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Certificate of Sponsorship Details

Tier and Category

Tier and Category: Skilled Worker (New hires - defined)

Certificate of sponsorship status

Sponsor licence number: DD57J5Y7X

Certificate number: C2G7Q34352Y
Current certificate status: ASSIGNED
Current certificate status date: 30 April 2024
Date assigned: 30 April 2024
Expiry date (use by): 1 July 2024
Sponsorship withdrawn: N
Sponsor note:
Migrant application status:

Personal information

Family name: NWAOGU

Given name(s): PROMISE
Other names: CHINASA
Nationality: NIGERIAN
Place of birth: ENUGU
Country of birth: NIGERIA
Date of birth: 22/04/1980
Gender: Female
Country of residence: NIGERIA

Passport or travel document

Passport number: B02371362

Issue date: 08 August 2023
Expiry date: 07 August 2028
Place of issue of passport: FESTAC LAGOS

Current home address


City or town:
County, area district or province:
Country: NIGERIA

Identification numbers

UK ID card number:
UK National Insurance number:
National ID card number:
Employee number:
Work dates

Start date: 02 July 2024

End date: 01 July 2029
Does the migrant need to leave and re-enter N
the UK during the period of approval?
Total weekly hours of work: 39

Main work address in the United Kingdom (mandatory for assignment):

Address: 109 Halstead Road,


City or town: Loughborough

County, area district or province:
Postcode: LE12 7HE

Other regular work addresses in the United Kingdom:

Migrant's employment

Job title: Nursing Assistant

Job type: 6131 Nursing auxiliaries and assistants
Summary of job description: To provide assistance in accordance with best practice
and legislative requirements, reflecting policies and
procedures and agreed-on standards under the direction
of the Nurse. To support and enable service users to
maintain skills and personal interests whilst delivering
person-centered care unique to each individual. To
maintain skills at a current level, undertake such training
and development as required from time to time to
maintain and progress knowledge. Ensure health plans
and other information about how to support service
users are followed. be responsible for informing the
nurse of any changes in the needs of service users.
Be responsible for promoting and safeguarding the
welfare of those individuals they support.
New Entrant? Y
Gross salary in pounds sterling (Skilled Worker only: excluding any 15.88
allowances and guaranteed bonuses; all other routes: including any
allowances and guaranteed bonuses):
For each: Hour
Job on a client contract: Y
Summary of client contract: PROVIDING GREAT PATIENT CARE - morning calls,
lunch calls, teatime calls, bedtime calls. Morning calls -
CARE PACKAGE SUMMARY - Morning Calls, Lunch
Calls, Tea time Calls, Bedtime Calls. Morning Calls -
to support clients in their morning routine of getting up
out of bed, dress, medication, breakfast, toilet and shower.
Lunch Call - to support lunch preparation, medication,
welfare check, support at home, transfer to chair etc
Tea time call - to support client tea preparation and
medication. Bedtime Call - to support clients transfers
to bed, toilet support, undressing, medication.

Is the job on the current shortage occupation list?: Y

Give registration details if there is a legal requirement for the migrant to be SKILLS FOR CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT
registered with a professional or other official organisation in the United TRAINING, MANDATORY TRAINING, DBS CHECKS,
Tick to confirm that the post is at the appropriate skill level as set out in Y
the sponsor guidance:
Tick to certify maintenance for migrant (and dependants, if applicable): Y
Does the worker require an Academic Technology Approval Scheme N
(ATAS) certificate for this role?

Migrant's employment - PAYE

PAYE reference supplied? Y

PAYE reference number: 120/GE50616
Migrant's employment - PhD

Is PhD Level qualification required for post? N

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