Social Media Revolutionizes Communication

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Sometimes there are so many people who can’t get away form gadgets, of course social media

Hi i.m Niken

So what are the impacts of social media?

for positive impact’s there are …,….,… and many more

and for negative impact’s there are

and did you know? Social media can make us depressed

According to the Pew Research Center, 69% of adults and 81% of teenagers in the US use social
media. This puts most people at increased risk of feeling anxious, depressed, or hurt due to the use
of social media, especially in Indonesia, so many people already use social media, even children aged
6-7 years already use social media, which is truly extraordinary.

According to existing data in 2021, social media has started to increase until now

apparently no, social media is not that bad, usually apart from entertaining us social media can make
us happy, less stressed and reduce feelings of loneliness. But even though social media is as fun as it
is, we still have to maintain our mental health, so make the best use of social media

So much from me, thank you

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