Takahashi 2022

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Natural Resources Research, Vol. 31, No.

1, February 2022 ( 2021)


Original Paper

Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation

of Cold-Water Trap in the Low-Sulfidation Epithermal
Sirawai Au–Ag Deposit, Mindanao, Philippines

Hiroshi Takahashi ,1,4 Shohei Albert Tomita,2 Katsuaki Koike,2 and Hiroo Yoshiyama3

Received 8 May 2021; accepted 3 November 2021

Published online: 27 January 2022

For low-sulfidation epithermal deposits, which are globally significant sources of Au and Ag,
we propose a new multi-stage ore-deposition mechanism initiated by cold groundwater. This
cold-water trap was verified in the Philippine Sirawai Au–Ag deposit through geological
modeling using the data of ore minerals, X-ray diffraction-based alteration minerals, and
fluid-inclusions, and the numerical simulation of fluid flow using TOUGH2. Gold grades and
Ag/Au ratios were especially focused on because they were characterized by various Au ore-
deposition mechanisms. Initially, neutral-pH hydrothermal fluids at  270 C ascended
through veins and encountered a shallow aquifer. The cooling of rising fluids by cold, shallow
groundwater resulted in early-stage mineralization (Au  1 g/t, Ag/Au ratio 4–89).
Hydrothermal alteration halos were also generated at this stage by fluid flow from the veins
into surrounding permeable zones (i.e., a shallow aquifer). The greatly decreased perme-
ability of these alteration halos formed mushroom-shaped low-permeability alteration halos
(LPAHs) around the veins. Middle-stage mineralization (Au  26 g/t, Ag/Au ratio £ 10)
occurred by the boiling of fluids when temperatures increased due to low permeability and
insulating properties of the LPAHs. As the permeability of the LPAHs decreased further,
hydrothermal brecciation occurred preferentially in horizontal brittle zones (i.e., the caps of
the LPAH in the shallow aquifer). Late-stage mineralization (Au  2 g/t, Ag/Au ratio  30)
then occurred by the boiling of fluids as the pressure decreased. Consequently, the cold-
water trap mechanism is an innovative approach that clarifies mineralization in low-sulfi-
dation epithermal Au deposits.
KEY WORDS: Cooling of hydrothermal fluid, Boiling of hydrothermal fluid, Low-permeability
alteration halo, Hydrothermal brecciation, Ag/Au ratio, TOUGH2.


Because low-sulfidation epithermal Au deposits

Development Department, ITOCHU Mineral Resources have been discovered globally at accessibly shallow
Development Corp, 5-1, Kita-Aoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, depths, they are one of the most important sources
Tokyo, Japan. of Au and Ag. The ore-deposition mechanism of this
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Katsura deposit type was first modeled using materials and
C1-2-215, Kyoto 615-8540, Japan.
Geothermal Department, West Japan Engineering Consultants,
data of active geothermal systems (Henley and Ellis
Inc, 1-1, Watanabe-dori 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka, Japan. 1983; Hedenquist & Henley, 1985b), and the model
To whom correspondence should be addressed; e-mail: has been improved and systematized during the last

1520-7439/22/0200-0067/0  2021 International Association for Mathematical Geosciences
68 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

two decades (Cooke & Simmons, 2000; Hedenquist Next, based on the collected data, we conducted
et al., 2000; John et al., 2018; Sillitoe & Hedenquist, geological modeling and numerical simulations. As a
2003; Simmons et al., 2005). Hydrothermal fluid result of geological modeling and numerical simu-
boiling is considered the most important precipita- lations, a cold-water trap process, comprising a
tion process based on detailed studies of gold and multi-stage ore-deposition mechanism was repro-
precious metal solubility (Sanchez-Alfaro et al., duced. Thus, we were able to determine the new
2016; Simmons & Browne, 2000) and detailed tex- drilling targets for the next exploration.
ture studies (e.g., Moncada et al., 2012). This process
was explored by Sibson (1987), Moncada et al.
(2012) and Rowland and Simmons (2012); however, METHODS AND MATERIALS
the geological process is not well understood. An
alternate theory about the cause of metal precipi- Study Flow
tation involved the cooling of hydrothermal fluids
when mixed with shallow groundwater (Vikre, This study comprised the following five steps
1989). From the study of wall-rock alteration in the (Fig. 2): (1) data collection; (2) geological modeling;
Hosokura Ag–Pb–Zn deposit (northeastern Japan), (3) numerical modeling; (4) numerical simulation;
researchers concluded that the cooling of ascending and (5) verification. Data collection included geo-
hydrothermal fluids by mixing with cold groundwa- logical observations, various analyses, and a data
ter and the boiling of fluids by the formation of a search. For the geological modeling, first, the min-
low-permeability alteration halo (LPAH) were both eralization stages were classified. Then, based on
essential for ore deposition (Takahashi, 1988, 1995). collected data, a geological (conceptual) model of
We called this combined process a cold-water trap, each mineralization stage was created. Next, a sim-
the central concept of which is a multi-stage ore- ulation block containing Au–Ag veins was set and
deposition mechanism induced by the mixing of divided into smaller cells. Simulation parameters
hydrothermal fluids and cold groundwater. The were determined according to the geological models
suitability of the cold-water trap was demonstrated and applied to each cell to create a numerical model
by a case study of the Hosokura deposit (Takahashi for each mineralization stage. The initial and
et al., 2021) based on a geological model of the main boundary conditions for the simulation were also
vein (Fuji) and numerical simulations of fluid flow, set. For this study, we selected TOUGH2 Simulator
using TOUGH2 software (Pruess et al., 1999). Ver. 2.1 software for numerical simulation since it is
However, the relationship between ore-deposition preferred and extensively utilized for the evaluation
mechanisms involving the cold-water trap and ore- of geothermal systems given its established capabil-
grade features has yet to be examined in detail ow- ity of accurately simulating multi-phase and multi-
ing to insufficient ore-grade data. The cold-water component (H2O–CO2–NaCl) fluid flow. It provided
trap should be tested for generation of Au deposits temperature, pressure, and boiling data from the
especially given their high commercial value. analysis of three-dimensional flows of gas and liquid
This study aimed to clarify a multi-stage ore- phases and heat based on DarcyÕs law and mass–
deposition mechanism for a cold-water trap in the energy conservation. A multi-stage numerical sim-
low-sulfidation epithermal Sirawai Au–Ag deposit ulation was performed using the geologic observa-
using geological modeling and TOUGH2 simula- tion-based numerical models constructed for each
tion, and ultimately sought to recommend potential mineralization stage. Based on the results of the
candidate activities for future exploration efforts. geological modeling and numerical simulations, the
This deposit was recently discovered near Sirawai cold-water-trap multi-stage ore-deposition mecha-
Town (Zamboanga Peninsula in Min- nism was reproduced and checked that the pressure–
danao),  800 km south of Manila in the Philippines temperature conditions were physically feasible. The
(Fig. 1). The ore-grade data available from drilling physical and geochemical characteristics of the
explorations were sufficient for a case study on the drilled mineralization cells were then identified, and
applicability of the cold-water trap. Here, we first the undrilled cells with mineralization characteristics
observed and analyzed the exploration drill cores to were then defined as unidentified mineralization
collect the data required for geological modeling. zones.
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 69

Figure 1. Simplified tectonic divisions of the Philippine archipelago with modifications from that
presented by Yumul et al., (2004, 2009). Abbreviations: Sw = Sirawai Au–Ag deposit,
Mi = Mindanao, Za = Zamboanga Peninsula, Ma = Manila, Lu = Luzon, Ba = Baguio Au
district (e.g., Acupan Au–Ag deposit), Pa = Palawan, SCDL = Sindangan–Cotabato–Daguma
Lineament, Ca = Canatuan Au–Ag–Cu–Zn deposit, and Sb = Sibutad Au deposit.

Geological Setting of the Sirawai Au–Ag Deposit lago is a composite terrane of two micro-blocks: the
eastern Philippine Mobile Belt and western Palawan
The Philippine archipelago borders the Early micro-continental block (Yumul et al., 2004; Fig. 1).
Miocene to Pliocene subduction zones on the east However, the oblique convergence between the
and west sides where four plates (the South China Philippine Sea Plate and the Philippine archipelago
Sea, Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea, and Philippine Sea on the east side formed the Philippine Fault Zone,
Plates) subduct through the trenches. This archipe- which is a major left-lateral structure (Aurelio,
70 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Figure 2. Flow diagram of geological modeling and numerical simulation of multi-stage ore-deposition mechanism for the Sirawai Au–
Ag deposit.

