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PLAN Student Teacher ROWELYN M. CUAJAO Learning Area Science

Date March 09, 2020 @ 01:00 – 01:50 Quarter IV

A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of the Sun as the main source of heat and light on Earth
B. Performance Standards Practice precautionary measures in planning activities
C. Learning Describe the Effects of the Sun
Competencies/Objectives S4ES-IVj-11
Write LC code for each
II. CONTENT Effects of the Sun
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity
Prayer Please rise for the prayer. Pupils rise for the prayer.

Greetings Good morning, class. Good morning, Ma’am

Management and Order Before you take your seats, make sure that your seats are well
arranged and there are no pieces of garbage on the floor.
Pupils do as told.
You may now take your seats.
- Classroom rules -
Checking of Attendance Who are absent from the class?
Pupils do as told.
Very Good. Give five claps to everybody for being present.

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the This afternoon, our lesson is about describe the effects of the sun. Pupils will listen and read
new lesson. the competency.

Describe the effects of

the sun
B. Establishing a Purpose It is important for you to learn this lesson so that you will know the Pupils will listen.
of the Lesson effects of the sun whether it is beneficial or harmful to us. When can
we say that these effects are good or bad to us. With these, we will
be alarmed on what will we do, to be more safe all the time.

At the end of the lesson, each one of you can describe the effects of
the sun.

C. Presenting Pre-requisite:
examples/instances of the
new lessons (The teacher will explain about the effects of the sun.)

Sun - is the main source of heat and light. It is made up of very hot
gases. These gases are so hot that they glow. Almost living things
rely on the steady heat and light of the sun. The sunlight brightens
the earth and helps us see the things in our surroundings.

There are effects of the sun, beneficial and harmful effects.

Beneficial- means producing good or helpful results or effects

Let us read this

Humans need the light coming from the sun to be able to see and
the heat gives off a Vitamin D to develop strong bones. You play in
sunshine. You see in daylight. The sun keeps you warm.

So, the beneficial effect here is Sun gives Vitamin D to make our
bones strong.
Another, Sun keeps our body’s warm.
We can able to play outside.

Harmful - causing or capable of damage or harm

Let us read this:

Excessive exposure to sunlight can burn or harm the skin.

This is called sunburn. We need to apply sunscreen or lotion to
protect our skin especially when we go outing.

So, the harmful effect is too much exposed to sunlight can burn
or harm our skin. We get sunburn. We can feel headache or we
can get skin cancer.

I do:
The teacher will read and use the picture below to model how to
describe the effects of sun to plants. The teacher says:

Across Learning Area: EPP

Plants need sunlight in order to grow properly. They use light energy
to change the materials-carbon dioxide & water into food substances.
This process of food production is called photosynthesis. Only in light
can a green plant make food. Without sunlight, plants will die.

1. What do plants need?
2. Why do plants need sunlight?
3. What happen to plants without sunlight?
4. Is it beneficial or harmful effect? Why?

The teacher will read and use the picture below to model how to
describe the effects of sun to animals. The teacher says:

Animals need sunlight especially the cold-blooded animals such as

snakes, lizards, frogs, salamanders and insects. They cannot produce
their own heat and they rely on the Sun to warm their bodies.

1. What are the cold-blooded animals?
2. Why do they need sunlight?
3. Is it beneficial or harmful effect? Why?

The teacher will read and use the pictures below to model how to
describe the effects of sun to human being activities. The
teacher says:

With the presence of sunlight, humans can do a lot of activities such

as laundry, harvesting, drying of crops, fishing and drying of fishes
and recreational activities like outing/picnics. You can do all of this
during sunny days.

The teacher will use the picture below to model how to describe the
effects of sun to human being. The teacher says:

Across Learning Area: Health

We should not look directly at the sun because it can damage our
eyes. To protect this, we need to wear sunglasses.

1. What happen if we look directly at the sun?
2. Is it beneficial or harmful to us? Why?

The soil will become dry and crack causing the plants to die. Farming also is
not possible.So, drought occurs. If this happens, their food supply can shrink
and their habitat can be damaged.

