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Listen again and fill in the blank with suitable words.

5C. Alexis Chappuis:

The most unusual accommodation I can think of was when I stayed on a Venezuelan traditional
1………. 2………. for a survey I was doing. I lived on that boat with the rest of the fishermen
for 3………. days. The 'beds' were tiny, like, I was basically sleeping on a wooden board with a
thin mat, 4………. centimetres wide! It was more uncomfortable than sleeping on the floor,
particularly when the 5………. was bad! It was one of the 6………. sleeping experiences of
my life! To save fresh water, we were showering, 7………. our teeth and shaving with cold
8………. water. I was just 9………. all the time! The hot shower in the hotel at the end of the
mission was the 10……….!
Another memorable experience I remember was in Indonesia. I visited 11………. of my
friends, who was a teacher at the time in a 12………. village in the countryside. After a long
journey, we arrived in this village. There was 13………. hotel so they prepared a room for us at
the house of a 14………. farmer. It was a simple house -very basic. They spent a long time
15………. the room prettier, with a lamp and a mosquito net, etc., 16………. was really kind.
The bed was a mattress on the floor, but the funny thing was the 17………. and pillows had
huge red and pink flowers 18………. all over them. I slept really well, 19………., and it was
definitely more 20………. than staying in a hotel.

Being a guest in someone's house can be a fun experience, but it can be stressful too. Everyone is
different. Some hosts might like to make you feel (1) ………………… by cleaning the house
before you get there. They might make you a cup of coffee or cook dinner for you when you
arrive. Other hosts might want you to help yourself more. Some might want you to help them (2)
………………… meals or wash the dishes after dinner. Other hosts might want to take care of
you and might not want you to help.
When you stay at someone's house, it's a good idea to talk to your host and find (3)
………………… what they might want you to do or not want you to do if you're not sure, ask
Think about how your host might feel or what they might want to do. For example, if your host
hasn't seen you for a long time, they might want to talk (4) ………………… late but if they have
to get up early, they'll probably want to get to bed. The best thing to do is to ask them. If we can
try to adapt to how they do things, we can keep them happy.
When we stay with others, we can learn (5) ………………… ways of doing things. If you
usually get up late, but your host prefers to get up early, see this as an opportunity to try doing
things differently.
Sometimes in life, it might not be (6) ………………… for you to adapt, but the important thing
is to talk about it with the other person and to show that you want to try to be flexible. Talking
about it allows them to adapt to you too. Remember that the ability to be flexible with others can
be helpful in many different situations, not just when staying at someone else’s house.

Hi, I'm Tim Dee. Thanks for coming to hear me talk about my new book, Greenery, which is
about the spring in (1) …………….. and about the birds that come to Europe every spring after
spending winter in Africa. I've been a (2) …………….. for most of my life and always love
seeing the swallows arrive in spring. Long ago people (3) …………….. that swallows came to
Europe in the springtime and left in the autumn, but no one knew (4) …………….. they went.
Some people thought they flew to the moon, or went underwater for the winter. The truth is
almost as (5) ……………... Every swallow hatched from an egg in Europe flies south into (6)
…………….. for winter. The same birds return on similar journeys north the following spring to
(7) …………….. food, good weather and to start a family. They fly over (8) …………….. km
every day and feed on flies as they go. Some swallows manage to fly 10,000 km (9)
…………….. South Africa all the way to northern Scandinavia.
I wanted to follow the swallows in my book from my new (10) …………….. in South Africa to
my old home in England - and on, to Norway.
Human travel might be (11) …………….. easier than flying is for a bird, but it is more
complicated and less enjoyable. Tickets are (12) …………….. and we have to get to an airport
and carry heavy bags, but birds don't need (13) ……………..! Does anyone enjoy checking in
and queuing to go through security... and then spending (14) …………….. sitting in a tiny little
seat with only airline food to eat?
And while humans need clocks and timetables, the swallows just know when to leave their
winter home. Swallow time is the right time for them. However, (15) …………….. change is
making spring come earlier in Europe and swallows keep arriving from Africa earlier than
Birds don't (16) …………….. to take a passport either. Swallows are always at home - and their
homes are anywhere they feel like landing. I always like the (17) …………….. that South
Africans think of swallows as South African birds and British people think of them as British,
but they are birds of the world. They don't care about (18) …………….. and borders.
That's actually what I found the most incredible about swallows. They don't need to (19)
…………….. for directions or use GPS, they just know the way. Baby birds often go the (20)
…………….. way the first time they fly, but if they live through their first winter, they'll know
where to go the next year. To begin with, they just know they have to go south.
I really miss seeing the swallows when they leave and look forward to them coming back...

