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Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design P2 Research Work

Instructions: The following research work will be credited to your laboratory (2/3 of
15%). Use this format when answering questions. You may include images, sketches to
further your answer as long as they are labeled and cited properly.

I. Research Questions:

1. (25%) Briefly discuss the how the different small signal BJT AC model was derived.
Also discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
a. re model
b. Hybrid model
c. Hybrid π

2. (30%) Discuss the different important parameters (i.e. Impedance, Voltage, Current,
Gains) being measured/computed on BJT AC circuit using re model. Show how they could
be computed using the following circuit configuration.

3. (25%) Using the circuit configuration from Question no. 2, Redo the demonstration if
Capacitor CE is open circuit.

4. (20%) Discuss the relationship/range of value between the following parameters. Fill
out the table below for the range of values.

BJT Input Output Voltage Current Output Voltage Phase

Configuration Impedance Impedance Gain Gain vs. input Voltage
Common Emitter
Common Base

II. List of References. List down the website link, book references, etc. For multiple
for each question, you may separate them using square brackets followed by a comma.
Example [link A], [Link B], [Book A, Page BB]

1. Reference List for Question #1


2. Reference List for Question #2


3. Reference List for Question #3


4. Reference List for Question #4


January 31, 2024

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