for Depression in Alzheimer’s Disease (adapted from Olin
leukoencephalopathy in frontostriatal and frontolimbic et al., 2002)[32]
circuits, female sex, past history of depression, family Three (or more) of the following symptoms must be present during
history of depression, ApoE4 carrier status, and the same 2‑week period and represent a change from previous
contributory medication use.[14] BPSD can also develop functioning. At least one of the symptoms must either be (1) depressed
mood or (2) decreased positive affect or pleasure
due, in addition to biological risk factors, to psychosocial
Clinically significant depressed mood
and environmental issues such as sensory overstimulation Decreased positive affect or pleasure in response to social contacts
or understimulation, unfavorable housing conditions, and usual activities
and poor caregiver support, including abuse and neglect Social isolation or withdrawal
and insight into cognitive decline.[26‑29] Depression in Disruption in appetite
patients with dementia poses a difficulty in diagnosis Disruption in sleep
due to the cognitive decline present in the patients, as Psychomotor changes
well as atypical presentation of mood symptoms.[2] There Irritability
Fatigue or loss of energy
may be acute deterioration in the cognitive status or
Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or excessive or
physical condition with onset of depression in patients inappropriate guilt
having dementia.[30] Apathy, decreased energy, decreased Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, plan, or attempt
interest in activities, psychomotor abnormality, reduced All criteria are met for Dementia of the Alzheimer Type as per the
attention, and concentration may be present in dementia, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual‑4
independent of depression. However, persistent sadness The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or disruption in
of mood with morning worsening, sense of worthlessness, functioning
The symptoms do not occur exclusively in the course of delirium
guilt, recurrent thought of death, or suicidal ideation (as
The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a
compared to vegetative symptoms) are more seen in substance
dementia with depression than dementia alone. [6] The symptoms are not better accounted for by other conditions
Differentiating features of depression in dementia from such as major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, bereavement,
depression alone are gradual and progressive course of schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, psychosis of AD, anxiety
symptoms, presence of cognitive decline, lack of concern disorders, or substance‑related disorders
for or denial of cognitive decline, situational mood changes AD: Alzheimer’s dementia

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Mukhopadhyay and Banerjee: Clinical intersections of late‑life depression and dementias

CLINICAL DIFFERENTIALS: DECODING THE cognitive deficits as “dementia,” as that brings in distress
AMBIGUITY to the patient and his/her family, a guarded prognosis, and
therapeutic nihilism. There is no substitute for a systematic
There is a lack of consensus regarding the differentiating history from multiple sources and detailed physical as well
features of LLD and depression in young adults. Some as neurocognitive examination.
researchers have proposed that there is no unique
symptom characteristic of old‑age depression, though We attempt to lay down some pointers to clinically
some depressive symptoms occur more frequently in the differentiate between LLD, dementia, and depression (BPSD)
elderly than in the younger adults.[8] However, considering in AD [Table 3]. In some cases, however, these symptoms
the unique biopsychosocial underpinnings of LLD, it has occur on a continuum, and there are no water‑tight
often been proposed as a separate clinical entity altogether. categories.[1‑3,8,14,31]
The challenge while differentiating LLD from dementia is Let us look at a couple of case vignettes to have a practical
mostly due to the notable presence of cognitive impairment idea of the possible clinical conundrums [Table 4].
and apathy. This distinction is vital as it can have several
important management implications. While Case Vignette 1 depicts how a possible MCI appeared
clinically as mild dementia due to the overshadowing LLD,
In an elderly presenting with cognitive complaints, based Case Vignette 2 highlights how a chronic and recurrent
on the onset and course, three “D”s need to be evaluated depressive syndrome can eventually lead to AD over the
for delirium, dementia, and depression. A basic evaluation longitudinal course. These examples are common in the
framework to exclude these conditions is depicted in practice of geriatric psychiatry and are only few of the
Figure 2. numerous similar confusing scenarios that can arise in
In general, it is worthwhile to keep in mind certain the depression–dementia overlap.
considerations while assessing any individual with
LLD [Table 2]. In many cases, a preexisting major or minor ASSESSMENTS TO CLINICALLY DIFFERENTIATE
neurocognitive disorder may present when the comorbid In geriatric patients presenting with symptoms of depression
depression leads to an exacerbation of the cognitive deficits with or without cognitive impairment, a detailed evaluation
and added disability. Subjective memory complaints may needs to be carried out, including psychiatric, medical,
be more marked in LLD and early stage of dementia as well surgical, cognitive, social, environmental, and treatment
as MCI. Depressive ideations and vegetative symptoms are history, thorough physical, especially neurological,
less common in LLD than young‑onset depression but more examination, cognitive status evaluation, and laboratory
prevalent compared to depression in dementia. Deficits in investigations and neuroimaging to rule out contributory
attention, processing speed, and verbal and visual memory factors and other investigations as indicated (The readers
are associated with LLD, while an individual with dementia are encouraged to go through the clinical psychiatry
can have all the preexisting cognitive deficits increased due guidelines of comprehensive geriatric assessment by the
to comorbid depression. The temporality of onset of mood Indian Psychiatric Society [IPS]).[36] In this article, we shall
and cognitive complaints provides an important clue as specifically focus on the intersections of LLD, dementia,
to whether the depressive diathesis has led to or is a part and depression in dementia.
of the dementia syndrome, though such distinction is
often not possible. In general, apathy, irritability, fatigue, Although the most commonly used assessment tools for
and anhedonia with increased dependence are seen in depression (Hamilton depression rating scale [HAM‑D],
depression/anxiety in dementia. Suicidality can be more, Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS),
and insight is often impaired compared to either LLD or and Beck Depression Inventory [BDI]) were developed
dementia alone.[14,18,34,35] in the context of adults and not the geriatric age group,
several screening and diagnostic instruments have become
The classic concept of depressive pseudodementia may available to assess depression in the older population
manifest in LLD, especially with comorbid chronic medical with or without cognitive impairment [Table 5]. These
illness and frailty. This is often confused with the clinical are the most studied and well validated in the geriatric
phenotype of “depression with reversible dementia.” age group.[37‑43] In addition, scales such as HAM‑D, BDI‑II,
Ideally, such pseudodementia is characterized by: [34]
MADRS, and Patient Health Questionnaire‑9 can be used
• More subjective cognitive complaints
for assessment.[31] Validated inventories are there to assess
• Higher difficulties with attention, concentration, and
depression as a part of BPSD, such as neuropsychiatric
recent memory
inventory, behavioral pathology in AD rating scale,
• Discordance of memory and activity reports between
Manchester and Oxford Universities Scale for the
patients and caregivers
psychopathological assessment of dementia, and Columbia
• Poor efforts during cognitive testing
University Scale to assess psychopathology in AD.[3,8]
• “I do not know” or “I cannot remember” answers
Geriatric depression scale is commonly used as a screener
• Sequential assessments show inconsistent
for depression in the elderly and has been validated in the
performances in cognitive tests.
Indian setting. However, it is not sensitive to pain, somatic
Important to understand, that it is always necessary to grasp complaints, and health‑related preoccupations which
a holistic clinical picture and supplement it with tailored are common in LLD and is also not used for assessing
investigations rather than prelabeling an individual with depression in dementia.[1,14]

