Bahasa Inggris - 3

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Mata Pelajaran :BAHASA INGGRIS

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Choose one correct answer by crosing A, B,C,D,or E

LISTENING SECTION to choose the best answer to each question and fill in the
In this exercise, you will have the chance to show how well you corresponding oval on your answer sheet
understand spoken English. There are two parts of this exercise,
with special directions for each part.
8. Does he remember her from school?
UNIT 1 A. no,he does not
B. yes, he does
Directions : In this part of the exercise, you will hear a short C. no, he does
conversation for each number, on the cassette. In your exercise D. yes, he does not
book, you will see a question and four possible answers. You are
to choose the best answer to each question and fill in the 9. Where is she live?
corresponding oval on your answer sheet. A. she lives in an apartment
B. she lives in a hotel
1. Where is she from? C. she lives in a house
A. England C. India D. she lives in a boarding house
B. Holland D.German
10. Does she live alone?
2. Does she like Manschester United? A. no,he does not
A. Yes, she likes Manschester United B. yes, he does
B. No, she does not like Manschester United C. no, he does
C. Yes, she like Manschester United D. yes, he does not
D. No, she does not likes Manschester United
3. Why does she come?
A. she comes for vacation Directions : In this part of the exercise, you will hear a short
B.she comes to bussiness conversation for each number, on the cassette. In your exercise
C. she comes to work book, you will see a question and four possible answers. You are
D.she comes to meeting to choose the best answer to each question and fill in the
corresponding oval on your answer sheet.
4. how much longer she will stay?
A. she will stay three more days 11. Does he get anything else?
B. she will stay two more days A. no,he does not
C. she will stay one more days B. yes, he does
D. she will stay five more days C. no, he does
D. yes, he does not

UNIT 2 12. Where did he get t-shirt?

A. He got it from the weekend mall
Directions : In this part of the exercise, you will hear a short B. He got it from the weekend market
conversation for each number, on the cassette. In your exercise C. He got it from the weekend supermarket
book, you will see a question and four possible answers. You are D. He got it from the weekend mini market
to choose the best answer to each question and fill in the
corresponding oval on your answer sheet. UNIT 5

5. How was she vocation? Directions : In this part of the exercise, you will hear a short
A. it was very fun conversation for each number, on the cassette. In your exercise was very bad book, you will see a question and four possible answers. You are
C. it was very sad to choose the best answer to each question and fill in the
D. It was very enjoy corresponding oval on your answer sheet.

6. Where did she go? 13. Does she have any brother and sister?
A. She went to the beach A. no, she does not
B. She went to the market B. yes, she does
C. She went to the Bali C. no, she does
D. She went to the USA D. yes, she does not

7. Who did she go with? 14. How many sister she have?
A. she went with my father, mother, and old sister sister
B. she went with my father, mother, and sister B. two sisters
C. she went with my father, mother, and young sister C. three sisters
D. she went with my father, mother, and sisters D. four sisters

15. What does her mother do?

UNIT 3 A. Her mother teaches at university
B. Her mother teaches at college
Directions : In this part of the exercise, you will hear a short C. Her mother teaches at bank
conversation for each number, on the cassette. In your exercise D. Her mother teaches at mall
book, you will see a question and four possible answers. You are
A supporter of the national education bill displays a sign Officer : Address ?
reading "Endorse the national education bill right now" to every Tina : JalanSawo thirteen, KebayoranBaru.
motorist passing the back gate of the House of Representatives Officer : Latest education ?
compound in Senayan, Central Jakarta. Thousands of members Tina : Law.I graduated from the law faculty.
from Islamic groups gathered outside the compound on Tuesday
demanding that the bill be endorsed. 22. What the applicant graduate?
A. Educational institution D. Professional lawyer
16. The topic of the passage is about ........ B. Faculty of education E. Faculty of law
A. national education D. a supporter's idea C. Law institution
B. education bill E. a public demand
C. supporters of the bill 23. Where does the applicant lives?
A. JalanSawo thirteen, KebayoranBaru
17. "...... that the bill be endorsed" B. JalanSawo sixteen, Kemayoran
The word endorsed is closest in meaning to ........ C. Jalan Seno thirteen, KebayoranBaru
A. talked C. approved E. resumed D. JalanJambu thirteen, Kemayoran
B. discussed D. decided E. JalanSawo thirty, KebayoranBaru

