Homework2 4

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Briefly answer the following. HANDWRITTEN

1. Why do you think some people form a social enterprise instead of a single
proprietorship, partnership, or corporation? How is it different from a cooperative? (10

2. What are the reasons some social enterprises succeed or fail as a business
organization? (5 points)

3. How do social enterprises contribute to the economic growth and development of the
country? (5 points)

4. A social enterprise is a business with a good or ethical cause. How is this so? (5

5. Social change is the center of social enterprise development, and the people are at the
core of its purpose. Does this mean it is time to set aside the mindset that business' aim
should be profit and shareholders' value? (10 points)

6. Explain the challenges that social enterprises face today and how they can overcome
these. Here are some challenges: (15 points)

a. Goals conflict

b. Inconsistent practices

c. Sustainability

d. Lack of experience

7. How can a school be considered a social enterprise? How should it be characterized?

Explain. (10 points)


Research and may be done COMPUTERIZED.

Look for one social enterprise that involves easier access to financial markets and a
framework to the national level considering the impact of digital technology. Discuss with
the class the nature of its operation, the business model, the clients, as well as its
contribution to economic growth and development. Hint: Digital social enterprise. (40


Briefly answer the following. HANDWRITTEN

1. Foreign aid is closely related to peace economics. How are these related to each
other? (10 points)
2. Explain what peace means and its contribution to long-term economic growth and
development. (5 points)

3. There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) included in the 2030 agenda of
the UN. How can these contribute to the lasting peace in the world (at least for member
countries of the UN) and, consequentially, to the global economic growth and
development? (10 points)

4. It is a human being's moral obligation to have a nonviolent approach to resist social

injustices and human rights violations. When can a violent approach be a solution to
temporary chaos to achieve peace and thereby economic development? (10 points)

5. Peacebuilding should be an economic goal and peace an economic indicator. Do you

agree with this statement? Why or why not? (5 points)

6. Discuss how transnational terrorism is considered a threat to global economic

development. Specifically, address the issue on the three main macroeconomic problems
of the following: (15 points)

A. Standard of living

B. Cost of living

C. Economic cycle

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