AcappellaChoirRetreat GDX Aug2023

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2023 A Cappella Choir Retreat

Thursday, August 23, 2023

The Rock Hill High School A Cappella Choir will be traveling to Group Dynamix in
Carrollton, TX on Thursday, August 3, 2023. We are very excited about this opportunity
(paid through each A Cappella Choir member’s choir fees). Our choir leadership team is
hard at work planning this event to provide each choir member the opportunity to grow
individually and as an organization.

The Details:
All choir members are asked to report to the Choir Room by 3:15 PM to participate in
team building activities organize by the choir leadership team, and to find out what their
retreat group will be for the evening. Departure time will be 4:00 PM from the choir
room. All choir members will ride together on a PISD school bus. Please pack no more
than a small piece of luggage/duffle bag or backpack. We plan to arrive back at Rock
Hill High School via PISD school bus at 9:45 PM.

Group Dynamix is located at 1100 Venture Ct #120, Carrollton, TX 75006

The website for Group Dynamix is

We will stop on the way to Carrollton at Jason’s Deli (Addison) for dinner. Each choir
member is asked to bring approx $10 for dinner on Thursday night (salad bar at Jason’s
Deli is approx $8.00 without a drink) All choir members will also be assigned to bring a
snack or drinks for the entire group … you know how we like to snack!

Snack Assignments:
Sopranos – Salty Snacks … Altos – Sweet Snacks … Tenor - Case of bottled water …
Bass - Plates/Napkins/Garbage Bags

What to Wear:
You should arrive at the choir room dressed for the day/evening. All students must be
dressed at all times and in Rock High School dress code.
• Plan to bring a pair of comfortable shoes to participate (do NOT wear sandals!)
• Wear a Rock Hill spirit shirt. Shorts are allowed, but please be in dress code.

Continued on the other side >>>>>

Rock Hill Choir • 16061 Coit Rd • Frisco, TX • 75035 469-219-2300 x 81201

If you drive to school, please plan to park your vehicle in front of the Rock Hill
Auditorium. Anyone that is picked up once we return should plan to meet their ride
outside the Auditorium.

You Must Submit the Following BY THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2023:

1. Completed Prosper ISD Medical Form

2. Prosper ISD Permission for Field Trip Participation
3. Group Dynamix Consent Form

All forms are attached to this letter to print, scan and email to OR hand in hard copies once you arrive on
Thursday, August 3rd in the choir room. You will not be able to participate
without these forms.

Please be ready to pick up your student by 9:45 on Thursday night. The bus will drop
us off in front of the Auditorium steps at Rock Hill HS.

This retreat will be a great time for all of our A Cappella Choir members. Please contact
me at should you have any questions. Thanks for returning
all forms by Thursday, August 3rd!


Joshua McGuire

Rock Hill Choir • 16061 Coit Rd • Frisco, TX • 75035 469-219-2300 x 81201

Prosper Independent School District
Off-Site Activity/Trip Medication Request Form

Date of Request: _________________School: _____________________ Activity/Trip: __________________________

S d Na : __________________________________________________ Birth date: _____/______/__________

Please follow the guidelines below when bringing medication to be administered at an off-site activity/trip:
1. A separate request form is required for each medication.
2. For student safety, all medication should be brought to the clinic by the parent at least 5 school days prior to the activity/trip. All
medication must be in an original, properly labeled container and should be provided to the school with only the number of doses
that are to be administered during the activity/trip. Prescription medications must be counted by the parent and clinic staff. No
medication will be automatically sent from the clinic for overnight trips.
3. A edica i i be ad i i e ed acc di g he abe ed i ci d c de . A i i a d a i i c ai i g
d c i be ad i i e ed i h ad c de .
4. Medication that is expired will not be given. Medication will be destroyed if not picked up by the parent within 2 weeks following
the activity/trip.
5. Nonprescription, homeopathic medication, dietary supplements and herbal supplements will only be given in accordance with
Prosper ISD Board Policies FFAC (LEGAL) and FFAC(LOCAL) and District medication guidelines.
6. Campus administration will designate a PISD employee to administer student medications during this activity/trip. This staff
member will be responsible for maintaining medications and request forms in a secure location, and for administration and
documentation of the medications according to District guidelines. The school nurse will review medication request forms and
provide training to the staff member(s) designated for this activity/trip.
NOTE: If edica i aef d he de e i hi /he be gi g ha a e acc ed f b i e e e
form and are not approved as a self-carry medication by form on file with the school nurse, the student may be subject to
disciplinary action.