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Mukhopadhyay and Banerjee: Clinical intersections of late‑life depression and dementias

Figure 2: Schematic depiction of diagnostic differentials in an elderly presenting with cognitive complaints (prime considerations: 3 “D”s, Delirium, Dementia,
Depression). AD: Alzheimer’s disease

In the neuropsychological assessment, the classical finding alone, and often, the pattern of cognitive deficit in LLD
reported in depression is the reduction of processing speed, with or without MCI (say, episodic memory impairment)
thinking capacity, attention, and concentration, termed predicts future development of dementia. In addition,
debatably as “pseudodementia.” More answers such as “I there may be cognitive deficits as noted in the pathological
do not know” or “I cannot do” are observed on structured LLD models, such as executive dysfunction and profound
cognitive assessment, suggestive of poor motivation. impairments in attention and concentration.[18,46,47]
However, persistent dysfunctions of other domains of
Research in LLD and dementias in the recent past has
cognition, including memory and executive function,
focused on laboratory and neuroimaging biomarkers. Some
are also seen in depression.[45] LLD, especially LOD, may useful investigations needed in assessment of LLD (also in
present with more cognitive deficits than young‑age dementia) are: [3]
depression. The deficits usually, however, do not amount • Complete blood count– to rule out anemia
to the extent observable in dementia. In depression with • Thyroid function test – T3, T4, thyroid‑stimulating
AD, the cognitive impairment may be higher than in either hormone, radioactive iodine uptake

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Mukhopadhyay and Banerjee: Clinical intersections of late‑life depression and dementias

• Vitamin B12 and folate levels differentiation)

• Routine blood biochemistry • Polysomnography (PSG) (for persistent unexplained
• Electrocardiograph (for antidepressant use) sleep disturbance and rapid eye movement‑sleep
• Computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic behavior disorder)
resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain for excluding • Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction
structural/vascular/infective lesions (MRI is preferred
study (NCV) (if peroneal nerve palsy is suspected,
over CT for better resolution and gray‑white matter
which may occur in the depressed elderly due to
weight loss and psychomotor retardation).
Table 2: Considerations in history and physical examination while
evaluating late‑life depression
PSG, EMG, and NCV are used rarely only in certain
selected cases.
Detailed history of the evolution of depressive symptoms (from patient
and reliable sources) However, it is difficult to point out any one diagnostic
Association with physical factors (locomotor impairment, pain, etc.)
investigation to differentiate LLD from dementia. The
and medical conditions
Evolution of cognitive complaints (if present), timeline, domains
composite clinical understanding is dependent on the
affected, and influence on instrumental/daily activities of living holistic picture rather than a single investigation in
Amnestic versus nonamnestic (executive, visuospatial, language, vacuum. It is proposed that certain brain changes in
social cognition) cognitive complaints LLD may be predictive of later development of dementia,
Gait, processing speed, and motor activities particularly AD. Overall, neuroimaging and cerebrospinal
Look for thyroid swelling, bradycardia, skin lesions, signs of fluid (CSF) biomarkers findings relevant to LLD–dementia
malnutrition, liver or kidney disease
Review of medications, treatment history, and polypharmacy
discrimination are mentioned below. Neuroimaging
Exclude bipolarity modalities may be useful in day‑to‑day clinical practice,
Psychosocial details (perceived social support, disability, with structural MRI being a preferred baseline evaluative
postretirement life, interests and hobbies, family relationships, tool for a diagnostic confusion.
attention and support of caregivers, dynamics with spouse, lifestyle,
spirituality, coping patterns, substance use, etc.) Structural neuroimaging[3,8,14]
Symptom severity and subtypes of depression • Volumetric reduction and cortical thinning
Clinical phenotype (vascular/depression executive dysfunction of several brain structures such as PFC,
syndrome/depression with reversible dementia)
orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate
Suicide risk and ideations
Vascular risk factors (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, sedentary
cortex (ACC), amygdala, thalamus, basal ganglia,
lifestyle, obesity, etc.) hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus are
Closely monitor cognitive status after clinical improvement of depression seen in LLD (hippocampal atrophy and ventricular
Changes in functioning and social participation enlargement are shared by LLD and AD)
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of the family/caregivers toward the • WMH, microinfarcts, and microhemorrhages may be
illness and care provided present in frontal subcortical circuits in LLD (vascular

