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Mr Unity - 8th, December 2023

==> Exam Time: Saturday, 9th Dec,

English Language 2 (Essay) 9:30am –
English Language 1 (Objective)
11:30am – 12:30pm
English Language 3 (Test of Orals)
2:00pm – 2:45pm
(Click Here)



Discipline is needed for to live
peacefully with others

He needs to be skillful as well be
disciplined enough to abide by the rules
of the sports

They depend on each other

One gains the ability to function
effectively in society and live peacefully
with others.

Discipline is acquired by putting effort
and pre-disposing one's mind to
accepting rules guiding a particular sect.


Adverbial clause: it modifies the verb
"function well" in the main clause.

(6h) Harmony - peace

(ii) Chaos - disorder
(iii) Control - regulate
(iv) excelling - succeeding
(v) Breaching - breaking
(vi) Consequences - repercussions


A good leader is able to communicate
effectively and carry everyone along.

A good leader does the right thing


A good leader is a team player, allowing

team members to contribute to every

A good leader rewards workers either in

cash or kind and build a personal
relationship with them.

A good leader is dedicated and focused

on the task at hand.

A good leader is understanding and is

able to strike a good balance between
work and life.


2 Okeke Ukatu Street,
Asata, Enugu.
12th December, 2023.

Dear Oge,
I hope this letter finds you in the best of
health and spirits. I am overjoyed to
hear of your decision to return home
after successfully completing your
studies overseas. Congratulations on
this significant achievement! Your
determination, hard work, and resilience
have truly paid off, and I cannot express
how proud I am of you.
As you prepare to return to Nigeria, I
wanted to share some updates on the
major changes that have taken place in
our beloved country since your
departure. Nigeria, like any dynamic
nation, has experienced both challenges
and triumphs, and it's essential to keep
you informed about the current state of
Firstly, there have been notable
improvements in infrastructure
development. The government has
initiated various projects aimed at
enhancing road networks, renovating
existing facilities, and investing in the
energy sector. While there is still work to
be done, these initiatives reflect a
positive step towards creating a more
conducive environment for businesses
and the general populace.
Economically, Nigeria has witnessed
some fluctuations, as is typical in the
global economic landscape. Efforts have
been made to diversify the economy
beyond oil dependence, with a focus on
sectors such as agriculture, technology,
and manufacturing. The entrepreneurial
spirit is thriving, and there is a growing
emphasis on innovation and creativity.

In terms of technology, the country has

seen significant advancements. The use
of mobile phones and the internet has
become pervasive, transforming various
aspects of daily life. E-commerce
platforms have gained popularity,
making it easier for people to access
goods and services. Additionally,
initiatives in the tech industry are
fostering a culture of innovation and
The social and cultural scene in Nigeria
has continued to flourish. The arts,
music, and film industries are thriving,
gaining international recognition for their
creativity and talent. There is a palpable
sense of pride in our cultural heritage,
and various events and festivals
celebrate the diversity that defines us as
While these positive developments are
encouraging, it is important to
acknowledge the existing challenges.
Issues such as security concerns,
infrastructural deficits, and healthcare
disparities persist. However, efforts are
being made to address these
challenges, and there is a collective
determination among Nigerians to
overcome obstacles and build a brighter
As you plan your return, know that you
are coming back to a Nigeria that is
evolving, with a mix of challenges and
opportunities. Your experiences abroad
and the knowledge you have gained will
undoubtedly contribute to the growth
and development of our country.
I look forward to welcoming you home
and sharing in the next chapter of our
lives together. Safe travels, and may
your journey be filled with joy and

Yours lovely,


In the quiet town where I spent my
childhood, there existed a hidden
alleyway between the towering oaks. It
was an inconspicuous path, unnoticed
by many, until one fateful day when
curiosity led me to its cobblestone
embrace. The encounter that unfolded
within those shadowed confines would
alter the course of my life.

As I strolled along the narrow alley, an

antique bookstore emerged like a
forgotten treasure trove. The scent of
aged paper lingered in the air, enticing
me to explore its shelves. The bell
above the entrance jingled softly as I
stepped inside, and there, amidst dusty
volumes, I caught sight of an enigmatic

The elderly proprietor, with a mop of

unruly silver hair, looked up from his
desk. His eyes, deep pools of wisdom,
locked onto mine. Without a word, he
beckoned me closer and handed me a
weathered book bound in cracked
leather. Its title, "Chronicles of Forgotten
Realms," whispered promises of untold

"This will change your life," he

murmured, his voice carrying the weight
of age and revelation. Intrigued, I
accepted the book, its weight heavy with

As I immersed myself in the tales within

its pages, a metamorphosis began. The
stories were not mere narratives; they
were mirrors reflecting the untapped
depths of my own soul. Each chapter
unfurled like petals, revealing insights
and truths that resonated within the core
of my being.

The elderly proprietor became a sage

mentor, though we seldom exchanged
words. His presence was a silent guide
through the labyrinth of self-discovery.
The bookstore transformed into a
sanctuary, a realm where the ordinary
and the extraordinary intertwined

Weeks turned into months, and the

revelations of the book permeated every
facet of my life. I found courage to
pursue passions that once seemed
unattainable. The mundane became
magical, and the boundaries that
confined my ambitions crumbled like
ancient ruins.

The bookstore became a haven for

introspection, and the wise proprietor, a
guardian of ancient wisdom, gently
nudged me toward unexplored horizons.
I embraced a career aligned with my
newfound passions, forged connections
that echoed with authenticity, and dared
to dream beyond the limitations that had
once defined me.

In the end, it wasn't just a book or a

chance encounter; it was an odyssey of
self-discovery. The forgotten alleyway,
the mysterious bookstore, and the
elderly sage—all became indelible
chapters in the story of my life. The
altered course was not a deviation but a
liberation—a journey ignited by the
pages of a forgotten tome and guided by
the wisdom of an unexpected mentor.

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