2000). Mindanao, a large island in the southern area (drilling area) selection via geological mapping
Philippine archipelago, is divided into two terranes and geochemical and induced polarization (IP) sur-
by the NW–SE Sindangan–Cotabato–Daguma veys; (2) Au mineralization verification using test
Lineament (SCDL; Pubellier et al., 1991; Fig. 1). pits and shallow drill holes in the drilling area; and
The Sirawai Au–Ag deposit is in the southwestern (3) a search for deeper bonanzas using deep drill
part of the Zamboanga Peninsula, which is a part of holes. Currently, the first and second phases have
the Palawan micro-continental block (Yumul et al., been completed.
2009). Surrounding the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit, the We mapped the geology of the Sirawai deposit
pre-Cenozoic basement rocks are overlain by thick area that contains several hydrothermal alteration
Miocene clastic and carbonate rocks of formations zones (Fig. 3) by referring to the stratigraphy in the
that are capped by Pliocene volcanic rocks (Yumul vicinity of Zamboanga City,  70 km south of the
et al., 2004). The Philippines is one of the most Au- area of interest (Yumul et al., 2004). The main
rich countries in the Southwest Pacific, with many lithological units in the mapped area are Late Cre-
epithermal Au and porphyry Cu–Au deposits taceous basement rocks comprising muscovite–
throughout the archipelago (Mitchell & Leach, quartz schist and phyllite, Early Miocene Anungan
1991). Most Au districts are distributed along the Formation (sandstone, siltstone, and limestone),
Philippine Fault Zone, as represented by the Baguio Late Miocene Curuan Formation (andesitic to ba-
district in Luzon, including many epithermal Au saltic lava and pyroclastic rocks with coarse-grained
deposits (e.g., Acupan Au–Ag deposit; Cooke et al., and lapilli tuff) and Vitali Diorite (quartz diorite and
2011; Fig. 1). In contrast, as a result of the subduc- porphyritic andesite), and Pliocene Mount Maria
tion of the leading oceanic edge of the Palawan volcanics (dacitic to andesitic tuff breccia and lava).
micro-continental block, several Au deposit types The main fault system in the southwestern Zam-
are distributed throughout the Zamboanga Penin- boanga Peninsula trends NE–SW, paralleling the
sula. These deposit types are composed of vol- Sulu Trench (Yumul et al., 2004), and a NE–SW
canogenic massive sulfides (e.g., Canatuan Au–Ag– fault that cuts the Curuan Formation and Mount
Cu–Zn deposit; Sherlock & Barrett, 2004), porphyry Maria volcanics in the western part of the mapped
Cu–Au, and epithermal Au deposits (e.g., Sirawai area is the dominant structure in the Sirawai deposit
Au–Ag deposit; Sibutad Au deposit, Jimenez et al., area.
2002). The central part of the mapped area contains
In the mid-2000s, hydrothermal alteration zones many NW–SE-striking and steeply westward-dip-
were found during the construction of logging roads ping sulfide–quartz veins, and many hydrothermal
in the forest, and Cu exploration began. However, alteration zones are seen in surface outcrops. A
the initial exploration was unsuccessful and a new drilling area on a  50-m high hill (280–330 m a.s.l.)
program of Au exploration was proposed. The Sir- was determined according to the results of geologi-
awai Au–Ag deposit was discovered after this sys- cal mapping and soil-geochemical and IP surveys
tematic and low-cost exploration effort. The (Figs. 3, 4). The surface of the hill was strongly
proposed exploration program comprised the fol- weathered with no outcropping rocks or quartz
lowing three phases: (1) a promising mineralization veins. In the Au exploration, 19 test pits,  1 m2 in
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 71

Figure 3. Simplified geological map of the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit and its surrounding area, showing stratigraphy of volcanic and
sedimentary rocks, hydrothermal alteration zones, Au–Ag veins, and drilling area.

size, were dug manually to depths of 7–10 m, giving tion of a fossil geothermal system. A heat source,
a total combined length of 173 m. Fifty holes (total fluid, and a flow channel (permeable zone) are
combined length, 2183 m) were also diamond-dril- essential for the establishment of a geothermal sys-
led: 40 vertical holes 20–50 m in depth (total length, tem. In this study, we collected data from observa-
1483 m) and 10 were inclined holes of length 70 m tions of drill cores and test pits, ore analyses, and
(total length, 700 m, at a 60 inclination). We map- studies of hydrothermal alteration and fluid inclu-
ped seven subparallel Au–Ag veins of 200–500 m sions to understand the geothermal system and Au
length and 1.0–5.1 m width (averaging 2.5 m), mineralization process.
striking 20–30 NW and dipping 60–70 SW, via 45 Observations of drill cores and test pits included
intersections with the test pits and drill holes the following three listed separate objectives. (1) To
(Fig. 4). investigate the characteristics of the Au mineral-
ization (e.g., mineralization stage classification, ore
texture, and mineralization area), we observed
Data Collection and Geological Modeling intersections with the Au–Ag veins in the drill cores
and test pits. (2) To examine the progress of vein
Geothermal systems are reservoirs of circulat- filling at each mineralization stage, we calculated the
ing hydrothermal fluids that exist at comparatively filling ratio (FR, in %) from the ore width of each
shallow depths (Stimac et al., 2015). Low-sulfidation stage at all intersections; FR was defined as the ratio
epithermal deposits, such as the Sirawai Au–Ag of the total ore width of each stage to the total vein
deposit, formed by hydrothermal activities, repre- width at the 45 intersections. (3) To understand
sent the late-stages of geothermal activity; therefore, furthers the permeability of host rocks, we deter-
our geological modeling represents the reconstruc-
72 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Figure 4. Map of the seven subparallel Au–Ag veins projected on 300 m a.s.l. in the drilling area of
the Sirawai deposit, and locations of test pits and drill holes.

mined the fracture and void densities within the drill parameters: Cu-Ka radiation; Ni filter; scan rate =
cores. 2/min; voltage = 30 kV; current = 20 mA; and
Our objectives for ore analysis included the slits = 1–0.3 mm–1. Detailed identification of clay
facets discussed below. To investigate the charac- minerals was performed via ethylene glycol and
teristics of the Au mineralization (e.g., ore miner- hydrochloric acidic treatments. Four polished sec-
alogy and Au grade), we analyzed ore samples tions were examined by energy dispersive X-ray
collected from intersections with the Au–Ag veins. spectrometry (EDS; JEOL, JSM-6510LV) to quan-
Ten ore samples were observed under reflected light titatively identify metallic minerals. For EDS, the
microscope and analyzed by powder X-ray diffrac- accelerating voltage was 15 kV, and the beam cur-
tion (XRD; Shimadzu XRD-6000). The samples rent was 0.8 lA. Identification of tellurium minerals
were scanned from 2 to 65 (2h) with the following was performed using back-scattered electron (BSE)
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 73

images. In this Au exploration, 173 and 2183 sam- nouchi, 1983), the Guanajuato in Mexico (Moncada
ples were collected at an interval of 1 m, for chem- et al., 2012), and the Koryu in Japan (Shimizu,
ical analysis of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, and Zn to determine 2014)):
ore grades in 19 test pits and 50 drill holes. The Au
and Ag contents of these samples were analyzed by  Non-boiling by liquid-rich inclusions with
fire assay and the Cu, Pb, and Zn contents were consistent liquid to vapor ratios in FIA;
analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry at the  Boiling by co-existing liquid- and vapor-rich
Sirawai exploration laboratory. inclusions in FIA; and
The objectives of hydrothermal alteration data  Flashing by all vapor-rich inclusions in FIA.
included in this study were addressed below. To
understand the properties (e.g., pH, temperature, In geological modeling, two-dimensional geo-
and flow area) of the hydrothermal fluids that al- logical models in the classified mineralization stages
tered the host rocks, we observed and analyzed the were created based on collected data. These models
drill cores near the Au–Ag veins. The main minerals used cross-sections showing rock permeability, fluid
in the hydrothermally altered rocks were identified temperature, fluid flow, and Au mineralization at
by XRD analyses of 33 samples and microscopic right angles to the main Au–Ag vein to clarify the
observations of thin sections of 10 samples. The respective ore-deposition mechanisms.
method of XRD analysis for altered core samples
was the same methodology used for ore samples.
The fluid-inclusion study data were limited; Numerical Modeling and Numerical Simulation
however, they were sufficient to provide parameters
for geological modeling. To investigate the proper- We first selected a simulation block including
ties (e.g., temperature, salinity, and state) of the Au–Ag veins and divided it into multiple cells. For
hydrothermal fluids that generated ores, we ob- the numerical modeling, rock types with several
served and analyzed fluid inclusions in the ore physical properties (input as simulation parameters)
samples. The four ore samples were collected from were determined by established geological models
the intersections with Au–Ag veins to measure and collected data, and were ultimately emplaced
homogenization and ice-melting temperatures. The into all cell fields of the numerical model input
samples were crushed into 0.5–1-mm sized particles platform for each individual mineralization stage.
and automorphic or semi-automorphic quartz was The simulation parameters used in TOUGH2 were
extracted from them using a stereomicroscope and as follows: density, porosity, permeability, thermal
subsequently set on a heating/cooling stage. The conductivity, and specific heat. In Japan, several
measurement targets were secondary inclusions in exploratory wells have been drilled in many
quartz. A Linkam heating/cooling device was used geothermal areas, and the rock physical properties
to measure the homogenization and ice-melting of their drill cores have been measured (e.g., Itoi
temperatures. A synthetic fluid-inclusion sample et al., 2010; Kato et al., 2006; NEDO, 1993). Finally,
(homogenization temperature of 374.1 C; ice-melt- the permeabilities and groundwater table were ad-
ing temperature of  56.6 C and 0.0 C) manufac- justed by matching the simulated temperature and
tured by SYN FLINC was used for temperature pressure with the homogenization temperature and
correction. The heating rate in the cooling experi- corresponding pressure, respectively. Initial condi-
ment was set to  0.1 C/min, and the thermal tions (i.e., temperature, pressure, and heat source)
equilibrium in the heating/cooling stage was main- and boundary conditions for the numerical simula-
tained. The temperature measurement error was tions were established. Besides, we used an addi-
within ± 0.2 C from  190 C to  25 C and tional stage to those in the Hosokura study
within ± 0.05 C from  25 C to 600 C. The (Takahashi et al., 2021), and set the simulations to
method by Bodnar (1993) was used to convert the four stages for greater precision and to reproduce
ice-melting temperature to the salinity equivalent of occurrences of hydrothermal brecciation and fluid
NaCl. Additionally, the occurrence or non-occur- boiling. We adopted the simulation method pro-
rence of boiling was checked using the following posed by Ingebritsen et al. (2010) to adjust the
characteristics of the fluid-inclusion assemblage simulation parameters (e.g., rock physical proper-
(FIA), which were obtained from three epithermal ties) per stage.
Au deposits (i.e., the Nansatsu in Japan (Take-
74 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Evaluation of Fluid-Rock Interaction (argillaceous and sulfide-rich); and type C (brec-

