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Blinded By The Sun

Copyright © 2020 by King Ellie

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without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website,
or distribute it by any other means without permission.

This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the
work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or
localities is entirely coincidental.

King Ellie asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

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First edition

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Blinded By The Sun
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream Reference
About the Author
Also by King Ellie
Blinded By The Sun
©King Ellie
Ciro is like the sun; if you stare too hard, you become blind. But what happens when you stare,
and the sun looks back at you?
He is the sun personified. I crave to stare at him, bask in all his glory and disappear in him. He
makes me see what I didn’t want to see. He makes me strong. He makes me whole.
He makes me… Me but I don’t want to be me; I want to be Ciro’s.
-Blinded by the sun

I sigh. Not this shit again. I’m tired of having to remind people who the fuck I am. You give
someone a little leeway with their territory, and this is what the fuck they do to repay you in
gratitude; touch a family member. Having to see that bald fuck makes me think of just stepping into his
office and shooting everybody in my wake just to end the whole Turgenev clan. I’m not above getting
rid of an entire clan. You fuck with my family and I’ll kill you.
I sit back and watch as my wife gets ready to go to the private meeting at Stannis’ nightclub. He
wants me in his territory because he thinks I won’t shoot him in the dick. I look at my beautiful wife
as she wears what she knows will be a distraction for his men. I married Tatyana because I knew that
she could control a lot of men with not just the street brain of hers but also the way she knew how to
use her body without using it.
“What do you think, darling?” She asks.
She has her hair cascading down her back while her tight leather dress shows off her body. I bite
my bottom lip, sucking on it as I think about the many ways I could fuck her into oblivion. I don’t
remember the last time I fucked my wife. It’s been over a month. Maybe it’s the way we have things
set up with life or maybe it’s because the subject of children makes me want to vomit. I don’t want to
bring those little fuckers into this world, my world. I don’t want to change who or what I am to
benefit them. Selfish little pricks. I shake my head, bringing my mind back to the now. Children are a
touchy, emotional subject. One that I know would have us arguing for days on end.
I distract myself by looking at her. Maybe we just need to fuck to get us out of this weird shit
we’re in. I don’t know what it is about us, but I know one thing though, that we’re not okay. We’re in a
weird phase right now and maybe it’s the fact that we’ve been together, too damned long. We’re still
in love, right? I take a deep breath and stare at her body again, making sure to not get too lost in my
mind. This isn’t the time nor the day for this. Today, I plan on fucking my wife. “Let’s fuck after. I’m
going to need it.” I say as I get up, stretching to my full height. Tatyana is eye level to me when she
wears heels like today.
I love being able to kiss her and have access to her like this. Tatyana pouts poking out her lip and
I know she’s made other plans. Our agreement of having an open relationship isn’t something I hate; I
just haven’t felt like fucking anyone but her this month. We’ve always had an open marriage, but fuck,
I miss her tight pussy. I crack my neck and I stare at my wife; she doesn’t get the other side of me. I
promised her father that I would never do that to her. I curl my lip but walk off instead of taking
pleasure in pissing her off.


When we get to Stannis Turgenev’s club, I walk in with Tatyana keeping up our happy, blissful
married couple shenanigans. We walk through the loud and classy club; I stop to turn to Tatyana and
gesture for her to go out and have fun. To do whatever it is she needs to do here. She nods and
practically skips away. I smirk. I turn back facing the bodyguard; he doesn’t look me in the eye as he
lets me in, and I don’t have to look to know that he let my men right behind me.
When I step into Turgenev’s private area, the room is much more controlled in volume. Turgenev
sits his bald ass on a big couch with his legs wide open and a girl is pouring him a drink. Another girl
sits there politely waiting for her turn to please him. His men sit on both couches and I continue
walking towards Turgenev. I place my hands in my pockets as I stand there staring him in the eye. He
clears his throat and prompts the men to his left to stand. I take the entire couch for myself as my two
men stand behind me. The others are waiting right outside of the entryway.
Turgenev is sitting here acting like I shouldn’t scare him. I smile wickedly as I place one leg over
the other. I cock my brow, waiting for him to speak up.
“To what do I owe this visit, Sarkozy?” Stannis the bald fuck Turgenev has the nerve to question
me like he didn’t hear my word out in the street.
“Making sure I make do with my promises.” I answer. My weird accent as a result of growing up
in various places like France, Italy and Quebec becomes much more pronounced. “I don’t like to have
folks feeling like I forgot about them or the dumb shit they think they can get away with. Now, tell
your men to step back or else I’ll put a bullet through every one of y’all.” I place my leg back down
on the ground and lean forward, grabbing my gun from behind my back. I sit back on the couch and
place the gun on my lap. Jump, bitch. I reach inside my suit jacket pocket and pull out a pack of
cigarettes. I place a cigarette in my mouth and one of my men lights it. I grab the cigarette in between
my fingers, inhaling and then exhaling. My gold pinky ring glints when it catches the light. I cock my
brow, waiting for him to say some dumb disrespectful shit.
I don’t have to look to know that Tatyana just walked in. I know it’s her, by the click of her heels.
She walks a certain way. She sits down by me and her hand lands on my thigh. She squeezes hard.
Her hand travels higher and then lower again. I love the feel of her hands on me. She removes it all
too quickly.
“The fuck are you looking at?” I ask him. “Are you ready to die?”
“Are you fuc—,” Turgenev doesn’t get to finish his sentence as one of his men shoves a woman
from one of the many private doors I’ve spotted.
“Boss, we caught her trying to run from the stage again and the client that paid for her.”
I don’t take my eyes off Turgenev, well more like I don’t have to because the girl is shoved again,
dropping to her knees. I glance from the corner of my eye to my right just as she looks up at Turgenev
with the most disgusted look she can manage.
“I will not let that pervert touch me again. He’s disgusting, I’m not his and never will be. I don’t
even want to see his face. That fat fuck disgusts me!” She yells out.
Turgenev looks ready to kill her., “You’re lucky that you’re my brother’s fucking daughter or else
I’d kill you. Get your ass back to work, mutt! If the fat fuck wants to shit on your chest, you’ll let
him!” He growls. He eyes his man. “Get her ass out of here.”
The guy picks her up by her arm. She looks like she’s seen better days. Her skin is a dull, dark,
faded golden-caramel color that should’ve been rich. Her hair is wild and wavy down her back. She
has a black and blue eye that seems to be healing, yet she grits her teeth as though none of this fazes
her. Her eyes quickly darted around. I knew she was about to do something absolutely fucking nuts but
I didn’t know what so I watched.
Her eyes finally make it to my lap where my gun is resting, she doesn’t even hesitate as she
quickly looks back up at me then my gun. If she thinks I’m going to stop her suicide, then she’s wrong.
I mean I came to kill all these fuckers, anyway; she’s just going to make this job easier for me.
She makes a dash for my gun, I watch as she picks it up and aims it directly at her temple, “You
know that if I die, your money is as good as gone. I’m not fucking that big shit. I’ll blow my brain
matter all over,” she states with no fear in her voice. She side-eyes me, smiling for the first time, “I’m
sorry if I ruin your suit. It looks like a good suit, sir.”
There’s something about the way she eyes me like a piece of candy that stirs something in me but
that can’t be. Only Tatyana can do that for me, right? Plus, that’s not what I’m here for, anyway. I clear
my throat, smirking at her, “Thanks for the compliment. It is a pretty fuckin’ good suit, so how about
you don’t ruin it with your brain matter? Let me do you one better…”
She eyes me, darting back and forth between me then Turgenev.
“You want me to fuck you, instead?” she eyes Tatyana, who is probably staring at one guard like a
piece of candy, then she looks at Turgenev. “I’ll take him, I just can’t do the other one. He’s
disgusting, please.” She begs.
I chuckle. “A pretty little thing like you should never beg to be fucked.”
I am right about one thing, she’s young, way too fucking young for my forty-year-old ass, but I
wonder what kind of asshole Turgenev is to put his niece to work like this. I shake my head as I stand
from my spot. I close the buttons on my suit and turn to grab Tatyana’s hand. After she stands, we take
our leave.
Turgenev’s eyes widen. “Wait! I’ll give her to you and wipe my slate clean. We have no beef with
you. It was my dumbass nephew, and he fucked up when he came after what was yours, but she’s my
most valuable thing here and I won’t even blink an eye if you take her. You have my word.”
I chuckle. Turning to eye the girl then Turgenev, “All right then.”
Both the girl and Turgenev looked at me with surprise on their face that I agreed.
“Are you serious?” She asks.
I face her. “First things first, don’t question me when I say something. Fuckin’ got that?”
Her eyes widen, but she nods. “Yes, sir.”
I smile at that. She learns fast. “What’s your name, girl?”
“King.” She answers.
I cock my brow. I look at Turgenev. He shrugs. “She’s not lying. My idiot brother thought he was
having a fucking son.”
I shake my head at information I don’t give two shits about. I let go of Tatyana’s hand. I take off
my suit jacket and throw it at her. “Put it on and let’s go, King.”

The man and the woman that I’m walking behind are none other than Ciro ‘Tuere’ Sarkozy and his
wife, Tatyana Sarkozy. Ciro is like the sun. If you look too hard or stare too long, you’ll become
blind. I know better than to stare at someone of his stature. Everyone living here in Quebec City,
Quebec knows who he is. You don’t fuck with them, they own Quebec.
I shudder because his nickname, Tuere or in English, slayer/killer fits what he’s known for. I’m
still surprised that I’m walking out of here. I would have rather died than gone back to the sadistic
customer that tries to pay up for me each time. I keep my head down, not forgetting my training that
I’ve learned from a young age.
I don’t say a word even when we get outside. “Get in the car.” I shudder at the tone and baritone
voice belonging to Ciro.
I hop in his Escalade, taking a seat. Once I do, I see expensive shoes staring right back at me. I
look up and I’m face to face with Ciro. This time, I’m looking him in the eye. Shit, he’s beautiful. If a
rugged and rough looking man is meant to be beautiful, it’s him. His eyes are so clear blue, it’s like I
see right through them or they take up your attention. His low trimmed beard gives way for me to see
his perfectly sculpted jawline. I swear someone could cut something with it. His lips are full, and
they look so kissable. With his hair pulled back, I can see how his dark features accentuate his beauty.
He’s so handsome. His dark lashes stick out even more with the color of his eyes and the bushy brows
work for him. As if Ciro reads my mind, he shuts his eyes and reaches for the band that’s holding his
hair together. He pulls it out and runs his fingers through his hair. I shudder as I’m tempted to run my
fingers through his thick dark brown hair with some blonde mixed in there.
“If you’re grateful,” Tatyana Sarkozy grabs my attention. I turn to face her. She’s equally just as
gorgeous. She reminds me of the top model Giselle. “Show him.”
I blink, then remember that I shouldn’t be looking at her. I look down. “Show him how?” I ask.
This is my job.
“Get on your knees and suck his stress away,” she says.
I say nothing, but I hesitate for a moment. I shouldn’t touch a man like Ciro. I’m not allowed, but
he saved me tonight, so I’m grateful. I sigh as I slide off my seat and get on my knees. I don’t look up
at Ciro as I reach for his belt. I unbuckle it, pop open the button and unzip the zipper. I don’t have to
get Ciro hard because he already is. I pull his dick out of his expensive black boxer-briefs and I don’t
waste time as I show him my gratitude.
Ciro hisses as if it hurts, so I stop and pull my mouth away. “I’m sorry.” I whisper.
“Keep. Going.” Ciro demands and he grabs his dick with one hand while the other grabs the back
of my head. He shoves his dick into my mouth. Instead of letting me do what I need to do, both of
Ciro’s hands are now buried deep in my hair as he fucks my mouth.
His dick hits the back of my throat making me gag, but he doesn’t stop. I feel the power in his
thrusts. The aggression of such a powerful man can bring anyone to their knees. I shudder when I feel
myself getting wet at the way he’s handling me. Ciro grips harder on my hair, my fingers grip his
thighs, digging into them.
“Fuck. Fuck.” Ciro grunts in a controlled tone.
There’s no warning when Ciro cums down my throat. I choke on his cum while he continues his
work on my mouth. He slows his movements while I try to swallow it all but some escape my mouth.
Ciro pulls me out of his mouth and throws my head back on my seat. The back of my head hits the soft
seat and I stare as he tucks himself away. My eyes widen. Did I just take all of that in my mouth? I
blink twice and attempt to wipe my mouth.
“Leave it.” Ciro commands. “Don’t you ever fucking wipe my cum off you. Am I understood?”
Everything in me is telling me to run because I just escaped one hell for an even worse one, but I
know I can’t go anywhere despite the blaring warning signs. Ciro tilts his head, cocking his brow.
“Yes.” I say.
“Good. Another thing. When I talk to you or address you. I’m sir, nothing else. Also, don’t fucking
look me in my eyes again. You’re either looking at me dick level or not at all.”
“Yes, sir.” I hiccup. Of course, I’d hiccup when I’m nervous.
I wish I could summon that dumb bitch version of myself that threatened to kill herself in front of
her uncle, but that was before I knew he’d trade me and not just to anybody. He traded me to Ciro

T hose damn dark-brown close to being black eyes pop up in my mind. I open my eyes, not able to
get any sleep. I don’t remember the last time I had a good night’s sleep. I groan and turn around
to reach for Tatyana but she’s not in my bed.
I shake my head. I get up slipping my pajama pants on and I grab a hair tie, tying my hair into a
ponytail. Tatyana has a sweet tooth and I always find her around the fridge eating whatever cake she
left in there. Before I can leave the room, my cell rings. Who the hell would call me this late? I look
down at my phone and it’s Adriano, my brother.
“It’s a little late to be calling, fucker.” I answer.
His boisterous laugh makes me smile. “You weren’t sleeping, you never sleep.”
“Shut up.”
“Anyway, word is, someone close to you was in on hurting Matteo. I don’t want to say it, but
you’re my brother. I have to tell you.”
“Who, Adri?”
“My Tatyana?”
“You know another?”
“Sacré bleu!” I’m mad enough to curse in the Quebec way. “Fuck!”
“Chill, Cir, chill. You’re a hotheaded fuck. Do this the right way.” Adriano advises me.
“Whatever. I’ll call you back, Adri.”
“Come home and let’s figure this out, Cir. Mama and Papa will always have your back.” He
reassures me.
“Je sais.” I say, then hang up.
I crack my neck as I throw my phone on the bed and make my way towards the kitchen to find
Tatyana. I hear noise as I make my way down the hall; I know it’s not my men because they aren’t
allowed in my wing this late without some okay from me. I walk without making a sound, something
people freak out about all the time. When I make it to where I think my wife is, I lean back on the
entryway arch as I watch my wife give head to one of the pool boys.
Seems a little underage, even for her. What the fuck is up with her? I wait until they’re finished.
He cums down my wife’s throat, something we don’t do. I nod at that, storing the information. They’re
so lost in the moment that they don’t see me. I watch as she stands to her feet and kisses him hard. He
stops kissing her and turns her around. He lays her on the kitchen island and enters her from behind.
He’s definitely on something. He takes her in the ass this time and as she moans. She gets louder. I
wonder if she knows how loud she’s being. I move in closer across from them. I lean in and place my
elbows on the kitchen island, waiting for them to notice me. I tap my fingers to their fucking rhythm
and finally, Tatyana looks up and stared right into my eyes. She stops moaning and instead screams.
“Get off! Get off!”
The pool boy is shocked, and he pulls out slowly. He follows her line of vision and I smirk at him
once he realizes what she’s looking at.
“I, I…” He begins.
“I suggest you leave.” I say to him. “Piece of advice? Fucking an older woman when you’re
underage doesn’t make you a fucking champion. It makes you a victim. The older broad knows what
she’s doing, but do you?” I take a pause. “Fuck off before I pay for your funeral and attend it without a
care in the world.”
The boy runs out of the sliding kitchen doors. I face Tatyana. I bite my lip and grin. She stands,
making herself presentable.
“You like being fucked in the ass, do you?” I ask.
Her eyes are wide. She knows my tone isn’t meant to be sexy. She rapidly blinks, her face pales.
“Listen, Lis—.”
“Shut the fuck up!”
I press a button under the kitchen Island, and I know my men will be in here soon.
“Let me explain,” Tatyana pleads.
“When did it start?” I ask.
She cries. “I’m sorry.”
“Keep crying and I’ll bleed you dry.”
She stops like clockwork. “When did it start?” I ask again.
“Let me explain!” She shrieks.
I take one step towards her, and she shuts her mouth, taking a step back. “Explain what? That
you’d dip in my goddamn stash and use it with your underage boy toy? The fuck is wrong with you?”
“It was only a bit.” She starts.
I walk away knowing she’ll follow. I go to my man-cave and sit on my chair. “On your knees.”
Tatyana’s brows crease. I’ve never taken this tone with her before. She blinks. “You’re not
serious, I’m your wife.”
“And you were being fucked like a whore, in my presence. You swallowed cum on your knees
and didn’t have an issue with that, so get on them again. You let that little boy fuck you like a bitch in
She gasps. “Don’t talk to me like that.”
I scoff, then smirk. “Good. I won’t talk then.” Which is worse for her… I shut my mouth and wait
for my men. I don’t stop staring at her though. She’ll crack soon.


“Listen to me, baby…” Tatyana cries out as she’s on her knees. “She’s lying! The girl you brought in.
She did. She snitched, not me!” She cries out.
I sit back in my seat, a gag gift from my dickhead brother, Adriano. It’s funny because he’s the one
who gave me the heads up, not King. She doesn’t even know what’s going on, but I signal one of my
men to grab her from her room.
I sit forward with my arms resting on my thighs. I glare at Tatyana. I love this woman, but she
knows the rules. She knows me. I don’t do snitches. I usually have a moral code; I never touch family,
but how can she do this to me? To us? Look me in the eye and lie to me? I almost lost my nephew
because of her.
Tatyana’s glare back at me tells me all I need to know. She’s using again and on top of that, she’s
hiding things from me. I cock my brow and our silence is the only thing present besides our breathing.
They bring King back in the room and shove her to the floor. Her eyes widen as she takes in the
situation. She risks a glance at me, and I catch it. She immediately looks down. Fearing me is great
and all, but I don’t need it from my women. Women? No. I have one, or rather I thought I did.
“Tell me King, my wife here says you betrayed me.”
King looks up from shock, and she takes longer to realize that she’s staring. She looks down.
“Yes.” She answers.
I know she’s lying to me and she will be punished for it, but not right now. I scoff and chuckle,
shaking my head. “Tatyana, do you think of me as a fool of some sort? You think I don’t know that you
probably threatened her and because she fears us both, she’ll agree to take your crime as hers?”
Tatyana stands up, stubborn as ever. This is one reason I loved her. She places her hands on her
hips. “She said she did it. I didn’t. That’s that.”
I stand, grabbing the gun I had resting on the side table. I walk up to her. My fingers circle her
throat as I make her look up at me. “Lie to me one more time, Tatyana.”
She tips her chin upward, stretching her neck. “I’m not lying.”
I look her in the eyes, my beautiful wife. I aim the gun at her gut and pull the trigger. It shocks
Tatyana that I shoot her. She grunts and groans in pain. I let her go as she stumbles, trying to find
momentum. She clutches her gut as she drops on her knees and to the floor. I’m giving her mercy by
letting her bleed out instead of torture. We both know that.
I turn to look at King, who is trembling at what just transpired. I go back and sit on my seat I know
makes me look ominous. “Crawl to me, King.” I command.
“Yes, sir.” Her voice hiccups, and I know it’s because she’s nervous. I’ve learned that about her.
She trembles as she crawls to me on all fours. When she gets to me, I indicate with my eyes for her to
get on top.
King stands up, and I lean forward. I remove my dick from my silk pajama bottoms. It’s hard and
angry, looking like the rest of me. King came in naked, so this makes it convenient. I spit in my hand
and I rub her clit. When I slip two fingers inside of her, I feel the moisture there already. I cock my
brow. Is she turned on by all of this? I shake my head, not thinking further as I grab her by her hips
and lift. I don’t waste time as I slam her down on my dick.
King yelps out of surprise and her hand clutches my bare shoulders. I show her how I like to be
ridden. King seems lost in it all and I’m trying my damnest not to be. She releases a moan that makes
my thoughts snap. One hand trails up her body, squeezing her tit, and I reach for her neck. I lift her
head to look me in the eye. My other hand reaches for the gun, I place it at her temple. “Don’t stop
riding me. This is the only opportunity I’ll ever give you to fuck me. I do the fucking.”
King keeps my rhythm going and I groan. I bite my bottom lip as I stare at her in the eyes. My
entire body feels like it’s on fire. I internally shake my head, no. I cock my gun. “Don’t ever fucking
lie to me. I don’t play about that shit. Am I understood?”
King nods. “Ye- yes, sir.”
“Good girl. Now, show me why I shouldn’t kill you for your mishap. Fuck me into oblivion.” I
I place my gun down and grab her face. I didn’t realize that I had blood all over me or my hands
until it smears her face. I quickly glance at Tatyana who’s fading, and I decide to be spiteful. I do the
one thing that I know we said we’d never do. I take King’s mouth. I lean in and kiss her like my life
depends on it. I groan, forgetting about the world around me. My men, my close to dead wife and all I
feel is her. Her tight pussy squeezing me for dear life. I shudder, feeling my balls getting heavy. Hell
no. I stand, and King wraps her arms around me. I lower us to the floor, and I grab her arms, placing
them over her head. I grip them tight as I fuck her. I fuck her hard, feeling her body slip further up
courtesy of the wet floor. I don’t fucking care. I throw my head back, fucking her like it’s the last thing
that needs to be done.
I switch over placing both wrists in one hand, and with the other I grab her face. I want to kiss her
again. I lean in and do just that. King’s body trembles even harder and she moans into my mouth.
Fuck, even the way she cums is sexy. She coats my dick with her juices. I’m so close and I almost risk
it, but I catch myself. I pull away from kissing her and pull out of her pussy. I flip King over and lift
her on her knees. I enter her again and fuck her harder, all the while staring into my wife’s fading
eyes. Tears trail down her face as she groans. I groan for a different reason, though. The high I feel
right now being inside of King is driving me nuts. “Fuck.” I pull out. I stand and walk over to Tatyana.
I pump my dick with my hand and I cum hard all over her body. “Perfect.” I say. “My cum is the only
peace you’ll ever have.”
I don’t take time to revel in the afterglow of sex. I stand and discard my drenched pajama pants at
my ankles. I don’t even know when it got that far down. I look at one of my men, Watson. “Clean it
up.”I say. I walk away, ready to shower away my body and my marriage. Love is stupid as fuck. I
don’t need it anymore.

Someone walks me back into my room and I’m told to shower.
In the shower, I sniffle because this isn’t what I wanted. This is worse. How the hell did I find
myself in this predicament?
“The fuck are you sniffling for?” I jump at Ciro’s voice.
I turn to face him, and he’s naked as the day he was born. He opens the glass door and steps into
the shower with me. I move back, not sure if he changed his mind about me dying. “I’ll do anything, I
don’t want to die!” I exclaim.
Ciro scoffs. “Yeah? Anything?” He taunts.
“Yes, yes, sir.” I say, keeping my eyes down.
“Wash the blood off my body and do it in silence. Don’t talk unless I ask you something.” He
I reach out for the loofah and the body wash that I spot from the corner of my eye. I squirt some
body wash on the loofah and just as I’m about to touch his body, Ciro grabs my jaw and makes me
look up at him. “When I tell you something, you answer me.”
I blink. “What?”
“What?” He mocks me. “If you keep defying my order, then put some oomph in your fucking tone.
You must want to learn what kind of punishment I can unleash.”
“I’m sorry, sir.” I say. I really am. Sorry that I didn’t shoot my fucking brains out or run away
when I should have.
“Show me how sorry you are,” he counters. “Make me cum with a hand job and I’ll let you sit on
your ass tonight without you flinching. I might even apply some cream on it.”
“I,” I start, and his glare makes me shut my mouth. “Yes, sir.” I whisper.
I drop the loofah, taking advantage of the suds in my hands. I reach out and grab his dick. I haven’t
been working for my uncle even though I’ve been exposed to all the other girls there, so I don’t know
if I can do this. I don’t think I can. I don’t know how to manipulate a man into ejaculating. “Please
forgive me,” I beg as I stroke him.
I do it softly and slowly. “What the fuck are you doing!” Ciro hisses.
“I, I don’t know how to give a hand job, sir.” I admit.
He lets go of my mouth and turns me around. He places my palms on the shower wall as the water
sprays me. I take a deep breath bracing myself for him to enter me out of punishment, but I’m shocked
as a hand slams down on my ass cheek. I gasp loudly. I don’t get a chance to grasp the situation as he
does it again. It hurts like hell. I’ve never been spanked before. Ciro is heavy-handed and this time,
he slaps in between my legs. I throw my head back, lifting to my toes at the bundle of nerves that
explode in my body. He does it again and then shoves two fingers inside of me. He pumps as I get
wetter along with the water. I moan, throwing my head back and I ride the wave of how intense this
is. The orgasm that’s snatched out of me makes me scream out and sob. Sort of like a gurgle sound, as
if I’m choking on something.
Ciro slips his fingers out of me and spins me around by my hair. “Open!” He commands. I open
my mouth and he sticks his fingers in my mouth. I suck on them and then he pulls them out after a
minute. I breathe hard, not sure what is going on and then Ciro kisses me hard. He sucks on my tongue
like I just sucked on his fingers. His fingers rub my clit this time and I’m trembling. I try to hold on
tight, but he shakes my touch off him. My breathing grows heavy and before I know it, I’m cuming
again. This is too much. He mixes my juices with his fingers then he lets go of me roughly. I slam into
the shower tile. I slowly slip to the shower floor and Ciro keeps his eyes on me as he sucks his
fingers into his mouth this time.
He looks like a demon sent from hell, or maybe he’s an evil angel if that makes sense. He glares at
me and then he removes his fingers from his mouth. He begins taking a shower and completely
ignoring me in the corner of the shower, but how can I ignore a man like Ciro Sarkozy?

E ven the bit of sleep I usually get doesn’t come as easily as I want it to. I flip around my bed,
restless as fuck. I growl as I get out of my bed. I need to nut. I contemplate going to King’s room
but I change my mind. Too much fucking will have her thinking or creating bullshit fantasies in her
head. Now that Tatyana is dead, I don’t want a First Lady or whatever the fuck these dickheads are
calling it in the streets.
My cell notification goes off. I reach for it on my night table. I pick it up and read the text.
Watson: Shipment is missing. Quinton’s territory bombarded Boston and his crew.
Me: Is Boston good? How much did they take?
Watson: A thousand.
Me: Description.
Watson: Boston’s Harley is okay. Everyone is good and counted for. They know who.
Me: Tell Boston to meet me at 9 at my office in the city.
Watson: Done.
I check the time, and it hasn’t been more than an hour. I get out of my bed and I go into my walk-in.
I get dressed for a workout in gym shorts and a t-shirt. I should be worried about my cousin Boston,
but I’m not. I know he’ll call me soon. He, unlike Adriano’s dumb-ass, waits for it to at-least hit 6 in
the morning.


I’ve been on this treadmill for an hour and counting but I’m not tired. I pick up speed, not wanting to
stop until I feel close to throwing up. It’s not good but it’s not bad. It helps me focus and stay in shape
for my tall ass. Being 6’4 and trying to maintain my swimmer’s body is not as easy as it seems. I bulk
up too fast and I don’t enjoy looking like one of those meaty bitches in the gym. That shit is weird to
me. The notification that a call is coming in goes off on my Apple Watch. I shake my head as I answer
it and don’t stop running.
“Here I was complimenting you in my head about you being a respectful son of a bitch.”
Boston’s hoarse voice chortles. “Usually I am but I just got word from Adri. So, Tatyana went
home, eh?” He asks.
“Home away from home.” I answer.
“From dust, you were formed and to dust you return.” Boston says. That’s his parting gift. “Watson
text you about what went down?”
I stop the treadmill and catch my breath for a second. “Yeah. We’ll figure it out when you get here.
By the way, Adri wants me to go home. You agree?”
Boston snorts. “Adri needs to go where you are and so will I. I don’t trust that the Petrov family
won’t retaliate. Word hasn’t fully got out, but it’s only been 2 hours and I’m hearing about it. They’ll
want blood for Tatyana.”
I roll my eyes. “I’m sending them her body out of respect. Fuck them. She betrayed me. She broke
our rules first.”
“First?” Boston asks. I hate the fuck for always paying attention to the little detail.
“Yeah. I’ll tell you when you’re here. I need to go shower and go through the paperwork before I
meet you at my office.”
“Cool. Be good.” he says.
“Be safe.” I reply.
“Be vigilant.”
“Be smart, you colossal fuck.” I hang up with a chuckle.
When 9 o’clock comes around, I’m sitting in my office in my second home. I only like to conduct
business here. The scarce loft gives me peace. It’s the one place that I have all to myself even Tatyana
didn’t come here. Boston, the only other person besides Adriano who knows the code to this place,
walks in. Today, he has his dark strawberry blonde hair in a high bun. His beard is gone, replaced
with the signature Sarkozy jawline, making him look younger than his age. His pale blue eyes shine
with mischief as he smirks. His dimples are prominent whether or not he smiles, but when he does,
they are deep. I shake my head at him. He looks clean and sharp for the president of the Laurentian
MC gang. His white short-sleeve crisp shirt is tucked into his black distressed jeans completed with
his riding boots. He holds his motorcycle helmet in his hand and his club jacket is hanging over his
shoulder on his fingers. His sleeve tattoos are much more apparent now than before. If he wasn’t my
cousin, I would think he was a threat but he’s not.
“Yo!” He calls out.
“Only two minutes late.” I annoy Boston.
“Franchement?” He asks with a fake attitude and an eye roll. “En tout cas, I’m here, bitch.”
I shake my head as he sits his big ass down. Out of the three immediate Sarkozy boys, I’m the
shortest at 6’4. Boston is 6’6 and Adriano is right in between at 6’5. We run tall in my family.
“Next time, bring coffee.” I glare at him.
“Yeah right. I’m not one of your lackeys. Bring your own damned coffee. Anyway, how are you
holding up?” He asks, concern written all over his face.
I shrug. “Fine, I guess. I miss her already, but I’m more upset that I had to kill her. I’m mad she put
me in that position. If it was just the drugs, I would’ve thrown her in rehab but no, she put Matteo in
Harm’s way. I don’t know how you’re not flipping out, he’s your kid.”
Boston nods sharply. “I don’t need to flip out because you took care of it. Matteo may be a pain in
the ass type of kid, but he’s my pain in the ass. You did right by us.”
I scoff. “He’s our pain in the ass. The entire family’s. How’s he holding up?”
Boston rolls his eyes. “The kid is fine. He thinks he’s too good to see a therapist about him getting
kidnapped and experiencing light torture. He puts on the tough guy act but I hear him screaming in his
dreams every night. For them to stop, I have to hold him. I leave in the early morning once he’s settled
since he’s quote-on-quote a big man now.”
I throw my head back and laugh. “He’s like 16.” I shake my head and sober. “But, yeah, getting
him a therapist was an excellent idea. He’ll thank you for it later. Is he good in school?”
Boston swipes his palm over his face and scratches his chin, something he used to do when he had
a full-on beard. “He’s failing badly but I’m cutting him some slack. I know why he’s having a tough
time, that’s why he’s in therapy. I might get him a tutor or some shit.”
“Good. Good. Bring him over sometimes. Maybe a change in scenery will help. I don’t know.” I
“Speaking of change in scenery, I spoke to Adri after I got off the phone with you. We decided
we’re moving in with you.” Boston says casually.
“Wait, what?”
“Yup. You need all the protection you can get and the extra eyes. Nobody is going to fucking
retaliate and I’m just sitting around.”
“What are you talking about? I’m not getting any heat.” I say. “The fuck I need you and Adri for?”
“Bro, you killed your wife. A fucking Petrov without warning them. They’ll take it as an insult.
Plus, word on the street is, you killed Tatyana for another piece of ass. Ass you acquired as a gift
from Turgenev.”
I glare at Boston. “I didn’t acquire shit. I didn’t ask for her, she bargained her damn self and
practically was thrown on my lap. That’s not even why Tatyana died.”
Boston cocks his brow. “I know y’all had that open relationship shit but seriously, I know you
wouldn’t kill her over a piece of ass but Cir, not everyone knows you like I do.”
I roll my eyes. “Yeah.”
“Now, this piece of ass you acquired. She hot?”
“Her pus—.” My phone rings, cutting me off.
I pull it out of my pocket, and it’s one of my men calling. “Jones.” I pick up.
“Boss, I know this isn’t really your uh, problem but the girl needs some clothes and stuff like
that.” He sounds uncomfortable.
“What girl?” I ask.
“King.” Calling her by her first name for Jones, means they’ve either been acquainted sexually or
something or that sort.
“I don’t give a fuck. Give her Tatyana’s shit to wear.” I say and hang up.
Boston eyes me up and down. “You want your side ass to wear your dead wife’s clothes? Are you
I shrug. “Tatyana’s gone. She won’t care.”
“Just admit the shit is hitting you harder than you thought, cousin.” When Boston calls me cousin, I
know he sees right through me.
“It is but whatever. Anyway, did you find out who took some of our supply?”
He nods. “Yeah, some new small-time gang trying to make a name but don’t worry, I’ve got that on
“Good, now, let’s go get some breakfast, I’m starving.”
Boston chuckles standing up with me. “You suck at changing the subject at hand.”
“What subject?”
“That phone call seems to have pissed you off.”
“It didn’t. I don’t care what King does with her pussy.”
Boston chuckles, shaking his head. “Ah. Her name is King, I like her already.”
“Then you can have her, I’m done with her.” I admit.
Boston laughs this time deeply as we walk out of the loft. “Yeah, eh? I should just take her that
easily, huh. You’ve never played fairly or well with your new toys.”
“We were kids then.” I retort.
He snorts. “Some shit doesn’t change.”
I walk away from him as he mounts his bike. I should walk back and tip it over while he’s still on
it. As if Boston can sense what I’m thinking, he looks up and flips me the bird. I chuckle and walk to
the car.

I stare up at the guy I now know as Jones. He looks like he used to be a football quarterback, not just
from his body size but his demeanor. He smiles like he owns shit and he knows he can get shit from
that alone.
“Boss says you can wear his wife’s clothes.”
My eyes widen. “What?” I shriek. “Hell no, fuck that. I’m not going anywhere near her clothes.
That’s weird. Do you have a t-shirt I can borrow or something?”
Jones’s cynical eyes glint with mischief. His glistening white smile looks perfect against his skin.
He licks his lips, “Maybe boss will let me have you after he’s done. I’d let you wear all my clothes.”
“Jones!” His name is called by another male, Bobby. “You know the rules.” Bobby has that all-
American boy smile, if the all-American boy was biracial. He unbuttons his black dress shirt slipping
it off leaving him with a t-shirt and he hands it to me. “Put this on and come with me.”
I quickly scramble away from the bedsheets I’ve been covering myself with. I get into his shirt
that covers the essential parts of me as much as they can, and I follow behind him. We reach a door
that’s black like the rest of the house. The flooring is like black marble with white particles. It’s
smooth under the soles of my feet and screams I’m rich, bitch. The room that I slept in is simple. It’s
huge but made for a guest. I haven’t really explored the entire house to know what it looks like, but
the black design of it all works perfectly with the open spaces that I can spot. The sunlight hits from
every angle and the sun panels in the ceiling appear as though they were created to brighten up the
“Wait here,” Bobby instructs.
I don’t say anything, and I wait. Bobby comes back out of the room with a pair of black Versace
boxers. “Thank you.” I say.
“Welcome. Are you hungry?” Bobby asks me.
The second he says that, my stomach growls. I clutch it and I look up at him, horrified. “I’m
Bobby just chuckles. “It’s all right. Come on, the chef made some breakfast already. It’s in the
“Thank you,” I say, looking down at the ground.
“Hey, I’m not Boss, you can look me in the eye. Let me formally introduce myself, I’m Bobby and
you are?”
I look up at him through my lashes. “I’m King.”
Bobby smiles. “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, too.” I try my hand at a smile, but I don’t really know if I’ve grasped it. I’ve
never really smiled before.


The sun has gone down and Bobby tells me to go back to my room. I notice that there’s a tv in here; I
haven’t watched tv in years. I sit on the floor with my ass on a pillow because it’s still throbbing and
cross my legs. I grab one of the snacks Bobby put under my bed. I need a distraction from the pain that
my ass is in.
I don’t know how long I’ve been watching whatever is on the tv or how deeply invested I am, but
I don’t hear Ciro come in until he’s lifting me up by the collar of the dress shirt. I drop the popcorn to
the floor as I’m lifted on my feet. My eyes are wide as they connect with his, and then I remember by
looking back down. “You must not know my rules, so I’ll let you slip up once.”
“The rules, sir?”
“Yes. When I’m fucking you, I’m fucking you. Not my men or anyone else but me. You’re my piece
of ass, am I understood?”
“Yes, sir.” I’m so confused right now, but I answer so he can let me go.
I’m on the tip of my toes at this point with the way he’s pulling me towards him. I’m not that tall
and he’s huge. Ciro grabs my ass hard and I flinch, the pain of the slaps coming back hard. I shut my
eyes and tears flood behind my lids. “This punishment didn’t hurt enough that you’d fuck Jones?”
I pop my eyes open and look up at him. The tears come of their own accord. “I didn’t do that. I
wouldn’t do that.” I cry out.
“Oh yeah? Whose shirt is this? And the boxers?” He asks, his voice sounding dangerous as hell,
and my body reacts in a way I didn’t think was possible.
“Bobby gave it to me. He went into a room and came out with the boxers, sir.”
Ciro lifts the dress shirt and looks over at the boxers. He says nothing for a beat and then his eyes
land on mine. “Take everything off and lay on your stomach.”
“Yes, sir.” I say. He lets me go and I do as I’m told.
Once I’m lying flat on the bed, he goes over to a drawer pulling things out. “Watch the show you
were watching.” He directs.
I’m thinking everything he says is an order and not up for debate. Has he ever asked anyone for
anything? Still, I do as I’m told. I go back to watching The Simpsons but from the corner of my eye I
spot Ciro discarding pieces of his clothes until he’s in his boxers. I’m trying not to look but a man like
Ciro, you can’t resist. His body is a work of art with the tattoos he has plastered all over from his
torso, his full arms, fingers and his legs.
Ciro climbs on the bed behind me and he straddles me. He rubs my ass and I groan from pain. I
feel something warm take over and I turn my head to look. My eyes grow in surprise. “What are you
doing?” I ask. Ciro glares at me. “Sir?”
“I’m taking care of my piece of ass, the fuck else does it look like? Now shut up and watch your
show.” Ciro states.
I want to open my mouth and say more, but I don’t. I turn back around, letting him put ointment to
soothe and relieve my pain. Who is this man? Who is Ciro Sarkozy, really?


How Ciro applies the ointment is making me feel everything. I try not to concentrate on him or his
fingers, but it’s hard. I zero in on the tv just to flood my mind with anything else but the feel of
everything going on behind me.
“I fucked you without a condom yesterday,” Ciro says.
“I’m clean, sir. I did nothing with anyone without a condom and I just had a test done. I’m also on
birth control, sir.” I spill.
“Hmm.” Is all he replies with. “How long have you been your uncle’s special prized ass?” He
“Not long. I just started last week.”
Ciro tsks. “He couldn’t even give me a woman who knows how to fuck. I have to teach you
everything, don’t I?” Ciro asks, but I’m sure he’s not speaking to me so I don’t reply.
Ciro moves from applying the ointment to planting his hands on the spot over my shoulders. He
grinds his hardened but covered dick on me. His knees dip the sides of the bed near my hips. Ciro
drags himself over my ass-cheeks until they part, and then he grinds in. I don’t know if it’s teasing
himself or me. The feel of him is already overwhelming and for the first time in my life, I wish I
would have had more experience.
“Jones!” Ciro yells out.
My eyes widen as Jones comes in. “Boss.” Jones doesn’t blink at the action. He just stares into
Ciro’s eyes.
“Stand in front of the tv, directly in my line of vision. I want to make something clear to you.”
“Yes, Boss.” Jones moves over, obscuring my vision of the show.
Ciro lifts off me for a second and then I feel him against my skin again. The skin-to-skin contact
with him is something else. I shudder when he hasn’t even done a single thing. How can I react like
this when I’ve only met him yesterday? Ciro spreads my ass-cheeks apart and rubs his thumb over my
asshole, “Ever been fucked here, Kingsley Storm? One of these days…”
I blink at the use of my full name. No one knows it besides my uncle and my dad. I don’t have time
to think twice about it as I feel the tip of Ciro’s dick coat itself in my juices. Ciro grunts but says
nothing else as he teases not just himself but me. I shut my eyes and reach out for the edge of the bed.
Ciro gives no warning as he slips inside my wet core and I gasp loudly at how full and stretched I
feel. I lay my forehead on the bed but not for long because Ciro leans in. His body on top of mine. He
wraps his tattooed hand around my neck and makes me look up right at Jones.
“Look, Jones…” Ciro’s voice drops an octave. Both turning me on and scaring me. He fucks me
and if he wasn’t on top, I would have moved from the force alone. He reaches with his free hand,
lifting my leg and positioning it at a 90-degree angle. My lashes flutter as this makes me feel him
deeper. I haven’t recovered from the first time he took me.
“Oh,” I moan out.
Ciro nips at my earlobe. “Who’s fucking you?” Ciro asks.
I’m conflicted because I’m not sure if I should say his name or call him sir. I risk it, even if it’s the
only chance. “Ciro.” I whisper through my lips.
Ciro slips almost all the way out and thrusts back in roughly. I can’t take this anymore. This is
perfect torture. My toes curl at the way I’m being fucked. “Again.” He grunts as he smacks my ass.
The pain reverberates through my entire body, yet I’m wetter than before.
“Ciro!” I say louder with much more confidence.
“You see…” he starts off. He kisses my jaw and nips at it. “Jones, I want you to understand
something.” As Ciro fucks me not losing momentum, he talks to Jones. “This is my piece of ass, yeah?
I fuck her. No one else does. You don’t touch what’s mine now, do you?” His voice hardens at the
“No, Boss. I don’t touch what’s yours.” He responds.
Ciro picks up the rhythm. “Let me show you why you can’t have my toy,” he states.
I’m not sure what he means until he lifts me up and I follow on all fours. Ciro uses the hand
wrapped around my throat and pushes my body back hard on his dick. I yell out. The intensity my
entire body is feeling is out of this world. I can’t think, breathe, or even understand what’s going on.
He lifts me back and I straddle him while he’s on his knees. He lets go of my throat as he places both
hands on my waist. His fingers dig deep into my skin as he takes me like this.
“Oh Ciro!” My head falls back on his chest as my hands find their way to his ass. I scratch at
whatever part of his body I can grasp. My nails caress him like they belong there. I can’t catch my
“Watch, Jones.” Ciro says and I feel his fingers on my clit. He rubs it, manipulating me. I grind
into his fingers, but he slaps my pussy causing me to stop. He increases the friction, and he bites down
hard on my shoulder. I scream out my orgasm knowing that if he had neighbors, they would’ve heard
me too.
My body is still shaking as Ciro fucks me. He moves me off him. “Turn to me, Kingsley.” I do as
I’m told.
When I do, Ciro has his hand wrapped around his dick and is pumping. I’m on all fours facing
him. He grips my chin, and he leans in, kissing the life out of me. I can’t process what kissing him
feels like or why it feels like I’m kissing the sun. It’s scorching and so wrong, yet so right. He pulls
his lips away and directs my face to his dick. He cums all over my face and uses the tip of his dick to
coat my lips.
I say nothing as I watch Ciro stand and walk out of the room. Once he’s gone, I sit back on my
heel with my back to Jones.
“He will never treat you better than this. If you were with me, you’d never get treated like this.”
Jones says. “Like a piece of ass.” He grits his teeth and I hear him leave.
I lay down on my bed in the fetal position. I shut my eyes. Tears don’t come, neither does regret,
instead a smile spreads all over my face. I’ve never felt more alive being here. People see me. Bobby
and even Jones, but mostly, it’s Ciro. He didn’t call me King; he called me Kingsley. A name no one
has ever uttered, not even my birth mother.

I wait out in the hall for Jones and when he turns the corner, I swing, punching him right in his
Adam’s apple. Jones clutches his throat and coughs, dropping to his knees. His eyes bulge as he
tries to swallow, breathe and retaliate at the same time. I kick him hard in the shoulder with my heel
and he falls back to the floor. I drop my foot on top of the hand that’s protecting his throat. I apply
pressure, shifting all my weight to that foot. Jones reaches out for his gun and I laugh. “Shoot me if
you dare, Jones. It’ll make for an even more eventful night.” I smirk.
He abandons thoughts of his gun as he taps his hand at my ankle in a sign of surrender. I make it
worse for a second adding even more weight and then I let up. When I take my foot off, Jones
scrambles to the nearest wall and slowly gets up while trying not to cough. I never exert power over
my men, but when you step out of line, I’ll put you back in that place as my only warning. “Boss,” he
I step up to him naked as the day I was born and glare down at him. He averts his eyes, looking
away. “The next time you so much as flinch at my command to not touch my toys, I’ll break your
dainty little neck slowly. You ever wonder how someone can choke on their own blood, but it takes
hours for them to, actually, die?” I eye Jones up and down. “Well, fuck with me and find out. Switch
with Bobby, he’s your command now. Get the fuck out of my face, Jones.”
Jones’s face is full of fury as if the thought of killing me crosses his mind. I smirk because I’d like
to see him try. I cock my brow as a challenge. My mother always tells me that my brows are so
expressive I don’t have to say a word. They’ll tell people what I’m saying. Jones shifts his face to
neutral and walks away still clutching his throat.
I walk away but then I change my mind and go back to King’s room. I open the door and she sits
up, clutching the sheets. I stare at her and she stares at me. She’s been here all of a day and a half, yet
she can’t obey the simple rule of not looking me in my eyes. “Go wash your face and come with me.”
I say.
“Yes, sir.” She answers.
King gets up off the bed and holds tight to the sheets. “Leave the sheets.” She doesn’t hesitate as
she drops the sheets. I watch her body as she moves into the bathroom. I tilt my head as she
disappears in there, but something is calling me towards her, so I follow. I crack the bathroom door
open; she’s bent over washing her face and humming. What an odd thing to do. I watch her, not able to
look anywhere else. She acts weird and I need to know why. She obeys me and disobeys me all in
one breath. Why?
When she opens her eyes, and they connect with mine, she gasps. Her overly expressive face is
beautiful. Her big down-turned brown eyes make it look like she’s sad even when she’s surprised. I
clear my throat. “Let’s go.” Is all I give her and walk out the room.


