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Vo Tuan Nghia

Task 1: The graphs below show the total percentage of films released and the total percentage of
ticket sales in 1996 and 2006 in a country.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.

Task 1: 183 words

The charts below illustrate the all-out of percentage of films released

( movie releases) and , the entire percentage of ticket sales across four
cinema/filmmatic genres as well that happened in 1996 and 2000 in a

Cinematic: Liên quan đến nghệ thuật/phương pháp làm film: cinematic

The first bar chart shows that Drama was the genre of films that were
released the most. Drama reached about 25 percents in 1996 and at 35
percents in 2000, . wWhereas , Romance hit the lowest, the percentage
was about 6 percent s in 1996 and, 2000 as well.

The results of the second bar chat are pretty different, however, with
the Comedy having sold the most tickets and reached a peak at 20
percents in 1996 . It was higher than Drama’s ticket sales, which had
about 16 percents. The lowest was Fantasy with 3 percents. In 2000,
the highest was also Comedy that reached 23 percents while the lowest
hit a low at 2 percents belonged to Romance.

Percent không dùng s: 10 percent.

Overall, these two charts depitdepict that Drama had the most
percentage of films released and Comedy had the most percentage of
Cenema ticket sales over 1996 and 2000. When Romance and Fantasy
were the lowest.

Acceptable answer.

Task 2: 269 words

Task 2: It is common aspiration among many young people to run their own business,
rather than work for an employer.

Nowadays, a range of people crave to start their own business at a

young age instead of working for companies. This has both
positiveactive impacts and negative impacts for youths. This essay will
examine advantages and disadvantages of this issue and provide a

On the one hand, it is great for teenagers to pursue their dream

freely. If teens work for themselves, they will find it favorable and
cheerful. Self- working people can adjust time to work and the place to
work that comfort to them, the place to work as well. Moreover,
learning more useful skills, the youngteenagers who run their own
companies will be decision-makers or good communicators. For
example, successful youths in a survey said that they have learned
communication skill and management skill because they often have to
set arrangements, plans and they talked with varitiesvarieties of people
as their customers. In a result, these advantages appeal teens and
motivate them to start an interpriseenterprise.

On the other hand, this trend also affects teenageryoung adults’s’

mental health and phisicalphysical health. Running a business is not
comfortable with those who are arverseaverse to/intolerant of failure
and discipline, so that there are a range of people become
ashameashamed of and dissapointed with themselves when they once
fail. MoreoverLast but not least, self- working people may get more
burned out and depressed because they have to manage all of things in
their business. In addition,Another problem is financial
constrantsconstraints., Manyall small businesses have cash flow
problems. – Iit usually takes a long time period to get paid and trust by
their customers. Last but not least, self- working people may get more
burn out and depress because they have to manage all of things in their
To sum up, teens should pursue their own careers and try to face
with failure as a part in their long journey to success. In my view, I This
essay think above- mentioned benefits of running a bussiness of the
young outweigh its problems agree with this thinkings. because it
brings teenagers a lot of benefits.

Note: Young people who are able to run a bussiness are usually over 20
years old, not a teen anymore.

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