ciated and siliceous). The occurrences of ores at the
To compare the fluid flow simulation result with 45 intersections were composed of four assemblages
the features of hydrothermal convection suggested of ore types (Fig. 5). Type A was found as a band in
from the hydrothermal alteration halos, we used the the vein in direct contact with the host rock at all 45
water–rock ratio (W/R) to estimate the degree of intersections. The mineral assemblage of type A was
fluid-rock interaction. The W/R in 3D space is ex- quartz, illite–pyrite, chlorite–galena–sphalerite–
pressed as (Schardt & Large, 2009): chalcopyrite, and Pb-telluride–Ag-telluride–elec-
trum. Type B was formed as a band in the center of
W=Rn ¼ W=Rðn1Þ
 the vein inside type A at 18 intersections. However,
jvx j  Ax þ vy  Ay þ jvz j  Az  /  dt the boundary between types A and B was not clear.
dx  dy  dz The mineral assemblage of type B was quartz, illite–
pyrite, chlorite–rhodochrosite–fluorite–calcite–gale-
where the subscript n is the time step, subscripts x, y, na–sphalerite–chalcopyrite, and Pb-telluride–Ag-
and z represent the components in the x-, y-, and z- telluride –electrum. Type C comprised hydrother-
directions, |v| is the absolute value of fluid velocity, d mal breccias with diameters of  2–5 cm and they
is the control volume size, A is the control volume cut types A and B at 14 intersections. The mineral
area in the perpendicular cross-section to each axis, assemblage of type C was quartz, pyrite–galena–
/ is porosity, and dt is the time difference between sphalerite, chalcopyrite–bornite–calcite, and Ag-
successive time steps. telluride–Pb-telluride–electrum. Goethite, chal-
cocite, and covellite found in the veins were derived
from pyrite and chalcopyrite as secondary minerals
RESULTS through the supergene process that was caused by
Geological Modeling The characteristics of the ore minerals observed
under reflection light microscope were summarized
Mineralization as follows. Pyrite was recognized in all three ore
types. The one in type A was very fine-grained
Upon review of test pits and drill holes, the ores (0.03 mm) and it accompanied quartz. Pyrite in type
that penetrated at the intersections were roughly B was 0.1 mm in size and it was found between
classified into three types: type A (siliceous); type B quartz grains. In contrast, the size of pyrite in type C

Figure 5. Schematic diagram (not drawn to scale) of four assemblages of ore types at intersections with
Au–Ag veins in the Sirawai deposit. Double lines denote drill holes. See Figure 4 for locations of
intersections. NIV = number of intersections with Au–Ag vein in drill hole.
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 75

Figure 6. Photomicrographs and back-scattered electron (BSE) images of ore samples collected from the Sirawai Au–Ag
deposit. (a) Photomicrograph of type C at intersection V4-4. (b) BSE of type A from intersection V5-2. (c) BSE of type B at
intersection V5-5. (d) BSE of type C at intersection V4-4. See Figure 4 for locations of vein intersections. Abbreviations:
Py = pyrite, Gl = galena, Sp = sphalerite, Cp = chalcopyrite, PT = Pb–telluride, AT = Ag–telluride, and El = electrum.

ranged from 0.1 to 0.5 mm. Galena was also found in and sphalerite, and their sizes ranged from 0.01 to
all three types: galena in type A was very fine- 0.1 mm (Figs. 6b, c, d). The margin of chalcopyrite
grained ( £ 0.05 mm) whereas galena in types B was transformed into secondary chalcocite and
and C ranged in size from 0.5 to 1.4 mm. Galena was covellite, and goethite replaced pyrite.
accompanied by sphalerite, which was fine-grained The characteristics of gangue minerals under
(< 0.3 mm) in A type and coarser (‡ 0.3 mm) in the microscope are summarized as follows. Quartz,
types B and C. Further, chalcopyrite was recognized one of the major minerals, was found in all types,
in all three types. Chalcopyrite in type A was very and with different characteristics in each type. In this
fine-grained (0.03 mm) and it accompanied quartz; study, the quartz grain size was classified as coarse
that in type B was 0.1 mm in size and it was found in (grain size ‡ 1 mm), medium (1 mm > grain size ‡
contact with pyrite, whereas chalcopyrite in type C 0.5 mm), and fine (grain size < 0.5 mm). The tex-
was much coarser in size (0.7 mm). Bornite occurred tures of gangue quartz were classified according to
only in type B and it accompanied chalcopyrite. Moncada et al. (2012). Quartz in type A was white
Electrum was extremely fine-grained (0.01– and massive with medium grain (0.8 mm). Quartz in
0.03 mm) and it was primarily found in sulfide type B was classified into fine-grained (0.1 mm)
minerals (e.g., pyrite) with irregular polygonal or transparent quartz with sulfides showing a colloform
granular shapes (Fig. 6a). Ag-telluride and Pb-tel- texture, i.e., ginguro (silver black) ore, and trans-
luride were qualitatively identified in all types via parent medium-grained (0.8 mm) quartz with a
EDS; these minerals accompanied mainly galena plumose (little comb) texture formed along the
76 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 77

b Figure 7. Distributions of intersections with seven Au–Ag veins Cu ratio increased toward shallower depths, thereby
in test pits and drill holes projected on vein V5 of the Sirawai forming vertical zoning (Fig. 7c): Cu zone (Pb/
deposit. (a) Early-stage ores (45 intersections), (b) Ag/Au ratios
Cu < 0.8), transition zone (0.8 £ Pb/Cu < 1.2), and
of early-stage ores, (c) Pb/Cu ratios of early-stage ores, (d)
middle-stage ores (18 intersections), and (e) late-stage ores (14 Pb zone (1.2 £ Pb/Cu). In contrast, features of the
intersections). Horizontal coordinates of these figures show middle- and late-stage mineralization appeared at 18
distance from baseline of vein center. See Figure 4 for locations and 14 intersections, respectively, which were both
of intersections and baseline of vein center. distributed mainly in middle veins within  200-m
width (100 m on the north and south sides, Figs. 7d
and e, respectively).
edges of the ginguro ores. Quartz in type C grew to
medium or coarse grain size (0.7–1.5 mm) and was
transparent or white with comb and dogtooth tex-
Rock Permeability
tures. Illite was recognized in types A and B, and
generally it occurred as flakes between quartz grains.
According to the drill cores, several-meter-wide
Chlorite, which was found in all types of ores, was
fault/fracture zones containing many veinlets were
dark green or bluish green and it often accompanied
formed at both sides of the Au–Ag veins. The open-
chalcopyrite, pyrite, and quartz. Two carbonate
fracture density and porosity of the different litho-
minerals were found: brown rhodochrosite occurred
logic units were ordered from maximum to mini-
in type B and it formed ginguro band with quartz,
mum as follows: vein > Pliocene tuff
chlorite, and sulfide minerals; and white, bladed
breccia > fault/fracture zone > Pliocene coarse-
calcite was recognized in type C, where it filled the
grained tuff > Pliocene lava and Late Miocene
cavity together with quartz. In addition, transparent
pyroclastic rocks > Late Miocene lava and intrusive
fluorite occurred between quartz grains in type B.
rocks. The ore vein, as an open fracture, controlled
Based on the generation order of the ores (in cross
the permeability of the host rocks, and the progress
relationship), gangue-quartz textures, and mineral
of its filling can be deduced macroscopically. The
paragenetic features, the Au–Ag–Cu–Pb–Zn min-
FRs of the seven Au–Ag veins for each of the three
eralization was considered to be appropriately di-
mineralization stages were calculated as 73% for the
vided into three stages (early, middle, and late). The
early-stage, 14% for the middle-stage, and 13% for
mineralization stages were determined; the early-
the late-stage (Table 1). However, the early-stage
stage was noted as type A, the middle-stage as type
ore contained roughly 30% of host-rock fragments.
B, and the late-stage as type C.
In the study of hydrothermal alteration, the
The maximum grades of Au and Ag in the
identified alteration minerals were quartz, adularia,
analyzed interval of 1 m were 183.3 and 5552.3 g/t,
illite, mixed-layer minerals (i.e., illite/smectite),
respectively. Based on the ore grade of the 45
chlorite, smectite, kaolinite, halloysite, siderite,
intersections of the seven veins, the mean grades of
pyrite, hematite, and goethite. The hydrothermal
Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, and Zn were 1.9 g/t, 82.9 g/t,
alteration halos around the Au–Ag veins were di-
3166 ppm, 436 ppm, and 4380 ppm, respectively.
vided into four zones based on the alteration min-
The mean Au grades of the veins decreased in the
eral assemblages: illite, smectite, kaolinite, and
following order: V5 (16.9 g/t) > V4 (4.1 g/t) > V6
halloysite zones (Fig. 8a). According to White and
(2.9 g/t) > V1 (2.6 g/t) > V7 (1.6 g/t) > V2 (1.5 g/
Hedenquist (1995), illite and smectite zones indicate
t) > V3 (1.2 g/t). The Au grade was highest in the
neutral-pH alteration whereas the kaolinite zone
middle-mineralization stage (2.0–183.3 g/t), second-
reflects acidic alteration. The illite zone, which has
highest in the late-stage (0.8–6.4 g/t), and lowest in
been subjected to silicification, comprised quartz–
the early-stage (0.5–3.4 g/t) (see Appendix). Fea-
illite–adularia–pyrite ± chlorite ± epidote ± illite/
tures of early-stage mineralization appeared at all 45
smectite, and the smectite zone consisted of quartz–
intersections and the horizontal distribution of the
smectite ± illite/smectite ± chlo-
early-stage ores was wider than 400 m (Fig. 7a). The
rite ± siderite ± pyrite. Rock permeability is re-
Ag/Au and Pb/Cu ratios had large fluctuations in the
lated strongly to the degree of fracture and the
early-stage, while their range in the middle and late-
extent of the development of hydrothermal alter-
stages was small (see Appendix). The Ag/Au ratio of
ation halos (Hedenquist et al., 2000; Simmons et al.,
early-stage ore was characterized by its increase to-
2005). The illite and silicification zones were ob-
ward shallower depths (Fig. 7b). Similarly, the Pb/
served in contact with the veins below 280 m a.s.l.
78 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Table 1. Filling ratio (FR) of seven Au–Ag veins in the early-, middle-, and late-mineralization stages in the Sirawai deposit. See Appendix
1 for the ore width in each stage at the intersections with Au–Ag veins

Ore type Total ore width in mineralization FR (%) of mineralization stage

stage at 45 intersections with Au–Ag veins

Early-stage ore; a 86.7 a/d 73

Middle-stage ore; b 16.7 b/d 14
Late-stage ore; c 15.0 c/d 13
All ore; d 118.4 100

kaolinite zones were found locally on the hanging

wall of the vein, where the middle-stage mineral-
ization was confirmed. The halloysite zone was
probably a product of tropical weathering because of
its formation within the laterite zone near the
ground surface (Fig. 8b).