I study the softness of each of King’s steps behind me. This is how I can tell who is who, even if I’m
not looking. I study the pattern; the way their feet hit the floor or the ground depending on location.
With King, she’s taught to be quiet but aware that she’s there. Hiding, but not hiding. It’s intriguing
really, but I don’t have to ask what really happened in her life. Probably the typical stuff. Mother was
a whore and father was a man in power with another family. Why else would he give his daughter
away to his brother? A dirty motherfucker who sells women much more expensive than they’re worth.
If I’m going to pay to fuck someone then her pussy better not be worn out by the many, many years
she’d been doing this. I shouldn’t look into her eyes and see that the years spent there made her into a
human sex doll with no emotion. They can’t even fake the orgasms anymore. It’s just them laying
down and taking dick. I’m not a fucking rapist, so that shit was a no for me when Tatyana wanted an
open relationship.
I stop, realizing that I’ve ventured outside to the pool area. Sometimes, when my mind wanders, I
end up finding myself near the infinity pool. The clear water calms me. Without thinking, I jump in the
pool. I swim back and forth doing laps like I used to when I was on the swim team. Finally, after my
arms grow tired, I come back up for air. I notice that King has backed up near the entryway to go back
inside. “Get in.” I command her.
Her eyes grow wide. She shakes her head, then looks back down at her feet. Oh now, she doesn’t
want to look at me. “I can’t, sir. I can’t swim.”
I smirk. “Yeah? Get in, Kingsley, I won’t ask you again.”
Just then, Poutine, my Alaskan Malamute makes his appearance. I was wondering when this big
shit would come around. He comes from the corner of the house which means Bobby just brought him
back home. King shrieks as if she’s going to be eaten alive. I turn to look at her and she runs full
speed like a track star towards me and jumps in the pool. My eyes widen as I take in the true nature of
a drowning but very much flopping like a fish-scared-out-of-her-mind King. She scrambles trying not
to drown; she makes it to the surface, screams, then gurgles the water back down as she drowns. I
snicker, shaking my head as I make my way towards her. I lift her up, holding her up, but this is the
moment Poutine jumps in the pool. King doesn’t notice me but notices the damn dog. She wraps her
body around me, climbing me. It’s great to have her pussy in my face, but not like this.
“Kingsley!” I scream her name out, but she’s too focused on the dog who isn’t even coming near
her but is swimming instead. “Stop it! What the fuck!” I bark out, but she doesn’t register my voice. I
growl, irritated as fuck. I bite her pussy lips and she yelps. This causes her to focus but fuck her body
reacts so well to me I can smell her with as close as she is. I bury my nose in her pussy and sniff just
like my dog-child, Poutine would sniff something. I inhale, her scent is intoxicating as fuck and she’s
not even that wet. Her legs still have me in a headlock, but I don’t mind. I stick my tongue out and
taste her; just a little. I groan shutting my eyes as King arches her back bringing her pussy even
I will not fuck her again. I can’t. I won’t taste her again either… well, maybe just one more taste. I
nip at her clit, tease it with my teeth and my tongue. Then I suck it into my mouth forgetting what the
fuck I even said to myself, but when I hear King moan, I force myself to stop. I grip her hips, digging
my fingers into her skin, good enough to break skin. She loosens her legs and I move her down my
body. I stare at her tits for good measure. When I feel like it, I’ll taste them too. I look at King, so this
is what a turned-on Kingsley looks like. I smirk as I lean in and nip at her bottom lip. It’s plump and
made to suck on. I let her lips go instead. This isn’t the time nor the place for this bullshit. I crack my
neck and while she has her entire body wrapped around me; I swim backwards towards the patio. I
get us out of the pool and King is still wrapped around me like a fucking fly tangled in a spider’s
web. “Not going to get off?” I ask.
King realizes what’s going on and she slowly untangles herself. I hold her and bend my body so
that her feet can touch the ground. When this happens, she looks away towards Poutine who is
shaking the water out of his fur. “He’s not a wolf?” She breathes.
“This is Poutine. Poutine meet Kingsley. Let’s go, Poutine.” I call out to him as I walk away,
leaving King there. Poutine follows my command. I hear his wet paws as they come up next to me.
“You too, Kingsley.” I say as I get back into the house and turn the corner, I hear her small feet running
towards me. I smile, shaking my head. Does she fear dogs or wolves? Or maybe she’s just scared of
Poutine? This makes me chuckle lowly. What an odd thing.

Who names their dog, Poutine? That’s what I want to ask Ciro but I keep my mouth shut. I stand near
the door watching as he gets things out of what I assume is a closet. They look like very expensive
clothing. I say nothing as he drops each and everyone of them. Ciro stops in the middle of the room.
“That’s your makeshift bed today, no complaints.”
Why would he think I would complain? I sigh and make my way to the pile of clothes on the floor.
I lay down and turn away from facing him. “What the hell are you doing!” Ciro raises his voice a
I didn’t hear him move, so it shocks me. “You said this is my makeshift bed and to not complain.”
I risk a glance at his face and he furrows his brows. He looks ready to eat me alive.
“What? I was talking to Poutine. Why the hell would I tell you to sleep on the fucking floor? Get
the hell up, Kingsley. You’re pissing me off.”
I sigh and stand. “Then next time, be a bit more precise,” I say lowly.
Ciro grabs me by the back of my neck and makes me look at him. “Say that again. Say that shit to
my face and while looking me in the eye.”
I blink. I’m not sure if this is a challenge or a request. I brave it as I open my mouth. “Next time,
be a bit more precise, sir.”
I feel like seconds, minutes, years go by before Ciro says another word. He gets closer to me and
I feel his body heat. Well, not only that but his dick is poking me showing he’s rock hard. Ciro
breathes hard and I don’t take my eyes off him just in case he hits me. Ciro grunts like some unhinged
animal and then he leans in, capturing my lips harshly. I hold on to him for dear life as he shows me
the power he has in a kiss. His hands find their way into my wet hair and traps his fingers there. I
moan into his mouth as his tongue fights for dominance over mine. At first, it feels like two people
battling for control, but then not even a moment later, everything shifts. Ciro’s kisses are less about
dominating and more about pleasing. I don’t know how I know that but I just do. His lips, his tongue,
his kisses take me for a journey into his world. I can’t think about anything else other than him and
this. What’s my name again?
Ciro pulls away from me and pushes me to the bed. I watch him and take him in. He’s like a
warrior with his perfect physique but his face is that of a vengeful angel, one whose face is made of
the finest clay. I sigh, watching him as his chest rises and falls. He looks angry, yet I’m not scared. I
dare myself one more time and I look him in the eye. Ciro’s eyes grow a paler blue than they were
minutes ago. He looks at me as if he has murder on his mind. I grow self-conscious, but I can’t look
away. Something is telling me to not look away, so I don’t.
“I’ll go shower first then you. After I’m done, I’ll leave you some of my clothes to sleep in. I
don’t cuddle, so don’t fucking touch me when I sleep, ” he commands. He walks off and I wonder
why I can’t hear him walk away when I’m looking right at him. His back view is beautiful, like a
sculpture. Oh man, what an ass.
Ciro stops mid-walk and turns back to look at me with a cocked brow. “Did I say that out loud?” I
Ciro smirks and continues his saunter into the bathroom.


When I’m left alone in the room with that enormous dog that could be mistaken for a damned pony, I
move over to hide under the sheets. This turns out to be the wrong move because Poutine jumps on
the bed and hovers over me. I can’t seem to do much because I’m terrified. Nothing happens for a
moment and I hear whimpers. I feel the gigantic monster’s snout poke me, and then he whimpers
again. I slowly poke my head out of the sheets and the big monster gives me puppy dog eyes. I stick
out a shaky hand and pet him. I quickly draw my hand back under the sheet. If a dog could frown, this
is what I would say about Poutine rights this instant. He leans in and rubs his snout on the side of my
face. “What?” I whisper. “I don’t know what you want. You scare me.” I confess to Poutine.
Poutine whimpers again and moves, laying down beside me. He looks at me as if he can see
what’s troubling me. I don’t know what to say, but the more Poutine whimpers, the sadder I become. I
get lost in these almond-shaped brown eyes of his and my lip trembles. I take a deep breath in and I
remove my arm again. I pet him and Poutine draws closer. I sniffle because I feel like I’ve just made
a friend, someone who understands me and how sad things were before. Poutine is like his owner; he
gives me something that I know I need. Ciro may be scary, big and dangerous as ever, but there’s
something about him that pulls me to him. I don’t believe that I’ll ever fall for him or him fall for me,
but I believe that if I do my best, he can take care of me better than anyone else… It’s what I want,
isn’t it? Just to be somewhere, where I’m not hated for the gender I was born as or me not looking
like my siblings. Just to be Kingsley Storm, not Turgenev, because I didn’t deserve his last name.

W hen I step out of the shower, I find Poutine on my fucking bed. I get ready to yell at him until I
see a sight I didn’t think would happen this quickly. King is on the bed with him and they’re
both asleep. I couldn’t have been in the shower that long. I want to wake her up so she can shower but
the sight of her holding my dog near her makes me stop short. I narrow my eyes at Poutine because he
knows better. Ungrateful and spoiled. I laid out Tatyana’s best clothing for him on his makeshift bed
since he wasn’t allowed to be in here before. Tatyana didn’t like him much, so he was in another
“Poutine…” I call out. “I know your ass can hear me. Get off my bed.” Poutine opens his eyes
and whimpers, trying to give me that bullshit puppy dog eyes he does when he thinks he’ll get his way.
I narrow my eyes, “Don’t try that shit with me, tine.”
Goddamn Poutine whimpers but slowly gets off the bed. When he gets on the makeshift bed, he
gives me his form of a glare. I roll my eyes and get into my bed. I clap my hands and the lights turn
My eyes pop open when I hear a moan in the room. I turn to look over at King and she’s laying on
her back. Her hand is under the sheets and from the light of the moonlight, I know she’s still sleeping.
“Oh Ciro.” She moans again.
My brows shoot up and I pull the sheet from her body. I smirk as I realize that King is
masturbating. Is she fucking herself to dreams about me? That is the sexiest, most endearing thing I’ve
ever experienced. King bends her knees and opens her legs. It’s like she’s calling for me without
realizing it. I bite my lip and reposition myself before moving to get a better look. I sit in between her
legs and lick my lips as she builds the high; I watch her as her hair spreads out, making her look like a
special kind of creature. Like she’s not even real. I assess her, knowing that I need to take care of my
toy better. Especially if I keep sinking my dick deep inside her.
I reach out touching her, and I rub my palm up her leg. This seems to entice her even more. “Oh,
touch me. Kiss me, Ciro.” She whispers and I break out into a grin. She’s bold in her dream.
I move my hand and touch her like she wants me to. I run my two fingers over her slick opening.
King throws her head back and I slip my fingers inside of her. I follow the rhythm she’s using. My
fingers move in tune with hers that have been inside of her. My other hand hovers over circling her
clit. “Pinch your nipples for me, Kingsley.” My voice is raspier than it normally is. I clear my throat
as she does what she’s told. Fuck, even in her dreams, she follows my orders.
I bite my lip hard as she stops touching herself and spreads that deliciousness around her nipples.
I groan. “Fuck me.”
This causes King to open her eyes. Her eyes are wide as she takes in what’s going on. “It’s not a
dream?” she says. I increase the roughness of the way I’m finger-fucking her. King’s eyes flutter.
“It’s not a dream so wake the fuck up and let me show you how to properly fuck yourself. What
you were doing was a disgrace. You’re just torturing my poor pussy.” I say to her.
King tries to close her legs. “This is…”
I open her legs again and get in between them. I lean in and hover over her, stretching my body out
but not too much so I’m face to face with her short ass. King’s eyes are shut. “Open your eyes and
look at me since you never stop looking at me, anyway. Don’t be shy now, Kingsley.” She shudders
but opens her eyes.
She looks at me and my grin stays put as I manipulate her body to sing to me. “Ride my fingers.
Fuck them, Kingsley. Show me what you can do with my piece of pussy.”
King’s arms grab my shoulders and her nails dig deep. Fuck, it hurts, but so fucking good. I shut
my eyes this time; King’s nails leave a trail as they ride up to my neck and into my hair. I open my
eyes and stare into hers. Pull my fucking hair, Kingsley. I command her with my glare. Gone is the
grin and here to stay is my determination to fuck her back to sleep with my fingers. King forms fists in
my hair and tugs. I groan deeply and I feel as I leak pre-cum. I lean in even closer, neither of us are
breathing our own air as we gaze at each other. If she wants to fucking look me in the eye, now, she’ll
have no choice but to. King’s breathing speeds up and she cums.
I remove my fingers from inside her and put them between us. I gloss her lips over with her own
juices. I lean in and lick her lips, flattening my tongue, showing her just what she’s missing out. I
don’t kiss her lips this time, instead I nibble and suck on her neck. Marking my toys was my signature
thing when I was a kid, and now, I’ll mark my life-size human toy. I kiss, suck and bite her neck and
she holds me tight to her naked body.
“You’re so beautiful…” She whispers and I chuckle because this is fucking absurd.

The next morning I’m woken up by Bobby. He instructs me to take a shower, wear the clothes that his
boss left out for me and to meet him in the kitchen. I do what I am told and now, here I am in clothing
too big for me to be sporting but the plus side is, I’m not naked.
Bobby smiles up at me and invites me to sit down at the kitchen island. “Come eat, because we’ve
got a long day today, King. Boss is making me take you to the salon to get your,” he stops and shakes
his head. “bird’s nest of hair washed. His words, not mine. Also, Poutine made the bed smell like a
wet dog, so he wants that entire room spotless.”
“Are we doing that?” I ask, just out of mere curiosity.
Bobby chokes on the coffee he is drinking. He coughs and I stand, coming over to him to pat him
on the back. After he settles down, he looks at me. “Thank you.”
“Welcome.” I say and I go back to my stool.
“Why would we clean the Boss’s room? That’s so weird and odd. Did you clean rooms back at
your uncle’s… establishment?” Bobby asks.
I snicker. “You can call it a brothel or whore house or even a club. It is what it is.” I shrug.
“Hmm. Oh okay. Well.” Bobby says, stuffing almost a whole pancake in his mouth.
“But yeah, I had to clean because I wasn’t sleeping with any of the men. My uncle made me clean
all the rooms, I’ve cleaned some disgusting things, man.”
Bobby widens his eyes. “You didn’t have to have sex with anybody? That’s new. So then, how did
you come about being here and sleeping with Boss?”
I sigh. “I started last week and the first couple of dudes weren’t too bad, I guess. I was okay with
them, they made me comfortable, but the one dude that came the night Ciro was there. I was not having
it. I threatened to shoot my brains out.”
Bobby chuckles. “Were you going to do it?”
“Yes, I was so serious, but then my uncle. who is scared shitless of your boss traded me in so he
could live.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” he says.
My heart beats at the apology to me. I’m not into Bobby or anything, but that’s the nicest thing
someone has ever said to me. “Thank you.”
We say nothing but smile at each other. It’s like I’ve finally found a friend. One who isn’t trying to
get into my panties or trying to make me show them the tricks I’ve learned but not completed at the
brothel. Before I could open my mouth to ask about him, I hear a bark and turn to see Poutine running
towards me full on. I didn’t have time to brace myself as he jumps on me and we fall to the floor.
I don’t have time to speak as Poutine licks my face. “Not the face. Not the face!” I end up
giggling, not able to control my laughter.
“Tine…” Ciro calls out to him in a firm voice. Poutine whimpers and stops licking me but he
takes a seat right on top of me like he belongs there. “I know damn well you’re not ignoring me,
“Hi, Poutine.” I say to him and pet him. I think this might be my new favorite thing. “Can I get up?
You’re kinda heavy.” I admit.
Poutine barks but gets off me. I stand up and fix my stool. Once I’m seated, I realize that Ciro
hasn’t left the room. He’s fixing himself a plate. I watch him in amazement. People of his caliber do
that? Ciro takes a seat and begins eating. I tilt my head. So, he’s human then? He behaves like a god
amongst men but seeing him eat makes him normal to me somehow. Ciro reaches out without looking
up and pulls on one of the two flat braids I put my hair in.
“This is cute and secure for me to tug on.” He tugs harder this time. “Does it hurt?”
“No, sir.” I say.
Ciro smirks. “Good. Now, why is Poutine getting a greeting in the morning but I’m not?” My eyes
widen. I turn to look at Bobby, who coughs, masking his laughter. “Don’t look at Bobby, look at me.”
I face him. His piercing eyes take me captive. My entire face heats and I can feel that my face is
growing hot. “Hi, Ciro.”
Ciro gives me a boyish grin, and I think this is how women fall for wicked men. This has to be
because my heart is pounding inside my chest from the simple smile. “Ciro, huh?” He inquires. He
shakes his head and turns to Bobby. “Run me the numbers again about how many men are on the
property? I feel like I didn’t see them all while I was doing my morning run and walking this fatty.”
Poutine barks and Ciro shakes his head.
“Let me see…” Bobby starts.
“There should be about 15 of your men on your property.” I say, but then catch myself and cover
my mouth. “Sorry.”
Ciro cocks his brow. “15? How do you know?”
I remove my hand from my mouth. “Well, you have 4 guards at the entrance. 2 different drivers. 6
of the men I saw when you first brought me here, were in their home on the property. Then there’s
Bobby, Jones and the head guy that goes places with you. I don’t know his name, but he looks mean.” I
say. I look down, embarrassed.
“Watson.” Bobby says. “How do you know that?”
“I have a photographic memory and I pay way too much attention to detail. I’m sorry.”
“What are you apologizing for?” Ciro asks.
“It’s the Canadian way?” I tease and shrug, looking up at Ciro.
“Don’t apologize again unless you do something wrong. Tell me, did your uncle know that you can
do this?” He asks.
I nod. “Yeah but he told me it was stupid and to stop being a freak.”
“Turgenev is a fucking idiot.” Is all Ciro says. He looks at Bobby and signals him.
“Okay King, you ready to get this day started?” Bobby asks getting up from his stool.
I nod. I stand up off the stool and walk off. “Tine, sit your ass back down.” I turn back to see
Poutine whine and park himself back near his owner. Was he following me? He’s so cute.


My hair took the longest to do but I feel like myself. Where Bobby took me, it was more than just a
hair salon. They gave me a massage, made my face feel like it was worth a million bucks, and they
applied make-up.
Bobby and I are now leaving the spa. I feel like a new woman. I run my fingers through my hair,
I’ve never had it straightened before. I cried at the mere two inches that were trimmed off. But now
that I see the necessity of the layering, I’m in love. I can’t stop smiling. Bobby and I get into the car.
He places all the products they instructed me to buy for the upkeep of my hair and my face.
“Are we done now?” I ask Bobby as he merged into traffic.
Bobby snickers, shaking his head. “No. We have to go buy you clothes. You don’t think it’s odd
that you’re walking around in boss’s clothes while you have your entire face done up?”
I shrug and smile. “I’m used to being naked.”
“Of course.” Bobby chuckles.
I laugh with him. We ride in silence as his music plays in the car.
When we get to the luxurious stores, I get looked over by the employee. She cocks her brow as
she looks at Bobby, then back at me. “Welcome to Aristica, my name is Milly, and I’m here to help
you out in your shopping experience.” she says all this while looking at Bobby. “Do you have
anything specific you need?”
Bobby’s brows furrow. “Well, she’s the one that needs things.” He shows, gesturing towards me.
“She needs a closet full of things. Dresses, short and long, splits, no splits, jeans, t-shirts, etc. You
know, female things.”
“Oh! all right, well, right this way.” She plasters a smile that I can tell is fake. I follow, even
though it feels like she doesn’t like me. I frown, I did nothing to her.
I don’t know how long it’s been since we’ve been in here, but with everything I’ve tried, Bobby
either approves or doesn’t approve. It’s fun and I’ve been downing the tasty drinks in the glass that
they’ve been giving. It has a fuzzy feeling once you swallow, but it tastes amazing. Like sweet juice
that has a secret ingredient.
I step out of the fitting room in a white deep plunge V neck mini long-sleeve lace dress. My
favorite part about this dress is the ruffles.
“You need to actually move so you can see the dress in the mirror.” Bobby says.
I give him an uncomfortable smile and he chuckles. I’m not uncomfortable with seeing myself, but
more of these killer things called heels. I know how to walk in them, I’ve been practicing since I was
14 but it doesn’t mean I like them.
I take a deep breath in and exhale, lifting my head as I fully walk out of the fitting room or rather
fitting area. I turn to my right where there are multiple mirrors. I can’t hide my smile because the
ruffles at the bottom of the dress look even more beautiful. There’s a song that begins playing in the
store and I can’t help but shake my body so that ruffles can move along with it.
Bobby chuckles. “You’ve got to be the most adorable person I’ve ever met. You remind me of my
baby sister.” He states.
I turn to face him. “You have a sister? She must be the best, huh?” I ask.
Bobby stands from his seat as he looks at his phone. “Yeah, I guess.” He shrugs. “My parents
won’t let her keep in contact with me because of the life I chose.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. That’s not fair.”
“It isn’t but I understand their reasoning.”
“You must miss her.” I say.
Bobby gives me a slight smile. “Yeah, I miss her every day. She has a phone now, so she sneaks
her calls to me. We’ve sometimes met up without our parents knowing.”
“Aww that’s so sweet. I wish I had a big brother. If they’re like you, then they’re good.”
There’s an expression on Bobby’s face that looks like sadness, but he replaces it quickly. “You
don’t have any siblings?”
I shrug this time. “I don’t know. My mom died when I was 2 and my father gave me to my uncle.
The women raised me in the brothel.”
Bobby raises his brows. “Really?”
I nod. “Mm-hmm.”
Bobby opens his mouth to say something, but his phone rings. “Give me a second, I’ll be right
I sit in the seat that Bobby was sitting in. I grab the glass that was his and I drink. I feel like I’m
floating, yet I’m here. I stare at the glass, tilting my head. There has to be alcohol in here. I’ve never
gotten drunk in my life but I’ve seen the other ladies drinking with the customers. I’ve smelled some
of their drinks after. I sniff the content. It doesn’t smell like the other drinks at my uncle’s club.
The girl, Milly comes back around but when we make eye contact, I smile at her yet she doesn’t
do the same. She turns to walk off. “Um, excuse me, can I please get another of these?” I lift my glass
Milly turns to face me. “Another? Ma’am, you’ve had about 5 and that’s as much as we’re giving.
Usually, the paying customer can have as much as they like, but it doesn’t seem like you’re the one
paying.” She gives me a dirty look.
I’m shocked. “Pardon?” I ask. Maybe I’m just hearing things.
“We rarely serve your kind here.” She curls her upper lip in disgust.
“My kind? Like what, whores?”
“Your words, not mine.”
“What do you have against whores? It’s just a profession. Like your job you’re doing now.
Nobody does it because they like it.” I state.
“We’re nothing alike.” She states.
“I’m sorry, do we know each other?” I ask again.
“Do you know each other?” I hear Ciro’s voice behind me.
I turn to face him. I look up at him, he’s so fucking sexy. I tune out whatever’s happening as my
body goes into overdrive just staring at him. I’ve never really been too sexual, but there’s just
something about him. Ciro looks down at me. His lips are moving, but I hear absolutely nothing. He
snaps his fingers in my face.
“Pardon? What did you say?” I ask him.
“Don’t worry about it. Stand up, let me see what you like to wear.” He commands. I stand and
Ciro comes around. I face him and look up at him. He inspects my outfit. “Nice.” The back of his
fingers graze my bare skin. He reaches to the buttons and begins unbuttoning the dress.
I look behind him. From this angle I can see the girl, Milly. She watches what’s going on. She
doesn’t say a word. “Sir.” I say.
Ciro grabs my jaw and makes me look at him. “What the fuck did I tell you? If you’re going to be
looking at me, it’ll be just me invading your space especially when I’m present. Don’t worry about
her, she’ll see what it’s like to be fucked like a whore.”
I shudder as I feel the air connect with my nipples. My short dress is open, exposing every part of
me. Thankfully, I’m wearing underwear that we got before the salon. Ciro inspects me from head to
toe. He touches my hair and moves it behind my shoulder, exposing the bite marks and the hickey.
“Mr. Sarkozy…” I call his name out just because I can.
If a man can give a look that both terrifies me and turns me on, it’s Ciro. It’s the way he looks at
me now after hearing me call him by his surname. He places his thumb on my lips, then traces over
them. I can feel as he practically smudges the lipstick off my lips. I shudder as I feel a boldness take
over. I step in his space and I reach out touching him. He looks amazing in his black short sleeve
dress shirt tucked into his black pants and dress shoes that are spotless, I can see my reflection.
“Eyes up here, Kingsley. What did I just say?”
I peer up at him through my lashes. “You said to always look at you, Mr. Sarkozy, sir.” I giggle,
then hiccup.
Ciro wraps his arm around me and pulls me flush to his body. He glares at me. Gone is the flirting
man. “Are you tipsy?”
“No,” I hiccup again. “I didn’t drink any alcohol. Just that.” I point at the glass that I abandoned at
the side table near the chair.
“How many glasses?” He asks.
“Hmm I don’t know, 4? Wait, yes, yes, 5. They’re just so good. They taste like strawberries. Want
to taste?” I say.
Ciro cocks one of his expressive bushy brows. “Ho—?”
Ciro doesn’t get the rest of his sentence out as I grip him by the shirt and pull him to me. I stand on
the tip of my toes even in my heels as I kiss him this time. I beg him to kiss me back through this kiss. I
want to be kissed, touched, and I want more marks on my body. Ciro groans as he kisses me back. His
powerful self taking over. I feel his hands as they cup my ass; I flinch, remembering that my ass is still
healing. It doesn’t hurt anymore, it adds to my pleasure.
Ciro breaks the kiss and glares at me. He says nothing as he buttons my dress up. “We’re leaving.”
He states. He pulls me to him and begins marching out. He stops in front of Milly, whose face is beet
red. “One of my men will grab everything in the store and oh, you’re fired.” Ciro says walking out
with me in tow.
Wait, what just happened?

A tipsy King is an odd experience. I don’t remember the last time I was around someone so
carefree when they’re drunk. I haven’t known her for long, not even a week, yet it seems like
she’s baring her soul already. She doesn’t have to say much because it’s written all over her
expressive face and her eyes. It shows a youthful woman who has seen her fair share of hardships,
brokenness and a heart that might not heal from the shit that she’s experienced.
I sit King down across from me in the Escalade. She hums along to the music playing. She
removes her heels and stretches her legs out, placing them in between my legs. I raise a brow. I look
at her feet and then back up at her.
King smiles, a genuine one, and I spot a dimple. I didn’t realize she had one. “I needed the space
and you have enough betwixt your legs since you are man-spreading.”
I shake my head, trying not to smile. “Betwixt? You’re an odd person who speaks Shakespearean
English when drunk.”
“Thou hast noticed. My Shakespearean English is absolute.” This time she smiles with all her
beautiful teeth.
I can’t help as I playfully scoff. I turn away to stare out the window. I try to wipe the playfulness
off my face. This isn’t right. Why am I behaving like this with her? It’s not me. My cell rings and I
answer. “Sarkozy.”
“This is how you disrespect my child, my daughter!” Tatyana’s father, Nicolai Petrov yells.
I roll my eyes. “Child? She was a year younger than me and behaved like a fucking fool. I won’t
explain to you why I did what I did. You are part of this life too. You betray me, you die. There’s no
other way.” I reply calmly.
“You could have sent her back to me! How could you break our family like this!” He raises his
voice again.
“Would you rather I lay waste to all of you for her mistake?”
“What?” I hear him audibly gasp. “Are you threatening me? You want to start a war?” He grits
“Start a war? I’m sure you’re plotting the million ways you can kill me. I’m not fucking stupid.”
“Tell me this, did you kill her because of that piece of ass you’re parading around?”
The same time he says that is the moment King drops to her knees and reaches out for the button of
my pants. I tilt my head, watching as she does this without fumbling. She looks up at me through her
lashes and she doesn’t give me some seductive expression or anything. She gives me such an
innocent, unfiltered look, it rocks me to my core. I reach out to tell her to stop, but I get distracted by
Michail shouting if I hear him.
“What are you shouting for?” I ask.
Before he can respond, I grunt as I feel King’s tongue licking the tip of my dick. I look down at her
as she wraps her delicate fingers around my dick. She keeps her eyes on me as she licks from the base
to the tip. She does this little thing with her tongue where she flattens it on the tip then folds her
tongue, sticking the tip in the hole. This is… different. But it’s good because the sensitivity level of it
all brings my dick to full attention. I go hard so fast, it’s painful.
King smirks as she moves back a little and spits on my dick. Then she sucks me into her mouth.
The suction alone can drive a lesser man, mad. “Fuck.” I groan. When I hit the back of her throat, I
hang up on Nicolai and throw my phone somewhere. I slide my fingers in her hair and form a fist. I
throw my head back and direct her to let me fuck her pretty little mouth. Every sound she makes
brings me closer to the edge. I feel the tip of her nails on my balls. King taps my thigh and I loosen my
grip in her hair, but what she does next confirms what I think I’ve always known. She drags me out of
her mouth baring her teeth, lightly grazing the length of my dick and when I feel them at my tip, I cum.
King takes it all, still sucking me off while I cum. I breathe hard as she removes her mouth from me.
She tucks me back into my boxer-briefs, zips and buttons me up.
I frown, running a hand over my face. “Are you hungry?” I ask King.
“Yeah, I’m starving, Ciro.” The way she says it makes me open my eyes and look at her.
She’s smiling as she stares out the window from her seat. Even with her disheveled hair and her
lipstick still smudged, she’s smiling. What the fuck is this?
“Come here.” I command. King comes over and sits on my side. “When I tell you to come here,
you sit on my lap. Am I clear?”
“Yes, sir.” She readjusts herself and straddles me this time.
I lean over to one compartment and remove a makeup wipe. I grab her jaw and wipe the smudged
lipstick off. “Did I tell you how pretty you looked today, my piece of ass?”
She shakes her head. “No.”
“What else did you get?” I ask her as I throw the wipe in the small trash behind us.
“A lot of different things. Got some panties, bras, dresses, shorts, shirts.” As King lists what she
got, I fix her hair, keeping it in place.
“Interesting. So, no more walking around naked. My nephew comes in tomorrow and I’m not
trying to beat a kid up for looking at my piece of ass. Got it?”
“Got it.” She smiles. “How old is your nephew?”
“Matteo is 16. He’s coming with his father, my cousin Boston, and my brother Adriano will stay
with us too.” I say.
“Us?” King asks. “I live with you now?”
I’m perplexed. How the fuck did I let that slip out of my mouth? Maybe it’s the fact that my dick is
getting hard just having her stare at me like this. I smirk. “Who will kick you out if I say you’re
staying, huh?”
I grab her jaw again and the back of her head as I kiss her. I’m not giving my toy to anyone else.
Nope. Not going to happen.

When the car stops, Ciro lets me get off him. I look at the heels and then out the window. I genuinely
don’t want to wear them. I make a face at them.
“Do you not like wearing heels or something?” Ciro asks.
I look up at him. “I can wear them if that’s what you like, sir.” I respond quickly, falling back into
my submissiveness.
“I asked you if you enjoyed wearing them, this isn’t about me.” Ciro answers.
I shrug, shaking my head. “No. I don’t enjoy wearing them all the time, but other times I don’t
mind them too much.” I answer honestly.
Ciro nods. “Good to know. Did you buy some flats or sneakers or something?” He asks.
“Yes, sir.”
“Put them on and let’s go.” Ciro steps out of the car and leaves me in there as I search the bags for
my sneakers.
I slip on some all-white canvas shoes and step out of the car. I’m met with Bobby and another guy
I haven’t met just yet. “This is Smyth.” He introduces me.
Without thinking about it, I stretch my arm out to him. “Hi, I’m King. Nice to meet you, Smyth.” I
Smyth’s brows furrow and he sort of looks at me like an anomaly, but he places his hand in mine,
shaking it. “Nice to meet you too, King. I like your name, it’s awesome.”
I smile at him. “Thank you.”
Bobby turns away from us and then turns back to face me with a blanched expression. He clears
his throat. “Let’s go, King. Boss is waiting for you.”
I nod, slipping my hand out of Smyth’s. Bobby walks in front of me while Smyth walks behind me.
I look at the place. It’s called J’aime ça, the French equivalent of I like this. I smile at that. The way
the sign is, is beautiful; From the simple signature of the name of the place, the prestigious air it gives
from the outside. It looks like any typical restaurant, but I notice that there are two gorgeous men that
stand at the darkened glass that looks like it cost more than a pretty penny. When we reach the double
doors, they automatically open it for us without a word. I walk in, following Bobby. The restaurant
looks like any ordinary restaurant with a beautiful atmosphere. People are eating, laughing and just
enjoying each other but we don’t stop there, we keep walking. Away from the people, away from the
kitchen and even further down. We go through a set of double doors and this place looks different
from the hustle and bustle of what I just saw. I take in the luxurious darkened aura of the place. The
darkened red hues coming from God knows where in the ceiling makes it appear like it’s dark enough
for you not to see what is going on around others but it’s not too dark. The music is sultry and low.
Once Bobby moves out of the way, I see a pole and sitting on a large u-shaped couch; I see Ciro.
He’s sitting back smoking a cigar with one long, lean leg over the other. He looks relaxed and in his
element. The song changes and it’s a song that would soon make you dance. Ciro tilts his head at me
and beckons me with his fingers. I walk over to him and a smirk forms at the corner of his mouth. He
points to the pole with his chin and before I can even ask; I feel someone behind me lifting me up to
the pole. Ciro sits back and removes his leg from over the other and widens his legs. “Make up the
mistake you just made outside, to me.” He practically growls the command and I shudder, but I know
what to do.
I begin by turning away from him. I bend over to remove my shoes. One by one and I throw them
to the floor. I face him again and he’s watching my every move. I move my body to some reggaeton
song as I lift my hands to the buttons. I’m in my element, so none of this bothers me. I unbutton all that
needs to be and shrug the dress off. The only movement from Ciro is him smoking that cigar and the
slight movement of his brow. I bite my lip as I back up to the pole and lose myself in my dancing. I
grab the pole and climb further up. I hold myself steady as I slowly show the illusion, as if I’m
walking around the area on air. I do another trick and then land back down on my feet by sliding down
the pole. I climb the pole all the way to the top this time and only hold on with my legs. I lean back
until I’m hanging upside down facing Ciro. I play with my tits for adding measure, pinching my
nipples hard. I bring my hand further down my body and don’t stop until my hand is inside my panties.
I play with myself as I move my body to the rhythm of the music. I watch Ciro as he watches me, like
the men at the club used to watch me; transfixed, horny as fuck and ready to break me apart, but they
never got the chance.
Ciro doesn’t just crack his neck this time, he rolls his neck around like he’s some panther ready to
strike. I shudder once more, becoming bolder than I’ve ever been. I continue pinching my nipple and
hold my moan in as everything feels like it’s building up. Ciro leans in, putting his cigar out on the
ashtray right in front of him. His arms rest on his knees as he watches me with narrowed eyes. He lifts
one hand halfway up and snaps his fingers. Not even too long after that, there is a glass with liquid
inside. Ciro doesn’t take his eyes off me as he downs it like it’s nothing. He grits his teeth and bares
them for a moment. “Come to me, Kingsley,” he orders and I lift myself up then slide down the poll.
When I turn to him, I make a very rash decision. The walkway to the table in front of him is
connected to the personal pole. I slowly drop to my knees and crawl to Ciro. Ciro notices what I’m
doing and moves the ashtray and glass to the side. He sits back on the couch but he does something I
never thought would ever be sexy to me. He adjusts himself in his pants and I swear I grow wetter
from the action alone. He groans at the action but doesn’t take his eyes off me. When I finally get
there, Ciro leans in, cupping my face in his hands. “Je veux te baiser.” he says and I moan because I
fully understand what he means. He wants to fuck me, and the fact that, he said it in French makes me
want to ride his face.
“Let me ride your face,” I say boldly.
Ciro chuckles and wraps his tatted hand around my neck, pulling me even closer to his face.
“You’ve got to fucking earn that right, Kingsley. For now, you’ve earned the right for me to fuck you
nonstop for the rest of the evening. Round and round we’ll go and then when you’re ready to tap out,
I’ll wake you up and fuck you again.” His words send goosebumps throughout my body. Nobody can
possibly be able to have sex that much. That kind of stamina is impossible. His eyes grow paler blue,
“Don’t doubt me.” Is all the warning he gives me before he kisses me like a parched man that has
finally found water in the desert.

I pull away from her lips, leaving her wanting more. She’s been here shorter than a week and I see
the look in her eyes. I know what it means. I’ve seen it on other women that I’ve dated before
marrying. King craves me. I should have warned her that things get like that with me, naturally. I lean
back against the couch. King climbs off the table, removes her panties and climbs on to my lap. I grab
her waist and grind my hardened dick against her slit.
“You haven’t learned everything you needed to learn at your uncle’s club, have you?” I inquire.
She shakes her head. “I haven’t learned too much yet, but I can go back and learn some more, if
that’s what you’d like, sir.” She answers.
Usually, if it was anyone else even Tatyana, I’d assume they’re being snarky but looking at her, I
pick up on the fact that she’s being genuine. King isn’t even trying to be rude to me. Well, good for the
both of us. I don’t want to have to punish her in a way that she won’t like.
“Shut the fuck up. I’ll teach you how to please me, properly. You’ll be so good at it, you’ll be
pleasing me in your dreams.” I grin. I reach between her legs and lightly slap her pussy, making sure I
don’t miss her clit. “This means up.”
King places her hands on my shoulders for support and lifts a little. I slide my hand off her pussy
slowly, causing her to tremble. I like the way she reacts to my every touch. It’s genuine and full of
emotion. It shows on her face she enjoys the teasing just as much as I enjoy doing it. I don’t look away
from her as I unbutton and unzip. I lift a little, removing both pants and boxer-briefs, sliding them
below my thighs. I slap her ass cheek and King slowly lowers herself on my dick. I throw my head
back, trying to tell my body not to do anything fucking stupid right now. I grit my teeth as I
concentrate, but something about the way she feels is driving me insane. I run a hand through my hair,
pulling hard so I can get back into the moment and not embarrass myself. “Ciro…” King calls my
name and I feel her soft lips on my neck.
She joins my hand in my hair with both of hers. She tugs my head back and my eyes pop open.
When did I close my eyes? “I can show you what I’ve learned so far,” she says in an enticing tone.
I smirk because she’s already showing it to me. It’s fucking sexy. Her ability to read what I like
makes me want to cum already but I won’t. Not yet, anyway. King moves her body to the music
playing in the background that I forgot about. She doesn’t do the basic shit of just bouncing up and
down on my dick, and I like her for it. She knows how to get herself off as well when she’s riding. I
note what she already knows. She leans in, our lips so close together, but there’s no kissing. King
performs better this time than the first time she was on top of me. She switches it up when she begins
her bounce. It’s not as rough as I’d like it but it’s fantastic. I feel her all over me. I remove my hands
from my hair and both end up gripping her waist. “My turn,” I say to her. “Let me show you how I can
still fuck you when you think you’re fucking me.”
I lift her up, pulling out, and then I slam back into her, hard. King throws her head back. I repeat
the action a couple more times, causing her to cry out. I create a rhythm for her to follow; a rough,
hard one that should hurt but fuck, King is taking it like a champ. She tugs the strands of my hair
harder and I growl this time. I stand and lean down, placing her over the table. I slip out of her and I
rotate my shoulders back once removing every kink. I barely slip one leg out of my pants when I lean
back down and slip in. She’s so damned wet; gushing all over the damned place. King moves her
hands from my hair to my back. She takes every thrust I give. We both moan and groan simultaneously.
I lift and place my palm flat on her torso, holding her down as I deliver strokes that I know makes me
look like a fucking porn-star. “Oh, Ciro!” King throws her head back as her hands find something to
“Some women don’t cum from penetration, you know that, Kingsley?” I tease her as I lift one of
her legs for better access.
“Yes!” She shouts, this time over the music.
I chuckle as I lean in and nip at her chin. “Let me show you I can make you cum like that. Ready?”
Without waiting for a response, I move my hand to her jaw. I give her my full weight as I increase, not
in speed but in punishing strokes. King’s eyes widen as her breathing speeds up and my hair brushes
against her face.
“I can’t… It’s too much. Too powerful.” She confesses.
“Good. Show me I’m wrong then, resist it. Don’t show the world your power, remain fucking
weak then, Kingsley Storm…” I taunt her. “Or, you can cum as loud as you want. Let them hear you
roar.” I suck her bottom lip in my mouth and bite hard. The second I let go, King shouts her release,
the one that was too powerful for her. It arouses me in such a way that I follow right after.
I kiss her neck, kissing over the mark I left on her and thinking about placing another one on the
other side. “I want you so bad, Ciro.” King admits.
I kiss up from her neck to her chin, stopping at her ear. I like the diamond studs she has on. I pull it
and her earlobe in my mouth. I bite hard, causing her to yelp and tighten around my dick. I release her
earlobe from my mouth. “I know you do, Kingsley. I’m the worst kind of addiction. The type that you
can never kick and you’ve had the misfortune of tasting the rawest, most potent product I have in my
possession, me.” I whisper in her ear.
She shudders but says nothing. I feel her fingernails digging deep in my back. “I can’t possibly be
addicted. It hasn’t been long enough and the probability of that happening is just as low as the
percentage itself.”
I groan. “Fuck, talk dirty to me, Kingsley. I want more of this when you talk. Don’t hide that shit
from me.”
“Yes, sir.” She answers.
“I must have fucked the tipsiness out of you, huh? Good. Now, are you hungry?”
I slowly slip out of her, hissing at her tightness. I lift up, placing my palms on both sides of her.
She looks up at me like how Tatyana used to at the beginning of our relationship. I shut my eyes,
shaking my head and clearing my throat. I open my eyes and get off the table. I reach under for some
napkins. I clean King up efficiently and pull her up as I fix myself. I look at her and she’s watching me
as I slip my boxer-briefs and pants back on. I finish and she’s still naked watching me. I smirk. “Put
on your dress, Kingsley.”
she says nothing at first. She grabs her dress, puts it on and buttons it back up. I sit back on the
couch and wait to see what she’ll do next. King comes closer to me and straddles me instead of sitting
next to me. Good, she’s learning. She leans in but doesn’t kiss me like she did before. She watches me
and I watch her. “I’ll take your soul from you,” I say to her.
“No one can do that.” She snorts, and it’s the most adorable sound I’ve heard from her so far.
“Embrasse-moi.” I say.
King’s eyes widen but she complies as she kisses me. I groan as I take her mouth, showing her just
how easily I could take her soul from her. She does not understand who she’s fucking with.

