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- find a way to encourage players to follow the law of the tower and seek death
- maybe have the Tower change you like in Heart, and change also comes in
- all beings are marked for death as soon as they enter the Tower; they have
a "Destiny," which is how they think they will die ("destiny" is hidden from
everyone else except the gm and the character who wrote it; death in space rules)
- on death, players can introduce their new character whenever they want;
they just need to answer "how do you show up?" (and how that arrival makes sense)
- maybe something like "Ultraviolet Grasslands"?

- losing all HP does not lead to immediate death; player must make a choice to
either live or die
- choosing to live must mean that they or someone else must give up something
of important (an item, a trait, a stat, or someone else's life)
- they can give up any one thing on their character sheet (excluding
game title, notes). even the mechanics (an entire stat, all of momentum, a piece of
their identity, a whole trait slot). only the seraph decides what is enough to live
once more
- giving up your stats (BODY, MIND, SOUL) means you can't roll with
that stat anymore; it will always be a failure

- giving up your Health means you heal back up to full, but it's your
last shot at life; you cannot heal and once you die again, you die for real

- choosing to give up a Trait must also mean you're giving up a Trait

slot; you lost a part of what makes you who you are (skillset)

- choosing to give up a piece of your identity means you lose a sort of

physical form... (might cut this in favor of the categorized traits)
- Name: no one addresses you as you were, you are simply
"Someone" or "Something"
- Species (& Appearance): your body loses any sort of
distinguishable features; you're like...a sentient and mass of *something*
- Description: you lose sight of what your goals and aspirations;
or maybe your past has become meaningless, the bonds you formed and the life you
led before starting your adventure have been forgotten
- it's fine if players want to separate description &
- Archetype & Fighting Style: giving up either one makes you lose
the stat bonuses (and penalties) granted; you have no signature style anymore
(these two are not connected)
- Age: losing your age does not make you immortal, but you do
feel disconnected from the flow of time; sometimes things are too fast, sometimes
they're too slow; a minute for someone could be a thousand years for you?
- Pronouns: not much changes, people just refer to you as
whatever they want; or maybe you're refered to by name only
- choosing to give up HEAT makes you lose your passion; you no longer
roll exploding dice
- choosing to give up your COOL makes you more prone to mistakes and
recklessness; you no longer gain any COOL points and can also never use them again
- choosing to give up your Momentum makes you start to lose what made
you so good at what you do; you never gain Plus or Minus Momentum or are affected
by it ever again
- you can give up a piece of gear, multiple pieces, or just the entire
concept of holding/using special inventory (can't use any items with traits)
- you can give up an advancement, multiple advancements, or the entire
concept advancements entirely (you no longer can level up and gain new abilities)
- choosing to die makes them roll 1d6 to make one last action to either help
or impede others; 2-5 means that they die in a blaze of glory and accomplish what
they set out to do, 6 means that their death opens up the path to something or
turns the tables or even manages to take others down with them and do the thing
spectacularly, 1 means that their death is nothing more than a violent mockery
- dying also gives you options of what to do and how to affect the world
(introduce a new plot point via prophecy or vague warnings, relinquish control to
become an NPC/rival/antagonist, previously mentioned "blaze of glory")

- exploration is point-crawl like in HEART??? (probably not)

- maybe also give them a reason to die/take damage like in HEART???
- have a fallout systems for specific stats??????

- maybe need some more well-defined classes with extreme abilities?

- maybe some people find the tower as a second chance at life, risking everything
they have to make a new one by living in it; heaven is tantilizing

- some people interpret the Law as "seek glory through death"

- Threats & Edges are condensed into decreasing or increasing the Roll Limit or
Target, controlled by succeeding and failing; can only remove them by the same way

- include actual Seraphs/Angels (beings that just sort up and watch the
people in the tower)
- maybe have players become these when they die?
- and when they do, maybe they can influence rolls somehow (maybe by adding
extra dice or rerolling some based on some stat of theirs)
- spearo: "maybe it could be something where like, they pick a specific plot
thread or future event to have influence over, and its something they can even keep
tugging at after rolling up a new character (for as long as it's a relevant plot
thing anyway)?"

- with Mera being connected to a character's life force, maybe they actually hold
all of the power they've obtained while in the Tower?

- checkov's firing squad mechanic like the haunts in betrayal at house on the hill
or the fallout system in heart? maybe players can choose to add to a "pile" that
will eventually result in a cascade of horrific events?

