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Logical Reasoning

Seating and Data Arrangement


Linear Circular
arrangement arrangement
Linear Arrangement: ( Facing north)
Linear Arrangement: ( Facing South)
Q. Read the following information and answer the questions below:
Six swimmers A, B, C, D, E and F compete in a race. The outcome is as follows:
- Exactly 2 swimmers finish ahead of B.
- Only two swimmers separate E and D.
- A is behind D and E.
- B is ahead of E, with one swimmer in-between.
F is ahead of D.

Who stood fifth in the race?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) E
Q. How many swimmers separate A and F?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. None of the above
Q. An algorithm follows a six step process za, zb, zc, zd, ze and zf. It is governed by the following:
- zd should follow ze.
- The first may be za, zd or zf.
- zb and zc have to be performed after zd.
- zc must be immediately after zb.
If za is the first set, zd can be?

A) 3rd
B) 5th
C) 4th
D) more than one of the above
Circular Arrangement: (Facing towards center)
Circular Arrangement: (Facing against center)
Q. A, B, C, D, E and F are seated in a circle facing the centre. A and C are seated adjacent to
each other and E and B are also adjacent to each other. B is to the immediate left of F. There
are 2 persons between D and E.A is not seated adjacent to E. Who is to the immediate left of
A. C
B. B
C. F
D. Cannot be determined
Q. P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting in a circle and are facing the centre. Following
information is also known:
- P is second to the right of T, who is the neighbour of R and V.
- S is not the neighbour of P.
- V is the neighbour of U.
- Q is not between S and W.
W is not between U and S.

Which of the following pairs are not neighbours?

Q. Who is to the immediate right of V?
A. P
B. U
C. R
D. T
Mirror / Photo graph Arrangement:
Q. Four girls are sitting on a bench to be photographed. Shikha is to the left of Reena. Manju is
to the right of Reena. Rita is between Reena and Manju. Who would be second from the left
in the photograph?
A. Reena
B. Shikha
C. Manju
D. Rita
Q. Five girls are sitting on a bench to be photographed. S is to the left of R and to the right of
B. M is to the right of R. Q is between R and M. Who is sitting immediate right to Q?
A. B
B. R
C. M
D. S
Q. 4 working ladies A, B, C and D are sitting around a table.
i. A sits opposite to the cook.
ii. B sits on the right side of the beautician.
iii. Teacher is on the left side of an accountant.
iv. D sits opposite to C.
v. C is to the right of the accountant.

What are the occupations of A and B?

A. Accountant and Beautician
B. Accountant and cook
C. Accountant and Teacher
D. Teacher and Cook
Q. Who is sitting to the left of beautician?
A. Cook
B. Accountant
C. Teacher
D. None of the above
Q. What is the occupation of C?
A. Beautician
B. Teacher
C. Accountant
D. Cook
Q. F, G, H, J, K, L, M and N are 8 people. They need to be grouped into two with the following
conditions: ( a person should come in only one group)
• F and J must be in the same group
• G and N must be in different groups
• H and L must be in the same group
• M and G are not in the same group
Find the correct ordering of groups
a. FJ, KL, MN, GH b. FH, JL, MN, GK c. FJ, HL, MN, GK d. FJ, HL, MN, GH
Q. Four friends A, B, C, and D have one of the four professions i.e., Doctor, architect, engineer,
and lawyer. Each friend belongs to one of the four different cities, Chandigarh, Indore,
Lucknow, and Pune. A is not a lawyer or engineer. The doctor is from Lucknow, D is an
architect. The lawyer is from Pune. The engineer is neither from Chandigarh nor Pune. D is not
from Pune. C is from Indore. Which of the following statements is correct about B?
A. B is the lawyer and belongs to Chandigarh
B. B is Doctor and belongs to Pune
C. B is a doctor and belongs to Chandigarh
D. B is a lawyer and belongs to Pune
Q. There are four friends Roy, Prem, Amar and Dhir
1. Each one plays one of the following games - Badminton, Hockey, Tennis and Cricket
2. Each owns only one of the following coloured cars - Red, Blue, White and Yellow
3. Prem owns a white car and plays cricket
4. Amar does not play either Badminton or Tennis and does not own a yellow car.
5. Dhir does not play Badminton and owns a red car.
Who plays Badminton and owns a yellow car?
A. Amar
B. Dhir
C. Roy
D. Prem
Q. Seven friends A,B,C,D,E,F and G play one of the seven musical instruments viz, the guitar,
flute, dholak, Congo, piano, drums and violin. E does not play the Congo. A, E and G
do not play the violin, flute and guitar. F plays the piano. D plays the drums. Who plays the
A. Either B or C
B. Either A or E
C. B
D. C
Q. Each of the five students, P,Q,R,S and T studies two subjects from the given subjects named
History, Mathematics, English, Sanskrit and Science. Each subject is studied by two students
i. P studies Mathematics and Sanskrit
ii. R studies History and Mathematics
iii. S and T both study English
iv. Q does not study science
Who from the given option studies science?
A. P
B. Q
C. R
D. S
Q. Among the family members M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 all with different heights, M2 is taller
than only M5. M3 is not the tallest in the family. M1 is taller than M2 but shorter than M3.
Who among them will be in the middle if they stand in the increasing order of their heights?
A. M1
B. M3
C. M5
D. Cannot be determined
Q. Read the information given below and answer the questions that follow.
Four men work in different companies in different capacities. The given information is
Men : Rahul Verma, Manoj Sharma, Ravindra Jha, Ritesh Mishra
Companies : Falko, Papad, Salty, MTC
Personal Assistants: Mona, Parul, Sarita, Preeti
A. Neither Manoj Sharma who works in Salty nor Parul’s boss who works in Falko is a Company
secretary .
B. Mona’s boss is Branch Manager . Her boss is not Rahul Verma who works with MTC.
C. Ritesh Mishra is an accountant in Papad. His personal assistant is not Sarita.
Q. Who is the Branch Manager?
A. Ritesh Mishra
B. Manoj Sharma
C. Ravindra Jha
D. Rahul Verma
Q. Who is Rahul Verma’s personal assistant?
A. Mona
B. Preeti
C. Parul
D. Sarita
Q. Which company does Ravindra Jha work in ?
A. Papad
C. Falko
D. Salty
Q. Six friends A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a hexagonal table, each at one corner and
are facing the center of the hexagon. A is second to the left of F. B is neighbor of C and D. E is
second to the left of D. Who is sitting opposite to A?
A. C
B. B
C. E
D. D

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