Table 3: Clinical differentials between late‑life depression, dementia, and depression in Alzheimer’s dementia
Clinical signs/symptoms LLD Dementia Depression in AD
Subjective memory complaints ++ +/− +
Subjective complaints of sadness + − +/−
Depressive ideations + − +/−
Vegetative symptoms ++ − +
Psychomotor agitation/retardation ++ − +/−
Somatic symptoms ++ − +
Cognitive deficits Attention, processing speed, Episodic memory (AD), executive Exaggerated preexisting memory
verbal memory functions (subcortical dementias), symptoms (cognitive deficits
language (PNFA, SD) precede depressive symptoms)
Suicidality ++ − +
Irritability + +/− ++
Disability +/− + ++
Sleep duration Reduced May or may not be due to night‑time Not affected more than usual
behavioral problems
Sleep disruption (REM) ++ +/− +
Eating behavior Reduced Reduced/hyperorality May be affected significantly
Psychotic symptoms Delusions of guilt/nihilism/sin/ Delusions of persecution/phantom Lower; nihilistic delusions
hypochondriacal delusion boarder/misidentification
Fatigue ++ − ++
Apathy + +/− ++
Sundowning − + +/−
Characteristic symptoms Guilt, vague physical symptoms, Global worsening of cognition with Fatigue, apathy, irritability,
vegetative symptoms, decreased intact consciousness (±behavioral and anhedonia, rejection sensitivity
psychomotor activity psychiatric symptoms of dementia)
AD: Alzheimer’s dementia; REM: Rapid eye movement; PNFA: Progressive nonfluent aphasias; SD: Semantic dementia; LLD: Late‑life depression; + : present, ++ :
frequently present, +/- : may or may not be present, - : not present

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Table 4: Case vignettes

Case vignette 1
A 67‑year‑old married lady, schoolteacher by profession, presented with her husband with 6‑month complaints of slowness in all activities,
difficulty in thinking and concentrating, inability to remember daily TV shows, decreased social interaction, and fragmented night‑time sleep. Her
husband mentioned that she made frequent mistakes in cooking, minor errors in naming and remembering daily activities. She has no subjective
complaints of sadness or anhedonia. Over time, she had totally restricted outdoor activities and IADL were dependent. Self‑care was normal but
tool a lot of time. Hypothyroidism and hypertension were under control. There were financial difficulties on socio‑environmental evaluation.
Family history revealed similar complaints (untreated) in mother and past history was not significant. Physical examination was normal apart
from generalized slowness, staggered slow gait, and mild action tremors. MSE showed nonspontaneous minimal speech, bradyphrenia, health
anxiety, preoccupations with memory, impaired attention, concentration, and recent memory deficits. HMSE score was 23/31. She did not
complete HAM‑D. GDS score was 4. There was no history of earlier psychotropic exposure. Laboratory investigations showed TSH of 7.2,
ESR 40, and hemoglobin 9.2. Rest of the parameters were normal. CT scan (plain) of brain done 2 months back showed age‑related cerebral
atrophy (frontal predominant) and extensive cortical/subcortical white‑matter change. She had a failed trial of escitalopram. Initial diagnosis
was major neurocognitive disorder (with a differential of MDD). An adequate trial of Sertraline was initiated considering the same. With a
further augmentation of Bupropion XL 150 mg, her symptoms improved in next 3 months, especially in domains of sleep, attention, and daily
functioning. Thyroid supplements and hematinics were administered. The elevated ESR was likely due to osteoarthritis, which was managed with
symptomatic pain control and physiotherapy. A review showed HMSE to be 28/31, GDS of 2, and HAM‑D (was cooperative) of 8. She continues
to maintain improvement till date with IADLs being mostly independent and occasional minor lapses in naming and recall. A diagnosis of MDD
was finalized, with an added differential of possible MCI. Cognitive symptoms improved at follow‑up visits with some persisting deficits in recall
not interfering with IADL
Case vignette 2
A 60‑year‑old widowed farmer presented with his son and daughter‑in‑law with complaints of anhedonia, decreased appetite, weight loss,
difficulties in taking care of cattle, insomnia, and out‑of‑proportion anxiety about financial concerns. His symptoms had started a year back after
his wife’s sudden demise due to a stroke and increased over the last 3 months. His self‑care had markedly decreased. History revealed a similar
episode 5 years back which was untreated (much details unavailable). Family history was insignificant. He used to consume country liquor
in a dependence pattern for >30 years, completely abstinent since wife’s death. Physical examination showed frailty, hypertension (first‑time
diagnosis), and bilateral mild‑moderate sensorineural hearing loss. Apathy, anhedonia, ideas of hopelessness, death anxiety, preoccupations
over family’s well‑being, and partial insight were obtained on MSE. There were deficits in attention, immediate and recent recall. GDS was 12,
HAM‑D was 29, and HMSE was 25/31. Investigations revealed dyslipidemia and Vitamin B12 deficiency. After being diagnosed as recurrent
depressive disorder (severe depression without psychotic symptoms), he was treated with escitalopram up to 15 mg with which he developed
hyponatremia and then was switched to mirtazapine 15 mg. Antihypertensive medications were also initiated with Vitamin B12 supplementation.
There was some improvement in his sleep and anhedonia over the next 6 months, but he persisted to have anxiety, hopelessness, and difficulty
in independent functioning. Mirtazapine was changed to amitriptyline up to 75 mg with which he had intolerable anticholinergic side effects and
was eventually maintained on mirtazapine and venlafaxine combination for 6 more months. After almost a year, his memory problems worsened
with deficits in naming, expressive speech, apraxia, and visuospatial deficits, which were gradually progressive. MRI brain (plain) showed
bilateral temporoparietal atrophy consistent with AD pattern. A repeat HMSE was 21/31. GDS and HAM‑D scores were 3 and 8, respectively.
A diagnosis of mild AD was further considered, and the family was psychoeducated about the same. In the course, he also developed visual
hallucinations and sundowning, and is presently being maintained on mirtazapine 7.5 mg, donepezil 10 mg, and quetiapine 12.5 mg
IADL: Instrumental activities of daily living; MSE: Mental status examination, HMSE: Hindi Mental State Examination; HAM‑D: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale;
GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale; TSH: Thyroid‑stimulating hormone; ESR: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CD: Computerized tomography; MDD: Major depressive
disorder; MCI: Mild cognitive impairment; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; AD: Alzheimer’s dementia

