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Conduct the test of hypothesis using the appropriate components of the test procedure of the
given real-life problem.

1. The minimum wage earners of the National Capital Region are believed to be receiving
less than Php500 per day. The CEO of a large supermarket chain in the region is claiming
to be paying its contractual higher than the minimum daily wage rate of Php500. To
check on this claim, a labor union leader obtained a random sample of 144 contractual
employees from this supermarket chain. The survey of their daily wage earnings resulted
to an average wage of Php510 per day with standard deviation of Php100. Perform a test
of hypothesis at 5% level of significance to help the labor union leader make an empirical
based conclusion on the CEO’s claim.
2. A school nurse claims that the average weight of Grade 11students is 60kgs. The HOPE
teacher randomly selects 24 Grade 11 students and measure their weight. The computed
mean is 57kgs and a standard deviation of 5.0kgs. Do the collected data present sufficient
evidence to indicate that the average weights of the Grade 11 students are different from
60kgs? Use 0.10 level of significance (alpha level) and assume that the population
follows normal distribution.

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