Medication: ____________________________________ Exp. Date_________ Dosage: _________________________

Route of administration: by mouth inhaled topical eye ear nasal injection (circle: IM SQ IV) rectal GT/JT
Time to be Administered: _________________________________ Dates to be Administered: ___________________
Condition for which medication is required: ____________________________________________________________
Has your child ever taken this medication before? YES NO
Medication Allergies: No Known Medication Allergies Allergic to: ______________________________________
Special Instructions or known Side Effects of medication on your child: _____________________________________
My signature below indicates that I request that PISD staff administer the medication specified above to my child. I acknowledge that I will not hold
the Prosper ISD, Board of Trustees, and/or District employees liable for damages or injuries resulting from administration of this medication.
I authorize the designated PISD staff to ha e/ b ai chi d hea h i f ai i h he hea h ca e ide i ed be i de a ,i e e
or clarify actions necessary in the administration of school health related services. I readily acknowledge that the information used or disclosed pursuant
to this Authorization may be subject to re-disclosure by designees authorized herein and the person(s) with whom they communicate, and no longer be
protected by the HIPAA rules. I realize that such re-disclosure might be improper, cause me embarrassment, cause family strife, be misinterpreted by
non-health care professionals, and otherwise cause me and my family various forms of injury. I hereby release any Health Care Provider that acts in
reliance on this Authorization from any liabili ha a acc e f e ea i g chi d I di id a Ide ifiab e Health Care Information.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________ Email: __________________________________
Pa Primary Phone: (_____)__________-_________________ Alternate Phone: (_____)_________-___________
P c a Na : ___________________________________________ Phone: (______)________-________________
P ca S a (if nonprescription medication needed for more than 10 days): ___________________________________________
Emergency Contacts during hours of this activity/trip:
Name: __________________________________ Relationship: ____________________Phone: (_____)_______-_________
Name: __________________________________ Relationship: ____________________Phone: (_____)_______-_________
Student Release and Consent Form
I he minor s paren and or legal g ardian nders and he na re of Ac i i ies facili a ed b Gro p
D nami and he minor s e perience and capabili ies and I belie e he minor o be q alified in good
heal h and in proper ph sical condi ion o par icipa e in s ch Ac i i ies and hereb gi e m consen
ha said minor ma par icipa e in he Ac i i ies I hereb release discharge co enan no o s e and
agree o indemnif and sa e and hold harmless Gro p D nami i s adminis ra ors direc ors agen s
officers members ol n eers eam members and emplo ees o her par icipan s an sponsors
ad er isers and if applicable o ners and lessors of premises on hich he Ac i i ies ake place
Releasees from all liabili claims demands losses or damages on he minor s acco n ca sed or
alleged o be ca sed in hole or in par b he negligence of he Releasees or o her ise incl ding
negligen resc e opera ions and f r her agree ha if despi e his release I he minor s paren or legal
g ardian or an one on he minor s behalf makes a claim agains an of he Releasees named abo e I
ill indemnif sa e and hold harmless each of he Releasees from an li iga ion e penses a orne
fees loss liabili damage or an cos ha ma occ r as a res l of an s ch claim

Organi a ion Compan Name

Name of Par icipan

Name of Par icipan s Paren G ardian

Par icipan s Da e of Bir h

Phone N mber Email

Da e of E en

Paren G ardian Signa re Toda s Da e

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