changes may be shared by vascular depression and of dementia. On the other hand, vascular pathology so
VaD, but not as obvious in AD), compared to more of common in LLD can affect progression of preexisting
periventricular WMH in normal aging AD pathology both through amyloid‑beta (Aβ)
• Ischemic deep white matter lesions are found more in dependent and independent mechanisms.[50]
DLPFC in LLD (compared to nondepressed elderly).
These can be visualized best with T2 sequences and Functional neuroimaging[6,14]
FLAIR • LLD is usually conceptualized as a disorder affecting
• Structural connectivity: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) reward, cognitive, and salience networks[1]
has shown disruption of microstructural integrity in the • Higher regional cerebral blood flow is noted
superior longitudinal fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus, in amygdala and hippocampus in LLD (versus
cingulum, and corpus callosum as important markers dementia) on single‑photon emission computed
of vascular depression, which in turn predicts tomography (SPECT) (diagnostic accuracy of SPECT
progression to vascular dementia.[48] Processing speed, in distinguishing between LLD and dementia is 86%)
verbal fluency, and working memory are the main • There is an absence or a relative lack of identifiable
neuropsychological correlates of the same. Further, Aβ pathology on [18F]‑flutemetamol amyloid
DTI findings are also correlated with WMH in genu, positron‑emission tomography (PET) in LLD (versus AD)
hippocampus, dorsal ACC, precuneus, hypothalamus, • Significantly reduced uptake is seen in temporoparietal
amygdala, and other paralimbic regions. The white regions on [18F]‑fluorodeoxyglucose PET in
matter lesion burden and lesion severity are the AD (versus LLD); glucose uptake patterns in LLD are
two most important parameters deciding executive more non‑specific and heterogenous across cortex and
function deficits and response to treatment.[49] AD subcortex
Neuroimaging Initiative findings show that early DMN • Fu n c t i o n a l M R I ( f M R I ) s h o w s D M N
involvement in LLD can be a predictor of progression overactivity (associated with negative self‑referential

