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COMMITTEE: Human Rights Council

QUESTION OF: Eliminating racial discrimination within educational sectors

CO-SUBMITTED BY: Cuba, Iran, Japan, Myanmar, Pakistan, Spain

The Human Rights Council,

Deeply concerned about racial discrimination within education sectors that intoxicates minds
and interferes with one’s future.

Recognizing that erroneous education that raises racial discrimination within schools might le
ave hard-wired racial prejudice within students.

Realizing the importance of the right for every student- regarding their skin color- to be educa
ted equally without any racial discrimination.

Emphasizing that schools should always be safe environments, free from racism and discrimi

Acknowledging that lack of financial support deeply interferes with the quality of education a
nd the number of opportunities.

1. Stresses that students from all backgrounds must have equal access to education and b
e fully integrated into the school system in such methods but not limited to,
a. Using and Hiring the same educational facilities and teachers
i. Textbooks, sports equipment, instruments, etc.
ii. Same support of each government would decrease discrimination of dif
ferences in education provided
iii. expanding public education that the government can control
b. Encouraging laws and policies to provide equal education
i. In the US, they provide requirements to give equal educational opportu
nity no matter what their race, ethnic background, etc. to all kids
ii. The ACLU(American Civil Liberties Union) is fighting hard to make s
ure this right isn't taken away.
iii. Not only certain countries but also other countries should make those p
olicies to give equal education effectively
c. Not separating black and white children from preschool
i. black and white children will think they are the same and in an equal lo
ii. It's also important that preschool teachers should be equal to both racia
d. The government and non- government organizations to aid financially unfortu
nate families and underfunded institutions in such methods but not limited to,
i. Lowering the fees towards gifted institutions and colleges which is not
limited to:
1. lowering the entrance fees towards these institutions
2. offering scholarships more often, and in the case of college low
ering the dorm fees as well
ii. Financially aiding poor families so they have an equal chance as others
which is not limited to:
1. offering them money for extracurricular activities
2. Aiding underfunded school so students have access to a better e

2. Reminds banning segregation of schools regardless to skin color, nationality, etc in su

ch methods but not limited to,
a. Every student willing to learn is welcome to all schools and educational institu
tion regardless of their skin color
i. make the law or regulation which enables anyone willing to be educate
d to feel free
ii. It is also important to create an atmosphere in which black people are n
ot afraid to learn the same thing as white.
b. Replacing the importance of HBCU’s priorities and importance by providing s
upport from other schools.
i. HBCUs provide a stable and nurturing environment for those most at risk
of not entering or completing college: low-income, first-generation colleg
e students. Many of these students are academically underprepared for col
lege, yet they’re precisely the students that the country most needs to obta
in college degrees.
ii. The above privilege of HBCUs is limiting black students from receiving t
he same level of education. The government or the schools with diverse ra
ces should provide proper financial aid to those who are the ‘underdogs’(c
olored,low-income, etc) of the society.
c. Reduce the sense of incompatibility with other races.
i. Provide repeated education and learning to understand that racial prope
ii. Having equal treatment for every student.

3. Endorses teachers who teach about racism should work on breaking biases, and teach
with an open mind in such methods but not limited to,
a. having a discussion about race which is not limited in:
i. proper planning,
ii. active listening,
iii. recognition of everyone’s shared vulnerability
b. having an education which is related to culture
i. emphasizes academic excellence, cultural competence, and social & po
litical analysis.
ii. emphasis on social justice and social activism.
iii. a resource to explore issues within diverse communities.
c. teachers must be trained for working with all children and be sensitive to the
needs of pupils from different backgrounds, including on issues relating to hu
man rights and racial discrimination
i. educators must recognize how the intersections of race, ethnicity, gend
er, religion, or any other status impact us individually.
ii. educators must talk to students explicitly about racism.
d. teachers should always be aware that they have a huge repercussion to those w
ith great potential to further society-impacting whether racism will still exist o
r not.
e. mandate schools to incorporate the fight against racism and discrimination, as
well as respect for diversity
i. monitor racist incidents in schools
ii. schools should also provide education of racism for a certain period of
f. imprint the student the reason why and how racism is such inappropriate that i
s not limited to:
i. harsh punishment will be received if a student make an inappropriate d
eed that is out of line concerning their race, in order to reinforce the ide
a of racial discrimination is wrong.
ii. sufficient education should be go through indicating student to stop ab
using peers with skin color, etc

4. Reiterates schools to inform their teachers on racial equality in such methods but not li
mited to,

a. Initiate programs that mentor teachers and guide them to manage the students based o
n racial equality.
i. My Teaching Partner-Secondary, which pairs teachers with coaches for two years. Teac
hers submit videos of their classroom interactions with kids, and the coaches review the v
ideos and make specific suggestions to help teachers better engage with and motivate stud
ii. In a randomized controlled trial, teachers in the control group asked black high-school
students to leave their classrooms for misbehavior at two to three times the rate of non-bla
ck students (a group that included white, Latino, and Asian-American students). In coachi
ng classrooms, there was no difference in discipline referral rates. Encouragingly, the imp
rovements still held a year after the coaching ended (School Psychology Review, 2016).
b. Ensure that schools adopt and enforce a code of conduct against racism and discrimin
ation for pupils and staff
i. for example, showing historical events which is aganist to racial discrimination to s
tudents can grew them antipathy of racial discrimination within education.
ii. pursuing policies related to racism to schools for the end of racism.

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