Satellite Space-eye does not look like the satellites of the There is a vacancy in today daily. What job is offered?A part
1980's. It has large wings that gather solar power. The power is time chef in the chinese restaurant in the Sahid Hotel.I would
for the motor. It keeps the satellite in the same place above the apply for the job. There is another Vacancy a waiter in Italian
earth. All the big farmers in the area have paid for the cost of restaurant.Being a waiter is boring.
Satellite Space-eye.
Constanza is one of those farmers, his home computer 24. What job would she applied for?
makes, the connection with Satellite Space-eye. He asks to see a A. A Chinese teacher D. A waiter
picture of the field in the south-west corner of his farm. The B. A chef E. Hotel manager
picture appears on a TV screen. It is a picture of a green wheat C. A restaurant manager
field. Everything looks fine. He then asks the computer to show
the same area, but in colours. The colours show the different 25. What media realized the advertisement?
temperatures in the field. He knows healthy wheat plants will all A. A magazine C. A newspaper E.A bulletin
be green. The TV screen blinks and a beautiful picture appears. B. RRI Radio D. Television
It has many shades of blue, red, and green.
Constanza looks closely at the large red spot near the HayatiHutabarat says that she has downright satisfaction in her
middle of the wheat field. He knows that something is wrong in position in the company. But what about some other thing in
the wheat field. The red colour means the spot is warmer than life. There are still important to many women like married and
its surroundings. It may be due to-lack of moisture or not children. Does Hayati regret not having time for this thing?
enough nutrients in the soil. Insects eating the wheat can also
show a red spot. 26. What is the text about ?
Constanza tells the computer to tell him more about the A. Unmarried women
warm spot. The computer points out that the problem is a B. Career women
shortage of nitrogen in the soil. He asks the computer to predict C. Married women
the harvest if he adds the fertilizer. He then tells the computer D. Women's position in a company
the current market price for wheat. He also tells the price of the E. Women's lives
fertilizer. He asks for a costing. He wants to know if it will give
him a profit to add the fertilizer. The computer gives him the 27. What things are still important to many women?
answer, is it a science fiction? No, it is happening now. A. Position in the company D. Career in the company
B. Satisfaction in career E. Marriage and children
18. The text tells about ........ C. Having time for children
A. Constanza and his wheat field
B. the use of satellite Space eye in farming Farmer in Lampung and West Java are likely to face
C. the blue, red, and green colors on the TV screen difficulties with rice harvest in the next two month. As hundred
D. the meaning of the colors appeared on the TV screen of thousands of hectare rice field have been under threat a long
E. the ability of the computer to predict. drought. But it has tried worrying two provinces.

19. The main idea of paragraph two is ........ 28. What is the text about?
A. Constanza is one of the farmers who makes use of the A. The next rice harvest
SatelliteSpace-eye. B. Farmers in Lampung
B. Constanza's home computer is connected to Satellite C. Rice fields
Space-eye. D. Possible failure in the next harvest
C. The picture appears on the TV screen comes from E. Farmers in West Java
Satellite Space-eye.
D. cvarious information can be served by Satellite Space- 29. What threatened the rice fields?
eye. A. A long drought D. Next harvest
E. The Satellite Space-eye sent Constanza what he B. The rainy season E. Difficult farmers
wanted. C. Wet fields
Dear Rio,
20. The red colour showed on the TV screen means that ........ You call her your girl friend, but she has chosen her own way.
A. the plants are healthy For this reason I'd say that there is nothing your can do except
B. the soil does not have enough nutrients forget her and go on with your normal life. Hopefully you can
C. the temperature is low find another and live happily forever.
D. the plants are not disturbed by any insects Rosa
E. the wheat field is in good condition
30. The main idea of the first paragraph is that ........
21. ''it may be due to lack of moisture." (Paragraph 3) A. the writer wants to get married
We can replace the underlined word with ........ B. the writer has been dating for years
A. make B. have C. get D. owing to E. let C. the writer has a problem with his girl friend
D. the writer feels sure that they love each other
This is the end of listening section. E. the writer's parents disapprove of his relationship
Officer : Can you say your name again ?
Tina : Tina Sulaeman. 31. Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the
text ? E. Richard Gephardt
A. Rio is not ready to get married.
B. Rio's parents disagree to his marriage.
C. Rio and his girl friend often got conflicts. At present, aero planes are playing a very important role
D. Rio's girl friend didn't really love Rio. to .....(39)..... one place to another. People can go round the
E. Rio's girl friend couldn't defend her love for Rio. world just in a two day flight by the world's first supersonic
airliner, Concorde, which .....(40)..... at a height of over 18.000
32. Why do the girl's parents disapprove of their marriage? meters and .....(41)..... a speed of over 2.000 km per hour.
Because ........ 39. A. disjoin
A. they don't like Rio. B. part
B. the girl is still studying. C. connect
C. Rio and his girl friend often got conflicts D. separate
D. they keep the Kerosene tradition. E. divide
E. the girl has chosen another guy.
40. A. goes
33. Rio cannot forget her girl friendbecause .... B. flies
A. she is very pretty D. she is his first love C. jumps
B. she is very faithful E. she is his last love D. drives
C. she is his true love E. comes