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Table 5: Commonly used screening and diagnostic assessment tools for geriatric depression and depression in dementia
Scale Salient features
GDS[37]* Screening tool; short form available (developed in 1986), Long form has 30 items
Short form: 15 items
Time to administer: 4‑5 min
Score >5 is suggestive of depression
Score 0‑4: Normal
Score 5‑8: Mild depression
Score 9‑11: Moderate depression
Score 12‑15: Severe depression
Avoids somatic symptoms
Available in Hindi, Urdu, Bengali
CES‑D[38] Used widely in community settings, to screen for geriatric depression
Assesses symptoms for the past 1 week
20 items on behaviors and feelings evaluated
Each item scored from 0 (rarely) to 3 (most of the time); maximum score 60: Higher score suggestive of more symptoms
Four factors: Somatic symptoms (correlated to melancholic depression), positive affect (correlated with life satisfaction),
negative affect, and interpersonal relationship
CSDD[39] Measures depression in context of cognitive impairment
Better for mild to moderate dementia than severe
Information is collected from both patient and caregiver, combined with clinician’s assessment
Assesses symptoms in the past 1 week
Time to administer: 30 min
Domains evaluated ‑ mood‑related signs (4 items), behavioral disturbances (4 items), disturbances, physical signs (3
items), cyclic functions (4 items), and ideational disturbances (4 items)
Each item scored from 0‑2 or N/A (unable to evaluate)
Score >10: Probable depression, score >18: Definite depression, score <5: No depression/treated depression/
depression in remission
In disabled or medically ill elderly, physical signs may not reliable
DMAS[40] Modeled after HAM‑D, without the subjective components
Assesses symptoms in the past 1 week
Trained clinician‑rated, with inputs from caregiver (nursing staff for in‑patient)
24 items; 1‑17 to assess the depression severity and 18‑24 to assess the severity of dementia
Each item rated on a 6‑point severity scale
Reliable for assessing depression severity in mild‑to‑moderate dementia
BASDEC[41] Screening tool to identify patients at risk for depression
19 cards; true/false questionnaire; maximum score 21
“Caseness” cutoff: 7
Especially applicable in those with hearing impairment
NPI[42,43]* Assessment of BPSD; frequency and severity of neuropsychiatric symptoms
NPI‑nursing home version also rates occupational disruption (a measure of caregiver burden)
12 behavioral clusters measured (last two added later): Delusion, hallucination, agitation/aggression, dysphoria/
depression, apathy, anxiety, euphoria, disinhibition, lability/irritability, aberrant motor activity, night‑time behavioral
disturbances, and abnormality in appetite and eating
Useful in screening for BPSD in all types of dementias
Administered to caregivers: Screening, followed by frequency, severity of and distress caused by symptoms
BEHAVE‑AD[44]* Measures BPSD in persons with AD
Rating is done based on informant interview
Two parts: First assesses symptoms and second measures severity
Domains: Paranoid and delusional ideation, hallucinations, activity disturbances, aggression, diurnal variation, mood,
and anxieties and phobias
Useful in prospective studies and pharmacological trials
*Scale validated in the Indian population. BPSD: Behavioral and psychiatric symptoms in dementia; AD: Alzheimer’s disease; GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale; CES‑D:
Centre for Epidemiologic Studies‑Depression scale; CSDD: Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia; DMAS: Dementia Mood Assessment Scale; BASDEC: Brief
Assessment Schedule Depression Cards; NPI: Neuropsychiatric Inventory; BEHAVE‑AD: Behavioral Pathology in Alzheimer’s Disease; HAM‑D: Hamilton Depression
Rating Scale; NA: Not applicable

ruminations) and increased FC between DMN and Insular hypometabolism, task‑based deactivation of
subgenual PFC in LLD (versus moderate decrease of the DMN, decreased FC between limbic and dorsal
DMN‑FC between posterior cingulate cortex and right cortical structures, and DMN–CEN disconnection
hippocampus and global reduction of DMN‑multiscale have been posited as possible functional biomarkers
entropy in AD).[14,51] Some typical fMRI findings in of the “network dysfunction” in LLD.[53] Cerebellar
depression are DMN dominance over the Central FC differences (at vermis) with DMN, CEN, and
Executive Network (CEN), dysfunction of salience Salience Network (SN) are seen more often in LLD
network‑mediated switching between the DMN and than dementia.[54] Functional disconnection between
CEN, and reduced CEN modulation of the DMN.[52] anterior and posterior DMN regions and reduced

