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Republic of the Philippines


Cavite College of Arts and Trades Campus
Rosario, Cavite
 (046)437-9505 /  (046)437-6659



(GNED 06)

Prepared by:


Lecturer, Department of Engineering

Second Semester
AY: 2021–2022
UNIT IV: Issues and Applications of Science and Technology in the Modern

Chapter 12:
Biodiversity and the Healthy Society

After the completion of this chapter, the students will be able to:
 defined biodiversity and explain its importance;
 explain and give some examples of the components of biodiversity;
 enumerate some activities which threaten biodiversity.


This learning module must be utilized as follow:
 Keep and use it as neat as possible.
 For every chapter, pre-test will be given. This will be used to assess how much does a
student already know for that chapter. Answer key will be provided with this learning module.
Answer key must only be accessed right after finishing the pre-test.
 Lessons under each chapter will be discussed in “Learning Activities” section. Learning
activities include discussion, assignments, and exercises. Assignments and exercises will be
done on this learning module. Submission of assignments and exercises will be online for
those who chose online class and face-to-face for those who chose modular learning. NOTE:
Submission of requirements will be scheduled at least once a month to limit physical contact.
 Post-test will also be provided in each chapter. This will be used to assess if the students
really learned from different learning activities conducted. Answer key will also be provided
and must only be accessed after completing the post-test.
 This learning module is intended for computer engineering students enrolled in Cavite State
University – CCAT Campus for academic year 2021-2022. Any form of reciprocation of this
learning module without the consent of the author is not allowed. Once caught, proper
sanction will be applied.

A. True of False. Write True if the statement is correct, and False if not.

___________ 1. Biodiversity includes not just the species but ecosystems as well.
___________ 2. Biodiversity enables the discovery and use of plants as medicines,
microorganisms as sources of antibiotics, and marine animals for various
compounds of industrial use.
___________ 3. Gene diversity is considered variation is large scale, but the impact is on
small scale.
___________ 4. An ecosystem can also interact with another ecosystem.
___________ 5. The fundamental importance of biodiversity is that it is our source of foods,
clothing, shelter, and medicine.

B. Identification. Determine what is being described in each number. Write your answer on the
space provided.

___________ 1. A condition in which there is an unnatural increase in the concentrations of

naturally-occurring environmental compounds.
___________ 2. This is how genetic composition of species changes over time.
___________ 3. Formation of new species
___________ 4. Refers to the variation in genes of a species
___________ 5. Measurement of whether a particular ecosystem is dominated by a single
species or if similar number of individuals is present.

A. True of False. Write True if the statement is correct, and False if not.

___True____ 1. Biodiversity includes not just the species but ecosystems as well.
___True____ 2. Biodiversity enables the discovery and use of plants as medicines,
microorganisms as sources of antibiotics, and marine animals for various
compounds of industrial use.
___False___ 3. Gene diversity is considered variation is large scale, but the impact is on
small scale.
___True____ 4. An ecosystem can also interact with another ecosystem.
___True____ 5. The fundamental importance of biodiversity is that it is our source of foods,
clothing, shelter, and medicine.

B. Identification. Determine what is being described in each number. Write your answer on the
space provided.

pollution 1. A condition in which there is an unnatural increase in the concentrations of

naturally-occurring environmental compounds.
evolution 2. This is how genetic composition of species changes over time.
speciation 3. Formation of new species
gene 4. Refers to the variation in genes of a species
species 5. Measurement of whether a particular ecosystem is dominated by a single
evenness species or if similar number of individuals is present.

A. Discussion
B. Exercises
C. Assignment


1) Key Concepts
2) Definition of Biodiversity
3) Component of Biodiversity
4) Importance of Biodiversity
5) Status of Philippine Biodiversity
6) Threats to Biodiversity
7) Conserving Biodiversity
8) The Role of Evolution if Biodiversity

1) Key Concepts

 Biodiversity – multitude of living organisms and how they interact with each other and their
 Gene – unit of heredity
 Species – group of interbreeding organisms with the same structures;
 Niche -the physical environment to which species has become adapted as well as its role as
producer and consumer of food sources
 Habitat – the area where an organism lives
 Speciation – formation of new organism
 Extinction – the total disappearance of a species

2) Definition of Biodiversity

 Biodiversity or biological diversity is a vast concept that means:

o living organisms are numerous, from the minute to the largest creatures and are
composed of several species or groups and these organisms interact with each another
and with the nonliving things
o living organisms are abundant in habitats supplying all the foods and requirements that
they need
o organisms have different growth and metabolic characteristics unique to particular
group and variable reproductive patterns
o it is essential to human survival