When you are travelling or living abroad, you may talk in English to people from many different
countries. They might pronounce words in different ways. They might (1) ………………… very
quickly... or they might speak very slowly.
Remember that English is a global language. Everyone speaks it differently, In fact, eighty per
cent of English speakers did not grow up in an English-speaking country. Some people (2)
………………… speak less English than you.
Do you remember when you didn't understand much English? You can help by speaking more
slowly and choosing simpler words.
You may also need to ask people to repeat or say (3) ………………… in a different way. That's
OK. Remember the way you pronounce words might not be easy for people with different
accents to understand. This happens even for people who have spoken English since they were
For example, Helen, who's British, went to the US and ordered 'water' in a cafe.
But the waitress didn't (4) ………………… because of the way Helen pronounced it. In the US,
this is 'water'.
When you don't understand someone, or someone doesn't understand you, it can be helpful to
take a deep breath and think (5) ………………… why you are not understanding each other and
what you can do to change that. Maybe you could use your hands to show what you mean or
repeat it and explain what it is. You could even write it down.
So, here are some top tips for (6) ………………… other people understand you: first, ask
yourself why you are having a problem and try to find another way to communicate what you
want to say. Try to speak clearly and at a reasonable speed, and be ready to repeat or say things
using different words There are lots of ways to communicate to help people understand you.

Marjan: Hi, Musa. How are you?
Musa: I'm annoyed. I just cycled along the river and I saw so much (1) …………………. People
just throw things away without thinking. Crisp packets, plastic bottles, (2) ………………… bags
Marjan: I know. It makes me sad. There didn't use to be so much plastic (3) ………………… in
the river. It was so beautiful but now it's a mess.
Musa: I wish I could change it, but nobody (4) ………………… about the environment!
Marjan: You can change it! I saw this inspiring story about the beach in Mumbai, (5)
…………………. It used to be full of rubbish ….. plastic bags, bottles, cups, toothbrushes...
everywhere. Then this (6) ………………… lawyer, Afroz Shah, decided he was going to clean
it up. He just went out with his (7) ………………… one day, then more people joined him. In
the end 1,000 people volunteered! Politicians, (8) ………………… actors and actresses...
Musa: Wow! That's incredible.
Marjan: Let me find a photo on my phone ... look, turtles are (9) ………………… eggs there
now! All because one man started picking up some rubbish one day.
Musa: Wow! That is amazing! What a difference!
Marjan: We could do that!?
Musa: Hmmm. But why don't people take (10) ………………… for their own rubbish? They
should just respect the environment and put things in the bins!
Marjan: Yes! I totally agree.
Musa: People should also (11) ………………… how much plastic rubbish they create. I used to
use plastic toothbrushes but I buy wooden ones now. And I reuse my water bottle and take a bag
with me (12) ………………….
Marjan: Me too. I used to buy so many shower gel bottles but I changed to a (13)
………………… of soap.
Musa: But we still need to do something with all the plastic we've used and thrown away. I read
an (14) ………………… the other day that said we don't recycle 91% of all plastic!
Marjan: 91%! That means we only recycle 9% of our plastic! But I think more (15)
………………… are selling things made from recycled plastic.
Musa: Yeah, true! Actually, my shoes are (16) ………………… from plastic bottles. Do you
like them?
Marjan: Ooh. Yes! They're cool.
Musa: So, anyway, that story about Mumbai beach has got me (17) …………………, we really
need to do something... do you want to clean up the path along the river with me? Maybe on
Saturday? We can (18) ………………… a few other people too.
Marjan: Good idea. I'll ask my friends at work. They (19) ………………… along that path
every day.
Musa: Excellent! Thanks for telling me that inspiring story!
Marjan: Yes, well it (20) ………………… me too! Thanks for changing the world with me!
Musa: Ha! I'm not Afroz Shah!
Marjan: Yet...

