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Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns

Year 2

Practice 1: Circle he / she / it / they

Practice 2: Write he / she / it / they

……………………….. ……………………….. ……………………….. ………………………..

……………………….. ……………………….. ……………………….. ………………………..

Practice 3: Write He or She

Practice 4: Write he / she / they

Practice 5: Read and Underline the correct word

a. You are so lucky! Here’s a present for you / they.

b. They’re nice dogs. Let’s play with them / her.

c. I’m so pretty! Look at me / us .

d. Ben is playing piano. Listen to you / him !

e. The tigers are scary. Stay away from us / them !

f. It’s a ball! Catch me / it !

Practice 6: Complete the sentence by using “am”; “is”; “are” and the short form of them.

Long Form Short Form

1. She ……………… at school. è ……………………… at school.

2. I ……………… hungry. è ……………………… hungry.

3. They ……………… happy. è ……………………… happy.

4. He ……………… in the garden. è ……………………… in the garden.

5. We ……………… students. è ……………………… students.


Long Form Short Form

6. She ……………… at school. è She ……………………… at school.

7. I ……………… hungry. è I ……………………… hungry.

8. They ……………… happy. è They ……………………… happy.

9. He ……………… in the garden. è He ……………………… in the garden.

10. We ……………… students. è We ……………………… students.

Practice 7: Put the words in the correct order:

1. I – six – old. – years – am à ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. are – Thailand? – you – from à ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. aren’t – we – sisters. à ……………………………………………………………………………………

4. garden. – is – in – she à ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. my – in – class. – isn’t – Maria à ……………………………………………………………………………………

Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns
Year 4

Practice 1: Write he / she / it / they / we / you

1. cat ……………….…… 6. mom and dad ……………….……

2. you and teacher ……………….…… 7. woman ……………….……

3. flowers ……………….…… 8. brother ……………….……

4. Lina and Kate ……………….…… 9. boy ……………….……

5. you and I ……………….…… 10. tables ……………….……

Practice 2: Fill in the correct subject pronoun for the noun(s) provided in parentheses.

1. (Jack and Jill) __________ will be here at eight.

2. (Tom) __________ doesn't remember my name.

3. (Billy and I) __________ will see the kids tomorrow.

4. (my aunt) __________ is having trouble getting up.

5. (your sister) __________ got a new lawn mower.

6. (you) __________ are always so thoughtful.

7. (me) __________ am looking forward to ribs.

8. (the dogs) __________ love the big back yard.

9. (Mrs. Henry) __________ has been cooking all day.

10. (Mr. Jack and Mrs. Hanna) __________ will move to London next year.
Practice 3: Write the subject pronoun that replaces the subject in each sentence.

1. Dad and I made breakfast this morning. 6. Katie carried a pitcher of milk.

__________ made breakfast this morning. __________ carried a pitcher of milk.

2. Dad let me stir the waffle batter. 7. The pitcher was too heavy for Katie.

__________ let me stir the waffle batter. __________ was too heavy for Katie.

3. Waffles are my favorite food. 8. Milk spilled all over the floor.

__________ are my favorite food. __________ spilled all over the floor.

4. My litle sister Katie wanted to help. 9. Our two dogs cleaned up all the milk.

__________ wanted to help. __________ cleaned up all the milk.

5. Katie and Mom set the table. 10. My sister and I had a good breakfast.

__________ set the table. __________ had a good breakfast.

Practice 4: Circle the Subject or Object pronoun:

1. Paul and Tim are best friends. They / Them are both in grade 4.

2. There’s a nest on the tree! Can you see her / it?

3. Your family is from Spain. We / You are Spanish.

4. It’s Lucy’s birthday today! Happy Birthday to her / him!

5. That’s my new car. It / He is red.

6. My baby brother is crying…. Can you hear it / him?

7. Lukas and I are brothers. Us / We always help each other.

8. Have some milk! It’s good for me / you !

9. I / Me like football so much. It’s my favourite sport!

10. The puppies are eating! Look at they / them!

Practice 5: Fill in the gaps with is or are. Then guess who the person is:

Name Anna Jack Sumi Tuan

Age 17 25 9 30

Job student singer student teacher

Nationality Chinese British Japanese Vietnamese

City Beijing London Tokyo Ha Noi

1. She ………………. a student. She ………………. from Tokyo. à ……………….

2. He ………………. a teacher. He ………………. 30 years old. à ……………….

3. They ………………. students. Chinese girl ………………. 17 years old à ………………. and ……………….

and Japanese girl ………………. 9 years old.

4. He ………………. 25 years old. He ………………. a British singer. à ……………….

Choose one person and write about him/her:

Example: Anna is a student. She is 17 years old. She is a Chinese girl. She is from Beijing.


Practice 6: Look at the table again. Fill in the gaps with is , isn’t, are or aren’t :

1. Jack ………………. a student. He ………………. a singer.

2. Sumi and Anna ………………. students. They ………………. teachers.

3. Tuan ………………. 30 years old. He ………………. a singer but he ………………. a teacher.

4. Anna ………………. from Beijing. She ………………. a Japanese.

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