Ciro made good on his word. I have never experienced having sex for the rest of the entire evening.
Ciro Sarkozy is the epitome of keeping his word. After the first time, Ciro ordered food and I ate to
my heart’s content. Then he showed me the best way to burn it all off.
I turn on my back as I hear Poutine bark. I slowly unravel myself from the sheets and squint
around the sunlit room. Poutine barks again and I look at him. He whimpers and I smile at him.
“Hi buddy. How did you sleep?” I ask as he jumps on the bed and maneuvers into the bedsheets. I
can’t help but giggle. I cuddle him as he wants me to.
“You’ll spoil him if I tell him no and you let him in my fucking bed, Kingsley,” Ciro says. I follow
the sound of his voice and I gasp at the fact that he’s naked from head to toe.
I take a deep breath in and I let it out slowly. I feel like I can look at him for eternity and not look
anywhere else, even if someone tries to distract me. Ciro cocks his brow and clears his throat, but I
can’t look away. I frown because I really don’t want to. He’s a work of art;the tattoos peppered all
over his lean yet fit body make him appear both sinister and sexy. His shoulders are quickly becoming
what I like to sink my fingernails into. The only thing that distracts me is the boisterous laughter
coming from the other side of the door. “Your family is here?” I ask quietly.
Ciro nods. “Yeah. Now, let me go over some fucking rules with you. You ready?” Ciro asks but
doesn’t even give me a chance to respond. “One, if you walk into a room, you always greet me first. It
doesn’t matter who the fuck is in the room. It could be your father or the Prime Minister of this
damned country but I don’t give two shits. You’ll say hi to me because you’re my toy. Two, I don’t
share. I don’t give a damn if it’s my drink, my cigarette, or you, I don’t give what I’m fucking to
others. So do your best to remember it. Three, my cousin and my brother are off limits. Even when
you go your own way, they’re not to be touched. I’m the only Sarkozy you’ll ever get the chance of
touching. Four, you kiss me wherever and whenever. I don’t mean body parts. I mean when I tell you
embrasse moi in the middle of the grocery store, or at a damned depanneur, you’ll do it. Or if I tell
you to do it and we’re both in the washroom while you’re taking a leak, you’ll give me your lips. Got
I widen my eyes, storing that information. I nod. “Yes, I got it. But I have a question.”
“Ask away.”
“You don’t like to share, but you had an open relationship with your wife?”
“That was different. I did it, tried it, experienced it and guess what? It’s not me. I don’t like shit
like that. I don’t want another reason to kill more pussy. Actually, add this new rule, five, you be
yourself. You’ll spout out your nerd shit and not keep it to yourself. If it’s some Shakespearean
English bullshit, then speak it loud and proud. Six, none of that not looking me in the eye bullshit. You
already don’t know how to follow it so learn to follow things. Last one, Stop smiling at these fuckers
that work for me. I love to punish but baby, you don’t want to find out how much worse they can get.”
A smirk appears on his face. “Or maybe that’s what you want.” He bites his bottom lip.
“I like your punishments.” I admit.
Ciro groans. “Fuck. I don’t have time for this, Kingsley. Don’t act up right now when I can’t fuck
you. I have shit to do.”
“Okay. I’ll go shower then.” I say. I give Poutine a quick kiss and get out of the bed. I hiss at the
soreness that shoots through my entire body. I look up to meet Ciro’s eyes and he’s watching me like a
lion that’s ready to attack if I make one wrong move. I say nothing as I suck in the air and make my
way to the shower.
I relax when the water hits my body but before I shower Ciro walks into the shower and pushes
me against the shower tile. I moan as he turns me around to face him. Ciro lifts me up and I wrap my
legs around his waist. I inhale as he slips inside. I throw my head back as I let this feeling take over
me every time Ciro is inside of me. I don’t know how anyone else before me could take him and not
want to come back for seconds, I don’t know if I can ever move away from this. And when it’s gone,
what am I going to do? It’ll be hard for me when I end up having withdrawals from this drug that is so
pure, so rare and full of life.
How is he not tired? I’m so tired, but not enough because even the soreness is nothing compared
to feeling him against my body. Ciro runs hot, really hot, and against someone like me, it’s warmth. It
feels like he’s burning me from the inside out and I shouldn’t like it but this is all that I want. I moan
loudly as he switches up the rhythm. I don’t know what this is, but I accept it for what it is. He fucks
me up against the wall in a way that makes me want to cry. He isn’t as rough anymore. “Ciro… Oh
God, Cir.” I don’t even know if I can finish his name on my lips.
“Fuck, call me that again, Kingsley. Say it!” He commands.
“Cir!” I moan out louder.
“Louder!” This time, he slips out and slams right back in. “Fuck, I said louder!”
“CIR!” I cum and I swear I’m done for. I can’t even function enough to understand how this is
possible. Scientifically or rather medically, this is impossible.
Ciro slips out of me slowly and leans in, biting my neck hard. I yelp and then he lets go. “Now,
you’re ready to meet them. Shower and then come out.” he says to me.
I don’t think this time, instead I act and dig my fingernails in his shoulders and make a trail down
his biceps then back up ending in his hair. I pull him to me and kiss him hard. This is what he wants,
right? I’m not breaking any rules, now am I? I shudder at the way he kisses me back like nothing else
matters. What is going on with me? It’s too early, isn’t it? I shouldn’t like him already, right? “Yes,
Sir, I mean Ciro.” I say when I break the kiss.
Ciro narrows his eyes and then gives me his signature smirk. “You broke a rule, you know?”
“Which one?” I ask, perplexed.
“Rule number 1, you haven’t said hi to me.”
“Hi, Ciro.” I say, feeling myself blush.
Ciro bites his lip, then leans in and licks over the bite he did before. He puts me down and kisses
all over my body with a trail leading down my body. He continues as he gets lower to his knees. He
looks back up at me as he lifts one knee and kisses my ankle. “You see how much closer you get me
on my knees when you greet me in the morning?” He teases.
“Yes, sir.”
“Fuck me.” he says.
Ciro stands and grabs my neck. He brings me closer to him and kisses me hard as hell. I lift to the
tips of my toes and feel like I’m drowning even in the light water in the shower. What is wrong with

I get out of the shower first so I can give King her space… for now. I do what needs to be done. The
basics of getting ready. There’s not much I can do with my now damp curly hair but put it up in a
bun. I wear black sweatpants and a t-shirt. As I walk out of the room, I spot Poutine still on my bed.
“Boy, get off my bed and come on, let’s go.” I say to him.
Poutine looks towards the bathroom and back at me. I place my hands on my hips and narrow my
eyes at him. Poutine, the master of dog attitude gets off the bed and takes his time walking towards
me as if King’ll come out of the bathroom to rescue him. “Watch when I tell your girlfriend you’ve
been cuddling with another woman. You think Mocha will appreciate this? Huh?” Poutine barks at
me. “Nope. I don’t care what you have to say and while we’re at it, how dare you embarrass me like
that? We’ll have a talk about your conduct in my bedroom.” I open my door and let him out first.
Poutine looks back at me and whimpers. “Oh now, you want to be buddy-buddy with me, huh?
Traitor. Go, your girlfriend is waiting for you.”
Poutine barks and then howls. I break my stern façade and watch him run off to play with
Boston’s malamute, Mocha. When I make my way into the kitchen, I spot my brother Adriano first.
He’s sitting down sipping coffee and then he looks up at me with a smile. I smile back because I
haven’t seen him in a couple of years. Adriano stands up and I shake my head at his suit wearing self.
I swear he was born in a suit. He let his grays come in much more than I have, well, I’m seeing some
grays myself. “You look good, bro,” I say to him.
“Franchement?” He asks. He walks over to me and pulls me in for a tight hug. Adriano stands at
6’5 and is lean. The Sarkozy men don’t really run too thick except for yours truly and I despise it.
“Shit. I can’t believe you’re here. Feels like I haven’t seen you in forever. How’s everything?
Your wife, the kids? I miss them.”
Adriano gives me the signature Sarkozy smile. “The wife and kids are okay. She hates that I
picked up and came here without another thought. She’s always had it out for you, I don’t really get
I roll my eyes. “We’ve talked about this. She got rejected by me on multiple occasions in high
school. I didn’t know you guys would fall in love or else I would’ve been nicer in my way of saying
no.” I laugh.
Adriano throws his head back and laughs too. “Yeah well, I was busy doing shit all then. Anyway,
the kids miss you. They wanted to come, but I want them to finish their damn semester. You know
Carlita is in her last year of university, right?”
“What? She’s graduating, and she didn’t even tell me? I thought we were best friends?” I say.
Adriano shakes his head, but the smile doesn’t disappear. “Yeah, she said if she told you, you’d
buy her an outrageous gift, so she didn’t want you to know. But now that you do, you can buy me the
Aston Martin, you cheap bastard.”
I roll my eyes. “On that note,” I turn to face my nephew. “Petit! Comment ça va? Shit, I’ve missed
you. Come here.”
Matteo smiles as he comes closer and gives me a hug. He’s growing taller and taller every time I
see him. His dark curly hair is courtesy of his mother and not his strawberry blonde ass father. He has
natural strawberry blonde highlights. He has his hair shoulder length now and I know he looks up to
his dad. The features of his West-Indian mother and his father are prominent on his face. He looks like
what ignorant people claim to be ‘exotic’. He pulls out of the hug and I see his hazel eyes with flecks
of blue in there. “You okay? Heard about your wife…” he says.
“Kid, come on, I’m good. Are you? Heard you think you’re tough as nails now. Anything you want
to run by me?” I ask him, giving him a stern look.
His natural tanned face becomes paler, and he scratches the back of his neck looking down. “No,
I’ve got nothing to run by you.”
“Good. Don’t let me hear shit, all right?”
“Yes, uncle Cir. Got it.”
I ruffle his hair. I can’t believe my 16-year-old nephew is 6 feet tall already. I shake my head as I
look at Boston who is eating like he doesn’t care about us at all. “Hey asshole, nice to see you too.”
He bites into half of his bagel. “Yeah eh? Fuck you. Feed my dog, will you?”
I snicker. “Who shit on his Beaver-tail?” I ask Matteo.
“Dad is mad because mom chewed his ear off for hanging up on her. She cursed him out for legit
10 minutes. She’s my hero.” Matteo says. Boston chucks the rest of his bagel at his head. “Ow!”
Matteo exclaims.
“Make me another one.” Boston says.
I throw my head back and laugh. I missed these crazy bastards.
“You see what he treats me like? This isn’t right.” Matteo fakes his sadness. “I should call mom.”
I shake my head. “Kid, go make the bagel.” I hear King’s soft footsteps and when she turns the
corner all the men in the room turn her way.
I roll my eyes and run a hand over my face. Here we go. The first one to get to her is Adriano.
“Well, hello there. I’m Adriano Sarkozy and you are?”
I look at King to see what she’ll do. She smiles at my brother and gives him her hand. “Hi, I’m
King Storm. It’s nice to meet you.” she says.
Adriano tilts his head. He looks at me and then back at her. “You look a little on the young side.
How old are you?”
“I turned 25 three days ago.” she says. It was her birthday?
“Oh nice, what did you get for your birthday?” Adriano asks.
“Ciro.” She answers honestly.
Adriano and Boston laugh. “Shit, I like her.” Boston says. He gets up and pushes Adriano out of
the way. “I heard that I could have you if I wanted.” he says.
King doesn’t react, she just looks at him. “Have me?” She asks.
“Mm-hmm, this guy over here, said that I could have you if I wanted to.” He smirks like a fucking
devil in disguise.
“I will kick your fucking ass.” I say as I lean against the archway.
Boston chuckles and winks at me, then he nudges in between King and me. He places an arm over
her, “Don’t worry, I was kidding. You hungry? You like bagels? My son is making me one and I think
he should make you one too. Yeah?”
“Yes.” King giggles. “I like your name, it’s cool. Boston.”
I shake my head. “Kingsley…” I call out, warning her.
“Oh, your name is Kingsley, maybe that’s what I should call you.” Boston acts like he doesn’t hear
the tone in my voice.
“Nobody calls her that but me. Watch your fucking mouth. Matter of fact, get out and go home.”
Boston laughs as he introduces King to Matteo, who honestly looks like he’s standing in front of a
celebrity. He’s staring at her and there are no words coming out of his mouth. His father flicks his arm
and then Matteo focuses. “Hi, I’m Matteo,” he says.
“Hi, I’m Kingsley, nice to meet you,” she says.
Matteo’s face turns red and he blushes. Holy shit, a full-on blush. My nephew has never blushed a
day in his life.
“Kingsley…” I call her name out again.
She turns around and tries to look over Boston’s arm but I can tell he’s doing this on purpose. I
roll my eyes and go sit down next to my brother, who is now sitting. King follows my every move and
when I cock my brow at her, she slips out of Boston’s arm. She comes over to me and sits on my lap
without me telling her to. This puts a smile on my face because I didn’t tell her to do that but it works
for me. She doesn’t say a thing or warn me somehow as she leans in and kisses me. I forget that I’m in
front of my family as I kiss her, promising to punish her but still make it so fucking addicting, she’ll
want that all the time. I hear a couple of throats clearing and then I let her go. “You’re still not off the
hook,” I say to her.
King smiles and her dimples deepen. “Hi, Ciro,” she says to me. I swear either I’m creating a
monster or I am a fortune teller that can see my future and all I know is that I’m fucked.
I try to fight my smile from growing so I look away. “You hungry?” I ask her.
“Here’s your bagel and do you like coffee? Or tea? I can make it for you.” Matteo beats me to it
with his question.
King looks at him. “Thank you.” She answers. “Um, I don’t know, what do you like?”
“I like both, but how about this? I make my special type of coffee for you and then you tell me if
you like it?” Matteo says with a bright smile on his face.
“Okay!” King exclaims. This is the most excited I’ve ever seen her.
I shake my head; my nephew has a crush on my toy. What the fuck?

I don’t know what it is but I like Ciro’s family. His brother is cool and his cousin, Boston, makes me
laugh even when I probably shouldn’t be laughing. I haven’t known them for longer than an hour but
they seem like genuine people. I can tell, especially growing up in the brothel lifestyle where you
have to assess people. Matteo looks over at me and I smile at him. He smiles back but looks down.
“Dad,” he calls out to Boston.
“I need to go for my shoot. If I don’t leave now, I’ll be late.” Matteo states
I look at Boston. His hair is down and flowing deeply down his back. It makes him look like an
ancient god. I smile at that.
“Yeah, yeah, you can go. You have the car for today, don’t do nothing stupid.”
“Yes!” He exclaims.
“You’re a model?” I ask Matteo.
He looks at me and nods with a smile on his face, “Yeah, you want to come to my shoot and check
it out? That would be super cool. Mom and dad don’t enjoy going because they’re busy, apparently.”
he says. “Dad, can I take King with me?”
Boston looks at me. “Do you want to go? It’s boring as hell.” he teases.
I nod. “Yeah, I want to go. Unless you don’t want me to go, Ciro?” I turn my head to look his way.
Ciro looks up from his phone with a shadow cast over his expression, sort of like something else
is bothering him. He grins completely wiping off that expression. “I don’t see why not? Take Bobby
and Smyth with you.”
“Thanks.” I get up, excited. “I’ll be right back, Matteo. let me get ready.”


It doesn’t take me too long to get ready. I wear a blue floral print thin strap top that reaches midriff
and shorts set. I search around and wear heels. I don’t want to, but I know people appreciate heels
and they make a better impression. I don’t want to embarrass Matteo. I put my hair up in a high, messy
bun. I do what the lady taught me with my makeup and what I remember the ladies back at the club
used to show me. Something simple and light that will make others think you don’t have any makeup
on. I complete it with a red lip to make everything pop.
I make my way back to the living room where the guys have moved to. “I’m ready. We can go
now, Matteo.”
Matteo stands but stops when he notices me. “You look sexy as fuck,” he says then as if he
realizes what he just said. “Oh shit, sorry.”
Boston stands and slaps the back of his head. “Kid watch your mouth. The fuck? I taught you
better than that. Coming out here, embarrassing me like that.”
“Sorry, King,” Matteo says with a frown on his face.
I snicker. “It’s okay. Thank you for thinking I look nice.” I say, not wanting to bring more attention
to him again.
“Come here,” Ciro says.
I look past Matteo to see Ciro glaring at me. I make my way to him and stand in front of him.
“Turn around,” he commands. I do as he asks. “Bend over and touch your toes, I want to see if I can
see your pussy with these little ass fucking shorts.”
I turn to look at him. “I’m wearing panties.” I say nonchalantly.
“Yeah?” He asks. “Let me see. Matteo turn the fuck around and everyone else shut your damned
eyes. I don’t have time to leave the room.” Ciro’s voice is hoarser than it was a second ago.
I turn back away from him and bend over touching my toes. I feel Ciro’s fingertips on my exposed
thighs, and he bypasses my shorts and sneaks his fingers past my panties. He slips a finger inside of
me. I feel as his other hand pulls my shorts further up, pulling them up exposing me even more.
“Hmm…” he says. “Alright, I can make an exception. Stand up straight.” He removes his finger from
inside me.
I do as he says, and he stands with me. He fixes my shorts and the outfit. He places his hands on
my waist and turns me to face him. “How did I do?” I ask.
“Good. Better than most.” He leans in and whispers in my ear. “Now, go have fun but remember
you’re my toy. Do nothing that will have you getting more punishments. Okay?”
“Yes, sir.”
Ciro leans in and gives me his cheek. He taps it with his finger. I get on the tips of my toes and
kiss his cheek. “Alright.” He sits back down like nothing just happened. He slaps my ass for good
measure as I walk away. I can feel the heat on my face. I’m definitely blushing. I can’t look his cousin
or his brother in the eye as I follow Matteo out of the room.

A s soon as King leaves I know these two buffoons will say some dumb shit.
“SOOO, you’re saying, there’s no way you’re into her huh?” Boston chuckles shaking his
head. “Yeah, right.”
Adriano joins in. “He’s so deep into her pussy he has to check her shit before she leaves like he
assembled her or something. Fucking sicko.” Adriano winks at me.
I flip both of them the bird. Poutine takes this chance to come back in the house with Mocha. “Oh,
if it isn’t my traitor dog-son. Did you tell your girlfriend how you’re mackin’ on my toy?”
Poutine barks and gives me a dirty look as he goes over to his bowl and water. Mocha follows
him because she couldn’t care less about the rest of us. Honestly, she’s just like her owner, doesn’t
care to be friends with you or have you all up in her space.
“So, you’re even jealous of your dog?” Boston asks. He shakes his head. “I give you less than a
month, you’ll break.”
I scoff. “Give me some damned credit. Only a month?”
“Yep, and I’m putting the bet of a thousand. Watch, I’ll win.”
“I’m not betting. What the hell?” I say to Boston. “Anyway, we’ve got other shit to solve.
Tatyana’s dad called me and got fucking mouthy like I should be shitting my pants. The jet will be
ready later on tonight. Matteo can stay with Kingsley.”
“Wait, you want to fly to Russia and settle this shit face to face?” Adriano asks me.
“Yeah. I’ll even do them one better and attend the funeral. I know that it’s the day after tomorrow.
I want one of them to step up to me and talk reckless. Her father is acting like he doesn’t understand
the code. Shit has never been easy, and this life won’t get easier. But sometimes, you need to remind
people who the fuck you are.”
Adriano makes a call. “You sure this is what you want to do?” He asks. “We might be gone longer
than a couple of days.”
“Okay good. I’ll go make sure the girls are good along with the wife.” He rolls his eyes when he
says that. “Know that Papa will want to be there. He has more pull overseas than you do.”
“Fine by me. I miss him anyway. Maybe I’ll pass by and say hi to Mama too before she kills me
for not visiting as much.”
“Good.” Adriano gets up to go have a private conversation.
I look at Boston. “What the hell is going on with his wife and him?”
Boston shrugs. “Who the hell knows? They’ve always been like that, and I don’t know why he’s
still with her. She’s annoying as hell.”
I nod. “True. But what was that about your ex cursing you out? Are you guys trying to patch things
Boston snorts. “She wishes.” He rolls his eyes. “I hung up on her because I told her where we
would stay and she wants to give me a lecture like I’m her son. She’s talking shit about me bringing
Matteo here, acting like you’re a terrible influence. That was all her. How else did I get full custody?
Just because she’s sober now, she forgets that my son has been put through the ringer because of her.
He’s already suffering with enough shit right now; I can’t let her try to make herself look like she’s the
exemplary parent alone.”
“You’re not happy that they have a good relationship now or what?”
Boston shrugs. “I’m happy that they have a good relationship but honestly, I just wish she got to
know her son more than she argues with me. I hate that shit so yeah. It was on speaker when she
called back and I let her vent. Could’ve hung up on her and she would’ve tried to come around here.
Let’s be honest, you aren’t the best of friends after how she treated Matteo.”
“What? I would’ve been cordial. If Matteo wants to be around her, then it’s not like I won’t allow
it. I’m not his father, you are. Whatever decision you make, I’d respect it.”
“Now, you know that’s a lie. You’re as much his father as I am. You helped me raise him. If it
wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t even know how to properly change his diaper. For someone who claims to
never like kids, you have always been present in all of your nieces and nephews’ lives. So, don’t give
me that garbage.”
This time, it’s my turn to shrug my shoulders. “Whatever, they’re still annoying ass creatures.”
Boston laughs. “That they are, but they have their moments too. Shit, I’m sure you’re the only one
who cried when you first held Teo. I didn’t even cry. I was just in love with the kid.”
I roll my eyes. “I told you I had something in my fucking eye. Why do you always bring that shit
“Because I’ll keep reminding you, you’re a father without having to plant your seed anywhere.
Speaking of seed, you are using protection?”
I eye Boston up and down. “Now, you know I can’t have kids, right?”
Boston rolls his eyes. “You went to one specialist years ago and never got a second opinion. How
the hell do you know you can’t have them? They say, always get a second opinion. You’re so
“Fuck you. Plus, the proof is Tatyana didn’t end up pregnant, so there’s that. So yeah, sterile.”
Boston rolls his eyes again, and I want to smack him. Matteo gets his attitude from him. “What if it
was her, dickhead? Have you ever had her checked out?”
I stand up, putting an end to this conversation. “I’ll have Dottie come in today and pack my shit.
You’re pissing me off and I don’t feel like fighting you over this stupid ass subject. Be ready to leave
later on tonight.”
“Yeah whatever. Keep running away from this subject like I won’t pester you about it later.”
I turn back, facing him. “What the fuck, Boston? Why do you keep bringing this shit up? Let it go,
motherfucker! Let it the fuck go! I have!”
Boston tilts his head and stands, squaring up his shoulders like he’s about to fight. “Why would I
let it go, huh? You bullheaded motherfucker! I know how much it fucking gutted you the first time you
got those results. I saw the look in your eyes, asshole, every part of you shut down and you changed.
The one that used to plan where his kids would go on vacation, whether you wanted them to know this
life fully, all that shit, you stopped. You just gave up. ONCE! So yeah, I’m frustrated that my own
fucking cousin who is basically my brother would just give all that up from one doctor. Come on,
“It’s easy, asshole. Give it up like I did. Stop riding my ass about it!” I grit.
Adriano picks this moment to intervene. “Whoa! Guys! Chill. Bos, let it go all right?”
“But Adri?” Boston says.
Adriano shakes his head, then turns to look my way. “Go cool down and figure everything out so
we can go. Get your head right. Hotheaded as fuck.” I glare at him and open my mouth to say
something. “Dude…” Adriano pleads with me. I bite down on my teeth and walk away.
I hate that Boston brought up something I keep buried deep in my heart. I never want to talk about
not being able to have kids. I gave up on it the moment I got those results and I will never hope that I
get another chance to have my heart crushed because of that shit. No. I’m done with that subject.
Never again.

I watch Matteo as he stands in front of the camera. This is so cool. Another photographer sits next to
me while he looks at the pictures that come through the screen. “He’s a natural, isn’t he?” hhe says.
I nod. “Yes, he is!” I smile widely, looking back at Matteo.
I catch his eye and he smiles at me. I wave at him and he waves back. The photographer takes
another picture. “Teo! Do that again. That was a marvelous shot.”
“This is amazing.” I say to myself.
“Yeah! You ever considered modeling?” The guy asks me.
I turn to him. “No.” I feel my face as it grows warm.
“Why not?”
“Aren’t models supposed to be tall or something?” I ask.
He chuckles. “Darling, have you not been paying attention to Instagram and how people get their
fame now?”
“What’s Instagram?” I ask.
“Teo!” He yells over the music. “Where did you get her from? She doesn’t know Instagram?”
“That’s why she’s the best, because she isn’t distracted by the dumb shit like everyone else.”
Matteo replies and poses again.
I smile. He remembers what I told him in the car. Although he asked me a million questions, he
genuinely talked to me and shared things about himself. I found out that Matteo is recovering from
something traumatic. He doesn’t like his therapist, but he appreciates her for doing her job. He wants
his parents to never get back together because that would be a disaster. Also, he loves this modeling
gig because he takes away from all the stupid shit that he has to deal with. He told me he’s trying to
get a tutor so he can show his father he isn’t struggling with all his subjects in school. I sort of, kind of
said I could help him. I told him about myself; that I don’t own a cellphone, never had one. I don’t
have a favorite show because this is all new to me. I didn’t get the chance to watch much tv. I was
homeschooled but I’ve never gotten the chance to go to University, but I want to get my post-
secondary education just because I can.
“King!” Matteo calls out to me. “Come over here for a second.”
“Okay!” I say. “Excuse me,” I say to the other guy. I stand and walk over. “Yeah?”
“Stand in front of me.” Matteo directs. “Now, stare into the camera. Don’t smile or do anything
“Okay.” I do as he says. The photographer takes a picture and my eyes widen at the sudden flash
that has me seeing double for a second.
“You’ll get used to it.” Matteo says. “Try it again. This time, think of something that can be seen
as sexy…” I do that and I think of Ciro.
The photographer takes the picture. He looks down at his camera. “Fuck! She’s a natural, Teo.
Where have you been hiding her?” He looks back up at me. “I have never in my life done this before,
but how would you like being a model, Ms.…”
“King Storm.” I answer. “And I’ll let you know.” I smile wider.
“Okay, for now, please pose for me some more. I think I’m in love with your face and the way it’s
shaped.” he says.
Matteo chuckles. “That’s just Travis and the way he talks. Don’t mind him. Also, the other one
you were sitting by is his brother, Tony. They are amazing photographers and if they think you’re a
natural, then you are. I’m excited.”
“Me too! Thank you for bringing me.”
“Of course! Thank you for coming. So, are you ready to become a model, Miss King Storm?”
Matteo teases with a smile on his face.
“Better than what I used to be.” I chuckle even though he doesn’t get it.
For the rest of the shoot, I don’t wipe the smile nor do the feelings disappear. This is awesome.


When we finally make it back to Ciro’s house, I’m full of food, dessert, happiness and what Matteo
calls a caramel macchiato iced latte. It tastes like heaven.
“We’re back!” Matteo yells out.
“Yeah? Finally, kid. You don’t think you’ve got school tomorrow or something?” I hear Boston
yell out.
Matteo makes an exasperated sound, and he rolls his eyes. “Only my dad. So, you’ll help me with
my trig work? The shit is confusing.” He admits.
“Yeah for sure!” I answer.
When we turn the corner, Matteo gets another smack on the back of his head from Adriano this
time. “Language,” he says. “Especially around such a pretty lady.” He winks at me.
I sip my iced latte and smile, trying not to blush. I have never gotten so many compliments in my
life, it’s overwhelming.
“Ow!” Matteo cries out. “Ugh, fine, sorry. Oh, uncle Cir!”
“Kid, stop yelling, I’m right here.” Ciro answers.
I turn to see Ciro fully dressed in a simple long sleeve black dress shirt tucked into black pants
and his dress shoes. There is a suitcase right next to him. Well, three suitcases. My eyes go wide. I
did something wrong, and he’s sending me back to my uncle’s. I mean it’s at least nice that he’s
bringing me with my new clothes, but did I really get that much clothing?
“Guess what happened today, guys?” Matteo says to everyone before I could ask about the
suitcase and if Ciro wanted me to go shower before he dropped me back.
“What?” Boston asks.
“Kingsley got propositioned today!” Matteo shouts.
“Propositioned?” Ciro asks. He cocks his brow and folds his arms over his chest. He looks
sinister. “Kingsley?”
Matteo scratches the back of his neck. “What? She said I could call her that. And yeah, Travis and
Tony want to sign her. They said she has that natural face for the camera! I told her she should do it
and she’s thinking about it.”
“This fucking kid!” Boston laughs. “Next time don’t say propositioned. Learn better English
fucking words, you’ll send your uncle to an early grave.”
“Sorry. But seriously, isn’t that cool?” He asks.
“It is.” Ciro answers. “That is pretty impressive, what do you want to do with that, Kingsley?” he
says my name like it’s filled with venom.
“I…” I shut my mouth. I don’t know why he’s saying my name like that. Did I do something
wrong? I go through the rules again.
“Kingsley?” Matteo calls my name again. “You don’t have to say yes if you don’t want to do it.”
I look up at him. He is such a sweet kid and how can I disappoint him? The look of joy on his face
seems worth it plus he’ll be there with me, I won’t be alone. Even if Ciro sends me back to my
uncle’s. “I want to do it.”
“Great!” Matteo says and pulls me in for a hug.
I laugh and hug him back. We’re pulled apart quicker than the hug lasts. “Kid, go get ready for
bed,” Ciro says.
“Fine.” Matteo walks off and Ciro gets all up in my space. I stare up at him as he glares at me. It
gets uncomfortable, so I look away.
“Kingsley, huh? Did I say my nephew could call you that? You think I’m a fucking joke, don’t
I blink. “Are you sending me back to my Uncle’s?” I ask.
The look of shock on Ciro’s face is new to me. “What?”
“The suitcases.” I point out.
He rolls his eyes. “No, I’m going somewhere, and I fucking told you, I’m not letting you go back
there. Get that shit through your head.”
“You’re leaving?” I ask, and I can feel all the joy just leave my body.
“Yeah.” Ciro answers. “Why? You gonna miss me?” he asks. I know he’s just teasing me, but I
can’t help but answer it.
“Yes.” I answer honestly. “According to the facts and the books I’ve read, me being able to know
I’ll miss you isn’t normal. Especially with the fact that we haven’t even spent months around each
“Yeah? You talking dirty to me again, Kingsley?” Ciro asks as I feel the tip of his fingers on the
exposed flesh on my midsection.
The hiccups come back full force. I sip my drink, trying to stop it.
“What are you drinking? You bring me some?” Ciro asks.
“I-hiccup-didn’t-hiccup-know-hiccup-hiccup-know you wanted- one.” I answer honestly.
“These damned hiccups. Shit, Kingsley, why do you get so nervous around me?” he asks and
before I can answer he kisses me stupid.

S tepping in Russia and breathing that Russian air feels odd. It feels different. I haven’t been back
to Moscow for about 8 years now. Tatyana didn’t want to come here anymore because being
here made her feel odd. I didn’t ask, and she didn’t tell.
I look around as we get escorted to the funeral. I didn’t bother appearing when we first landed
because… Fuck the Petrov family, that’s why.
We drive up to the Catholic church that her family has in their pockets. It’s one of the many ways
they run the drugs and clean their money. Guess they were smart enough to take my advice. I step out
of the car when it stops in my all black attire. I should at least honor the dead, even if I killed her. I
walk into the church and people turn to look my way. Some gasp and others snarl at the audacity that
I’m even showing my face. I walk up to the front where her family is knowing that my brother, my Dad
and my cousin are right behind me. Watson is right outside with another guard.
Her father is giving the eulogy in Russian and I know he’s glaring at me but I don’t give a fuck. If
he wanted me not to show up then he shouldn’t have disrespected me. I sigh, we’ll be here longer than
I thought, and it sucks because I truly enjoy waking up to pussy. I roll my eyes as I take in the picture
of Tatyana. From her perfect smile, her bright eyes and everything fake. What did I ever see in her?


When it came time to bury her casket. I stood there, just watching. There is nothing inside of me that
wants her to come back. She’s better off dead. I know it sucks that I can hold a grudge, but that’s just
who I am.
“I’m so sorry for your loss.” Tatyana’s babushka says to me.
I look down at her. “Thanks, but maybe you haven’t heard, it didn’t end well.” I say, sparing her
the details.
Babushka shrugs. “She was a bitch.” sshe says in her heavy Russian accent.
I snicker. “Baba, seriously?” I ask.
She cackles. Yes, cackles like a witch, then she coughs hard as if she’d been smoking since she
was 5. “What? Did you kill her because she told you she can’t have any little rabbits because she
couldn’t have any since before you married her? You know that, eh? I was the only one who knew it.
She threatened me not to say. My granddaughter, the sneaky bitch, told me to shut up, or she’d kill me
in my sleep.”
There’s a ringing in my ear, and I lose myself in my memories. I can’t think of when Tatyana didn’t
turn this shit out on me.
“We can’t have babies!” She said. “It’s because of you! The results are yours, not mine. If I
knew you were sterile, I would have never married you!” Those words I’ll never forget.
That year we hit a rough patch, and then we had an open marriage. Now, it’s all hitting me hard.
We fell out of love a long time ago and I could never forgive her for talking to me like that. I kept
saying that she withheld pussy from me, but some nights I couldn’t get it up to fuck her. We met in our
20s, married in our 30s and now, I’m 40, realizing that I should’ve let this bitch go a long time ago.
Usually the guilt is there to feel guilty about calling her out of her name but she deserves it. She
blamed it all on me.
I face my Babushka and I hug her tight. “I need to go, Baba before I piss on her grave.” I admit.
She hugs me back and laughs. “You should. This shit is boring. I’ve missed you. Maybe now that
you’re a widower, I’ll get my chance.” She teases.
I kiss the side of her head. “Anytime, Baba. Come whenever you want something else than this air.
Don’t bring your son or else I’ll bury him right next to his lying ass daughter.”
She lets go of me and looks up at me. She caresses my cheek. “You go be happy without this
miserable hag. Ding Dong, the witch is dead.” She winks at me and signals for me to go.
I smile at her, kiss her palm and walk off.
“Say the word and we spray the town with Petrov blood.” My father says when I meet him by the
I chuckle. “Papa, please. Let’s just proceed with the takeover. I’m guessing Mama would never
come to Russia?” I inquire.
My father, me and Boston look the most alike, while Adriano looks like Mama. Boston’s father
was my Dad’s younger brother but he passed when Boston was young so my dad raised him too. My
father, Fabrizio Sarkozy, never leaves home without wearing a suit. It’s clean cut, and he looks like
he’s ready to throw money at you, but he’s one of the humblest yet cutthroat guys I know out there. I
learned from him.
“Mama wouldn’t be caught dead outside of Italy but hey, maybe now that she knows Tatyana is
dead, she’ll come visit you,” he winks.
I laugh. Why didn’t I see the signs? Nobody fucking liked her, especially my Mama.
I don’t think I’ve ever missed someone before. It feels weird, and it hurts. How can I miss Ciro like
this? I haven’t slept in his clothes or anything like that from the movies I’ve seen with Matteo. So far,
Matteo and I get along well. I’ve been helping him with his homework and anything else that he needs
help with. I’ve been able to sign that modeling contract after Ciro’s lawyer looked at it. I even got a
damned ID, I never thought I’d be so happy with that.
Today, it’s week 3 that I haven’t seen Ciro, but it’s not so bad because I’ve learned to use a phone.
I have an Instagram and Matteo and I post random videos on TikTok. I agreed because I love to dance.
It’s so much fun and we have a lot of followers or whatever he calls it. Ciro calls me about once a
day to just ask me what I’m doing but he doesn’t stay on the phone long. He hangs up in less than five
minutes, I’ve noticed. Matteo and I are going out to the movies after he comes back from school and
when he’s done with his homework. I look at a whining Poutine and even Mocha isn’t giving me too
much bitch don’t touch me glare this time. I learned that Mocha doesn’t like anyone, so it’s not just
“Poutine, I’ll take you out for a walk, okay? Give me a minute.” I say.
I walk out of the room wearing a t-shirt dress and biker shorts with sneakers. I make my way to
the kitchen to prep everything for the dogs when we come back in. I bend over to get something out of
the bottom of the pantry and a hand on my ass makes me jump. I bump my head on the shelf above. I
come back up and look to see who it is. My eyes widen, “Jones? What are you doing here?” It’s a
surprise to see him, really.
I’ve seen him on the property, but he hasn’t ventured over here. Sometimes we made eye contact,
but nothing that would warrant him coming here. “He’s not here, you know. Heard he wasn’t coming
back for another week… I have you all to myself.”
“What?” I inwardly cringe. “What does that even mean?”
“It means we have the time to get to know each other,” he answers.
His eyes look bloodshot and I don’t understand what he wants from me. I never gave him a reason
to think this was okay. I don’t like him. I thought Ciro told him to leave me alone. “Ciro will not like
this, you know that right?”
“He doesn’t have to find out. He didn’t find out about other shit that went down right under his
nose. Trust me, he will never notice.”
“Yeah, but I will, and I don’t want that. That’s not me anymore.” I admit not just to him, but to
“Yeah? What you’re here for like 3 weeks and you think you’re no longer a whore. You are a
whore; born a whore and you’ll die a fucking whore so act like one and fuck me like I want you to.”
“I don’t get it. Why are you even doing this? Do you even know me?” I ask.
While he talks, I slip right under him and run. I don’t know where I’m going but I just run and
when I realize I’m outside, in the back where the pool is, it’s too late. I try to run away, but Jones is
right on my heel. He grabs me, but I fight him. I don’t want to sleep with him. I don’t want to break
any of Ciro’s rules. I don’t want to be someone who betrays him. He’ll kill me and not just that, but I
don’t want to be with him like this. It’ll make me feel dirty. I kick Jones in the balls and make another
run for it. I make it halfway in the kitchen but he pushes me and I hit the kitchen island and stool
“What the fuck!” He yells and my head feels like it’s spinning.
He grabs me by my hair and drags me to the floor. “No!” I scream and I don’t care who hears me
or doesn’t hear me. I’m not going down without a fight.
I throw punches at him, even if I’ve never learned to defend myself. Jones pushes my head back as
he gets on top of me. He straddles me and he crushes me to the ground. My stomach hurts and I feel
pain that I’ve never felt before. “Poutine!” I scream once and then I scream for Poutine another time.
I hear a howl and then Jones screams like he’s losing his mind because Poutine bit him. I can’t
even look as he gets off me and makes a run for it running towards the pool area. Poutine does
something I’ve never seen him do. He howls a couple more times in a distinct tone and it triggers
something in the house. An alarm so blaring and loud goes off! It’s ringing in my ears and as I pass out
clutching my midsection, I hear Bobby’s voice. “King! King! Oh God, Smyth, find out what happened.
The property is on lockdown. Nobody can get out. I’ll rush her to the hospital and make sure nobody
leaves after me. As for Matteo, I’ll contact him after I call Boss.”
After that I hear nothing, the pain goes away, but I think I pissed my pants. How embarrassing.
“I’m sorry.” I say to Bobby, but he doesn’t hear me as he rushes with me in his arms.

W hen I get off the plane, I check my messages. I get a lot of notifications. My home alarm went
off. Something is wrong. Bobby has called me more times than anyone has ever called me.
Matteo left me like 100 voice messages.
“Did Matteo call you guys, too?” I ask Boston and Adriano.
“Yeah. What’s happening?” Adriano asks.
I freeze once I see the message. Jones attacked King. They’re at the hospital. “Let’s go. I’ll
explain when we get to the hospital. Jones is dead.” It’s not a statement, but a promise.
My family knows when the other side of me comes out, so they don’t ask. We drive to the hospital
in silence. When we get there we exit and figure out where King is. I may not be showing how I feel
but the beat of my heart is the only thing showing how I really feel. I can’t think straight. I don’t even
think I can see past my rage. I keep it in as we’re escorted to the separate area where King is. When I
get close to the door I notice Matteo sitting outside of the room. “Teo? What happened?”
Matteo looks up at me with tears in his eyes. “I couldn’t protect her, Unc. I wasn’t there for her
when she needed me.” He tears up some more.
I hug him to my body. “It’s okay. Let’s just see what’s happening, okay? Where’s the doctor?”
“Inside with her, he just got here.”
“All right, stay out here for a moment okay. Who’s inside with her?”
“Bobby is in there with her, Smyth is checking out the hospital and making sure no one else knows
she’s in here.”
“Okay good.” I walk into the room and King is asleep. Her eyes are closed, and she looks okay so
far. I breathe out, relieved that he didn’t rough her up.
“Mr. Sarkozy, I hear you’re her guardian? Next of kin?” He inquires.
“Just tell me what the hell is happening to her? Is she okay? Did he hurt her or what?” I ask, not in
the mood for pleasantries.
He clears his throat, and he looks at Bobby who won’t look me in the eye. “Well, Miss Storm,
“She did what?” I ask again. I must be going insane.
“She miscarried.” He repeats.
I have nothing to ask. I just stand there looking like a dummy.
“What happened?” Boston asks. “How far along was she?” He asks, I want to know. Was she
pregnant this whole time?
“She was 3 weeks and a day pregnant. You probably didn’t know this, and this would’ve
probably started showing up a little later. It was too early to determine whether it was what she
endured or if she naturally miscarried,” he says.
“Get him the fuck out!” I say. I can’t think straight. I see red.
“What?” The doctor asks.
“Get. The. Fuck. Out!” I growl, practically foaming at the mouth.
Boston leads him out of the room, and I take another look at King. Someone hurt her for nothing. It
hurts me. There’s a part of me that was hiding from her because I felt like it was too early to even like
her. Or let alone miss her. But fuck, I did. I take a deep breath in and out; I walk up to her. I lean
down, kissing her forehead. I move back and I look at her face. She smiles as if she knows who just
kissed her.
I turn around and walk out of the room. “Where are you going?” Adriano asks.
“A life for a life.” Is all the words I say to them as I walk out.
As I leave the hospital, I call another one of my boys, Goodwin. “Boss.” He answers.
“Trap him in my home.” I say to him.
“Leave my favorite item at the door outside for me.”
“Already done.”
I hang up and crack my neck, my knuckles and I close my eyes as Watson drives towards my
house. I feel like I’m possessed right now because what is about to happen to Jones is a death


I stare dead into Jones’ eyes and I know exactly what I look like. Like he’s realized he’s tried to beat
every level of life and he’s coming face to face with the creator of Purgatory. I crack my neck as I
place the steel bat over my shoulder. Time to burn this bitch down.
“It’s time to pay up, Jeffrey Jones. Come face the music and meet your maker.”
Jones’ eyes are wide but they try to control the fear as he stands there caught in between running
towards me or backing up further into my foyer.
“She was a whore! And I was treating her like one! Why are you acting like you give a fuck,
Boss? You’ve never given a fuck before,” Jones says.
I smile. “Yeah, eh? You know me so fucking well, don’t you, Jones?”
“Actually, I do. Fucking your wife gave me the advantage. She’s a talker once you get her doped
up. I know how to take you down, Ciro Sarkozy. You will die by my hands, tonight,” he confesses.
I smirk. “Don’t threaten me with a delightful time.” Jones twitches and I see it clear as day. Jones
is a goddamn tweaker. Of course, she’d get it from someone else who was a user. I never thought she
needed a middleman because she was my wife, but I guess even she had to have a fallout plan and
here this dumbass was.
“Who didn’t fuck her at this point?” I say, sounding bored.
“You think you’re the only one who can rule Quebec, Tuere?” Jones says, and I want to laugh at
the absurdity of his behavior. “Eventually, this one too, she would’ve made you realize that you are
nothing. Nobody crumbles or trembles at your feet anymore.”
I stare at my fingernails and check for any dirt, which I know I won’t find, but it’s better than this
bullshit monologue. I cut him off, “This is where I remind you of something. You think you’re the
villain in my story but they have misinformed you because I am more than the villain. I am something
entirely different that hasn’t been named yet and I’d like to show you what it feels like to have me in
I don’t give Jones more room to talk as I quickly advance on him and I swing, aiming straight for
his gut, but then I stop. Jones tries to protect himself by crouching and I get him like that. I swing
straight for his head, making sure the blunt side of the nails embedded or rather melted into this steel
bat connects with the side of his head. I don’t take a second to breathe as I swing again while he
stumbles, and it hits him in the same spot.
Jones hits the wall and I crack my neck again. I roll my shoulders back and sniff. As Jones tries to
find his balance again and protect the bleeding side of his head, I lift my foot and I kick him hard. He
crashes into the wall again. I remind him why they call me Tuere as I lower myself and swing
upwards. Upper cutting him with the bat and his head snaps back. Jones drops to the floor and he’s
bleeding all over. I step over him like I did the very first night I warned him, except instead of his
neck, it’s his dick.
“Watson! Goodwin!” I yell out their names. They both appear at my side at the same time that I lift
one foot up and apply weight with the other. Jones screams out. It’s not enough for me. “Grab his legs
and keep them spread wide.” I say to them. They follow orders and restrain Jones too. I take my foot
off his junk but I don’t give him a moment to let the pain fully sink in as I bring my bat up and drop it
down on his junk. I repeat this over and over as Jones screams like a fucking pig that’s being taken to
the slaughterhouse. I don’t stop until the nails and the bat are coated with blood. That’s when I stop.
“Blood shed for bloodshed.” I say to Jones who is still breathing but is about to pass out. I look at
Goodwin and Watson. “Drop him in the tank. He can get firsthand experience at what it’s like to be
treated like prey from the piranhas.” I drop the bat knowing one of them will take care of it and I
leave the house, making my way back to the hospital to check on King.

I never thought much about being a father. I always told myself that I hated children even though I
practically had a baby for life, Poutine. Now, it all sinks in. The fact that Tatyana lied to me, that I
can have fucking children and that Kingsley was put in a position where she lost our baby. I haven’t
been able to look at her for the week she’s been home. She’s doing better but I can’t bring myself to
touch her or hurt her. The dynamics of everything we started in the first three days of knowing each
other has dramatically changed.
I shake my head at the misery and dread that tries to subdue me. No. I climb into the shower fully
clothed letting the water comfort and drench me. I shut my eyes and the images of finding Kingsley in
the hospital and even after she was discharged rocks me to my core. An anger that I haven’t felt for a
long time spreads throughout my entire body. I feel it as it travels from my toes all the way to my
scalp. I don’t think as I raise my fist and punch the tiles. I scream, punching the same spot over and
over. I don’t know when the sobbing starts, but it does. Reality hits me. I realize how much I wanted
someone else in my life who came from me.
“Ciro! Stop!” I hear King yelling. “Please, stop.” She pleads with me but she doesn’t get the
white-fiery anger that has just taken over.
“Get out,” I growl before turning to face her and punching at the glass barrier. It’ll crack soon, but
I don’t give a fuck.
Boston comes in and grabs King. He wraps his arm around her midsection and pulls her behind
him. “Cir… Cir, chill. I need you to calm down!”
“Don’t touch her!” I yell out. I don’t know why I’m being like this. Overly protective of her. I just
don’t want anyone else to harm her.
Boston raises his hands. “Listen to me man, you’re not yourself right now. I just need you to stop.
Please stop.”
Adriano walks into the bathroom. He’s the only one who braves it and steps closer to me. “Listen
to me, Gaël,” Adriano calls me by my middle name. He’s the only bastard allowed besides my
parents and Boston. “You need to see clarity. Come on, man…”
I shut my eyes. “I can’t stop thinking about it. Jones took something I didn’t even know I wanted.
It’s making me crazy, yeah? I want to hurt him all over again. How dare he do that to her!” I bellow
out. “How can he hurt her like it’s nothing and right under my roof? He disrespected her like it meant
nothing to me. He took someone I’ll never meet.” I admit and I take a step back, the reality of my
words sink in. “I just…” I look away, turning my back to them and sinking to the floor. “I need a
I hear footsteps as they leave, and that’s when it comes back full force. The sobbing comes back
hard. It hurts to even think I failed someone I hadn’t even brought into the world.
“Ciro…” I hear King’s whisper. I want to answer, but I don’t. I shut my eyes and I hear her come
around entering the shower. I open my eyes as she kneels down. She reaches out, grabbing my face
into her small hands. “Ciro.” She calls my name one more time. “Please, don’t cry,” King begs me.
I sniffle. “I didn’t even get a fuckin’ chance,” I confess. King wraps her arms around me, and I
pull her to me. I don’t care about the damned water or anything else. “I’m sorry.” I apologize to her. I
put her in this spot and I’ll never do it again. No one will ever hurt her again.

