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J. Catolico St. Avenue, Lagao General Santos City


Frameworks and Principles Behind Our Moral Disposition

Final Task Performance


Submitted to

Ms. Cyrill Callojo


Submitted by:

Cabesas, Karen D.

June 2023
Summary of the Interview

1. Same-Sex Marriage
- What are your thoughts on the legalization of same-sex marriage?
- How do you believe society has evolved in terms of acceptance and inclusion of same-
sex couples?
- Can you discuss any personal experiences or encounters that have shaped your views
on same-sex marriage?
- In your opinion, what impact has the legalization of same-sex marriage had on society
and individuals' rights?

2. Divorce
- What are your views on divorce as a means of resolving marital issues?
- How do you think divorce affects individuals and families, both positively and
- What role do you believe society and cultural norms play in shaping people's attitudes
towards divorce?
- Are there any specific circumstances or conditions you think should be considered
before granting a divorce?

3. Abortion
- What are your thoughts on the topic of abortion and a woman's right to choose?
- How do you think laws and regulations around abortion should be approached and
- What factors should be taken into consideration when discussing the ethics and
legality of abortion?
- Can you share your perspective on the balance between a woman's autonomy and
the potential rights of the unborn?
My mother holds the belief that same-sex marriage is not acceptable, along with
laws and regulations about abortion, based on her faith in the teachings of God. She believes
that following God's teachings will lead to a positive outcome, while accepting same-sex
marriage, which is deemed unacceptable in the eyes of God, may bring negative
consequences. Although she lacks personal experiences or encounters shaping her views on
same-sex marriage, she relies solely on God's teachings. Her philosophy is that it is better to
believe in God even if he does not exist, rather than not believing in him if he did exist.

She also perceives that society has evolved in accepting same-sex marriage due to a
decline in people's belief in God. The legalization of same-sex marriage negatively impacts
the belief in God since many individuals no longer believe in Him (which she still respects
their choice).

She holds the belief that divorce is not a solution to marital problems. Instead, She
advocates for separating ways without seeking another person, and encouraging heartfelt
discussions. Divorce affects only those who fail to accept that imperfections exist, as humans
are not created to be perfect.

She acknowledges the significant role of society and cultural norms in shaping
people's attitudes, suggesting that one's companions influence their character. The saying
"birds of a feather flock together" aligns with this idea.

Regarding divorce, she does not consider any circumstances or conditions for
granting it, as her preference is to simply separate if the marriage is broken.

She disagrees with abortion, and in her perspective, no laws can supersede the laws
of God. The ethical and legal considerations of abortion should be based on the Law of God,
as taking a life is viewed as a sin in his eyes.

Lastly, she advocates for women's autonomy, emphasizing the right to live, make
decisions, and love oneself.

My Reaction

It is apparent that my mother’s belief in same-sex marriage, divorce and abortion

largely differ from my own. My mother, strongly believes that same-sex marriage and
abortion are unacceptable based on her faith in the teachings of God. Her unwavering
conviction stems from the belief that following God's teachings will lead to positive
outcomes, while deviating from them, particularly in the case of same-sex marriage, may
result in negative consequences. Although her views are not influenced by personal
experiences, she relies solely on the guidance of her faith.

It is of my own opinion that while her concerns do have some validity, people have
always had the inclination of being different when it comes to the genders they preferred. I
believe people should be free to love whoever they fall in love with, regardless of sexual
preference. It is because we grew up with deep-seated belief that only men and women can
marry that there is so much resistance against the idea of same-sex marriage. While she
acknowledges and respects the choices of those who doesn’t share her beliefs, she still holds
the view that the acceptance of same-sex marriage contradicts the teachings of her faith.
As for the topic of divorce, mother firmly believes that it is not a solution to marital
problems. Instead, she advocates for separating ways without seeking new partners and
encourages heartfelt discussions. She holds the belief that divorce is a result of individuals
failing to accept the imperfections inherent in relationships. In her eyes, humans are not
created to be perfect, and divorcing simply because of difficulties fails to address the
underlying issues.

I also hold a different view to hers; it is apparent that with each new generation that
are born, people will change and have differing opinions. I believe that divorce should be
legalized, as there are some cases where spouses are trapped in a marriage of emotional or
physical abuse. The only way for them to safely leave that marriage is to go through a
divorce. It also isn’t good for the kids of the parents to separate because it will cause
developmental issues in some, creating mental health issues that won’t be addressed until it
is too late. Philippines is also now one of the two countries that still hasn’t legalized divorce
due to how deep the belief runs.

Lastly, when it comes to abortion, mom strongly disagrees with it. She firmly
believes that no laws can supersede the laws of God. In her view, the ethical and legal
considerations of abortion should be based on the Law of God, as taking a life is seen as a sin
in His eyes. This belief reflects her unwavering commitment to the teachings and principles
of her faith. Despite thinking that abortion shouldn’t be legal, she advocates for women's
autonomy and emphasizes their right to live, make decisions, and love themselves. This
belief highlights her support for women's empowerment and self-determination.

My mother’s statements here are worryingly conflicting, but it makes sense if we

look at it from a view of “to what extent does my mother’s support go for women?” I believe
that abortion should be legalized. More often than not, children that are unwanted are
abandoned to the streets or to an orphanage. While they think that giving the child to an
orphanage might be better, a person I know with an orphaned friend states that it has made
their life miserable, knowing that they weren’t enough for their parents to stay nor to care
for. Some orphanages also don’t properly take care of the orphaned children, and it only
adds to the overpopulation problem that Philippines is going through.

In conclusion, my mother's perspectives on same-sex marriage, divorce, abortion,

and women's autonomy are deeply rooted in her faith and the teachings of God. While her
beliefs may differ from those of mine, I am aware that it is important to respect her views as
an expression of her personal convictions. The diversity of opinions on these matters is a
testament to the complex and multifaceted nature of human beliefs and values.

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