 Biodiversity includes not just the species but the ecosystems (the multitude of living
organisms across all levels and how they interact with each other and with their surrounding
environment) as well
 Biodiversity serves as sources of food and energy in addition to water and clean air.
 Through biodiversity, we have an access to natural services like water purification, soil
fertility, waste disposal, pest control, and aesthetic pleasure.
 Biodiversity also enables the discovery and use of plants as medicines, microorganisms as
sources of antibiotics, and marine animals for various compounds of industrial use.
3) Components of Biodiversity
a. Genetic Diversity
 refers to the variation or differences in the genes of species of individuals
 considered as a variation in small scale (but its impact is on large scale)

 Genes are segments of DNA which dictates the traits of characteristics of an organism.
 Gene differences contribute remarkably in the adaptive potential of the species that can
lead to microevolution. This variation enables one species to adapt to changing
environment, and the likelihood of perpetuation of a new population.

b. Species Diversity
 diversity of number of species
 involves a combination of species number (species richness) and their relative
abundance in a particular area (species evenness)

 Species is a group of interbreeding organisms with similar structures.

 Around the world, about 1.5 million species are known, but according to scientists and
taxonomists, this is just a fraction of what is currently existing.

c. Community Diversity
 also known as ecological diversity
 variety of ecosystem in a region

 Ecosystem is a biological community including all of the abiotic factors that affect
 Ecosystem cater a wide range of species population that interact with one another
forming a community.
 An ecosystem also interacts with another ecosystem in a specific overlapping region
known as ecotone.

4) Importance of Biodiversity
 Biodiversity affects humans on various aspects: economy, health and culture, aesthetic, and
environmental issues.
 The fundamental importance of biodiversity is that it is our source of foods, clothing, shelter,
and medicines.
 Biodiversity is also a source of raw materials for industrial activities.

5) Status of Philippines Biodiversity

 The Philippines, being a tropical and archipelagic country, has very rich and diverse
flora(plants) and fauna(animals)
 Considered as a biodiversity hotspot, the country attracts tourists and scientists to come over
and examine its natural resources. Though this poses an advantage to our national
economy, on the other side of the fence, this is critically threatening our environment.
Allowing the public to observe and investigate our treasures can lead to the eventual
disturbance and exploitation of these natural resources.
 The 2014 data show that there are 211 wild fauna and 526 wild flora which are threatened:
Table 12.1. Threatened fauna in the Philippines
No. of Threatened Species
No. of
Taxonomic No. of (DAO 2004-15) as of 2014
group Species Total
Species CR EN VU OTS
Mammals 231 130 8 12 17 5 43
Birds 616 195 14 59 53 - 126
Reptiles 302 198 5 16 4 4 29
Amphibians 116 95 - 4 10 - 14
TOTAL 1264 618 27 91 84 9 211
Data from Framework for Philippine Plant Conservation Strategy and Action Plan

Table 12.2. Threatened flora in the Philippines

No. of Threatened Species
No. of
Taxonomic No. of (DAO 2007-01) as of 2014
group Species Total
Species CR EN VU OTS
Angiosperms 8120 5800 89 141 123 56 409
Gymnosperms 33 6 - 9 2 - 11
Pteridophytes 1100 285 10 35 51 8 104
Bryophytes 1271 195 - 2 - - 2
Algae 1355 undetermined - - - - -
Fungi and
slime and 3555 undetermined - - - - -
water molds
Lichens 789 undetermined - - - - -
TOTAL 16223 99 187 176 64 526
Data from Framework for Philippine Plant Conservation Strategy and Action Plan

Table 12.3. Summary of Threatened Wildlife Species











43 43 43 43 43 42 42 42 42 43
Birds 131 131 131 132 132 127 127 127 127 126
Reptiles 27 27 27 27 27 24 24 24 24 30
Amphibians 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Flora** 526 526 526 526 526 526 526
*Based on DENR Administrative Order No. 2004-15 re National List of Threatened Fauna
and 2011 CITES listed species
**Based on DENR Administrative Order No. 2007-01 re National List of Threatened
Philippine Plants

6) Threats to Biodiversity
 A number of factors negatively affect the biodiversity. Their effects may be at an organismal
level or at an ecosystem level. These include:

a. Habitat Destruction
o caused by anthropogenic activities like urbanization, construction, agricultural land
development, logging, river damming, and use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers

b. Pollution
o a condition in which there is an unnatural increase in the concentrations of naturally-
occurring environment compounds such as heavy metals, radionuclides, nitrates,
phosphates, cyanides, agricultural wastes, sewage, pathogens, gases, particulates
and many more
o These unnatural increase or high concentrations make an environment unfavorable for
the survival of a particular organism.

c. Introduction of non-native species and new varieties

o Non-native species or Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are species accidentally or
deliberately introduced to a place that is not part of their natural habitat or distributional

d. Global climate change

o gradual increase in the world’s temperature that can also threaten biodiversity

e. Exploitation
o Collecting fauna and flora in huge amount that may threaten their proliferation

f. Overpopulation
o As population increases, the demand for all human needs and wants also increase. As
this demand increases, the need for our natural resources also increases.