Fluid Temperature

In the fluid-inclusion study, the 12 early-stage

quartz data were obtained from sample F-1 at the
intersection with vein V5 (V5-2 at 292 m a.s.l.;
Fig. 4) and from the ore with grades Au 0.7 g/t and
Ag 7.5 g/t (Appendix (early-stage ore)). The mea-
sured homogenization temperatures ranged within
149–196 C with mean of 178 C (n = 12; Fig. 9a),
and ice-melting temperatures were within  0.5 to
1.9 C (salinity 0.9–3.2 wt%; Fig. 9d). This sample
was judged as non-boiling because of the liquid-rich
FIA with an almost-constant gas ratio. When fluid
inclusions are formed by trapping non-boiling fluids,
the pressure correction for the homogenization
temperature must be specified by the true temper-
ature of entrapment for fluid inclusion (Potter, 1977;
Roedder & Bodnar, 1980). The pressure correction
was calculated as 1.5 C using programs BULK and
Figure 8. Classification of hydrothermal alteration halos ISOC (Bakker, 2003). Thus, the trapping tempera-
around Au–Ag veins in the Sirawai deposit. (a) ture of  180 C was revealed from this pressure
Hydrothermal alteration zones around intersections with
Au–Ag veins V4, V5, V6, and V7. See Figure 4 for locations
correction for the homogenization temperature.
of veins. (b) Schematic cross-section showing distributions of The middle-stage mineralization produced fine-
classified hydrothermal alteration zones around Au–Ag or medium-grained quartz (e.g., sample F-2) in the
veins. vein V5 (intersection V5-2 at 290 m a.s.l.; Fig. 4) in
the ore with grades Au 14.7 g/t and Ag 379.5 g/t
and were distributed narrowly in the fault/fracture (Appendix (middle-stage ore)). Results of the fluid-
zone in the Late Miocene lava. Outside the illite inclusion analyses indicate that temperature ranges
zone, the smectite zone was observed in the fault/ of homogenization and ice melting were 187–243 C
fracture zone below 280 m a.s.l. whereas it was dis- with mean of 223 C (n = 16; Fig. 9b) and  0.6
tributed widely in contact with the veins above that to  2.9 C (salinity 1.1–4.8 wt%; Fig. 9d), respec-
level and chiefly in the Pliocene tuff breccia. The tively. This sample supported the occurrence of
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 79

Figure 9. Histograms of homogenization temperature data obtained from fluid-inclusions in gangue-quartz

in the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit: (a) early-stage ore, (b) middle-stage ore, and (c) late-stage ore. (d)
Homogenization versus ice-melting temperatures or salinities. Samples were collected from intersections
V4-4 and V5-2; see Figure 4 for their locations.

boiling because of the co-existing liquid- and vapor- sample because F-4 revealed the same FIA charac-
rich FIA. Despite the same stage, the fine-grained teristics as those of sample F-2.
quartz in the sample F-3 at the vein V5 (intersection The appearance/disappearance (stable) tem-
V5-5 at 296 m a.s.l.; Fig. 4) and in the rich ore with peratures of alteration minerals such as epidote, il-
grades Au 54.9 g/t and Ag 2370.4 g/t (Appendix lite, and smectite are well-known from geothermal
(middle-stage ore)) had an all-vapor-rich single well-log data (e.g., Henley and Ellis 1983; Reyes,
phase and quite small fluid inclusions. Because of 1990; White & Hedenquist, 1995). These well-known
this, the homogenization temperature could not be temperatures were used to define the temperature
measured, but flashing probably occurred. distribution for the formation of alteration zone.
The temperature ranges of homogenization and From the stable temperature data of these alteration
ice melting were 155–233 C with mean of 201 C minerals, formation temperature ranges for the
(n = 16; Fig. 9c) and  0.7 to  1.8 C (salinity 1.2– alteration zones in the Sirawai deposit were esti-
3.1 wt%; Fig. 9d), respectively, based on late-stage mated as follows: illite zone with epidote > 230 C,
quartz in sample F-4 from the vein V4 (intersection illite zone 190–230 C, and smectite zone 100–
V4-4 at 327 m a.s.l.; Fig. 4) and within the ore with 190 C. Because the hydrothermal alteration min-
grades Au 3.5 g/t and Ag 85.3 g/t (Appendix (late- erals at the vein contacts were almost the same as
stage ore)). Boiling apparently occurred in this the nearby gangue minerals in the ores, the forma-
80 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Figure 10. Geological models in the three mineralization stages, comprising Au mineralization, rock permeability, hydrothermal
alteration, fluid temperature, and fluid flow in the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit. (a) Early-stage mineralization. (b) Middle-stage
mineralization. (c) Late-stage mineralization. Seven Au–Ag veins are grouped into three categories: west, V1–V3; central, V4–V6; and
east, V7. Distance between adjacent veins is  50 m; see Figure 4 for their locations.

tion temperatures of these alteration zones were semi-permeable, and permeable zones) were set for
considered to be the same as fluid temperatures in rock permeability in the early-stage (Fig. 10a). The
the vein in the early-stage. low-permeability zones were assigned to the Late
Miocene lava, semi-permeable zones to the fault/
fracture zones, and permeable zones to the veins and
Geological Model the Pliocene tuff breccia forming the shallow aqui-
fer. Neutral-pH hydrothermal fluids > 230 C as-
To simplify the geological model, the steeply cended in the veins and flowed from the veins to the
dipping veins were approximated to be vertical and fault/fracture zones and shallow aquifer, forming
three veins were incorporated into the numerical hydrothermal alteration halos around the veins. In
model as the central, west, and east veins by the host rocks in contact with the veins in the shal-
grouping the veins into V4–V6 (the richest miner- low aquifer, the formation temperatures of the
alized veins), veins V1–V3, and vein V7, respectively alteration zones were set to > 190 C in the illite
(Fig. 4). zone below 280 m a.s.l. and < 190 C in the overly-
ing smectite zone. The distribution of the formation
temperatures suggested that the fluid temperatures
Early-Stage Geological Model in the veins decreased with shallower depths, which
also appeared in the trends of the Ag/Au and Pb/Cu
Based on the densities of fractures and voids in ratios in the early-stage ores (Fig. 7b, c). Therefore,
the drill cores and on the sizes of the hydrothermal cold groundwater in the shallow aquifer cooled the
alteration zones, three classes (low-permeability, ascending hydrothermal fluids. The trapping tem-
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 81

perature indicated  180 C fluid temperature and hydrothermal brecciated zone at 288–330 m a.s.l.
non-occurrence of boiling at 292 m a.s.l. in the was within the LPAH cap. The permeability of the
central vein surrounded by the shallow aquifer LPAH must have decreased from the early- to late-
(Fig. 10a). Consequently, the Au–Ag–Cu–Pb–Zn stages with vein filling. This is shown by the cumu-
mineralization occurred by cooling of the fluid, lative FR of the Au–Ag veins (Table 1), which in-
generating low-grade ores of Au (averaging  1 g/ creased the fluid pressure over time, ultimately
t). causing hydrothermal brecciation. Airtightness and
fluid pressure in the veins increased from the mid-
dle- to late-stages due to the further decrease in
Middle-Stage Geological Model permeability of the LPAH (Fig. 10c), which induced
hydrothermal brecciations in the brittle parts in the
Based on the FRs of the Au–Ag veins (Table 1), LPAH caps, resulting in boiling and Au–Ag–Cu–
three-quarters of the vein was filled in the early- Pb–Zn mineralization. The mineralization generated
stage and the remaining spaces were occupied by medium-grade ores of Au (averaging  2 g/t) cut-
ores of middle- and late-stages. Neutral-pH ting the Au ores formed in the early- and middle-
hydrothermal alteration halos, including quartz, il- stages. The fluid temperature was set to  201 C at
lite, and smectite zones, and acidic kaolinite zones 327 m a.s.l., reflecting the homogenization temper-
were observed in the drill cores around the Au–Ag ature in the central vein (Fig. 10c).
veins. Because the alteration minerals in the host
rocks near the veins were similar to the nearby
early-stage gangue minerals, most of the fractures Numerical Modeling
and voids in the host rocks were thought to have
been filled by hydrothermal alteration minerals Settings for Simulation Block and Block Division
during the same stage. Accordingly, the early-stage
was the most probable formation time of the LPAH. The block to be simulated was defined as a
After that, its permeability continued to decrease. rectangular parallelepiped including the Au–Ag
Therefore, in the middle-stage, hydrothermal alter- veins. Following Tomita et al. (2020), we placed 10-
ation formed a mushroom-shaped LPAH in the km wide buffer blocks around the block to decrease
fault/fracture zones around the vein and the shallow the boundary effect and create a full convection
aquifer (Fig. 10b). These LPAHs blocked the cold system, and we discretized with a 2000-m side length
groundwater flow into the vein. The fluid tempera- (Fig. 11a). The block size was 389 m 9 600 m 9
ture at 290 m a.s.l. in the central vein increased to 750 m (width 9 length 9 depth; Fig. 11b). The
223 C in a step of 45 C from the early-stage depth to the top of the mineralization was set to
according to the homogenization temperatures. The 300 m, referring to the deposit formation depth of
boiling of fluids as the fluid temperature rose initi- low-sulfidation epithermal type (Hedenquist et al.,
ated the middle-stage Au–Ag–Cu–Pb–Zn mineral- 2000). We divided the simulation block into eight
ization, yielding high-grade Au (averaging  26 g/t) vertically stacked layers with thicknesses of 50–
ores within the early-stage ores in the veins sur- 100 m for the mineralized layers and 50–200-m
rounded by LPAHs. Because the kaolinite zones thickness for the other layers. Horizontally, the
overlap with the LPAH caps only near the middle- block was divided into 15 columns in the ENE–
stage ores generated by boiling, gases such as CO2 WSW direction, symmetrically perpendicular to the
and H2S separated from the fluid by boiling were vein strike. The 3-m wide cells representing the vein
probably released (Fig. 10b). and the 10-m wide fault/fracture zone were placed in
the middle of the block and surrounded by 30–100-m
wide outer cells. Vein lengths were made  500 m
Late-Stage Geological Model along the NNW–SSE strike, whereas the active
mineralization zone was limited to a 200-m range in
Because brecciation was observed only in the the middle parts of the block (Figs. 7c, d). Accord-
late-stage mineralization without shear fracturing, ingly, the block was divided into three 200-m long
some portions of the early- and middle-stage ores NNW–SSE-oriented rows and coded as rows A, B,
were brecciated by high-pressure hydrothermal flu- and C from north to south (Fig. 11b). The cells were
ids and entrapped into the late-stage ores. The
82 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Figure 11. Three-dimensional study block in the numerical simulation of the Sirawai Au–Ag
deposit. (a) Perspective view of the simulation block (thick black lines) and its surrounding 10-km
wide buffer block, showing the boundary conditions. (b) Division of simulation block into cells with
their row, layer, and column numbers. The veins and the hydrothermal fluid sources are indicated
by the gray and black cells, and the base of the black vein cells, respectively. The groundwater
table is fixed at a 180 m depth. Left-edge labels ‘‘280 m’’ and ‘‘330 m’’ denote present altitudes
a.s.l., and dashed line indicates highest elevation in drilling area.
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 83

