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Quispe Arroyo Isela Milagros 3C A1-A2

Nuestra señora de la Sabiduría. 28/10/21

7:00am Iusually get up at 6:30, first I make the bed, take a shower and get dressed. At 7:40 I
7:35am help prepare breakfast and we eat as a family. At 8:00 I clean my work area, at 8:20 I
3:15pm prepare the materials that I will use in class. classes begin at 8:30 until 1:30 pm. I help
3:45pm serve lunch and we all eat. at 2:20 I start to do homework until 4:00 pm. I send the
7:00pm evidence and then I help my parents with cleaning the house or with work. finally we
10:00am make dinner and after eating we go to sleep at 9:00.

talks to her friends on the phone

does her homework
eat dinner at 7:00
watches TV
- I will - I will enter class - I will go to - I will enter - I will attend - I will enter the - I'll go
continue of Personal math, social classes in Education class shopping
with my communication, Development studies and religion for work and with my
reading. Science and class, tutoring, English class. communication art. mother..
- Watch technology and English and and science
movies with mathematics. physical - I'll do the and - I'll do
my family. education. homework technology. homework
- I'll do the for the day.
homework. - I'll do the - I'll do the - I'll help my
homework. - I'll help clean homework parents with
- I'll prepare the house. their work.
orange keke. - I'll read Harry - I'll prepare
Potter and the jelly.
Goblet of Fire.
- I'll continue

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