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global connectivity has been studied to be markers of The pharmacological treatment options include selective
persistent cognitive deficits in LLD, hence increasing serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (citalopram,
the risk of dementias[53] escitalopram, sertraline, and fluoxetine), serotonin
• Increased left hippocampal and decreased right noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine, duloxetine,
hippocampal FC with other brain regions involved and levomilnacipran), mirtazapine, bupropion, and
in mood regulation is present in LLD (as compared to tricyclic antidepressants (desipramine and nortriptyline).
a globally reduced connectivity in amnestic MCI)[55] SSRIs are usually the first‑line unless contraindicated.
• Nondemented depressed older persons have reduced M o n o a m i n e ox i d a s e i n h i b i t o r s ( p h e n e l z i n e ,
bilateral activation of dorsal ACC and hippocampus tranylcypromine) are sometimes used in a very restricted
on word‑activation task. number of cases where other treatments are ineffective
or not tolerated.[3,6,31] The psychotherapeutic options are
Cerebrospinal fluid markers[6,14] problem‑solving therapy (PST; more rational in the context of
• CSF Aβ‑42 is significantly higher in LLD versus AD executive dysfunction), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT;
• CSF phosphorylated tau and total tau levels are for cognitively intact depressed elderly), behavioral
significantly higher in AD versus LLD activation (BA), interpersonal therapy (useful due to high
• CSF Aβ‑42 and tau levels in LLD are comparable to prevalence of bereavement in this age group), problem
controls. adaptation therapy (PATH; in depression and moderate
From the above discussion, it is apparent that we still cognitive impairment), brief dynamic psychotherapy, and
have a long way to go in determining an unequivocal ecosystem‑focused therapy (EFT; developed in poststroke
biomarker for LLD differentiating it from dementias, and depression).[6] CBT, BA, and brief dynamic psychotherapy
as of now, the differentiation depends on a sound clinical are found equally efficacious in LLD.[3] Research domain
understanding. Moreover, other dementias are not as much criteria group, NIMH, has proposed “Engage” psychotherapy
studied as AD in this light. The presence of certain unique based on the neurobiological domains affected in LLD. It
investigative pointers however encourages future research focuses on assessing and targeting negativity bias, apathy,
in this direction. or emotional dysregulation in response to reward exposure
in depressed individuals via psychotherapy.[57]
DIFFERENCES IN THE MANAGEMENT In treatment‑resistant depression (TRD), catatonia,
STRATEGIES comorbid PD, inability to tolerate antidepressants, or acute
Treatment of LLD follows the line of treatment in young suicidality, electroconvulsive stimulation treatment (ECT)
can be administered. Right unilateral, ultra‑brief pulse,
adults, with certain restrictions regarding the choice of
high‑dose ECT is a common and safe choice in the elderly.
medication, dose, and duration. The clinical course of
Other neurostimulation methods such as vagal nerve
LLD is much like that in young adults, though relapse
stimulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation are not
and recurrence are said to be higher.[3,18,56] Poorer outcome,
mainly studied in LLD, and the efficacy results are usually
including mortality, is noted with comorbid chronic
extrapolations of findings of adult study.[6] Maintenance
medical diseases and functional impairment. Further,
ECT with continued pharmacotherapy has been found
low‑grade depression and incomplete remission may
more efficacious in preventing relapse.[58] Treatment is
be chronic in older persons even after treatment that
suggested to be continued in LLD for at least 6 months
leads to subsyndromal depressive symptoms, common
after symptom remission and usually 2 years due to higher
in the community. Depression in AD may often resolve
risk of relapse.[6,59] Essential to note, retrograde amnesia
spontaneously or with less intensive treatment, whereas that
caused by ECT can be more pronounced in older adults
in VaD is more chronic and often refractory to treatment.[3]
and persistent cognitive deficits may be seen in some
Severity of depression, nonmelancholic features, history of
cases, especially in someone with preexisting mild or major
long duration of episode (past or current episode), presence
neurocognitive disorder.
of delusion, poor self‑rated health, and poor social support
are predictors of chronicity in LLD. Relapse and recurrence Treatments targeting the models of LLD have insufficient
are predicted by history of frequent episodes, late age of evidence as of now (dopamine D2/D3 agonists and
onset, history of dysthymia, intercurrent medical illness, computerized cognitive remediation in DED, modification
and high severity and chronicity of the index episode.[6] of risk factors in vascular depression with possible role
of angiotensin receptor blockers and calcium channel
The consensus on treatment is that a combination of
inhibitors, and anti‑inflammatory agents and cytokine
psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy is often better than
inhibitors, such as celecoxib and infliximab, in LLD with
either alone in LLD. It is suggested that LLD responds
increased inflammatory markers).[18]
less well to antidepressants and has a high relapse risk
as compared to young adult depression.[18] The details of Role of antidepressants in treating depression in AD is
LLD treatment guidelines are beyond the scope of this doubtful. Some studies have found mild‑to‑moderate
chapter. The readers are suggested to go through the IPS short‑term efficacy though not sustained in the long run.
Clinical Practice Guidelines for treatment of depression Depression in AD trial (DIADS)‑1 found significantly
in the elderly, which provides a detailed discussion on more benefit with sertraline than placebo, given for
treatment algorithms and antidepressant considerations 12 weeks, in depression in AD, whereas DIADS‑2,
in LLD.[31] However, a brief overview is provided below. continued on the remitted individuals for 12 more weeks,

