Unit 10 - Session 4: A 24-Hour City

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Unit 10 | Session 4

A 24-hour city
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Suggest a plan for a day or nigt out
Unit 10 | Session 4
A 24-hour city
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Suggest plans for a day or night out

Lesson overview
1 GET STARTED: Day and night
2 LISTENING: Listen for details and examples
3 PREPARE TO SPEAK: Here’s my plan...
4 SPEAKING: See you Saturday!
Day and night
What do you think you can you do in this place in the day? at night?

you can ...

Listen for details
Listen to the start of a podcast and answer the questions.

1 Where is Josh going?

2 When is he going to go there?
3 Who is he going to meet there?

4 Is he going to go shopping?
Listen for examples
Listen again. What places does Josh say?

❑ buildings

❑ hotels

❑ museums

❑ restaurants

❑ stores

❑ streets
Here’s my plan...
Listen to Josh’s voice message to his friends. Complete his plan.

Hi. Here’s my plan for 1__________:

Let’s meet at my 2__________ at 3__________ o’clock. Wear comfortable 4__________

because we’re going to walk a lot.

First, we’re going to take a 5__________ around Gastown to see the beautiful old
buildings. We can have a small lunch at a 6__________ over there. Then we’re going to
look at 7__________ in some stores. For dinner, why don’t we go to a nice 8__________
restaurant? There is a great one near my favorite art store.

See you soon!

Here’s my plan...
Plan a fun day or night out with a friend.
Then prepare a voice message with some of the phrases below.
Suggest a place and time to meet and clothes to wear.
Describe where you are going to go and what you are going to do.

Hi. Here’s my plan for ... :

Let’s meet at/in/on ... at ... .
Wear / Don’t wear / You can wear ... .
First, we’re going to ... .
Then we’re going to ... .
We can ... .
Why don’t we ... ?
See you Saturday!
Now tell your partner your plan.
Then listen to your partner’s plan. Is it a nice plan? Do you have another suggestion?

Hi. Here’s my plan for Saturday:

Let’s meet at the Park Café at noon.
You can wear jeans and a T-shirt. It’s
not an expensive café.
First, we’re going to have lunch.
Then we’re going to go shopping.
We can go to the mall.

That’s a good plan.

But why don’t we go to the stores
on Park Street? They are nice.
Now I can …

❑ suggest plans for a day or night out.

Unit 10 | Session 4
A 24-hour city
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Suggest plans for a day or night out

Thank you!

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