1. Can we able to plant in this kind of soil? Why?
2. Is it beneficial or harmful to us? Why?

D. Discussing new We do:

concepts and practicing
new skills #1

The teacher together with the pupils will describe the effects of the
sun based on the situation given.

1. Ana exposed too much heat of the sun. She did not apply any Ana has sunburn.
sunblock to protect her skin. What will happen to her?

She can get Vitamins D

2. Every morning, my grandmother likes to expose herself in the to make her bones
sunlight for at least 30 minutes. She did it at 6:00 in the morning. strong.
What vitamins she can get out of it?

Without sunlight, the

3. I put one plant in my bedroom. I did not expose it to sunlight for a plant will die.
couple of days. What happen to the plant?

4.My father is a farmer. Everyday he goes to our farm to take care of

the plants. Even if it is too hot, he works. He does not wear anything He suffers heat
to protect his head or skin. What will happen to father? stroke,headache

You do: (Group Activity)

The pupils will describe the effects of the sun.

Group I : Describe the effects of the sun based on the given picture.

Group II : Describe the effects of the sun based on the given

Pupil will work as a


Group III : Describe the effects of the sun based on the given

Group IV : Describe the effects of the sun based on the given



3 – describes correctly the beneficial or harmful effects of the sun without
2- describes with 1 – 2 error
1 – attempted to describe
E. Discussing new concepts Guided Practice Pupils do as told.
and practicing new skills 1. The teacher will group the pupils by pair.
#2 2. The teacher will provide activity sheets.
3. The teacher will supervise the activity.

Direction: Match Column A with Column B that best describe the

effects of the sun based on the picture given.

1. A. Too much exposure of

sunlight can harm or burn
our skin. It is called sunburn.

B.The sun gives off Vitamin D

2. D. With sunlight, I help my

mother to dry the fishes.

3. E. The soil is dry and crack

causing the plants to die.


F. Plants need sunlight for

food processes.


F. Developing mastery Independent Practice

(Leads to Formative Direction: Describe the effects of the sun. Write the letter of the
Assessment 3) correct answer. Pupils will answer
___ 1. individually.
A. Plants need sunlight to grow
1. A

B. The soil is dry and crack

causing plants to die. 2. C


3. D

C. Too much heat of the sun can

cause withering of plants and 4. F
eventually they die.

D. By looking directly at the sun 5. E

an damage our eyes.


E.Too much sun exposure can

make animals ill and die.

F.With the presence of sunlight,
human can do a lot like outing
with friends.

G. Finding practical We know already the effects of the sun are. Some are harmful Pupils will listen.
application of concepts effects that can cause harm to our body. Like exposing so much to
sunlight, it can cause sunburn and damage our eyes.

So what will we do so that it will not affect our health? We have to apply
sunblock to avoid

Wear sunglasses to avoid

damage our eyes.

We need to take care


H. Making generalizations What was our lesson all about? Our lesson was about
and abstractions about the describe the effects of
lesson the sun

What are beneficial effects of the sun? *Plants need sunlight to

grow properly.
*Sun gives off Vitamin D.
*With sunlight, human
can do a lot of activities.
* Animals need sunlight
to keep their body’s

What are harmful effects of the sun? * Too much exposure of

sunlight can cause
* It damaged our eyes.
* Without sunlight,
plants will die as well as
the animals.
* It caused drought.

I. Evaluating learning Evaluation

Direction: Describe the effects of the sun based on the picture Pupils will answer
given. Write the letter only. individually.

______ 1.

A. With the presence of

sunlight, family can go
outing like swimming.

______ 2.
B. The soil is dry and can
crack causing the plants
to die.

_______ 3. C. Too much heat

exposure can cause

D.It damaged our


_______ 4.

E. Drying of clothes will

will be done during
sunny days.

_______ 5. F. Plants need sunlight

to grow properly.

J. Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation

Prepared by: Noted by:


DSUMC Student Teacher DSUMC - Student Teacher


Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher College Dean

Intern Adviser


Central Principal II

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