I finally get Ciro out of the shower. He says nothing to me as I remove his clothes while he stands in
the middle of the enormous bathroom. Ciro is staring at me as if I’ll disappear. I don’t know if I
can look him in the eye right now. I don’t know what to say to someone in a situation like this. I’ve
never been equipped for something like this. This is unfamiliar territory and it’s confusing. How does
one convey how they feel to another person? Do I just open my mouth and say that I’m sorry?
As I open the buttons on Ciro’s dress shirt, he stops me by placing his arms over mine. “You’re
shaking,” he says. “You don’t need to do this. Go back to bed,” he commands.
I shake my head. I pull my hands out of his hold and continue what I was doing. “Sir,” I say, but
there’s nothing else coming out of my mouth.
Ciro is still glaring at me. I can feel the intensity of his gaze. I take a deep breath in and release
another one without looking at him. I can’t look at him at all. Minutes go by and the silence is
deafening. “Why aren’t you looking at me?” Ciro asks me.
I glance up at him, then back down, finishing my task of his shirt. “I am looking at you.”
“Kingsley…” He calls my name out but I have nothing to say.
“Yes, sir?” I ask as I remove his belt buckle and then unbutton his pants, finally unzipping them as
“Look at me.” He pleads this time. It’s odd hearing that coming from him. I don’t know why he’s
acting like this.
I clear my throat and look at him. We say nothing for a minute but I’m the first one to break again.
There’s just something about looking into his eyes that has me losing my focus. What is it about him
that makes me feel things I’ve never felt before? I’ve never looked at someone and seen my future.
Especially with someone who wants nothing to do with me. I remove his pants, getting down to my
knees. I take one leg out, then the other. I look up at him. “I’m sorry for your loss.” I say finding the
courage being down here on my knees.
I gaze up at Ciro as if he is some god. This may be wrong for everyone else but for me, seeing
him, how he is in his perfect form, that is all I can say.
“What?” His brows furrow. “You lost something too. How can you look at me and say that? What
about you, Kingsley? Do you not deserve to hear those words?” He asks.
I blink. “Do I deserve that?” I ask, not understanding why I should feel like I lost something.
Ciro sighs and gets to his knees, mimicking me. “Yes. You deserve that. You deserve the chance to
be sad and angry, someone took that from you. I know you didn’t know and neither did I but I put you
in a position where you had to experience something that I’m sure you never really looked to
I nod. “Hmm, I didn’t think about it like that. So, if you were me, what would you do?”
Ciro shrugs. “I don’t know. Slap me or curse at me. Be mad, I guess, or sad. You can cry.” He
“I don’t know how to cry.” I answer honestly. “I’ve always been told to shut up or stop crying and
that those who cry don’t get far in life doing that. The customers hated it when they would hear a child
cry, so I learned not to cry.”
Ciro opens his mouth to say something, but he says nothing. He shakes his head and runs his hand
through his hair. “Okay, no crying but you can be mad.”
“So, if I’m mad, I should hit you?” I ask, trying to place it all together.
For the first time since he flipped Ciro laughs. “No, I’m saying that in this circumstance, I’d
understand why you would feel inclined to hit me.”
Without thinking about it I slap him hard. Ciro’s head turns to the side as if he just experienced
whiplash. He slowly turns to face me with unfiltered anger, so raw that I choke on it. Ciro shuts his
eyes for so long, I feel like maybe I should stand and run away to my room, but then he opens his eyes.
He smirks. “You hit hard, fuck, that hurt. Next time, let me know before you slap me, yeah?” He
“But you said to do it. I feel nothing by doing this. I’m not mad at you. You didn’t do this. You
didn’t hurt me. You didn’t keep on pressing when I said no. You didn’t pretend not to hear the
terrifying screams or sit on me causing me pain. That wasn’t you, that was Jones. Someone who
doesn’t care about me or how dirty I would’ve felt after that, to where I know you wouldn’t want to
even touch me. I feel dirty right now and he never even got the chance to get far. The ghost of his
touch burns me right now. I feel him all over my body and my skin still feels like it’s crawling
because when I shut my eyes all I see is him. The way he looked at me from the moment he spoke to
me to the way he wanted to give me better, when I didn’t want it. I may not feel as I want to for what
happened to me after the entire ordeal, but all I feel right now is that I want his touch to disappear.”
Ciro just watches me but doesn’t give his input. I grab his hand and he looks down at it. “You can
help me. If you touch me and take over what he did, you can replace it. I won’t think of it as an awful
experience,” I say. The crazy idea forming in my head.
“You want me to do what exactly?”
“I want you to do what Jones did but because it’s you, I know the outcome will be different.
Replace one dreadful nightmare with something much more dangerous. Something so sinister, so
potently evil that it rocks me from the soles of my feet to the hairs in my scalp. I want you to take over
it. Take over me and change it. Change the narrative.”
Ciro stands. “You don’t know what you’re asking, Kingsley. You’re asking for something that you
can never recover from. That’s not the way you fix this. That’s not how this should be. Fuck, how am I
being the reasonable one? When the fuck did that happen?”
I stand with him, and I remove the fluffy robe that I’ve been wrapped up in. “Hurt me, Ciro. It’s
the only way.”
His eyes go wide and he takes another step back. “No.”
“Please,” I plead with him. “It’s the only way.”
“I said no.” The stern look in his eyes could freeze hell.
“I don’t want to have to ask anyone else, please. It will only take away the nightmare if you do it.”
I don’t have proof of this but I want to try this. I concluded and decided already.
Ciro growls like I stole something from him. He marches up to me and grabs me by my jaw. This
time, it’s not as rough as before. I don’t like this. He pushes me up against the wall and makes me
look up into his eyes. “Don’t you ever fucking threaten me like that. You’re my toy and nobody else
will do anything for you but me. Don’t test my patience, Kingsley. I said no. Don’t you dare ask me or
anyone else for this again!” He roughly lets me go and he walks out of the bathroom.
I stand there at the wall breathing hard because for the first time, everything is clear. It doesn’t
matter whether I have enough research; I don’t have time for that. All I know is that Ciro has to be the
one to take over so that the feel of Jones isn’t there anymore. It’s the only way. Isn’t it?

I sit in my den and stare at the spot where I halfway watched my wife bleed out to death. That bitch. I
wish I could bring her back so that I could ask her why she did all that to me. Why did she lie to me
about being barren? It would have never been the end of the world for me, but the fact that she lied
about it, it makes me wonder if she had another reason for doing this. I take a deep breath in and
release another.
I take a seat back in my chair and look as the fire crackles. The way the fire is dancing is making
me feel like I’m in a trance. I think of King’s words. For me to hurt her, to be more than Jones so I can
replace him, but I can’t do that. I’m not a fucking rapist. Yes, there are things that I take that don’t
belong to me like territory or businesses but not another human. I didn’t even take her; She was
offered to me. I would’ve never stolen her because she is a human being and she has a say in her
damn life. I sigh, reaching over to my glass table and I pour myself another drink. What the hell is
going on with me? Am I thinking about doing this for her? I can’t. It’s too risky. She’ll bring out
something in me I don’t think I’ll ever be able to retract again. I can’t be that person. I know that
sometimes I take from her, but it’s because I know she wants it. That she wants me to fuck her and
make her feel good, but how is this better if she wants me to put the fear of God in her? How can it
possibly be the same for me?
I hear the door creak. “Go to bed, Kingsley, I don’t want to see you right now,” I say harshly only
so she can go get some rest.
I hear no response for a moment, and I turn to the door. She’s standing there in that same big robe,
holding it to her person. “I can’t sleep,” she admits.
I look at her from head to toe. She’s so beautiful and I took a beautiful sculpture or rather a
painting and ruined it. I defiled a DaVinci in my home, treating it like shit when there’s more to her
than that. She deserves to be treated like the Sistine chapel with such prestige, maintenance and
lavish. But what have I done to her? I would disgust Michelangelo. I’m no fucking better than her
uncle surrounding her with predators all over.
I chug my drink. I don’t need to be thinking about this shit right now. How did I turn out to care as
much as I do right now? This isn’t okay. I need to let this shit go. One month is all it took for me to
give a fuck. What does that say about me? Was I deprived of the damned feelings and emotions? That
I’m craving for hers right now.
“Why can’t you sleep?” I ask her.
King stands there, one foot planted firmly on the floor and the other playing with the tips of her
toes. “Because you’re not there,” she says.
Fuck, she’s honest and I don’t know if I hate it or love it. I shake my head, lightly chuckling.
“Explain this to me. I was gone for 3 weeks and you slept, no?”
She shakes her head. “No, I didn’t really sleep that good. I kept waking up expecting to feel you
next to me.”
“We don’t cuddle though, so why would it matter?” I ask her.
“Because your body heat is enough for me. All I need is that. I won’t ask you to do what I asked
earlier. Not now, anyway. I just want to get some sleep. Can you give me that?” She asks so sweetly.
I bite my bottom lip. How can I even deny her such a thing? Her innocence radiates off her as if
she’s a damned shining star. I stand, leaving my glass on the table. I walk towards her and pass her in
the door archway. I don’t get halfway out of the threshold of the archway when she clutches my arm. I
look down at her hand holding onto my arm. I smirk and remove it but instead of leaving her alone I
take her small hand in mine. I lead us towards the bedroom without speaking another word.
When we get into the room, I don’t go straight for the bed. Instead, I walk us to the closet and
remove one of my t-shirts and a pair of flannel pajamas. I untie her robe, pulling at the strings, and
then push it off her shoulders. I stare at her naked body, looking at how beautiful it really is. Have I
ever really appreciated her body until now? I reach out touching her face first, caressing it, and then I
leave a trail behind as I go to her breasts. After that, I continue until I reach her midsection. I flatten
my palm, touching her there where she could’ve had our child but she didn’t get the chance. Neither of
us got the chance, really, and that’s sad. It sucks but I’m glad she’s okay. I look at her in the eyes. “I’m
so sorry for your loss and what you went through. You didn’t deserve that. Jones was a disgusting
piece of garbage that took advantage of a woman with a kind heart and a misguided predicament. You
were in a tough position and he knew that but he was a sick fuck. He was a predator and, baby, I can’t
be what you want me to be. I can’t be a predator. That’s not me. I like the chase just like any other
man but only if you want to be chased. I don’t chase to kill; I chase to capture and enjoy along with
you. I’ll replace every single touch of Jones’ but you have to work with me here and let me do it my
way,” I say to her.
King stares at me but says nothing. I don’t think she will because she doesn’t understand what it is
I’m trying to say. I dress her by putting my t-shirt on her and my flannels. “I have my own pajamas,”
she states.
“I know but if you want to feel something of me while you’re sleeping and dreaming, you have my
clothes, my scent to remind you I’m here. I won’t let you have nightmares alone,” I confess.
“Oh,” King says.
After I’m done, I walk us to the bed, and we get in. I turn the lights off and turn to my side to
sleep. “Ciro?” King calls out to me.
“Can I cuddle you?” She asks.
I snort. “No. Go to sleep.” I say.
King sighs but I hear her turn away from me. I turn to face her and reach out to her. I wrap my arm
around her midsection and pull her close to me. “I prefer to be the big spoon. Just sayin’. Now,
King’s body relaxes and I feel her hand over mine as she rubs my arm, causing friction with the
hair there. It’s oddly comforting and the shaking in her hand is still there. She’s scared but she won’t
say it. She’ll pretend like she can do this and she can move on. I won’t say a word. I’ll just wait until
she’s ready to talk.
“Ciro?” She calls out to me again.
“You promise you’ll be there in my nightmare if something happens?” She asks.
“Yes, I promise, but I can’t do what you want me to do. I can’t be that man for you, Kingsley. I’m
not a rapist.”
“I don’t want you to rape me,” she admits. “I just want it to disappear.”
I kiss her head. “I know. I want it to disappear too but not like that, Kingsley. Don’t ask me to be
something you will regret later. You don’t know what you’re asking. You’re asking for more than a
monster. You’re asking for someone who will ruin you.”
“You want to ruin me though,” she says matter of factly.
I chuckle. “Yes, but not like that. How I’ll ruin you, it’ll break you so good and you’ll never want
to be whole again. I’ll blind you, Kingsley because I am the sun.”
“I want to be blind, Ciro. I want to stare at the sun that is you. Please keep on shining in my
world. That’s all I ask,” she says to me.
I grit my teeth, not because I’m mad, but to keep myself stoic. I have never had my breath taken
away before, but King does that. How can she say something like that? Does she even understand
what that means? She seriously doesn’t because if I blind her, I’ll keep her so I can guide her for the
rest of her life. She would be mine and not just as a toy but as the only woman that can look my way
while I shine brightly because I’d give her sunglasses to shade her eyes.
“Fuck, Kingsley Storm, you do not understand what you’re asking of me,” I say out loud. Luckily,
she’s already asleep. I kiss her hair once more and shut my eyes, drifting into sleep myself… For the
first time in my life, I can sleep without counting guns.

I don’t know if I should be mad or happy that I can now sleep the entire night when I hold King in
my arms. I’m especially annoyed that I enjoy waking up to her in my arms. I don’t know things like
that. I can’t keep thinking like that, I’m a grown man, I shouldn’t be so indecisive. Nobody likes that
kind of asshole, right?
“Kingsley, are you not done getting ready?” I ask while she’s still in the bathroom.
The fact that I’m ready before her makes me shake my head. I should’ve waited till the last minute
and then got dressed but of course I wanted to rush her instead she still didn’t get the hint. I roll my
eyes and leave the room to go see what Boston and Adriano are doing and if they’re ready.
“You assholes ready?” I ask them as I make my way down the hall towards their rooms.
“Yeah.” Boston says as he exits the room with something that screams him; a dress shirt tucked
into distressed jeans and boots. His hair is braided back into a French braid. “Is that a fucking satin
shirt?” He asks me.
I smirk. “Don’t insult me. It’s silk, bitch. Maybe you should dress better than what the fuck you
I know he’s just teasing me. My all black attire is appreciated by my brother who comes out of the
room in a suit ensemble minus the tie and for once, he’s wearing a simple t-shirt inside of his suit
jacket instead of a dress shirt. Adriano nods as he inspects my outfit. “That shit is nice. You clean up
well, asshole.”
I chuckle, shaking my head at his compliment. I knew he would appreciate the outfit; A black short
sleeve silk shirt with the top couple of buttons unbuttoned, tucked into black dress pants and black
red-bottom dress shoes that I should never have to stomp on someone’s head with, but I’d do it just to
prove my point. Boston looks past me and whistles. I turn to see what he’s looking at and I cock my
brow. What the fuck is she wearing? She must be out of her damned mind.
“Go change,” I say.
King frowns and I want to suck her bottom lip into my mouth. Fuck. How long has it been since
I’ve fucked her? A month or over that?
“Why?” She questions.
I eye her up and down slowly, taking in her red ensemble. Her tight ass bustier dress is hugging
every part of her. Her body has filled out even more than when I first met her. Her hips are flaring out
much more and this dress gives the illusion of an hourglass shape on her petite self. Her boobs are
perky and ready to be sucked as the cup of the dress barely contains them. Her hair is straight and
flowing. She looks beautiful and her lips look luscious as fuck with the red lipstick that she matched
along with the dress. I look back down to her heels. Those are fuck me heels, I know all too well
because it extends women’s legs and I can’t help but picture her bent over touching her toes. So I
could get easy access into that sweet pussy. I groan lowly reaching for my gold chain and pendant
rubbing it so I don’t flip my shit. I don’t want to fuck her right now. She’s not ready again, and I need
her to be before I do anything else.
“Turn around,” I say.
King turns around and I bite the inside of my cheek, wondering what I’ll do first. Rip the dress in
half, starting from the barely there hem. The shit sits right below her ass, if she bends over the wrong
way, anyone can see that juicy pussy. I narrow my eyes. I stand straighter and begin walking. “Follow
me,” I say.
“Cir, we don’t have time for this.” Boston says. “You can’t be late to your own club opening.
That’s messy as hell.”
I shrug. “It’s not going anywhere plus, I’m the man of the hour, I’ll arrive when I want, not when
I’m told to. Give me a second, dammit.”
Both Boston and Adriano snicker. I turn the corner, not even waiting for us to reach the room. I
grab King and pull her flush to my body. “What are you trying to do to me? Do you want me to lose
my shit, Kingsley? Because I can,” I warn her.
King looks up at me and just gazes at me as though she’s in a trance. “Tu me manques,” she says.
“What? I sleep in the same bed as you every night. I even hold you like you want me to. How can
you miss me?” I ask. I don’t understand.
King shakes her head, looking down for a second then back up at me. She frowns. “I miss you
being inside of me. I want to feel you again, Ciro.”
“So damned honest, aren’t you?” I say, feeling as I break out into a full-blown grin. I can feel the
shift on my face.
“I just…” She stops what she’s about to say.
I push her to the wall and lean down, kissing her neck for a second. “I see that my mark on you has
faded. Is that what you miss the most or just my dick? Tell me in detail, Kingsley or I won’t know
exactly what it is,” I challenge her.
King blushes and this time, I can see the evidence on her chest and neck. She’s so fucking cute.
I’ve never been into shy or innocent women but I guess this too has its advantages. I love making her
blush, I can tell that she’ll still be honest with me. I give her a moment. I kiss down her exposed flesh,
when I reach her breast I take a bite of it. She yelps as I sink my teeth in her skin. I’m making a mark.
This time, it’s somewhere much more apparent since her hair is down. My hands come around,
grabbing her ass cheeks. They’ve also filled in so much more and her plump little ass makes me want
to smack it just to watch it bounce. I’ve never been with a woman with this much body, but for the
first time, I really understand why men love shapely women.
“Before you begin,” I start. “Just know, this ass of yours, I’ll conquer. I can’t wait. It’s so damned
plump now. Don’t think I didn’t notice or feel as you’d back it up on me while we slept. I’m not that
much of a heavy sleeper,” I confess.
“Yeah, and each time, I could feel you get hard, but you did nothing about it.” she says.
“Yeah, because you need to be ready and needed to heal. I’m not a horn-dog that I can’t stop
having sex. I may be ruthless, crazy, out of my damned mind and downright murderous, but even I
have control with fucking. Just like I have control on when you’ll be feeling me so deep inside you,
you’ll cry me a river.” I wink at her as my fingers trail down, reaching inside of her dress. Using my
other hand, I hike her dress up. “This isn’t how I want to do it. Beg me, baby.”
“Please, Ciro.” She doesn’t even give it a second.
“Please touch me, Ciro. I want to feel you.”
“I like the way you beg me, Kingsley.” I say. I remove my hands from her body and before she can
complain, I drop to my knees. I lift one leg over my shoulder and hike up her dress. “Tell me what you
want me to do to you, Kingsley. Tell me what you miss or else, I’ll just stare at your pussy for shits
and giggles.”
I can feel as she shudders. “I miss the way you wrap your hand around my throat. It doesn’t feel
suffocating, instead I can feel when you press on a certain part of my neck constricting blood flow. I
feel every part of my heart beating and then when you slide inside of me, you stretch me too well. It
hurts so good and I never want you to stop. The way you move inside of me, in and out then when you
lift up a little on your palms, there’s a way you arch your body that has me feeling like if I could ever
have someone fuck me, it would be this way. You take control and never give it back. You take what I
need and twist it in such a way, I don’t think I can ever be whole again. That’s how you make me feel
when you fuck me, and I miss it. I miss the rough pace, the deep thrusts, the look in your eyes. The
way your eyes become paler when you’re turned on. Your voice drops an octave when you’re about
to cum. It’s my undoing. When I’m on all fours, the way you feel sliding in me from behind makes me
want to have an out-of-body experience so I can watch you fuck me. I want to see your face when you
cum. The way you stare at my ass, the spankings. The first thing that made me crave pain differently.
The feel of your hands when they knead my ass as though you’re a baker making bread. So soft, yet so
rough. So ready to transform me into something firmer, sustainable, and I miss calling your name
when I’m ready to cu—.”
I slip her panties to the side and suck on her clit, causing her body to jolt. She gasps, probably
forgetting what she was saying. I feel King’s fingers as they find their way into my hair. I add two
fingers inside of her to tease her while I give her the pleasure she does not know she was missing. I
look up at her while doing it. King is watching me with unfiltered lust. Her words made me so hard
and now I’m showing her that she earned this. I remove my fingers and replace it with my tongue. I
form an O with my tongue, and I tongue-fuck her. King rides my face this way and it’s about the best
thing that could ever happen. I don’t stop and when I know she’s close; I remove my tongue and nip at
her clit. King begins cuming and I latch on to her pussy like it’s my lifeline, not stopping until she’s
done. When she’s done I let go, licking my lips as I stand. I know I have some dripping down my chin.
I don’t take my eyes off her as I reach for the collar of my shirt and I wipe the excess juice dripping.
Kingsley watches me with lust filled eyes. I smirk, winking at her. What I thought was lust-filled eyes
is a mistake, she’s watching me like she either has the biggest crush on me or she’s in love with me. I
fix her panties and her dress.
“Now, we can go,” I say. I turn to leave, and King grabs my shirt from behind.
I turn, grabbing the back of her neck, and I tilt her head back. I nip at her bottom lip that’s
quivering and then kiss her so deep, I’m sure she feels it in her pussy. King wraps her arms around me
holding on to me for dear life and I reach out with my idle hand grabbing her ass. I think I’ve
officially become an ass man. I smile while kissing her. This is worth being late. I don’t care.

To see Ciro in action is something else. I’ve never really had the chance to watch a man of his stature
do what he does. Not up close anyway. I take a deep breath as I sit by him in the VIP section while he
talks to Boston and Adriano. As the music goes on, I move my body to the rhythm but I’ve never
really danced freely without a stage so I wonder what it would be like to do that. Ciro’s hand is on
my thigh, he’s not gripping it hard, he’s just touching me. Ciro turns to face me. “Do you want to go
out on the dance floor or not?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. It seems fun,” I answer honestly.
There’s a ghost of a look that quickly appears in his eyes, but it disappears just as fast as it
appeared. I say nothing for a moment, but then Ciro gives me a smile. One that even I can’t resist no
matter what. He gestures with his head. “Go ahead, go dance and have fun. I can see that’s what you
want to do.” Even though there’s a smile on his face, I can tell something is up. I look at the dance
floor and back at Ciro who has removed his hand off my thigh.
“Ciro…” I call his name out but he simply winks at me and gestures with his chin for me to go
I sigh, because I don’t know what I‘m supposed to say to someone like him. I can see that
something is wrong but I’m not equipped with enough knowledge that I can do much about it. I take a
deep breath in and another one out. I look towards the dance floor. I stand up, making my way there,
but I realize I’m not alone. Bobby gives me a sharp nod as if to say that he’s going where I’m going. I
smile at him and when I get to the middle of the dance floor.
“Don’t worry, I won’t get super close. I just know that I am supposed to be your shadow plus, I
figured you’d feel bad dancing but yourself.” Bobby states.
I smile. “Thank you,” I say as I dance timidly to the music. I don’t really know this song, but it’s
not bad.
“You want something to drink?” Bobby asks me.
I nod with a smile on my face. Bobby leads me towards the bar and orders me a couple of shots. I
feel less uncomfortable and Bobby gives me another drink to nurse. He tells me not to drink this one
fast. I smile and thank him as we head back to the dance floor. He says that we have to be where Ciro
can see us so he doesn’t get his balls chopped off. I don’t even know if he’s joking or not.
I don’t know when I got tipsy but I feel amazing. This is a fresh drink and I’ve made friends with
another girl. Because of her I’ve been able to dance freely and not worry about anything that’s going
on. I stop dancing because now; I feel as the drinks are now hitting my system. I move closer to
Bobby, “I need to pee!” I yell in his ear.
Bobby moves back, flinching at how loud that was. I laugh because it’s so funny to me. Bobby’s
eyes widen and he smiles. “You laugh?” He asks.
I smile at him; I nod. “Yeah! Only when I’m happy.” I say.
“And are you happy?” Bobby asks. There’s a look on his face that I can’t decipher.
“Yes, I am thrilled.”
“Good. Now, come on, let me take you to the bathroom.”
I grab a hold of the other girl. “Bathroom?” I say to her and she nods.
We follow Bobby to where Ciro is sitting still with Boston and Adriano. All of them are sitting,
talking to each other. There are a couple of girls sitting around them but the only one who seems to
have any fun is Boston. A girl is sitting on his lap while another is sitting by him. She’s trying to get
both his and Ciro’s attention. Adriano is just sitting back talking to one of the girls. The conversation
seems lighthearted. There is another girl planted where I was sitting by Ciro. She seems to want his
attention but he hasn’t taken his eyes off me from the second we made our way here.
I follow his eyes and see that he’s checking out the girl beside me. I let go of her hand as if it
burned me. Not because that’s where Ciro is looking but because it feels like he’s interested in her.
I’ve been taught not to get jealous when clients come in and want another woman who isn’t you.
Maybe this is what it is. We’ve always been told that we’re not allowed to feel anything. We don’t
have the right to fall for anyone, but I think it’s too late because I’ve definitely fallen for Ciro
Sarkozy. I take a deep breath in and out as Bobby finishes telling Ciro what we’re going to do.
My heart feels like it’s been broken a thousand times, even though I shouldn’t be feeling that way.
I shake it off and we follow Bobby to the bathroom. It’s a private bathroom and the girl I danced with
sits on the couch while I go into one stall. “So,” she starts. “Which one of them is your man?” she
“What do you mean?” I ask once I finish and leave the restroom.
“Which one of the guys or maybe it’s the one you were dancing but not dancing with? Is it new?”
She asks.
“I’m interested in the one who looks and probably owns all the power in this place.”
“Oh. None of them are mine,” I answer honestly.
“Oooh,” she answers. “Do you mind if I go first then?”
I shrug. I wash my hands and stare at myself in the mirror. This isn’t me. I don’t get to fall in love.
I’m just a simple whore. That’s my job and will forever be my job. If it isn’t Ciro, it’ll be someone
“You didn’t sound too believable when you answered her.” A female says as she exits another
I look up at her. She’s exquisite, from her glowing skin that resembles chocolate. She looks like
she dipped her entire body in a chocolate fountain. She has her hair pulled back in a ponytail and her
outfit doesn’t show whether she works here.
“Have you been here the whole time?” I ask.
She nods. “Yeah, they have given me bathroom cleaning duties tonight.” She rolls her eyes. “I’m
Reign,” she says.
“I’m King. Nice to meet you.”
She smiles. “Damn, your name is nice. I like it.”
“Thank you. It’s Kingsley because my dad thought I’d be a boy.” I roll my eyes.
She snickers. “I got teased in school a lot and after that damned CW show came on, everyone
walked around like, ‘long may she reign,’ shit annoyed me.”
“What’s CW?” I ask.
“It’s a TV channel. Girl, where have you been?” She asks. “So, your friend, she’s interested in
one of the guys you like?” She gives me an empathetic look.
I nod. “Yeah, but he doesn’t belong to me. I’m not allowed to fall,” I say honestly.
“Did he say that to you? Cause if he did, he doesn’t deserve you.” she says honestly.
I snicker. “No, he didn’t. It’s how I was raised.”
“Yeah? Well fuck that, do what you want. Life is too short. Trust me, I know all too well.” she
says exasperated.
“Are you done cleaning?” I ask her.
She nods. “Hell yeah, now I’m off and can go back to my shitty life again. I need a fairy
“Fairy godmother?” I repeat.
She looks at me, eyes wide and mouth open. “Girl, Cinderella? Have you been living under a
I shake my head. “Something like that.” I smile. “You want to drink with me? Unless you have to
leave.” My smile is gone.
“One drink.” She answers, smiling. “Let me wash my damn hands. Sorry, I don’t smell all that
good. I had to come in here in a fucking glittery ass dress and heels combined to fucking unclog a
toilet.” She rolls her eyes.
“At least you’re not naked.” I say to her.
“What?” She asks.
I brush it off with a chuckle. “Nothing.”

I turn back to look at Boston. He whistles and winks at me. I watch as Bobby comes back out with
King and some other girl. This one is about her height, but she seems like she hates being here. I
signal to Bobby to bring King to me. The girl that is still sitting beside me hasn’t gotten the hint.
Bobby tells King, and she looks at me. She walks towards me, but I can tell that she’s sad. When she
stands in between my legs, I cock my brow at her, and I sit back on the couch. I signal with my eyes
for her to straddle me. She widens her eyes as she glances at the girl and back to me. She hesitates for
a second and I grind my teeth, trying not to move. I will not pull her to me. Not yet, I give her 5… 4…
3… 2… and before I count the 1; she straddles me.
I sit up a bit and both my hands go to her ass-cheeks. I can’t seem to not touch her ass now. “Did
you say that I was available for someone else to approach me, Kingsley?” I ask her.
She blinks. Her hands end up around my neck. She doesn’t even realize what she’s doing. “I
thought that’s what I was supposed to say.”
“Have I told you to tell other women that they can just approach me like I’m thirsting for pussy
juice?” I ask her.
“No. She shakes her head.
“Hmm… well then, listen to me and let me say this. I’m your fucking man, King, and you belong to
me. If you want me to belong to you, you better start fucking acting like it. I’m not some child, I’m a
grown ass man and it’s time you recognize it. Who the fuck am I to you?” I ask her as I get all up in
her face.
“My man,” she answers easily.
I can’t help it as I grin. “Say that shit again.”
“My man.”
“And what’s my fucking name?”
“Ciro Sarkozy.”
“Yeah, get it the fuck right and don’t ever fucking go around saying I don’t belong to anyone ever
“Huh?” She asks.
Before she can say anything else, I fill the slight gap and kiss her like her fucking man. I will not
be disrespected and neither will she. Everyone around us better know this shit.

I’ve never been the man to wonder what I would do with whom I was with and I wasn’t about to start
that shit now. I’m a man who is meant to be in a relationship and I accept that. I’m the opposite of the
‘I don’t do relationships clan’ and I’m proud of that. I don’t get too deep in thought because King
gets my attention.
“Can I ask you a question?” she starts off.
King pulls me to her and whispers in my ear. “Do you prefer being called by your name or baby
or maybe, from what I heard, some men like to be called daddy?” she asks.
I smirk and bite my bottom lip. I turn to her and tilt my head. I eye her up and down, slowly taking
her in. “I don’t care what you call me, but you can call me daddy when you give me more babies,” I
“Oh,” King reacts forming an O on that sexy mouth of hers.
“Okay, baby,” she whispers.
I grin as I wrap my hand around her throat. I don’t squeeze or anything. Just looking and seeing my
hand around her throat excites me. My tattoos seem so sinister against her pretty little neck but it turns
me on. I used my thumb to make her look up at me. Her big brown eyes look at me as if I own the keys
to the entire country. Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.
“Say it again.”
“Baby,” she says, she blushes.
“One more time and this time don’t look away when you do. Give me what I deserve, Kingsley,” I
One thing that I love about her is her random burst of confidence. It makes me so damned horny.
The glint in her eyes is here to play. She bites her lip then pops it out of her mouth. Juicy. “Baby…” I
smile wide and she gasps. “You know your smile is… intoxicating. It’s so beautiful and breath-
I chuckle at her compliment. “Merci, baby. Your smile is beautiful.”
She shakes her head. “Not like yours, yours makes me wet.”
I can feel the smile on my face as I lean in closer. “You better stop playing with me, little girl.” I
“I can’t, even though I should, because you’re intense and you scare me,” she says honestly.
“I scare you or you’re afraid of me?”
“A bit of both, but I don’t know, I like it. I like that you can make me feel.”
“You want me to give you an entire baseball team, don’t you, Kingsley? Especially with the way
you’re talking to me. Fuck, your honesty turns me the fuck on,” I tell her.
King’s eyes are wider than they’ve ever been. “Oh.”
“Yeah… now, tell me, am I everything you’ve dreamed of in a man? Someone who won’t just give
you his best smiles but someone who can say you’ve earned sitting on my face. I can’t wait until I can
taste you again. I will have to make this a rule.”
“A rule?” She repeats as if she’s transfixed with my words.
I nod. “Yeah, baby, a rule where you sit on my face every morning and before bed. Your pussy is
King hiccups again which means she’s nervous. I think it’s so damned cute. I’ve never liked any
nervous female before but her, I don’t know what it is but I’m okay with it. Her blush creeps all over
her face and now extends to her neck.
“Let me show you what it’s like being my girl. I’ll make all those hiccups go away.” I tilt my
head, lifting her chin up some more and kiss her. I don’t need to see that her eyes are shut like mine
and that her toes are probably curling. I kiss her like I’m Botticelli and she’s my altarpiece; the one
and only.

Being with Ciro is like a random dream come true. I never got the chance to have a crush in high
school or have that experience so getting this with Ciro, makes my heartbeat like crazy. I try not to
look his way, but I can’t help it. Ciro is having a conversation with Boston and Adriano, but how he’s
turning me on is insane. He isn’t even doing much but caressing my thigh. His hand makes me feel
protected; needed. I watch as his tattooed hand rubs against my darker complexion. I love how his
tattoos go all the way to his fingers, the same fingers that make me feel good as much as they can. I
take a deep breath in and release another one. Ciro doesn’t turn my way, but I can see that a smirk
appears on his face as if he knows what he’s doing to me.
“Hey, you want to dance?” Reign asks me.
I turn to face her. I’m happy that she stayed and now, after having some more drinks, she’s
loosened up like I have. We both took our heels off and I feel like we probably connect more than
anything else. “Yeah, sure.” I turn to Ciro, “baby, I’m going to dance with Reign.”
Ciro slowly turns my way and my heart feels like it’ll shatter from the intensity of his look. It isn’t
a scary one, it’s more so of the lust portrayed in his eyes. It’s a storm. “Yeah?”
“If you’ll do that,” he says as he squeezes my thigh. “Give me a dance first.”
I face Reign. “We’ll dance in a moment.” I look at Reign and Reign sneaks a glance at Ciro. He
turns to look her way, and she turns away quickly.
She smiles at me, “Okay, I’ll be at the bar.” She winks at me and strolls off quickly.
I sit up on the couch, getting on my knees. I lean over and place my hands firmly behind Ciro’s
neck, planting them on the couch for stability. I take a deep breath in and lift my lower body up. I
smile as a song that matches what I want to do with Ciro, comes on. Ciro watches me as I open my
legs and slowly lower myself on his lap. I straddle him and he keeps his hands to his side. He leans
back as I throw my head back and I move my body slower than the tempo but still matching it, making
sure my hands slide down his chest. I take a deep breath audibly ending it as a moan as I keep
dancing, grinding my body on him and coming back up. I don’t stop until I press my forehead against
Ciro’s. I reach out for his hands and make him grab my ass. I slip my hands back up into his hair and
yank his head back hard. Ciro groans as he stares at me. I have never seen this look in his eyes before.
It’s dangerous, and I’ve never been more turned on in my life. My breath comes out raggedly as I
move my body, begging him to see just how good I could make him feel if he lets me ride him. If he
let’s me fuck him. Let’s me show him just how good I could make him feel.
Ciro’s intense watching turns me on even more than anything else I’ve ever experienced before.
Ciro groans low as I lean in biting his lip, then I soothe it by sucking on it. I let him go completely and
remove his hands from my ass, placing them behind him. I place my hands again on the couch behind
his neck as I lift myself up mid air and then bend my knees. I bring my knees and place my feet down
between Ciro’s open legs. I smile sweetly at the panther who’s calculating when he’ll catch me. Ciro
opens his legs wider and leans back. I wink at him before removing my hands from behind him,
extending them to my side and doing a backflip. I land on my feet but I don’t stay up for long. I lower
to the floor, making sure my dress is still in place. I crawl to the most powerful man in the room on all
fours, making sure I arch my back just right so he could see all that belongs to him. Ciro does nothing
as he still has his gaze on me. When I reach him, I sit back on my heels and I peer up at him through
my lashes. I reach out, caressing his legs. I continue the trail higher and higher. I stand up and turn,
giving him my back. I fix my dress, widening my stance and then bend over touching the floor. I arch
my ass and when I feel the tips of his fingers on my exposed flesh; it burns so good.
I don’t stay bent over for long; I stand and sit on his lap. I dance on him, giving him a dance like
he wants. I lean back and lift my legs up, closing his legs. I lean down, lowering my chest to his legs.
I pop my ass up in the air and show him just how much I can shake-jiggle-bounce; first with one
cheek, both and then interchangeably. I feel Ciro’s hands on my ass and he groans loudly. Ciro moves
his hands to my waist and pulls me to him. He wraps an arm around my midsection and stands. He
doesn’t say shit as he walks down a hall and there, an elevator is. I didn’t even know this existed.

I couldn’t say anything in the elevator, so I kept my mouth shut but once the door opened revealing a
loft kind of penthouse, I didn’t take time to admire what they’ve done with the place for me.
Instead, I march over to the bed and drop King on it. King giggles as she turns to lie on her back.
“That was hot, your worship,” she states.
I smile, there she goes with her weird Shakespearean shit. I unbutton my shirt. “Hi,” I say to her.
“Good morrow,” she replies, then snickers.
“So, you love Shakespearean English, huh?”
“Ay, your worship.”
“What’s your favorite play by the man?” I ask.
I don’t even have to explain to her what I’m talking about. She sits up, watching me like she’s
gazing at the stars; eyes filled with awe-like wonderment. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act two,
scene one,” she answers.
“Hmm. Not bad. Thought you would say the typical Romeo and Juliet. What’s your favorite quote
out of all the plays?” I ask her as I remove my shirt and throw it on the floor. I remove my shoes,
socks and all. I begin on my pants and realize that King still hasn’t talked.
“I don’t know if I can…” she says.
“Yeah, eh?” I ask. I remove my pants and boxers. I make my way to the bed and stand at the edge.
I wrap my fingers around her ankle and pull her to me. King falls back on the bed but watches me
still. I grab the hem of her dress with both hands and I rip it apart, not feeling satisfied until it all rips
in half. I smile at this while I watch her tits become free and my mouth salivates at her body. She’s so
damned perfect.
“Ciro…” She gasps my name as I lean in, kissing her thighs first. I lick one of her thighs, leaving a
trail as I make my way up to her panties.
I grab a hold of them and yank them down slowly, removing them with my teeth. I gaze at her
throughout the entire process until I completely remove them off her body. I lean in, hovering over her.
King opens her legs, accommodating my body to fit in between them. She wraps her hers around me
and I place one foot off the bed on the floor and the other I bend at the knee so I could be right there at
the moment with her. I want to see her face when I enter her. I position myself at her entrance. I grind
my dick against her clit; up and down, up and down, causing her to grab on to any part of me she can.
“Kingsley, talk dirty to me, I beseech thee.” I say to her, speaking in her language.
King’s eyes fill with tears and I open my mouth to ask her why she’s about to cry, but she beats me
to it. “My favorite quote is; Your virtue is my privilege. For that it is not night when I do see your
face. Therefore, I think I am not in the night. Nor doth this wood lack worlds of company. For you
in my respect are all the world. Then how can it be said I am alone. When all the world is here to
look on me?” [1]
I’m in awe of her, truly. “Tell me, what does it mean? Why this quote?”
The tears in King’s eyes don’t fall, but she gives me a timid smile. A shy one. “I’ve always loved
the quote; I just didn’t think I’d ever experience it.”
“Tell me, baby, explain it to me. I want to understand it with you.” I say as I slip inside her a little.
King moans, and I give her a second. “Because I had the modern English version, this is what it
was saying; I rely on your virtue to protect me. And because I can see your shining face, it doesn’t
feel like nighttime to me. This forest doesn’t seem deserted when you’re here, because you are all
the world to me. So how can anyone say I’m alone, when the whole world is here to look at me?[2]
The whole scene and all of it makes little sense but to me, I understood Helena, I understand, her love
for Demetrius, why she would let him treat her like that.” She finishes.
I shudder at her translation and her words right after. In this moment, her tears fall, and I slip all
the way in. Fuck. What is this? I kiss her because there’s nothing else I could say to her. I don’t know
why this was so easy for us. How we could get here but fuck it, I’m game if she is. I don’t fuck her
like I was going to, instead I show her what it would’ve been like had I liked her before I first fucked
her. I show her what it’s like to have your man show you just how much he can give you with his body
and his mind. King’s hands make their way down my back and then I feel her hands on my ass cheeks.
She moans as she tries to make me go deeper, but not yet; I want her to understand that even on the
surface I can touch her. That she can rely on my virtue to protect her and that if I mean the world to
her, then she will never feel alone. I won’t be like Demetrius before the forest, I won’t look at her
friend or any other woman instead, I’ll be better than that. Better than Demetrius, who went back to
wanting Helena after telling her she made him sick. There won’t be a moment of hesitation for me, nor
will there be a Hermia to distract me from my Helena. I remove my lips from hers.
“Look at me, Kingsley Storm.” I wait for her and when she looks at me, I wipe her tears. I lay my
forehead on hers. “You aren’t Helena and I’m not Demetrius. I am more than him. I look past your
beauty and the beauty of other women, seeing into your soul only. I won’t desert you; I won’t treat you
like a dog because you are more than that. You are my woman. The one I chose and will continue to
choose. Now, let me show you what it’s like to really feel me fucking your soul.” I capture her lips
into a scorching kiss that has me swallowing her moans. I fuck her like I just promised. I don’t care if
anyone even walks in here to shoot me dead, I won’t die though because I have a point to prove to
Kingsley Storm.

I didn’t take too much of King’s time because I wanted her to enjoy herself with her new friend. I sit
back in a different, less flashy dress shirt as I watch King dance with Reign while wearing my silk
shirt. It fits her like a damned dress instead of a shirt.
“It’s that serious, huh?” Boston asks.
I look at him from the corner of my eye. I nod. “Seems like it is.”
“How does that make you feel?” He asks. “Especially with finding out all that new info for
I roll my eyes. “If you are going to shrink me, then you shouldn’t have closed your practice.
You’re always asking me damned intrusive questions.”
Boston laughs. “Yeah but you answer me, anyway. If you didn’t want to answer, you wouldn’t,
“Something about her works with you,” he says, “You’re relaxed and there isn’t anything
uncomfortable about you two. Shit, I mean PDA should annoy me but the fact that you’ve been smiling
and you can’t take your eyes off her then I’m all for it,” Boston says.
“I agree,” Adriano says.
I look at my older brother. I tilt my head. “You should be happy too, you know,” I say.
He smiles at me; a sad one and I can see the pain in his eyes, the one that he never shows others.
He keeps it to himself.
“Something is wrong,” Boston states.
Adriano cocks a brow at him. He rolls his eyes. “Fine, I’ve been divorced for a year now and I
didn’t want to say anything because of the kids. I wanted to make sure that they would be cool with it.
We told them not too long before I got here.”
“Whoa!” Both Boston and I react.
“Before you say anything, I don’t want to talk about it. Drop it and this is the wrong place,
I chuckle. “Fine. But we will talk later. You can’t run away from this shit.”
“Copy,” Boston says.
Adriano rolls his eyes again and gets up, taking the girl he’s been speaking to wherever they’re
going. Boston goes back to talking to the girls he was entertaining, and I look at King again. She’s
smiling and dancing like the world is safe. And she’s right, it is safe because I’m here. I’d protect her
from whatever.
The next few seconds feel odd and weird for me as for a moment, I watch her dance and then the
next; it appears, and the room disappears. I’m in a forest. This makes little sense. Did someone roofie
me? There’s no way. I shake my head trying to concentrate but I can’t see King or anyone else. How
the hell did I lose sight of her? I shut my eyes for a second and there’s an entire scene that plays
behind my closed lids and I don’t know what the hell is going on.
I look at myself as I’m walking, searching for something… someone, and then there’s a
presence behind me. I turn to face the tiny figure and it’s King but my feelings for her seem to be
nonexistent yet, it’s not there’s a barrier or a wall blocking me from loving her again.
“Look,” I began saying to her. “I don’t love you, so stop following me around. Where are
Lysander and beautiful Hermia? Lysander I want to stop, but Hermia stops my heart from beating.
You told me they escaped into this forest. And here I am, going crazy in the middle of the woods
because I can’t find my Hermia. Go away, get out of here, and stop following me.”[3]
I blink… Holy Shit! I am Demetrius. How is this possible? Shit like this can never happen, can
it? Kingsley, or rather, Helena looks at me with an expression of both hurt and love. She’s so in
love with me she doesn’t care how I treat her. I can tell.
“You attract me to you, you cruel magnet!” She yells at me. “But you must not attract iron,
because my heart is as true as steel. If you let go of your power to attract me, I won’t have any
power to follow you.”[4]
At her words, I get upset. What is she implying? “Do I ask you to follow me? Do I speak to you
kindly? Don’t I tell you in the clearest terms that I do not and cannot love you?”[5] I break the
situation down for her.
King/Helena looks at me with determination in her eyes. She lifts her chin stubbornly. “Yes, but
that makes me love you even more. I’m your little dog, Demetrius. The more you beat me, the more
I’ll love you. Treat me like you would treat a dog—kick me, hit me, neglect me, try to lose me. Just
let me follow behind you, even though I’m not good enough for you. Could I ask for a worse place
in your heart than to be treated as you would treat a dog? And yet I would consider it an honour to
be your dog.”[6]
I growl at her and get closer, invading her space. What is this feeling of being angry yet mildly
aroused by her words? How can I want someone, yet I’m disgusted by her? “Don’t push it. Just
looking at you makes me sick.”[7]
She whimpers as if she wants to be a part of me. Like she wants to crawl in my skin and be with
me forever. “And I get sick when I can’t look at you.”[8] She confesses like a lovesick puppy.
I shake my head. This shit makes little sense. “You’re risking your reputation by leaving the
city and stalking someone who doesn’t love you. Standing around alone in a deserted area in the
middle of the night isn’t the best way to protect your virginity.”[9]
The stubbornness sticks. Her big brown eyes stare into mine. She isn’t flinching. She’s decided.
“I rely on your virtue to protect me. And because I can see your shining face, it doesn’t feel like
nighttime to me. This forest doesn’t seem deserted when you’re here, because you are all the world
to me. So how can anyone say I’m alone, when the whole world is here to look at me?”[10]
I grit my teeth. “I’ll run away from you and hide in the bushes and leave you to the mercy of
wild animals.”[11]
She narrows her eyes, stepping into my space. Bold as ever at the time when women weren’t as
bold. She dared get in my face. “The wildest animal isn’t as cruel as you are. Run whenever you
want to. The story of Daphne and Apollo will be changed.”[12]
I shake my head one more time and I’m back in the club. Nothing seemed to have changed. I’m the
only one who seemed to be out of it for a moment. Well, things changed a little. I spot King dancing
and rapping word for word to a throwback; Gin & Juice by Snoop. I momentarily forget about what
just transpired as I smile at King. I love that I keep getting to meet different sides of her. The fact that
she knows all the words makes me proud. I love all the good throwbacks. Sublime music is sublime
music, no matter the genre. I smirk as she opens her eyes and we make eye contact. There’s something
about the way she’s looking at me, though. It’s not the same as before. It’s as if a portal has been open.
More for me and not her. Fuck. This is real. She’s Helena and I’m Demetrius. How the hell did that
happen? How are we here? I don’t believe in reincarnations, but I’m sitting here watching our life
happen again. It replays itself over and over in a loop in my head while I watch King.
I shake my head, shut my eyes and open them again. When I do, King has stopped dancing and
moving. She’s watching me with worry in her eyes. She takes a step towards me and I shake my head.
I don’t want her to worry about me. I need to figure out what the hell is happening, but one thing is for
sure, I am better than Demetrius because this time; I chose her despite other temptations… Didn’t I or
did she choose me in all her stubbornness?

