1 Psychology

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Subject of Psychology
The history of psychology Psychology is considered to have been founded in the 6th century before AD. Psychologists distinguished 4 periods in psychology. 1. The Ancient World, psychology was determined as a science about a soul. Soul was considered as non-material entity that is independent of the body. The appearance of the concept soul can be traced to animistic ideal of primitive men who provided a primitive interpretation of sleep, fainting, death. Aristotle was the first to propose that soul was a form of he living body and he distinguished 3 types of soul. a. Nutrition soul b. Sensory soul c. Rational, specifically, human soul In short, psychologists root run deep in philosophy and the history of though. 2. Social economic transformations and development of natural senses or stimulated progress are psychological thinking which had been enriched by number of fundamental categories. The investigation of biological aspects or of what is now psychology also began centuries ago. Theories about the brain and nervous system began to develop in the 17th century when French philosopher Rene Descartes distinguished the physical brain, sense organs and nervous from the soul passing way for the eventual separation of the psychology from philosophy Descartes also prepared detailed model of human responses to physical stimuli. By 1750, laboratories devoted specifically to the study of nervous system were well established. The study of sense organs also began in very early and was particularly important to the development of psychology as we know it today. These finding coupled with the growing of research in the same period on the structures and functions of the brain and nerves gave direct impetus be the founder of modern psychology. Psychology becomes an independent field of knowledge from philosophy and psychology when William Wandt opened the first psychological laboratory in Lypsig in 1879. There, he studied of variety of phenomena including reaction time to stimuli, consciousness and attention and dimensions of emotions. His know technique was interpretation in which subject were trained to report their own conscious experience while reacting to a variety of sensory stimuli. By these methods Wandt hoped to discover the principles of mental chemistry, principles by which the mind combines sensations to form ideas. The chief aim of Wandt and his students was in discover the ingredients of conscious experiences. It was claimed that it could be analyze into elements. 3. William James- He was interested in consciousness and mind but in a very different way from Wandt, James described consciousness as the function that had evolved so that humans could make reasons, moral choices among various ideals.

In other words, James considered that ability to make mental choices one of the main highly evolved human adaptation. James sense of thought became known as funcmoralism because it emphasized the adaptativeness of human thought of behavior. Because of the emphasized upon conscious experience psychology was at that time designated as science of consciousness. 4. Psychologist argued that the method of introspection caution form of scientific psychology because results varied from laboratory to lab, from subject to subject. Thus, conscious could never be studied scientifically. They asserted psychology should study only what they could directly observed and therefore reliably measured. Their branch at psychology is call behaviorism reject the role of consciousness as a regular of human activity and because of emphasizes upon the objectively observed reaction of organism to environmental stimuli psychology as that time designated the science of behavior.

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