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Murder on the Orient Express - Set Change List

● No set pieces in hazard tape or blocking emergency equipment
● Behind cyc is clear for walking
● Blue lights on backstage
● Check projectors are working & ready
● Certain legs & headers come in further/pool on floor
● Check carpets are flat on floor & clean (vacuum if not)
● Stage Left:
○ Caroline - SM
○ Myles
○ Dallas
○ Alec
○ Rachel
○ Leanna
○ Emma (runner)
● Stage Right:
○ Reider - ASM
○ Nicole
○ Meredith
○ Brendan
○ Josh
○ Meagan
○ Carter
● Back Walls (chain between train cars)
● Carpets
● Beds & Side Tables
● Lounge Furniture
● Cyc
● Legs/Headers & Travelers
● Middle Cover (between train cars, screwed in place)
● Scrim (all the way down)

Act 1:
Scene 1 (Armstrong flashback & Poirot introduced):
● Projection on Scrim: Armstrong flashback
● Blackout
○ Poirot walks on
● Lights Up
● Blackout (end of scene)
○ Set: café tables & chairs
Scene 2 (café; characters introduced):
● Lights Up
● Projection on Scrim: arches
● Spotlight: on each table
● Silhouette on Scrim: (pg. 17; previous case, man commits suicide)
● Blackout: end scene
○ Strike: café tables & chairs
Scene 3 (train station):
● Lights Up: Announcer voice w/ Michel downstage center
● Projection on Scrim: train station
● Blackout: end scene (pg. 25):
○ Out: Scrim
○ Set: Train Fronts & Radio Room
Scene 4 (in train, getting settled):
● Lights Up: Sleeper & Lounge Car; String Lights on
● Projection on Cyc: snow background STILL
● Projection on Cyc: (pg. 29) snow background MOVES
○ Que: Bouc, “... It won’t be long now until -”
● Blackout: end scene
Scene 5 (dramatic Hubbard):
● Lights Up: Sleeper & Lounger Car
● Blackout: end scene (pg. 33); String Lights off
Scene 6 (radio room):
● Spotlight: radio “room”
● Blackout: end scene
○ Set: Dead body prop in Rachett’s bed

Scene 7 (secret couple):

● Spotlight: observation deck
● Projection on Cyc: snow background STILL (pg. 36)
○ Que: McQueen, “... go get a snack or a -”
● Blackout: end scene
Scene 8 (disturbance in the night):
● Spotlight on Hubbard & Poirot’s rooms; String Lights on
● Blackout: end scene; String Lights off
○ Set: dead body/actor
Scene 9 (murder discovered):
● Lights Up: Sleeper Car, intense on Ratchett’s room; String Lights on,
Lounge Car dark/faded red
● Flash of Light (pg. 47)
● Blackout: end scene; String Lights off
○ Set: Actors w/ props
Scene 10 (interrogations start, Mary hurt):
● Lights Up: Lounge Car; String Lights on, Sleeper Car dark/faded red
● Scream -> Bang! (pg. 56)
● Lights Up: Hallway/Sleeper Car; Lounge Car dark/faded red
● Blackout: end scene

(String Lights stay ON through Act 2)

Act 2:
Scene 1 (discover Mary):
● Lights Up: Sleeper Car; Lounge dark/faded red
● Blackout: end scene
Scene 2 (calling for help):
● Lights Up: radio “room”
● Blackout: end scene
Scene 3 (interrogation continues):
● Lights Up: Lounge Car, Sleeper Car dark/faded red
● Lights Up: Hallway (pg. 71)
● Blackout: end scene
Scene 4 (calling for help):
● Lights Up: radio “room”
● Blackout: end scene
Scene 5 (confrontation):
● Lights Up: Lounge Car & Hallway
● Blue Spotlights (pg. 83-87): Individual characters during flashbacks
○ Middle Table (pg. 87-88; miming stabbing)
● Lights Up: Lounge Car/general lighting
● Lights Up: on frozen characters (pg. 91; ends after characters leave)
● Spotlight: on Poirot (pg. 91, walking back & forth)


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