numbered 1–120 from top to bottom for each row middle-stage by changing Vein II to Vein III and
(such as B10, the tenth cell down in row B). changing LPAH I in contact with the veins to LPAH
II (Figs. 12c and e). To model the late-decompres-
sion stage, the permeabilities of the upper parts of
Early-Stage Numerical Model the veins and their surroundings were changed to
reproduce hydrothermal brecciation caused by the
For the early-stage numerical modeling, the pressure increase in and around the veins: LPAH I
simulation block cells were classified into four rock and II were changed to permeable types, and Vein
types (i.e., Vein I, and permeable, semi-permeable, III was changed to Vein II in the fourth layer in row
and low-permeability zones) based on the geological B (Figs. 12d, e).
model (Fig. 12a). The physical properties of the rock
types were defined by referring to data collected that
were similar to the lithological features in the Sir- Initial and Boundary Conditions
awai deposit area (Fig. 12e). Veins I, II, and III
denote those formed at each stage, and their The initial conditions for the early-stage simu-
porosities were set by the FRs of the Au–Ag veins lation were 20 C and 0.1013 MPa (1 atm) at the top
(Table 1). Finally, the permeabilities were adjusted boundary with a 35 C km–1 temperature gradient
by matching the simulated temperature with the and a hydrostatic-pressure gradient below the
homogenization temperature. groundwater table at 180-m depth. The calculation
of the middle-stage started from the previous early-
stage simulation results of temperature and pressure.
Middle-Stage Numerical Model This approach was likewise adopted as well for the
subsequent late-stage simulation. The initial and
For the middle-stage numerical modeling, the boundary conditions common to the four stages are
rock types were changed from Vein I in the early- discussed as follows.
stage to Vein II, and from some of the permeable The groundwater table for the all stages was
and semi-permeable zones to LPAH I according to estimated using the boiling curve for H2O–NaCl
the geological model. The rock physical properties system (Haas, 1971), which is regarded as the best
for the middle-stage numerical model were de- estimation method considering the nature of shallow
creased according to the progress of the hydrother- formation depths for epithermal deposits (e.g., Ca-
mal alteration around the veins (Figs. 12b, e). For net et al., 2011; Moncada et al., 2012; Ni et al., 2018).
example, in some geothermal areas, the thermal Assuming hydrostatic condition and pure water, we
conductivity of altered rock was reduced by 25–50% plotted the late-stage homogenization temperature
compared to unaltered lithology (NEDO, 1993). on the boiling curve for pure water. The middle-
Based on these data, the thermal conductivity of stage homogenization temperature was not used
LPAH I was reduced by 33% from that of the because the middle-stage simulation showed that the
original unaltered rock. Finally, the permeabilities pressures were higher than hydrostatic pressure.
of Vein II and LPAH I were adjusted by matching Resultantly, the groundwater table depth was
the simulated temperatures with the homogeniza- determined to be 150 m. In addition, the ground-
tion temperatures. water table was calibrated in order to match the
simulated pressure with the pressure corresponding
to the homogenization temperature (boiling tem-
Late-Stage Numerical Model perature), and hence ultimately determined to be
180 m for the simulationÕs setting. The bottom
In numerical modeling, to properly reproduce boundary condition was impermeable with a con-
the mineralization caused by hydrothermal breccia- stant basal heat flux of 0.1 W m–2 for all bottom
tion, the late-stage was divided into two models of cells. Based on the fluid temperatures and the min-
sub-stages, a late-pressurization stage before the eralization distributions (Fig. 7), the source tem-
brecciation and a late-decompression stage after it. perature and the mass flux of hydrothermal fluid at
Further progress of the hydrothermal alteration was the bottom were set at 270 C, higher than the for-
incorporated into the modeling of the late-pressur- mation temperature of the illite zone with epidote,
ization stage. The rock types were changed from the and 0.3 kg s–1 for row B and 0.21 kg s–1 at the vein
84 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Figure 12. Numerical models of row B cells in the four simulation stages of the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit: (a)
early-stage, (b) middle-stage, (c) late-pressurization stage, and (d) late-decompression stage. Except for the
late-decompression stage, the same models of row B cells are given to cells in rows A and C, and the models
of row A and C cells in the late-decompression stage are the same as those of the late-pressurization stage.
(e) Details of rock classification and their rock physical properties used for simulation for each stage.
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 85

cells for rows A and C, respectively. The recharge quired to form geothermal alteration zones (e.g.,
flow rate was set to 0.2 m yr–1, which was of the Yoshiyama, 2005).
same order of estimated recharge as 0.5 m yr–1 in
Sirawai Town, by applying the precipitation record
of this town, 2247 mm yr–1 (Meteoblue, 2020) and Early-Stage Simulation
the mean recharge rate of rainfall to groundwater,
22%, as reported by Mohan et al. (2018). The rock The early-stage simulation results were ob-
types of the buffer blocks were set to be the same as tained by reaching steady state with an elapsed time
those on the four sides of the simulation cells. Other of 10,000 years. As a result of calibration, the sim-
boundary conditions that were used were constant ulated temperature at the B53 vein cell in the fourth
temperature and pressure at the top and side layer was 179 C, which was in good agreement with
boundaries. the trapping temperature of  180 C. The simu-
lated temperatures of the fluids in the deepest part
(hydrothermal fluid sources) and the shallow part
Water Condition (fourth layer) of the central vein were 270 C and
179 C, respectively. Hydrothermal fluids were
TOUGH2 software offers several equations of characterized by dominant up-flows in the vein cells,
state (EOS) to illustrate the thermophysical prop- lateral flows into permeable cells in the fourth layer,
erties of fluid mixtures as functions of the primary and downward flows of cold groundwater from the
thermodynamic variables (Pruess et al., 1999). surface (Fig. 13a). In the NNW–SSE cross-section of
Salinity and non-condensable gas (mainly CO2) can the central vein in column 8, up-flows were con-
affect fluid properties such as phase relations, den- centrated in row B, whereas cold groundwater flo-
sities, and miscibilities (Ingebritsen et al., 2010). The wed downward toward rows A and C from the
salinity in the Sirawai deposit was  2 wt% from surrounding and shallower cells and lowered their
fluid inclusion data of the early-stage ore. The CO2 temperatures (Fig. 13b). Consequently, the temper-
concentration was estimated to be < 2 mol% by the ature in row B was 24 C higher than those of rows
method of Hedenquist and Henley (1985a). A and C (i.e., B53–A53 or B53–C53) in the fourth
According to Haas (1971), the difference in boiling layer in the central vein (Table 2). In the second and
depths at 220 C (similar to the homogenization third layers in the central vein, the pressures were
temperature of the middle-stage) between pure 0.4–0.8 MPa higher than the hydrostatic pressure
water and 2 wt% NaCl brine (corresponding with because of the mixing of downward groundwater
the average salinity of the early-stage) was just flow and upward hydrothermal fluid flow, but the
7.5 m. As for the dissolved CO2 effect, the differ- pressures remained near-hydrostatic elsewhere
ence in boiling depths at 220 C between pure water (Fig. 13c). Thus, boiling did not occur across the
and 2 mol% CO2 (corresponding with  1.1 molal) simulation block (Fig. 13d). We calculated a W/R
was  36 m, according to Wilkinson (2001). These that was an approximation index of alteration
results suggest that the salinity and CO2 concentra- intensity from the early-stage simulation result
tion in the Sirawai deposit negligibly affected the (Fig. 14). The W/Rs at 5, 25, and 90 m from the west
simulation results. Therefore, we adopted EOS or east vein in the fourth layer were 0.2, 0.05, and
prepared for the liquid, vapor, and two-phase states 0.008, respectively. The consistently higher value of
of pure water to simplify the problem and obtain W/R near the vein quantitatively indicated that
fundamental results. hydrothermal fluid flowed from the vein to the host
rock and strong alterations occurred near the vein.
The geological modeling demonstrated that the
Numerical Simulation cause of the early-stage mineralization was cooling
of the fluids, which was supported by the simulation
Fluid flows in the early-, middle-, late-pressur- result showing the 91 C temperature drop of the
ization, late-decompression stages were simulated hydrothermal fluids ascending to the shallow aqui-
by setting the time to reach a steady-state condition fer. Also, in agreement with the results of fluid-in-
as a few tens of thousands of years, as suggested by clusion analysis, non-boiling of the fluids occurred
Takahashi et al. (2021) and based on the time re- according to the simulation.
86 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Figure 13. Early-stage simulation results of the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit. Temperature distributions and fluid
flow patterns in (a) row B and (b) the central vein, column 8. (c) Pressure and (d) vapor saturation
distributions in row B. The horizontal dashed lines indicate the highest elevation of the drilling area. The
cross-sections in (a), (c), and (d) are perpendicular to the vein strike in (b), which are also shown in
Figures 15, 16 and 17.