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found no superior efficacy for sertraline.[60,61] Similarly, Table 6: Specific considerations for depression in dementia
Health Technology Assessment Study of the Use of syndromes[14,31,63]
Antidepressants for Depression in Dementia found no Assessment using adequate rating scales (e.g., CSDD)
more benefit with sertraline or mirtazapine than placebo Temporal correlation of the onset of cognitive and depressive symptoms
in treating depression in AD.[62] The National Institute of Apathy, anhedonia, fatigue and irritability are predominant
Health and Care Excellence 2018 guidelines recommend Worsening of preexisting cognitive functions/exacerbation of other
psychological treatments for mild‑to‑moderate depression/ BPSD symptom clusters
Marked disability
anxiety in people living with mild–moderate dementias.[63]
Depressive cognitions and vegetative symptoms can be minimal to absent
Routine use of antidepressants is specifically discouraged Psychological treatments are best in mild‑moderate depression
unless indicated for a preexisting severe mental illness. Environmental modifications, controlling pain, and caregiver
Further, personalized multicomponent interventions education are vital
are recommended for sleep problems with or without Check for the possibility of abuse/loneliness/other psychosocial triggers
depression, which includes routine exercises and exposure Antidepressants with lowest propensity of anticholinergic burden and
to sunlight. least
pharmacological interactions are to be used (avoid TCAs, paroxetine)
In view of the evidence, the suggested first‑line treatment Low dose stimulants (e.g., MPH) are beneficial both for depression
for depression in AD is usually psychological, such and cognition (modest effects)
as PATH, caregiver‑focused treatment, PST, and brief Psychotic symptoms should be carefully evaluated (may be part of
BPSD): Routine use of antipsychotics is discouraged
supportive therapy. Lifetime reminiscence and validation
ECT can be used safely for treatment resistant depression/suicidality
therapy have also shown to help depression in AD.[14] (extra caution for monitoring cognitive deficits)
Neuroplasticity‑based computerized cognitive remediation
CSDD: Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia; BPSD: Behavioral and
therapy targeting specific neurobiological deficits has psychological symptoms of dementia; TCA: Tricyclic antidepressants;
modest evidence in treatment‑resistant LLD (more in DDS MPH: Methylphenidate; ECT: Emission computed tomography
phenotype) and subcortical dementias. This again is an
evidence for the underlying common network abnormalities The bottom‑line remains: In diagnostic doubt of whether
in executive dysfunction and late‑life depressive comorbid depression exists with a neurocognitive disorder,
syndromes.[64] Depending on response to psychotherapy, it is always recommended to adequately treat the depression
severity of depression, imminent risk of harm, functional and then assess the cognitive status at least 6 months
impairment and disability due to depression, and patient after remission of depressive symptoms.[59] Overtreatment
and/or caregiver preference, judicial use of antidepressant of depression in this regard is often suggested as the
can be permitted. There is some evidence of reduction in underlying cognitive deficits may be reversible and may
brain amyloid load with antidepressants in AD. However, have been exaggerated by the coexisting LLD. Appreciation
the duration of use of antidepressant in context of AD is not of this bidirectional relationship is vital.
very well formulated, and it is usually recommended to use
the drugs for a short term.[6,18] Certain specific management A COMPLEX‑CONTINUOUS CONUNDRUM
considerations while dealing with depression in dementia
are highlighted in Table 6. Depression is frequently comorbid with both MCI and
dementias, as already mentioned earlier. These three
Finally, the primary preventive strategies of both all‑cause constructs of LLD, MCI, and dementia (especially AD)
dementia and LLD overlap significantly due to the common are often argued as not being categorically distinct.
risk factors. Recently, the 2020 Lancet Commission EOD and LOD, according to some authors, are known
Report on “Dementia Prevention, Intervention, and to increase the risk of incident dementia.[2,14,16] There is
Care” mentioned about 12 modifiable risk factors based disagreement among researchers regarding LLD being a
on a life‑course approach which accounts for 40% predictor of conversion of MCI into dementia.[68,69] In one
theoretical risk of worldwide dementias.[65] Most of the study, patients with MCI, who developed AD, were found
mid‑life (hypertension, alcohol consumption >21 units/ to have more apathy and anxiety over 2 years.[70] MCI
week) and late‑life risk factors (smoking, diabetes, obesity, and LLD are considered to share the pathogenic pathway
and physical inactivity) are related to lifestyle modification in two possible ways. The first is the accumulation of
and vascular vulnerabilities, which if modified are AD neuropathology with concurrent cerebrovascular
also hypothesized to help depression.[18] Primary care disease burden over years, leading to manifestation of
screening for depression, early detection, infection MCI, on being coupled with depressed mood and reduced
control, collaborative care, and adequate management brain reserve. The other is the role of cerebrovascular
are known to reduce cognitive decline in older adults.[66] diseases in causing LLD and MCI, more in the domains of
Especially in low‑resource countries, novel and large vascular cognitive impairment (e.g. executive dysfunction).
depression prevention trials such as “Depression in late Vascular depression is in fact often comorbid with
life” conducted in Goa, India, involving nonspecialist lay recurrent strokes which in turn can lead to vascular
health workers have been shown to improve quality of life dementia. Other mechanisms include depression being an
and disability in the community geriatric population.[67] early sign of MCI, sometimes unmasking and sometimes
Whether such interventions have a long‑term effect in overlapping it.[16] Similarly, high but varying incidence of
reducing the progression to dementia stays as a question depression, from 11.7 to 26.6/100 person‑years, is found
of further longitudinal research. in several studies in patients with MCI.[15,16] The variation