- during a rival fight, all parties will have the same number of turns. if there
are 4 players and 2 rivals, then the 2 rivals get an extra turn each


- Traits need to be clarified as to what they do
- Elaborate
- Maybe split them into categories?
- Skill: what you do (jobs or general skills)
- Creed: what you believe (religious or ideals)
- Drive: what you want/desire
- Self: what you're like (general personality or what shaped them)
- Gear also has categories?
- Capacity: what can it do
- Quirk: a unique detail about it(?)
- Cost: what does it take for it to be used

- Level Ups:
- Get rid of the limits except for Traits/Trait Slots, Archetypes(?)
- Get rid of making a new character be a level up thing

- Tone down the punishment for forcing a level-up a little...

- explains what actually counts as an end to an arc (completing a big quest,

defeating a huge monsters, finding the stairs to the next Floor, major character

- elaborate on what happens when you die (use the shit written above, player can
choose to make a new character right after)
- maybe dead characters that are sitting out of the action can help somehow?
(control NPCs and force players to make rolls?)

- NPCs need to feel more "in place" besides being enemies (what they do, what's
their importance, how they can help)

- properly elaborate how to make a custom floor (name/defining feature, short

description, optional faction or factions, notable landmarks and features,
interpretation of the Law, where to find the stairs)

- ORDER OF GAINING/USING COOL: roll dice > choose to use cool or not > gain cool >
heat flash/dice explode > repeat (once any heat flashes occur)

- OS/CF for types of rolls

- Actions: OS means 3+ Successes more than Target; CF means 3+ Failures past
0 Successes (might fix this later)
- Checks: OS means 3+ Successes more than Failures; CF means 3+ Failures more
than Successes
- Contests: OS means Offending Player has 3+ Successes more than Defending
Player; CF means Defending Player gas 3+ Successes more than Offending Player

CREDITS & Inspirations:

- Motobushido
- Wushu (
- Feng Shui 2
- Death in Space (
- Heart
- Panic at the Dojo

- King of Fallen Stars Tournament; add a new super meter system to it?

# Alternate Setting: The King of Fallen Stars Tournament

If Heavensfang Tower is not what you're looking for, there's also this alternate
setting that you can use for your game. **Tenkaichi** is a general enough system
that it can be used for any setting.

### The Lore:

Every five years, in a location known as “**Starfall Island**,” people from all
over the world gather to take part in **the King of Falling Stars Tournament**
(shortened to KoFST, often said as “co-fist”). This tournament spans for one month,
and fighters will have to brawl their way to the top. Sometimes, it’s a standard
double-elimination tournament. Other times, participants are split into or sign up
as individual teams of three or four. Other times, it’s a battle royale. The rules
change with every tournament, often decided by its current Champion. Regardless,
every single participant knows some kind of martial art, from boxing to tae kwon do
to wrestling… Whatever it is, if they can fight, they can be in the tournament. Of
course, there’s also the part where everyone can shoot fireballs out of their hands
(depending on the fighting style, of course).

### KoFST & Starfall Island:

One thing that’s very curious about KoFST is that, besides the tournament itself,
everything else about it is shrouded in mystery, even to the Champion. The only
thing anyone knows for certain is that the tournament organizers, as mysterious and
secretive as they are, are in total control of everything. Along with this, KoFST
has apparently been around for longer than anyone can remember, especially the
arena, somehow still standing after everything that’s happened.
Starfall Island is considered as its own country with its own society, culture, and
form of governance. But even so, the organizers are also in control of the island
itself. But no one knows where the island came from or even who found it. Some say
that it just kind of showed up one day.

### Historical Events & Troubles:

KoFST also falls victim to all kinds of crises and catastrophes. Every tournament,
there’s always something happening either on or behind the scenes, whether that
would be an invasion, a coup, a devil, or just outright murder. It’s often joked by
fighters, audiences, and anyone else that has heard of KoFST that many of its
historical events can be tracked by what villain shows up to try and take over.
Unfortunately, the joke's on them because that is actually kind of true.
One such example is the 25th KoFST. During then, there was a fighter known only as
the “Steel King” and they were known for being absolutely monstrous, both on and
off the tournament grounds, destroying fighters, the arena, and even the nearby
There’s also the 37th KoFST, the first fully-fledged battle royale recorded in
recent memory. It was brought on by the Champion of the 36th KoFST, a mixed martial
artist named Vermillio, who also participated in it like every other fighter.
Another example of a big historical event was during the 76th KoFST, when there was
an attempted coup by the top-secret military mercenary group known as “Daggerfall,”
sent to invade and investigate Starfall Island to figure out what exactly is the
deal with the tournament organizers, the island, and the tournament itself to
hopefully use that information to…take over the world? The motive is rather hazy
for those thinking back on it.
In layman's terms, the setting of **the King of Fallen Stars Tournament** is your
typical fighting game story mode. So, if you're looking to create exciting
characters, intense battles, and mysterious intrigue, this is the setting for you.

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