Middle-stage Simulation the early-stage owing to the LPAH I cells induced

efficient up-flows, and horizontal NNW–SSE flows
After the calibration, we obtained the simulated occurred from the vein cells toward both surround-
temperature in the middle-stage at the B53 vein cell ing cells (Fig. 15b). The pressures of the central vein
as 220 C (Table 2), which was compatible with the cells were the same as in the early-stage in the sec-
homogenization temperature of  223 C. A feature ond layer but increased in the layers deeper than the
of this stage was the setting of LPAH I cells around second layer, and exceeded the hydrostatic pressure
the vein cells, which concentrated up-flows of by 0.3–0.9 MPa (Table 2; Fig. 15c). Thus, the con-
hydrothermal fluids in the vein cells (Fig. 15a). The dition of the occurrence of boiling was satisfied with
fluid temperature of B53 increased by 41 C from the large temperature increase at the fourth through
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 87

Table 2. Detailed results of the numerical simulations of the temperature, pressure, and vapor saturation in the central vein in four
simulation stages. The numbers in parentheses represent changes from the previous stage

Content Layer number Cell number Early stage Middle stage Late- pressurization Late- decompression
stage stage

Temperature (C) 2nd B23 63 117 (+ 54) 120 (+ 3) 115 (6)

3rd B38 103 177 (+ 74) 168 (9) 161 (7)
4th B53 179 220 (+ 41) 206 (14) 199 (7)
5th B68 180 229 (+ 49) 228 (1) 220 (8)
6th B83 184 237 (+ 53) 241 (+ 4) 233 (8)
7th B98 184 248 (+ 64) 251 (+ 3) 243 (8)
Pressure (MPa) 2nd B23 1.2 1.2 (0) 1.3 (+ 0.1) 1.3 (0)
3rd B38 1.4 1.9 (+ 0.5) 4.8 (+ 2.9) 1.8 (3.0)
4th B53 1.6 2.3 (+ 0.7) 5.3 (+ 3.0) 1.6 (3.7)
5th B68 2.0 2.8 (+ 0.8) 5.8 (+ 3.0) 2.5 (3.3)
6th B83 2.5 3.2 (+ 0.7) 6.3 (+ 3.1) 3.3 (3.0)
7th B98 3.1 3.8 (+ 0.7) 7.1 (+ 3.3) 4.4 (2.7)
Vapor saturation (%) 2nd B23 0 0 0 0
3rd B38 0 0 0 0
4th B53 0 11 0 41
5th B68 0 12 0 20
6th B83 0 11 0 13
7th B98 0 11 0 0
Temperature (C) 2nd A23, C23 59 108 (+ 49) 115 (+ 7) 103 (12)
3rd A38, C38 95 156 (+ 61) 161 (+ 5) 147 (14)
4th A53, C53 155 211 (+ 56) 199 (12) 191 (8)
5th A68, C68 156 228 (+ 72) 220 (8) 217 (3)
6th A83, C83 156 237 (+ 81) 233 (4) 231 (2)
7th A98, C98 156 244 (+ 88) 243 (1) 242 (1)

seventh layers of the central vein cells (i.e., B53, Late-stage Simulation
B68, B83, and B98 cells) and at the fifth and sixth
layers of the west and side vein cells and their sur- A significant feature of the late-pressurization
rounding cells (i.e., B64, B65, B71, B72, B79, B80, stage that differs from the previous two stages was
B86, and B87 cells) with vapor saturation of 10–12% the large decrease in the amount of up-flows in the
(Table 2; Fig. 15d). As with the early-stage simula- central vein, whereas up-flows in the west and east
tion, the W/R was calculated for the middle-stage vein cells showed large increases (Fig. 16a). This
simulation. The W/Rs at 5, 25, and 90 m from the feature was caused by the low permeability of the
west or east vein in the fourth layer in the middle- LPAH II. This inhibited efficient up-flows and con-
stage were 0.02, 0.006, and 0.002, respectively. sequently induced horizontal NNW–SSE flows to-
Compared to the early-stage, these values decreased ward both surrounding cells (Fig. 16b) and lowered
by about an order of magnitude, which reflected the the temperatures in the central vein in the third and
formation of LPHA (i.e., a strong alteration) zone fourth layers by 9–14 C from the middle-stage
near the vein. In the geological modeling, a fluid while maintaining the temperatures elsewhere (Ta-
temperature increase was regarded as a cause of ble 2). The pressures in the vein cells in the layers
fluid boiling in the vein by preventing the intrusion deeper than the second layer increased from the
of cold groundwater due to the low permeability of middle-stage and exceeded hydrostatic pressures
the surrounding LPAH. In the middle-stage by  4 MPa (Table 2; Fig. 16c). The W/Rs at 5, 25,
numerical simulation, the decrease in thermal con- and 90 m from the west or east vein in the fourth
ductivity of the LPAH was interpreted as a cause of layer in the late-stage were 0.006, 0.002, and 8 9 10–
boiling with the low permeability of the LPAH. , respectively. Compared to the middle-stage, these
Therefore, an insulating property of the LPAH be- values were about one-third to one-half, which
came essential for boiling in the middle-stage. indicated the progress of hydrothermal alteration
88 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

cated that the cause of mineralization in the late-

decompression stage was boiling of the fluids, and it
was confirmed in this simulation that the fluids


The results of our geological modeling and

numerical simulations indicate that the Sirawai Au–
Ag deposit was formed by three different mecha-
nisms: early-stage cooling, middle-stage boiling, and
late-stage boiling. Although the Hosokura and Sir-
awai deposits differ according to ore type (Ag–Pb–
Zn vs. Au–Ag), mineralization time (Late Miocene
vs. Pliocene–Pleistocene), and related volcanism
(dacitic vs. andesitic), the multi-stage ore-deposition
mechanism of the Sirawai deposit is similar to the
cold-water trap process defined by Takahashi et al.
(2021) for the Hosokura deposit. A shallow aquifer,
silicification zone, and mushroom-shaped LPAH –
Figure 14. Calculated water–rock ratios at the end of the
indicators of the cold-water trap in the Hosokura
early stage, 10,000 years after the start of simulation. The deposit – were also confirmed in the Sirawai deposit.
horizontal dashed line indicates the highest elevation of the The role of this trap is discussed in detail below. A
drilling area. pressure–temperature relationship diagram based on
the result of the numerical simulations (Fig. 18) is
and increase of fluid pressure from the middle-stage. shown for understanding the cause of ore deposition
These fluid pressures did not reach the occurrence in the three mineralization stages. The differences in
condition for boiling over the simulation block the ore-deposition mechanisms were reflected in the
(Fig. 16d). Hydrothermal brecciation occurred in Au grades and Ag/Au ratios in the ores and in the
the LPAH caps, as in the geological modeling, which gangue-quartz textures (Table 3).
was supported by the simulation result showing the
large pressure increase in the vein cells in the LPAH
II cells in the fourth layer. Early-stage Cooling
After the calibration, we obtained the simulated
temperature in the late-decompression stage at the In the early-stage simulation, the pressure of
B53 vein cell as 201 C (Table 2), which was also in the ascending fluid decreased and its temperature
good agreement with the homogenization tempera- also dropped (Fig. 18a). This condition did not cause
ture of  201 C. A noted feature of this stage was boiling of the fluids without reaching the boiling
lateral flow of ascending fluids along the veins in the curve. The simulated temperatures of the ascending
fourth layer due to the increase of permeability of hydrothermal fluids in the deepest part and in the
the fourth layer caused by the hydrothermal brec- shallow part of the central vein were 270 C and
ciation (Fig. 17a). Similar to the late-pressurization 103 C, respectively. In particular, the temperature
stage, LPAH II cells caused up-flows in the vein cells of the fluid as it flowed from the fifth layer to the
and lateral flow to surrounding cells in the NNW– third layer across the fourth layer (shallow aquifer)
SSE direction (Fig. 17b). In addition, from the pre- dropped from 180 C to 103 C (Table 2). The
vious stage, the temperatures in the central vein mixing of cold groundwater with hydrothermal fluids
lowered by 5–8 C (Table 2) and pressures de- in the fourth layer is suggested by the recharge of
creased by 2.4–3.7 MPa (Fig. 17c). Owing to these cold groundwater from the third layer and
changes, boiling occurred in the four-layer vein cells hydrothermal fluids ascending from the deeper part
and their surrounding cells with vapor saturations of of the system to the fourth layer (Fig. 13a). A drop
11–41% (Fig. 17d). The geological modeling indi- in fluid temperature in the shallower depths of the
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 89

Figure 15. Middle-stage simulation results of the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit. Temperature distributions and
fluid flow patterns in (a) row B and (b) the central vein, column 8. (c) Pressure and (d) vapor saturation
distributions in row B. The horizontal dashed lines indicate the highest elevation of the drilling area.

shallow aquifer is supported by the Cu–Pb zoning the Ag/Au ratio increased toward the shallower
(deep; Cu zone, shallow; Pb zone) in the early-stage part. The main Ag-bearing mineral was Ag-tel-
ores (Fig. 7c) associated with cooling fluids (e.g., luride, which was interpreted as a product of fluid
Swinkels et al., 2019). Thus, the cold groundwater in temperature decrease by comparison with a
the shallow aquifer triggered the cooling-type min- numerical simulation of stable minerals in the Acu-
eralization. The low-grade matched that of the pan Au–Ag deposit, Baguio Au district, the Philip-
Chitose Au–Ag deposit (in Japan), in which the pines (Fig. 1; Cooke et al., 1996).
early-stage ore was formed also by cooling of fluids
(Takatori & Nouno, 1985). In the Sirawai Au–Ag
deposit, changes of the Au grades were minimal
regardless of temperature, whereas the Ag grades
increased with decreasing temperature. Accordingly,
90 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Figure 16. Late-pressurization stage simulation results of the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit. Temperature
distributions and fluid flow patterns in (a) row B and (b) the central vein, column 8. (c) Pressure and (d)
vapor saturation distributions in row B. The horizontal dashed lines indicate the highest elevation of the
drilling area.

