Academic Writing Task 2 (Draft) Jumiati

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Name : jumiati

Semester : III

Subject : grammar in academic discourse

About : the birth rate in most developed countries is predicted to begin to fall over the
next 50 years. By 2030 it is estimated that over one third of the population in most developed
countries will be aged 65 and over.

Categories : what effect will these predictions have on developed countries if they prove
true? What can be done now to deal with this situation?

Although many opine that the elderly should be supported by the government, it will bring
detrimental effects to the society when their number increases. If there are more than thirty- three
elderly by 2030, it would be difficult for others to survive in that country due to several problems
associated with the delegation of natural resources and funds. This essay will discuss certain
problems that the nation has to encounter and suggest some solutions associated with it.

Admittedly, it would be difficult for the government to raise money for the old and the
sick people who are staying in the hospital due to age related problems as they are many.
Precisely, the government has other responsibilities including trade and commerce, travel and
tourism, education and industrial requirements rather than allocating huge sums of money for the
unhealthy old people. For example, in developed countries such as the UK, the government has
to spend bugs of money for the betterment of the old ages. If their number doubles, it will
definitely hit the financial development and the country could experience economic recession.

The most effective solution to tackle this problem is by enacting laws particularly related
to family norms. For example, governments have to increase children’s ratio per families rather
than sticking on the current two-child family norm. Therefore, the younger and the older
generation would be almost in the same proportion. In addition to that, government will be easily
benefited when youngsters are interested to explore new countries, pursue higher education, and
doing businesses

In conclusion, even though it is hard to believe that more than a third of the population in
developed countries will be the older people in the for seeable future, it is necessary to take
effective methods to overcome such problems.

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