In general, people like others to use their ideas or do things their way, but some people are better
at persuading people than others.
Think about the last time you (1) …………………. for dinner. Did you persuade someone to go
to the restaurant you wanted or did you agree with someone else's plan?
People use lots of different ways to persuade others. You might insist someone does what you
would like. For example, maybe you want to go to a concert, but your (2) ………………….
wants to go for a walk. You tell them your ideas are the best. You might even argue with them
until they decide you are correct.
You can also reason with people. You tell the other (3) …………………. why you think it's the
best option and use facts to make the other person agree.
Or you can discuss how to do (4) …………………. that's good for both of you. If your friend
wants to go for a walk and you want to go to a concert, you might talk about it and agree that
you'll walk to the concert so that you (5) …………………. get what you want.
Or you can connect with someone - show you understand what's important to them, so they
might agree to do what you are suggesting. For example, you might (6) …………………. going
to hear some music you know the other person is interested in to show you know what they like.
You can also try to inspire someone. You might tell a story that encourages someone to try
something. Maybe you sound so (7) …………………. when you describe what the reviews are
saying about the band that you make the other person want to go to the concert too.
The way we choose to persuade someone (8) …………………. on the situation, who we're
talking to and where you are. What is OK in one place may not be in another.
Sometimes you may use more than one technique. If you want a friend to come to a karate class
with you, first you might (9) …………………. about it over coffee, see what they think about
the idea, tell them all the reasons it would be good for both of you or even show them some
video clips of people enjoying karate.
If the other techniques don't work, you might try to insist. Don't push too (10) ………………….
though. If someone doesn't want to do something you can always ask another friend.

Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blank.
Interviewer: Today, we have Anne Jungblut, a research scientist, with us. Hi, Anne, can you tell
us what you like about your job?
Anne: Well, the Natural History Museum is a really (1) ………………………… place to work
because we have all the exhibitions and we also do research and teaching. One of the things I
love most is (2) ………………………… new things, like things we didn't know before. That's
cool. And I get to travel to amazing places. I've just got back from a (3) …………………………
to the Arctic. Every day is different.
Interviewer: Sounds amazing! What did you do before you worked at the (4)
………………………… History Museum?
Anne: Well, I've worked here since 2010, but before that I did some (5) …………………………
at universities in Canada, Australia and Germany. After high school I studied (6)
…………………………, you know, the science of plants and living things, in Germany. Then I
did (7) ………………………… year in Australia to improve my English, then worked as a
researcher in (8) …………………………. When I was at university in Germany, I once worked
as an admin (9) ………………………… during the holidays. But more often I tried to get jobs
as a research assistant at the (10) ………………………… to learn something new.
Interviewer: What was your dream job when you were a child?
Anne: When I was a child, I (11) ………………………… to be an Egyptologist, you know,
someone who studies ancient Egypt. When I was in high school, when I was like 12, 13, 14,
before I got into (12) …………………………, I was super-interested in Egypt- it's thousands of
years of (13) …………………………! My mum took me to an exhibition about Egypt at a
museum and I just loved it. I had a pencil case with an Egyptian mummy and I (14)
………………………… how to write in hieroglyphs - you know, the ancient Egyptian symbols?
Interviewer: The ones that look like drawings?
Anne: Yes. That's them!
Interviewer: Are you still interested in (15) …………………………?
Anne: I think that was more when I was little, but I still find it very interesting to find out and
learn about (16) ………………………… history. I always love going to the museums when I'm
travelling. I'd also (17) ………………………… like to visit Egypt. I haven't been there yet!
Interviewer: What is your dream job now?
Anne: Well, I've already got my dream job, but it would also be amazing to be an (18)
…………………………. It's the ultimate job of finding out and exploring new things.
Interviewer: Ha, yes. It would be (19) …………………………, wouldn't it? Though I think I
am happier with both feet on the ground! Well, thanks for (20) ………………………… to us.