Middle-stage Temperature-Increase Boiling clay minerals, such as illite, smectite, and kaolinite,
quartz, and calcite (Reyes, 1990; Takahashi, 1996).
Boiling occurred owing to the increasing tem- In the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit, the LPAH composed
perature and constant pressure in the middle-stage of chiefly quartz, illite, and smectite was formed and
simulation (a temperature-increase type; Fig. 18b). the fluid boiled. The decrease of W/Rs near the vein
LPAHs have likely formed cap rocks in shallow from the early to middle-stages calculated from the
aquifers, as found in many geothermal areas in the simulation results suggests the formation of LPHA
Philippines (Reyes, 1990) and in Japan (Takahashi, near the vein. In the simulation, although the
1996). The hydrothermal alteration minerals filling hydrothermal fluid source conditions (e.g., source
the fractures and voids in the LPAH are commonly temperature and mass flux) were the same as those
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 91

Figure 17. Late-decompression stage simulation results of the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit. Temperature
distributions and fluid flow patterns in (a) row B and (b) the central vein, column 8. (c) Pressure and (d)
vapor saturation distributions in row B. The horizontal dashed lines indicate the highest elevation of the
drilling area.

in the early-stage, the fluid temperatures in the Common to the Sirawai and the Hosokura de-
central vein (e.g., B53 cell) increased by 41 C from posits, the middle-stage mineralization was triggered
the early- to middle-stages (Table 2), and the boiling by the formation of a mushroom-shaped LPAH.
of hydrothermal fluids in the veins was confirmed Based on the simulated temperatures, the LPAH-
(Fig. 15d). From the results of the simulation, the induced temperature increases from early to middle-
cause of the rise in fluid temperature and the fluid stages were 22 C in the Hosokura deposit (Taka-
boiling was lowering of permeability and thermal hashi et al., 2021) versus 41 C in the Sirawai de-
conductivity of the LPAH, which created low per- posit. In the fluid-inclusion analysis of two Sirawai
meability and insulating properties. deposit samples, boiling and flashing were con-
firmed, and the ice-melting temperatures of the
92 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

observable boiling samples notably decreased

(Fig. 9d). We deduced that this decrease was caused
by the increase of CO2 in the inclusions from the
boiling fluids. This deduction is based on results of
gas-component analysis of fluid inclusions in the
Apacheta Au–Ag deposit in Peru (André-Mayer
et al., 2002). The larger decreases in the ice-melting
temperatures of the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit were
probably attributable to violent boiling in this de-
posit. The most economically viable ores were gen-
erated in the middle-stage by the temperature-
increase boiling. The Ag/Au ratios in the ores with
the fine-grained and medium-grained quartz were
30 and £ 10, respectively. A thermodynamic
model study revealed that the Ag/Au ratio remained
relatively constant during the boiling process but
Figure 18. Schematic relationships between fluid
increased near the top of the boiling interval (Cole temperature, fluid pressure, and the boiling curve
& Drummond, 1986). Therefore, high Ag/Au ratios under different fluid conditions for the three
apparently reflect the upper part of the boiling mineralization stages of the Sirawai Au–Ag
interval, which is also evidenced by the flashing deposit based on the results of the numerical
feature of the fluid inclusions in the high Ag/Au simulations. (a) Early-stage cooling (non-
boiling). (b) Middle-stage temperature-increase
ratio samples. As mentioned above, high-grade Au boiling. (c) Late-stage pressure-decrease boiling.
mineralization was induced by vigorous boiling with
flashing. pression stages was calculated by the simulation as
3.7 MPa (Table 2). The occurrence of hydrothermal
brecciation changed all the fluid pressures to the
Late-stage Pressure-decrease Boiling hydrostatic condition, the same as in the early-stage.
In contrast, the increase in calculated temperature
In the late-pressurization stage simulation, from the previous stage was small. Accordingly, we
where the hydrothermal fluid source conditions (e.g., interpreted decompression by hydrothermal brec-
source temperature and mass flux) were the same as ciation as reflecting the change from a local high-
those in the early- and middle-stage simulations, in pressure condition in the LPAH to a hydrostatic
the central vein (e.g., B53 cell), the fluid tempera- condition. The simulation showed evidence of the
ture decreased by 8 C and the pressure increased by occurrence of boiling in the host rock outside the
3 Ma from the middle- to the late-pressurization vein in the fourth layer, and this boiling was con-
stages owing to the decreased permeability of the firmed by fluid-inclusion analysis. In the Sibutad Au
vein and the LPAH (Table 2). Therefore, the fluid deposit (Fig. 1), which consists of quartz veins in
did not boil during this stage (Fig. 16d). In the late- hydrothermal brecciation zones, the Au grades were
decompression stage simulation, boiling occurred found to be  1.8 g/t (Jimenez et al., 2002), similar
due to a drop in pressure with constant temperature to the late-stage ore of the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit.
(a pressure-decrease type; Fig. 18c). In the simula- The Ag/Au ratios in the late-stage ores were  30,
tions, boiling was observed in the shallow parts whereas early-stage ores cover a wide range of Ag/
(Fig. 17d). It represented boiling caused by Au ratios. Therefore, comparison with other de-
hydrothermal brecciation that commonly occurs posits demonstrates that mineralization associated
beneath a local, low-permeability barrier (John & with pressure decrease obtains a higher grade than
Mauk, 2018). The occurrence of hydrothermal can be achieved by a cooling mechanism. The two
brecciation was limited to within the LPAH caps mechanisms can be distinguished by the stability of
that were composed of fragile tuff breccia with their Ag/Au ratios.
strong argillization and were, mechanically, the most
brittle in the host rocks around the veins. The de-
crease of fluid pressure in the central vein (e.g., B53
cell) from the late-pressurization to late-decom-
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 93

Table 3. Relationships between the ore-deposition mechanisms of the three stages and the mineralization features, Au grades, Ag/Au
ratios, and gangue-quartz textures in the Sirawai Au–Ag deposit

Mineralization stage Early stage Middle stage Late stage

Ore-deposition mechanism Cooling Temperature-increase boiling Pressure-decrease boiling

Trigger of mineralization Shallow aquifer Mushroom-shaped LPAH Hydrothermal brecciation
Au grade Low:  1 g/t High:  26 g/t Medium:  2 g/t
Ag/Au ratio 4–89 Majority: £ 10, Minority;  30  30
Quartz size Medium (0.8 mm) Medium (0.8 mm), Fine (0.1 mm) Medium to coarse (0.7–1.5 mm)
Quartz texture Massive Plumose (little comb), Colloform (ginguro) Comb and dogtooth

Prediction of Undrilled Mineralization Zone low the drilled areas, which guides us to select next
drilling targets. Therefore, the combination of geo-
This study identified undrilled zones with logical modeling and numerical simulations is an
physical and chemical changes (cooling and boiling effective method for Au exploration.
of fluid) that reflected the drilled mineralization
zones. We were able to find three-dimensionally the
mineralization zones at the multiple mineralization CONCLUSIONS
stages. The early-stage ores were low Au grades but
were widely distributed at all 45 intersections, and To identify the most plausible generation
important as an Au resource. These ores with sili- mechanism for common low-sulfidation epithermal
cification zones showed higher grades than average Au deposits, we proposed a cold-water trap for
(e.g., intersection V6-5: Au 1.1 g/t). In the simula- studying the Sirawai deposit. By geological modeling
tion of the Hosokura deposit observed from shallow and numerical simulations using TOUGH2, the
to deep parts, the silicification zone was distributed cold-water trap was verified as the multi-stage Au
in the small temperature gradient area. Similarly, in ore-deposition mechanism in this deposit. The main
the simulation of the central vein, the small tem- findings of this study are as follows.
perature gradient extended in the section of 250 m
from the fourth to seventh layers. From these facts,  Many shallow drill holes and test pits inter-
the formation of early-stage ore with a silicification sected seven Au–Ag veins in the drilling area.
zone was also predicted in the sixth and seventh Miocene and Pleistocene volcanic rocks host
layers that have not been drilled. the deposit, and a shallow aquifer made up
As mentioned above, the most economical the bottom part of the Pleistocene pyroclastic
middle-stage ores were generated by boiling. In the rocks. At both sides of each vein, several
simulation of the central vein, the boiling zone was meter-wide fault/fracture zones containing
extended to the seventh layer deeper than the fourth many veinlets were formed.
layer where the boiling was observed by the fluid-  The main ore minerals identified were pyrite,
inclusion analysis. Therefore, the middle-stage ores chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite with acces-
may be formed up to the seventh layer. The late- sory Pb–telluride, Ag–telluride, and elec-
stage ores were also formed by boiling. In the sim- trum; gangue minerals were quartz with
ulation, the boiling was observed in the host rocks accessory rhodochrosite, fluorite, and calcite;
outside the veins in the fourth layer which was and hydrothermal alteration minerals were
confirmed to the boiling by fluid- inclusion analysis. quartz, adularia, illite, illite/smectite, chlorite,
In the test pit and drilling, many intersections with smectite, and kaolinite. Through the genera-
unclear continuity of the seven Au–Ag veins were tion order of the ores, gangue-quartz tex-
found in the fourth layer, but some of these may be tures, and mineral paragenetic features, the
the late-stage ores extending from the seven veins. Au–Ag–Cu–Pb–Zn mineralization was di-
The simulation results can specify the zones with vided into three stages (early, middle, and
similar physical conditions, e.g., vapor saturation, to late).
the mineralization zones even in the deep parts be-
94 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