Uday and Qusay are killed and the delighted British and 41. A. cuts
American governments suggest that Iraq will be a safer place. B. continues
Yes, the Iraqis may well feel safer. And - with the dictator's C. moves
brutal sons out of the way forever more confident about D. reaches
continuing the resistance against the American occupiers. E. limits
Shortly before their deaths were announced, Richard 42. X : I want you to meet William a new student. He is from
Gephardt, Democrat presidential hopeful, delivered a blistering Australia.
attack on Bush's foreign policy which was driven, he said, by Y : How do you do?
"machismo" and "arrogant unilateralism". Bush, he continued, Z : ........
had treated U.S. allies "like so many flies on America's A. How do you do
windshield". He added: "Foreign policy isn't a John Wayne B. Hi, how are you
movie." C. Are you all right
The attack on the villa where Saddam's sons were hiding D. Nice to meet you too
might be seen as driving home the point. Instead, the E. See you, later
announcement that they had been killed by the U.S. troops in a
shoot-out is welcomed by Tony Blair as "great news". 43. X : I have to go to school, but look at the sky.
It is very cloudy. I think it is going to rain.
34. The text mainly discusses about ........ Y : ........
A. Uday and Qusay who killed U.S. troops A. You don't take an umbrella
B. Uday and Qusay who are killed by U.S. troops B. I should take an umbrella
C. Richard Gephardt who attacked Bush's domestic policy C. You are going to take an umbrella
D. The attack on the villa where Saddam Husein was hiding D. I may, take an umbrella
E. Tony Blair who is welcomed by Saddam's sons, Uday E. You should take an umbrella
and Qusay
44. Toni left from Bandung this morning.
35. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that ........ What did you say?
A. U.S. troops killed Saddam in the attack on the villa. A. I said that Toni leaves for Bandung.
B. Uday and Qusay had killed U.S. troops and Tony Blair. B. I said that Toni will leave for Bandung.
C. Tony Blair attacked the villa where Saddam's sons were C.I said that Toni would leave for Bandung.
hiding. D.I said that Toni had left for Bandung.
D. Saddam was killed by Tony Blair and U.S. in Saddam's E.I said that Toni was leaving for Bandung.
sons' villa.
E. The announcement of Saddam's son's death is
welcomed by Tony Blair. 45. X : I need to talk to you.
Could we meet at ninety nine cafe?
36. Which statement is correct according to the text? Y : What time?
A. John Wayne movie was presented to Bush arrogantly. X : After work at six p.m,
B. Tony Blair received the "great news" of Bush and Y : ........
Gephardt's death. A. Surely no, wait for me there.
C. John Wayne was a movie star who attacked the villa of B. Okay I'll be there
Saddam's sons. C. I'm sorry, I meet you there
D. Richard Gephardt attacked Bush's foreign policy after D. Sure, but I work over time
Uday and Qusay's death E. Next time, I will be there.
E. The news of Uday and Qusay's death made the British
and American government pleased 46. X : Here we are. Let's see the menu.
37. "The attack on the villa where Saddam's sons were hiding There is a tomato juice or an orange juice.
might be seen as driving home the point." (Paragraph 3) Y : What do you prefer?
The word attack has similar meaning to ........ X : ........
A. raid A. I prefer orange juice better.
B. resist B. I prefer orange juice than tomato juice.
C. shield C. I like orange juice better to tomato juice.
D. defend D. I like orange juice to tomato juice better:
E. withdraw E. I'd rather have orange juice than tomato juice.

38. " ... had killed Uday and Qusay." 47. X : Would you like milk or sugar in your coffee?
A. The Iraqis Y : Neither thank you.
B. Tony Blair X : Sorry what do you want?
C. U.S. troops Y : ........
D. John Wayne not tea
B. tea not coffee
C. nothing to drink
D. black coffee without sugar
E. either not milk or sugar in the coffee

48. X : Could you tell me when I can see the director please?
Y : ........
A. I will give you some money now.
B. You can give me your schedule tomorrow.
C. Yes, you could tell me now.
D. I will swim in the sea tomorrow.
E. Let me check the schedule first.

49. The manager always comes early to the office. I wonder

where he lives. I often see him driving his car to
jalanPakubuwonoKebayoranBaru. So he leaves not far from
the office then.
What is the dialogue about?
A. The manager's car
B. The manager's office
C. The manager's house
D. The manager's address
E. The manager's driver

50. Although the telephone was patented by Alexander

Graham Bell in 1876. The first transatlantic telephone
cable went into operation eighty years later.
When the transatlantic telephone cable go into
A. When he was still alive
B. Soon after he invented the telephone
C. Before he patented his invention
D. In 1796
E. In 1956

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