Job interviews can be different for different jobs and in different countries. It's a good idea to do
some research on the company that's (1) …………………. you. However, one thing is the same
for all jobs all over the world. Interviewers like positive people!
For some people, one of the hardest things to do is to ‘sell yourself’ -that is to talk about how
great you are. The interviewer might ask ‘What (2) …………………. you the perfect person for
this job?'” and you might think 'I'm probably not the perfect person!' But you need to be able to
tell the interviewer, with confidence, why you would be good for their company. One of the (3)
…………………. ways to do this is to be prepared.

Look online for some example interview questions and prepare answers to each question. You
can also make notes of things you've (4) …………………. well that you can talk about. Once
you know what you want to say, practise with someone else, or talk to yourself in the mirror.
And try to keep a positive attitude. Even if you're feeling nervous, it's good to act (5)
………………….. Before you go into the interview, think about all your good qualities, the
times you've been successful -all the times you've helped someone, did well in an (6)
…………………. or solved a problem.
But how do you stay positive when they ask you about skills and experience that you think you
don't have? They might ask you “What (7) …………………. skills do you have?” and you might
think “I don't have any management skills!' Well, don't say “I don't have any management
skills.” Be positive. Talk about the skills you have that will help you manage a team. If you (8)
…………………. an event or taught someone how to do something, you could use these as
examples. You could also tell them that you're learning new things or looking for ways of
And finally remember these tips:
Dress well, but wear something comfortable so that you look good and feel good.
Before you go in, take some time to sit (9) …………………. and breathe.
During the interview, if you need time to think of an answer, give yourself time by saying 'Oh,
that's a good question, let me think about it for a minute' or asking if you can (10)
…………………. to the question later.
And remember, if you sound confident and positive, your interviewer is likely to see you as
confident and positive too!

Listen to Federico Fanti talking about his health. Fill in the blank.
Federico: My health? Well, I think I'm in pretty good shape. I don't get (1) ……………… much,
but when I do, it's the standard traveller illnesses. It's kind of, you eat something and then you get
ill! When I'm away, I (2) ……………… about what I eat and I try to eat a bit less. I also try to be
(3) ……………… about sleeping, eating and drinking.
I've only ever ended up in a (4) ……………… once and that was when I stupidly got heatstroke!
I should know better! I (5) ……………… to Canada and it was a long flight and I didn't drink
enough water. I think I got to camp at 1 a.m. and at 6 a.m. we were having (6) ………………
and starting work. I was tired, I was thirsty, it was hot and by lunch. I was exhausted. I (7)
……………… to hospital and they gave me an IV drip, y'know, a needle and a tube with (8)
……………… and salts and sugar in your arm! Then I was back in my tent sleeping. I was (9)
……………… because it's my job to look after myself and stay healthy. I mean, heatstroke!! I
(10) ……………… do that again! Take my advice. You should (11) ……………… lots of water
if it's hot and you shouldn't stay in the sun all day!
If I was with my kids, I'd be more (12) ………………! I look after them much more than I do
myself! When they're sick, I (13) ……………… this magic drink. It's just lemon juice and sugar,
but when you (14) ……………… the hot water, if you do it right, it fizzes! They love it. Kids
often don't like taking (15) ………………, so I have to mix their tablets with jam or Nutella.
What you eat is (16) ………………, so is when you eat. A lesson I learned from work trips is
that you must eat when it's time. It's sometimes (17) ……………… to take a break, but you
shouldn't ignore your body. It's also very important to exercise and to find (18) ………………
you like. You don't have to think of it as 'hard work', just make time to stay fit. So maybe at 6
p.m., do 30 minutes of exercise, but (19) ……………… me, just climbing the stairs or cleaning
can be very good exercise too.
I'm actually (20) ……………… that I haven't had any other health problems when I'm away.
There have been lots of scary times when snakes, bears, crocodiles, or spiders might have
attacked me, but I've always been OK!