 The hydrothermal alteration halos around result, boiling with flashing generated the
the Au–Ag veins were divided into three most economically viable mineralization:
zones: (1) illite and silicification zones in high Au grade,  26 g/t, and typical Ag/Au
contact with the veins at the deep parts; (2) ratios of 10 or lower. The gangue quartz
smectite zone in the shallow aquifer; and (3) comprised fine-grained quartz with colloform
local kaolinite zones at the hanging wall of texture and medium-grained one with plu-
the veins including the middle-stage ores. mose texture.
 The fluid-inclusion analysis of four ore sam-  Further decrease in permeability of the
ples revealed that the mean homogenization LPAH increased airtightness and fluid pres-
temperatures with or without boiling of the sure in the veins and then caused hydrother-
fluids in the early-, middle-, and late-stages mal brecciation in the horizontal weak zones
were 178 C with non-boiling, 223 C and such as the LPAH caps. Late-stage mineral-
unmeasurable with boiling and flashing, and ization of medium Au grade ( 2 g/t) with an
201 C with boiling, respectively. almost constant Ag/Au ratio ( 30) was
 The causes of Au–Ag–Cu–Pb–Zn mineral- caused by decompression boiling associated
ization in the three stages (early, middle, and with the brecciation. The gangue quartz was
late) were cooling and boiling of hydrother- characterized by medium- to coarse-grained
mal fluids, respectively. These different quartz with a dogtooth texture.
mechanisms originated from the pressure and
temperature conditions of the fluids and no- Therefore, the cold-water trap is a new inno-
tably were reflected in the different Au vative concept for mineralization in low-sulfidation
grades and Ag/Au ratios in the ores and Au epithermal deposits. Finding the evidence of the
gangue-quartz textures. cold-water trap (typically, a shallow aquifer, silicifi-
 The existence of a permeable, shallow aquifer cation zone, and mushroom-shaped LPAH) should
filled with cold groundwater was essential in be effective for Au exploration. Gold grades and
initiating the multi-stage ore-deposition Ag/Au ratios in ores are critical microscale evidence
mechanism. The mixing of neutral-pH for judging the mineralization stage. Furthermore, a
hydrothermal fluids (at  270 C ascending combination of geological modeling and numerical
via permeable veins) with cold groundwater simulations can be used to predict undrilled miner-
caused low-grade mineralization of Au alization zones, thereby reducing exploration time
( 1 g/t). The Ag/Au ratios increased from 4 and cost.
to 89 toward the shallower parts of the system
as fluid temperature decreased. The gangue
quartz was medium grained and massive. The
fluids flowed from the veins to the surround- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ing semi-permeable (fault/fracture zones) and
permeable zones, and formed mushroom- We would like to appreciate leader Mr. Brian
shaped alteration halos, which were com- Esber and the Sirawai exploration team. To ensure
posed of narrow illite and silicification zones low-cost exploration, the Sirawai exploration labo-
in the deep, ‘‘stalk’’ part and a wide smectite ratory performed accurately the chemical analyses
zone in the shallow aquifer, ‘‘cap’’ part. of the drill cores. Our sincere gratitude is extended
 The critical factor of the occurrence of mid- to mineralogist Yasuhiro Takai and Sachiko Toki,
dle-stage mineralization was the formation of Enecom Co., Ltd., for their assistance in observing
mushroom-shaped LPAHs around the veins the boiling phenomena in fluid inclusions under the
by the decrease in permeability of halos with microscope, and the Dr. Jonathan Naden and two
the progress of hydrothermal alteration. Due anonymous reviewers for essential and constructive
to the low permeability and insulating prop- comments and suggestions that improved clarity of
erties of the LPAHs, the temperature in- this manuscript largely.
creased in veins surrounded by LPAHs. As a
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 95


Grades of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Ag/Au and

Pb/Cu ratios in the three mineralization stages at the
45 intersections with Au–Ag veins, obtained from
the test pits and drill holes in the Sirawai deposit.
Early-Stage Ore

No Number of Elevation Width Au Ag Ag/Au Cu Pb Zn Pb/

intersection (m a.s.l.) of ore (ppb) (ppb) ratio (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) Cu
with vein (m) ratio

1 V1 1 301 1.5 0.6 22.4 38 527 386 386 0.9

2 2 313 2.5 0.5 24.6 45 885 531 531 1.9
3 3 309 1.5 0.6 27.2 45 607 652 652 1.5
4 V2 1 293 2.0 0.5 15.5 30 1499 564 564 1.6
5 2 298 3.5 0.9 44.8 47 4715 669 669 1.2
6 3 320 1.5 0.6 39.0 66 1196 2829 2829 3.5
7 4 300 1.5 0.7 23.4 33 8320 3162 3162 0.2
8 5 308 2.6 0.9 37.7 43 3795 14,501 14,501 1.7
9 6 308 3.0 0.8 53.0 63 4715 5108 5108 1.3
10 7 308 1.5 0.6 45.0 78 1939 631 631 6.5
11 V3 1 291 1.7 0.6 22.5 39 2654 2498 2498 1.0
12 2 323 3.5 0.7 40.6 62 1010 778 778 1.7
13 3 323 3.0 0.8 49.8 60 517 2022 2022 4.7
14 4 314 3.4 1.4 99.0 72 3148 1785 1785 1.5
15 5 301 2.0 1.6 62.0 40 2683 8445 8445 1.9
16 6 284 1.5 1.1 20.4 19 708 403 403 0.7
17 V4 1 284 1.0 0.8 28.6 36 1911 1034 1034 1.0
18 2 292 1.5 1.0 33.3 33 2766 1323 1323 0.8
19 3 284 1.8 1.4 49.4 36 3131 7605 7605 0.8
20 4 323 2.5 1.1 76.0 69 1481 1329 1329 1.4
21 5 305 0.5 0.6 28.0 45 2284 648 648 1.1
22 6 318 1.5 0.5 32.8 62 1882 1259 1259 1.5
23 V5 1 278 1.7 0.9 16.0 18 2641 1829 1829 0.6
24 2 292 1.7 0.7 7.5 11 4267 4019 4019 0.7
25 3 325 2.5 0.6 52.6 89 2980 2800 2800 1.7
26 4 310 2.5 1.1 46.9 44 3324 13,567 13,567 7.0
27 5 298 1.0 1.0 28.5 29 442 592 592 0.7
28 6 295 1.7 0.8 16.0 19 2100 1965 1965 0.8
29 7 296 3.4 1.4 30.3 21 9735 1900 4961 0.2
30 V5 8 301 1.0 0.6 13.2 21 7306 3887 5201 0.5
31 9 285 1.0 0.8 11.6 14 1888 1018 2369 0.5
32 10 295 1.7 1.4 44.5 31 5612 7129 5321 1.3
33 11 302 1.0 0.5 27.0 50 543 876 654 1.6
34 V6 1 325 1.0 0.8 59.0 72 972 1463 1216 1.5
35 2 326 3.0 0.7 47.1 71 2248 3329 1180 1.5
36 3 318 1.5 0.7 45.5 64 1293 6773 5069 5.2
37 4 313 3.0 1.8 134.8 76 872 5985 1103 6.9
38 5 271 1.0 1.1 5.0 4 374 416 524 1.1
39 6 298 1.0 0.6 35.1 57 650 790 754 1.2
40 7 295 1.0 0.6 21.9 37 1006 1148 594 1.1
41 V7 1 322 1.0 0.5 30.7 63 1845 2830 2313 1.5
42 2 323 3.0 0.7 48.3 73 480 5408 1684 11.3
43 3 309 1.0 0.4 16.2 46 16,935 1221 2294 0.1
44 4 303 4.0 1.0 35.3 34 277 564 241 2.0
45 5 285 2.0 1.1 18.7 17 2191 1109 1227 0.5
96 H. Takahashi, S. A. Tomita, K. Koike, and H. Yoshiyama

Middle-Stage Ore

No Number of Elevation Width of Au Ag Ag/Au Cu Pb Zn Pb/Cu

intersection (m a.s.l.) ore (m) (ppb) (ppb) ratio (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) ratio
with vein

1 V1 1 299 1.5 23.9 89.2 4 1261 1218 1320 1.0

2 3 311 1.5 2.8 16.7 6 625 770 799 1.2
3 V2 6 309 0.5 21.4 222.9 10 3797 7170 6211 1.9
4 V3 3 325 1.5 3.2 20.9 7 1853 3845 2500 2.1
5 4 315 0.5 3.2 24.7 8 2880 2545 936 0.9
6 V4 1 292 0.5 20.2 411.1 20 10,120 40,940 61,220 4.0
7 4 326 1.0 36.5 98.7 3 2601 7580 6198 2.9
8 5 304 0.5 5.0 15.0 3 1525 1993 1220 1.3
9 V5 1 277 0.9 22.2 123.0 6 3048 3591 1434 1.2
10 2 290 1.7 14.7 379.2 26 6501 31,905 69,775 4.9
11 3 328 0.5 2.0 13.0 6 2446 2283 1102 0.9
12 5 296 1.5 54.9 2370.4 43 1811 15,348 3406 8.5
13 8 300 0.5 1.8 53.1 29 3507 8088 7535 2.3
14 9 286 0.5 5.4 100.6 19 6867 31,760 34,955 4.6
15 10 296 0.9 183.3 169.0 1 6374 5811 2533 0.9
16 V6 3 315 0.5 2.3 22.0 9 1232 3207 3178 2.6
17 5 273 1.0 25.4 26.5 1 2490 1066 1156 0.4
18 V7 4 305 2.0 6.3 33.0 5 974 1331 807 1.4

Late-Stage Ore

No Number of Elevation Width Au Ag Ag/Au Cu Pb Zn Pb/Cu

intersection (m a.s.l.) of ore (ppb) (ppb) ratio (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) ratio
with vein (m)

1 V2 5 307 0.9 1.3 43.0 33 5582 11,500 8460 2.1

2 V4 1 286 1.5 1.8 59.5 34 5146 7785 9691 1.5
3 2 293 0.5 1.8 44.2 24 5559 16,200 3098 2.9
4 3 285 1.7 3.3 103.0 31 8397 4489 13,580 0.5
5 4 327 0.5 3.5 85.3 24 1685 2633 1132 1.6
6 V5 1 276 0.9 0.7 13.7 20 5483 1342 1880 0.2
7 2 286 0.9 0.8 23.6 30 1095 1896 14,875 1.7
8 6 292 0.9 6.4 180.0 28 15,420 20,650 22,655 1.3
9 7 293 1.7 3.0 62.8 21 7698 2620 2111 0.3
10 8 295 0.5 1.3 23.1 18 2322 2728 6040 1.2
11 V6 2 323 1.5 0.9 20.3 23 3272 5759 2535 1.8
12 V7 1 320 0.5 3.2 60.3 19 11,870 3403 3476 0.3
13 2 320 2.0 1.8 58.6 32 1885 3494 12,679 1.9
14 5 283 1.0 1.9 53.9 28 3218 1311 816 0.4
Geological Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cold-Water Trap 97

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