7) Conserving Biodiversity
 Strategies to conserve biodiversity need realistic solution and will need to involve a
multidisciplinary strategy, including political, socioeconomic, and scientific input, in which all
major stakeholders (government, non-government, national, and international organizations)
must participate.
 Biodiversity loss can be prevented through appropriate research, government legislation,
education, and awareness and sustainable use of biodiversity.
 There are laws and orders to save biodiversity in the Philippines. These laws never forget
preserving the wellness and the betterment of the Philippine nature.

Table 12.4. Some examples of laws in the Philippines that help in conserving biodiversity
Executive Order No. 247 - Prescribing guidelines and establishing a regulatory framework
for the prospecting of biological and genetic resources, their by-
products of biological and derivatives, for scientific and
commercial and other purposes
Act No. 2690 - An act for the protection of game and fish
RA 7308 - An act to promote and develop the seed industry in the
Philippines and create a National Seed Industry Council and for
other purposes
RA 7586 - National Integrated Protected Areas System Act of 1992
RA 7611 - Strategic Environmental Plan for Palawan Act
RA 7900 - High-value Crops Development Act of 1995
RA 7942 - Philippine Mining Code
RA 8371 - Recognizing the Rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities
Indigenous People
RA 9147 - Wildlife Protection Act
RA 8485 - Promote Animal Welfare in the Philippines
PD 1433 - Plant Quarantine Decree of 1978
PD 1586 - Environmental Impact Statement System Law
EO 192 - Reorganization of the DENR
Proc No. 926 - Establishing Subic Watershed Forest Reserve
DAO 02 - Establishing protection for ancestral homelands

8) The Role of Evolution in Biodiversity

 Evolution is how the genetic composition of species changes over time. It is the underlying
mechanism of biodiversity.
 Evolution may be microevolution or macroevolution. Microevolution is the evolution below
the species level. Macroevolution is the type that gives rise to new species or larger groups
such as new genera, family, class, or phyla.
 Evolution may happen through artificial selection or by natural selection. In artificial
selection, humans determine which individuals breed as exemplified by specific crops that
are bred and varieties come out. The environment may also determine which organisms or
individuals survive and perpetuate. This is what we call natural selection.
 Evolution may also be slow or rapid depending on the rate of environmental change, amount
of genetic variation in the species, population size involved and the generation time of
particular species.

Exercise No. 1
Objective(s) Define biodiversity and explain its importance and explain and give some
examples of the components of biodiversity.
Instruction Answer the following questions. Use the space provided.

a. Why is a list of species not biodiversity?










b. _______________________________________________________________________
What is the difference between species richness and evenness?



Objective(s) Enumerate some activities which threaten biodiversity.

Instruction Make a slogan/poster that shows activities which threaten biodiversity.

A. True of False. Write True if the statement is correct, and False if not.

___________ 1. Biodiversity includes not just the species but ecosystems as well.
___________ 2. Biodiversity enables the discovery and use of plants as medicines,
microorganisms as sources of antibiotics, and marine animals for various
compounds of industrial use.
___________ 3. Gene diversity is considered variation is large scale, but the impact is on
small scale.
___________ 4. An ecosystem can also interact with another ecosystem.
___________ 5. The fundamental importance of biodiversity is that it is our source of foods,
clothing, shelter, and medicine.

B. Identification. Determine what is being described in each number. Write your answer on the
space provided.

___________ 1. A condition in which there is an unnatural increase in the concentrations of

naturally-occurring environmental compounds.
___________ 2. This is how genetic composition of species changes over time.
___________ 3. Formation of new species
___________ 4. Refers to the variation in genes of a species
___________ 5. Measurement of whether a particular ecosystem is dominated by a single
species or if similar number of individuals is present.

A. True of False. Write True if the statement is correct, and False if not.

___True____ 1. Biodiversity includes not just the species but ecosystems as well.
___True____ 2. Biodiversity enables the discovery and use of plants as medicines,
microorganisms as sources of antibiotics, and marine animals for various
compounds of industrial use.
___False___ 3. Gene diversity is considered variation is large scale, but the impact is on
small scale.
___True____ 4. An ecosystem can also interact with another ecosystem.
___True____ 5. The fundamental importance of biodiversity is that it is our source of foods,
clothing, shelter, and medicine.

B. Identification. Determine what is being described in each number. Write your answer on the
space provided.

pollution 1. A condition in which there is an unnatural increase in the concentrations of

naturally-occurring environmental compounds.
evolution 2. This is how genetic composition of species changes over time.
speciation 3. Formation of new species
gene 4. Refers to the variation in genes of a species
species 5. Measurement of whether a particular ecosystem is dominated by a single
evenness species or if similar number of individuals is present.

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