Malcolm X Crash Course History

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Vocabulary List

1. Autobiography - A self-written account of the life of oneself.

2. Civil Rights - The rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.
3. Self-education - The act of educating oneself without formal instruction.
4. Nationalism - Advocacy for political independence for a particular country.
5. Integration - The process of combining or adding parts to make a unified whole.
6. Evolution - The gradual development or change of something over time.
7. Self-determination - The process by which a country determines its own
statehood and forms its own allegiances and government.
8. Activism - The policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about
political or social change.
9. Arson - The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
10. Supremacists - People who believe in the supremacy of a particular group, often
used to describe those who believe in white superiority.
11. Incarcerated - Imprisoned or confined.
12. Burglary - The act of breaking into a building, typically at night, to commit a crime,
especially theft.
13. Philosophy - The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and
14. Charisma - Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in
15. Racial Uplift - Efforts to improve the status and well-being of a racial group.
16. Desegregation - The ending of a policy of racial segregation.
17. Nonviolent Direct Action - A form of protest or resistance that does not involve
physical force.
18. Empowerment - The process of becoming stronger and more confident,
especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.
19. Militant - Combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause.
20. Enlightenment - The state of gaining spiritual insight and finding universal truths;
the state of being enlightened.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

1. Malcolm X's birth name was __________.

2. Malcolm X was born in __________, Nebraska in 1925.
3. Malcolm X's parents supported the activist __________ Garvey.
4. The Nation of Islam's leader during Malcolm X's time was __________ Muhammad.
5. While in prison, Malcolm X changed his last name to __________.
6. Malcolm X's philosophy evolved after his pilgrimage to __________.
7. Malcolm X believed that Black empowerment could happen if Black people
pooled their __________.
8. The autobiography of Malcolm X was co-written with the writer __________ Haley.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What year was Malcolm X born?

● a) 1920
● b) 1925
● c) 1930
● d) 1935
2. Who was the leader of the Nation of Islam that Malcolm X followed?
● a) Marcus Garvey
● b) Martin Luther King Jr.
● c) Elijah Muhammad
● d) Louis Farrakhan
3. Malcolm X's pilgrimage to Mecca led him to change his name to:
● a) Malik El-Shabazz
● b) Malik El-Hajj
● c) El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz
● d) El-Hajj El-Shabazz
4. The Nation of Islam's teachings emphasized:
● a) Integration
● b) Nonviolent direct action
● c) Black self-determination and enterprise
● d) Christian activism
5. Malcolm X was assassinated in:
● a) 1963
● b) 1964
● c) 1965
● d) 1966
Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the impact of Malcolm X's early life experiences on his later activism and
philosophy. How did these experiences shape his views on Black empowerment
and civil rights?
2. Compare and contrast the philosophies of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
How did their approaches to achieving civil rights for Black Americans differ, and
what were the main points of contention between their viewpoints? (Video on

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