45. the Book Clb - Mởi Diễn Giả Nổi Tiếng, Đề Xuất Chủ Đề Thu Hút Được Người Già Và Trẻ Nhỏ

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The Book clb

Task 2:
Can you tell me the place and time you often buy books?
➔ I often spend my free time on buying books online from Amazon or other websites on the
Internet. It is convenient and cheap.
Task 3:
A: Can you tell me about your favorite time and place to read?
➔ My favorite time and place to read is in the evening at home. I like to relax on my sofa
with a good book and a cup of tea.
B: I want to buy my friend a book as a gift, but I don't know what he likes to read. Can you give
me some advice?
➔ You can buy your friend a book that is related to his interests or hobbies. For example, if
he likes sports, you can buy him a biography of a famous athlete or a book about the
history of a sport.
C: People are more inclined to read books on computers. What do you think about this?
➔ I think reading books on computers has some advantages and disadvantages. On one
hand, it is easy and convenient to access many books online. On the other hand, it can be
tiring and harmful for the eyes to read on a screen for a long time.
Task 4:
Câu lạc bộ Sách sẽ tổ chức một buổi nói chuyện cho công chúng bởi một nhà văn nổi tiếng vào
năm tới và chúng tôi muốn hỏi các thành viên của chúng tôi để góp ý. Bạn nghĩ chúng ta nên mời
loại nhà văn nào để phát biểu, và người viết nên nói về chủ đề nào? Hãy nhớ rằng chúng tôi
muốn thu hút càng nhiều khán giả càng tốt của cả người trẻ và người già. Vui lòng gửi cho chúng
tôi đề xuất của bạn và đừng quên đưa ra lý do cho các đề xuất.
- Question 1: Write an email to your friend, who is also a member of the club. Tell your friend
what suggestions you will make and why. Write about 50 words. Recommended time: 10
Hi Kim Anh,
How’s life?
Did you know about the book club’s event next year?
I think we should invite a famous writer who writes fiction and fantasy novels.This genre
is very appealing to both young and old people. I would love to hear the writer talk about
his or her inspiration.
What do you think?
Master Edu
- Question 2: Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about your ideas and what you
think about the situation. Write 120-150 words. Recommended time: 20 minutes.
Dear Manager,

My name is Master Edu, I have been a member of the Book club for over 2 years. I am
writing to you to share my ideas for the last email.
According to the news, our club will organize a public talk by a famous writer next year.
I think we should invite a writer who writes fiction and fantasy novels, such as J.K.
Rowling, or George R.R. Martin. I think this genre has many benefits. Firstly, it is very
popular and attractive to a wide range of audience, especially young people who are
interested in stories of magic, adventure, and mystery. Secondly, it can also appeal to
older people who enjoy reading books that are creative, imaginative, and original. I
would like to hear the writer talk about various topics related to his or her work, such as
what challenges he or she faced during the writing process. I think these topics are very
informative and engaging for our audience.

I hope you will consider my suggestions and let me know your opinion. Thank you for
your time and attention.
Master Edu

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