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Direction: For fifteen (15) points, make a script according to the situation below.
SITUATION: You are currently in an interview and they ask you this, “Tell me something about
yourself.” What will you say?

A blessed morning to all of you! My name is Kathlene Manuel Ducut, I will be 20 years old
this coming October 23. My passion is writing stories, poems, songs and reading. I also
learned early to cook only simple dishes. At a young age I was already taking care of my
younger siblings, even my nieces and nephews. Although I have many responsibilities
that need to be done, I do not neglect my studies. We are 7 siblings, I have 4 sisters and 2
brothers. My siblings have their own families but I have a younger sister who is still
studying like me, my father's job is a fisherman and my mother is a housewife. I'm big on
hardship, I'm my mother's helper in the housework, sometimes I even work with her in
selling fish. Since my siblings had their own families early on, I had to work hard to help
my parents in whatever little way I could.I started to have a job at the age of twelve years
old, I was taking care of a baby who was also my relative. We also had the opportunity to
build a small business selling grilled, mixed, shake, snacks and other street food. My
mother is the one who cooks and takes care of the things that need to be done, while I
am the one who keep watch and the seller in our small business. Besides being a
saleswoman and babysitting, I also worked as a hairdresser with my cousin who is a
makeup artist. And later there were other sideline jobs to get even a small and gradual
income so that I could somehow help my parents. To be honest, I am fully committed to
every job that I enter. For me, everything has its own hardships that will eventually be
rewarded with rich rewards. My dream is my family's dream, I will try every job or
opportunity that I can get that I will not miss to get.

Clarity (Organize ideas, relevance to the topic, with coherence and cohesion) -7 points
Completeness (includes introduction, body, and conclusion) - 3 points
Quality of writing (originality, correct choices of words and punctuation marks) - 5 points
TOTAL: 15 points

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