ANT-Constraints On Game Design

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Read the article

summary in the
middle circle.
Then add your
own supporting
-Game design involves
details and ideas considering various
that connect to constraints such as
the summary in budget, time, and
each circle
connecting to it.
The supporting
details and ideas
can come from
the reading or
your own prior

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Read the article
summary in the
middle circle.
Then add your
own supporting
-Budget is a
details and ideas primary constraint
that connect to that requires
the summary in careful
management of
each circle
connecting to it. resources.
The supporting
details and ideas
can come from
the reading or
your own prior

Created with Diffit.Me

Read the article
summary in the
middle circle.
Then add your
own supporting
details and ideas management is
that connect to crucial for creating
the summary in a polished game
and meeting
each circle
connecting to it.
The supporting
details and ideas
can come from
the reading or
your own prior

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Read the article
summary in the
middle circle.
Then add your
own supporting
-Considering the
details and ideas audience's
that connect to preferences and
accessibility is
the summary in important for
each circle creating an
enjoyable and
connecting to it.
inclusive game.
The supporting
details and ideas
can come from
the reading or
your own prior

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Image: Notice and Wonder
What do you notice?

What do you wonder?
Review Vocabulary
Vocabulary Term Definition Example Sentence

constraints limitations or restrictions that affect the design process The game designers had to work within the
constraints of a limited budget and tight

allocation the act of distributing resources or assigning tasks The project manager was responsible
for the allocation of funds and
polished refined and perfected, showing attention to detail After months of development and testing, the
game was finally released in its polished state.

resonates evokes a strong emotional response or connection The storyline of the game resonated
with players, making it a huge success.

balancing the act of finding a harmonious combination or The game designer had to find the right
compromise balancing between difficulty and enjoyment for
the players.
Read and Take Notes
Game design is a complex process that involves Take Notes Here:
various constraints that must be considered. These
constraints include budget, time, and audience. Each
of these factors plays a crucial role in shaping the
final outcome of a game.
Read and Take Notes
One of the primary constraints on game design is budget. Take Notes Here:
Developing a game requires financial resources to cover
staffing, salaries, access to subject matter experts, and service
providers. Staffing involves hiring talented individuals with
expertise in various areas such as programming, art, sound
design, and game testing. Salaries must be allocated to ensure
that these individuals are compensated fairly for their work.
Access to subject matter experts is essential for games that
require accurate representation of specific fields, such as
historical events or scientific concepts. Additionally, service
providers may be needed for tasks like hosting multiplayer
servers or distributing the game on various platforms. All of
these expenses must be carefully managed within the
allocated budget to ensure the game's success.
Read and Take Notes
Time is another significant constraint in game design. Take Notes Here:
Developing a game involves creating robust game
systems that function smoothly and provide an
enjoyable experience for players. This requires
extensive testing and refinement, commonly known as
acceptance testing. Game designers need to ensure that
the game is free from bugs, glitches, and other technical
issues that may hinder gameplay. Additionally, patches
may need to be released after the game's launch to
address any unforeseen problems or to introduce new
features. Time management is crucial to meet deadlines
and deliver a polished game to the players.
Read and Take Notes
The audience is a critical consideration in game design. Take Notes Here:
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) development
focuses on creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces
that allow players to interact with the game seamlessly.
Accessibility is another aspect that needs to be
considered, ensuring that the game can be enjoyed by
players with disabilities. This may involve implementing
features like customizable controls, subtitles, or
alternative audio options. Understanding the target
audience's preferences, interests, and gaming habits is
essential to create a game that resonates with them.
Read and Take Notes
In conclusion, game design is subject to various Take Notes Here:
constraints that shape the final product. Budget
limitations require careful allocation of resources,
including staffing, salaries, and access to subject
matter experts and service providers. Time
constraints necessitate thorough testing and the
release of patches if necessary. Audience
considerations, such as HCI development and
accessibility, ensure that the game is enjoyable and
accessible to a wide range of players. Balancing
these constraints is crucial for successful game
Multiple Choice Question
1. What are some of the constraints involved in game design?

A) Budget, time, and audience Which answer did you pick and why?

B) Programming, art, and sound design

C) Subject matter experts and service providers

D) Bugs, glitches, and technical issues

Multiple Choice Question
2. Why is time management crucial in game design?

A) To ensure that the game is enjoyable and Which answer did you pick and why?
accessible to a wide range of players

B) To allocate resources such as staffing, salaries,

and access to subject matter experts

C) To meet deadlines and deliver a polished game to

the players

D) To create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for

Multiple Choice Question
3. What is one aspect of audience consideration in game design?

A) Creating robust game systems that function Which answer did you pick and why?

B) Implementing features like customizable controls

and subtitles

C) Hiring talented individuals with expertise in

programming and art

D) Allocating financial resources for staffing and

Short Answer Write your response below:

1. What are some of
the constraints that
game designers must
consider in the game
development process?
Short Answer Write your response below:

2. Why is budget
considered one of the
primary constraints on
game design?
Short Answer Write your response below:

3. What role does
audience play in game
Open Ended Question
Write your answer below. Then, when instructed, discuss your answers with your partner or group. Use the
second box to take notes on what their answers were in the space provided.
1. How do you see the concept of budget constraints in game design applying to real-life situations? Provide examples from your
own experiences or observations.

Your Answer: What did your partner or group say?

Open Ended Question
Write your answer below. Then, when instructed, discuss your answers with your partner or group. Use the
second box to take notes on what their answers were in the space provided.
2. Reflect on a time when you had to manage your time effectively to meet a deadline. How does this relate to the time constraints
discussed in game design? What strategies did you use to ensure success?

Your Answer: What did your partner or group say?

Open Ended Question
Write your answer below. Then, when instructed, discuss your answers with your partner or group. Use the
second box to take notes on what their answers were in the space provided.
3. Consider the importance of understanding the target audience in game design. How can this concept be applied to other areas of
life, such as marketing or education? Provide examples to support your thoughts.

Your Answer: What did your partner or group say?

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