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is mostly attributed to different diagnostic tool use. The nonremission in LLD over 2 years and of cognitive decline
depression–MCI–dementia continuum is not linear. Often, over 5 years.[6] It is also noticed that older depressed adults
someone who presents with a first episode of LLD (Case with moderate‑to‑severe treatment resistance have higher
Vignette 2) undergoes incomplete remissions, psychosocial amyloid burden, than milder and treatment‑responsive
stressors, polypharmacy, side effects of medications, depression, in parietal, temporal, occipital cortices, and
chronic subsyndromal depressive symptoms, fluctuating precuneus. The amyloid‑PET studies have shown amyloid
cognitive deficits, and impaired independent functioning pathology in TRD to be typically similar to AD pathology.[14]
and then eventually slides into the spectrum of a major This argues for treatment‑resistant LLD to be a prodrome or
neurocognitive disorder. pointer of AD. Despite the presence of some distinguishing
features between LLD and AD on SPECT, the changes
It has been shown that hippocampal atrophy and episodic often overlap. Clinically, two kinds of trajectories are
memory impairment, when observed in LLD (with or seen. Some patients with LLD develop MCI or AD over
without MCI), predict long‑term risk of development of the course of time, as discussed earlier. However, there
AD. Depression may lead to dysfunctional glucocorticoid are up to 30% of those diagnosed with LLD who continue
cascade, leading to serotonin and noradrenaline to have chronic major depression over 1–6 years and
dysfunction, hippocampal atrophy, and further, cognitive almost 40% stay in partial remission.[6] All these findings
impairment.[16] Persistent sleep disturbance in LLD has suggest that LLD, MCI, and dementia possibly persist on a
a deleterious effect on neuronal activity, leading to a clinicopathological continuum though further research is
chronic increase in soluble Aβ further increasing the risk of warranted to elucidate more definitive biomarkers unique
amyloid plaque formation, a pathological process noted in to each pathological state.
AD. Depression with sleep disturbance is seen to increase
the risk of AD by about threefold. This interconnection CONCLUSION
among LLD, sleep disturbance, and dementia is stronger This paper essentially tries to simplify the depression–
in those with ApoE4 carrier status.[14] DMN hyperactivity, dementia conundrum for facilitating clinical management
as noted in depression, is also found to increase neuronal and monitoring. Few related reviews/discussions related
activity and Aβ release (link with tau release is doubtful) to the subject are included in Table 7 to guide the readers
on amyloid‑PET imaging with Pittsburgh compound‑B. for additional information. To summarize, LLD, MCI, and
On the other hand, Aβ deposition is seen to be associated AD are interdependent entities, one often begetting the
with significantly reduced FC between precuneus and other throughout the course. LLD can be conceptualized
hippocampus. These findings point at a bidirectional as a prodrome or risk factor of MCI and dementia or may
relationship between DMN activity and the risk of AD.[14,71] be comorbid with the same. Although there is conflicting
LLD and dementia are thought to share another possible evidence regarding the precise cause–effect relationship
pathogenetic mechanism. White matter changes and between these three, it is likely that these constructs share
temporal lobe atrophy are predictive of development some common pathological processes and are more often
of both depression and dementia, as mentioned earlier associated with each other than not. A recent systematic
in the text. Worsening WMH is prognosticative of review by Brzezinska et al. highlights that genetic

Table 7: Suggested reads on depression‑dementia conundrum for further study

Article title Authors Type Journal and year
The clinical interface of depression and dementia Raskind[72] Review J Clin Psychiatry, 1998
Pathways linking LLD to persistent cognitive impairment Butters et al.[17] Review Dialogues Clin Neurosci., 2008
and dementia
Depression versus dementia: How do we assess? Thorpe[2] Clinical approach The Canadian review of AD and
discussion other dementias, 2009
LLD, MCI, and dementia: Possible continuum? Panza et al.[16] Review Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2010
The complex relationship between depression and dementia Muliyala and Varghese[34] Review Ann Indian Acad Neurol, 2010
Depression and risk of developing dementia Byers and Yaffe[9] Review Nat Rev Neurol., 2011
The association between LLD, MCI and dementia: Is Hermida et al.[23] Review Expert Rev Neurother., 2012
inflammation the missing link?
Depression and dementia: Cause, consequence or Bennett and Thomas[73] Review Maturitas, 2014
Depression versus dementia: Is this construct still relevant? Ismail et al.[74] Review Neurodegener Dis Manag., 2014
LLD and the prodromes of dementia Steffens[10] Commentary JAMA Psychiatry, 2017
Clinical practice guidelines for management of depression Avasthi and Grover[31] Review and clinical Indian J Psychiatry, 2018
in elderly practice guidelines
Diagnosing and treating depression in patients with AD Burke[14] Review Neurol Ther., 2019
Depression in dementia or dementia in depression? Brzezińska et al.[75] Review Curr Alzheimer Res., 2020
systematic review of studies and hypotheses
Pathways connecting LLD and dementia Linnemann and Lang[76] Review Front Pharmacol., 2020
Depression in AD: A Delphi consensus on etiology, risk Agüera‑Ortiz et al.[77] Expert survey Front Psychiatry, 2021
factors, and clinical management
LLD: Late‑life depression; MCI: Mild cognitive impairment; AD: Alzheimer’s disease

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polymorphisms are likely to explain the “variances in 13. Corey‑Bloom J, Sabbagh MN, Bondi MW, Hansen L, Alford MF, Masliah E, et al.
Hippocampal sclerosis contributes to dementia in the elderly. Neurology
shared phenomenology” between these three conditions.[75]
The authors also hypothesize that when these clinical 14. Burke AD, Goldfarb D, Bollam P, Khokher S. Diagnosing and treating depression
entities occur together, the order in which they present in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Neurol Ther 2019;8:325‑50.
clinically or are detected depending on individual physical 15. Solfrizzi V, D’Introno A, Colacicco AM, Capurso C, Del Parigi A, Caselli RJ, et al.
condition, neurocognitive reserves, medical history, Incident occurrence of depressive symptoms among patients with mild cognitive
impairment‑The Italian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord
inflammatory diathesis, and frailty. Thus, it is preferable
to direct the clinical management and research in this 16. Panza F, Frisardi V, Capurso C, D’Introno A, Colacicco AM, Imbimbo BP, et al.
arena in a comprehensive way rather than pigeonholing Late‑life depression, mild cognitive impairment, and dementia: Possible
the diagnoses. Patients presenting with LLD must undergo continuum? Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 2010;18:98‑116.
a comprehensive cognitive and mental status examination 17. Butters MA, Young JB, Lopez O, Aizenstein HJ, Mulsant BH, Reynolds CF 3rd, et al.
Pathways linking late‑life depression to persistent cognitive impairment and
cross‑sectionally and longitudinally with special emphasis
dementia. Dialogues Clin Neurosci 2008;10:345‑57.
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