Topic 4

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Organizing and Elements of Structure

Organizing is the process of arranging resources and tasks to achieve specific objectives. It involves
creating a framework that defines the roles, responsibilities, and relationships within an
organization. The elements of organizational structure include:
• Division of Labor: Assigning specific tasks to individuals or groups based on their
skills and expertise.
• Departmentalization: Grouping jobs and activities into units such as by function,
product, geography, or customer.
• Hierarchy: Establishing levels of authority and responsibility within the
• Span of Control: Determining the number of subordinates a manager can efficiently
• Formalization: The degree to which rules, procedures, and communications are

Bureaucratic Structure
Bureaucratic structure is a formal and hierarchical organizational design characterized by clear
division of labor, strict hierarchy, detailed rules and procedures, and impersonal relationships. Max
Weber, a sociologist, introduced the concept of bureaucratic structure. Its key features include:
• Division of Labor: Specialization of tasks to achieve efficiency.
• Hierarchy of Authority: Clear levels of authority and responsibility.
• Rules and Procedures: Standardized guidelines for decision-making and behavior.
• Impersonality: Emphasis on impartial treatment and adherence to rules.
• Career Orientation: Employment and promotion based on qualifications and

Bureaucratic structures are prevalent in government agencies, large corporations, and organizations
where precision and consistency are crucial.

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