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1a) Define Inheritance.

b) Write a program in Java to implement multiple inheritance

using Interface.
2a) Define Parameterized Constructor.
b) Write a program in java to implement Parameterized
3a) Define Wrapper Class.
b) Write a program in java to implement the concept of
c) Write a program in java to implement the concept of
4a) Define this keyword.
b) Write a program in Java to implement the concept of this
5a) What is Method Overloading?
b) Write a program in Java to implement Method Overloading.
6a)What is the difference between JDK,JRE and JVM?
b)Write Short notes on JIT Compiler
c)How many types of memory areas are allocated by JVM?
d)What is classloader?
7a) What is Dynamic Method Dispatch?
b)Write a program in Java to implement Dynamic Method Dispatch.
8a)Define Encapsulation/Abstraction.
b) Write a program in Java to implement Encapsulation.
9a)What is the use of ‘super’ keyword?
b) Write a program in Java to implement “super” keyword.
10a)Define Runtime/Compile time Polymorphism.
b)Why constructors in Java do not have a return type?

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