Vlad often finds it difficult to say 'no', He wants to keep everyone happy, so sometimes he says
'yes' to things that he doesn't have time to do.
For example, when Suki asked him to help her (1) ……………… house on Saturday, he said
'yes' although he has many other things he needs to do. He said 'yes' because he doesn't want to
feel bad. He wants to be (2) ……………… and he wants Suki to think that he's a good person.
But it's OK to say 'no'! It would (3) ……………… be better for Vlad to say 'no' when Suki asked
him than for him to feel stressed and have to cancel at the last minute.
In fact, if Vlad (4) ……………… on saying 'yes' and then has to cancel, or if he keeps doing
jobs badly because he doesn't have enough time, people may start to think that he isn't (5)
………………. Saying 'no' at the beginning can help him to keep their trust.
Occasionally, Vlad isn't sure whether to say 'yes' or 'no'. In these situations, he could ask for
more time to decide. It can be very easy to (6) ……………… an answer as soon as someone
asks, but sometimes it's a good idea to take time and think it over.
And when Vlad needs to say 'no', he could give a (7) ……………… for this. He might explain to
Suki that he wants to help, but he's just too busy. If Suki sees that he's thought about the situation
in (8) ……………… and he has reasons for saying 'no', she might trust him more. When you say
no and explain why, it can be a good idea to choose your reasons (9) ………………. Some
reasons could look like excuses.
It's important to give a reason that is right for the situation. You'll give different reasons when
saying no to your family than you would to people at work.
Sometimes, when you can't help someone, you may be able to (10) ……………… a different
It's important to be able to say no when you need to. Remember, it's OK to take your time to
decide if you can help someone. If you can't help, you don't have to give a reason, but it can be
helpful and it will help the other person understand. And make (11) ……………… you choose
the right reasons for the situation.

Listen to the interview with Andrej Gajic. Fill in the blank.
Interviewer: What do you do in your free time?
Andrej: Well, what I love best is photography. As you know, I also play in a rock (1) …
…………. but when I want to relax at home, I watch a film or play video games.
Interviewer: Oh, cool. What's your favourite (2) …… ………. of film?
Andrej: I like drama. I love real stories, like you have to see 'Only the Brave' if you haven't
already. It's about (3) … …………. putting out wildfires in America. I almost cried - and I never
cry! It's a (4) …… ………. movie. I love classics, like “The Shawshank Redemption”. And I
love (5) …… ………. or mystery TV series like “Lost” - the one where they get stuck on a
desert island. Yeah, I also like (6) …… ………. fiction. So that's why I love everything about
Stephen King - his books, his stories, his movies, his TV series ... I (7) … …………. “Under the
Dome”. It's about a town that gets covered by a dome, like a huge roof, and the people can't
leave and no one can come in. The dome (8) ……… ……. radio signal and electricity getting to
the town. It was like three seasons and I watched them all in maybe (9) ……………. days! I
rarely read books for entertainment as I spend almost twelve hours a day looking at scientific
papers. If I do, it has to be (10) … ………….. But when I'm reading a book, even if I get into it, I
always have something different on my (11) …… ……….. So, to relax, give me a video game!
Interviewer: On why do you like video games?
Andrej: Well they're fun because it's not only me. Half of my team from work play too. A lot of
the scientists I know here in the Balkans like video games. I (12) …… ………. it team building!
I like them because everything happens so fast and you don't have time to think about different
issues ...

Humans are social. Most people like being with other people and want other pecole to like them.
Having (1) ……………. relationships with others can make us happier and more confident. And
good relationships can open opportunities.
But relationships are like (2) …………….: they need care and attention to grow and stay strong.
Here are four things you can do to give your relationships care and attention.
First, if you (3) ……………. someone, share how you feel about them as this may not always be
clear to people, especially if you don't see them often. You can tell them what you like about
them, that you've (4) ……………. them or that you enjoy spending time with them. This shows
the other person that they are important to you. Second, it can be difficult to find time for
relationships when we are busy, but it's important to keep up (5) ……………. to keep a
relationship strong.
It's a good idea to create opportunities for shared experiences. There are many ways to do this,
such as spending time with them or, if you can't meet, (6) ……………. up the phone or chatting
with them on a video call.
Third, when your friends have a problem, show understanding so that they know you care about
how they feel; spend time (7) ……………. out how they would like you to treat them.
Remember that it might be different from what you want in a friendship. It's important to listen
to your friends, be there when they need you and show them how much you value them. And (8)
……………. if they do nice things for you, make sure you find a way to say thanks. Sometimes
it's enough to just say thank you to someone; at other times you might write them a note, or do
something kind in return, to show you are (9) ……………..
If you want your relationships to grow and get stronger, it's important to give them care and
attention to (10) ……………. people that you value them.

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