G et up,” I hear Ciro’s voice and I groan.
“No,” I moan.
I feel a sting on my bare ass cheek. I hiss and open my eyes, glaring at him. Ciro is standing
beside my bed and there’s a mischievous smile on his face. The sunlight in the room makes me cringe,
and I shut my eyes again. “Too much sun,” I say.
“First hangover?” He asks.
“Mmm, yes,” I reply.
Ciro swats my ass again. “I don’t give a fuck, wake up.”
I roll away from him and into the bedsheets. I almost successfully wrap myself like a burrito but
Ciro pulls both me and the sheets to him. “I thought as my boyfriend, you’d be different,” I say while
trying my best not to get out of the sheets.
Ciro chuckles. “Yeah? Well, jokes on you. I still want my dick sucked for fun.” He answers as he
tugs once, and the sheets are off me.
I pop my eyes open and glare at him, to which his response is to bite the air between us. Teasing
me. He licks his lips as he openly looks me up and down.
“You want me to suck your dick right now? Then can I go back to bed?”
Ciro shakes his head. “I didn’t mean, wake up and suck my dick. Tabarnak. It’s time for some
self-defense classes by yours truly,” he announces.
“Franchement?” I ask.
He nods. “Oui. Now, get that ass up and out of bed, baby.”
“Sacrament!” I curse. Frustrated, I get out of bed and stomp my way into the bathroom.
“Tu me donnes un char de marde?” I hear Ciro’s voice as it gets closer.
I turn the water on in the shower and face him. I shake my head. “No, I’m not giving you shit. I’m
just saying…”
“I’d go easy on you but I’ll make you pay for this instead; show you what it’s like to be mine.”
Ciro winks at me and I shudder. As he walks out of the bathroom, I now notice that he had on joggers
and a t-shirt that shows off just how much he works out to maintain his beautiful body.

I groan as my ass hits the mat hard. “Can you go easy on me, s’il te plait?”
Ciro glares my way as he crouches to meet me at eye level. He watches as I sit up. “Can you suck
my dick, s’il te plait?” he says sarcastically.
“Are you trying to get me mad or something?” I ask. “Because trust me, I won’t get mad. I rarely
ever do.”
“Oh yeah? You want to bet I can piss you off?” He taunts.
“I won’t get mad,” I state.
The second I say it, Ciro pounces on me and I find myself on my back once more. He grabs my
jaw hard. “Don’t ever fucking lose your momentum or your focus. We can do this shit all day. I
cleared my schedule to do this.” Ciro gets up on his feet in record time. “GET UP!” He yells.
I jump at his tone and the volume of his voice. I blink and scramble to my feet. Ciro takes some
steps back and gets into the same stance he was in before. “Seriously, Ciro, you can’t get me mad,” I
Ciro smirks. “That’s fine. I kind of like that, you don’t get mad.”
“You do?” I ask.
“Yeah, so that way when I fuck your friend Reign, you won’t be mad about it.” He shrugs.
My eyes flutter. “What do you mean?”
“I mean that when I fuck her in our bed that shit won’t get you mad or when I have her suck me off
then I cum down your throat, you’ll swallow like a good girl, won’t you?” he says so calmly.
“Stop it,” I state. There’s this odd feeling; a burning sensation rising from the pit of my belly and
my hands are trembling.
“No, why would I? You thought since we’re together that means I don’t want more pussy? I do. I
want you to watch me when I fuck her. Maybe she’ll let me fuck her up the ass or maybe… Just
maybe, she’ll be able to fight me back!” He spits out.
I don’t know what comes over me, but I charge blindly. I don’t even think about what I’m doing as
I swing. Obviously, I hit nothing. I miss Ciro as he moves out of the way but I feel rage. A crazy rage
that has me spitting out words I’ve never said before. “I will fuck you up if you try that shit. You’re
mine and no one else can have you. I want you all to myself. I deserve you, you crazy motherfucker.
You think because you’re a damned Don that you can stick your dick anywhere! I’m not your fucking
dead wife, I will fuck you up if you fuck anyone else besides ME!” I yell. Ciro doesn’t say a word,
but he charges this time and grabs me in his hold. I’m so out of it, so I yell again. “Get off me! Let me
go, you insane bastard! She can’t have you!”
Ciro’s laughter draws me out of wherever I just went. Ciro has his head thrown back as he laughs
so hard that my body moves along with the vibration of his. I’m confused. “Why are you laughing?” I
Ciro tries to stop laughing. He clears his throat a couple of times and then he looks down at me.
He tsks, shaking his head. “Don’t underestimate me, eh? You see how easy that was? I got you in a fit
of rage so quick, you didn’t know what hit you.”
I shake my head. “I wasn’t angry. I just didn’t like what you were saying. Those things… They
aren’t true, are they?”
“Are your words true? Is that how you feel?” Ciro asks.
“Yes,” I state.
“My words aren’t true. I used what would trigger you and the only thing that you care about is me.
You’re in love with me so you’d be upset that you have to share me.”
“You… you used yourself against me?” I ask.
“Yep, and others will too, if you don’t fucking toughen up. Even if you’re sexy when you’re in a fit
of rage, I’d rather you have a rational mind. I don’t want you to change or anything, but I want you to
not have anyone use me against you. You don’t die for me; I die for you. You get that shit, Kingsley?”
“No. I don’t.”
“If someone was shooting at me, what would you do?”
“Jump in front of you,” I say honestly.
Ciro shakes his head in disapproval. “Babe, come on, you can’t do that. Seriously.”
“Why not? I’m the one who loves you, I can do what I want. You have no say over my love.” I’m
Ciro stares at me for a moment and then takes a deep breath, shaking his head. Without thinking
about it, I open my mouth and speak. “And I have found Demetrius like a jewel, Mine own, and not
mine own.”[13]
Ciro tilts his head. “I know those words…” he says all too well.
The more I stare at him, the more… a distant memory feels like it’s nudging at me; For me to prop
it open. It’s at the tip of my tongue. I know the words from Helena in Shakespeare’s play, but why do
they feel personal. My heart twists and I hold on to Ciro. I feel like I lost him before; everything in me
hurts in such a way that I can’t describe it. He’s mine. I won’t give him to anyone else. I really won’t.
I won Demetrius so easily, as if he were a precious diamond I just found lying around. It’s mine
because I found it, but I feel like someone else could easily come and claim it was hers…[14]
After our first session, King ran away with Matteo. If only she had that kind of energy at me teaching
her self-defense. I shake my head, thinking about it.
“What are you over there smiling and shaking your head about?” Boston asks while we sit at the
dining table eating lunch.
“Kingsley had her first lesson in self-defense today… Guess where she is right now?”
Adriano laughs hard. “She ran away, didn’t she?”
“Yep, and she took Boston’s son with her. That poor boy already has an insane crush on her.” I
shake my head again.
Boston snickers. “Your work-outs are already extreme so I can imagine how self-defense is going.
Plus, Matteo’s insane. I think that’s his mother’s side of the family. I don’t remember ever having a
crush to where I couldn’t see that she was too old for me.”
“Uh, did you forget about our psych professor and one of the major reasons you became interested
in psych?” I tease.
Boston smirks and licks his lips. “How can I ever forget Professor Stein? But see, I claimed my
crush after our semester finished. I remember I crushed her pussy just like I crushed all my exams.
She didn’t know what hit her and after that, she never looked me in the eye again on campus.”
Both Adriano and I shake our heads. “Fucking idiot. One day you’ll get a girl that makes you
regret using your dick so much for such stupid shit.” Adriano says.
“Aw, Adri, have you found someone like that?” Boston teases. “Is it your wife?”
Adriano flips him the finger. “I’m just saying.”
“Speaking of just saying, Watson gave me more information on who really set up all that shit with
taking some of my stash. Seems like Tatyana isn’t the only Petrov to fuck me over. Her brother, Igor,
has been Stateside but has been sending his men to all the meet-up spots that Tatyana knows about. He
was taking a bit of my shit and his sister used to give him a heads-up, but now that it’s stopped, he’s
been sniffing around.”
“So, he’s been passing your products around like it’s his?” Boston asks.
“Yep.” I laugh. “This man really thought I’d never find out. Eventually, he would’ve gotten caught.
Making a name for himself Stateside isn’t what he thinks it’ll be. I have a friend in the damned state
that he’s in and he’s in for a good ol’ scare. We fly out tomorrow.” I say to them.
“Who and where are we going?” Adriano asks.
Before I can answer, I hear as both Matteo and King make their way towards us with my biggest
traitor, Poutine. King is singing along with Matteo to a song I’ve heard playing; Dance To This by
Troye Sivan. She stuns me again. How can someone, just one person, have so many talents yet not
know it? The way she sings is beautiful and I feel as goosebumps appear on my person. I look down
at my arms, rubbing my palm over one of my arms. “Whoa.” Is all I say.
Boston whistles. “If I’ve never heard an angel before, then I think I have now. What the hell? Did
you know she could sing like that?” he asks.
I shake my head. “No, but shit, how can one person be so damned talented yet so fucking humble?
This shit is both disturbing and arousing at the same time.” I admit. “I don’t think I’ve never gotten
goosebumps before.”
Adriano lightly chuckles. “Hell, that both her and Matteo could sing in such harmony like that and
all they’re doing is joking around, is something else. I doubt either of them could go somewhere with
it though, they don’t seem like the types to want to be singers.”
Boston nods. “Yeah, Matteo would rather cut off his left gosse than sing. And this is a direct quote
from the little fucker.”
At this, I laugh hard. “He’s his father’s son, isn’t he?”
Boston rolls his eyes. “Speaking of sons, you ready to have that conversation because the woman
who might be your baby mother is looking exceptionally gorgeous today. Exquisite.” He emphasizes.
I turn to look at what he’s talking about and King has yet to say hi to me or any of the men because
she’s busy petting Poutine and getting his water bowl set. It’s not like she can’t see us, it’s an open
concept kind of home. “Really, Kingsley?” I say to her.
King jumps at the sound of my voice. “Oh Marde! Sorry guys, I didn’t see you there.” she says
and after she sets Poutine’s water down, she makes her way to us.
Before she can sit on my lap, I pull my chair in some more so there’s no way she can do that.
King’s confused expression takes over her entire face. She looks like she’ll cry. I cock a brow,
waiting for her to say something. I want her to challenge me so I can spank her even harder than I plan
to. I take in her jogger set. She looks good enough for me to want to take her in the room to fuck. I bite
my lip. Pink looks good on her skin. Her little cropped tank top has her nipples showing, and she
doesn’t even know it. Maybe I will spank her for going out like this. Her joggers fit her well, though.
King goes to sit next to Adriano, and she hasn’t taken her eyes off me. She won’t even look at
anyone else at the table, just me. “Go pack a bag, we’re leaving tomorrow. You too, Teo.”
“Where are we going?” Matteo asks.
“Vegas to see an old friend of mine.” I answer.
“Do I know this friend?” He asks.
I look over at Matteo who is standing behind his dad leaning against the wall. He’s always near
his dad and never notices it, it’s adorable. “Kid, do you know anybody that I know?” I ask.
He snickers. “No… wait, I’m not supposed to be smiling with you. You betrayed me.” He states.
I cock a brow and sit back in my seat, crossing my arms. “I betrayed you. How so?”
“You made a move on my girl and you knew that I was going for her,” he says.
“Your? Girl?” I enunciate each word just so it’s clear.
“Kid, what the hell have you been smoking?” Boston places his hand over his forehead and just
shakes his head.
“I haven’t been smoking anything at all. Not like you’d let me, anyway.” Matteo goes on.
I stare at him, not saying anything else. Matteo glares at me and this would be funny if it was
anyone else but this is my girl. I’ve noticed that my territorial side comes out full-blown with
Kingsley. I hear as Boston and Adriano clear their throats, but I won’t be deterred from this situation.
If Matteo thinks he can talk to me like I’m his friend, then let’s have it. Let’s see him prove that he has
the balls to do it. Matteo’s face turns slightly red, which means he’s getting embarrassed.
“But seriously, uncle Cir…” He whines. I still don’t talk. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. She’s not my
girl. She’s your girl, but couldn’t you have talked to me about it? I just want what’s the-best for her.”
He admits.
“And you don’t think I’m the best for her?” I ask.
His eyes go wide. “What! No, no, I think you’re amazing and all that but do you deserve her? I
don’t know if you can love her. You didn’t exactly love Tatyana,” he says and Boston makes some
noise which means he’s irritated.
I almost crack a smile at Matteo. I like that he’s honest and himself. “Tell me why you think I
didn’t love Tatyana.”
“Because, uncle Cir, you let her get with other men. She told me herself before she…” Matteo
shuts his lips as if he’s said too much.
Boston spins on his seat so quickly, you’d think he’s been practicing a strip tease. Fucking Magic
Boston. “What were you about to say,” Boston asks him.
“Nothing.” he says. He moves away from his father. “I, I have to go pack,” he says and tries to
walk away.
“Matteo Rémi Sarkozy, stop right where you are.” I say. I stand and walk over to him. I turn him
around to face me. I look him in the eye, “before she what? Talk to me.”
He shakes his head. “No, I can’t do that. You’ll be so mad at me and you’re like a father to me,
uncle Cir. I can’t do that to you. I love you too much to break your heart.”
I place my hands on his shoulders. “Talk to me, Teo. It’s okay. There’s nothing in this world that
would ever make me mad at you. I love you way too much to do that. Talk to me.”
He takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes. “Tatyana tried to get me to lose my virginity to her. She
kissed me one night when I was staying here and that’s why I stopped staying over or if I did, it was
only when you were home.”
I don’t know what to say. I am at a loss of words. I just bring Matteo in my arms. There’s nothing I
could ever say to erase that shit from his mind, the experience, or even the disgusting way he must’ve
felt. The poor kid. The look in his eyes while he just glosses over it, will forever haunt me. I hear a
growl so loud; it has Poutine howling. I know it’s Boston and I don’t stop hugging Matteo as he holds
on tight to me. “I’m so sorry, Matteo. I’m sorry that you felt like you couldn’t tell me.”
“It’s okay, uncle Ciro. I should’ve told you, but it scared me shitless and I was a 14-year-old kid
so I didn’t realize, well I still don’t realize that you wouldn’t have been upset with me at all.”
“I love you, Teo. With all my heart, kid. Seriously.”


It took me a bit to let Matteo go so that his father could hold him. I know he’s not mine but Matteo
means the world to me and to know that I let a predator in my home that took advantage of him, breaks
my fucking heart. I couldn’t stay in the kitchen with everyone because my brain hurt, every part of me
was angry and I wanted to break something.
That is how I find myself in my workout room with boxing gloves and boxing shorts on. I can’t
think straight as I punch the sandbag. I can’t believe I let that woman in my home and the fact that I
had the nerve to love her. To let her hurt my nephew, the son I never had like that. It pains me. It pains
me he felt like I’d choose anyone else over him. What kind of web of lies did she spin for him to
believe that? I don’t stop as I keep on punching because this is the only way I could hurt something. I
can’t physically bring that cochon back to life to kill her again, so I have to let my rage out like this. I
can’t lose it in front of Matteo. I don’t want this to hinder him from his life.
“Baby…” King calls my name softly. I hear her from behind me. “Baby? Can we talk?” She asks
I shake my head, trying to understand and process what is going on. I growl because I’m not able
to do this. “Get out. I don’t want to talk right now. I can’t talk right now.”
“Do you want to fuck me then? Get your anger out that way?” She asks.
Something about those words trigger me. Trigger the other side of me that not even she’s seen yet.
I stop punching the bag. I snatch the first glove off and turn to face her, removing the other one. I
march up to her grabbing her by the throat. “Did I ask to be fucked? Are you trying to manipulate me
that way? What is it with the women I choose? Do I just choose the wrong ones and they fuck me over
royally? Am I blind as fuck or something? How can I be so damned hopeless? What the hell!” I yell
and let go of her.
King blinks and clutches her throat. I didn’t hurt her, but I could’ve. “I’m not like that. I’m not like
“If you ever think of hurting Matteo, I will torture you. I won’t just kill you like I did Tatyana; I
will murder you in cold blood, do you understand?”
King tries to blink back tears. “How could you think I’d…” She pauses and looks down to the
floor as if she can’t bear to look at me. She clears her throat and peers at me. “I love Matteo. He’s
like the little brother I’ve never had. He accepts me as a person and not as a whore. He gave me the
chance to laugh and be happy. How could I hurt such a kind soul like him? He’s so smart and well
beyond his age. He protects me whenever we’re at the shoots. From the creeps that try to talk to me,
and he never lets me go anywhere. He cares about me enough to challenge someone of your caliber to
make sure you’re good to me, but he’s right.”
“You’re not good to me.” she says. “If you were good to me, you’d never ask me that or threaten
me like that, especially with Matteo. I wouldn’t hurt him even if I was being forced to. I’d rather die
than hurt him. I may not know how it feels to have children, but if I had them, I’d want them to be like
Matteo. All of them.” She whispers. “I don’t think I should go on the trip anymore. Maybe I should go
back to my uncle’s so that way you can believe that I’d never hurt him. I’d do it. For Teo.” King turns
to leave, and I grab her by her ponytail.
She moans, and I pull her to me. Her back against my sweaty front. “Don’t ever fucking walk
away from me if I haven’t dismissed you.”
“But you did,” she says.
“When you accused me of being a predator. I know predators, I was around a lot of them and
that’s not me. I would never let Teo feel how I did being around them and not knowing if someone
will come in and rape me,” she confesses.
I yank her ponytail and tug her head back so she can look up at me. I stare into her eyes. “I’m
fucking sorry.”
King is shocked by my words. “Huh?”
“I apologize for implying that you’d hurt Matteo. I was spiraling and you don’t deserve that. Je
t’en prie, chouchou. Ne te fâche pas contre moi, baby.” I lean down closer to her and I kiss her
heavily not caring that her neck is probably straining as much as mine is too.
Once I stop kissing her and let her go. I turn her to face me and she pouts. “I’m still mad,” she
“Je sais, chouchou, je sais but I really am sorry. That was taking it a bit too far, even for me. I
just, I love that kid and to know that it’s because of me he got preyed on, it breaks my fucking heart.”
“Baby…” King whispers. She hugs me, not caring that the sweat could rub off on her. “Do you
know why I love you?”
I smile at that as I hug her back. “Why? Tell me.”
“Because you care so much that it exudes off your body. You cared enough to give me your suit
jacket when I left with you. You cared enough to believe me when Tatyana said I stole something from
you, even though that would’ve been impossible. You cared or rather care enough to accept my love
without shying away or throwing me out. You care so much about your family that no matter what, you
choose them. Do you know how much I would’ve wanted someone, anyone that is related to me, to
choose me? No one has ever defended me before you. No one has ever wanted to make me smile, hug
or even kiss me. You are a caregiver and it’s in your nature to be that way. So, I understand why you
feel like it’s your fault with Teo. You care enough to say that it’s your fault, but it’s not. A predator is
a predator, no matter what. You didn’t allow Tatyana to do that to Teo, It’s not your fault and if you
don’t trust my words, Trust Matteo’s. He loved you so much he thought to protect you from the truth,
but what he didn’t realize was that you love him so much that you would’ve chosen him over Tatyana.
I love you for that. Boston loves you. Adriano loves you and Matteo loves you. He will forever love
his uncle, who is like his father.”
I’m speechless at her words. If I could have changed things and waited to meet her without
marrying Tatyana, I would’ve. So that way, I could love her like I want to. Give her something pure,
something precious and beautiful, but I’m tainted; I’m scarred, confused and broken… How can I give
her what I don’t know how to give?

I watch as Ciro packs his clothes. I didn’t know he did it himself. It’s fascinating and I do something
I’ve never done before in my life; I grab my cell and take a picture. Ciro doesn’t know what he
even looks like when he’s in his own world. He definitely looks good in a suit, but I like him out of
the suit even more. When he’s relaxed; a simple pair of jeans, a t-shirt, his hair pulled back into a
simple ponytail and most of all, him barefoot. He’s so damned beautiful and the icing on the cake is
his best dog buddy or rather his dog child that’s sitting by the suitcase watching him pack. Ciro can
call Poutine a traitor all he wants but I know that Poutine loves the man just as much as he loves him
right back.
“Can I ask you a question?” I ask Ciro.
“Yeah? Like permission to take a picture of me?” he says looking at me.
I snicker. “No, I would not ask that, but what? I can’t post pictures of you?”
Ciro scoffs then smirks. “You can do whatever pleases you. I’m not used to it. Me and the dead
cochon didn’t do that. She wasn’t a fan of pictures, so we didn’t really take any.”
“What about what you want? Did you like taking pictures?” I ask.
He tilts his head; his nose crinkles a little and purses his lips a little, which means he’s thinking
about it. “I took up photography as a side thing before I took over this territory back in my early
I am intrigued. “Yeah? Do you still have pictures of what you took?”
“Hmm, yeah, somewhere around the house. I’ll show you when we come back. For now, ask me
what you would ask.”
“Oh! Yeah, so Poutine, when did you first get him?”
“Got him 6 years ago. My baby sister, Cira, got him for me before she passed away. She said it
was a birthday gift.” He gives a sad smile. “She said he was supposed to keep me company and bug
me like she used to do. She was 20 years younger than me. My parents adopted her when her mother
died in childbirth. Can you believe being a big brother at 20 years old and fully into this mafia life? I
didn’t have time for her, but when she visited, she would bug the shit out of me. Like I had to take her
everywhere. This was before I got married. But I did it, I took her wherever and I loved my baby girl
because no adoption or different skin color could tell me she wasn’t my sister.”
I want to hug him, but I stay where I am. “Thank you for sharing that with me.” I smile at him.
“Matteo never told me all of that, but he said that someone who passed away gave you Poutine and
that’s why you love him so much.”
Ciro faces me. “What do you mean?”
“He told me about your inability to have children and that the person who gave you Poutine knew
about your condition but they didn’t want you to know they knew. They felt like the closest thing
besides them was Poutine and also that you would never forget them after they passed. He told me
you named him after her favorite food, I just assumed it was Tatyana.”
Ciro looks up and shuts his eyes. He clears his throat a couple times and then opens them. “That
thoughtful little sister of mine.”
“How did she…” I can’t bring myself to finish the sentence.
“Cancer. I stayed by her side through it all. Cira was my little angel, and she was strong through it
all. She was a beautiful soul from her big hazel eyes to her big hair that she made me braid down
every time she came to visit or when I went there.”
“Baby…” is all that I can say because what more can I give him? “Can you come here for a
second?” I say to him.
Ciro stops packing and I scoot further up the bed. He follows me, crawling over to me and instead
of lying next to me; he lays his head on my stomach and wraps his arms around me. One hand goes
inside my shirt to my back and the other one is idle. “I’m here,” he says.
I snicker. “I know, I can feel you all over me.”
“Yeah?” He teases.
“Mm-hmm.” I go off instinct and remove his hair out of his hair tie. I run my fingers in his hair. “I
knew a woman was like my mother, well she was like someone who raised me, an older sister, I
“Yeah? What was she like? Tell me about her…” Ciro breathes.
Poutine joins us as he comes over closer to Ciro, he whimpers at him but all Ciro does is pet
him. Poutine lays down and shuts his eyes as he places his forehead on Ciro’s. This moment makes
me want to cry because how did I get here? To have both a boyfriend I love already with my whole
heart and his trusty dog that saved my life too. Ciro may not have said he loves me, but I feel it more
than anything. It makes me wonder what is going on with me. Why am I feeling all these emotions? So
much is hitting me crazily. I take a deep breath and share with someone that I care about, things I have
never told a soul.
“The lady, Macy, she raised me, sort of. She is the one who found out how smart I was. Now that I
think about it, she was young herself, too young to be there, mentally but legally, she could be
wherever she pleases. Because of Macy, I learned that being myself isn’t a problem. She taught me
how to read, write, and even play the piano. Macy was, well, I guess I could say she was like my
mother. She protected me from my uncle’s demand to be ready earlier than she wanted. Macy taught
me how to be sexy, but not too sexy. How to blend in, in the background, how to be submissive. As
you know, my father, he never once asked about me or anything like that, but he would still come see
my uncle sometimes. I saw him once, just once, I am the spitting image of him but different in skin
color and height. He never knew I saw him, and I never told my uncle either.”
“Does your father know you’re alive?” Ciro asks.
“No, my uncle told him I was dead.”
“My uncle said it was because there was money involved and if my father knew, he’d kill me. I
never asked and Macy, she told me to stay away from all of that. She said that although my father was
of great influence in the crime world, he couldn’t rescue me from this life. That his wife wouldn’t
have allowed a mutt like me to be seen. Macy and her choice of words didn’t offend me. She never
sugar-coated anything. Because of her, I learned to be thick skinned, learned to enjoy my first time,
and even when those who were too old to be looking at me when I wasn’t ready to perform, she taught
me never to look them in the eye. She would say, do nothing to provoke them to touch, look or even
whisper words to you. She told me that if ever one of them tried to get to me or to want me as their
own that I should kill myself, but we all know how that failed epically.”
Ciro turns his head and kisses my stomach then he looks up at me laying his chin on my stomach.
“I would have never touched you without your permission, you know that right? If for one second you
didn’t want me to touch or even look at you, I would’ve turned away, you know that right?” Ciro
I bury both sets of fingers through his hair as I smile at him. “Yeah. I know. You didn’t even want
to touch me at first. I could tell by the look in your eyes. You looked sad, yet so starved. Like a wolf
ready for the hunt. One that’s been caged up for months and was ready to pounce at the first chance he
“Yeah?” He teases. “You think I’m a wolf?”
I shake my head. “No, I think of you as a panther. A black panther at that. When they’re in stealth
mode, no one could detect what they’re about to do. When they get close enough to you, it’s too late,
they devour you whole and there’s nothing of yours left. No evidence, no nothing, just oblivion…” I
“And do you hate that? That there’s no evidence left of you since I’ve pounced and devoured you
whole?” Ciro inquires.
I shake my head once more. “No, I think this is the best thing that you’ve done for me. I prayed
every day to be devoured over and over until I no longer existed, but what you did is beyond that. You
took something filthy and tainted, giving it a fresh chance. Letting me fly and spread my wings how I
want to. You didn’t make me into a doll, yes, I was and will always be your toy, your favorite toy, but
this is different. You don’t make me do what I don’t want to do. You tell me to do what I want to do.
You encourage me to conquer as if I am my own Caesar.”
“Fuck, you know I love it when you talk dirty to me baby but not in front of our child.” He teases.
“He’s ours?” I ask.
Ciro shrugs. “Yeah, we can share him since I know he’ll betray me if I make him choose. I’ve
shared Cira with you so I can share her gift with you. And thank you for sharing your Macy with me,
baby. I’m happy to get to know more about you. Tell me this, outside of how you grew up, where is
one place you’ve always wanted to go?”
“Hmm…” I shut my eyes thinking and when the answer pops up, I smile wide. “I’ve always
wanted to go to Disney. I’ve never been and when I heard some of those men talking about their kids
wanting to go, I wanted to also get a chance to be taken there. To have someone care enough to take
me there.”
“Which one? There is over one location.”
I shrug. “I don’t care, really. Just wanted to get that experience.”
“Open your eyes,” Ciro demands, and when I do, he’s looking at me like a man who would give
me the world. “We’ll go to all of them so that way you can pick your favorite one.”
“What? Really? Seriously? Franchement?”
Ciro smiles. “Yep!” He answers and he sits up, shaking my hands out of his hair. He comes up to
my face and hovers over me. “Give me kisses, chouchou.”
He doesn’t even have to ask or tell me again as I grab hold of his shirt, pulling him down to me.
Our lips crash into each other and I feel like I’m being elevated. Everything is turning upside down
and I’m willing to go with it. I don’t care if I find myself at a crossroad or an empty road, all I know
is that, as long as I get to have Ciro, look at him as he smiles at me and demands kisses, I’ll be happy.
Because I am happy for the first time in my life.

Kissing King is different because I don’t want to stop doing it. I stop what I’m doing, and I get off the
bed. I open the door and look at Poutine; I signal for him to get out and go bother somebody else.
Poutine barks at me and gets off the bed, leaving the room. I shut the door and as I make my way back
to King; and I remove my clothes. She watches me but doesn’t remove hers. “Baby, strip right now.” I
King smiles and I know she’s got something up her sleeve. “How about you strip?” she says to
I snicker. “Bold. I like that shit. You think I can’t tease you? You think I don’t have sex appeal?” I
ask her.
“I didn’t say that. I just want to see what you can do.”
I nod once. I never back down from a challenge. “All right. Put on a song and we’ll see just how
good I can fuck with your head before I fuck your body.”
King sits up the bed, grabs her cell and plays some song that I don’t really know but I can work
with it. I put my shirt back on and stretch while the song starts. I pretend like I don’t know what I’m
doing but then I get her attention as I lift my shirt up and place the hem of my shirt in my mouth. I move
my waist in a circular motion, more of like if I was fucking her slowly. I use my hand to trail over my
abs and then go further down into my jeans and boxers. I dip my hand in and show her I’m pleasuring
myself without removing my dick from my jeans.
King doesn’t realize she’s moving closer and closer to me. I’ve stopped moving in a circular
motion and now I’m mimicking the way I’d fuck her while building up momentum. I lift my other hand
up, digging my fingers in my hair and throwing my head back as I groan. Before I continue, I stop
taking my hand out of my jeans and the other out of my hair.
“Why’d you stop?” She whimpers.
“Oh, you liked what I was doing?” I tease as I let go of my shirt. I reach behind me and remove
my shirt that way. Throwing it on the floor. “I don’t have to dance to get you wet, Kingsley. You think
I don’t know how much you want me to fuck you? My words get you so wet that you create a wet spot
on our bed, but fuck, I like that shit. I’m a vile, vulgar, and obscenely filthy son of a bitch and I own it.
You like that shit, don’t you, baby?”
I smirk as she nods. I pop the button open on my jeans and unzip. I let it fall to the floor and I step
out of them. I rub my hard length over my black Versace boxers. I groan once more, not sure whether
I’m turning her on or she’s turning me on by watching me. I walk over to her and stop in front of her.
Her face is at the same level as my dick. King looks up at me and I’m honored to see the look of lust
on her face. To see how much she wants me. I want her to know that if she wants me this much, then I
want her even more. “I want to fuck you, Ciro…” King says with authority in her face and it makes
me painfully hard.
I grit my teeth. “Yeah, baby, that’s what you want to do?”
“You think you got it in you to tell me what to do?”
King doesn’t answer, instead I see a flip switch in her head. She sits up on her heels. “Come
here.” She demands. I eye her up and down, wondering if she’s serious or not. “I won’t ask you again,
Ciro. Come to me.”
Usually the amount of authority in her face could make someone like me ready to kill her, but
because it’s King, I moan. This shit is hotter than anything in this world. A man of my stature is used
to telling others what to do. Telling them where they can or cannot go. Although, that is what I am and
will never stop being that man. Men like me get tired. I’m exhausted and I want someone else to take
over. Not all the time though, because I don’t know how to give up control. I never will. I am fucking
I cock my brow and smirk as I get even closer to her. King doesn’t take her eyes off me as she
plants kisses all over my body and the places she can reach. She plants her palms on my chest and
explores my body with her hands. “I can make you feel good, but I can also punish you for denying
me, Ciro,” she says.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Yes,” King replies.
She stands on the bed and I have to peer up at her a little. My fingers find their way, touching her
body while she’s still dressed. “Take these off, I want to touch you,” I say.
“No, you’re not in control, I am and you’ll listen to me or else…” She threatens.
“Or else what?” I taunt.
King surprises me by wrapping both of her hands around my throat. She knows how to make me
feel good and not like I’m choking for air. She tilts my head back some more and leans in biting down
hard on my shoulder. I groan because this feels so good. One of King’s hands cups my jaw just like I
do to her. “You groan and moan when I allow it.” She commands.
I’m so proud of her, and I knew this girl was always hiding in her. The gentle, innocent girl has
transformed, and it’s the biggest turn on of my life.
“You ever fight for control a day in your life, King?”
“Yes.” she says.
I shake my head, lightly chuckling. “No, baby, not that kind of control. The kind that has you
wondering whether I’m fucking you or you’re fucking me. Like now, do you think you’re really in
control or am I simply the one telling you where you should touch me. The looks, the sign, the subtle
touches that I’m giving you, is causing you to touch me places that I’ve touched you before. I like to
grip your jaw and make you hurt a little, but bring you more pleasure than pain. I love the feel of your
nails in my skin and the bite, the ultimate aphrodisiac. Now, show me, Kingsley Storm. The real her.
The one that’s afraid to come out because the world said you couldn’t be you.” I say to her.
King says nothing for a bit, but then she kisses me harshly like the world is ending in a few
minutes. I like the chance to make this an enticing moment and make it longer, but fuck, King wants the
opposite, she wants this quick and dirty. I’ll give her that. Without removing my lips from her, I rip at
her clothes; I don’t care whether it shreds, tears or even stretches, she can wear it as a badge of
honor. I rip my lips from hers and I shove her down on the bed. I wrap my hands around her ankles
and pull her to me. I remove the joggers in quick speed, and I marvel at the sight of her bare pussy.
Damn, she wasn’t wearing any panties. I hover over her body and with no warning; I slide deep
inside of her. There is no time for warnings or none of that. I don’t want to take it slow, and neither
does she. King watches me as I watch her. I thrust, making her feel good and moan all the profanities
she wants to attach to my name.
I flip us over and she’s on top. King doesn’t waste time as she copies what I was doing earlier to
my dick with my hand. She grips me tighter and I feel like I’m both in heaven and in hell. I grab her
waist, but King stops. She takes both my wrists and places them over my head. I bite my bottom lip
and try not to grin as she leans over me. She holds me down as she does what she wants to do. She
fucks me her way and I love it. She subdues me in a way no woman in this world could ever do, nor
will they ever have the chance to do so, but King, I’ll let her do this as long as she’s good to me. King
increases her speed and throws her head back. I know she’s close to cuming and so am I. King looks
back down and leans in, her face so close to mine. She stops bouncing up and down as she
manipulates her waist to move the way she danced on top of me at the club. I release a guttural moan.
I can’t take it anymore. I push back and flip us once more. I slip back in rougher this time, sending her
up the bed a little. I follow and do it again and again until we’re near the headboard.
I place her leg over my shoulder and slip back in for good this time. I show her that both of us
know how to dance when it comes to sex. As I’m fucking her, I feel King’s hand reach my ass and slip
past to where the male G-spot is located. I’m not a man who questions his sexuality and I never will
be. I’m not turned off by wanting to achieve and experience the best sex of my life. King knows what
she’s doing, and I lose myself in the moment. I hold on to the headboard, trying not to lose focus. I
grunt as I fuck her slower giving her what she wants. King is the first to break as she moans her
I may not be DaVinci or Michelangelo as I’ve stated before, but I am the Beethoven of sex; Not
only do I compose the song and write it down on my favorite sheet that is her body, but I make sure I
do this last thing right. I play my song so well; hitting all the right notes so that my instrument, her
body can release the sweet, blissful sound that echoes through my home. She fucks me up and I accept

I ’ve never been on a private jet before and to see it in person, is something new. Something
different for me. I know I shouldn’t have my face and hands planted on the window of the jet, but
watching the clouds is amazing. I think my new favorite thing is flying. To be this high and see how
crazy it all is. To take in the sky and for once, be untouchable is insane yet so peaceful. I shut my eyes
as I take it all in. The movement of the plane, the scene of the clouds and clear skies I’ve captured in
my mind. I take a deep breath in and release another breath. If I could tell the younger me, the hurt
little girl that would sit in the room’s corner while absorbing what was going on around her; I’d tell
her she would be okay. That this would all be worth it. Not just because I met the love of my life, but
because I’m somewhere where no one can tell me something ridiculous to be. I am transforming into a
woman that not only do I like but love, a woman that I respect. One that is learning to be herself and
that being me isn’t a crime.
I don’t have to be that scared girl anymore. I don’t have to hide who I am. I don’t have to pretend
to be dumb or not understand another language. I don’t have to not smile because I’m afraid that
someone will try to take me with them. No one is trying to kidnap me and if they try, I have a protector
that will be there for me. I don’t know what comes over me, but this moment is so surreal that I break
down. I’ve never sobbed in my life but now, I release a tear jerking sob for the little girl who didn’t
know how to love but yet she learned and is now in love. For the girl that is learning to be there for
herself and the others who have showed her they also are there for her. She isn’t alone. I… am not
“Baby, baby, what is it?” I hear Ciro as he envelops me into his arms, but I can’t say anything.
I don’t move from the window as I keep my eyes closed seeing that image of the little girl in the
corner, crying her eyes out because she just turned 14 and got her period. The little girl who thought it
was time for her to give herself to men who would ruin her innocence or defile her. But it didn’t
happen. Here is a letter, a message to her.
Dear little girl,
Don’t think no one loves you. Someone will always love you whether or not you believe it. You
have angels watching over you. They may not seem like they are, but trust me when I say that they
are. They love you in their own way. You will be protected. He will appear like the phantom of the
opera, like the grim reaper, but even they once had a purpose before they became who they were.
You will grow up to meet someone… Someone who turns your life upside down, he will blind you
like the sun, but you will shine like a star.
Those pieces of you you no longer have. The ones that you had to shed to become a shell of a
person, don’t worry, you’ll get it back. You’ll find yourself in the most unlikely place. You will find
love. You will find a family.
Baby girl, pick your head up because life isn’t over yet. Everything has its trials, but nothing
ever stays down. If you’re down, look up to the sky and dream about the life you will one day have.
Nothing can take that from you.
Little Kingsley Storm, you may have to sell your body or even your worth but understand this,
you will never sell your soul because it is much more precious than diamonds and pearls. None of
those men can ever take it from you. It is yours to keep or yours to give away. I hope this message
finds you, brings you peace and tells you you will be fine. I know I’ll be fine; you know why?
Because you will be there for me. You have made me strong. The girl inside of me will always be
here. You will always keep me strong. I love you, little King. With all my heart.
Just remember… Little girl, it’s okay.
Future Kingsley Storm.

Being on this jet is nothing but to see and observe as King takes it all in. It makes me wish I had that
part of me back. The innocence before it was ripped away from but those years are long gone. I watch
as King shuts her eyes and not even a second later, she’s tearing up. I can’t explain what makes me
want to rip my heart out of my chest when she sobs, but it breaks every part of me.
Nothing about women crying has ever attracted me or made me feel like I needed to jump into
action, but I can’t handle this. I can’t take it. I get out of my seat before the other men come to her
rescue. They’ve also grown to love and protect her. Nothing inside of me pauses as I realize what
I’ve just said. I take her into my arms, but she doesn’t stop crying.
“Baby, baby… What is it?” I ask her, but all she does is sob even harder. Fuck.
I carry her into my arms and into the private cabin. I sit on the edge of the bed, cradling her in my
arms. I can’t take this. It’s making me too sad. “Baby, Kingsley, please talk to me… Tell me what it
is? I’ll fix it. I really will. Don’t cry anymore. It hurts me to see you cry. Please.” I beg her.
I have never begged someone so much in my life to stop crying. King moves around and sits up,
wrapping her arms around my neck. She holds onto me and doesn’t let go. “Thank you.” she says.
“For what, babe? I haven’t even done much for you.” I answer her back.
“You’ve done more than enough. You don’t know what you mean to me. I love you, Ciro Sarkozy,
for everything that you are. I love you for being my future and not my past,” she confesses.
I shut my eyes, wrapping my arms around her tight, not letting go. “Fuck, baby, I love you too.” It
doesn’t even bother me or make me feel weird that I’ve said it to her.
Instead of getting the crying, I get the hiccups and giggles. King unwraps her arms and sits on my
lap. She straddles me, cupping my face in her hands; she stares at me as if I’m a new creation and she
wants to learn so much about me. “You love me?” she asks.
I smirk and shrug. “Guess I do, huh?”
“Franchement?” She asks.
I blink once. A long blink at that and open my eyes once more. “Yes.” King hiccups and giggles
once more. “Are you nervous, baby? Did I just make you nervous?” I ask her as I wipe the tears from
her face.
She nods. “You always make me nervous, Demetrius.” she says.
I tilt my head, and she mimics it. “Do you remember?” I ask her.
“Remember what?” She asks.
“You just called me Demetrius.”
She shakes her head. “Did-hiccup-I?” She asks.
I nod and chuckle. “What am I going to do with you, huh Kingsley Storm?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’m in love with a cry baby and not only that, a woman who can’t remember her past but
wants a future with me.”
“I know my past.”
I tip her chin up a bit. “No,” I shake my head. “But you will in due time. I can already see the way
you look at me, Helena. The way you used to gaze at me cannot compare to the way you look at me as
Kingsley. You, my love, are a beautiful creation of God in and out. How could I ever forget to love
you for always? How much of a fool was I that I forgot my love for you and the fact that I lived for
you? Is it a shame, though?” I ask her.
I know that King doesn’t know or understand what I’m saying, but she still entertains me. “It is not
a shame because you’re here. You’re alive and so am I. You waited for me, Ciro Sarkozy.”
“I did, didn’t I? Even with my fuckups, I stumbled into your life,” I confess.
“Or I stumbled into yours. Tell me again, oh tell me again, Ciro. I beseech thee.” She smiles and
bites her lip.
“I love thee, O, Kingsley Storm, my forgotten past, my remembered present and my forever

G etting off the plane and holding Ciro’s hand makes me feel giddy. I can’t stop smiling. I feel a
pinch on my arm, and I look. Matteo rolls his eyes at me. “Can you stop smiling so hard, your
entire jaw will hurt,” he says.
Ciro snickers. “And we don’t want that, now do we, Kingsley?” He teases.
I can’t help it as I blush. I try to not have Matteo catch me, but he does. He makes a gagging sound
but then smiles at me. He winks. “Can you walk with me instead?” He asks and gives me the biggest
puppy dog eyes I’ve ever seen.
I pout. “Okay.” I say. I let go of Ciro’s hand and Matteo takes a hold of me and we walk away. I
turn back to see Ciro smiling at me. He blows me a kiss and I giggle turning back around.
“You really love my uncle, don’t you?” Matteo asks.
I nod. “Yes. I don’t think I’ve ever loved someone like that in my life.”
“What do you mean?” He asks.
“I mean that he’s shown me how to love myself without even trying. I didn’t know I hated myself.
Never really thought much about how my life would go from working for my uncle, but when I met
Ciro, my life turned around. At first, I genuinely wondered what kind of shit I got into because he’s
such an intense man but now, I wouldn’t change him for the world. You want to know a secret?”
Matteo leans in and gives me his ear. “Tell me. I love secrets.”
I laugh and then whisper in his ear. “Your uncle loves me,” I say.
Matteo stands straight. “What?” He realizes that he’s yelling and then lowers his voice. “He told
I nod. “Yes.”
“Aww. See, at first I was mad he took my girl but now, this is perfect. You are exactly what he
needs. A woman who looks like the world could stop today and she’d try to make it spin again all to
get to my uncle. Thank you for loving him and for him to fall in love with you, too. I don’t know how
you did it, but I am forever grateful. Now, can you get someone to fall in love with my grumpy ass
father, so he’d leave me alone and stop worrying about me?” Matteo teases.
I laugh, but my laughter stops short when I see a gorgeous specimen standing in front of one of the
SUVs parked. I know for damn sure that’s not a limo driver. I lean into Matteo, “Who’s that?” I ask.
I can’t even take my eyes off him. He looks like the description of Greek gods. “That’s
UncleAlex, Uncle Ciro’s friend.”
“Wow.” Is all I can say.
“He gets it all the time. Trust me, you’re not the only one to fawn over him, but uncle Ciro will
probably side-eye you the rest of the day.” Matteo reminds me.
I want to look away, but I can’t. His dirty-blonde hair is pulled back into a high bun and I can see
the shaved sides. He’s dressed impeccably from head to toe. His short sleeve dress shirt hugs his
body just right and not like those other ones ready to pop out of theirs. His distressed jeans make him
look like the bad boy that those TV mothers tell you to stay away from, and his boots compliment his
entire style. I have never seen someone pull off something simple but still look like he could kill you
eloquently. Another person comes around from another SUV. “There’s two of them?” I ask.
Astonished by the uncanny resemblance.
Matteo chuckles. “No, that’s his son, Paris. They look alike, don’t they? Like spitting images of
each other?”
“Yeah, they do. The son is young though, right?”
“Yeah, I think he’s maybe 20 or 21 now. I haven’t seen him in a while. He’s a model,” Matteo
“Sheesh. I can tell. He stands like one. He’s a professional model, huh?”
I can’t ask another question because I’m looking up, all the way up at his beautiful face. Alex
smiles at me. “Hi, I’m Alexander of Troy, you must be, Kingsley. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Alexander of Troy?” I repeat. It’s like my brain knows what’s going on, but then it doesn’t want
to register it. “Like the Trojan war, Alexander of Troy?”
He smirks. “Seems like you know a little somethin’ somethin’. This is my son, Paris Troy.”
“Hi, excuse the old man, he’s had it rough lately. Back aching, knees wobbling, and shit.” He
Matteo shakes his head, and I chuckle. “He doesn’t look old,” I say.
“Yeah, thanks, doll. Comes with the territory,” Alex answers.
“I know you’re not hitting on my girl,” Ciro says as I feel his body heat right in back of me.
Alex scoffs. “Yeah, so Kenna could put me in a casket when we get home? No thanks, but I can
admit she is a beauty. Much more than I imagined. Your taste has improved.”
Ciro scoffs while Matteo and Paris start a conversation. “My taste has always been impeccable,
the hell? Where’s Tank? You’re annoying.”
Alex laughs and I swear he’s like a magnet. What is wrong with me? “Tank will meet us at the
house. He’s busy being a son-in-law for once in his life.”
Ciro laughs and shakes his head.


