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Dream/Ideal Client Worksheet

Basic Info
Who is your ideal client (aka you a couple of months or
years ago): age, gender, marital status, hobbies, job etc

List 5-10 biggest struggles aka the pain points that you
ideal client has right now related to your topic

List 5-10 biggest desires/goals/results that your ideal
client has right now related to your topic

@ Created and Owned by Natalia Raitomaki | Founder of Profitable Digital Product Academy. All rights reserved
Road blocks/limiting beliefs/objections
List 5-10 biggest road blocks, limiting beliefs or
objections why your ideal client hasn't taken action yet

End result/transformation/goal
List 5-10 things that describe how does their life or/and business
look like after solving that main problem related to your topic


@ Created and Owned by Natalia Raitomaki | Founder of Profitable Digital Product Academy. All rights reserved

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