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Tracking Sheet Marking Guide

In this course, you will be provided with sheets to track your knowledge of longer explorations (a series of short story readings, for
instance, or a film or set of film extracts). Sometimes, these assignments will be indicated as formative. Sometimes, they are
summative and the following guidelines apply:

1 2 3 4 5
Detail Detail Detail Detail Detail
Incomplete Tracking sheet includes Available space is Available space is filled Available space is filled
gaps, showing a lack of mostly filled with some with sensible with pertinent
commitment to a longer observations, insightful observations, thoughtful observations, insightful
timeframe and/or evidence from the text, evidence from the text, evidence from the text,
unresolved absence responses to class responses to class responses to class
from class. discussion, commentary discussion, commentary discussion, commentary
Response is limited. on group presentations on group presentations on group presentations
based on the requested based on the requested and judicious
criteria. Response is criteria. evaluations based on the
satisfactory but may be Thoughtfulness is requested criteria. Pride
surface-level. evident. and care is evidenced.
Correctness Correctness Correctness Correctness Correctness
Carelessness is evident. Communication is Some evidence of Evidence of proof- Clear evidence of proof-
limited by inaccuracies proof-reading for reading for correctness reading for correctness
of either word choice or correctness of language, of language, including of language, including
correctness in issues of including mostly correct correct and thoughtful correct and effective
punctuation and and satisfactory diction diction choice, and diction choice, and
grammar. choice, and punctuation, punctuation, is mostly punctuation, is
is demonstrated. demonstrated. demonstrated.

Total /10

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