I love Vegas already, and I’ve only been here for a couple of hours. I finally get to be in the presence
of another female outside of Reign and it doesn’t feel weird. I watch as McKenna scolds her baby girl
while being pregnant. She doesn’t look ready to pop, so I’m sure she still has time.
“Mommy!” the little girl named Pandora cries out. “I’m sowwy. I won’t do it again.”
McKenna folds her arms. “Are you sure, little missy? Didn’t I tell you not to go in there and what
did you do? You went into the pantry and stole cookies.”
Pandora whimpers. “Mommy…”
“Don’t you dare, mommy me, little girl. I know all your tricks.”
Pandora sniffles. “Ris! Ris!” she cries out and out of nowhere, Paris pops up out of nowhere.
“Yes, munchkin? Why are you crying? Is Mommy being mean again?” Paris scoops her up in his
arms. The little girl wraps her arms around him. The one thing that Alex and his kids have in common
is the eyes. The weird two unique eye colors but it is beautiful. I can’t seem to look away. The little
girl looks at me and it’s like she’s trapped me in her eyes. She’s so beautiful. She looks like Alex,
like a spitting image of him but also like her mother. She’s so pretty. Her bright, big eyes, her little
button nose, her rosy cheeks and lips. She sniffles and stretches her arms out to me.
My eyes go wide because I don’t understand what’s going on. “Um, what does that mean?” I ask.
McKenna chuckles. “It means she’s chosen her next victim, you. She wants you to hold her.”
I shake my head and take a step back. Paris walks over to me. “Don’t be shy, she’s harmless. Look
at those beautiful eyes of hers. She sucks you in, doesn’t she?”
I nod. “Yes.” I whisper. I stand there frozen as Paris passes Pandora over to me.
“Hi, I’m Dori.” she says, and she wraps her arms around my neck. Out of instinct, I hold on to her
so she doesn’t fall. “You’re pwetty.”
I blink as I watch Dori, and she watches me. She caresses my face; my hair and she just looks at
me as if I have all the answers in the world. Is this what my child would’ve looked like if he or she
hadn’t passed away? It’s like the realization of it all drops on top of me like a ton of bricks. Ciro’s
words pop up in my head.
I’m so sorry for your loss and what you went through. You didn’t deserve that. Jones was a
disgusting piece of garbage that took advantage of a woman with a kind heart in a misguided
predicament. You were in a tough position and he knew that, but he was a sick fuck. He was a
predator, and baby, I can’t be what you want me to be. I can’t be a predator. That’s not me. I like
the chase just like any other man, but only if you want to be chased. I don’t chase to kill; I chase to
capture and enjoy along with you. I’ll replace every single touch of Jones’s, but you have to work
with me here and let me do it my way.
I don’t know why, but I hold on to Dori and I cry again. I know that maybe this isn’t the place for
it nor the time, but it just seems like everywhere that I go, I keep crying. Like Ciro broke the dam and
now I don’t know how to stop myself from crying. “Don’t cry, pwetty lady, don’t cry.” I hear Dori
pleading with me. I feel her small hands as she brushes my hair. She holds on tight and the next thing I
know she’s crying with me. Crying so loud that I hear footsteps. I don’t know what I started, but I feel
as a pregnant Kenna hugs me and cries too.
“What the?” I hear Paris.
“What’s wrong? Kenna, why are you crying, My Dori, don’t cry and King too, stop crying.” I hear
as Paris’s fiancée, Emmi, sniffles. “Guys, I can’t watch this and not cry.” I can hear by the sound of
her voice that she’s already crying. She joins us in the hug.
“Holy shit.” Paris says and more footsteps approach.
I should really stop crying, but I can’t. I cry not just for me but for myself, no, our baby. Ciro’s and
mine that never got a chance because Jones decided he could play God. Why did he do this to me?
How could he take something from me and here I was, acting like it meant nothing, but Ciro told me it
was something? That it was big, and I ignored it. I told him I didn’t know what it felt like to lose a
baby. Yet, as I hold Dori and receive love from more than one stranger who didn’t know me or care
about my past, it feels like it’s too much. Like my life needs to be re-assessed. What has Ciro done to
me? How can he make me feel like this? I don’t deserve this. I seriously don’t.
I feel a hand on my face and I know who it belongs to. I open my eyes and there Ciro is, wiping
my tears. He doesn’t say a word, he just watches and it’s like he knows what I know. Demetrius… I
call his name in my head. I don’t think I have the courage to say it out loud, but I swear I love this
man. God, I love him more than I’ve ever loved him before. I love him more than before. The second
I say this, my eyes shut and it’s like the world is spinning as I see myself chasing this man into the
forest. The man that I’ve always loved and will always love because he matters to me more than the
world itself.
Demetrius… Demetrius, my love… He’s found me and I have found happiness. I have found joy,
peace, strength and most of all… I’ve found him. I open my eyes again and Ciro knows. He knows I
remember him. He knows that my past has met up with my present to bring me to my future. The only
one that matters is right in front of me. The man that I fought for. The one that I will always fight for
and the one who has brought me back from the dead.
I wasn’t physically dead, but mentally, spiritually and emotionally, I was dead. I was a walking
corpse; I had nothing going for me and I didn’t look forward to anything but to the day that my life
would be over. I thought how I grew up ruined my life, but that was all a lie. I didn’t understand what
being ruined was before yet now, now I get it. Ciro has ruined me. Not just for others, but for the
world. He has taken what was once an empty shell and filled it with his love. My devotion is his. He
is everything. He is what his name represents; My sun and I am his, Helena… His King. The storm
that walked into his life to rip it apart until he acknowledged me. I have no regrets and I never will.
“I’ll give you everything, my sun. Everything.” I mouth to him.
Ciro smirks, eyeing me up and down as if I just told him he could fuck my brains out right this
instant. There is a look in his eyes that says he knows I will because he’s already given it to me. He
winks and I blush, hiccupping because I will always be nervous around the love of my life.

After the little cry-fest the women had, I took King into a guest room. I sit on the bed and leave her
standing in front of me. “Talk to me. I can tell there’s something you want to get off your chest.”
“Demetrius…” She calls out to me. “how could I ever forget you? How?” she says, and the
sadness in her voice breaks my heart.
“Baby…” I call out to her. “Come to me.”
King shakes her head. “I feel too much. Way too much. I feel like everything will break the
moment you touch me. I need a second to process what is going on and what I’m feeling right now. I
don’t just remember the forest, Demetrius. I remember it all. What you told me and what I witnessed
after. What isn’t written in the books.” King confesses.
I shut my eyes, not wanting to talk about it. “Not now, Kingsley. I haven’t thought about it.”
“Demetrius, you were more than just a mere mortal. You lived on the earth with the rest of us like
it was nothing. After I witnessed what happened to you and how you were tragically taken from me, I
knew. I knew why I loved you so much; so hard.” King takes steps back until she hits the door with
her back. She shakes her head as tears fall down her face. “I can’t stop feeling it. The loss, the hurt.
Not just from losing our child but losing you the first time. I never wished to remember. To see how
you were taken from me. The goddess, Hera murdered you for the sin of her husband!” She shouts, not
caring if anyone else hears us. “Murdered you like nobody else gave a damn about you. Like you
didn’t have someone who loved you with everything that they had. I was devoted to you. You were my
worship, my ruler, my liege and she… she took that from me. From us. I will never forgive her for
taking you from me. How can you just sit there and not feel how I feel?”
“Kingsley…” I call her name out softly.
She shuts her eyes and sucks in a breath. “You were, are a god. They may know you as a demigod
in history but we both know the truth; you have never been demi anything to me. O, Demetrius, son of
Zeus, how can I be both so unfortunate and so lucky to be in love with you twice?” she says.
I stand. “What are you trying to say to me? Are you saying you regret this? Regret meeting me
again? Us?” I don’t understand where her emotions are going, nor do I get her thought process. King
doesn’t open her eyes. I walk over to her and I lift her up. She wraps her arms around my neck. “Open
your eyes and look at me, baby.” She opens her eyes and I cup her face in my hands. “How can you
even call being in love with me an unfortunate thing? You did this for both of us. I know you did. You
don’t have to keep it bottled in. Confess, ” I say to her.
King’s eyes stared into mine. My Helena. My Kingsley Storm. The woman that I love with
everything I have. “I did nothing. I begged for your life. I begged the goddess to bring me to you or to
give you back to me, but she didn’t do that. Nobody listened to my pleas.”
“Baby, you’re breaking my heart…” I say. “I heard your pleas and when you took your last breath,
I was there too. Not in physical form, but when we die, we don’t just disappear from existence. I
begged you not to do that to yourself. I begged on my knees for you not to take your own life. You
were my wife, the one woman that I loved even after being a fool and mistreating you, but you didn’t
hear me. So, I took the ultimate sacrifice. I went through my own trials sort of like Herakles just to
have this moment with you, so don’t you fucking dare call loving me an unfortunate thing for you.
Fuck, I crave your love, your touch, your kisses and most of all, you. You take what I feel, and you
triple it when you give it back to me. How the fuck can that be an unfortunate thing, huh?” I shut my
eyes. I’ve said too much.
I slowly let her back down on her feet and King just stares at me. She hasn’t said a word and I
feel like I came in here to console her, yet I’ve let my anger get the best of me. “Demetrius…” She
calls my name out softly.
I shake my head, moving back. “I need air and space. Please give me that. I don’t want to do this
right now. You need to figure out what makes you feel like that towards this, towards us. You’re
feeling too much and not enough, right?”
“It’s overwhelming…” She confesses.
“Okay.” is all I say.
I take a deep breath in and exhale out. I want to make her process things how I did, but I know
that’s impossible. I lean in and capture her lips in a scorching kiss to remind her why this was all
worth it. The things I had to do to be reborn, the process of it all, and most of all the centuries I
waited for her. The trials and tribulations were all worth it because she’s worth it all. I’d do it again
just to be with her. Doesn’t she get that?

I watch as Ciro walks out of the room after he kisses me like he misses me already. I sit on the floor
not understanding what’s going on… My Demetrius, My Ciro went through a lot to get me back to
him. I shut my eyes and I think about my love for him. What others will never understand then or now,
is that the level of my love for him and devotion will never equate to anyone else’s. It’s all too much.
The emotions are making me feel like I have felt nothing before.
To feel everything at once is not something I’ve ever wished for, but it’s like the moment I cried
for our baby, everything broke and I can’t put it back together. I pull my knees up and wrap my arms
around myself. The door opens and shuts again; I don’t want to look because it’s probably Matteo
checking on me because Ciro went out for air.
I feel a presence in front of me and I look up. I’m met with those deep blue eyes that belong to the
only man I’ll ever love. “You came back,” I state.
Ciro gives me a small, sad smile. “I will always come back for you, my love. It’s weird, isn’t it?”
he asks.
“What is?” I ask.
“That our love seems different. Just a month ago, I wouldn’t have tolerated the crying, but seeing
you like this… Baby, I’d be a fucking fool to walk away and let you be sad alone. I can’t be like that
anymore, you matter so much to me and the fact that I remembered what I did for you, baby, I’d do it
I sniffle. “You would?”
He smiles. “Fuck yeah, I would.”
I don’t think about it as I jump into his arms. I wrap my arms around him, and I promise myself to
never let go. “I love you, Ciro.”
“I love you, sugar. Never think I don’t or think you can’t come to me when you’re feeling all these
emotions. I know how you’re feeling. All these emotions, not being able to place them somewhere or
get rid of them? That is me all the time, but you have to learn, sugar. Process every one of them,
“How, Ciro, how?” I ask him.
“I’ll teach you, but you have to trust me, to be vulnerable with me. I want you to know that you
come first; your feelings matter to me and I would never disrespect them.”
“Thank you,” I say as I slip into his lap.
Ciro stands up, and I wrap my legs around him. “You’re like a little spider monkey, you’re always
climbing me.”
I keep my arms wrapped around him but move back so I can see his face. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” He answers.
I lean in and kiss all over his face. He doesn’t complain at all, instead he laughs. A laughter I’ve
never heard before. It was one of those boisterous laughs that makes you join in, but my laughter is
stopped short when Ciro leans in and bites my neck. I yelp as we fall back, but I trust Ciro as we hit
the bed. “See, I’m trusting you already,” I say to him.
“Aww, baby… Now, tell me if you trust me enough to fuck you into oblivion without ever
breaking your heart. I just want to break your body and put it back together, but your heart, I’m
mending that shit once and for all. No one will break your heart again, not even me, all right?”
“Yes, Ciro.” I whimper as I feel him lift my dress up. He dips his fingers in my panties. I throw
my head back as he plays with my clit. “You’re my sun…” I confess to him.
“And you are my fucking star. You’re the shining star that can never lose its shine because I will
never let that happen.” Ciro says to me. “Talk dirty to me, baby.”
“My worship…” I whisper while Ciro pushes my panties to the side and slides in slowly. I
shudder, not sure what I can even say. “Burn me as the traveling lamp wouldst. I wanteth to fadeth
away along with thee. Maketh me part of thee. I surrender myself to thee. Take me, Ciro,” I say mixing
Shakespearean English with modern English so he could understand it.
“Oh, my dear, gorgeous, beautiful, unattainable to everyone else but me, Kingsley Storm. Fuck,
how can I even say something sweet when your pussy grasps my dick like this?” I feel his breathing
changing and becoming deeper. It’s beautiful the way he fucks me and doesn’t hold back from feeling
the passion as much as I’m feeling it.
“I love the way you talk dirty to me, Ciro. You don’t mince your words. I don’t want sweet
nothings, I don’t want chocolates or nothing like what I read and see in the films I’ve been watchi—,”
my speech is cut off as Ciro builds momentum up. He gets rougher, and he smacks a hand over my
mouth as he pulls almost all the way out and slams back in.
I scream into his hand because it feels like he’s breached an unfamiliar part of me. A part I have
never in my life ever knew I had. It’s so euphoric that my lashes flutter. I could be in complete bliss
right now if he allows it. I scratch as any part of him I can feel as he thrusts in and out. Oh, holy hell! I
scratch at his arms, his wrists, his shirt covered back, and his neck. I can’t get a hold of where I want
to touch, but I touch everywhere. I need this. I want this. Oh, give it to me, Ciro Sarkozy. Burn me.
“Burn me, Cir, burn me…” I say over and over with the rhythm of his fucking and I don’t stop until he
does it. Until he gives me a last thrust, the last burn that drives me crazy. I can’t contain my moan as I
moan his name. I’m sure he wanted it to be quiet but I’m sure someone heard us, and I couldn’t care
less. I come undone. Ciro’s breathing and groaning is in my ear, making me realize it’s my favorite
sound. He groans one more time before cuming.
“My sugar…” he says as he slows. “My star.”
If I could use one word to describe Ciro in all of his essence would be… euphoric. Because if the
most intense feeling of it is love, then Ciro tops that. He is the definition of Euphoria.

After everything, King and I emerge from the room, and the women take her prisoner. I didn’t care too
much since I needed to talk to Alex, anyway.
I sit back and puff on my cigarette; I miss Vegas every time I’m back. I shake my head as I stare at
the night sky.
“You miss it, don’t you?” Alex asks.
“What, the nightlife or being single for all of two seconds?” I respond.
Alex scoffs. “You’ve been single for the last 15 years, last I checked.”
I cock a brow. “Meaning what, exactly?”
“I mean that your ex, the witch, out of respect for you, didn’t really value you. I mean, I got that
y’all had an open relationship, but it doesn’t mean to offer your husband’s friend head.”
I don’t know why but I chuckle then it turns into a laugh and finally, a laugh so hard and powerful,
tears come out of my eyes. Alex, Tank, Adriano and Boston laugh. Laughter is contagious as fuck.
They wait until I calm down. “Honestly, I don’t know why I laughed but damn, how did I miss that? I
marry a woman that has never once been a whore but she turns into the goddamn madame of an
invisible brothel where she’s the only one taking pip. Then I fall in love with a whore and she’s the
most loyal human being I’ve ever met on God’s green earth.” I shake my head. This is some shit.
“Well, how about you don’t refer to her as a whore?” Tank says. His dark eyes glint with
mischief. He’s always trying to get me riled up.
I snicker. “She doesn’t even care. But I’ll consider it. It’s different with her though.” I admit.
“How so?” He asks.
“Well, for one, she’s mine. You need another reason?”
“What’s her reason for even liking you?” Tank jokes.
I look him in the eye and put on a serious expression. “I’m good at skull-fucking.” I shrug.
All the guys laugh, but I’m as serious as a heart attack. Tank shakes his head. “You sure you’re not
this asshole’s best friend instead of me? Actually, y’all might be related.” he says pointing at Alex.
“It would be worse for the world, if we were.” Alex says and I agree.
“So,” Tank starts. “I know where Igor is and if you want to make a move, let me know. I can have
him to you before the sun even rises.”
“Yeah, I want to settle this shit with him. I don’t like being taken advantage of when I’m gracious
as fuck already.”
Alex snorts. “Gracious, huh?”
“Uh, yeah. I’m Canadian, it’s in my blood.”
“Lamest shit I’ve ever heard,” Alex responds. “Oh! Heard you’re no longer barren.”
I roll my eyes. “It’s called sterile. What the hell? Am I a woman that I would be barren?” I ask
him and laugh, shaking my head. I puff on my cigarette and finally put it out.
Alex looks me up and down. “You rich fuck, learn to finish your cigarettes. I got you premium cut.
You don’t appreciate shit.” he says with a smirk on his face. “But I am glad you’re not sterile. You
love kids more than I do.”
“Says the man, who is about to have another baby.”
“I love pussy, my wife’s pussy and I refuse to strap up. So, she got knocked up. Not really my
fault. I told her I could just get the old snip-snip, but she’s afraid I’ll end up with no balls like Tank.”
Alex says.
Tank flips him both middle fingers before going back to texting on his phone. I knew that he was
working on getting Igor here. So, for now, all I could do was relax and shoot the shit.
“I’ve got more balls than you do, Alexander of Troy. You don’t even ride your motorcycle
anymore because it scares McKenna, and she thinks you’ll die.” he says.
Alex shrugs. “That’s the price you pay for good pussy like your balls did, right?”
These two bicker like lovers. They’ve always been this way, and you can tell that they grew up
together. No one could tell them they weren’t brothers. It didn’t matter that Tank’s skin resembled the
night sky and Alex’s resembled the morning. They were brothers through and through.
“Found him. Y’all ready for a little trip to downtown Vegas?” Tank announces. “You need me to
bring anything for ya’ll?”
“What are you a damned lackey now?” Boston asks Tank.
Tank eyes him up and down. “I won’t fight you like I did the last time you were here, you colossal
fuck. Obviously, I’d text someone else to get it, ass-wipe.”
Boston laughs. “You didn’t win that fight last I checked and calling me a colossal fuck is a
compliment. I’ve been bulking up a little, just to attract the female species, like a peacock. What’s
your excuse?”
Tank shakes his head but chuckles. “One of these days, I’ll catch you slipping and stab you in the
Boston smirks. “Make sure I’m not already stabbing you in the gut when you do that.”
“All this talk makes me hungry,” Adriano interjects. “I’m definitely ready to get a glimpse of Sin
City. Guess I might get wonderful shows tonight; women and blood. My favorite genre.” Adriano
Boston snickers. “As if you haven’t been dipping in sin already, horny ass old man.”
“What?” Adriano looks at Boston and Boston smirks like he knows a secret. I’ll find out about it
soon. For now, it was time to get to Igor.
It was time for others to understand why they referred to me as Tuere. I don’t kill just for sport; I
do it to prove a point. To show you that no one can get on my level, challenge me to a duel and live to
see the end results. I earned where the fuck I am today, and no one will take advantage of me so as
long as I live. I’m Ciro Gaël Sarkozy, nobody fucks with me.

I t feels odd to have other female friends around me. I smile as we chit chat and eat. Kenna
introduced me to her best friend, Elani. It was both odd and intriguing that I related with these
women. Elani was a bartender before she met the love of her life, Ales. Kenna is a schoolteacher
who is with someone who in school they sort of teach you it’s morally wrong being with him. “Can I
ask you guys a question?” I start.
“Shoot,” Elani says.
“If you have a past, sort of like something that you just remembered in your subconscious, how do
you go about it? Like dealing with things?” I ask.
Elani looks at me for a moment, then at Kenna and then back at me. “What is it you remembered?”
“Just something that I never thought I would. Like it feels like it’s from another life, but that’s not
possible and I know it isn’t. Not the whole other life thing but more of, how would you remember
something? I know according to science, when someone passes, that’s it. There’s no coming back.
There’s no this and that but then the other part of me, the non-practical side of me understands but it
hurts. I’m hurt.”
Elani gives me a look as if she understands, but how can she. “Talk through it. Slowly process
what’s going on, that’s the only way.”
I shake my head. “That’s the thing, I don’t know what to say or how to say it. I feel crazy and
ready to bang my head against a wall just so I could forget it, but I have this feeling that I won’t ever
be able to.”
“Take a deep breath, girl. In and then out. Look,” Kenna begins. “I may not understand what
you’re going through, but I feel like this is the same thing Elani went through and so did Paris. I
wasn’t there for Alex’s moment, but I think… You might be like them. You might be like the rest of my
group of people here.”
“What do you mean?”
Elani comes over to sit next to me. “This isn’t the most ideal place to talk about this but know
this, I also went through what you’re going through. I wasn’t written in history, but I am and will
always be Achilles’ woman. We’re both reincarnated.” My eyes widen, but she doesn’t stop talking.
“It’s a hard pill to swallow especially for me. It was not a simple thing for me to believe, but I did
because I did it, I sacrificed to be here with Achilles, and I’d do it again. As for Alex, he was what
you would know as Paris of Troy and that’s what the weirdo announces himself as so. Paris, his son
was Alexander the Great and for the final reveal, his son’s fiancée was once Isidora, Paris’s lover
and biggest enemy. She killed the woman he loved. I’m talking burned down an entire village because
she hated him that much.”
“Wow.” Is the first thing out of my mouth. “I have so many questions and now, I feel like me and
Ciro’s past isn’t that big of a deal.” I nervously chuckle.
“You talking to someone who understands can help, by a lot. There were things I was still
suffering with, but when I came clean to my best friend, a weight lifted off my shoulder. Who were
you guys, if you don’t mind me asking?”
I take a deep breath in and exhale like I was advised to. “I was Helena, and he was Demetrius.” I
“Which Demetrius?” Elani and Kenna ask at the same time.
“They’re the same. People just didn’t know that because Shakespeare never revealed it in his tale.
But I am Helena and he is Demetrius, the man that I would’ve and gave all my life to. Son of Zeus.”
“Holy shit…” Kenna says. “This is every script writer and English teacher’s dream come true.”
I look at her and her face is so excited, you would think I told her I added her to my will. A will, I
won’t ever touch because I don’t want my dead grandmother’s guilt money. She’s the reason my
mother is dead. My distraction is momentarily lived as I hear a commotion and I feel as Bobby jumps
over me and Elani while another guard shields Kenna. “Get down!” Bobby yells.
Have you ever heard multiple gunshots? At first, it takes you by surprise because you don’t
realize what’s going on until it’s too late.
A bullet zips right by me, but it misses me because my back hits the hardwood floor of the
restaurant hard. I go down with an oomph but there is a lot of blood and I scream out trying to figure
out who was shot. “Elani! Kenna!”
“We’re fine! We’re fine! Just stay down!” Kenna barks out orders and I now recognize the mob
wife in her.
“Bobby?” I call out to him. He doesn’t respond, even though he’s on top of me. I sniffle. “Bobby?
Oh God, no, no… Bobby!” I scream out.
He groans. “Stay down! Boss—cough—is—cough—on—cough—the—cough—wa—.” But that’s
all I get out of him. I hold him to me. God, please, please don’t take Bobby from me. He’s like the big
brother I’ve never had before. Please. Just this one person and I promise to be a wonderful sister to
him. I’ll take care of him. I promise. I promise.
Smyth and Alex’s men got us out of there before the place was raining more bullets. What I never
thought I’d experience was this. I can’t stop the shaking as I hold Bobby to my chest while he bleeds
out. I don’t even know when we get to the hospital, but someone literally takes Bobby from my arms
and I’m left there, blinking, wondering what the fuck is going on. I don’t know what to say or do. All I
know is that Bobby might be gone. I don’t remember checking for a pulse, did I? Smyth acts quickly
by removing the rest of us from the hospital. He takes us back to Alex’s place. By now, it’s nighttime
and the men are nowhere to be found.
Was this a hit? Did they know what the men would do tonight? Or rather, who they were looking
for? I haven’t moved from where I am. I don’t know how Elani and Kenna are even moving, but they
go shower or whatever. I’m stuck in the same position on the couch, not able to make myself move.
Nobody says anything to me or tries to move me. I need something. My heart is hurting for something,
but I don’t know what it is. Is this how it feels to be scared for someone you care about? Is this the
life that I’m forced to live now?
I shake my head automatically, pulling myself out of that damned place. I know what kind of life
Ciro lives, and I know he will never give it up. I should never ask him to do so either. I know that this
is important to him. Why would I do that? I sigh. I know that it’s the adrenaline and not only that but
my anxiety coming to take place. I need to do better than this, but I can not will myself to move. Just
as I feel myself drawing away from the entire room and succumbing to the darkness I once knew as a
child, I hear him. I hear my protector. Ciro. I look up to see him rushing towards me. He doesn’t even
look like himself. He looks like he was in the middle of a fight, yet here he is. Does he know that he
has a cut on his lip? He lifts me up and checks me out.
“Where were you hit? Who did it? Are you okay? Why isn’t she at a hospital!” Ciro yells out at
“I’m fine…” I say, but he doesn’t hear me because he’s still making sure that I didn’t get hit.
“Seriously! I leave her in someone else’s care for all of 5 hours and she gets shot at! Who the hell
knew where we were, anyway!” He yells again.
“Ciro!” I get his attention by grabbing on to his t-shirt. “I’m fine, baby, I’m fine.”
The worry in his eyes does not tone down, in fact he looks like he’s devising a plan on how to
hide me in his pocket. “Fuck! Merde!” He curses. “I just… Fuck, just… come with me.” Is all he says
before he pulls me with him to the guestroom we’re staying in.
“Ciro…” I call his name out once more. “Ciro! Ciro!” I yell again, “You’re hurting me.” I
whimper. “You’re tugging too hard.” I cry out.
Ciro stops and looks down at his hand gripping my wrist. He lets go as if I’ve burned him or as if
my words have burned him to the core. He looks at my wrist, then back up at me. He says nothing. He
doesn’t have to. I know that he didn’t do that on purpose. Ciro gently tugs me this time and we end up
in the room. He doesn’t speak again as he removes every article of clothing and he inspects further,
making sure that nothing has happened to me. Because I know that I would’ve done the same, I let him
do so to ease his conscience. He ushers me into the bathroom, but still no words from him. At this, I
worry. I know that Ciro has no reason to be mad at me, but I still wonder if he is mad.
He turns on the shower letting it hit me first while he removes his clothes looking at me. He gets
in along with me and turns me to face away from him. He wraps his arms around my body and just
cradles me. He holds me as though he knows something that I don’t. There’s nothing that needs to be
said, and I think that’s what I really need right now. Just some peace. Ciro holds me to him. He hums a
song that I feel like I’ve heard before, but my mind isn’t letting me go there and then it clicks. He’s
humming Clair de Lune, one of my favorite pieces to hear Macy play on the piano when the club was
closed. She never taught me how to fully play the piano, but watching her do it, it felt like I witnessed
the next Beethoven who never got the chance to get far.
Macy would have conquered the world of classical music had she had the opportunity. As Ciro
continues to hum the melody, Macy’s face pops up. Her green eyes, her beautiful blonde hair and her
smile I swear sometimes I saw in myself. I learned to smile from her. She would always tell me I was
the daughter she wished to have much later; when she was older and with a wonderful man. One who
loved her because she was worth it and not just there for the night. One who would look at her like
she shitted rainbows and butterflies. I chuckle at that memory and her words. Ciro doesn’t interrupt
me though because my laughter turns into tears because I miss Macy. I hope she’s doing okay; she was
almost done paying her debt to my uncle. Macy differed from a lot of the women. She wasn’t there
because she got kidnapped or was pushed into it; she owed a debt, and she was almost done.
“Shh…” Ciro says to me. I didn’t even realize that I was crying out loud. “It’s okay, I promise
These words make me cry harder. I get out of Ciro’s arms and I look up at Ciro. I blink back the
tears as he stares at me. “I was so scared today, Ciro. I thought I would die and leave you behind.
Leave you all alone.” I confess.
Ciro gives me a slight smile. “That’s what you were worried about, baby? That you weren’t going
to ever see me again?”
I nod. “Yes.” I wrap my arms around his waist. “I can’t lose you.” I get closer into his arms. He
doesn’t see it like I do. I can’t leave him again. I don’t want to. I think of not only him, but Bobby.
God, let him be okay.
“I can’t lose you either, honey. I don’t plan on it. I promise you; I will get whoever did this to you
and the girls. The husbands were worried about their wives. Getting a call like that, I cannot ever in
my life, hear that you almost took a bullet but yet I can’t seem to let you go. I’m so selfish, baby, I’m
“Please, just stay near me and protect me. I don’t want you to be any different. This is your life
and I accept it. I just want to never be taken from you. Ever.” I confess.
I feel Ciro’s kiss on my head. “I love you; sugar and I’ll protect you with my life.”
“No, don’t protect me with your life, protect me from the heartbreak of ever losing you. I refuse to
lose you.”
Ciro lightly chuckles. “I’m just grateful I can hold you like this.”
“Hum to me, Ciro. The same song.”
“I can do you one better and play it for you on Alex’s grand piano after this.”
“Merci… with all my heart.” I hold him tight to me. I’m never letting go.

W hen we make it out to where the grand piano is, it seems like everyone had the same mindset
in remaining in their rooms. Too much has happened for the day/night and now, we need to
recharge, plan out what is going on and what we’ll do about it. I take a deep breath and go to the
living-room leading King there. I let her sit next to me on the piano seat. I shut my eyes and run my
fingers over the piano. I haven’t played one in years. I take a breath in and out; I play Clair de Lune,
everything comes to me as if I never lost it.
I hear as King gasps at how I’m playing. She’s never seen it happen and honestly, had I not been
born for this life, I would probably be a piano prodigy because my love for the classics were on a
different level. I don’t open my eyes as my fingers glide over the black and white keys. My rage
builds, but it’s the opposite of what I’m giving out on the piano. On the outside my fingers glide softly
over the keys, but inside, I am angry. I am beyond livid. I want to kill someone for shooting at King
and for giving her another reason to cry. There’s this internal anger, the amount of frustration that I
feel that can’t be repelled out with a simple Hail Mary or a confession. It’s odd that I’m even thinking
of the Catholic Church, the last time I went to Mass was so long ago, I don’t know why I’m even
thinking of it right now.
I focus on the keys I’m playing. The way the rhythm, the song that has no lyrics, that needs no
lyrics gives way to how I’m feeling. It’ s telling me I need to avenge her. Avenge the woman that I
love and the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. It’s scary that all these events have led me to
understand who I am and what I’ve been waiting for all my life. Is this why I didn’t feel complete
with Tatyana? I hear the transition of the melody as I move over to Arabesque No.1. I have a special
love for this one in my heart. I take a deep breath as I lean back a little and play with all my heart. All
my feelings and frustrations. The frustration with myself, with the Petrovs, with the assholes that think
they’ll get away with it all.
My mind goes into figuring out how I’ll skin alive the idiots that shot at King, Kenna, and Elani.
They don’t deserve to be treated like trash. They deserve much worse. When it gets to the melody of
having to play the keys faster and much more efficient. I lose myself in the piano. In the dangers of my
mind. In the place that I no longer visit. Like how I’ll rip the men limb from limb. In my mind, I caress
my guns; I take care of them in preparation of how I’ll remind people that me being a savage is
something I’ve accepted wholly. I may be even more relevant in Quebec than I am here, but it doesn’t
change that I will remind folks. My face will be the last one they see. I’ll make sure that being buried
6 feet under is a courtesy, a gift that they weren’t able to receive because they thought too highly of
themselves and me. They don’t know me or what kind of destruction I can bring in their lives, but this
is what they prefer so, let the games begin.
As I think of the many ways that I can destroy them, my fingers shift to Arabesque No. 2 and I play
with a gigantic smile on my face because I know that all will be lost to them. I can picture the blood
that will pour here. The floods that I will bring to the City of Vegas will make them remember me. I
will shake this entire city from the ground up and draw my name in not only the pavement but in the
hearts of these men. If they fear Alex for what he does, they’ll shit their pants when it comes to me
because I plan on taking their souls. I am what others don’t like to say out loud, but I am content with
accepting it. I am the devourer of all souls and I’m here to reclaim my title.
Instead of starting Reverie from the beginning, I start it halfway in. I’ve realized that I am giving
an ode to Claude Debussy while I plan out the murders that I will commit but won’t ever regret. Too
many obstacles have placed me where I am today. Too many faults by others, and today is the day that
I take revenge. Bullets are flying all around me as I play the keys, making love to them with my
fingers, showing them how I really want to perform it all. How much I am not a gentle lover and
never will be. But for her, for the woman sitting next to me, the one I’ll kill for, the only one that I will
do all this for, I will make them kneel. They will kneel to not just me, but to her. I don’t say it aloud
instead; I show her in the piano keys with my last transition into Pour le Piano: Toccata. The way my
heart is beating fast right now and my veins are not just filled with blood but with rage. I embrace it
all for her.
It may not be tonight, but soon enough… It will be their last days on God’s green earth. Even as I
play and my fingers fly over the keys in a gentle caress, I recite the Lord’s Prayer for them because
they will need it.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on
earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive
our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and
the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
I am well aware that this is not the prayer that I learned to pray for over the dead, but it isn’t
really about them. It’s about the souls that will leave their bodies. It is no longer mine to judge or do
as I want to, but I give it to the giver of all souls. Whether or not he sends them to Hades, that’s his
choice. All I know is that I’ve forgiven them. The reason they’re getting the chance to be tortured and
killed by me, is because I am such a forgiving man. This is what they deserve, what they’ll get and
what will play as a loop over and over for them when they are gone from this world.
That I, Ciro Gaël Sarkozy, son of Fabrizio Sarkozy, will always right the wrongs committed
towards me.
I end the song and open my eyes to see more than just King’s pair of eyes staring at me. It’s
everyone else that should’ve been in their rooms, but they were watching me play the piano. The
genuine awe coming from King’s face and expression makes me smile. It also makes me realize one
thing, that although my mind was rambling on like a madman; this madman is ready to go to war for a
woman that he loves more than anything in this world. Some may ask how I know this, and it’s easy. I
thought I was in love once but I didn’t kill for Tatyana. Yet, for Kingsley, I’d give it all up for her if
she asked me to but with the look in her eyes, I know she won’t. She isn’t that person.

I’m officially drunk. The last time I was tipsy, but this here is something else. I just know that I am,
and I love it. After Ciro stopped playing, we all sat around and began drinking, minus Kenna. Ciro
isn’t as drunk as me, but I watch him as he talks to Boston about something. He’s sitting opposite of
me as we have a makeshift bonfire in Alex’s backyard.
“You think they’re doing this to distract us from the fact that we got shot at or what?” Kenna asks,
leaning in.
I nod as I take another sip of my drink. “Yeah, I definitely think so. Also, what is in this? It tastes
so good.” I say to her.
Kenna chuckles and rubs her belly. “It’s Elani’s talent plus she made it a bit heavy since she’s
trying to calm her nerves. You doing okay?” She asks me.
I shrug. “The truth?”
“Yeah, the truth.” Kenna responds.
“I’m not sure. I feel fine but I know it’ll take me a couple days to not see my life flash before my
eyes and you know what was the last thing I thought about before I closed my eyes?”
“I thought about Ciro and how much I didn’t want to leave. Not just because I feel like I won’t
have another chance to be with him, but because I wanted that. I feel like that makes me selfish. I want
more time with him. I want to talk to him and be with him longer than what I’ve been given.”
“That is sweet. I totally understand you because I worry about Alex all the time,” Kenna says and
looks at her husband. I follow her line of vision and I see the way he automatically looks at her as if
he knows when she calls him. He winks at her and it puts a smile on her face. Kenna looks back at
me. “To lose him is like I’m losing myself so trust me when I say that I so get you, girl. I really do.”
I smile. “Thank you for that. I’m happy to know that I’m not crazy for wanting Ciro that bad.”
“Girl, he’s your chosen. Your true love or whatever. The man that did everything to get back to
you. Another chance in another lifetime for you. You’re in love and most likely devoted. Don’t beat
yourself up for feeling how you do because honey, let me tell you, before Alex, I was with someone
who bullied me. Someone who took control of my life and I thought I was content, but come to find
out, I knew nothing at all. I didn’t understand what love was really about. Love is about that man of
yours willing to give you what you want and what you need. He looks at your needs first before his
and that’s why you devote yourself to him, because you recognized it long before you admitted it out
I wipe away the tears that fall out of my eyes. “You took the words right out of my mouth. I didn’t
know how to even say it.” I open my mouth to say more, but Kenna’s eyes flash.
“Ooh! He’s kicking.” she says and touches her belly.
I stare down at it. “Kicking?” I ask.
She nods and smiles. “Yeah, our baby boy is letting us know that he is well and alive. Not that we
didn’t know it.”
I look up at her and back down at her belly. “Can I feel?” I ask.
Kenna nods. I hesitate at first, but then I reach out. Everything becomes silent for me as I feel her
baby boy kicking. I giggle, astonished at the wonders of life, but then I grow sad. I touch my belly,
feeling empty suddenly. “You okay?” Kenna asks.
I clear my throat and move my hands. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just gotta use the bathroom. Be right back.”
I say.
I scramble out of my chair and make my way inside the house. I go to the kitchen and figure out
where the water bottles are. After drinking one, I place it down and take a breath. “Dammit, Ciro…” I
say to myself. I should know better by now that calling his name, even if it’s a whisper, he’ll come.
I feel his heat behind me as he stirs up all kinds of emotions in me. With the alcohol, I feel free of
all the things my mind could conjure up. Ciro traps me in his arms as he leans in and places his palms
flat on the counter. I stare at his tattooed hands, the veins that are so sexy to me and the fact that he
always has his pinky and forefinger rings on. I lift my hands up and place them on his forearms. I
slowly slip my hands down until I reach his hands. I plant my fingers in between his and sigh as I lean
my head back on his chest. I take his right hand with mine and place it over my flat belly. I rub it and
Ciro takes over as he continues to rub my belly. “You know that you never have to call me for me to
come to you, right?” he says.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
Ciro kisses the side of my head and then dips his head further down to my neck. He bites hard and
I wince. I keep my moan in trying not to be loud. “I mean that I know you. I know when you want
something. It didn’t need to be six months or a year because you’re like an open book. Your emotions
call to me when you look at me and remember, I never take my eyes off you.”
“I love you,” I say.
“I love you more,” Ciro responds.
“I want a baby,” I admit to him.
“Yeah? You want me to give you my seed. Plant my seed so deep inside of your body, it bypasses
everything else and becomes part of your soul?”
I shudder at his words and when he nips my exposed skin courtesy of my tank top. “Yes, please,
sir, give me every part of you. I’m all yours.”
Ciro chuckles softly. “You’ve always been mine.”

I look at my phone again, and I see Watson texted an update on Bobby. He’s fine and out of surgery.
Which is good news.
“Bobby is fine?” Alex asks me.
I look his way. “Yeah, he is. He’s out of surgery. Thanks for the doctor.”
“No worries.”
“Babe…” I call out to King as she sits across from me again.
She faces me. “Yes, Ciro?”
“Just wanted to tell you that Bobby is okay.”
A look of pure peace washes over King’s face. “Thank you for letting me know.”
“You’re welcome.” I say. I know that she’s been worried about Bobby but doesn’t know how to
express it. I don’t judge her for it because we all process differently.
“Anyway,” Alex interrupts. “What’s going on with you and your girl? You plan on settling down
again or?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Cause it looks to me like you’re in love, which for the average person should be impossible
since it hasn’t been that long that you were with your wife, but everyone knows…”
“Knows what?” I say to him as I stare at King while she talks to Kenna. After what she said to me
in the kitchen, I couldn’t get that out of my mind. I want to put a baby in her.
“Knows that you didn’t love Tatyana. You wasted your time and became comfortable. You, my
friend, were settling. You could’ve had anyone you wanted, but you wanted someone who would fuck
around with your feelings. I didn’t understand why, but now, it’s all coming together. The gods, or
rather you know the big guy up at the top of the food chain would never have allowed you to love
Tatyana, how you can love King.”
“How do I love her?” I ask.
Alex chuckles getting my attention. I look at him and shrug.
“See, I don’t even have to say it. It’s in your actions, man. Shit, the first time I saw Kenna, I
claimed her and trust me, she had a fiancée. I told her she was mine, and that I would show her.
Which you know very well I did. She was kind of like you, settling with someone thinking, that’s it,
but you know better than that. You both do. The way you look at King like a man so lost, so deep in
those guts of hers that you’d kill even me for her. Don’t even try to deny it either.” he says.
I throw my head back and laugh. “I would not deny it at all. I would hesitate for Kenna’s sake. I
wouldn’t want to put her at a disadvantage plus what would be the point when you’d just come back
to life in another lifetime and fuck it up for me too. We’re both going to always be reborn to be with
the loves of our lives.” I admit to him.
“Just as long as you know,” he retorts.
It gets quiet for a minute and then Alex asks me another question, but I didn’t hear it. “What did
you say?” I ask.
“I said, she deserves to be made an honest woman. For everyone including Tatyana’s family to
know that she is your wife, not some whore that can be returned. That status that she wore like a
brand is now gone because you love her. You don’t plan on ever letting her be a part of that life again,
so make it happen, mofo.”
I scoff, shaking my head but the smile on my face cannot for the life of me, disappear. “Right…” I
say as I stare at King. “You know, I would marry her if I could.”
“Yeah?” Alex says. “Because I know somebody that could officiate it.”
“Tout vas changer avec le temps…” I answer him.
“Everything changes with time.” He smirks as I stand walking towards King. King looks up at me
when I stop in front of her. “Hi, Ciro, ” she says sweetly.
Fuck. I want her. “We need to get ready.” I say to her, not caring how late it is.
“Get ready for what?” She asks.
“We’re getting married,” I grin.
“Crazy bastard doesn’t even ask her.” I hear Boston in the background, but nothing can distract me
from the smile on King’s face. Her dimples are so deep when she smiles and I get so lost in her eyes.
She’s looking at me like I own the world and she would do anything to abandon hers and join mine.
King gets up and then uses her chair as leverage. She gets up on there and we’re almost eye to
eye. I look at her as she grabs my jaw. My jaw ticks because I’m not used to being touched like this in
front of other people but fuck it. She can do whatever she wants. King digs her nails into my
epidermis, and I swear a wave of lust hits me so profoundly, it almost knocks me on my ass. I stare at
her to see what she’ll do. King licks her lips before she gets all up in my face. She bites my bottom
lip hard and I reach out gripping her waist hard. She flinches, but I can see the need and want in her
eyes. She wants me to spank her like I first did. She wants me to make it hurt… good.
“What should I wear?” She asks me.
“Wear whatever the fuck you want. You want to wear nothing, then we’ll do that, but for the safety
of all the other men, wear something. I don’t want to have to fuck you with blood all over my body.” I
King kisses my jaw line until she reaches my ear. She pulls my earlobe in her mouth and sucks on
it like she’s sucking my dick. When I first met her, I told her that her uncle sent me someone
inexperienced. That was a motherfucking lie because King knows how to please me too damn good.
“Je dois changer…” She whispers in my ear.
“Ou mourir,” I say back to her.
This may seem like nothing to some others but to us, it is a newfound code, our love and our lives
for each other. She said this to me once as Helena and today as King. She starts it and I finish it.
I need to change or die.


