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BET-AT 6 17 3 26
BET-CT 19 7 12 38
BET-PPT 7 10 12 29
TOTAL 32 34 27 93

The table shows the number of students, in different programs, who’s the most favorite subject is either
math, shop or humanities subjects. Solve for the probability of the following:

1. The student is a BET-PPT student and loves shop subjects.

2. The student is either BET-CT student or his/her most favorite subject is math subjects.
3. The student is not a BET-AT student.
4. The student loves humanities subjects but not a BET-CT student.
5. The student is not a BET-PPT student and shop subjects is not his/her most favorite.
6. The student is either loves math or shop subjects
7. The student is either a math lover or not a BET-AT student.
8. The student is either not a BET-CT student or not a humanities subject lover.
9. The student is not a BET-CT student and not a shop lover.
10. The student is both not a BET-CT or BET-PPT student.

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