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Liyue’s diary

Its November the third, Tuesday

Today I am very busy, and tired. I get up at 7:30 in the morning, take a shower and have breakfast. At
the same time as having my breakfast I was listening to music. At 9 o’clock I go to class.
The first class is Chinese, the teacher teaches us pronunciation, new words and grammar, also taught
us to write, he also gave us a new text, this passage is very interesting.
The second period is computer class which is very difficult.
At noon, I went to the restaurant (cafeteria) with my classmates to have lunch.
While we were eating, we practiced speaking in Chinese.
In the afternoon I go to the library to surf the internet. Wang Peng came to me to play ball at 4
o’clock. Go have dinner at quarter past five. At half past seven I went to Bai Yingai’s dormitory to
chat with her.
When she got there she was doing her homework.
I returned home at half past eight.
Before going to bed, Gao Wenzhong called me, telling me I have an exam tomorrow.
I said I already knew.

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