The best part about Vegas is that nothing ever really shuts down, especially not the nightlife. There is
a special chapel that Alex says he goes to and there is where we meet a priest, one who I swear his
face looks familiar but then I do not understand who he is. He has a huge scar going diagonally on his
face and I know that this isn’t just some priest. There is something there, something more. Alex
introduced us when we first came in, Father Luciano glares at me as if he knows something that I
don’t, but then after the glare, he moves on like nothing is happening.
I want to say the ceremony was overly crazy about tears and all the shenanigans, but I can say it
isn’t. I, for one, am glad that it isn’t like that. I look at King as she stands in front of me in a simple
light blue dress. One that she picked out. I don’t care whether she wears white or red or pink, as long
as it’s her, I’ll take it. The dress is what I wouldn’t call cute, this shit is sexy and when I saw her
come out of the room, I wanted to bring her back in and fuck her into oblivion. The V-neck caught my
balls in a tight grip that I’m suffering with, but I love it. The dress is tight right under her breasts
holding them up and it flows to her feet, but the best part is the easy-access split. I smile as I look
down at her feet; she isn’t wearing any shoes and honestly, this is how I like my girl.
I let King pick out my outfit, which comprised a simple short sleeve black dress shirt that had
little white drawings on them tucked into my dress pants with my red bottoms. A man could never
look cheap in those.
“Would you like to say your own vows?” Father Luciano asks. His gravelly voice sounds like
he’s pissed off permanently, but maybe if he didn’t look like a pretty boy, someone would take him
much more seriously.
“You want to, sugar?” I ask King.
She moves her head in a sing-songy way, sort of debating it and then she nods. “Yeah but it’s not
long. You want me to start?” She asks.
“Sure, baby,” I answer.
King smiles. “Okay, well,” she clears her throat. “This’ll be new for me but I just wanted to say
thou hast made me the most beloved of all and with the audience as my witness, I will never fail thee.
I will put thee in my heart at all times and shield you,” She stops. “Ah! Sorry, I ruined my speech.”
She giggles. “But yeah, just that I’m here.”
I smile at her. “You’re a sweet thing, baby. So fucking sweet and to have you all to myself is the
best thing that could ever happen to me. I fucked up the first time I met you and didn’t recognize you
for who you were but just know that it’s not gonna be like that chouchou. Me and you, that’s all there
is to it. The brand they called you before, I know it doesn’t bother you, I know, but I have to do right
by you. I have to show you that you don’t deserve to be held down like that. Let’s break that chain
together, huh? You’re not a fucking whore or anybody’s whore, you’re my wife now. Nobody will
ever look down at you, Mrs. Kingsley Sarkozy. I know that your last name was Storm, but I want you
to know that even if you came into my life like one, there’s no need to keep having one now. We’re
Sarkozys, we walk with our heads held up high because we are royalty. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” She answers and fuck the rest of our vows. I kiss her like I fuck her and she kisses me
back like she loves me: unrestrained devotion/

I can’t believe I’m married… I stare at my ring. It’s odd because I know for a fact that I didn’t wear
one yesterday at the ceremony. I don’t know how much this cost but it looks expensive as hell. I sigh, I
didn’t know that I was the kind of girl who was in love with diamonds, but now I am. The shape of it,
I know that it’s a nice cut, squarish… From what I know with the women clients who also came in,
it’s princess cut, and the band is all diamonds. I slip out of bed leaving a sleeping Ciro to rest and I
make my way to the bathroom. When I look in the mirror, I gasp and reach out touching my neck. The
diamond necklace close to being a choker that adorns my neckline is beautiful.
I pull my hair back to admire it. I have never received a gift in my life, and this is everything to
me. I don’t jump this time as Ciro appears in the bathroom with no noise. Eventually, he would wake
up because I moved out of bed. I peer up at him, looking at him through the reflection of the mirror.
“Happy Birthday.”
I chuckle. “It’s not my birthday,” I say.
“It isn’t, but I missed it and as my wife, you deserve everything that I can afford and that’s a lot of
shit, baby,” he winks. He leans down and kisses my bare shoulder.
Ciro moves out of the mirror and goes to pee. This I’m shocked at. It’s weird that I would ever be
in anything domestic like this. I have never once in my life thought I would be able to just be
someone’s wife. Mistress? Probably, but not a wife. This is what normal women dream of, not me.
Ciro finishes, flushes the toilet and washes his hands. I watch him through the entire ordeal. He looks
at me with a smirk and a shake of his head. Seeing a disheveled Ciro is the best gift in the world. His
hair is in a messy bun with some falling down his face. Ciro fixes his hair and puts it up again. He
grabs a toothbrush and does all the things. “I’m going back to bed. Come join me when you’re done
being weird,” he teases. He swats me on my ass as he walks out of the bathroom naked as the day he
was born.
The blush still creeps in. I guess there won’t ever be a time when Ciro doesn’t make me feel like
the luckiest woman in the world who has married her very first crush. I want to go back to bed with
him, but I know I told Kenna that I would get lessons on how to make breakfast from her. I turn on the
sink water and begin brushing my teeth. I finish that off and step into the shower. I shut my eyes
underneath the water as it drowns me in all its glory. I’m transported back to the restaurant; every
scene of us girls laughing and talking, then there’s an all-black GMC that pulls up. I see a man step out
of the car and I recognize him. I know who he is, but I thought he forgot all about me. He steps near
the restaurant like he wants to come in, but when we make eye contact through the restaurant window,
his striking green eyes widen. He looks remorseful, and full of regret, but, I see the coward he was
once and still is. My father shakes his head and gets back in the GMC and it peels off.
Not even minutes after that, a black escalade pulls up. The windows go down and the man is
wearing a mask, but I see the tattoos on his fingers as he pulls a gun out and squeezes the trigger. I
don’t react fast enough and right before Bobby tackles me to the floor, the front passenger window
rolls down and the man tries to remain inconspicuous but there’s no hiding those dead gray eyes. I
don’t know him, but his features were clear to me. My eyes pop open and I scramble out of the
shower, forgetting everything like the fact that I could bust my ass.
“Ciro!” I yell out. “Ciro!”
“What?” He gets out of bed with a gun I didn’t even know where it came from. “What is it?” He
stands like a soldier.
“I’ve seen that gun before.” I say staring at it. I’m not scared, I’m just observing.
“What?” Ciro is still confused.
“Well, not that one, but another one. It’s the one that the tattooed man wearing a mask shot at us.
There was one shooter, and I saw the guy sitting in the front. He was smiling as if this is what he
wanted to do.” I say to Ciro, breathing heavily. I don’t realize I’m even trembling until Ciro moves
around and grabs a towel to dry me off. He sits me down on the bed with the gun still in his
Ciro crouches, not even caring that he is naked. “Look at me, sugar. Talk to me. What is going on?
Tell me slowly… What did you remember?”
“Everything.” I say with my eyes wide open. “I can even give you a license plate number, Cir. But
that man, I can’t ever forget what he looks like. He looked like a man who is on the verge of death,
not physically but like he’s seen too much. Dead gray eyes. Eyes that could haunt my dreams.” I
“No.” Ciro says firmly. “There will be no one haunting your dreams. I won’t allow it. I don’t give
a fuck.” I can see that Ciro knows exactly who I’m talking about, but I also know he won’t tell me.
I’m fine with that, I don’t want to be part of his life in that way. There are things that I would
rather stay away from. I don’t want to be turned into a ruthless killer; I am myself. They have raised
me around that life, but never have I once wanted that kind of life for myself. I take a breath in and
release another. “No secrets between us, right?” I ask Ciro.
He nods. “None. I tell you what you want to know.”
“Okay… I need to tell you something else. You will not like it, but I don’t think it’s linked to
whoever shot at us.”
“Talk to me.” Ciro says.
“My father… He was there. At the restaurant, he wanted to come in and talk to me, but then I saw
it in his eyes. He was afraid to talk to me. Why would he be afraid to talk to me? What did I ever do
to him? I wouldn’t have turned my nose down at him. I would’ve listened to him, ya know?”
“Baby…” is all he says. Ciro stands and pulls me into his arms. “Do you want me to talk to him?”
I wrap my arms around his naked torso. “No. It’s okay. I just,” I stop because I don’t know how
this will sound.
“What is it, sugar?”
I pull my head back a little to look up at him. “I look like him, Ciro. I’ve always wondered, you
know. When I was younger, I thought I had what he looked like in my head, but I didn’t. I didn’t
remember his face and I guess that’s where the whole photogenic thing stemmed from, but…” I choke
on my words.
Ciro looks conflicted. “Did you not want to look like him?” He asks.
I shake my head. “That’s not it at all. I just, wow. I look like someone. I look like someone who
made me. You know something, I don’t even hate him. I’ve never hated him. I just wish he would talk
to me, you know. I don’t want an explanation or anything, I just want to look him in the eye and see the
resemblance. I want to know what he smells like, how he laughs, what his favorite book is and if he
even likes Shakespeare. I just want to know him.” I confess.
Ciro pulls me further into his arms and kisses my head. “Fuck, baby. Fuck, I wish I could do this
for you.”
“Thank you, but it’s okay, I’ll wait for him. I’ve waited 25 years for him. What is a couple more?”
I say and hold on tight to the one man that I know for a fact won’t ever let me think twice about what
his laughter sounds like. I’ll never forget this man. Ciro Sarkozy is embedded in my soul.

K ing calmed down and said she had to go do something with Kenna. When she left, I called one
of the men back in Quebec.
“Boss.” He picks up.
“Get me information on Turgenev’s brother, Kingsley’s father.”
I hang up and go get ready for the day. There’s still a hurt Igor who hasn’t finished fighting me. I
inhale and exhale, tapping into that side of me. A side that I know will cause me needing to detox
before I come back to King. I know I told her I would keep nothing from her, but this, this is
something I can’t ever let her see. If she sees this, then she’ll know I’m fucking insane in the brain.
After my shower, I braid my hair back in a French braid since it’s now longer and I don’t want it
in the way. If I can avoid getting blood in my hair, then I’ll do just that, but then again if it gets in my
hair, whatever.
I get dressed in a simple tee shirt, distressed jeans and combat boots. I’d like for these boots to
knock Igor’s teeth in. You can’t chew on anything if you don’t have any teeth left. When I leave the
room and make my way to the kitchen, the guys are up and ready while enjoying whatever Kenna and
King have made.
“Morning,” I say.
The guys greet me, and then I hear a clatter. I turn to look at where the noise came from and I
chuckle when I see that King is picking up whatever she had in her hands before she dropped it. She
licks the chocolate off her fingers as she stares up at me. She looks scrumptious on her knees. I wink
at her and she coughs. I love that she still gets like this with me. It makes me want to give it to her
even more.
Instead of going to join the guys around the dining table, I go to the open concept kitchen and lean
against the counter. I watch as King tries to not make eye contact with me.
“Morning, baby,” I say to her and I quickly glance at Kenna. “Morning, Kenna. Thank you for
hosting us.”
“Morning Ciro and you know you can come here any time! We love having you over and now that
you have King, definitely cross the border more,” she says.
I smile. “Yeah. You hear that, baby? Maybe next time, we’ll come back and you’ll be picking out
baby names, yeah?” Kenna chuckles and King licks her lips. She’s still just staring at me.
“Hi, Ciro,” she greets me in the cute way she always does. “You look good today. I like your hair
braided back like that,” she compliments me.
“Thank you, sugar and what a sight to behold when you’re on your knees like that… I got places to
be and people to beat, get up off the floor. I’m trying to make sure Kenna hosts us again,” I end on a
slight groan.
Kenna whistles and leaves the kitchen, but before she’s completely out of earshot she speaks up.
“I think if you name your first after your middle name then I’m content. I’d also love to be god-
mother,” She laughs, walking away.
I break out into a grin as King stands straight. I wait for her as she comes closer to me. She looks
up at me and I admire everything I can about her. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer
and spreading my legs wider so I can be closer to her height.
“I like the name Gaël if we have a boy first,” King says.
I smirk. “What if it’s a girl?”
“The name is unisex and we’re French-Canadiens, it’s in our blood,” she winks at me.
I snicker. “You’re the best. How many do we get to have?” I tease her.
“As many as you want. I want a house full of happiness, joy and laughter. I don’t want any of them
to ever feel alone. Even when we’re old and gray, they’ll have each other. They’ll be able to depend
on each other for a shoulder to cry on and they’ll have the best big brother in the world,” King says.
I cup her face in my hand and caress her cheek. I stare at her, transfixed by her beauty and the joy
radiating from her. How could someone be so damned happy with all the chaos going on? She doesn’t
even care about all the things that have happened; she’s looking at me like I could always make her
“Who’s this big brother?”
I smile at this. “Yeah. I agree.” I trace over her brows and she shuts her eyes. I trace her nose, her
lashes, her lips and finally I stop at her chin. “You’ll tell me if you’re not happy, right?” I ask her.
King opens her eyes and gazes into my eyes. I feel as she wraps her arms around my waist. “With
you, I’ll always be happy.” she responds.
I take a mental picture of her because I know that I want to see her when I go too far. I’ve never
done it before, but I’m taking Alex’s advice. I need to focus on the masterpiece, the notes on my
favorite music sheet: Kingsley, my wife.

I walk into one of Alex’s warehouses and I see Igor. He still looks like a dumb idiot sitting there on
the floor, and I can tell that he has murder on his mind. Alex’s men have done well by not touching
him. I didn’t want them to do anything but clean up his cuts. His busted lip looks like it’s healing, the
cut on his eye still has a long way to go but I don’t care. “You miss me?” I ask him.
“Fuck you!” He spits at me. “Fight me like a proper man with no help from your friends.”
I chuckle as I remove my rings, placing them on the only piece of furniture in here. I crack my
neck and remove my tee shirt. “Stand up, there’s nothing stopping you from trying to attack me. Shake
the fucking room,” I taunt him.
The dumb fuck realizes that Alex’s men aren’t close enough to do anything to him if he charges
me. He stands and charges me without thinking about it. When he gets closer, I smirk as I slowly form
a tight fist. When he’s close, before he lifts his fist up, I swing and hit him square in the jaw. “Oh, did
your cousin forget to tell you I do MMA fighting for fun?” I smirk as I get in the fighting stance.
Igor isn’t thinking but with full of anger as he comes again and tries to get a couple hits in but he
can’t because I’ve tapped into the side of me that reeks of murder and too many bodies to count. I grit
my teeth and growl like a damned animal. I swing, not giving it a rest. I zone out, almost blacking out
as I attack, attack, attack and attack. I don’t care about self-defense. He could’ve avoided this, but he
knew what I was or rather what I still am. I am not called Tuere for the fun of it. Igor’s jaw cracks
when I deliver a final blow. His head knocks back, and he falls to the floor. I stop for a second,
inhaling deeply in what I know is someone close to their death. The smell of death is a motivation for
me. Not a pause. Nothing can stop me even if Igor found his voice to beg me for forgiveness, I don’t
give a fuck.
I crouch down next to him and I pull my hunting knife from the sheath inside my boot. I play with it
a little bit balancing it in between my fingers. I slap Igor hard, more than once, so he could come back
to the now. When he does, I smile. He opens his mouth and I catch his tongue. “Let me let you in on a
little secret, the tongue is the strongest organ in your body, did you know that? It’s also flexible, but
let’s test out how flexible and strong it is when I cut it off.” Without warning, I quickly swipe the
sharp knife cutting his tongue off and Igor screams an odd sound. Guess he can’t make the proper
noise since, well… He has no tongue.
I stand and stomp on his face. Fuck him, fuck the Petrov family, fuck all my enemies. I keep
stomping until it caves in his face and I hear the one thing protecting his brain crack. I roll my
shoulders back working my kinks out and I kick his head to the side; I stomp a couple more times and
then I’m satisfied when I see brain matter paint the warehouse floor and some get on my boot. Damn
shame, I really liked these boots.
I look up at one of Alex’s men who flinches as if his boss isn’t a complete psycho. “Send him like
this to where Nicolai Petrov is staying here in Vegas. That gray eyed bastard thinks I don’t know he
shot at my wife. Tell him, meet me because if I hunt him down, I’ll pull his intestines out so I could
show everyone in his circle he’s a fucking cochon. Make sure he knows that he’ll die on American
soil like a fucking dirtbag instead of his motherland.” I throw the knife on top of Igor and walk over to
where my shirt is. I bend removing my boots and socks. I put my shirt and rings back on and I walk
out of the room heading over to the car. I haven’t had my breakfast yet and I’m starving.
When I get to the car, I pull my cell out and dial Boston. “There should be info of Kingsley’s
father coming to you soon. I told one of the boys to send it to you. Tell me what I need to know and
why he’s in Vegas.”
“Done. See you soon.”
“Meet me at one of Alex’s clubs, I need a stiff drink et je suis affamé; starving, if you don’t
understand me in French, bitch.” Boston laughs and I continue, “I want a fucking steak and a side of
pussy. I’ll call you back.” I hang up before Boston can respond and I call King.
“Hi Cir, I was just talking about you,” my baby answers.
“What about? Because I was just thinking about you.”
“You go first,” she says to me.
“I’m thinking about how I want to put my balls in your mouth,” I admit to her.
“Aren’t you in the car?”
“J’m’en calice! I’d fuck you in the car if you were here. I’m fucking horny, baby,” I groan.
“Where are you? I might have to do a detour.”
“You don’t give a fuck?” She repeats in English and laughs. “I’m with Kenna at the hair salon, I
wanted something different with my hair.”
“Yeah? Send me the address and when I text you come outside. I don’t give a fuck if your hair is
halfway dry. Bring my pussy to me.”
“I thought you wanted your balls in my mouth?” she says and I hear Kenna and someone else
coughs in the background.
“Yeah those too. We’ll have enough time. Fuck. Okay. Send me the address. I’ll text you.”
“Okay, sir.”
I groan at her answer and hang up. I want to cum inside of her and all over her at the same time,
even if that’s not possible. I rub a hand over my hardened dick and when I get the address; I instruct
the driver where to go. He says nothing because there’s nothing I need him to fucking say. I’m both on
a killing high and a fucking high; the euphoric shit.

Luckily, when Ciro texts me, I’m almost done. My hair is in waves and a bit past my shoulders now,
no longer down my back. It feels like I’m beginning a new journey for not only myself but everything
else around me. “I’ll be back.” I announce to Kenna and Elani.
When I get outside, I don’t have to guess where Ciro is because one of Alex’s men that I recognize
comes out of the driver’s seat and comes around to open the back door for me. I smile at him and get
in. Once I’m in, I take a good look at Ciro. He’s watching me like a hawk as I slide into his lap. I
straddle him and he fingers my hair. “Your hair…” he says.
“You don’t like it?” I can feel the frown on my face.
He smirks. “I love it. You look beautiful.” he says but I can tell that there is an edge with him I
can’t fully detect. “Get up and turn the fuck around. Take your panties off. I don’t have time to fuck
around.” His voice makes me so wet, or rather his command.
I do exactly what he tells me to. Thankfully, I wore a dress today. The second I remove my
panties, Ciro grabs me by my waist and I feel him slide inside of me so swiftly and fuck… For a
moment, I can’t comprehend why he feels like this or when he removed himself. I moan as Ciro
shows me what it’s like being fucked like this in the car. Ciro is the roughest he’s ever been with me,
and there’s nothing I can say. I plant my palm on the roof of the Cadillac SUV. I throw my head back
and Ciro leaves one hand on my waist while he clutches the back of my neck in his hand. He holds
firmly as he bounces me up and down. I don’t know how he even has the strength to do this, but I
accept it. I moan as I feel Ciro practically choke me from the back. His hand is large enough to wrap
around my entire throat. How I feel cannot be explained in words. Ciro lets go, “Get up and face me. I
want to see you when I fuck you.”
Even now, I do as he says. When I slide down on his dick, I know it’s too much. I know that Ciro
is on a unique planet right now and I’m about to join him. Ciro dips his hands under my dress and
both his thumbs play and tease my clit, building me up. Then he stops as soon as I get close, he has yet
to move. Ciro’s fingers leave a trail of goosebumps as he grips my ass cheeks in his hands. I flinch at
the grip and the amount of pain that shoots through my spine. Ciro takes this moment to lift me up and
back down his dick once, then he does it again and another slow torture. When our eyes connect, I
know that Ciro is going to fuck up my world more than he has before. He growls like a deranged
creature and shows me what he means by being horny as fuck. My hand goes back to the roof of the
car and the other one digs into his shoulder. I have never been shown how to fuck in this way and if I
had, I would have been able to put it down on Ciro but he’s showing me what he’s always said, he
can fuck me even with me being on top.
Ciro throws his head back and lifts off his seat. I match his strokes and show him I can keep up. I
fuck him just as good as he fucks me or I try to. I’ll get it one day but today, I will be the best student
he’s ever had. I moan as I feel how close I am. Ciro leans in and pulls me in for a kiss which becomes
my undoing. I shudder as he continues to fuck me. He stops and pulls away from me. “On your fucking
knees, sugar. Put my balls in your mouth, baby. Gargle that shit.”
I’m definitely on his level now and I do as he says. I maneuver my way to the floor of the car and
I first lick my juices off his dick, making sure it’s clean. He’s so hard that I can feel his heartbeat in
his angry veins. I drool at that. I take his balls into my mouth, doing exactly what he wants. I suck on
them as if they were my favorite flavor of candy pops. I pump his dick at the same time with my
hands, making sure every part of him feels me and knows that he’s all mine. Ciro groans and I know
that he’s about to cum. I pop his balls out of my mouth and play with them while I suck the tip of his
dick because it’s my popsicle. I peer up at Ciro staring into his eyes and I know he will do what he
did to me when we first met. Ciro buries his fingers in my hair and pushes his dick into my mouth. He
fucks my mouth like he did the first time, except this time, I’m ready for him. My entire body shudders
and as he cums, so do I… I didn’t realize that Ciro could make me cum even when he’s not touching
me. I take every bit of him into my mouth and when I pop him out of my mouth. Ciro pulls me up and
kisses me hard. I groan, not caring about anything else but him.
Finally, he pulls away from me, and he smirks. “I’ve never known anyone to cum from skull
fucking alone.”
I smile, pulling my lip into my mouth. “It turns me on when you do that to me. I can feel all your
power when that happens.”
Ciro chuckles as he places his forehead against mine. “Let me fix you up so you can go back
inside… actually on second thought, I want you to go back inside looking like I’ve fucked you good
and well.”
“I have been thoroughly fucked. I feel like I’m high right now,” I admit to him.
Ciro playfully shakes his head. “High off my dick? It’s a magnificent thing this shit isn’t on the
market then, huh?” He teases.
“I’d never let it be on the market. You’re all mine, Ciro Gaël Sarkozy.”
“I like the sound of that, Mrs. Sarkozy. Now, get that ass back inside and I love your haircut.
You’re a beauty to behold.”
I kiss Ciro like he always kisses me; crazily and passionately.

A fter King goes back to the salon, the driver takes me to my destination. When I entered with no
shoes, Boston, my brother, Alex and Tank didn’t even bother asking. The second I sit down, my
steak and eggs are brought out. I salivate over it and dig in, not even bothering with greetings.
Boston chuckles, “Anyway. So King’s father is Turgenev’s half-brother. The one who isn’t much
into the traffic life. Apparently, her mother’s side of the family has a lot of explaining to do. They are
the ones who sold their daughter to the Turgenev’s in the first place in exchange for their oldest who
got caught up in that life. So anyway, Czar Vasilièv is the oldest son, and from the intel I got, he loved
her mother; Lora De la Saint. The De la Saints are known for the most vicious shit known to mankind
in Ontario. They didn’t know about Lora being pregnant until she died when King was two. Czar tried
to give it all up for her, but it didn’t end well for him or her. He got a daughter with a price on her
head by her own grandparents and they killed their own daughter, because she wasn’t properly
serving out the time properly. Czar named her King, which is the meaning of his name, and faked the
last name Storm. His brother seems to not know much but that he had to keep King there until her 25th
birthday and then she could go.”
I sit back, losing my appetite at the information I just received. “So, Stannis played me? He knew
that she turned 25 and that she could leave if she wanted to. Okay…” I nod. “Okay… I’ll deal with
him later. Where is Czar right now? And why is he in Vegas?”
“Vasiliév as in Czar, the man who has control over the whole of California is King’s father?”
Alex asks. He whistles. “He’s a man even, I sort of admire him. I can tell you why he’s here. He’s
lived in and out of Vegas for years. Met the man twice. He’s as humble as they come. I wonder why
he left her there?”
“I wonder why too since he’s such a stand-up guy.” I sneer, curling my lip in disgust. “Somebody
bring him to me.” I command. I’m not sure how I should feel. I’m hearing different things. A different
side to what I thought went down. I’ve never really been curious about King’s mother’s family
because I thought she was a simple whore working there, but she’s a De la Saint. This changes
everything. Those fucking bastards wanted her dead? They’ve never been an actual threat to me, but
now, they’re officially my enemy. Any enemy of my wife is an enemy of mine.
“Say please.” Alex teases. I roll my eyes at him and he chuckles. He signals one of his men and
they get to work. “Hey,” Alex snaps at one of them. “Don’t drag him out like he’s a criminal. Respect
the man and bring him to me like you would a man of his stature. He’s a god amongst men in
California, but he has no pull or say in Ontario. The De la Saints are vicious, even I know that. Tell
him from one Turkish mafia boss to a Bratva boss, I welcome him in my home. He’ll get it.”
The guy he was talking to nods and walks away.
“Should’ve dragged him here.” I sneer.
“Yeah? And will you be here when I have an entire turf war instead of a simple union of two
syndicates that are not known for getting along? Think big, Ciro. Think expansion.” Alex sips his
I pick mine up and tip it to him. “I’ll think expansion if he doesn’t fuck around and upset my wife.
He better have an excellent reason to turn her into a whore.” Instead of sipping, I knock back my
“Technically, he didn’t turn her into a whore.” Boston clarifies.
“Wrong place, wrong time, Bos.” I grit my teeth.

Ciro has been acting weird since the day before when he left me at the hair salon. Not typical weird,
but weird for him. Once I opened my eyes not too long ago and turned to reach out for him, he wasn’t
there. I look up and there he is with a cup of coffee in one hand and nothing else on but his satin
striped dark blue pajama pants. He looks so beautiful as the sun rises with him; I don’t hesitate as I
reach out for my cell and I take a picture of him like this. His hair that was now a bit past his
shoulders in wet waves meaning he just got out of the shower, and all his back tattoos that scream his
personality. He is a walking art piece. I take more for good measure and then I just watch him.
Ciro sighs, “I need to bring you somewhere to meet someone,” he says.
“I always wonder how you know when I’m awake or watching you,” I answer.
Ciro snickers. “Because I’ve trained myself to hear things that nobody else wants to hear. They’d
rather see it than hear but I’d rather hear it first and then come face to face with it. Now go shower.
We’ll get you some coffee on our way there.”
“What aren’t you telling me, Ciro?”
Ciro runs his free hand through his hair. “If I tell you now, you’ll bolt. So let me do this for you
because I know how important it is. You need this more than you say out loud.”
“Need what?” I ask.
“I’ve been thinking…” He starts off.
“Have you slept?”
He shakes his head. “I can’t sleep until the immediate enemy or rather trouble is out of the way.
Anyway, don’t change the subject. I was thinking about how much you really don’t say out loud, but
you say with your actions. The love that you give and the enormous heart that you have… If I don’t do
this for you, one day you’ll wake up and resent me for it. Now, even if you resent me, it doesn’t mean
I’ll let it go on for forever, but it also doesn’t mean that I am an uncontrollable dickhead, that I can’t
comprehend these things. I may not be some kind of fortune teller, but baby, this will haunt you for a
long time. Now, go shower and meet me outside.”
“You won’t wait for me?” I ask.
“If you come out of the bathroom dripping wet like you do every time after a shower, we won’t go
where we need to go because I’ll put you into a sex coma.”
I shake my head but a smile creeps on my face thinking about the way he touched me last night.
“Can you at least look at me? I want to see your beautiful face.”
Ciro doesn’t hesitate to turn and look my way. What an amazing human to stare at. I take him in,
and he lets me. After a moment, Ciro walks over to me as I sit up and he leans down pulling me into a
crazy kiss. A kiss that wakes me up and chases any traces of sleep that I had left. I’ll follow Ciro
wherever he wants me to follow because I know he would never steer me wrong.


There is a nervousness that grasps me tight when we step out of the car. Ciro holds my hand as we
walk into a prestigious coffee joint. The white and black theme is beautiful, aesthetically pleasing. It
makes you want to sit and read a book or just drink coffee.
Once we get inside, I stop in my tracks. The café is empty except for a man who is sitting down by
himself and a barista who is making the coffees behind the bar. The man looks up at me and I know
him. He was there the other day, my father. I take a step back and move to hide behind Ciro. What is
he doing here? Does he want to kill me? Why does he want to meet me now?
“Don’t be afraid, baby, I’m here… You wanted to meet him right? Just to sort of look at him?”
Ciro says to me, a soft whisper.
I look up at him and I can tell that he sees the front that I put up before break. The many years of
the scared little girl is resurfacing. The insecurities, the lies, and the abandonment is in the forefront,
a side that I hide pretty well. “Don’t leave.” I beg him.
Ciro shuts his eyes and opens them back up again. He shakes his head. “I won’t. I’ll be right
beside you.” He reassures me.
“Promise me.” I say to him.
“My word is law.” He reminds me. I nod to him and he walks with me, still halfway hiding from
my father.
When we get close enough, my father stands up. He has his hands in front of him clasped so tight, I
can see the whiteness of his knuckles. “Kingsley…” He mumbles my name. It’s like he doesn’t realize
he’s said it and then he shocks me by apologizing. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have called your name out
like that. I just, I’m so happy to finally see you face to face again after so many years. Having a
picture of you doesn’t do you justice.” He gives me a sad smile.
“Why?” I ask. “Why did you leave me there? Why didn’t you want me?” I ask him.
He looks shocked by my question. “I’ve always wanted you, but I couldn’t risk your life. I
couldn’t let them know you were alive or else they would’ve taken you from me. They would’ve
killed you eventually, like they did your mother. I’m sorry that I left you there, but it was the only
guarantee I had. That hiding in plain sight wouldn’t have gotten you caught up in anything.”
“You told uncle Stannis that you didn’t want me. He told me you wanted me to be a whore. He
said that you didn’t care about me as much as your other family and that my mother was nothing to
you. She was a mistake… I was a mistake.” I whisper.
He shakes his head. “No.” he says with anger laced in his tone. His eyes fill with tears, but he
blinks them back. “Neither you or your mother were ever a mistake. I loved you both so much that I
had to let you go. Your mother fought to hide you from her family, and she did the best she could. She
did everything we did. What do you mean I wanted you to be a whore? You were never one to begin
with.” His brows crease.
“Do you have any idea how she came to be with me, Czar? Your brother traded her to me in
exchange for his life.”
The blow causes my father to sit down. He looks so confused and angry all in the same breath. He
shakes his head again and runs a hand over his face. I watch him as he does this; I look so much like
him, it’s scary. His facial expressions are mine, his nose, his brows, how they’re shaped and even the
ears, they’re his. I blink. My father, I remember him now. The one time I tricked Macy into playing
hide and seek, I ran by my uncle’s office and I saw him… I saw my father. He turned to the cracked
door and instead of seeing anger in his face; he smiled. He gave me such a warm smile that I went to
sleep with one on my face.
“What’s your name?” I ask as I take a step from behind Ciro.
My father peers up at me with sadness in his eyes. “Czar Vasilièv.”
“Czar Vasilièv,” I repeat it out loud and then another time in my head.
“It means ruler or emperor. The closest I could have to my name for you was King.” He offers.
“You named me King because you wanted a boy,” I state.
“No, I named you King or rather Kingsley because I couldn’t name you Czar. You were always
going to have my name. You are my child,” hestates as a matter of fact.
I shake my head. “Nothing makes sense. Uncle Stannis said you would never come back for me
and that if you didn’t show up by my 25th birthday, I would belong to the brothel. That I was meant to
be a whore. He said you knew this. He said that!” I yell.
My father stands moving out of his seat and walks over closer to me. I take a step back. He looks
hurt by it, but he nods like he understands. He shakes his head. “I’m so sorry…” His voice cracks and
he tries to clear it but it’s not working for him. Ciro turns to give us a moment. “I, I would have never
made you become something like that. That would be spitting on Lora’s grave.”
“Lora?” I ask.
“Your mother,” he says. “That was her name, Lora De la Saint.”
“De la Saint? As in…”
“Yeah. I’m sure your uncle told you that your grandmother left you money in her will, but he never
cared to mention who she was or how that would happen?”
I shake my head. “No, he didn’t. He manipulated me.”
I look down, then peer up at my father. He must be at least 6’2. He looks good for his age; his skin
isn’t aging badly or anything. He looks healthy. I get curious as I get closer to him. He looks down at
me but makes no sudden movements. I blink, trying to store his face and entire body in my memory
along with his facial expressions. I sniffle as I tug Ciro with me since I won’t let go of his hand no
matter what. I get close to my father and he opens his arms to me. There’s a burning in my throat that
engulfs me in such a way that I feel like if I don’t let it all out, I’ll burn from the inside out. I don’t
know how to make the last step into his arms, so I squeeze Ciro’s hand tight as I let out a sob that
sounds so foreign to me. I form a fist and I thump against my chest because it hurts too damned much.
“I, I,” I try to speak and this time my father doesn’t care as he bypasses all protocol and pulls me into
his arms.
I’ve never felt the hug of a parent before in my life and to feel it now. To have my father hug me
like this while I am crying makes me tear up even more. My father holds on to me. “Shhh…” he says,
and he hums Clair de Lune. Without me asking, he offers why, “It was your mother’s favorite.” This
opens up another dam of tears. I can’t stop the tears as they flow faster, and I cry from deep within
me. The lost little girl, the hopeless one. The one who wondered every day where her parents were
and if they wanted her, is crying. She’s realized that she no longer has to lick her own wounds
because someone will be there to kiss the pain away.

I haven’t said much ever since my baby broke down and cried in her father’s arms while gripping
my hand. I sit back and watch as she shyly peers up at her father through her cappuccino. I know
she wants to ask him more questions, so I give her a little nudge. “Do the De la Saints know that she’s
alive?” I ask.
Czar turns his eyes towards me. He nods. “Yeah, they do. They made it known that they tried to
get in touch with King so she could get her inheritance or some shit.”
King pops her head up. “I was told that it was a will that my grandmother left before she passed
Czar tilts his head in confusion. “What? Your grandmother isn’t dead, and it’s definitely not a
damned will. That would mean she isn’t trying to harm you for being my child,” he says sarcastically.
“But, Uncle Stannis said that my grandmother was dead, and that it entitled me to some money. He
told me, I had two options; become a whore or go to them and take their money but since I didn’t
know them, I stayed,” King confesses.
Oh Stannis, you sick son of a bitch. I will kill him as soon as I step foot in Quebec City. He made
me look like a complete fool, and I don’t appreciate it at all.
“There’s no will but there is an inheritance that only you are entitled to. When your mother was
alive, she went to the bank and changed it to where only you could access it.”
“But they could’ve gotten anyone to pretend to be her,” I interject.
He nods. “They could’ve but either I or her mother would have to present. That old witch, Laurel,
is still alive and kicking. She’s the one who made the phone call to me personally. I know what she
wants. She wants the billions of dollars they turned clean so they could invest in themselves again.
Their greed will be their downfall one day. They spread that shit like the plague. Faster than anything
else that I’ve seen. It’s repulsive, and it’s a surprise that their baby girl didn’t end up like that. Lora
was a kind soul. I didn’t deserve her because my wife and I were separated at the time. We didn’t
want to be together despite having a child together. I met your mother when I wanted to forget and like
I said, I didn’t deserve her at all but I loved her nonetheless. She was like a breath of fresh air. She
smiled no matter the hardships she faced.” He smiles to himself as if thinking about the memories of
23 years ago.
“So, if they would’ve gotten the money, what would they have done with me?” King asks.
Her father shakes her head. “Are you sure you want to know?” He asks. “Look, I just saw you
again and I don’t want to ruin things with you or make you think every part of the De la Saints was all
bad. Your mother wasn’t like that, and if I have to honor her memory in saying it like that, then I will.
Her parents though, complete shit. Worse than me.” he says and for the first time since being here,
King chuckles. Her father winks at her.
I may not trust that he won’t hurt her or disappear, but I am happy that she’s smiling. King excuses
herself and goes to the bathroom. I sit back and observe Czar. “If you hurt her, I don’t care how much
Alex respects you, I will kill you. Like not even the regular gunshot, I will skin you alive. I’ll plunge
the knife deep in your gut, jerk it around your insides and then let you bleed out.” I say, but then I put
my finger up, “Actually, I changed my mind. I won’t just let you bleed out. I’ll stab you in numerous
places and then you can leak out because no one makes my wife cry.”
Czar watches me for a second and then he throws his head back, laughing. “I like you,” he says
after he sobers. He clears his throat. “She deserves the best and honestly that’s what you are. The way
she smiles when she looks at you is amazing to see, plus she smiles like Lora. She has her mother’s
radiance and peace all over her face. She seems sweet and innocent like… like her mother, and if you
love her how I loved her mother, then I don’t even have to guess that you’d rather cut off your right
arm before seriously hurting her,” he says and then the smile is off his face. “I know it may not seem
like I am the best example of a father, but I will tell you that I will kill you, like stab you in your
fucking head until I crack your skull because she cried.”
I nod. “That I am okay with because I’d say that’s what it takes for me to give her up, anyway.
Now, tell me what are we going to do about your idiotic brother?”
Czar’s anger that he was masking in front of King appears. “I want to tear him apart that way we
can each have a piece to torture him in that way. Usually, I’m with the long drawn out torture, but this
fat fucker deserves to be treated like the fucking pig that he is. He manipulated my daughter, his niece,
to perform as if she belonged there. And he had the nerve to manipulate her into thinking she had to do
that? All because I couldn’t claim her as her father to protect her. Fuck! I should’ve just claimed her
and took on the damned De la Saints on my own. I broke her heart having her think she didn’t have
anyone who loved her.”
I nod. “Yeah, I can see how you didn’t enjoy being a shitty dad but if we’re being honest, she
would’ve died much earlier if she stayed with you. Had you not hidden her for as long as you could,
she would’ve been gone by now and you’d be visiting her grave all the time instead of having the
opportunity of holding her in your arms. She’s moving on and so should you. If I know my wife like I
think I do, she’ll want a relationship with you. She’ll want to meet your wife and your son; her
His eyes grow wide with genuine happiness. “You think she’d want to meet them? They’re kind
people, like genuinely, and I really hope that she doesn’t think we’ll hurt her. I would never allow that
kind of shit again. Never.” Czar states.
King takes this moment to come back to the table. She smiles. “I would love to meet my brother
and your wife, just give me some time. All these feelings are unfamiliar for me and I don’t know how
to properly adjust to everything. I just want to take it one step at a time.” she says.
Czar smiles widely. “Okay. Take all the time you need. I wouldn’t pressure you to decide. I’ll be
here. I’m done going away.”
King smiles. “Can I ask you something?”
“For sure.”
King slides her hand over to mine and I open my palm, letting her take my hand in hers. She clasps
her hand and then shifts both of ours to her lap. She’s nervous, and it’s cute as hell. “Were you the one
who brought me all the things to learn? Like Shakespeare and the other plays? Even Homer’s the
Iliad? The paintings, the literature?”
Czar nods like a proud parent. “Yes. Did you like any of them? Stannis never told me.” he says
King’s entire face brightens up. “Yes! I loved them all. What was your favorite?” She bites her
“Shakespeare’s, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. That Demetrius was a fool to deny the love of
someone like Helena. Don’t you think so? To have someone be that devoted to you and to turn it down
for another beautiful looking woman? One that doesn’t even really want you.”
King places her hand over her mouth and laughs. “Yeah, Demetrius was a fool,” she looks at me
from the corner of her eye and I smirk. I pull our joined hands up and kiss the back of her hand. She
smiles and goes back to talking to her dad, “Tell me, do you think he would’ve ever gone away from
Helena? Or rather, what is your interpretation of the entire forest? Mystic much, Shakespeare?”
Czar chuckles. “Mystic as hell. Honestly, it would’ve made sense if it was like a ball or
something and they got drunk. It just seemed like they were all on shrooms.” Both Czar and his
daughter laugh at the reference, and they barely get a chuckle out of me. I love that they can understand
each other. He continues, “The interpretation of the forest is, sometimes we find the one person who
is our life, our love and our everything but our significant other needs to catch up. Helena found her
one and only, but Demetrius didn’t understand that he was already where he needed to be. So, the
forest is like life, no matter what you do it takes you on a trippy shroom sort of adventure until it
parks you right in front of the other person. The one that will make your heart go a bit out of control.
Have you wondered why the sound of their name is heard everywhere or when you can hear their
name being whispered in the surrounding wind.”
At Czar’s words, I don’t even know what to say. He’s rendered me silent. King is like a sponge
ready to soak everything up. “I love how you describe it. The forest for me is like you said, except I
wouldn’t call it life… I’d call it love.”
Czar smiles. “Yeah? And have you found your Demetrius, Helena?” He asks, even though I know
he does not understand.
King smiles with all her teeth and deepened dimples. She looks at me with such love in her eyes, I
could do nothing stupid to hurt her.
“Yeah, I’ve found my Demetrius.” King states. At this moment, I knew I found my best friend.
“And I’ve found more than just my Helena, I’ve found my wife. Demetrius was a fucking idiot; I
would never just let you beg me for my love or to remember it because I’m done forgetting. I will
never forget you, Kingsley Sarkozy, you’re not just my wife now, you’re my best friend.”

I walk in the hospital morgue and I go to the mortuary cabinet with the name Nicolai Petrov written
on it and I pull the cabinet out. Nicolai looks like he’s passed out. I pull him all the way out and place
him on the table and pull him back to the middle where all my little trinkets are.
I backhand Nicolai once and then I do it again and he wakes up shocked. He tries to get up, but he
can’t because they’ve strapped his body to the table.
“Well, well…” I smile. I grab my smock, covering my clothes. I don’t feel like getting shit dirty
today. “Welcome to Michelangelo’s painting, The last judgment.”
Nicolai glares at me. He looks like they’ve broken a few bones. Those dead gray eyes look like
they have some emotions in them now. “You’re a coward!” He yells in his thick Russian accent.
“Yeah, eh?” I provoke him. “As cowardly as you were when you shot at my wife and my friend’s
wives like they didn’t matter one bit? Or…”
Nicolai tries to get up off the table. “Let me go!” He screams out.
“Hmm… no, I don’t think so. I haven’t even given you the tour of the place. Maybe I’ll give your
ghost the tour, I’m not in a pleasant mood.” I turn away from him and reach out for my phone. I press
play on the new album that I’ve been listening to while I work out. Pop Smoke’s ‘Meet the Woo.’
I face Nicolai and remove some straps, leaving only his ankles and wrists tied up along with his
neck. I put my gloves on. “Have you heard of what Michelangelo thought of the painting? No? Well,
let me not just give you a minor renaissance piece of information, but let me also show you all about
it.” I pick up one of my flaying knives. I place a mask over my mouth and nose as I get to work.
I flay, or in modern terms, skin Nicolai from the meat near his ankles. Very precise and thin
layers. What most don’t know about the skin, is that there are strong layers that protect us. It may not
seem like it, but the skin does its job as it should. I concentrate and move my head to the music as I
peel back the skin and continue what I’m doing. Nicolai’s screams oddly go with the music. It’s like
the perfect masterpiece. I can see myself writing a symphony to this. My mind conjures about the
notes as I continue on skinning the rest of his leg. I am not called a butcher because that’s not my
talent, that will never be my motivation, but I give it up to those who are.
“So,” I start as I get back up, leaving the perfect layer of skin to collect all the dust and everything
else that could make him cry some more. I get closer to his ear as I begin on his fingers. “When
Michelangelo painted that specific painting; it was basically interpreted as St. Bartholomew holding
the knife of his martyrdom and his flayed skin; It is said that Michelangelo put a self-portrait showing
himself as St Bartholomew flayed alive in the piece. What do you think it means? For me, I feel
like…” I pause because Nicolai is crying at this point. The fuck, I just started. “I’ll be back. I’ll give
you some pain reliever for all this. Okay? You were once my father-in-law.”
I stand, dropping the knife in a sanitizer. I grab the rubbing alcohol and remove the cap. I move
over to his pulled back skin and I pour it on him. Nicolai screams and I’m surprised he hasn’t passed
out. I shrug and turn away, grabbing my needle and thread. I sit on a rolling stool and pull myself
closer. I place his pulled back skin down perfectly, making it fit like a puzzle. I stitch it all back
together, slowly and efficiently. These kinds of things take time and precision.
I don’t know how long I take because I have time for this today and therefore my entire schedule
is open plus, King is at an all-day spa with the girls. I crack my neck and stand up, moving to the other
side where I remove my gloves and replace them. I’m a sucker for proper PPE, sue me. I flay his skin
back from the next leg and then move over to remove the skin from his fingers too. This time on that
side, I skip the wrist and pull back the skin on his arm all the way to his shoulder. Nicolai has passed
out. I grab the next bottle of rubbing alcohol and pour it all on him. He screams, waking up, and then
passes out again. I place my hands on my hips. “Hmm…”
I look around to see if Alex really gave me all that I needed, and I spot my baby in the corner. I
smile as I move towards my blow torch. I bring it back and go to the flayed arm skin. “Ever wonder
what a roasted pig smells like?” I taunt even though he can’t hear me.
I put it against the tip of his skin, and this shocks him awake to where he pees in the only clothing
he has on, his tighty-whiteys. A grown ass man can’t even take a little torched skin. I roll my eyes,
turning it off. I grab my needle and thread and stitch over the torched skin which I’m sure Nicolai
wanted to shit himself but I gave him a little something to cause him not to have bowel movements.
I’m not really in the mood to smell shit right now.
“Heard you had a kidney problem too?” I ask him as he blinks, trying to will himself to speak. I
wink at him as I stitch the rest of his body together.
He must think the torture is over. I go back to the first leg that I stitched together, and I take out the
sanitized knife that I used for that specific leg and I don’t dry it. Instead, I begin again, skinning him as
it should be done. This is art and how it should always be. I don’t stitch the skin this time; I move to
the toes and grab a set of sharp pliers. I know they’re sharp because Boston sharpened them. I smirk
even though he can’t see it. I go to stand where I know he can look me in the eye even from across
from him. I grab his big toenail with the pliers and tug hard. Nicolai finds his voice and screams. I
don’t wait as I place the pliers around his toe and I clip it right off. He screams again and now I’m
fucking irritated because I’ve missed the entire album. I place the pliers in another set of sanitizer.
There is a way I like my setup with little tables around that I can drop all my little trinkets in. I walk
over to him, picking up the sharpest hunting knife I have. I punch Nicolai in the face once but it
doesn’t feel like it’s enough and I do it again until I hear his jaw crack. I open his mouth and grab his
tongue. He bites down on my fingers hard and I plunge the knife in his gut, a spot where I know didn’t
hit a vital organ. I grit my teeth as he screams and lets go of my fingers. I snatch the same knife out of
his body and I swipe his tongue off.
If I don’t lift him up, he’ll choke on his own blood. I roll my eyes as I grab the suction and empty
the blood. I grab a medical stapler and I staple his tongue. Now, back to what I was doing.
I lose myself in my work and when I’m done tugging toenails and then clipping off the toes, I can
go back to the kidney surgery I need to perform. I cut him open and remove a kidney like I promised I
would. By now, Nicolai is on his ultimate death moment. The final crescendo is what I like to call it. I
smile as I do what I know I’ve had practice with all these years. I grab the same kidney from the mini
cooler, and I give him what others would call a kidney transplant, except this belongs to him. After
I’m done with the surgery, I suction out the blood. I stitch him back together. I stitch the toes back
together. By the time I’m done, Nicolai is dead, but I don’t stop what I’m doing. I stitch all his skin
back on… I move to his dead gray eyes. I shake my head at the irony. I stitch his eyelids, his mouth
and nose shut.
Boston turns the music off, prompting me out of whatever dreary place I was in. “You done… you
sick fuck?”
I look up at Boston, and I blink for a moment. I need to get out of there. He’s dead. I shake my
head once and then do it again. When I feel like I’m finally myself, I speak. “Yeah, you like my stuffed
cochon?” I chuckle.
Boston smirks and shakes his head. “You need to go under, don’t you?” I can tell he’s worried by
the crease in his forehead.
I nod. “Yeah. Tell Alex. 48 hours minimum. I need to find my center again.”

I haven’t seen Ciro for 48 hours and I miss him like crazy. I don’t get what it means for him to go
dark. I know that Boston tried to explain it to me, even Matteo tried to explain it but none of it
makes sense. Well, to my poor heart it doesn’t. It’s odd that someone I haven’t known for longer than
three months, I’ve spent a lot of time with him. Every waking moment I saw him and right before I
went to sleep, he was there, but now; it feels like a punishment that I can’t see him. I get out of the
empty bed and make my way to the shower. I get ready and I’m glad that we’re not back in Quebec
City or else, it would’ve been hard to be alone. Once I’m done everything and I leave the room, I
crash headfirst into a muscled chest. I look up and it’s Bobby, he’s smiling at me with a cast on his
“You’ve been behaving while I was gone, right?” He teases.
“Bobby!” I shout his name with excitement. I hug him and forget about his arm. He groans but tries
to shut it down so I won’t be alerted but it prompts me to remember that he is in pain.
“Sorry.” I let go of him.
Bobby smiles. “Ah, it was worth it. I get to see you all happy and whatnot. You must be going
crazy in your room, huh?” he says.
I nod. “Heck yeah, but everyone tries to keep me company considering,” I state.
Bobby gives me a reassuring smile. “Well, guess where I’m taking you?”
“I think it’s time you talk boss out of coming out of that dark place, don’t you think so?” He winks
at me.
I nod. “Yeah. I miss him.”
“I’m sure he misses you too.”

