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It has always been my dream to run a business someday. And this

company allowed me to see a glimmer of this dream. I didn’t realize how
difficult it was. But I also hadn’t counted on the happiness and priceless
moments I got to share with everyone. The experience of working with
everyone who is also a friend has been an incredible journey.
With this, I personally want to express my gratitude to each and every
one of you. With all the experiences we’ve had. Despite our highs and lows.
We’ve been through tough times where we felt tired, doomed, hopeless, and
discouraged. And thank you for not giving up on us. For rediscovering the drive
to find hope amidst such obstacles. For putting a lot of effort when we were
very behind. And for always doing your best. And to my team, I want to
congratulate the both of you for doing an excellent job. Our department’s
success is entirely attributable to the teamwork we displayed. And for all my
shortcomings, I genuinely apologize.
As we come to the end of our operation, may we all carry the experiences
with us as we move on with our own lives. The memories we made will always
be treasured. I am beyond proud of everyone. Our success wouldn’t be possible
if we didn’t believe in ourselves and in others. It has always been an honor to be
your Vice President for Marketing. And I appreciate your faith in me. From the
bottom of my heart, thank you for believing in me.
Departmental Report --------------------------Marketing Department


A. Marketing Platform
The marketing team created social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram,
and TikTok as we all know that social media is where we can quickly reach
our target market. We also tried to reach our communities, visited school,
and different organizations.

B. Company Materials
We mainly concentrated on posting on our social media platforms because it
is not time consuming and do not require a cent. Additionally, we distributed
flyers all over the school where we highlighted the product’s information
such as features, price, details, etc.
C. Sales
Overall, a total of 46 customers have been reached by our business. We met
the targeted production goal of 100 units. We are planning to surpass the
production target but due to limited time we weren’t able to do so.


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