Resurreccion, Carlo, P. - Case StudyNo.1.

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Case Study “The Ideal Partner"

Scentimental Inc., a Filipino SME owned by Mrs. Jin Balmadres, has been in operations for over
20 years. She takes pride in supporting the local manufacturing industry with her design
creativity. Given their success in the retail and wholesale of décor products with retail giants SM
and All Home, as CEO, Mrs. Balmadres has intermittently supported charities over the
years.But she felt that the efforts of her company in this area were wanting. Moved by the much-
needed relief for the residents affected by the Taal Volcano explosion in early 2020, she was
advised by her management consultant to work with a foundation. She did some research on
her own on various potential partners. She found that she can either go directly to her desired
beneficiaries, work with an established foundation, or through an intermediary. She decided to
follow her consultant's advice and work with a foundation. She had her secretary set up an
appointment with her chosen foundation the following week

1. What are some of the questions that the CEO needs to clarify with her chosen partner
in their initial meeting?
● What does the foundation do and have a clear mission?
● How could our vision fit within the ideas you have in creating a successful venture?
● What kind of relationship are we going to establish?
● Is the foundation transparent and have a strong presence to the public?
● What will be the mutual benefit of our partnership?

2. How can the CEO be assured that her contribution/donation will be put to fair use?
Clarify how she can demand accountability from the foundation.
● The CEO can ask how the foundation will serve the local community and how
transparent they are to all the transactions they will do when their products is included. It
is needed to be all recorded and follow the process established by both foundation and
stakeholder. By clearly defining roles, responsibilities, the leadership structure, and
partnership projects and objectives, she can demand accountability. It is essential to
communicate clearly and make decisions openly in order to succeed in this fundamental
step. She likewise need to lay out a bunch of severe guidelines that can never be broken
and that are upheld with corrective measures.

3. Explain some ways on how she can monitor and/or ensure the effectiveness of her
CSR initiatives.
● She can monitor or ensure that her CSR can be effective by planning a sustainable
development goal. If the initiatives are appropriate, attainable, and moving in the right
direction using the sustainable development goals, she can say that CSR are effective.

4. Should she require her employee to engage in the activities spearheaded by the
● Yes, she can require an employee to engage to their activities to ne able to full perform
their project goals, especially when the project requires a knowledge to the company.
And also she has person that can monitor the progress of the activities involving her

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