“Let’s go again!” I shout at the top of my lungs at Adriano and Boston.
Adriano shakes his head, but he says nothing. “All right, I’ll time you. We can’t over-exaggerate
with this Cryotherapy. You can’t be under too long.” Adriano gives me a lecture. He looks at Boston,
“What was his time before this one?”
Boston looks down at his timer. “6 minutes. Before that 5.”
Adriano looks back at me. “Okay, you’ll do your last session and for 7 minutes.”
“No, put me in for 10 minutes.”
“No!” Both of them scream out at the same time.
“Do it.” I demand.
“It’s minus 120 degrees Celsius dude, what the fuck? That’s dangerous.”
I shrug. “It’s just fucking ice water, chill out and do it!” I growl.
Boston shakes his head. “Just fucking do it, Adri. He’s not himself yet and maybe this will work.
We’ve been at this for 2 days now and it’s close to going on 3, this is the longest we’ve kept him in
the dark.”
With Boston’s words, I realize that we are in the dark and my eyes have adjusted to being in this
dark place and the room is cold but not freezing. I take a deep breath and shut my eyes. I see the light
as soon as one of them turns it on. I don’t have to open them back up because the light already burns
behind my closed lids. I groan, but I face the music as I open my eyes. It burns for a second and I shut
them again. I open my eyes and get up from my sitting position. I walk over to the big ass tub that is
built in for Alex and when he needs these sessions. It’s not all the time, but there are kills that you
take it too far and you have to find yourself. Figure it out and go back to being yourself.
I am human even if I was once a demi-god;it changes nothing. I cannot change who I am or what
I’ve been accustomed to. I take a deep breath as I stick one leg in and feel the chills move throughout
my entire body, then I place the next one. I don’t have to remove any clothing because I am as naked
as the day that I was born. I submerge myself in the icy water, shutting my eyes. For a second, my
body struggles to adjust to it all but then it relaxes. My mind goes somewhere else, somewhere that
I’ve never thought I’d go.
I look up and I see a man so beautiful; it hurts to even call him that.
“Who are you?” I say.
His hair is golden, like the sun, and he smiles at me. He’s striking and the more I stare at him,
the more I realize that I look like him. I am the spitting image of him. “You know who I am.”
“Don’t play games.” I say.
He chuckles as he stands, and it seems like we’re on a bed of clouds. This is weird as hell. I
peer up at him, why is he so big, but then I stand and realize we’re almost about the same height.
We’re huge beings and as I look down, I see how small the creatures are under us. It’s like we’re
standing on a glass that cannot be broken, stronger than tempered glass. I look back at him and it
all clicks.
“Father?” I say timidly.
“Finally,” he breathes out. “I thought I would have to kill you again.”
“What do you mean again? Am I dead?” I ask him.
“Technically. Your heart is becoming faint, but you’ll survive. I just wanted to say that I am
proud of you, Demetrius. You are an authentic example of a god. The amount of things that you’ve
done doesn’t make you a principled man but neither does it make you the worst man on earth. You
are my son through and through. Tell me, if you could give up who you are and be a god with us up
here, would you?”
I don’t think about it. “No. I’m going back to King. That’s final.” I say almost on a growl.
“Thought you’d pick her over this luxury and that’s where we’re different. You and your
brother, Herakles, were always so loyal, so ready to go to war for your women. You’re more alike
than you know. He once took a woman in too and then sexed her up so good, she stayed.”
“Really?” I say with an eye roll.
“I’m not ashamed to say that you got it from me.” he says.
“Okay, take me back.” I say.
He chuckles and everything thunders. “I just wanted a chance to see you and meet you as this
reincarnation. You never disappoint. See you again.” he says.
“Just know that you’ve earned your spot here forever, Ciro the god.”
I don’t have time to say anything else as he snaps his finger and I’m brought back to the now.
I lift myself out of the tub and take in gulps of air. “Oh, shit!” I hear both Adriano and Boston
scream out.
There are sounds of thunder and lightning strikes. I shake my head, trying to concentrate.
Everything is too damned bright, and I can’t function. I feel like I can’t breathe as I step out of the tub
trying to stop this random panic attack.
“Alex! Get your ass in here! What the fuck is wrong with him!” Adriano screams.
“Why does he look like that? What is in your damned water? His hair is blonder than it is black!
What did you do?”
“Turn off the lights! Turn it the fuck off!” I scream out but this can’t be me because my voice
sounds deeper like I’m underwater.
“What the fuck?” I say, not sure what’s going on with me.”
Relax… My father’s voice comes inside of my head. Breathe or else you’ll cause more than a
power shortage. You’ll burn out the entire city.
“What are you talking about? Shut up! Shut UP!” I scream out this time sounding like thunder and
then when I open my eyes, everything goes dark. The frigid air vent cuts off. Everything seems so
quiet now.
“Holy Shit.” I hear Alex say as he stares at me in awe. “He’s a fucking god, and he doesn’t even
know it. He’s a replica of Zeus.”
“Who is?” Adriano says.
“Zeus isn’t real.” Boston says. “What is real, is that the power is out of the entire block.”
Tank walks in. “This fucker blew out the grid.”
“In this area?” Alex asks.
“No, the entire city.”
“You better fix this, Ciro.” Alex says as he glares at me. “I didn’t cause this much shit when I
became me.”
Tank shakes his head. “You’re not a god, bitch, you’re just pretty much immortal.”
“Can somebody tell me what’s going on!” I yell.
“He must’ve made you just like him.” Alex says. “Did you have some revelation in your time
“Yeah… I saw him. My father. He asked me if I wanted to stay there or come back. I made the
decision to come back.”
“Damn. And that’s what you got for choosing love? Fucking nuts.” Tank says.
“So, nobody’s going to explain to the rest of us what the hell is going on?” Boston asks.
“We will but for now, Ciro needs to not look like he’s made from thunder from head to toe. Ciro
shut your eyes and find your center.” Alex says.
I shut my eyes and do as he says. The first person that pops up in my head is King, my wife. Her
beautiful big eyes and the smile that makes a man not afraid to say he would do anything for her. I sigh
and I feel my body calm. I usually run hot but how I was feeling a moment ago was insane.
“Where is your center?” Alex’s oddly soothing voice asks.
“Kingsley,” I reply and the second after I say that, I feel the room shifting and I know that I’ve
passed out.
I swear I hear her voice calling for me, but I can’t open my eyes. My eyelids are heavy as ever
and for the first time in my life, I feel like I need to nap. I just need to rest a bit and recuperate so I
can go back to my center. The woman that turned my life upside down… for the good and never the

I gaze at Ciro, he’s been sleeping for about 24 hours now. I run my fingers through his hair and sigh.
He’s never been asleep this long and the doctor said he’s fine. He looks so peaceful as he sleeps
and it makes me smile that he’s peaceful, but I wish that he would wake up. His hair has blonder
streaks than it did before. It’s still dark brown, but the blonde is much more prominent now.
“Any day now, Ciro, that would be nice,” I say to him, even though he can’t hear me.
Ciro tsks. “Impatient as ever, I see.” He opens his eyes and stares at me. His eyes are still that
striking blue that becomes blue-ish green in the sunlight color. He smiles at me.
“When did you wake up?” I ask him.
“The moment you were stroking my hair as if I’m Sleeping Beauty”
“Sleeping Beauty with an attitude problem.” I glare at him.
He chuckles. “Take this attitude like you take my dick; freely.”
I snicker. “I’m convinced you think with your dick more than anything else.”
Ciro says nothing for a second, but then he breaks out into a wide grin. “Always.” He winks at me
and slowly gets up. “I thought I would get a better welcome home party than this, Kingsley. You don’t
look too happy to see me.”
I shake my head, denying it. “I’m excited, but I’m also wondering if I’m dreaming because I
missed you a lot or what.”
Ciro fists the front of my t-shirt and pulls me to him. He does the unexpected and pulls me into a
hug. “Wake up,” he says.
My body jolts, and it feels like electricity just ran through my entire body. I yelp, getting out of
Ciro’s hold. “What the heck was that?”
Ciro’s eyes are wide and he looks down at his palms. There’s nothing there that I can see, and he
looks back up at me with a mischievous expression. He smiles like there’s something that he’s
thinking that would either scare me or fascinate me.
“Let me freshen up and then I’ll show you what it is,” Ciro replies. He stands off the bed. He
leans down a bit and gives me a kiss on the forehead and walks off towards the bathroom.
I stare at him until he disappears. Damn, that man is beautifully formed; The best part about it is,
he’s all mine. The blonder streaks make his facial features much more in your face and he looks like
an enigma. Which to me, he is.

Ciro’s freshening up takes longer than I have the patience to wait, so I fall back to sleep. If anyone can
take their sweet time getting ready, it’s him. I’ve noticed over the short months staying with him that if
he’s done before me it’s because he got ready earlier than me, but if it was a race, I’d win. The man
needs everything to be perfect, and he showers for an eternity.
As I settle into my nap and almost drift into my dreams when Ciro grips my ankles tight and I pop
my eyes open to see what the hell is going on. I know it’s Ciro, but again; I didn’t hear him make any
sound. Ciro is staring at me with a goal in his mind and a smile so wicked it almost distracts me from
the rest of his naked body. He’s dripping wet, I follow all the water droplets that I can until he pulls
me closer to the edge of the bed. “Can you feel this?” He asks. I feel a jolt of electricity zing through
me again.
“Yes!” I say in a surprised tone. “What is that and how are you doing it?” I ask.
“Humph… I told you, I’d show you.” He pulls me even closer. He wraps my legs around his
Ciro grips the waistband of both my jogger shorts and my panties, ripping them apart. He licks his
lips and sucks his bottom lip into his mouth. Ciro’s hands go to my waist and I suck in a deep breath
when his fingernails dig into the skin there. His dick grows hard from that and I’m so wet from the
action that it’s making me delirious. Before I could question what he’s doing, Ciro lifts me up, and he
drops me hard on his dick. I feel every part of him as he enters me. I moan, throwing my head back as
I hold on to his arms. My nails dig in. Ciro grunts, but he doesn’t give me a chance to truly adjust to
everything as he bounces me up and down on him. I shudder as I feel those same brief jolts of
electricity. I thought there was nothing new he could do, but boy, am I wrong.
“Oh…” I get out.
I feel as Ciro moves, taking a couple of steps and my back is against a wall. Which one? I don’t
know, and I couldn’t care less. I feel Ciro’s lips on mine and my hands travel going until they meet
together behind his neck. Ciro lifts me up more but doesn’t stop kissing me. After kissing me close
enough to make me lose my mind, Ciro stops and pulls out. He moves me higher and places my legs
over his shoulder. I hold on to him as he grabs my ass and brings me up more, where my pussy is in
his face. Ciro groans and he uses the tip of his nose to play with my clit. Then he inhales like a
madman and when he exhales, he shows me in depth why earning him eating me out like this is always
worth it.
I slam the back of my head against the cold surface behind me and I don’t even care about it. I bite
my lip and try my best not to make too much noise as Ciro flattens his tongue and does this weird
thing with his tongue that has my body reacting in a way that declares its love for Ciro. I cum; I’m so
light-headed I don’t take in that Ciro has moved us over to the bed until he drops me on it roughly.
“Turn around. On your belly and stretch out,” he commands. His voice is hoarse.
I comply by doing as he says. I feel as Ciro’s weight dips the bed. Ciro’s fingers dip in my juices
and he plays in it like it’s nothing while he builds me up again. I take ragged breaths as he spreads my
ass cheeks. I feel his dick at the entrance there, but he rubs the tip up and down between my cheeks.
Ciro side steps, taking me like that and owning me as he slams me down on the bed hard. He slips
into my pussy, making me think of the first time he took me like this. “You once asked me to be worse
than your nightmare and I said I couldn’t do it… You remember that, baby?”
I tremble. “Yes.”
“Good. You still want me in there? You want me to be worse?” he says in a slight groan as he
fucks me like a man unhinged.
“Yes…” I shudder at my admission. “I want that. Rip me apart, Ciro, take me in the worst way.
Defile me, ruin me and then when I think it’s over, put me back together. Make me a new symphony.
Bring me so high that you’re the only one who can play these keys of mine,” I utter like a madwoman.
“Hmm…” Ciro groans. “Don’t forget to come back to me. If you want me to stop, the safe word is
sugar.” Is all the warning I get as Ciro ups the ante.
I don’t know what shocks me more; That the smack sounds so loud against my ass cheek that the
sound ricochets in the room or the pain that travels my entire body. Ciro holds me down by my neck
as he adds more of his weight restraining me. He fucks me harder, rougher than he’s ever taken me.
Ciro grabs one of my thighs, forcing my legs apart. He smacks my ass. This time, there are no breaks
in between. The amount of times it’s raining down on my body has me screaming into the pillow and
tears falling down my face. When Ciro holds my spread-out legs down, it triggers a memory with
Jones and my body fights back but I don’t voice it because this is what I want. This is what I need. I
need to see the end of the tunnel. To not feel Jones on me anymore, but my body is trying to trick my
brain into thinking it’s him. Ciro grips my thigh tighter and I cry out, but I don’t tell him to stop.
“Fuck,” Ciro grunts as he increases his thrusts, and each thrust feels like it’s hitting my throat. I
feel him in every part of me.
I shut my eyes once more and for that split second; I go back to that moment. Go back to being
helpless, but then Ciro smacks my thigh. “No!” He grits through his teeth. “Fuck this and fuck your
sugar,” he says.
I don’t get what that means until Ciro pulls out so fast; it has my head spinning. He smacks my
other ass cheek for good measure. Not one time, but almost the same amount of times as he did the
first. He slaps my clit twice, I grip the bed sheets and cum so hard, my eyes cross. My brain is
confused because it knows it’s Ciro doing this, but I can’t fully get Jones out of the way. The way he
was holding me down. Ciro grunts and spreads more of my juices to the only other hole he hasn’t
conquered yet. I try to prep myself, but Ciro doesn’t give two shits about that as his dick probes the
entrance. My body tries to move away from the intrusion, but Ciro runs the back of his hand down my
spine in a soothing mechanism. It does its job as Ciro slips in little by little. Ciro stops soothing my
back, and he leans his entire body over mine. He continues to enter, “Relax, baby… relax,” he
I can’t relax because all I’m seeing is Jones when I shut my eyes but then when I feel Ciro’s kisses
on whatever part of my body and his fingers as they touch me, the once image of Jones is gone and
there it is Ciro on top of me. Holding me down, but in this version, I willingly open my legs to him,
and I let him take me and conquer me because this is who I need. This is who I want. “Ciro…” I
“Oh, sugar…” He grunts as he continues, and the uncomfortable feeling disappears and all I feel
now is the will to let him take me this way.
My hand travels behind him and I push him further inside of me. I shudder as his ass cheek
clenches. It’s so surreal and different. I moan low and dig my nails into his ass which has Ciro
changing the pace a bit and his entire body shudders. Ciro loses himself in the moment like I did, and
he cums. “I love you,” I confess one more time.
“I love you, too,” Ciro says as he slowly pulls out.
“The way you conquer is beautiful.”
“The way you like to be taken is sexy as fuck.” He kisses my cheek. “Let’s go take a shower and
get you some cream for your ass cheeks. They must be on fire.” He teases.
I chuckle but hiss because Ciro lightly flicks one of them. “You’re rude,” I playfully say.
Ciro chuckles and someone knocks on the door. “What!” He yells.
“Lights are back on, dipshit. Thanks for the maintenance, asshole.” Tank states.
Ciro laughs hard and I can feel the authenticity of that laughter as it reverberates against my body.
After rejuvenating with my wife for the rest of the day I finally give her a chance to get some serious
shut eye. I walk out to where everyone probably is. When I make it to the living room, I see Adriano
and Boston. They both look at me like I owe them some explanation. I shrug and Boston looks at me
like he wants to chuck something at my head instead of his son.
“What?” I say.
Boston rolls his eyes. “What does Alex know that we don’t? The fuck? People had to run on back-
up generators to get the shit done for your damned party.”
“Party?” I question.
Adriano makes an exasperated sound. “You really can’t keep a damned secret, can you?”
I snicker. “Boston can’t keep shit a secret.”
“Whatever, don’t change the subject, dickhole.” Adriano says.
I snicker. “Whatever. Thanks for the wedding reception and now for the main event…” I say.
I sit down and fully explain to my brother and cousin what the hell is going on with me. I’m glad
Matteo isn’t here and is still out somewhere with Paris and his friends because I wouldn’t want him
to know just yet.


When I walk into the reception hall, I’m impressed. It is astonishing. Now, I see why these bastards
had the whole champagne handkerchief for me to place in my all black tie-less attire. I walk in with
my hands in my pocket, admiring the place. Maybe I should pay attention to the guests that are here,
but it can’t be more than the ones I’ve seen all week.
“My baby…” I turn to my right and I spot my mother.
I whistle at her attire. She came out looking her best. “Mama!” I say to her as I go over to her and
pull her in my arms.
“Get off me.” She playfully slaps my back. “You don’t come see your mama for nothing. What’s
that about, you little shit?” Her accent is always heavy when she’s trying to cuss one of us out.
I plant kisses all over her face until she’s laughing. “You missed me, mama. I know it, you know
it, and your old husband here knows it too. I let her go and take a good look at her. Her gray hair is in
big curls and tumbling down her back. She’s wearing the colors of the theme, and now I take in that
everyone is doing so. I don’t know how they all pulled this in such short notice given that we just got
married, but I’ll have to name one of my son’s after Alex.
“You only see your mama, huh?” My dad says.
I throw my head back and laugh. “Come here, old man. Seeing you in Russia wasn’t the best, but
now, we’re going to party like the true Italians we are.” I tease him.
“You can’t out party me, boy. I may look old, but I’ve still got it.” He teases. “Speaking of still
got,” He gestures towards the grand doors that I just came from. I turn and I grin.
I whistle and I can’t take my eyes off my wife. Her hair is curled and shaped around her face. She
looks scrumptious. I groan. King is standing there staring at me and I’m sure she’s nervous because of
all the attention she’s getting, but I don’t give a fuck. I wiggle my brows at her, and she breaks out in a
smile. I wink at her and beckon her to me. Her champagne colored dress makes her skin glow; The
thin spaghetti straps will be easy to tug and rip apart, but it holds her tits up nicely. They look so good
and it makes me realize that I haven’t given them much thought and now; I’ll stop being unfair. The V-
neck of the dress will give me a chance to bite and pop a nipple out if I want to later on. Maybe I’ll
sneak my wife away in a closet and fuck her into oblivion or motorboat those babies. Who knows?
Her long gold sequined Tulle dress suits her, and I can tell as she walks towards me, she’s wearing
When she finally makes it to me, I finally realize that music was playing this whole time. I have
never gotten so lost in someone. The next song that plays is the Jonas Brothers’ song What a man
gotta do. “Care to dance, sugar?”
“Dance?” She whispers. “You dance?”
I chuckle. “A Don like me can’t know how to dance?” I pull her towards the dance floor. “Let me
show you a little something, baby.” I wink at her.

C iro wasn’t lying when he said he could teach me a little something or two when it comes to
dancing. I have never laughed so hard and enjoyed myself like I do with our first dance. I
thought Ciro’s serious demeanor would make him hesitant, but this man doesn’t care about anyone
else. He places his hands on my hips and pulls me close to him. He dances, moving to the rhythm
perfectly, and I can’t help but be even more in love with him.
After the dance, Ciro grabs my chin and kisses me with promise for more later. I don’t know if my
body will ever tire of him. He lets me go and looks at me, ravenously. “You look fucking delectable,
my toy.” His tone drops an octave and I shudder. “I’d fuck you if I didn’t want you to meet your in-
laws. My parents can’t wait to meet you, but after all the cutting cake bullshit, I’ll have my version of
cake topping. I’ve got a sweet fucking tooth and you need to feed my addiction.” He leans in and bites
my neck.
He interlocks his fingers with mine and he leads me towards where his parents are sitting. I love
that the wedding isn’t filled with people we don’t know or that it’s in an insanely enormous hall. The
hall is a decent size, but I can tell that it’s expensive as hell. Only Alex would book a hall in Caesar’s
palace just to fit the theme of our reincarnations.
“My mama, Corina and my Papa, Fabrizio… meet your daughter-in-law, the woman that will give
you an abundance of grandchildren.” Ciro announces me.
He pulls me closer and his mother stands. She looks at me and I can tell that she is a kind-hearted
woman. She moves closer and cups my face in her hands. Ciro’s mother must’ve been like a model in
her young age because she still very much looks like one. “You, my dear, are beautiful as ever,” she
says what I assume is an entire sentence in Italian that I don’t understand.
“She says that the window to your soul is open and she can see how good of a soul you have. That
she wishes nothing but happiness in our marriage.” Ciro translates.
I blush and look down. “Thank you.” I say.
She lifts my head. “You are a queen, never look down and don’t let anyone tell you that you need
to bow. Never bow, my dear. You are now a Sarkozy. You are family.” she says.
I don’t know what comes over me, but I rush into her arms. “Thank you.”
Ciro’s mother laughs and holds me tight against her person.
“Again, with the hogging, eh?” I see Ciro’s dad as he comes behind his wife. “Well, I guess I’ll
just get in on this hug. Welcome to the family, Kingsley Sarkozy. We’ve always got your back.”
I smile at him. He looks so much like Ciro except with grayer hair. “Thank you and I’m happy to
be part of the family,” I say, meaning it.
“Can I cut in?” I hear a voice that I know I have to get used to hearing. I get out of Ciro’s parents’
embrace and I turn to my dad.
“Thank you for coming,” I say to him.
My father returns the smile. He holds his arms open and I don’t hesitate this time. I run into his
arms and hold on to him. He rocks me. “Smoky Vanilla.” I say out loud.
“What?” My father asks.
“Your scent. I know it now. You smell like Smoky Vanilla, if there’s such a thing and I’ll never
forget it.”
Ciro snickers. “Aww, my wife’s a dork,” he says.
I laugh because I am, and I know he loves me for it.


It is now time to cut the cake. I didn’t realize that wedding receptions have so many things that need to
be done. I am grateful that this is the only wedding reception I’ll ever take part in where I’m the
Ciro and I make our way to where the cake is, and we do as instructed to cut the cake. I take a
small piece and feed it to Ciro. He bites my fingers, sending goosebumps all down my spine. My face
warms and I know I’m blushing. For Ciro’s turn, he eyes me like he’s been doing all night. He looks
at my breasts as if he’s about to do something very nasty, but then shakes his head. He smirks as he
feeds me a small piece. He watches me as I eat the piece and as soon as I swallow, Ciro wraps his
hand around my neck and kisses me like a man starved for more than the damn cake. I moan in his
mouth as I hold on to him. I hear whistles and cheers as the music is turned back up again. Ciro lets
me go. He stares at me again and he reaches out towards the cake. He dips his finger in the frosting of
the cake and brings it to his mouth, tasting it. “This cake tastes golden as fuck but I bet it would taste
like heaven around your nipples, don’t you think? Maybe even mixed in with your pussy juices,
I hiccup again. What the hell? He’s my husband now, shouldn’t I be used to this?
The waiters come to take the cake away and Ciro stops one of them. “Can you give me a good
chunk of my cake right now?’ He asks one of them.
“Yes, sir, but I could also serve it to you when you take a seat if it will be easier for you, ” The
waiter says.
“That won’t be necessary but thank you for that. Just drop that fat, delectable piece right there,
I’ve got a special sauce I like to eat my cakes with.” He instructs and as the waiter cuts the piece,
Ciro steals another piece putting it in his mouth. He groans and looks at me. “You know what I’ve
never done before, baby?”
“What?” I say after I’ve gotten a better hold of my hiccups.
“I’ve never eaten ass with frosting on top, I bet it’ll taste good and make you feel like you’re on
fucking Mars, sugar.”
I cough, and the waiter drops the utensils on the plate, making a clattering sound.
“Sorry.” The waiter apologizes and tries to get back to work.
“It’s fine. Hurry,” Ciro grunts.
“Okay, sir, here you go.” The waiter says.
“Thank you,” Ciro looks at the chunk and groans in excitement. “This is a good piece. I’m going to
enjoy myself.” He takes the cake that’s already cut on the plate for us without the fork and tugs me
with him out of the main hall towards the private changing area.
“Cir, what about our guests? They’ll notice we’re gone.”
Ciro glances at me before he continues on his mission. “Good, because tonight, sugar, I’m putting
a fucking baby in you or maybe even three. Did you know triplets run in both my father and mother’s
family?” he says.
“No, I didn’t know that.”
Ciro finds the room and lets my hand go. He takes out his key card and taps it against the little
machine. It lets us in and once we’re in; the door shuts. Ciro faces me with the cake in his hand and
smirks. “Well, now you know… Let’s make some fucking triplets, honey.”

I watch as King acts shy and I take out the frosting from the rest of the cake. She takes her clothes off
slowly and I grin because she knows how much I loved being teased. “Take your time, honey, I have
all night to fuck you. If you think anyone will kick me out of this room, you must have me fucked up.”
King shudders as she drops her dress to the floor, and it pools around her. I take her in. Naked
except for her champagne colored thong that is attached to the same colored garter that matches her
heels. King wears a wicked smile that I didn’t know she was capable of. She steps out of the dress
and walks over to me. She takes the plate of cake from my hand and places it on the table. She pushes
me down on the chair and I go willingly. King turns around and touches her toes. “I’m ready.” she
says and her voice sounds fucking sultry.
I groan but I do nothing. I lean in and bite her ass cheek. She yelps at the deep indent I cause with
my teeth. I run my fingers up and down her legs. I fist the back of her thong in my hand and pull until it
snaps. I stand and smack her ass once. “Stand up straight.”
King does as I say, and she even turns around. I sit back down, and she straddles me. I grab the
cake and throw a sizable chunk in my mouth. As I chew, I take the frosting that I put on the side and I
spread it over her erect nipples. “Tasty.”
“Mmm,” King moans softly.
I grab one of her tits and I dip my head down sucking the frosting off her nipple taking extra care
of her. I slip my free hand further down and tease her. Get her ready for me. I insert two of my fingers
inside of her, letting her fuck my fingers like she wants to. I let go of that nipple and move over to the
other one. One thing about me is that I’m a messy eater and I’ve never denied it. I like to eat sloppily,
especially with two things; frosting and pussy. I suck her nipple into my mouth, making sure it gets the
same treatment as the other one. I pop it out of my mouth when I feel her dripping wet on my dick. I
reach behind and grab her ass, bringing her closer to me. I remove my fingers from inside her and slip
them into my mouth. I gaze into her eyes as she watches me with unadulterated heat as I suck her
juices off clean.
King slips her hands underneath my suit jacket and begins removing it. I shake my head. “No,
honey, you’re going to realize that I don’t have to remove every single item of clothing for me to turn
your life upside down.”
“Fuck me up, baby,” she responds.
I smirk as I push her off my lap. King is shocked by this as she lands on the plush carpet. She
cocks her brow at me from the floor. I stand up and move the chair. I unbuckle my belt, unbutton my
pants, and unzip. I reach in my pants, pulling my dick out of my boxer-briefs. I grip myself hard
pumping once then I stop. I grab the plate of frosting and cake left descending with it. I kneel between
King’s legs as I place the plate on the carpet. I move it a little and pull King to me. “I want to hurt
you, so good baby, will you let me?”
“Yes…” She answers me so breathlessly, it drives me insane.
I groan as I hover over her. I lift both of her legs over my shoulders and interlock my fingers with
hers. I slip inside like a man so damned crazed for his girl, there’s no other way to do it. The slip in
even drives me wild. I give her more of my weight to protect her from causing friction and carpet
burns. I dig my fingers into her flesh as neither of us says a word. I lay my forehead on hers and fuck
her my way.
I don’t care about anything else. The guests, the world or the fact that I can hear it as it rains
outside. The pitter patter of the rain encourages me to show her my love through my body. She knows
it with my words, but does she know what I would do for her? That if I could I would make her a
goddess? Just so I could worship her day and night. There isn’t another person or rather woman that I
would do this for. I groan and shudder as she holds on tight like I’m doing. I lick her tears that escape
her eyes and kiss her so she can taste how sweet her tears are to me. We don’t stop until both of us are
coming undone. Time will always freeze for us. The world will always be irrelevant when we look
into each other’s eyes.
I pull out and don’t go back on my promise. I put my dick back in my pants and lower my mouth to
her pussy. I grab some frosting coating my lips with it and I go to town. I eat her pussy, mixing it with
her juices. I was right. It tastes phenomenal. Something out of this world. I stop the assault on her
pussy as I flip her over on her stomach.
I reach out grabbing more frosting and coating her ass with frosting, not caring about how messy
this will be later on. She’ll be sticky for sure, but she’ll be a satisfied sticky mess. I eat the last piece
of cake and then lick the rest of the icing off the plate. I don’t taste it just yet as I spread her ass
cheeks and show her what it means for someone to worship your entire body. From head to toe. I’m a
man that has no shame in what I do because it keeps my woman attached to me. She’s the only one that
I care about.

I don’t know if anything else could top the night that I had with Ciro. We didn’t end up making it
back to our own reception. Alex got us a room there, so we moved up to the room where Ciro
made good on his promise to get me pregnant. If I’m not pregnant this time around on purpose, then
that’s fine, I can enjoy trying to do all of that.
I wave goodbye to my new friends, Kenna, Alex, and the lot as the jet takes off. I can’t believe
that we’ve only stayed here for about a week tops. It felt like paradise being here. I’m still fascinated
at the way everything looks in the sky, so even when I can no longer see Kenna and all of them, I look
at the clouds. They’re so peaceful and I love it. “Baby, you mind paying attention to me?” Ciro teases.
“Sorry,” I say, and I smile at him. “What were you saying?”
“Oh, not much. Just asking if you’re excited to go back and if you want to take a quick nap in the
I narrow my eyes at him. “A nap?”
Ciro chuckles. “Yes, an actual nap. Come on.” Ciro says. I place my hand in his and he leads me
to the cabin while Adriano and Boston discuss something with Matteo and Bobby.
When we get to the cabin, Ciro does exactly what he means, we cuddle, and he naps. For the first
time ever, Ciro falls asleep before me. I turn in his arms to look at him. I run my fingers through his
hair, and I trace over his facial features. Even in his sleep, he smiles. “Thank you for everything that
you’ve given me. I promise to give you the world and more if I can. You mean everything to me, My
Demetrius. Thank you for finding me in this life,” I say to him.
Ciro groans and pulls me closer to him. He opens his eyes when his forehead is right on mine. He
doesn’t say anything, but he just watches me. We don’t have any more words that can express how we
feel. We just know. I lean in shutting my eyes hard and I kiss him. For the first time, I initiate the kiss
that someone who has the biggest crush on someone does. A timid, shy kiss that shows my true
feelings. Not one that leads to sex but one that just tells him that I love him with all my heart, and I am
dedicated to him. Forever.

Getting back to the day-to-day shit is easy, but what isn’t is the fact that I had to wait almost four
months for my father-in-law so I could wreck shit up for that fat bitch Stannis. While I’ve been
waiting, I’ve been explaining to my brother and my cousin more and more about my reincarnation and
Kingsley’s. Apparently, what I told them made little sense the first time, but now, they seem to
understand better. I think back on what Czar said about waiting to take out his brother and also
destroying that business so the girls could go on with their lives or something. He made sense. We
wanted things to stay low and monitor what we needed to, to make sure that Kingsley had no
affiliations with him or the De la Saints. Kingsley wanted nothing to do with her mother’s side of the
family, so I dropped the subject. She refused the money and told me to donate it but neither I nor her
father can touch it, so I did the next best thing; I convinced her to put it for our children combining her
money and mine is only for them. We don’t get to touch that at all.
I snap out of it when a text comes from Czar telling me that everything is set, and he gives me an
address; I smile. The moment I’ve been waiting for. I don’t hesitate as I take one of my sports cars out
that I know I don’t need to have, anyway.
My men follow closely behind me. I speed up for good measure just to see if they can still do
what the fuck, I hired them for. Gotta keep these nut jobs on their toes. I continue to drive to the
countryside of Quebec. I’m happy that I told King to pack before this because we’re leaving tonight
for her Disney trips. I crack my neck as I pull up to where Czar is sitting back drinking his water
bottle. I chuckle because he looks fucking crazy while his brother is tied to his car.
I park next to him, running over Stannis’ foot. I step out of the car and Stannis is screaming out.
“Please! Please!”
“Shut the fuck up, idiot,” I say to Stannis and greet Czar. “Nice to see you’re in good health and
He smirks. “Good to see that my daughter still smiles when she video calls me.”
I laugh. “Nice of you to say you enjoy my company.” I lean on his car as I pull out a cigarette and
light it up as one of the boys gets Stannis ready.
There is a certain way Czar, and I want this done. It has to be fair for us to both get a piece of
Stannis. It’s the only way. I watch in silence as the other half of his arm and leg are tied to the handles
of my car. “Where are you taking her?” Czar asks me.
“All around Disney, really. She wants to go to the Disney resorts and shit. She’s packing as we
“Good. Take her around and have fun for once. Shit will always be here, you know?” He states.
“Yeah.” I say. I drop my cigarette and step on it. I step over a crying Stannis, not bothering with
any explanation.
Czar walks over to the driver side of his car. We both get in and I approve of his sports car too.
He nods once. We turn our engines on, and we rev them up just for shits and giggles. I count us down,
putting my first finger down, then my ring finger and finally, after I’ve flipped Czar the finger, I put it
down and we take off full force. We don’t care about the screams or the blood that splatters our cars
as we drive at the same speed, then turn in opposite ways. Stannis’s body is ripped apart and if I
didn’t have somewhere to be, I’d ask for a video recording of this, but then again…
We stop after we perform the task and do a U-turn, going back to where we first parked. I get a
video call from King and I answer it.
“What’s up, baby?”
“Hey, daddy…” She calls out to me.
I quickly glance at the screen, and she’s smiling at me. I’ve given her even more. “What?” I ask
her. I chuckle, “That’s random.”
“Is it though? You don’t remember what you told me?”
I rack my brain. “Not really. Refresh my memory, sweetheart.”
She sighs and pouts, but does it, anyway. “You know how I was sick for like two weeks?” she
says all giddy.
“Yeah, sick like a fucking dog,” I reply.
She laughs. “Anyway… you said, the only time I could call you daddy, is if you’re a daddy
sooooo, Congratulations you’re a daddy!” She yells out and Poutine barks in the background as if he
knows what’s going on.
“What! For real? Franchement, sugar?”
“Whooooo!!!” I yell out in the car and Kingsley laughs. This is the best day of my life. It turns into
a race that I win because one of my damned hobbies as a reckless teen was racing like I was a Nascar
professional. A disastrous car accident with broken bones that hurt like hell taught me to chill the fuck
out. I shake my head and realize that the reckless phase of mine is over. When I park the car, I don’t
get out of the car feeling overwhelmed. I take a deep breath and push my emotions to the side.

When I finally make it home, it all sinks in again the second I see Kingsley waiting for me on the
couch. She’s asleep with Poutine watching guard over her. He’s been doing that ever since the whole
Jones thing. I pet him and I sit on the couch just gazing at her. I’m going to be a father. Not just an
uncle or a godfather… But a father.
“How many months are you?” I ask her.
“Four months. You really got me pregnant in Vegas like you promised. A man of your word.”
I smirk. “That I did, sugar. Had to eat your ass with cake for all of that to happen. Pulled out all
my best fucking tricks and fucked around and almost got a damn Charlie horse.” King laughs with me
and then it grows quiet. Our reality is setting in. I sigh, thinking about how life has changed. Not for
the worst at all. Just from the good to the better.
“You can always be yourself with me, Cir.” My sweet baby says to me as she opens her eyes.
I smirk, but I can feel the emotions overwhelm me. I reach out with a trembling hand, touching her
still flat belly. “Thank you,” I say to her.
“Anything and everything for you, Ciro Gaël Sarkozy. I’d do it all over, just to have 10 minutes of
your time.”
“Everything?” I ask King just to be sure.
“Everything.” She smiles at me. “Come here.” I smile because those are my words. I do as she
says as I push her up a bit on the big ass couch. I lay my head down on her flat belly. She runs her
fingers through my hair while my hands find their way inside her shirt. “You didn’t forget my shades,”
Kingsley says.
“What?” I ask her as I kiss her belly.
“My shades because I’m forever blinded by you,” she says.
“I love you, Kingsley Sarkozy, my wife.”
“I love you too, Ciro, the only sun that shines in my life with no end.”
I kiss her belly.

I t’s crazy that it’s been three years now that King and I have been married, yet she has no desire to
share me or to do the whole open marriage thing. I pull up in my driveway and step out of my
sports car. The only time I get to myself these days. Sometimes, I just need a moment to drive
something that I can’t drive all the time. I step out of the car and make my way into our home.
The second I make it past the foyer, Poutine barks alerting my presence. “Really, Old boy?” I say
to him.
Not even a second later, one naked child of mine comes running. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” He
yells out.
I stare at him for a moment. “Kid,” I state.
He runs over and hugs me. I cock my brow at him. “Why are you running around in your birthday
He frowns, “Bath time, daddy!”
I chuckle and roll my eyes. “Where are your carbon copies?” I ask him.
As if I called for them. Here the other two of my boys come charging down the hall naked as ever.
“Daddy! Daddy!”
“Let me guess… bath time?” I say to all three of them with my hands on my hips; I stare at my
sons. I was so happy the day they were born. Just seeing their precious little faces come to this world
made everything and every moment worth it.
Kingsley and I thought hard on the names too; number 1 is Gaël Alexander Sarkozy. Number 2 is
Cirus Vasiliév Sarkozy and number 3 is named after both Boston and my brother; Santino,—Boston’s
middle name—Adrien Sarkozy. They’re so beautiful. They have Kingsley’s big eyes, but my eye color
just isn’t as intense. Their sun-kissed skin is a perfect hue; It’s easy to know which one is number 2,
Cirus because he’s the only one with dark blonde curls while the other two have dark brown hair.
One of them laughs. This one, Santino or Nino, like his brothers call him, looks just like a mixture
of King and I more than the other two. Our triplets are identical, yet I can see their differences so
“Gaël, Cirus, and Santino Sarkozy!” King yells their name from down the hall. “I swear if you
don’t get your cute little tushies in the bath, we’re going to have one angry mama! Grrr…” The fact
that Kinglsey makes the damned noise is what prompts me to laugh but I cover my mouth.
I snicker along with the boys. “Guys, don’t give mama a hard time.” I look at Poutine, “You’re
supposed to be a better big brother than that.” Poutine barks at me.
I look back as King comes down the hall with her hands full of suds and she blows the tendrils of
her hair out of her face. “Hi baby,” I say to her.
When she sees me, the tired look completely disappears off her face and she smiles brightly. “Hi,
Ciro.” She greets me so sweetly. I walk over to her, knowing my boys are right at my heel. I lean
down and kiss her forehead. “You should’ve called me and told me they were giving you trouble,
She chuckles. “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not. You’re a month and a half away from dropping this baby girl of ours.” I smile
thinking about her name; Lora Kingslea Sarkozy. I rub her belly and focus on getting my woman to
take a break. “Come on, let me take over. Go sit and relax. I’ll run your bath after. How about that?” I
say to her.
“I love you,” she says out of breath.
This time I don’t kiss her forehead. I pull her in for a scorching kiss that promises to make her feel
She’s the first to pull away from the kiss. “O, Demetrius, My Ciro… My favorite ancient god and
the man who will rub my feet later.” she says with theatrics only a lover of Shakespeare can give.
I wink at her. “Fuck, talk dirty to me, baby.” I say to her.
She giggles.
“Fuck!” I hear Gaël say first.
“Fuck!” His brother, Cirus repeats after him.
“Daddy… whasss, fuck?” The third one, Santino says.
“Oh Fuck… I mean shit, fuck… Dammit; Thing 1, 2, and 3. I don’t want to hear any of those
words out of your mouths.” I face them giving them a fake stern look. “Am I clear boys?”
“Yes, daddy.” All three of them try their best to imitate my expression but they fail.
I shake my head, lightly chuckling with them. “Now, off to the bath. Giddy up!” I say to them.
“Okay, Papa!” They say in unison and I know they’re being full of shit. They run down the hall
and all I hear is the word fuck being repeated.
“I say we blame it on Matteo as soon as my parents, your dad and his wife, your brother and his
wife and her husband arrive.” I pause thinking about the first time we met them and how fascinated
Kingsley and I were to learn about a working throuple relationship. They don’t call it that, but
whatever I do. The damn shrinks like Boston, probably because none of them can really mind their
business. But, I like their wife, Tini, she’s an oddball all around. Tutu-wearing ass.
I continue with what I was saying. “When they get here, that’s our answer. We’re a united front,
baby or we can say it was the following; Boston, Adriano, who I don’t know why he’s moved here
and your odd friend, Reign. There’s so many of them to blame.” I suggest.
King throws her head back and laughs. “I think they’d all disagree and still blame you.”
I shrug “The three musketeers won’t snitch on me.” I wink at her. I lean in and kiss her temple,
swatting her ass just to piss her off. “Go rest, mama. Giddy up.”
She rolls her eyes but does as I say with a grin on her face. I watch her as she goes off, grabbing
her jar of peanut butter with a side of Oreos and plops her ass on the couch. Poutine sits right by her
as she turns the TV on and watches The Simpsons like the loyal fan that she’s been since she started. I
shake my head and grin. I love this woman and the family that she’s given me.
I make my way to the boys’ bathroom after changing into simple pants and . They’re all waiting
for me with their favorite toy in hand. I face the tub and refill the water.
“Daddy… Nino say it.” Cirus tells on his brother.
“What did he say, Pops?” I call him by his nickname. King thought it would be cute since it
references her father.
“He say fuck when Papa say no.” He glares at Santino.
Gaël pushes Cirus. “Sniches get siches.” All three of them start to argue in toddler language.
“Boys…” I say in a calm tone and they stop. I don’t even bother turning around to face them. “Fall
in line before we have a problem,” I say as I fill the water with their preference of bubble bath soap.
I don’t have to turn around to know that they’ve followed my orders. I turn to them and they’re
standing there with identical pouts on their face. “Guys, be good to each other, okay? None of that
snitches get stitches or that cursing in my house. The F word is a word for grown ups like me or your
mama. What’s rule 1, G?” I ask Gaël.
He pouts but he knows I’m not playing with him. He whines but eventually he opens his mouth to
talk. “No hitting carbom guppies.” He has tears in his eyes.
“G…” I give him a slight smile. “Come here,” I open my arms and he does.
“I’m sowwy, daddy,” he cries out.
“Don’t cry, Gaël, It’s okay. Papa loves you, okay? Don’t cry.” I kiss his cheek. He sobs and his
brothers break down as well. “Come, come…” I call them into my arms too. I kiss their temples too.
“Love you, Daddy.”they all say.
“Love you too. Now how about bath time and then… we join mommy and the old boy, Tine?”
“Okay!” they yell.


After the bath, I dress the boys up in their matching pyjamas and I carry them in the living room to join
“You’re spoiling them,” King says with a smile on her face.
“I kinda went full Don on them instead of being their dad,” I frown.
“Aww my poor babies, come sit with me. Daddy’s mean, huh?” King asks Santino as he’s the first
one to wiggle out and land on the couch to cuddle in her arms.
Santino nods. “Big meanie, daddy.” He says with a big smile on his face. “jus kiddin.”
“Daddy loves you even more, Nino.” I say as I sit right next to King. I lean down and kiss her
belly before I come back up kissing her lips.
“Daddy…Kisses!” The boys yell.
“Yeah, daddy! We want kisses!” King joins the boys and All four attack me but I wouldn’t have it
any other way.
After a bit, King runs out of breath and they settle down. Two of the boys sit on my lap while the
other one sits on King and rubs her belly. King bites my shoulder lightly and I groan while we watch
Paw Patrol.
“Come on, sugar, don’t play with me like that… We can’t miss Chase’s advice, he’s the leader. Be
good and I promise, I’ll let you be bad all you want later.” I wink at her.
King bites her bottom lip and blushes. “I can’t wait, Sir.”
I lean in and kiss her one more time, thinking about the first time I kissed her. How different it felt,
how I knew my fate was sealed. That was when I knew, I’d never let her go.
I blinded her for sure, but I also didn’t leave her hopeless. I gave her shades and promised to
supply a never-ending supply of them. She’ll forever be blinded by my sun.

The End
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
[1] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[2] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[3] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[4] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[5] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[6] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[7] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[8] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[9] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[10] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[11] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[12] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[13] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
[14] William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2020.
About the Author
King Ellie discovered her love for dark romance through reading and as she read more and more of
them, she discovered that this was the genre she wanted to write it. The antiheroes and what others
would classify as villains, she sees them as an opportunity to show what a hurt, heartbroken male
who is seen as anything but can love harder. The heroines get a chance to be loved deeply and only by
the antiheroes. Love isn’t always just black and white… it’s a spectrum of color.

You can connect with me on:
Also by King Ellie
Free-Falling: The Arrangement Series Book 1

What happens when you marry someone else—an arranged marriage— to save the love of your life?
So many things can come from this. You ask yourself so many questions.
Can we get along? Can we actually coexist? When can I see the one that I love?
Yet, you forget to ask yourself one VERY important question…What if the love of your life is the
person you’ve loathed all of your life?

What then?

Simple, you…Free-Fall

*Warning: This book contains LOTS of sex scenes. Please be aware of that and other triggers as well
in this book. Subject to abuse and other STRONG subjects.
The Dear Letters Series

From Book 1: Dear Revenge

I miss you like crazy. When I first met you, things changed for me. I’ve never known love like I have
now. You mean the world to me, from your amber-colored eyes to the hard way you love. I want you
to know that you mean everything to me. You are the only man I will ever love, the only one who has
my heart, soul, body, and mind. Everything you do makes you the perfect human being in my eyes.

Remember this: although my actions have proven differently, I will always love you. You get that,
Carson McDermott. I will always be your high school sweetheart, your wife, and the woman who
broke your heart.

I’m sorry, bubba.

Just make sure that when you do seek revenge on me, you don’t hold back. I don’t deserve your pity,
and I’ll take your punishments as a grown, bold woman.

Do your worst.


Katerina DiMaggio-McDermott

*** Dear Revenge is a re-release formerly published as Dear Carson McDermott ***

From Book 2: Dear Dark Knights

Trigger Warning: This book contains dark scenes that may trigger. Please read with caution.
Please be aware and conscious that the diagnoses that the heroine has is mixed with fiction. It
does not at all reflect nor change the true research of the study of the conscious-unconscious mind.

Dear Dark Knights,

You both broke my heart. You took every part of me, made it your own, and then you chose to walk
away from me. You both left me there.

You both twisted, yanked, and wickedly took what should’ve never been yours and stomped on it. You
made up your minds to show me that you both were the devil reincarnate. You took that broken,
battered, and unwanted heart with you, as though it belonged to you.

The problem with me is… both of you. I can’t think, breathe, or see past either of you. You flood my
mind in a way that no one can. You need to let me go. You hurt me. Why can’t either of you let go of
me? You may not say it with your mouths, but your souls call out to me. There’s a part of you that
cries for me just as much as I cry for you.

Should we do this again? Can we? One minute, I think of you and love you. The other, I want you to
suffer as I did. The worst part is, you’re not even aware of my pain. You ruined me for anyone else,
and for that…you’ll pay for watering and providing this flower with sunlight. You only did it for the
flower to grow so you could trample on it. You can never get rid of me. I am you, Tennesse Church,
and you both are me, Tucker-Jamison Vasiliév.

But, I want you to remember my words… I’ll always love you both; equally, painfully, and in every
waking moment. Even in reincarnation, you are my dark knights.

Tini Chastain

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